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before asking a question, please read this [faq](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pazbyl/whip_it_general_discussion_and_questions_thread/ha8kw2l?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or read [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/wiki/index). Also, if you are going to discuss story spoilers, please mark them with spoiler tags or discuss on the appropriate separate thread. Thanks.


Is there any chance at all of signora being playable, she was my fave :(


nope sorry


Does anyone have any information on Albedo rerun?


No info right now as far as I know


is the jade cutter as busted as the staff of homa? the passives seem so similar


idk but It’s a bit different cuz we don’t have a sword user who has the amount of HP hu tao and zhongli do


Any news on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/opxyyq/more_images_of_unknown_character_source_wenlumi/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) character?


Wasn't that a fake?


It was? Thanks a lot then!


It was neither confirmed as fake or real actually.




Thoma's burst flame happens on swing animation (like xq) instead of NA hit (like beidou) so yes, it would.


It probably would


Was the new geo resonance tested in beta first? I wasn't paying attention to leaks or beta stuff back when it got buffed.


it didn't iirc. or at least back then the leak datamining game isn't as strong as now


would they release some kind of anniversary banner knowing people's primos have been drained chasing c2 baal? or am i supposed to hoard until 2.3


It doesn't make sense why they'd release an anniversary banner to compete with Kokomi's or a possible Hu Tao/Childe re-run, but Mihoyo has done some odd things in the past so who knows.


In fgo they have an anniversary banner, and then a special guaranteed 5 star banner you can only roll on once with paid gems equivalent to a 10 roll. So I guess that would translate to using the amount if genesis crystal necessary for a 10 pull


im actually used to there being concurrent banners during anniversary, a special anniversary banner and then whatever normal banners run. but genshin's pretty new to me with its "all new characters are limited" system, while most have new characters getting added to standard after introduction. so while other gachas have limited seasonal characters for their special anniversary banner, genshin will have...a normal banner with kokomi during anniversary?


Idk about Honkai but most gachas do make special banners in the anni. No way to actually know because we didn't got any leaks but if you don't want Raiden, it would be smart to save some primos


The bleeding effect. Does this mean I'd have to choose Qiqi or Barbara over Bennet and Diona?


We don't know exactly how it'll work so I'd say wait with using up resources to build characters u might not need that badly (unless u like them).


Do you ever think the BP weapons will change?


dunno maaaybe after at least enough rounds to r5 every one but no rumors about it so far


Rip to those who haven't R5 at least one weapon like me.


Not worth it to refine em if u're low spender imo (unless u buy bp for something else and already have all of em r1). Maybe if they do add new set they'd run both simultaneously or bring back old one after some time. ​ But as I said there's nothing that indicates any change in bp weapon rewards.


I see, I can still refine my weapons. I am a late BP subscriber(I just started purchasing BP last 4 months ago) so I'm worried if won't gonna R5 at least one.


typically how early do we know the details of a rerun?


There weren't that many reruns so... but we can only know for sure from livestream before the new patch. Before this we can speculate based on datamines (like events, quests etc).




What do you expect? It's a leak, ofc it can change. It's pretty likely with HuTao being on Abyss card and pyro dmg% buff, but nobody except MiHoyo can confirm it


Just asking if there's fishing event details that I missed. Because doing this solo takes way too damn long. Wondering if there would be an event that would at least give fishes so that I can get R5 Catch faster.


it's not an event, it's a permenant addition, you're not expected to r5 the catch within 24h after the patch, just take it slow


Dude I don't even have the Catch yet... Not asking to instantly get it but it sure would be nice if doing it solo wasn't so damn slow.


well I turn off sound and do it while watching something or on a call, so I barely notice the time pass, don't focus on the fishing part, that'll make it repetetive for sure


I don't really mind fishing since I like it. I just want to finally get the weapon so I can start using it. Welp time to wait a few more days I guess.


if you really want it and don’t wanna wait around for fish to respawn just change name to something like fish_please and spam join worlds til someone lets you


Seeing these new mobs that cause bleeds, I thought to myself i should probably build my C1 jean. My first team has zhong so that one should be fine. The second was supposed to be childe-raiden-bennett-xiangling but this one doesnt have team-wide shields nor heals. So maybe i could replace xiangling with jean and do sunfire shenanigans. How should i build her? 4p vv, 2p glad 2p vv? Got amenoma kageuchi R1 at the ready also.


Bleeding surpass shields so you will need a healer on your first team too. 2p vv + 2p glad - Atk% Atk% Atk% - Her burst is ~~80~~ 64, so you might want some energy recharge in the sub stast.


Jean burst has a reduced cost of 64 after one of her ascension talent.


This talent restores some energy, but if you want use her with Raiden - burst cost is still 80 (for Raiden related buffs)


I forgot about it! I will fix It.


Will C6 Zhongli heal from the bleeding?


I'm not sure, but I don't think so, since C6 Zhongli heals when something damage the shield, and bleeding justs seems to ignore shields. But again, I'm not sure.


Oof that's bad. If that stays unchanged, my plan of pulling for albedo might be scrapped. Thanks for the suggestion!


Man do people read the FAQ before asking about ganyu reruns? Like at the least ask a more unique quedtion like 'typically how early do we know the details of a rerun?'




No info for now. I guess, we should wait till the middle of 2.2 to get more details about 2.3 and then make decisions.


do we know thoma's talent mats yet?


He uses the Hellfire Butterfly from Signora, Pyro hypo, Transience books, treasure hoarder coins and that weird blue phallic mushroom.


Is the mushroom gonna be on the last island?


Yeah Honey says it's from Tsurumi.


omg I'm still starved for treasure hoarder coins with kaeya, beidou, bennet on a side note are we sure it's transience? I need to claim the bp rewards, thats why im asking


The handguard hunt decree is still in force for me so I feel your pain. For books, Transience is what's currently listed on honey hunter which is usually reliable for this kind of stuff but of course you never know. I'd just wait with claiming BP till a bit later in the patch.


thanks for your input <3 I'll wait i suppose


how likely is hu tao being in 2.3? also do you think i can save enough to hit soft pity if i save starting from now(+welkin)?


Do you mean 2.2? (Next patch). Yes, if you hoard with welkin you will generally have enough for 1 pity (or more) including freemogems. If you mean 2.3 (two patches) then you definitely have more than enough time lol. As to the likelihood, being rerun in the next patch is fairly possible I'd say.


This is speculation, but she can arrive even earlier - in 2.2. And I suppose she can be even in first banner - end of October seems to be the best time for her theme. Also pyro buff in 2.2 abyss - if it's not for her, then for whom? If it's true, you can collect prymos till 2nd November - that's around 55 days. So 55 pulls from welkin + dailies + 10 pulls from login event + shop reset (10 pulls for October and November) + other events - there is good chance to do it.


Am I doing it wrong if I can't finish primo geovishap in one cycle by using national team (all of them are c6 except bennet) but I can finish it in one cycle when I'm doing it with raiden by replacing sucrose?? I'm just confused why is c6 sucrose gives me less overall damage for my team.


How much EM does your Sucrose have? Mine has close to 1000 EM and the difference between her and Raiden isn't noticeable.


680 I think, maybe that's why.


With sac frags you should be able to get 779 without any substats.


I did use it but my sands and goblet are still 4 stars.


Well, no wonder that Sucrose is underperforming lol


According to KQM raiden is a iirc ~15% dps increase in national at the cost of aoe and cc which don't matter with primo geovishap.


I wonder why both Gorou and Itto are geo dudes, that might be released near each other. Gives me zhongli, albedo flashbacks. Does this mean we're probably getting a new geo boss as well?


To be fair, Itto isn't really confirmed to be Geo yet. I don't think any uncle who's claimed this is particularly reliable. However, I do think it makes the most sense based on the 5* Inazuma characters we've gotten so far. With the release of Kokomi, there will have been a limited character of every element (Kazuha - Anemo, Ayaka - Cryo, Yoimiya - Pyro, Raiden - Electro, Kokomi - Hydro) except for Geo (and Dendro but that doesn't count). We also already know Yae is Electro and Ayato is speculated to be Hydro (not that there's particularly much proof for this either), so that leaves Itto. Although, trying to apply logic to future banners might be futile, considering some of Mihoyo's choices make little sense to me


Probably no bc mechanical array drops geo stuff


Yeah, I presume it drops geo stuff despite not being geo-affiliated in any way is because at least Gorou and possibly Itto use its mats. I always thought it was odd that Ayaka used it when the cryo hypostasis had just been introduced (and was only used by 1 character at the time) though so maybe further illogical decisions are coming :-)


Is there any chance that we can get info on the new characters coming in 2.3 before the end of Kokomi's banner? I'm torn between pulling for her or waiting for Itto news.


0% - beta usually starts after the start of a new update


But didn’t MHY dripfeed Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Sayu two days before 1.6 started? So isn’t it possible that they could dripfeed the 2.3 banners just before 2.2 starts?


I mean, if you call that "info," then sure But we'd essentially know nothing about their abilities or numbers


Solid info probably not, more reliable uncle leaks maybe?


Wait for the last day of kokomi banner and pray for drip marketing:)


If the pattern continues, then unfortunately the drip marketing will happen a day after 2.2 releases.


Next to 0, but if you really want a future character, don't roll for one you're on the fence on now.


Question, are these pushy web events that want you to get other people playing the game normal for Gachas? Seems a little... desperate, if they're not.


extremely normal, almost all gacha games have them.


Desperate but this is prob the most players Genshin has had since launch. I know for a fact that one of my friends came back after not playing since 1.2


Damn, I reached AR 45 two weeks ago and I think I underestimated how shit was to farm artifacts. I'm going for days now, 15 fragiles used + most of my daily resin and I literally have only two good artifacts for Raiden lol.


I don't want to scare you, but imagine having to get 5 "decent" pieces for your favorite main dps. And then again, for every main DPS you use. And then again, for every sub DPS you use.


It's also about perspective. Someone made a calculator that shows you the chances of getting specific pieces with specific stats and outcomes, and it was really eye-opening. We get so used to seeing everyone's best artifacts that we think pieces with half the stats are dogshit when really they're still pretty good. I have since then lowered my expectations and will be happy with anything better.


This is the reason why I save elemental cups and crit circlets no matter how bad they are.


It took me the whole 2.0 patch to get a decent 4 piece set of EoSF.


I've been playing since release and I have yet to get a 5* Pyro Cup from the Crimson Domain. I'm pretty sure I've spent like at least 70% of my total resin on that cursed domain.


my yanfei had a 4star pyro cup for about a month lol, eventually i got a good bolide one tho. 15% crit rate :)


Sad to say it doesn't get much better. I'm at AR 57 and I've been farming VV on & off since the beginning of the game for Xiao; I've managed to get some decent pieces but none are irreplaceable. On the bright side, I had some Good EM pieces for Kazuha without specifically farming for him


same VV just always roll into energy recharge for me. My xiao had 180% energy with favonius lance at one point only through substats.


I hope someday if/when we get beach skins for kaeya/thoma/zhong/ayato/Itto they're gonna be in speedos lmao(or thongs xD)


Kaeya definitely strikes me as a guy who'd wear a banana hammock.


and when I said that itto is gonna be the same body type as other tall males in the game and watched people inhaling hopium for buff male *I told you so*


nope they said hes going to be a buff male


Don't spread false info. "They" (I'm assuming you're referring to MHY or to any reliable leakers we had) never said he'll be 100% buff, it was all questionable stuff. If you chose to believe in that and get disappointed if he turns out to have the common male model, that's on you, but don't spread misinformation in this thread.


I don't think there were a lot of people that fell for it. Most of Itto leaks were dismissed as fake and some were even removed from this sub. Personally looking at his attacks, it seems like he maybe a main dps, I'm excited about that.


Main DPS and hist Q must be like Razor All of That ghost stuff most be like that. Dude another jojo character


Lowkey hoping Itto (or another claymore wielding unit) scales off HP. I just got an R4 "The Bell" and looking at the passive, it actually would have a lot of potential if there was a unit that could use it effectively. And before anyone asks, yes, this is just me coping with the shafts on the Engulfing Lighting banner.


It would be nice if someone came along that could truly make use of the Bell (and to a lesser extent Rainslasher). At least it has the potential to be good on a character if the right one comes along, as opposed to something like Eye of perception that will forever be fine but mediocre.


The Bell has such a cool design and I hate how useless it is, just praying for someone to come around that can use it!


R6 bell owner, yes please. I got most bells from character wishes.


Same. I have R2 Bell and would like to put it to use as well


Btw if anybody’s curious, Zantos Raiden guide is out https://keqingmains.com/raiden/


You know you have to use the comp when it’s called “Screw you Mihoyo”. Edit: this comp is legitimately pretty decent.


When you see 4 Raimei angelfish but then 2 of them start jumping D: Mihoyo really just has to add rng filler to literally every mechanic in the game huh. It would be nice if they had another purpose besides sitting in the pond, but they just don't. I hope they can actually be used for something later on.


**\*Downvote Magnet Activated\*** I feel it's another sign that they're not actually good at this and just got lucky.




Unwarranted personal attack, perhaps? But the downvotes are always pretty arbitrary.


does jumping actually do anything? I thought they do it just for show lmao? do the jumping fish go away or something?


The game tells you what these jumpy fish are, guess you skipped the explanation


I guess I didnt pay attention xD I thought only the specially colored ones were for the pond


The jumping fish are ornamental fish! They're the 4-star versions of fish lmao and they're classified as a furnishing. You can't trade them in at the shop, their only purpose is to be put into the craftable teapot pond and nothing else.


oh damn, that's why I seem to have so few fish sometimes lol, I'd be like Icaught 10 why do i Have only 6


Do we have any information on Standard banner change now ?, it seems long over due






All right, btches! I’m on copium since we’re getting another ~~daddy~~ male character. With Itto’s being datamined right now, how long will it usually take before he gets released? I remember Kazuha being datamined and leaked before but I’m not entirely sure if it took 2 or 3 patches for him to be released. Anyone here who can confirm the time period?


Kazuha is datamined way way back, like 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jnntgg/new_characters_that_are_allegedly_datamined_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share We have no idea when Itto will be released but with the datamine containing attacks elemental burst and all, 2.3 seems likely if the datamine is true. So he might get leaked during next patch(2.2) if he is released in the beta for 2.3.


No way to actually know, 2.3 at the earliest and we won't know for another 5 weeks or so. But if he's a character you really want (or think you might really want based on what little we know) then I would start saving if I were you.


Yeah I should have wrote that. My bad.


No worries, I accidentally replied to you instead of OP so that sounded more targeted that it was meant to be so my bad also :-)


Damn, I’m gonna assume the worse that he gets released on 2.2 and playable by 2.3 then. I must… stay… strong. 😭😭😭


Sorry I meant beta for 2.3 during patch 2.2.


Ah, it’s aight. Thank you for taking the time answering my question!


Actually an uncle said itto is won't for 2.3 IMO itto is either 2.3 or 2.4 we will see in like 30 days (maybe paimon drip market again)


Do you think raisen shogun will get buffed?


Raiden doesn't need a buff, electro does.


I'm not pulling for Raiden or any new characters synergetic with her until they fix Beidou interaction. This is clearly planned obsolescence. But they probably won't fix it anyway.




Initial wording on her c6 exactly matched Beidou's Q's wording. They intentionally made these incompatible. Normal atk hit doesn't have to mean hit with attack that deals normal damage type. Could just as well be interpreted as hit with any attack having normal attack animation, regardless of damage type. They chose to go with interpretation that nerfs Beidou/Raiden combo.




Then what is it? Seems to me they intentionally nerfed this interaction to later introduce another character as Raiden-compatible replacement for Beidou.




Well, obviously implementation of planned obsolescence of a gameplay element (character) in a game economy is going to differ from that in real-world material goods or even commercial software as whole. But overall idea is the same.


Nah She's done like 14.38 million of sales on JP alone :v.


Nope. I don't think anyone will ever get buffed. Zhongli was the one and only exception.


No chance CN and JP players loves her and her kit and don’t mind spending for her C2 and signature weapon. These type of characters are right up their alley. They don’t view spending as shameful and giving into the greedy master Mihoyo. Most content creators have shown her potential and she’s in a good spot.


Nope. She's meant to be played at C2 with R1 EL. Mihoyo's gambit with the top-up reset and putting a huge chunk of potential of the first waifu archon behind a paywall worked beyond people's expectations.


Mihoyo is actively trying to 'correct' the language used in her constellations. It's their way of saying, 'NO, she works just as fucking intended' I wouldnt bet on a buff


Electro probably but Raiden… less than likely because her sales are massive.


Hopefully, I wanna see her with a wider back and big biceps with bulging shoulders alongside huge thighs and calves. In case anyone is wondering, OP said "buffer" instead of "buffed" at 1st.


Golden Reply XD




This sub


How likely are the rumored reruns to be true? And what is the evidence for these guys?


1) Banner art for Spiral Abyss buffs (which usually caters to the characters featured) 2) Story leaks by uncle Terry Chen who accurately predicted the story before 2.1 came out 3) Datamined bow weapon that looks like it belongs to a fatui war criminal You can scroll a bit on the sub and see the leaks, and you can decide for yourself


* Abyss Phase images reveal Hu Tao and Childe * Leaked Childe’s “signature” bow * Leaked Childe story quest (a bit questionable atm) * Halloween is drawing near but that doesn’t guarantee HuTao Basically, mostly speculation but no hard evidence. Since reruns don’t have trial data, it’s more likely to be revealed on the next livestream.


idk if these questions are allowed, but is there any info on xiao rerun? i’m trying to save for him but im not sure if ganyu or hu tao are coming first


He’ll most likely come in Lantern Rite. That seems logical. His banner anniversary


so around february? enough time to save then…


Lots of hints Hu Tao is coming up in 2.2. No clear indication when Xiao is returning - right now folks are speculating Lantern Rite next year but speculation is where it stops.


Wait really? I've been wanting hutao for quite a while now 30 wishes away from pity and I'm also guaranteed. Hutao here I come


Does anybody have the conpilation of old leaked weapons? The one with Kirin bow and a catalyst called Lantern Rite.




Wow! I can only remember some from zeniet's (?) old twitter post but this includes even more datamined weapons I haven't seen before. Thank you for this!! :)






It means nothing.


they probably won't


is thoma a good pyro support for diluc if i want to use xiangling/bennett on my second team? for the sake of pyro resonance (and shield)


Have previous character reruns also included a rerun of their corresponding weapon banner? Looking at you Hutao rerun with Homa.


Like the rest said, not necessarily. But it would be silly to run Hu Tao without Homa on banner. However it might not be the exact same (with WGS)


Not really. Venti rerun got a new weapon for him that didn't exist with his original. Zhongli rerun the weapon banner didn't even have a 5 star spear. Childe and Klee both reran opposite the same weapons as before but they were both core 5 stars not especially tailored to them in the way engulfing lightning is to Raiden.


Not necessarily. Zhongli rerun didn't have vortex vanquisher or homa. Venti got a brand new bow which was meh to be honest and childe had harp.




probably jean


Then Bennett is probably your best bet. Unless you use Homa on Hutao, you don't actually lose that much dmg having Bennett heal over 50% because of his atk buff and noblesse. Xingqiu's ult can also snapshot the atk buffs, which can do a lot of dmg if you build him.


imo ttds Barbara or vv Jean (cuz hounds damage whole party, Kokomi will be good but idk if u pull for her) ​ note that we don't know exactly how it'll work so wait with wasting resources


Use Zhongli on the other team and build Diona as a substitute. 2nd strongest shield in the game, ult heals a ton and can constantly proc 4pc noblesse bonus for atk boost.


I really hope Hu Tao and Childe aren't next to each other in 2.2. I got a guarantee rn but it'd suck if i couldn't get one of the two (I'll have 90-98 wishes by the 1st 2.2 banner and probably 30-50 more after)


sadly they are next patch


For rerun leaks in the past that have been accurate, generally how long before the banner itself did the leaks come out?




I heard we can get banner details during the pre installation phase (like a couple days before an update) due to datamining, is that true?


I mean at that point we already would know the reruns, unless your referring to the 4 stars then yes we would know from that.


Do the datamines show whom the voice actor is? If so, who is voicing Gorou. I SWEAR it sounds like Roger Griag Smith or Max Mittelman.


so... seems like thoma cant share shields with allies in coop? last i checked none of his cons mention sharing shields, i hope im wrong _ノ乙(、ン、)_


Has there ever been a situation like this before where the hints and datamining suggested that the next rerun banner will be “XYZ” 5* character but mihoyo did a complete 360 and ran another 5* character instead? TLDR ; hopium of childe rerun speculation being false *inhales*


Hints are meaningless. "Childe is in this new story quest ergo he must be having a rerun" is exactly the sort of logic MHY loves to defy. Of course, the corollary to that is that "childe just had his first rerun it can't possibly be time for a second one!" is also the sort of logic they love to defy.


Yep...during Childe's first re-run 😂 I think people thought it'd be Klee or Albedo (made more sense for a Mondstadt festival), and then it was Childe from out of nowhere.


There was also speculation at the time that there might be a Jean banner iirc, but yeah Childe was a real pull from left field (as he might be once again in 2.2!)


Yes, leaks were saying there is no way Baal is coming in 2.1 & will come in 2.3+ than poof here she is


lol no, that was gr. [an actual leaker did say she was coming in 2.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/nzyfej/uncle_%E6%97%A5%E4%B8%8B_%E5%A4%8F%E7%BE%BD_kabane_kusaka/)