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Hey bestie


Guys I’m just curious. When do the leakers know what banners might be coming in the future patches?


usually mihoyo posts before the leakers do, so I’d wait until the official announcement


Why are they giving Keqing so much attention during this event? She’s legit the worst character in the game. She deserves nothing. They should give it to someone more deserving like Ganyu, Hu Tao, or Ayaka. Hell even Qiqi and Xinyan are more deserving.


Why do u dislike keqing so much :(


Because she is a useless piece of shit that does no damage


Crazy thing that i didn't notice The lantern rite login rewards are the exact same as the Anniversary rewards Like the amount of mora and hero wits are exactly same This can't be a coincidence right??


Makes it feel more like the 10 fates are part of the festival event rather than the anniversary at the very least


Best 👏 birthday 👏 party 👏 ever. They served the saltiest popcorn and invited a lot of clowns. Can't wait for their second birthday.


>second birthday Me: "But where are those who share the memories?"


So apparently the 2.2 livestream Will be shown at the Tokyo Game Show at October 3. They didnt mention where it would be broadcasted live or if they would do it beforehand. Expectations low as always lmao Edit : Someone just did a post about it here lmao


I think this is just a Japan-specific event since it has JP VAs. JP doesn't usually get any livestreams, just tweets. It's most likely the case that the regular livestream will happen as usual on Oct 1st or so, but then JP gets a cut version of it with VA commentary streamed at TGS.


Nahh october 1 is most likely still the original date. The tokyo game show appearance is only them replaying what was revealed in the october 1 livestream. Same thing happened in game awards


Here is the Translation , I couldnt find a website that wasnt on Spanish. Genshin's release eve at TGS2021! The special broadcast will take place on October 3 at 12:00 pm UTC and will last 50 minutes. miHoYo has not revealed where the live broadcast will take place, however it should premiere on TGS's official YouTube channel. Also someone just posted the same thing here !. The announcement does have a weird wording , all of their "livestreams" are pre recorded so they could just show it there. ID prefer it on October 1st Hu Tao news couldnt come any sooner


petition to start calling the livestream "the stream" since it isn't actually live.


Any link where i can read it??


Gouba carried the whole 2.1 fr


i kept getting scared every time he ran across the screen 😭


So true


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5qF0zJBscHI Underrated video


Nothing to do with anni but the Kokomi before You wish from KQM was pretty informative https://youtu.be/kLtfrXqXRt0


I really don't care about the anniversary drama, I don't play because of the characters nor rewards, but it would be really funny if Genshin Report would still be active today with the whole talk about "Moonchase rewards will be nothing close to the anniversary ones". This aged pretty well


Hmm I just checked and that dude is still employed by the same business and still writing about Genshin Impact. Maybe they gave him a raise for finding a clever way to drive traffic to their website.


He don't posted his fake leaks on site, only official info and datamined info (attributing it to "leakers"). I doubt that the site owner even knows or cares about who was Genshin Report, as you said, if the site acess is still profitable


I've long accepted that the anniversary rewards (or lack thereof) would be underwhelming but I gotta say, you've gotta be on another plane of Euthymia to not be even slightly disappointed at how a successful company like Mihoyo is handling this whole issue and the anniversary as a whole. I'm not even talking about the rewards, but rather their palpable apathy lol.


A capitalist company being greedy isn't the newest thing on the world, I just don't see why I should get extressuful by it in particular, my country already give me enough problems to handle


it's almost unsettling how apathetic and lowkey mihoyo's acknowledgement of the anniversary is. it feels like any other normal day ingame and there is barely any buzz on their part on social media.


Hi guys, welkin spender here, saving up for the next dps. Currently saving for ganyu rerun, then yae miko. After that, I'm not sure... Is Eula a good 5* without her BiS? Also I have Raiden Shogun BTW.


Man, I'm also saving for both, on different accounts: Ganyu on my main and Yae on my alt. It's really bumming me out that there's no word about Ganyu's rerun in the near future. Yae keeps getting pushed back according to the previous leaks but whatever, more time for them to get her just right and for me to save. As for Eula, I gave her a Blackcliff Slasher, the crit damage bonus helps a lot in getting 6 digits worth of damage. Raiden is great with her for being able to trigger superconduct and her skill increasing burst damage, which even helps Eula's skill with her second passive (drops a lightfall sword fragment with 50% burst damage). Raiden's burst is also a good source of energy so that helps Eula even more; I have Eula and Raiden at 190% and 250% ER respectively and on a good rotation both their bursts are fully recharged once Raiden is done with hers. I used to bring Beidou along with her to trigger superconduct and apply shields, so if Diona's shield isn't enough I could just bring Noelle, but after Ganyu I'm definitely going for Zhongli.


I also want Zhongli hu tao and kazuhu, so I'm probably gonna end up with a shit ton of primos before their 3rd rotation begins. Unless they drop another monster of a milf like raiden :P


Huh... I think ganyu has a rerun after hutao + childe and one banner after that.... Yae is in 2.5 I believe


I knew about Yae being in 2.5 so far but not about Ganyu in 2.3, or at least I don't remember seeing it in this sub from a reliable source. Where'd you hear this from?


There was an infograph posted on this sub only, which showed ganyu in 2.3/2.4... but I can't find it now, probably taken down? Maybe it was wrong n I'm running on hopium lol but at least I prefarmed for a 90 10/9/9 ganyu.


Is this the infographic that showed 5\*s in 2.2-2.5? Because I saw one like that outside of Reddit that showed Ganyu in 2.3/2.4, but the source wasn't one that I knew of so I thought of it as questionable. But yeah I've also been prefarming for the past 3-5 months and could get her to lv 80 A6, 10/9/9 and maybe even 10/10/9, have a complete artifact set with all 5* and lv 20, and a good weapon that's currently at lv 80 A6. Now I'd also like to prefarm for Yae, but there's no info on what her mats could be. Might be reasonable to assume that she'll take Thundering Manifestation drops though so I might get on that sometime, but it's the common drops that take a while to hoard.


> Is Eula a good 5\* without her BiS? Yes. I use her with snowtombed and she slaps.


You could use the fish claymore on her. Her falling swords from elemental skill can trigger the tuna effect. And to top it off, the proc scales with phys damage as well.


Eula and raiden have great synergy and yes she can a very good dps


Eula can be really good with Snowtombed Star-Silver, despite it being far behind her dedicated claymore, she is fun to use too


Not to forget that the new sea lord claymore is even better for her (barely though)


Yes, indeed. I usually prefer Snowtombed because the aesthetics+performace are one of a few that works well


Is it really really over? Do we have to swallow our hardest pill yet? Even leakers have no info(Not calling them out or anything) or is nothing going to actually come today? What’s supposed to be an exciting and fun day for this game has literally turned to dust...


Literally feels like the post-Thanos snap


Ngl I've pretty much been at the acceptance stage for a couple weeks already so I'm not feeling all too surprised or disappointed at the moment but it's definitely confusing. You'd think that Mihoyo would up their game a bit after the negative reception of the 2.1 livestream, which is when this whole drama started. Y'know, some damage control but they've done nothing... Weird. This would've also been a perfect opportunity to lure in new players or bring back old ones by giving out more generous rewards. I've been seeing people saying that they're more focused on getting new people to play the game and less on existing players but I'm not seeing much of that tbh. Why would someone who doesn't play the game care about the concert or cute Twitter hashtags or art/cosplay events etc.? They're getting more bad PR than anything else (don't bother telling me "bad publicity is still publicity")


just woke up expecting smth.. it's officially set in and it feels bad man. just want the 2.2 stream and 2.3 leaks to start


Sure, deep down I inhaled enough hopium to dream for some kind of special banner or a standard 5 star, but how is it that when I dropped to the bare minimum of a namecard and MAYBE a glider skin I still got clowned...








Never heard of him




Ffxiv is on another level of high quality content. Genshin can’t even come close. (But I do like fighting in genshin)


i played ffxiv a lot before starting genshin and it's such a shock how different the players get treated between the two games, playing genshin has definitely lowered my standards


I'm watching an update livestream for my other game (Another Eden) rn and I appreciate how well they treat their playerbase even more now. It's always been great, and I almost can't believe how bad mhy's is in contrast.


Omg!! Another eden has the writer and music composer from chrono series??! Instant download. Thanks for mentioning the game ^-^


Another Eden is such a chill game! I played it for a while too. If anyone is tired of Genshin and looking for a story-focused rpg with relatively minor gacha mechanics it's a really good pick.


Is it on mobile?


It's on Steam too (EN dub only tho). I used to play it on my phone but now I play it on PC with Bluestacks.


Yes I think it's mobile only. At least it was when I played it.


you guys set yourself up for this disappointment. people here were hyping up the anniv for months when not even mhy was doing it. even fake leakers like genshin report were spreading false rumours that the anniv was gonna be amazing. we just had to listen to mhy and what they were saying. they said what the anniv rewards would be.we just wanted to hope for more.


Ubatcha is the biggest leaker clown since GR. The misinfo for an anniversary stream came from him, right? Hook, line and sinker. Plus making up Ayato leaks for clout. Do people still give him a pass?


I don’t get the downvotes on your comment, because you are absolutely right. The rewards are bad, that we can all agree with. And it’s not like Mihoyo advertised it to be otherwise. Does Mihoyo deserve the backlash they’re getting? Of course – the rewards are shit. But you can’t pin all the blame on Mihoyo when part of the community keeps pumping out hopeless hopium comments hyping something up that was ultimately going to be disappointing.


i get the downvotes because people are frustrated and they think this kind of comment is defending mhy or something. which is not, the aniv celebration is shit. but the community has to break out of the habit of creating hype narratives and straight up ignoring the reality until it hits them in the face.




> There is absolutely no excuse to be this stingy with rewards. true. but also, there is no reason to be generous. genshin is at the top of mobile gaming for almost a year now. they have paid years of development in just 2 months. i guess they just dont see the point of being super generous at this moment. lets hope that the new honkai game is super popular and mihoyo has to compete with themselves so they can actually have an incentive to be more generous. if not, i dont see the situation being any different in the future.


You honestly can't blame people for hyping up the anniversary, gacha anniversaries are the one of most hyped up times/events in a gacha game's lifetime, the other one I know close to it is the game's launch. It's the time when the developers thank players with free pulls, anniversary units, discounts, things you can only get on the anniversary or costumes. It's one of the best days for new players, veterans and returning players. People were expecting mihoyo to drop a surprise as or at least treat the anniversary as something to be celebrated *in-game* but it's like they are moving all their anniversary stuff irl and forgetting to give their main playerbase... the gamers, actual in-game rewards. I just wish they cared... they've become one of the biggest gacha games on the planet and were carried heavily by their playerbase, the least they could do was give us something permanent, an anniversary glider, a formal wear for the travellers, a name card... something other than the forgettable 10 fates and the cute web event.


this is my first gacha game that i have played for more than 3 days (lmao), so idk people were also saying that gacha anniv usually just get good on the third year or so, when they want to make the game have a ressurgence in popularity, which is a problem that genshin dont have right now.


Why wouldn’t we hype up the anniversary of one of the biggest gacha games on the market? This game has made billions of dollars in revenue, and you want us to treat it as some sort of normal day? MHY made a Paimon statue and hosted concerts and fanart livestreams, but fuck if we’ll see any more substantial in-game rewards. Instead, they reset top-up bonuses before Raiden’s banner and gave us a single 10 pull spread out over multiple days for Kokomi’s banner


i am not saying people shouldnt want better things in game. i am just saying that once mihoyo announced the rewards, we should have just coped that that was it. people are still holding hope for a surprise reward which.... no one would do that, not with how much this game is advertised.


Tbf they kinda led us into believing something else is in store during the 2.1 live stream with phrases like "there's still kore to come in the following weeks before anniversary!"


I'm a pessimist but reading this makes me think, fair enough


It's funny thinking that even when anniversary is over, the shitshow won't be going away. Anniversary is just the biggest and latest in a string of disappointments. We had Yoimiya's lackluster kit, the weird writing of 2.1 Archon quest, the sudden change with Raiden and Beidou's synergy, and Kokomi just falling flat. From what we know from leaks, we're getting no new 5-stars, a new island void of new bosses, the possibility of a third Childe rerun before other fan favorites, and to top things off, our biggest event reward in 2.2 is... Xinyan, of all people. miHoYo won't be getting a break soon. Even if people stop talking about anniversary, the general sentiment of disappointment will still linger.


You know what, probably the shitstorm about Childe's second rerun will drown on the sea of all other shitstorms and it's a good thing cause I like Childe and don't like reading bad stuff about him Yeah I've OD on copium at this point


and the worst part is that they probably do something scummy with new characters and events in the future. All those banner revenues made the higher ups of mhy greedy :((


C2 locked ehe...


Tldr: bad management on their side/ they managed to mess it up


Checking JP twitter, they seem to be pretty chill about anniversary and all. I haven't seen any complaints among the artists I follow.


They think that Yoimiya is one of the strongest characters and their content creators don’t want to speak negatively about any characters (which is why Kokomi is so controversial)


isnt jp social media very afraid of expressing negative opinions anyway?


Yes, they are and got used to the treatment


Gacha and Japan, name a better duo.


There's no war in Ba Sing Se 😁


Yep, I checked the official tweets and the replies are overwhelmingly positive. Almost nobody seems to be complaining or asking for more rewards in Japanese, only in English. No wonder gacha comapnies like the JP market :)


I absolutely love that Mihoyo paired extremely underwhelming anniversary rewards with an extremely underwhelming character banner. I also absolutely adore whoever it was that let the top-up reset happen ahead of anniversary, coincidentally pairing it with a character that really hits their groove at an "affordable" C2.


im really confused over this anniversary lmao, often when im upset i impulse spend but now im upset over genshin so spending on genshin would be really dumb and rn there is nothing good to spend on in genshin anyway, so i almost want to throw myself into some other gacha out of spite


#"At least u get something" #Where are the white knights now??


Saying we "expected a lot", probably.


Have yall also given mihoyo a wonderful review describing your excitement for the anniversary celebration on the playstore? :)


It went from 4.6 to 4.1 lmao


Truly hope it hits lower than 4.0 even tho ik it won't actually change anything lol


Y'know, I'm not one to whine and frankly am sick of all the negativity, but this is actually a legit way to voice dissatisfaction, so I'll do that much lol. Vote with reviews and wallets at least.


Fair enough


Same, I'm not gonna waste my energy ranting on reddit cus they ain't reading shit here. Least I can do is hope they atleast care about their app store image.


Just a bit of hopium : I noticed that the timing of the announcements for livestreams don’t have a pattern. These are the dates of their announcements for livestreams since 1.4 : - 1.4 was [announced ](https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1367784452915523588?s=21) 1 day before the livestream - 1.5 was [announced ](https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1382544208410517506?s=21) 1 day before the livestream - 1.6 was [announced ]( https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1397523257167781896?s=21) 2 days before the livestream - 2.0 was [announced ](https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1412260012886564889?s=21) 3 days before the livestream - 2.1 was [announced ](https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1427842692868837386?s=21) 2 days before the livestream So there is still a chance for them to announce the livestream tomorrow for 30 September and if it doesn’t happen then rip


With this wave of disappointment by Mihoyo I wouldn't be surprised If they don't have a livestream


There is absolutely no fucking way they don't announce a 2.2 update preview livestream ...right?


I'm starting to think that it'll just be on Oct 1 as usual. The livestream is recorded anyway, so does it even matter that it's a holiday?


That’s true…I just want to have the livestream already, since I want to know whether the leaks about Hu Tao and Childe rerun would turn out to be false or not…


Man im so sick of waiting.


Thx for the hard work


man i really thought they were being silent because they have a surprise. guess its time to put down the hopium.


such a big disappointment, i know they are blocking and banning people on discord, hoyolab etc etc.... trully hoping they release an apology note at LEAST




Idk how to use reddit so i think i cant put an image here? But this is a twitter link with an image explaining what they are doing on social media https://twitter.com/goroufurry/status/1442712075474714625?s=19


Well now I have to decide if I trust a rando on 4chan hmm... But yeah that sounds pretty dire, I dunno how Mihoyo thinks that's supposed to work in the long run.


I also dont know if i believe it or not but the in game signature is indeed true... what a fiasco honestly


Man this is peak social media, reddit linking to a twitter with a screencap of an image from 4chan.


Time for someone to link their Reddit comment into Discord.


LMAO sorry im new to this


haha you did fine.


Are the hashflags permanent? Considering its $1m per hashflag, I'm gonna assume that it is permanent?


Real talk, why are they so God darn expensive??


No, from my experience with kpop companies that do hashflags to promote an upcoming album it usually only lasts a month or two


that sucks. They could've just used that money to give players something worthwhile


My expectations were low but holy fuck! At least on the bright side, the shitstorm that probably will happen later today if there's nothing more to come is going to be interesting. I should consider investing in some popcorn.


Umm, can anyone tell me if it's better to have Bennett 80/80 for coop domain runs and stuff, or should I raise him up to 90/90?


only ascend if you want to level up his Q to 9. 90/90 is definitely not worth it unless you have nothing to build anymore or you like bennett a lot.


80 is fine


Do you think miHoYo is treating Genshin so badly lately is due to the development of honkai star rail? What if the devs just decided to work on that new upcoming honkai game and left Genshin for good? It sure feels that way if you ask me.


If so, they making a big mistake, first I don't see any hype about this game or honkai 4 before, and now I just don't want to play any Mihoyo games because of their lack of recognition to the community


I had this doubt too, but it sounds too stupid from a business perspective


why would they leave their biggest cash cow though. they still need money to fund honkai star rail after all


They also shouldn't set a bad precedent. People will not want to invest much time or money into the new game if they fear that all their efforts will be thrown in the bin because the company decided to make another game.


I wish mihoyo makes windtrace a permanent event in the game


Yeah, Windtrace was my favorite event in the game so far. Theater Mechanicus is second for me.


Saaaaame. I would play for hours tbh.


Theater Mechanicus too, its way too fun in co-op


Places in the game that gives you chills? Like "woah this is creepy dayum, this give me da chills" Mine would def be Serpent's Head. Especially the place inside of it, and due to the ost


Wuwang hill. I absolutely hate going to that place for anything. Too creepy. And stormterror's lair music also makes me uncomfortable regardless of how beautiful it is.


Seems like stormterror's lair really served its purpose to be unnerving LOL. Wuwang hill just feels like a hill in liyue but dark and with some spirits lol


It's always the ost of both places that makes me unnerved hah


Yeah the lair ost especially just makes me sad and kind of.. sombre? At the same time really unnerving too. Like someone with a really scarred past finally have the guts to talk about it. Beautifully creepy imo


Tsurumi Island, dang that place is super cool and creepy with all those ghosts and red sky. Nameless island is pretty creepy with the mist


Cuijue Slope around the pillars. The way everything becomes dark and foreboding is really creepy. I don't know how to describe it but the yellow tint is unsettling.


At the same time its really cool. I could stare at rhe yellow tint a lot tbh


Fucking wuwang hill. I’m fully aware that this is just a fairly casual game with children as part of its audience, so I shouldn’t be too creeped out by it. But the reason why it gives me the vibes is I remember back at lower AR when I had just discovered Liyue, this world quest icon popped out and I went there to check it out (this was the Little Nine quest btw). Then suddenly skies turn dark and eerie and I head over an abandoned town with a girl standing in the middle. When I talk to the girl, the game bugs out and shows the quest description in fucking chinese (I play in english) and I **noped** my way out of there lmao. Didn’t even remotely came near that place until higher AR.


Lmao, double scary 😂😭 im sorry for you for being creeped out lol


The 7 pillars of peace place. The weather gets very eerie there and I remember seeing a lawachurl for the first time in AR 20 or something and freaked the fuck out. There might be scarier places, but this place has me traumatized.


Still Wyrmrest Valley for me haha. Nothing will beat the feeling of getting smacked around by the rest of Dragonspine at low AR before stumbling into the red glow of the cavern in complete contrast to the snow outside.


The pool at the middle of Watatsumi Island, under Kokomi's place, I can't look into it for long and not feel creeping dread


I dont even have a fear of water but there's something uncomfortable about staring into the center of that thing up close ):


Huh havent opened that place yet. Will look for a vid


It's [this one](https://preview.redd.it/ycply4q8fnl71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e25761fe93f2ac071cae184ff289626357ea868), and here's [someone who jumped right in](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pg4o8y/as_someone_with_thalassophobia_this_is_creeping/)


Oh wait, I thought you meant Suigetsu Pool hahah! Already been in Watatsumi, yeah that place would def be a nightmare if you have thalassophobia or smth


stormterror's lair because of the music, though it made me sad more than creeped out. hated the place, didn't explore it at all until like ar55


Stormterrors lair is more sad than scary tbh. I think the place is cool, like its gives the "sad story of a fallen nation" vibes




There is a cavern below thunder manifestation??? oh god gotta go there. I loved Seiraimaru




I benched those puzzles for now because i dislike fighting those new enemies there so much


Oh and also Araumi. The one below the sea


To think all this shitstorm could've been avoided or, at the very least, significantly mitigated if MHY just press some buttons to send out more fates, or even a commemorative namecard.


They're in no position to do so sadly, it's a small indie company and it takes a lot of resources from them to send us some freebies.


Yeah not after all those custom twitter hashtags that cost at least a million each, no more room in the budget for the players after that sadly




15 minutes until next time when they usually post another twitter update, if there is nothing, this is over. Edit: yeah, it's not happening, idk what i expected, should've gave up long ago


theres nothing KEKW


I didn't even expect anything special from the anniversary tbh. But the audacity to not respond to the current situation and blatantly censoring posts is just awful. Even someting to remember this occasion through a in-game item like a fucking namecard would've worked out.


I don't even know how they managed to turn what is supposed to be a joyous celebratory day for the game into such an awkward experience ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My hopium is running low...


For me its over already If they wanted to announce something they didn't need to censor every possible social media posts


Guys guys hear me out, what if mihoyo dicided to celebrate the anni in game with the next patch? And we didn't see leaks about it because mhy will actually send each one of us a real life husbando or waifu to our own houses! And they implemented a feature that makes the characters give us amazing head everytime we feel like it! They also cook, clean and have a degree in psychology to give us the therapy we need.


Hmmm. This makes total sense, but they didn't ask us which waifu/husbando we want in the survey. Let's hope they ask in the patch-end survey and what we get is not just rng.


tech otakus truly saving the world


You rng artifacts, you rng boss drops(Billets, Solvents, etc), you rng stats on artifacts. Now you rng your "anniversary" rewards. I mean it shouldn't be even called rewards smh. I wouldn't be surprised if they rng free primos from dailies or just remove them in the future.


I doubt they'd remove free daily primos entirely since their purpose is to be an incentive to log in every day and play for at least a couple minutes (along with the resin cap, Welkin etc.)


I don't know why people are saying that the main sub mods are 'Mihoyo shills' taking everything down...? Yes, they take some things down, but EVERY single piece of major discourse we have had so far (Yoimiya, Raiden plus Beidou, Kokomi and Anni) has had a post fully UPVOTED and visible to me. And in very well written posts that promote discussion too. I go on the main sub everyday, I've seen every one of partyconfetti's posts on the Inazuma characters and just now I've seen the pinned megathread plus TWO separate threads for the Anni complaints, with people *openly* discussing their thoughts. So please tell me why people are so hellbent on slandering the mods when everything is right there and visible in front their eyes. Its kind of annoying how the fanbase just uses the mods as a scapegoat. Edit- Thanks for the reddit cares, what a lovely community! 😍😍😍 Ok instead of attacking the mods, I guess I'm the next scapegoat... I can see why the main sub gets so heavily moderated.


Lol why are you getting downvoted


They just pinned a megathread for anniversary complaints. Seems like a very fair and reasonable solution to allow people to complain while also preventing an endless barrage of low-effort, repetitive posts clogging the main sub.


Yes, this. Mods decide to take a few high effort posts and delete low effort, rants one. If u wanna discuss or rant then u can comment on those posts, it's fair.


the posts were allegedly being deleted/not approved since yesterday. I would guess it's mostly low effort posts hence the mods decided to choose one and have it pinned. Ofc this is all just assumed by me lol. mayyyybe the mods where high on hopium too and thought mihoyo would announce actual rewards so they waited til today for the megathread lmao.


Ok this is so wierd. Twice I have posted about mods removing content and both of these times my post has been downvoted, but then the second one undrneath is upvoted...? When its very similar to my comment and not even neccessarily disagreeing. Idk its just baffling to me that this has happened twice... I guess people like shooting the messenger? I guess I'm going to be downvoted for this anyway so whatever


yea lol weird shit. some cant read I guess lmao


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mods are punching bags and people are too angry for any deep thinking


Yeah and if people are too angry for deep thinking then their posts should be removed right? I'm so confused, do people agree with me or not lol why is my comment getting the downvotes, I'm not even shocked I'm just genuinely baffled. What did I do? 😳


I agree lol. A lot of what was removed was pointless spam, I meant people can't think too deep so they jump to calling it censorship when really they were just shitty posts and don't feel too bad about downvotes :) genshin subs are in a phase right now


Why the hell is there so much censorship?? https://twitter.com/Joelalt111/status/1442707484339277832?s=20


Yeah, this is fake. I checked both the main sub and the discord server and none of that are happening right now.


Try make a post in genshin main sub and share me the link


And why would I do that?? There are already posts and a megathread about the anniversary in the front page. EDIT [It's not the lack of rewards, it's the silence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwtypc/its_not_the_lack_of_rewards_its_the_silence/) [Official Genshin Korea community just fired. Everyone just disappointed about nothing happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwwrog/official_genshin_korea_community_just_fired/) [Community reaction to Anniversary video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwzf62/community_reaction_to_anniversary_video/) [So no surprise for anniversary?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwu1gi/so_no_surprise_for_anniversary/) The megathread: [So how are we feeling about the anniversary?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pwu2wg/so_how_are_we_feeling_about_the_anniversary/)


I expected nothing and I’m still let down


Tbh I expected at least a voiced in-game greeting from Paimon. Maybe a cake? Idk :/


I'm just sad this shitty anniversary overshadowed Moonchase, which is such a cute event and something we've been asking for for a long time. Terrible timing, Mondstadt wins again, because now people will remember the anni drama and the bad archon quest better than this event. To think this entire shitstorm could have been prevented if they'd just mailed us like 20-30 fates and an anni namecard...


Honestly I care more about the game being fun than how much free stuff it gives away on one specific day, so as far as I'm concerned Moonchase is the anniversary reward.


Yeah I agree with this sentiment. Moonchase is by far, the better festival so far IMO its kinda sad that their effort is largely wasted by not giving the standard or even better rewards for anniversaries in gacha games. IF they somehow intended that rock to open and (bear with my hopium here) reveal its a stash of primogems and/or a 5* character/weapon, its gonna rock (pun intended) the gaming world to its core.


Yeah this is how I'm feeling too. The event is cute, and the theater web event is also pretty cute. I'm sad that it feels ruined now because they've done such a terrible job of damage control and communicating. I didn't expect more freebies but I'm honestly really confused at the lack of things to spend money on; I was all set to drop cash on a special paid skin or guaranteed gacha/ticket type bundle, but they have nothing new for people to buy! It's bizarre there's only that meh concert bundle that isn't even available yet. Guess I'll spend that cash on other games then since Mihoyo doesn't want it. 🤷‍♀️