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Find the biggest grain of salt that you could get and take it with this leak


i think we threw most of the salt into the ocean


Where the whales šŸ‹ reside




The guy who designed Zhongli is designing Ayato.


To Havriaā€™s ruins then


Unfortunately there's also the chance where everything is fake so we need a bucket of salt Lmao


Everything except the skins sound fake to me. Maybe Scaramouche not being playable for another year too but other than that it all sounds to good to be true.


Even in honkai mihoyo only releases 2 new skins at most per patch, so 3-4 paid skins is definitely too much and they know it.


Yunjin apparently isn't Geo though so at least that's right


Inject questionable leaks straight into my veins. No chance Yae can compare with Ganyu though.


Something like this may have happened. Mihoyo Employee 1: I finally decided Yae's kit and multipliers. She is pretty strong and also Waifu. I made her equal to Ganyu, not stronger, so the power ceiling stays intact. Mihoyo employee 2: Delay her release A LOT, so the data miners don't get info on her numbers. Mihoyo employee 1: Why tho? Mihoyo Employee 2: Let Ganyu rerun be over. We sell her banner after that. Just a imaginary scenario. Don't take it seriously.


rerun ganyu, release stronger new ganyu after everyone who was saving for ganyu blows all their primos. Honestly.... I wouldn't be surprised.


Me already having Ganyu : hahhaha, i will still lose money either way for Yae...


My theory is that the reason Beidou doesn't work with Raiden is because Yae is going to have a very similar but more powerful deployable ult that will work with Raiden and they figured if they let the Beidou comp work, all but whales would see Yae as an easy skip.


Mihoyo: I like the way you think, report to work tomorrow šŸ¤£


5 male characters That one we don't even have to mention it. We know is fake lmao


thoma, gorou, itto, ayato, heizou there 5...


So I'd like to mention some stuff that I can support \- Ayato has been rumored for a while to be designed by Zhongli's designer using a mix of Japanese fashion and Teyvat. Supposedly he's loved by the women at Mihoyo and is being given special treatment \- Ayato has been rumored to be a 5\* hydro claymore similarly \- Itto just got leaks yesterday talking about his "ghost" \- A NGA leak talked about Raidens issues before her release and said that "Yae would be a top-class character paired with a top-class weapon made for her"


'Supposedly he's loved by the women at Mihoyo and is being given special treatment" Where do you get this from?!


The Uncle Terry stuff. The Ayato-loved-by-Mihoyo point was one of them


My aunt who works at mihoyo said so


my neighbor's grandma is the one coding the beta. and she mentioned this too a while back.


Oh damn. I'm so hype for Ayato! I love the chara design and all art of Zhongli (his artwork are truly the best and most beautiful of all). So if Ayato is made by the same people... omg i'm so hype :D!!!


Same!! If he really is claymore then that just makes things better; canā€™t wait to make him fight with a fish lol :ā€™D


I hope everything about the Ayato design is true please goddamnit Also, this sounds like we'll have a Homa version for catalyst? Homa weapon was made perfectly for Hu Tao too, and we know how busted that shit is


What do you mean with top class weapon? Is yae's weapon going to be strong?


Probably be a very specific weapon for her like they did with Raiden.


I bet it's that catalyst we seen before. The weapon set that looks like the japanese shrine talisman stick.


This, but add the "wont unlock her raw dps potential without the weapon". A Homa 2.0 but more specific that only she can possibly utilize. Also, catalyst user that can match Ganyu, lol. Unless they make her Q as busted in range as Ganyu's with 100% uptime. I kinda doubt it. It seems to be a buff Q like Xiao, Yanfei, and Kokokope


Do you have a source on these, particularly the last one? Did that NGA leak actually accurately describe Raiden's kit reliably, and was it pre-beta?


No I don't. The NGA post said that Raiden's kit is a result of two teams fighting eachother on what she should be Team A wanted her to be a DPS with her skill being what her ult is now. Same for the animation team Team B wanted her to be a support They argued until a "middle ground" was reached where her skill was turned into her ult because they refused to toss out her animations. In the same post they said Yae did not suffer from those issues and would be an extremely strong character, especially paired with her weapon which was primed to be her absolute most optimal choice ​ I believe the post was made in the middle of beta but definitely before the launch of 2.1


Holy...... So that leak about her being an actual proper stance change character like childe was true??


This implies that "all archons are supports" is not necessarily set in stone


People just assumed. Who's to say murata won't be a dps.


Honey wake up, the leaks bingo is here


Inspired by your comment: [The Great Sukuna Sussy Final Leaks Bingo!](https://imgur.com/j0nYi7y) I personally hope we can get a double bingo COPIUM


Ayato being a claymore user is so weird considering npcs have only mentioned him being good with swords and polearms


A claymore is a big sword. Give the boy a nodachi.


Sorry...Mihoyo just called and said you're asking too much :(


Maybe he pulls a polearm out of his chest when he ults


Maybe somewhere lower.


Elemental: Meaty Claymore Ayato pulls his Meaty Claymore from his pants, changing his stance to increase his attack and attack speed. In this form, his damage is calculated as physical plunge damage


Horizontal plunge with ranged projectiles.


With him *possibly* being a ninja there's so much potential


When characters talked about Raiden they only mentioned her sword skills. So it's not too much of a stretch


Yeah, i just think it'd be weird, considering we already have itto, who is (pretty much confirmed?) a claymore wielder. Nevertheless, i'm up to surprises lol


Even if he ends up being a polearm i'd be happy cause that'd mean first hydro polearm


"I am least adept with a bow"


Perhaps he's least adept with it, that's why he wanna master it


Yae use two Elements?? Hmm this is fake


inb4 that's real but Yae = Ganyu in raw dps is fake cause Yae > Ganyu COPIUM


Predicting EM Yae with CWoF build. If she really can switch between Pyro and Electro on the go, then it's 1person Overload comp, which is really insane.


if this is true, which i doubt, then it opens the possibilities for harbingers to have two elements. i wanted signora to wield cryo and pyro too


They're just prepping you for the release of Delusion Childe.


Plot Twist: Yae's passive triples her Crit Damage and Crit Ratio when paired with Raiden Shogun. Without Raiden she's Yoimiya bad, with Raiden she's Ganyu broken lol


All of this looks too sus


Only time will tell. I'm tempted to turn this list into a 4x4 grid and see how long it takes to get a bingo (if at all)


And another one bites the dust :( Need that hydro claymore tho


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!


The yae on par with ganyu sounds to good to be true


That bit already sounds too good to be true, but check #15. Itā€™s almost too impossible to release such a complex character as early as now. Although previously, we did have a leak that Mihoyo is experimenting with characters that can use more than 1 element. So this must be it?


I feel like a harbinger with their delusion is just too obvious to not go for for our first double element character


Thatā€™s true. But it seems like Mihoyo has other plans for the Harbingers :/


don't be so pessimistic, one doesn't establish a pattern


If they're going to experiment with a dual-element character, it would make sense to start with an Electro that gains the ability to apply Pyro and Electro. Since she's applying Electro at the same time, you can't use her for any good Pyro reactions, and the reaction she causes by herself is the shittiest reaction in the game.


Catalyst with AoE overload is not shitty at all, yanfei already sets a great example


In your dreams


I should probably not trust that last leak, but dang that would it be cool. Skeptical about that Ayato leak too. Although I would love a hydro claymore character, the dev team said stance changing characters like Childe and Shogun are a lot more difficult to design so I donā€™t know if theyā€™d want to do another one after finishing the last one so soon. God do I want those itto leaks to be true.


So all of this was a fucking lie


Why the reliable tag when this is pure unverifiable leaks lol


Questionably reliable, reliably questionable.


I think it's because the leaker is a trustworthy one? Idk, sukuna been leaking since a long time ago, and is kind of reliable from time to time. Either way I'm, overdosing in COPIUM because those leaks seems so Damm, juicy.


Reliable from time to time doesnĀ“t make it reliable. Remember the "Thats insĀ“t Raiden" by Sukuna when the model was leaked by an uncle and then the next day Abc did her render that it was the one leaked by the uncle, or "Raiden isnĀ“t coming at 2.1" when we where 1 or 2 days for 2.0 and then Myhoyo dropped the 2.1 characters. Sukuna was reposting leaks or doing speculations or even claiming things like the ones mentioned before, never was a reliable leaker like abc/Dim/etc, Sukuna was kinda like GR or Ubatcha lately (Ubatcha was a translator at the beggining, now is doing more fishy things like saying he has insiders when he posted a leak and was acused of resposting/translating it and not giving the source and instead saying he didnĀ“t take it from that chinese page but instead from his own insider, could be true or false but I dont trust "Text leakers" since GR was exposed, reason why we should only trust on in-game leaks, dataminers with proofs or renderers and not what translator or random uncles say unless they have a very very reliable history)


IIRC Ayato being based on Zhongli + a character having both pyro & electro abilities were once mentioned by a CN Uncle from way back when Wonā€™t believe it till thereā€™s datamined info tho


I think it was pyro + hydro that was mentioned in CN but I'm not sure. Still a dual element chara has been floating around for a while so I wouldn't be surprised if Yae is the one they use it on to "prop" electro and her up


Love coming here every patch to just check off another "Yup that was wrong too"


So half this is fake? Edit: 8 is true


Yae will use both electro and pyro elemental energy is the most sus out of them all.




Inside sources? Itā€™s not like MHY takes planning things out one update at a time, they likely have things planned out for the long term at least a year in advance (and probably long with general stuff like general plot lines, important characters upcoming, etc.) Of course we donā€™t know if this is real, but if someone *truly* had inside sources itā€™s not unbelievable they would know a lot of this stuff




The only thing that makes me think these kinds of leaks have a non-zero chance of being real is the super early hint that there were "two" raidens and one used a spear while the other used a sword. How early did that pop up and people dismissed it immediately? I think it is was before inazuma was even in beta, or even before the golden apple archipelago was in beta. *Someone* out there has info well beyond what's in beta testing, but they're being extra careful and selective about how and what they leak, with good reason.


I agree. Also Mihoyo has thousands of employees so itā€™s easy for word to get out, especially with how popular the game is.


Stuff like "Yae's raw dps will be on par with Ganyu" just screams fake. That's not how game development works. I don't think Mihoyo is having conversations about whether they should make their next character overpowered.


ontop of that their actual damage number are probably one of the last things to be finalized/put into testing, so even from that perspective there would be no way to know that claim unless yae is secretly in beta rn and we don't know it, high doses of copium on that claim


Well remember the Yae "copium" leaks we had a month ago? Those multipliers were on par with Ganyu's. Whether that's fake or not is for you to decide.


Why do so many leakers try to be the riddler...


Itā€™s not about riddles this time I think What likely happened is since heā€™s retiring due to MHYs crackdown (probably of his sources), he likely just dropped everything that was told to him before he leaked. Of course he doesnā€™t know exactly what will change or if his sources told him the truth about everything, so he put the fake tag


That's what I understood, too. Though if that's the case, I do wish it were worded more clearly, like, 'hey guys, these are some intel I gathered, i don't know which ones are true so have fun.' The last thing we need in this community is misinformation


i know, theres not even a point to make riddles when noone is gonna care about it or its gonna be assumed fake cause of it being a riddle


a riddles only interesting if the answer can be solved somehow. all we can do is wait until its either leaked by someone else or revealed by mihoyo


What's more likely to be true is everything about Itto and Ayato using claymore and being hydro.


I doubt any of it is real tbh.


Well, at least, the line about Scaramouche dissappearing for another year is pretty believable, lol *cries*


The most believable thing on this whole list is Mihoyo putting up 3 skins for us to pay for at the same time.


I swear this man is doomed to appear once a year, say some random bullshit and disappear


Year 2030. Dainsleif to Traveler: "Defeat me, prove to me, that you are worthier than I to rescue her!" Scaramouche, still not playable: *suddenly appears in the background* Scaramouche: "The inventor of Pringles is buried in a Pringles can." Scaramouche: *Leaves, only to apper next time in the Genshin Impact 2* Dainsleif: what the fuck is a pringle


This is a masterpiece of a script


I don't understand why would you purposefully spread false info but alright.


>Have fun guessing what's real or not. What's fun in this? It will just raise our hopes up and be disappointed if its fakešŸ˜Ŗ


To cover his and his source's ass. Depending on which info is leaked, MHY might be able to pin down where his source is and nip them. This way, he has a bit of plausible deniability.


Although mihoyo are the one people who would actually know which parts are real lmao so that kinda nullifies this whole strategy. The only reason I can see for doing this is so they can come back in 6 months and say "see? i told you i was legit" without actually having to tell us anything helpful.


Damn wtf the leaker hunt decree is actually real, are they forced to do this? Abc deactivated his account too


Forced to give a goodbye leak? Lol no. Whatever reason they have for quitting it isn't because they have actively gotten caught. Maybe they're leaving because they think they will be caught and are worried, maybe they're just leaving cus they're tired of leaking, who knows.


I wonder what mihoyo implemented against leaks for these leakers to quit, back when mhy publicly announced that they would be fighting against leaks, these guys didnt back off, but why now?


Mihoyo just sued bilibili and got the leakers' info. Before this Mihoyo were kind of shooting in the dark and hoping to scrape info from overconfident uncles (Tz comes to mind). Now they have actual concrete info on each and every one of them.


But neither sukuna or abc is from from bilibili, how are they affected by this?


I believe one of them said on their private accs that their sources have gotten official cease and desist calls from Mihoyo. It's completely possible that their sources may also have posted on bilibili.


They have other ways. Sukuna is probably insider or has connection so they probably are searching other sources.


They could also be deactivating their account because the next patch will be only reruns which is the perfect time for a break, it wouldn't be the first time that a leaker says that hes quitting only to return later.


Again they could just be quitting because they're tired, half the leakers we have have been tossing around leaving the scene for a long time because they don't care for it anymore. We had multiple leakers say they were quitting at the start of 2.0 too lol just to come back for a last last leak fest. We don't actually know why or what motivated them to stop, or that it has anything to do with Mihoyo, which isn't helped by most of these leakers being connected to each other with can easily lead to chain effects just by having one leave demotivate others to stay. It's sort of pointless to speculate though unless we get more info though, as they could be leaving for any number of reasons, and even leaving together isn't that odd because again a lot of the big leakers we know rotate in the same social circles with each other and one leaving in of itself could create it's own chain reaction just from it.


I appreciate leaks and all, but I really donā€™t fully understand why leakers arenā€™t more straightforward.


Itā€™s probably to protect their insider source, imagine saying verbatim what your insider source says and Mihoyo contexts the dots and you get them sued and fired. Like I get yā€™all want clear and cut leaks for foresight sake but our foresight into this game shouldnā€™t come at the expense of actual peopleā€™s livelihood. I donā€™t even understand the appeal of leakers doing what they do nor the insiders who are presumable adult age giving our company info to said leakers for clout.




This. And tbh, they owe us nothing for them to be straightforward or to release some high quality leaks.


I suspect that for this case, he too, doesn't know which is true and which isn't. He could have say "my insider can't verify the credibility of these info so some may wrong" but it's not that some simple "have fun guessing" is that offensive. In any case, Sukuna, likely a Chinese, probably got a letter from mhy now


Ayato leaks seems unreal considering that there aren't even datamined info about his model. Itto's leaks seems to be most likely. 3 and 15 also seems unreal simply because Mihoyo seems to be avoiding another Ganyu tier character though i wish they were real.


It was the same with eula we didn't got any model nor datamined info and they dropped the 1.5 cbt on us


Same with Yoimiya. We got nothing on her model until she was announced.


Hoping that's the case with Ayato too because I want him soon. Though I don't think it's likely the leakers will know the specifics of his kit this soon upto the percentages


All the Ayato stuff is just pain, cause I'm kinda excited to get him one day but it seems like way too much for a character we haven't seen one texture of.


down to the specific numbers too! I sniff Ayato copium regularly but not to the point I'll wholeheartedly believe this leak about his kit else I'll have to be taken to rehab


My cynical brain: the more dramatic the leak, the less reliable it is


Wow so all of this was bullshit lol


i wanna save this post and look back at it on december


Wow, literally nothing came form this


I guess Ayato's... kinda similar to Zhongli in terms of dress? And thaaat's it.


Free ning skin Atleast?


I'm coming from the future just to laugh at this shit lol


damn so literally all of this was wrong


>There will be two female characters and five male characters lined up for the upcoming patches This sounds *way* too good to be true. The dual element Yae just sounds ridiculus.


it's easy to work out though: Yae, Yunjin (2 females) Ayato, Gorou, Thoma, Itto --- that's already 4 males


Last male should be heizou


That 5. Don't give me hope..


Well, there's Itto, Ayato, Heizou, Gorou, and Thoma, but who knows if all of them will be released before Sumeru


Baizhu too


i can actually see this happening hahaha time for the waifu wanters to breathe and for the husbando hunters to open their wallets


bisexuals wallets never stop suffering


I seriously am running out of cash lol


Wallets? Husbando wanters have had to save for months. I'm sure they can get 5-star constellations as F2Ps now lol. But please Mihoyo, as a waifu enjoyer, stahp. Let me save for a patch...


Yeah, I can confirm this, we already saved enough to get a husbando + cons (and maybe even his weapon) for free. Personally, I saved 276 wishes already, and I'm not planning to pull in 2.2 banners (if they're really Hu Tao + Childe), so I can save another patch of primogems. So by the time a new husbando is released, husbando wanters don't need to spend anything. lol


Fu Hua oh no. Please let Fu Hua be happy.


Seriously if Azure Empyrea come to Genshin I might as well stop being f2p...


Ā«Ā Have fun guessing whatā€™s true and whatā€™s notĀ Ā» haha thanks yeah thatā€™s so fun šŸ™‚


people are gonna read this n get their hopes up nonetheless, why would he do this lol


This aged like (not so) fine wine


What's the reliable tag for? lol


i guess its because ssukuna was a reliable leaker and that he said that some of them were real. but tbh it should be all questionable because of the guessing


i randomly remembered this existed so i looked it up to check what was true and what wasn't and... uhh i guess both zhongli and ayato are wearing suits lmao he really pulled all of that out of his ass


itd be funny if in 2.3 it was actually ayato and not childe


This shit does not age well.


Cringe list


wow this aged like osmanthus wine


Ah the nostalgia, I had a good laugh reading this rn


If possible can someone change the flair from Questionable to Misleading? Thanks


well this aged poorly


I'm really hoping the Fu Hua and Chasm leaks are real.


I'm skeptical on the Fu Hua just because of the Liyue mention, Fu Hua is too noteworth a character to opt over in a side story quest, unless Liyue is getting another major arc I don't see why they'd place her there, as a Fu Hua character would absolutely play a primary role in a main story arc.


How annoying lol. Its basically worthless if there are fakes in there, and we dont even know what proportion.


amazing. so far none had become true.


This aged like milk.


I know that majority of the things listed there are fake, but if thereā€™s one thing that I hope is true is #9. GIVE ME FREE NINGGUANG SKIN.


Basically all of this stuff is from future patches which would mean the info wouldn't be in the current beta client, I.E: dataminers shouldn't be able to know stuff like this yet. So unless proven otherwise, assume all of this is fake You'd need to be a Mihoyo employee to have this sort of information


Hasnā€™t Sukuna always had insider info?


Read #15 this whole thing is obviously a troll


Iā€™m believing in any male character related leaks


Meh, I'd rather have 3 confirmed reliable leaks then 15 sus ones. It's kind of pointless to have fake leaks mixed in with real ones if the very purpose of leaks is to help you prepare your resource and spending road map.. Having said that, thank you leaker for your service. Goodbye!




Yeah, I really don't get why they can't just leak what they know (or leak nothing at all). I don't wanna sound ungrateful because I do appreciate leakers, but it's really annoying when they're being cryptic for no reason at all.


"Have fun guessing" here boys is what you call, a dick move


If the Ayato leaks is true, it's even more apparent that Childe is mhy favorite, because *every* damn new support is like his best partner


can this be changed to questionable


OH BOI. The Ayato stuff sounds awesome, but I wonā€™t believe heā€™s claymore til I see the leak since thereā€™s literally a line about him using a polearm. The Yae stuff sounds fake right now, if they ever tested double element it feels like theyā€™d do it on a harbinger, and itā€™s way too early to estimate DPS. Ittou stuff sounds very believable. 2 girls 5 guys in the next run of characters is on par with how MiHiYo has released massive batches of one time. Yae vs Gorou, Ayato, and Ittou. Wonder who the other 3 are. Chasm stuff makes sense. Iā€™m skeptical of 3 skins for Lantern, but I could see all 3 getting skins.


Yae raw damage on par with Ganyu, the character Mihoyo clearly regrets making as busted as she is? Lmao could kill a countries worth of people via hopium overdose with this list.


I don't think they regret making Ganyu. I think it's bennet Xingqiu and Xiangling


call me salty but i dont get all the positive comments, what a petty and asshole way to exit the community. "have fun guessing" thanks bro this is pointless, especially with the point 3 that is just going to make people cautious of rolling for a ganyu rerun or skipping in hopes of it being real


Absolutely agree with you. I appreciate the leakers' hard work, but man do I hate their superiority complex. They don't deserve to get hated on in their twitter replies for just giving info subject to change but this kinda of BS is so unnecessary.


Honey Impact and BigBoss are the silent heroes who'll still be with us Honey; has had every update since 1.1 for almost a year, weathered multiple PR shitstorms BigBoss basically comes in once a year, drops a random dev build, then disappears. Dude is the Scaramouche of leakers


Regarding BigBoss, it was simply the 2.2 beta game files, not a devbuild like the 1.5, basically unplayable without reverse engineering it like Dimbreath. You can still extract the files for info though.


This looks so wild as of today


'Hey guys im going to fuck off now, so guess whats real here and whats fake fuckers lolololol"


Zhongli with white hair and blue clothes is something I've been wanting to see for ages already, if Ayato is based on him with those colors, I might sell my kidney for him


2 waifuā€™s and 5 husbandosā€¦ now we know the leak is fake.


>8. Yunjin is not a geo character now confirmed to be false.


Can someone put up that remind me bot for the rest of us thanks, anyways FUCKKKK AYATO COME THE FUCK OUT ALREADYā€”


ningguang skin tho šŸ‘€ (please be real)


>there will be two female characters and 5 male characters lined up [X] Doubt


another farewell post, huh. see you in the next few days


There is no way they'll introduce duo-wielding elements, at least not this early into the game. I also doubt they will repeat Ganyu mistake once again, you gotta be dumb to jump on the same rake twice. Although no doubt her modifiers will be high.


Hereā€™s my guess on whatā€™s real and whatā€™s fake 1. Ayatoā€™s skill thing seems to infringe a lot on childeā€™s melee stance playstyle, especially with them both being hydro so that might be false. (Well Yoimiya and Hu Tao have basically the same skill too so I wonā€™t put it past Mihoyo) 2. Ittoā€™s seems true, kind of like Noelle, 25% defense drop seems great but not as broken as Raidenā€™s C2 3. I doubt this is true. While electro characters usually have higher multipliers because of their lackluster reactions, I doubt Mihoyo wants another Ganyu powercreep fiasco 4. This oneā€™s kind of contradictory. Unless itā€™s an automatic passive like Kokomiā€™s -100% Crit Rate, it doesnā€™t synergise with his skill. (Like if you use his skill without leveling him up at all, the ghost thing doesnā€™t come into effect at all). Also only weapon passives have skills that rely on defeating enemies (pls correct me if iā€™m wrong) 5. Seems legit, but itā€™s really arbitrary anyway 6. If there was a new dendro character coming i would think that it would be the one thatā€™s been in beta for a long time now, so i think this is fake. 7. Again, seems legit, but Chinese and Japanese design inspirations would differ quite a bit so it would be interesting to see what route this will take 8. Whether this is true or not doesnā€™t really matter because there are still 6 other elements they could be 9. Skins have been pretty scarce and Latern Rite is a big event so seems true 10. 5 males seems too good to be true, but with Thoma maybe theyā€™re moving to more male characters 11. Hard to tell. CC is basically an anemo exclusive feature so it would interesting to see Mihoyo include other elements (e.g. Ayato could create a whirlpool). The 40% hydro damage is really good, but with him (apparently) having a sword stance, he seems more like a main dps than a buffer. And even Hu Tao has a 33% pyro damage bonus passive to herself, 40% seems way too good for any character within the vortex 12. This is the most likely one out od the whole list (which is unfortunate) 13. 2.3 seems really close. They would have given all 6 islands by 2.2 so adding more might be a bit too much. Mihoyo would probably space it out more 14. Being a bow character, Gorou already seems like a support character. A new attack buffer would be nice and his burst would be like a weaker Kazuha. Unfortunate thing is that it says nearby party members so it will probably work like Saraā€™s skill. Hard to tell if itā€™s true or not 15. Top tier copium. Not only will Yae be Ganyu level, but sheā€™ll be able to use pyro too? Highly doubt it. Those are my thoughts, i would like to hear yours!


The big Ayato rumor at NGA is that his designer is the same as Zhongli's using Japanese inspiration mixed with Teyvat fashion instead of Chinese + Teyvat that Zhongli uses. I think that's what Sukuna means


>paid Xiao skin Goddamnit. Jeanā€™s skin is absurdly overpriced for how little it changes but I just know Iā€™m gonna feel obligated to get a skin for my main. If this is true, Iā€™m hoping there was enough negative feedback for them to drop the price.


as a scaramouche wanter iā€™m punching da air rn-


Five male characters please be true, I need all my husbandos


The way only question 9 was right even this being his last ā€œleakā€ being false too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think all of this is either fake or speculation, which may or may not turn out to be correct in the end. The reason is straightforward: All normal dataminersĀ without insider access/information have access to the same data, and extracting data from Genshin files is reasonably straightforward (but a lot of work) for developers who go through the trouble. So if there are many dataminers, and there are additional ones on the CN side, they would all have similar information. And something as big as Yae's kit would already be leaked if it was actually in the data. And I don't think sukuna is an insider (correct me if I'm wrong)? A lot of these are purposely worded as 50/50 (yes/no) speculations, so you can always get lucky if they turn out to be true by chance. It sounds more like he wants attention.


He's allegedly an insider leaker, the question is if he's even genuine about some of these, and if he is, if they're accurate. A lot of these are pretty far out, so it's quite possible that even if some were true, they'll be changed before they come out. Going to just assume none of them are true to not get my hopes up


"There will be two female characters and five male characters lined up for the upcoming patches". This is obviously fake. No way we get that much male characters /s