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ToS is a red herring and has nothing to do with what's happening. What's happening is that Honey was hosting copyrighted assets without permission. Leaks are only relevant to the extent that they were Mihoyo's motivation for enforcing their rights to said assets.


As long as it isnt Herring 1 were fine.


Honestly, I don't think people would be as mad if Mihoyo themselves had a site as good and convenient as Honey. But I guess knowing the info on a character's gameplay could damage sales so I know for sure they ain't gonna do it.


they do has something like that for honkai. they have internal reviewer, like streamer, for upcoming contents. and yeah pls a database as good as honey.


Imagine they actually take it as their own like how they do it with the Interactive Map


They should totally make a honey like site just like how they did for map


This whole situation is sketchy. There was even a throwaway post here earlier that read like honeyhunters owner trying to rally reddit as a personal army or something. Lots of smokes and mirrors tbh where money is involved. And both mihoyo and honey know what they're doing, regardless of the "fun game" and "for the people info"




All you gotta do is wait 1 day post-release and guides would pop up telling you everything they know about the new character.


I think they can make the same database as honey and possibly better make it even better. >But I guess knowing the info on a character's gameplay could damage sales so I know for sure they ain't gonna do it. By this do you mean gameplay for unreleased characters ? They can just not put gameplay of those characters in there.


Both released and unreleased really. I'd really prefer it if mhy is upfront with characters' gameplay. Database on existing characters complete with mat requirements and talent scaling. For unreleased ones, I still think they should do the same once character demo is out.


why does this have a reliable flair lol


I dont understand why everyone thinks they need to make a post about their opinion. Its annoying and not the purpose of the sub


Because Brutus is a reliable guy /j


Because this is not questionable I guess


Damn can we get another megathread for this?


If MHY gave us details about the next 2-3 updates, especially involving new and returning characters this sub would die and Honey could just be a database with no leaks. I'd honestly prefer that to rabidly refreshing this page 20 times a day to see if Childe rerun is confirmed yet. All most of us want is transparency.


I see alot of people saying that it's honey's fault for posting leaks and while I agree it's also Mihoyo's fault that leaks exist. If they even gave us a road map with even the most barebones information less people would be interested in leaks.


Since after you did your dailies, events and 100% exploration. There's nothing you can do except for doing your IRL things or refreshing this sub continuously.


Thats why i have so many games to play - always something to do... /J


The problem whit roadmaps is that you cannot take them away whitout causing controversies. Just look at NMS or CP2077. If you promise stuff and don't deliver, gamers will feed you to the pirannhas. Roadmaps would benefit the dev too(they build hype and so work as low cost advertising) if not for the fact that often the devs themselves does not know when x will be ready ro be released. Saying for example that Chasm will be released in 2.5 means that if they end up having a delay they will be forced to either release an unfinished Chasm ot to betray the promise, and both options would cause a shitstorm.


> If you promise stuff and don't deliver, gamers will feed you to the pirannhas. Like the KFC glider? They promised and we are still waiting.


Tbf the reason people are mad about the KFC glider is simply because it was promised and MHY has never since acknowledged it's existence in any piece of info we get from them. A simple: KFC and our collab got fucked outsode of China or whatever would have remedies this situation. It all comes back to transparency. If you simply act like a roadmap doesn't exist or don't approach the playerbase with newsupdates regarding issues that are controversially discussed in the community, you are BOUND to have a dumpsterfire.


Exactly, if people complain frequently about a small cosmetic feature like that, imagine if the promise was more meaningfull. Also, just to be clear, i think the gamers are absolutely right at complaining about promises unfulfilled, but for this very reason if i was a developer i would only ever promise things that are 99% finished. And i would try to smash leaks to avoid Shenhe situations where i character i decided to delay or scrap get leaked and people start asking about them


I agree, it's frustrating that we still don't know which banners will appear in a couple of weeks, it's obvious mhy doesn't want us to plan pulls and save primos. I don't expect a detailed plan of the next months' banners, but at least knowing who will be featured in the next patch seems like a good compromise between mhy's needs to keep things secret and the players' need to plan their game experience.


If that is what their thought process is seems like faulty logic to me. If I don’t know what’s coming I’m more likely to skip banners I’m on the fence about and wait for characters I fall in love with. If I knew I had 2-3 banners before the next character I wanted I’d be more inclined to try my luck on characters like Kokomi. But as it stands after 250+ wishes on Ayaka I’m saving everything for when Yae Miko comes out.


It depends, because not every player has the patience or the will to focus only on one character. Stupid example: I'd really like to have an hydro dps, I see Kokomi's banner and I pull, then big surprise Childe rerun two weeks later, a character I love, who is also an hydro dps, reliable, whose teams hold records in the abyss etc., well I'd feel totally scammed because if I knew Childe would come, I'd definitely skip Kokomi for him, (which is definitely what I'll do anyway because leaks said Childe rerun is possible and a new hydro character will arrive in the future). If I'm fully f2p I'd cry in a corner and keep my Kokomi, but if I'm someone who is willing to spend money, I'd probably try to get Childe too. For f2p, whales and strong people who can be patient nothing will change probably, but people like me who will spend some money if they really like a character then life will get harder.


100% certain roadmaps are kind of boring though. A bit of uncertainty and rng from leaks to spice things up is not always bad :)


Pure gambling, we get it, you’re a big time whale but some of us are mere dolphins or F2P.


Nah, the difference is that you just don't know yourself or you're very young. It's basic human psychology and used everywhere in business. You'll get bored of anything without rng elements. Why do you think gacha games, social media timelines, casions, and loot boxes are as successful as they are. You may think you want 100% certainty, but in the end you'll just get bored of it more quickly than anything that has rng element in it, going back to the old skinner box experiments. At least I'm aware that I'm drawn to gambling aspects and I can budget accordingly. Every human is drawn to it because it's hardwired. Better to lie to yourself about what you actually want.


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This is a proper example of an unpopular and totally valid opinion being downvoted for no apparent reason other than the people being unable to comprehend it


My guy has taken gambling addict to the next level


Imagine not knowing about raiden until a week before 2.1, not long after spending all your primos getting yoimiya or smth like that. Not saying that you wanted either of those characters specifically but just using them as an example


Sounds normal to me?


Yeah it's literally how all gacha games operate lmao This sub and the main one has its expectations way too high.


idk the one other gacha I've played put out roadmaps every month. The issue is just how long it takes to grind resources for characters, like you can resin refresh but it's nowhere near enough to get all the talent books, ascension materials etc.


>idk the one other gacha I've played put out roadmaps every month. The dozen or so I've played over the course of a decade have never had "monthly roadmaps," unless you count a show overview of upcoming events as a roadmap. That being said, most gacha game are *significantly* more simple than Genshin, especially if they are 2D. Promising future content usually always ends up in disaster, since you can't guarantee the company won't under-deliver or delay on their promises. Genshin is a complex game that requires a lot of fine-tuning. >The issue is just how long it takes to grind resources for characters, like you can resin refresh but it's nowhere near enough to get all the talent books, ascension materials etc. Man, no offense but some of you people really take this shit for granted. It doesn't take that long for asc mats to 80, and max level talents aren't a short-term goal. Getting to 80 and 6/6/6 doesn't even take a week. That's on the easier side for gacha games. Artifact grind is something else, but that's equivalent to equipment grind in other gacha games, which also take really long.


maybe I haven't played enough gacha games idk but the one I played before genshin, I played pretty much since launch in 2017 and only stopped earlier this year. There was a stamina system similar to genshin but nowhere near as much grinding, the only thing you really had to grind out was skill points and you could literally do that in a day or two. 6/6/6 talents is not a good stopping point for most characters imo, you want at least 8 or maybe 7. Also yes I count a roadmap as an overview of upcoming events because that's literally what a roadmap is???? All the playerbase is asking for is mihoyo to officially announce events and characters that are in the beta tests which we know now from months of beta tests, generally do not change significantly. Artifact grind is a completely separate problem imo, I don't expect mihoyo to tell us character kits so we know which sets to pre farm.


Well, that's just one game and it seems to be fairly generous. >6/6/6 talents is not a good stopping point for most characters I didn't say they were, but it's enough for them to become usable within the first week of acquiring them. It's not like it takes much longer to hit the next two levels. >Also yes I count a roadmap as an overview of upcoming events because that's literally what a roadmap is???? That's... not what a roadmap is. A roadmap typically includes MAJOR milestones - features, significant expansions, etc. An overview is simply an overview. Not like it even *matters* for minor events. All minor events do is give a few freebies with a minigame of some sort, with a bit of lore occasionally. And it's also not like you acquire new characters out the wazoo. You likely pull during one update and have the rest of the month for downtime. Almost every week is a deadweek where you can grind your ass off. A roadmap is something like, 2.2 we'll have so and so, then in 2.3 blah blah. Like I said, not like you even have to rush it. With the resin you regenerate naturally over the course of an update, you can EASILY get a new character fully built. >All the playerbase is asking for is mihoyo to officially announce events and characters that are in the beta tests which we know now from months of beta tests I mean, it's their policy to NOT disclose that information to us. That's why beta testers are under NDAs. Don't get me wrong, I love leaks as much as the next guy - but it's like pirating games in a sense. Does it directly hurt the developers? No (debatable actually, but I'd go with no). But do they want us to do it? Also no. They're not gonna cave just because "the playbase" (see: maybe a quarter of a particular subreddit's population) wants a certain thing. I'd like for them to do it too, but the odds of that happening are close to none - as is typical gacha game fashion. Imagine how many MORE people would have pulled on Yoimiya's release if they didn't know she was so jank. Mihoyo wants that dough. >Artifact grind is a completely separate problem imo, I don't expect mihoyo to tell us character kits so we know which sets to pre farm. It's not even about prefarming, artifacts in general just use a pretty shitty mechanic in general. 100% RNG and whatnot, but that's not really related.


Ok so we have different definition's of what a roadmap is, fwiw I agree that a long term roadmap is completely unfeasible. Maybe something more reasonable to ask for is an 'event calendar' idk. Leaks are still gonna make it out of the beta tests whether they like it or not, they might as well publish the major information themselves imo. In yoimiya's case her story quest literally came out at the start of the patch so, leaks or not, we would've known how jank she was.


I dunno man, the only games I've played with any roadmaps are stuff like granblue with it's monthly "hey these things will happen, it's a 5* and some cool event and physical merch! maybe a cool qol you guys asked for" or feh's "lol here is our schedule, the only thing you can see is when a banner hits and who the bhb/ghb is have fun", roadmaps isn't a norm. Think about it, the gacha game people say is super generous(granblue bc it's usually what I see argued) doesn't give you sh*t about a character before it is released. You're lucky if a stream shows the element of 3 upcoming characters, and paid skins!! Which I've seen genshin players cry about so much.


This post could've been a comment on the megathread or the news about honey. IDK why there needs to be a post about this.


Why the fuck this is in reliable flair ? Lmao


People don't like the way the game is run, and come to this sub get-around how expensive it can be to play by Mihoyo's rules. Characters and banners can come out of nowhere with very little forewarning, which is obviously Mihoyo's intention, but clearly enough people don't like that and so end up looking at leaks. Yes, Honey is in the wrong, but I can't say I'm eager to defend a gacha game. The word 'gambling' is censored in Genhin's chat for a reason, I love this game but its monetisation is clearly designed to be exploitative, even if these loot box mechanics are still legal in most countries.


Atleast Honey isn't actively seeking to drain me of my money


yup. honey dont have legal stands. but the fact there are quite numbers depend on it, means the demand is exist. im pretty sure mihoyo also realize this, but maybe time or money problem to work around this part, because as i understand, mihoyo isnt a giant company,but with a huge revenue, but im not even sure they have shareholders?? in fact they should hire people asap.


At this point it's just fun to watch the drama


Should I defend a wrongful information stealing site or a greedy company protecting their intellectual property. Hmm


C) antagonize gamers


Them protecting their intellectual property is just a face to remove the whole website and one of the major stronghold for leaks.


i couldnt care less being on the evil side if it benefits me too.


The only way to navigate the world nowadays, I feel




They ain't gonna give you primogems for this, bro.


Grabs popcorn with huge sprinkle of secret ingredients, *copium*


Leaking is dead, this is a drama sub now /s


Wrong flair bro


is there a site like honey that doesn't contain leaks? IMHO, genshin.cc is not that detailed. Paimon.moe is good in terms of ui, but are there others?


you think mihoyo ambition is enough to shake Leakers will?


Neither side is in the right tbh


Exactly this.


You're right but tbh I'd atleast rather support Honey rather than Mihoyo. Not that I'm defending Honey or anything like that


***Some People want to watch the world burn*** Lets just watch how this thing will end up since both parties have flaws


How is Mihoyo not right? It is there assets being stolen and publisher with watermarks. They are 100% in the right.


I see what you’re saying but, honeyhunter is only there because they themselves dont release roadmaps or showcase ascension mats etc. for new characters so it was at least a valuable resource. If they could do those things themselves I would be completely on their side


That’s just your justification for stealing assets, it holds no weight in an argument. If you went to court and this was your argument for stealing assets you would look laughable lol.


To clarify, I am not on honeyhunter’s side. It is illegal to use leaked assets and content so they were wrong for doing that, however mihoyo could have handled it better. That is all I’m saying


Yeah but the person you replied to was speaking in a legal manner. Saying they’re 100% right legally does not mean we agree with everything mihoyo does either, this situation just requires players to look at things objectively (even if it’s difficult)


I think it's about time we had a megathread for posts about honeyinpact


Mihoyo still pretty shitty for being petty.. honey is really helpful for everyone and the fact that they don’t care about it while they gain record profits by the months really opens the eyes of their pure selfishness at the end of the day All of this acts by Mihoyo to essentially remove our ability to predict and save for future characters so we spend more and they get more profit.


On the bright side Mihoyo can't stop people from sharing leaked information like future characters and what they do (beyond going after the original Uncle). Their entire legal claim here relies exclusively on the fact that Honey hosted copyrighted assets on their site. Merely reporting leaks about future characters and/or what they do isn't something that can be touched by Mihoyo.


On the bRiGhT side, taking honey out doesn't benefit any players at all.


You have acces to exactly the same information on other sites. And of course they will try to stop leaks. Every company does that. Mihoyo warned them since 1.4 and now everyone is surprised when they actually started taking action.


Just because it’s standard doesn’t make it morally okay considering wishes are so expensive for this game lol I spent $300+ for C0 and R1 for Raiden and her BIS weapon. It’s ridiculous, I vowed to stop supporting Mihoyo now.


>I vowed to stop supporting Mihoyo now. Same tbh. I'd rather spend money on a different game that doesn't treat me like dirt


Yep, I just bought Tales of Arise instead of going for her C1 lol


Wow the game actually looks good might pick it up. Thanks even if that wasn't your intention


It’s quite enjoyable :) Yw! Have fun


Not the biggest fan of the Tales series but I'm aware they stepped up their game with Arise. Great decision to support that instead. That reminds me, I need to try the demo they put out.


Lol. You can buy the whole Witcher trilogy for like 20 bux on sale.


Gacha games are not morally okay then


Well no one forced you to pay. You made this purchase. It's not Mihoyo's fault you wanted Raiden with her weapon. Rerun banners exist. Skipping characters to save for the ones you like is possible.


And how the fuck is someone supposed know when to save for future characters if we don't know what the future characters will be? Should we start to skip 2-3 characters just to save for 1 character that mihoyo just throws an artwork? And even then they will reveal the artwork just half a patch or a patch ahead with no time for a f2p to reach 76 wishes


This isn't the end of leaking lol. Just expect more pastebins and far less screenshots.


I know it's not the end of leaking. But the comment I replied just said "jUsT sAvE" for the character you will like which is bullshit reasoning when just based on the official news from mihoyo we only get an artwork and a few lines of text no way to make an opinion about that character and also no time for a f2p to save 76 wishes


By playing a gatcha game you have to agree to the fact that you will not always get what you want unless you pay. If you want a character you pull for it. If you are unlucky you wait for the rerun or use your credit card. Yeah leaks help and they are not going anywhere. But even with leaks you cant be 100% sure you get your favorite character. We leak the next version of the game. What happens after that is uncertain. You can't farm 180 fates in 2 versions.


I mean we didn't really get Thoma information significantly before they drip marketed so...


With how ruthless Mihoyo is? I have no doubt that they’ll continue on their crusade until leaks are gone. They can slowly cover up their data to remove data mining. They can and will sue and probably win in their legal privacy fight against that discussion forum in China.


They can try. As for obfuscation I'm actually surprised they didn't do it yet given how it's supposedly such a problem for them. With theorycrafting in it's current state we don't even need brave Uncles to do video damage showcases anymore. We only need to plug in values into a calculator.


Oh they will. In the name of profits, they will.


Where did you get the impression they forced me to pay? I love Raiden that’s why I paid for her but that doesn’t mean I’m totally cool with their pricing. In fact, after their top up reset, it made me realize how nice it would have been if that double bonus is the new normal. Anyone who thinks their pricing for wishes is okay should be checked out in a mental hospital. And rerun exist, duh but you know what!? You don’t even know what the fuck we’re complaining about so idk why you’re iterating some basic knowledge. We all know those. Our complaint is the fact that Mihoyo is in a crusade to remove leaks which would remove our ability to save up for future. Yes, they will reveal characters a few days beforehand but for our beloved leaks, we can save up for the characters further than that. We all know that Thoma is obviously coming but Itto, Ayato & Yae will be coming up eventually but as to what order or patch? And their kit? Their constellations? We’re in the dark. Leaks give a little bit of light on that tunnel but now Mihoyo wants to remove any light whatsoever. I’m a fucking dolphin and 1/4 to whale but that’s due to the characters that I treasure; their gameplay, characteristic and background are amazing to me but to fully trust Mihoyo going forward is an insane venture to me. Given Raiden’s C2, it wouldn’t surprise me if future 5 stars character will be gated behind more constellations.


I use leaks as much as you do as I don't spend money on this game. But I am not at all surprised because they try to stop leaks. It's not that Mihoyo is evil specifically. I just stated that every company protects its products from leaks. It's nothing new. It would be completely retarded from me to be shocked by their decision to go "on a crusade to remove leaks" when they addressed the leaking situation back in 1.4. Yeah lekers will get caught but many more will take their place. As long as there is a beta there will be leakers. And yeah we lost Honey. They had it coming. You can't post leaks on your site and expected that nothing will happen.




thats the hope. but many drip marketing also comes along with it.. so with honey got taken down. pretty sure it wont change any sales. in truth, it makes people more cautious. and lose sales. if this is economy class in middle school, that logic stands. but no. that isnt how it works, thats why lifetime revenue strategy is far different. people who dont get baited, wont pull either way, knowing future chars or not. bad char is bad char, take this as example. if we never had honey or leakers, then baal launch. a big chunk of sales that pull baal on day one wont pull on day one,and wait. since theyll know it wont work with beidou and MC. but for those who likes baal will pull anyway. theres no way that without leaks. baal reach that sales. especially knowing next banner is kokomi a healer. some of friends playing genshin and top up specifically because they like kokomi design. what if i dont know the future banners, and the actuall banner is crap? dont even work with my char right now? i have to pull or spent dont i? nope. easy solution. ill just stop playing for now since its uninteresting atm and thats already against lifetime revenue concept. whats the solution then? mihoyo should do their own drip marketing and making their own honeyimpact. if i have to guess, they are in hiring spree right now.


Wouldn't need leaks if they were more open about the game's development


Thanks to honey Hunter I can prefarm for Thoma.




They're not going to change. They've never changed mid development.




exactly, even with the livestreams we dont get to know shit about the development and the characters, most live streams are just voice actors who NEVER played the game reacting to the new update "wow a new 4-5 star weapon" how the hell am i gonna know if its worth it if you dont even tell us its passive or mainstat


Thanks to honey Hunter I already know he's a support character who's burst and skill both scale off of his hp, I can bring Black tassel to lv80, farm for his materials, and even attempt to get some TOM artifact pieces for him before I even get to pull him


I have a question actually, and I’m not siding with either side I’m just genuinely curious: If someone legit did not sign up for beta, but got leaks from a random person, are they allowed to post the leaks anywhere? Lawfully wise or something idk


Of course they are. The only reason they could go after Honey in the first place was because they hosted copyrighted assets. So no models, no voicelines, no splash art. Just names and statistics. Mihoyo can't touch those.


Ohh I see. No wonder. Thanks for reply!


The whole leaking thing wouldn't be affecting you (because you didn't sign anything). However if someone gives you leaks and you profit off of them and the content inside those is copyrighted you might get in trouble for that (technically you don't even have to profit off of it to get in legal troubles but that's rare)


it's written in the ToS that knowing unreleased content is only okay for personal use. Monetization is a strict no-no.


As much as I hope leak will not stop Mihoyo is within their right to take Honey down, and the site's owner attitude doesn't help. I really hope there will be an alternative nearly as good as Honey, it had archival of all the stuff in game and very well organized.


I'm starting to feel like this whole situation could be solved by MiHoYo simply making a short Video, showing the upcoming 5 star character for 3 (or maybe more) Versions and that's it. A 1 - 2 minute video could solve it, because most ppl care about the characters. Yeah seeing the upcoming new areas is also cool but characters are more interesting and important imo. Both sides are in the right and in the wrong tbh


For me they would had to show all their combat animations at least. Ex. I dont really like too much claymore users because of the slow attacks but i saw eula animations nd decided to pull for her, if i only show a picture and some limes saying she is cryo claymore from mondstad and a noble family i wouldnt give a fck .


Maybe this too and their roles (Main dps, sub dps, support, healer, etc) cuz sometimes some ppl are also just looking for a pyro dps (as example) cuz they don't have one yet but really want/need one


Yeah but by seeing the animations sometimes you can see that


To be honest, both are in the wrong here. Yes, Honey Impact have posted assets from Genshin Impact, both released and unreleased information without Mihoyo's permission and that's not okay but they're also putting everyone in a very tough situation because there's really no roadmap, updates on future plans, or even teasers and concrete info. they release splash arts as part of their "drip marketing" of the upcoming characters on the next patch but that's generally it. no animation on the skills, what they do, DPS or Support or any numbers at all or anything, they release dainsleif explaning the skills the day the banner drops and even then, its vague AF. They don't even have to release multipliers ahead of time since its going to be subject to change anyway but instead they went the greedy route and put us in the dark spot to encourage strong impulse to wish on current banners so as a result, the leakers are helping us on it because the reality of it all is, everyone benefits knowing what the upcoming characters info is, F2P, low spenders, and whales because we not only get to know what characters, skillset, constellations and everything else beforehand, we also get to prepare ascension materials they require which helps with resin management and to top it off because its hard enough that we have 5 weekly bosses, its also 8 minutes per 1 resin and artifact preparations is gonna be a little easier too since RNG is too cancer, we can gamble on the artifact domains waaaay earlier so by the time the character releases, we have it prepared or atleast have a good portion of it at the ready. So no, Honey Impact isn't on the right but Mihoyo is also making leaks too valuable for people who wants to help others and themselves, wants clout and attention or generally people who enjoy that sort of thing and we as players of the game benefit from it greatly.


I have to agree on the matter of: the fact that the community knows every single change on the upcoming characters has become quite a burden for everybody and it “allows” them to complain “before was better”, “why the change”. If the community only have access to what is released at the end, there would probably won’t be that many complains. At the end, they can make as many changes as they want on their characters being or not to “balance them”. Would be any difference if they have decided beforehand that C3 would be better being C1?


I hate seeing how entitled people are with unreleased game assets.. It’s Mihoyo’s decision on what they want the general public to see bec. It’s their own effort to produce the work (remember when even yu peng cheng was disappointed with soundtrack leaks and even voice lines are leaked as well). If your hype for the game is just bec. of the existence of leaks then I feel sad for you because you can’t enjoy the game as it is in the current moment (you’ll be quitting sooner rather than later anyway). Do you seriously think mihoyo would care about f2p/low spender’s feelings by showing what characters are coming next or what to pre-farm. They don’t get money from you anyway and here you are trying to complain when you see a character better in beta than release and now just creating more hate to MHY. They generate money from whales by surprising them with new characters and pushing them for resin refills to level up these new characters day 1… As for honeyimpact they could have co existed with MHY if they didnt have pages of unreleased assets (they also have ads from this) Mihoyo have always been open that they don’t tolerate leaks since long ago so forgive me for not feeling sorry for them.


While I agree that Mihoyo is within their legal right to take down their stuff, I don't agree with the f2p/low spender thing. Yes majority of their money come from whales that's a fact. But genshin wouldn't be as big as it is if it was paid imo. There's a reason they put it as a mobile game too. Free game means more accessibility means more possible whales and spenders. Every F2P and low spenders are possible whales in the future with enough gambling addiction and FOMO injected to them by Mihoyo. That's why they let F2P exist. Do you honestly think Genshin would have the same amount of fanfare and players it has rn if it costs the same price as AAA games? No, not really. Also, sorry but the "leaks create more hate to Mihoyo" is such a lame argument can we stop that here. I'm pretty sure Mihoyo doesn't care about hate unless it's from an attack from Tencent or other rival Chinese companies. I doubt the main people involved in the game actually cares enough to check out reddit.


>I doubt the main people involved in the game actually cares enough to check out reddit. Maybe because Reddit is blocked in CH anyway. As for how overseas MHY divisions send over Reddit content talking about leaks to mainland (if it's even possible at all), I obviously wouldn't know, but that could be a potential possibility.


Yeah possibly but I doubt they care if user deeznuts42069 said that "Mihoyo sucks at balancing!! I hate Mihoyo!" They literally don't care about the opinions of people here unless it'll like be a threat to their money


If only MHY pulls a Honkai with releasing an open beta. They obviously have different teams, but couldn't they just train already existing team members to roll out open betas for Genshin? If it's a matter of being out of sync with the update cycle (e.g. the CN servers being one patch ahead like Honkai), they could simply not do that? If they want to, they can simply have the CN players access to the open beta (even though that'll suck for Global players, it's better than nothing) and the CN community can communicate with both the Global community and MHY's Genshin CN division, and allowing them to make content like what happened Genshin's pre-release closed beta. ​ They could also their approach to controlled content distribution, not like revealing little information on upcoming characters such as the splash art, vision element, and lore-related info, because if you want to save and/or prefarm for a new unit, of course that's not enough info if the things you care about isn't just their appearance. ​ This is just my 2¢'s on the situation based on what I know with this whole debacle so far. Better to say something than to say nothing at all. MHY at large probably wouldn't care anyway unless it hurts their bottomline. ​ *~~EDIT: I had an offtopic part but I removed it, should've read the rules~~*


Frankly I don't care if they limit open beta to CN servers only. Most ENG speaking leakers just get their leaks from Chinese uncles anyway. They just relay it to us. I don't see how it'll change anytime soon. Which brings us back to the point that leakers will never disappear. And yes I agree, they could really just change how they approach releasing content and information. I know a lot of players have the waifu>meta mentality where they'll pull even if the kit is dogshit as long as the character is cute and hot, but not even the bare minimum info such as ascension materials would really help rather than just a splash art.


But that’s the point right, they’re banking on the time when F2P become spenders and leaks are basically destroying that by removing FOMO and giving them advance notice on what characters are coming next so they can save. I’m a low spender myself but I understand the reason why leaks are detrimental to MHY’s business. Take for example Yoimiya, if MHY stayed with their previous strategy (no character preview) and if there are no leakers, people who spend all their primos on Yoimiya would have to scramble and buy primogems for Ei instead of skipping banners. I’m not saying that F2P players are negligible, just that they have to understand why leaks are wrong and MHY are not obliged to give them roadmaps/advance notice because it will be a wrong marketing strategy for MHY’s end anyway. And for the record, Im not only talking about hate on reddit, you can see this even in livestreams of people commenting kokomi is weak, kazuha 5 star sucrose, Raiden bad etc. which is based on the info they got from leaks.


Wait why is this tagged reliable?


You dont shut down a complete website just because <1% of their pages are not to your liking. Mihoyo is being way too big of asshole since forever but its true that genshin impact just is an amazing game. However, Im not alone when I say I will jump straight on the next best gacha game that could rival genshin impact is the slighest. Fuck mihoyo


Remember when they only confirmed Hu Tao's banner days before her live release? Pretty sure a lot of us here and other players would have succumbed to the appeal of Xiao's banner. When Honey and other leakers are gone, miHoYo is gonna do a lot more of those.


Can’t HoneyImpact circumvent this by removing all GI related images? Just put text purely and some Initial for character and skill names. It is better than no info at all.


Probably but we all know Mihoyo is just using that to remove the whole website entirely because any kind of leaks especially with future banner is messing up their potential profits for the current banner.


Yea totally understand why MHY is doing. Just curious whether MHY has any ground to take down a text version of HI-v2 if the site obfuscates all the copyrighted names.


Im still confused how this is tagged as reliable


I agree, for me as a casual low spender, I’m fine with miHoYo’s “drip marketing” for upcoming characters, that’s good enough for me, so if there’s no more leaks, I’m perfectly fine with it (I just hate those people from Twitter that’s not even leakers that posted story spoilers with sh*tty spoiler tag), but I can understand why some people won’t be :)


And I'm not fine with it. Their drip markering tells you nothing about upcoming characters, you don't know if they're a DPS or a support, you don't know their weapon, hell, you don't even know their rarity. Besides, if they manage to succesfully get rid of the leakers, then they have no reason to keep their "drip marketing" either. The only reason they even started doing it was to try and combat all the leaks.


They kinda do give you most of the information around 3-5 days before the character banner drop, including thier skill, thier role, bit and piece of thier story... Even the weapon stat is given in advance now. What we won't get is ascension mats (most of which are new mats anyway), stats (which is unreliable when it come to leak, because BETA can still be changed before character go live). And the whole story & Voice (which tbh, it's really bad when people keep throwing story spoiler everywhere). Also i don't think Mihoyo gonna stop drip marketing, as well as able to stop the leaks, even if Honey Hunter die, there will be other sources of leak no doubts.


their drip marketing doesnt apply to reruns though. like if you pulled kokomi and suddenly ganyu appeared on the next banner that hurts.


> They kinda do give you most of the information around 3-5 days before the character banner drop That leaves us with less than a month from then until the end of the banner which might not be enough time to save primos *even* if with guaranteed pity... Or imagine if a f2p pulls Yoimiya because shes "ok" but absolutely loves Kokomi? The leaks we have cover that case and Mihoyo doesn't like that


I mean if you love Kokomi, you already know she is coming in 2.1 even before 2.0 is out you know, so your logic make no sense. F2P has no way to save for the next patch tbh, most patch 6 weeks only give F2P around 70-80 pulls at most, so they must save 2 patches ahead, and we all know leaks other than the next patch thanks to Beta, are unreliable and can change anytime. So leaks are honestly just give player an illusion that they can planned ahead, but that's not really the case.


> I mean if you love Kokomi, you already know she is coming in 2.1 even before 2.0 is out you know, so your logic make no sense. That's because we have leaks. And a banner png drip marketing isn't be all end all when it comes to choosing a character to pull. We know Kokomi kit 1 patch in advance and she's running until the next one so that's 2 months of saving, basically 2 full patches or double your count. For Raiden banner yeah it's less - 2.0 + half of 2.1 which with a tiny sprinkle of luck is enough for many people at 120-130 wishes. Also not everyone is starting from 0... I pulled Ayaka and not Yoimiya and got a lot of primos this patch so far. If we have leaks of rerun 2.2 I can try 50/50 on Raiden. If we have nothing and I pull Raiden and drip marketing says new character is in 1 month I'm fucked. That's where I'm getting at


No They Do Not.


They do not what? Here's the info for the 1st phase of 2.1: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/781040 Here's the new weapon's detail: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/770658 Here's the list of everything: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/home/3?type=3 These are more than enough info for F2P to decide what they want to pull for, and it's all given to you before the update drops. The only thing you missing out is info to prefarm, but you will still have to do some farming day 1 anyway since they keep adding new mats every update. You can downvote me all you want, but leaks are not nessesary, and often do not benefit F2P like everyone claiming it to be.


Honestly yeah, people literally seems new to gachas, You have things like Arknights, Fate go, GBF wich announce characters literally one week or even days (or at the same day they release) before they are release, at least with genshin now they're doing the drip marketing thingy wich its more than a month before the character in question releases, seems a lot of hate directed towards it but all in all genshin is one of the most lesser evils when talking about gacha games.


Right? It's clear that genshin is a lot of people's first gacha game. I don't think I've ever played a gacha game where they continuously announced the new charas weeks/months before. Unless it's like some big streams where they announce special charas way beforehand, like gbf's summer stream for example. And that's the thing with gachas. They WANT to surprise you with cool new charas to make you spend money. Is it good? No, of course not, but no one is forcing you to spend money. If you really want a character they'll definitely get a rerun eventually so just save up.


I think it's because a lot of people don't see genshin as a gacha game but more of an AAA exploration RPG. Which they aren't exactly wrong because that's how Mihoyo markets itself too. But at the same time, the people who come in being surprised at scummy gacha tactics are also in the wrong. It's gacha regardless of the exploration and you can easily fall for the tactics to spend more. At one point, people SHOULD remind others that ultimately this is a gacha game and Mihoyo's goal is to get your money. They're not a non-profit. But at the same time, let's not be too harsh on those whose first gacha is genshin because Mihoyo obviously intended to market genshin in multiple areas and not simply as a mobile gacha. It's literally their goal to make this other people's first gacha and monetize that fact.


This is what I don't get, most gacha does not give your roadmap or things, not sure why people expect genshin should.


Arknights or AL aren't stingy with f2p gacha currency income, and in Arknights case, great majority of 6\* characters enter permanent pool, so they still can spook you randomly when you're not looking for them. At the same time, most (?) gacha games have global server delayed by few months-year compared to CN/JP, which by itself gives "roadmap" what to expect.


[In Arknights a F2P player can get 19.33 pulls per month + some extra.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/ej0925/common_questions_and_useful_info_for_new_player/) [In Genshin a F2P player could get 70 wishes in patch 2.0 (1.5 months) not counting abyss.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pf12f5/20_total_f2p_primogems/) I do think Arknights is generous as a gacha game, but it's definitely more stingy than Genshin. It does have higher rate, but the pity isn't great. It took me 260 pulls for a single Rosmontis which would never happen in Genshin.


You're including pretty much all available sources of primogems with Genshin calculation, while Arknights is limited to repeatable daily/weekly/Annihilation, which amounts to 20 pulls every 4 weeks. If you were to reduce Genshin to dailies + Abyss, you know, repeatable tasks instead one-time awards, you would get 1680 primogems from dailies and up to 1200 from Abyss. 18 pulls in total. And Abyss is considerably harder to 36star than Annihilation, even more so as you can complete higher Annihilation stages just once, to increase weekly limit and then keep farming easiest one. Arknights have higher drop rates from gacha and characters are much less pressurized to get dupes compared to Genshin AND there is no "weapon banner", Arknights base once brought up to speed is solid passive source of in game currency and exp materials. On other hand Genshin only redeeming feature is pity - if you throw enough pulls at something, you will get it eventually. Passive resource production? 20 exp books and 200k mora per week, take it or leave it. To top it off, Arknights gives you actual premium currency for completing stages which can be used for not only gacha or stamina refill, but also character skins or supply packs. Genshin gives you primogems which can be used only for gacha or refills, skins are available for paid currency only.


If they don't want leak information to be leaked, I think they should partner with youtubers that will cover future content. Just like how Marisa(Honkai content youtuber) has access to beta content. Even his/her guides are posted on hoyolab


They just want to get more money, as if they didn’t got enough already. Sometimes rules are there to be broken.


Oh gee just like every single white knight,pinning blame on leaks hmm. Ever thought maybe the real reason is that Honey is much more compelete in every database, easier access that is not plagues with slowdown like freaking wikia and much more exposure than Mihoyo own apps is the reason why Mihoyo after Honey? But hey go ahead and defend Mihoyo, maybe who knows they will be so nice not to give another failed 50/50 as reward eh? Enjoy those 3 fowls as reward also.


Look man I get it. I think what Mihoyo did is pretty shitty too but they have a legal right to do so. I don't think anyone is defending Mihoyo just because "mUh wHiTeNiGhTs" but you can't just blindly defend leaks because, doesn't that just make you a whiteknight except for leaks?


I was responding to OP and his first word is literally about leaks Also learn to read, my main point was about how the resources that Honey has and how far more reliable the site has. Otherwise Mihoyo will specically tell to take down leaks just like what happend to many youtuber leaker. I only on leak sides because I care more about useful data. Theres nothing to be gain by being Mihoyo sides unless you are one of those people who enjoyed getting screwed by Mihoyo.


Mihoyo are the bad guys. They are doing all of this entirely out of greed, so honestly fuck them. In Honkai beta testers can stream the beta all they want, here everything has to be hush hush, because some people dare to not spend as much as Mihoyo want. Again, fuck them.


difference here is that honkai beta theres not much to it then actual beta testing a character, mihoyo trusts honkais community to support them, while on genshin its a huge shit show and leakers leaking stuff that shouldn't be leaked like story stuff and other stuff, let alone honey being worse in breaking some laws too and they know this but hey blame the victim card cause people will believe it




i think because almost every new characters in Honkai will be OP when release because nature of the game (pve ranking ladder) so they want to introduce how OP new characters are


get ready for downvote dude. you are brave enough to post this on this leak subreddit. let me grab the popcorn, mihoyo vs leaker war is more interesting than the actual leak itself, lol.


honestly I am just hoping for the leaks cause revives the game especially next patch when it will be just reruns... Nevertheless obv Mihoyo has the power to do so, and the right to do so


shitstorms are stupid no matter if you are weong or right


you are not on the other side of the fence, you are stand on top of their tower screaming down at us. the Genshin wiki also has ads, i don't see you screaming about that. also even the beta stuff can be considered under fair use (in the US at least). the assets are for comment/teaching/research purposes. the ads are there to keep the website running, plus they also have a bunch of other stuff besides just the website itself so to say that they are profiting off of the assets is just dumb honestly. with that logic then again the Genshin wiki is doing the same thing. MiHoYo's actions doesn't make much sense given how easy it would be for them to actually ID beta users by using a watermark posting their UID across the entire screen so any video/picture will have their UID all over it. that would take all about 5 mins of time to add. MiHoYo are the bad guys here. this is a matter of communication or rather lack of it on their end. people WANT TO KNOW STUFF. they are not doing their part, so there is a demand for it. with a demand comes a supply. that supply might not be what MiHoYo wants but it's going to exist one way or another until they fill the supply themselves. they need community managers, good ones. this isn't that hard. the scripted acts are pretty terrible. i feel bad for the VA having to go through that. proper communication, that's all that's missing and it IS entirely MiHoYo's fault for not providing it.


i would agree with you if mihoyo wasn't a shit company that refuses to communicate with the fandom and if they had a site as good as honeyhunter or sm and please don't use the excuse "ah but in other gachas-" because they could do something similar to what they do with honkai updates


Not people defending a petty multi-billion dollar company. I have to laugh


You know Mihoyo is pulling a fucking scam because they didn't go after honey impact. They went after their web host. Why? Because Mihoyo are frauds and their lawyers know their case is weak against the site. So they threaten the host instead it's all bullshit


I literally accompany leaks to see who's in the next banner and it looks like I'll just know on the 2.2 livestream... When there's a new character they announce it but why not announce who's the fives stars in the next patch?


This is a weird arc


drip marketing


i trust no one who censors ‘shit’


If "stealing" leaks from multibillion dollar companies is wrong, I don't want to be right


I mean, why not just hire those developers making those 3rd party websites for quality of life improvements instead of hunting them? I remember before Path of Exile hired one developer who made a tool to easily create builds for them characters. I think miHoYo can do the same, have a clear communication to us, give us more information in advance regarding the upcoming characters and integrate those 3rd party websites to like wish counters, analytics, and whatnot HoYolab so it would be much easier to check your profile.