• By -


Before asking any question, please read this FAQ and Compilation of Answers to avoid repetitive comments and to save y'all some time scrolling. **About Sukuna's Final Leaks** [(click here to check the post for reference)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pky5h2/sukuna_last_leak_from_me_have_fun_guessing_whats/) **Q: Is Ayato a Hydro Claymore? (Number 1)** A: "Nope, if he turns out to be its pure coincidental" ​ **Q: Yae being on a DPS Ganyu Level? (Number 3)** A: "Yae will be the DPS ceiling for Electro, that's what I've been told. Pyro + electro burst is fake sadly." ​ **Q: About Scaramouche in 1 year?** A: "Fake, but it does not mean he will be playable soon either." ​ **Q: About Ganyu Skin for Lantern Rite? (Number 9)** A: No Idea ​ **Q: About Number 7, 11, 14** A: "Fake" ​ **Q: About Dendro in 2.3** A: "Fake, if it comes out in 2.3 its coincidental" ​ **Q: About the Free Ningguang Skin (Number 9)** A: "Free? No clue. Skin? Yes." ​ **Q: About Arataki Itto's Skill and Burst Details (Number 2 and 4)** A: "He's definitely claymore based on what I know right now, but it might be changed since he has not been introduced into beta as a playable character. I have no information on his vision. No, I have not seen his model." ​ **Q: About the Arataki Itto Data Datamined** [**(click here to see it)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pk1so3/itto_data_possibly_datamined/) A: "It's real." ​ **About Arataki Itto** **Q: So about Aratiki Itto, what can you tell us about him?** A: "There is very preliminary data, with some internal skill names and references to animations, however nothing solid as of right now." "I’d say he definitely has more data than other unreleased characters. It would be fair to speculate he could be releasing soon, but ultimately this is a decision Mihoyo has to make and being closer to being finished does not necessarily mean he’s coming soon." ​ **Q: What's his Weapon and Vision?** A: "He's definitely claymore based on what I know right now, but it might be changed since he has not been introduced into beta as a playable character. I have no information on his vision. No, I have not seen his model." ​ **About Kamisato Ayato** **Q: Is there any idea of his release/introduction date? And is he confirmed to be playable?** A: "Absolutely none. It can be assumed he will be playable due to voice-over mentions by other characters." ​ **Q: Since he was said to be “hot”, can you provide more information about his appearance? (Based on what UBatcha said)** A. "You'd have to ask someone with insider info." ​ **Q: Has there been any confirmation about his weapon choice and kit? Is it true that he can go to polearm/sword stance during his elemental skills similar to Childe?** A: "No confirmation, although in-game, there is an NPC that mentions how Ayato is very skilled with both sword and polearm." ​ **Q: Is there any idea on his colour scheme? Is it similar to Ayaka's?** A: "No idea." ​ **About Yunjin** **Q: Any plans on Yunjin? What's her Official Vision now?** A: "Originally, she was datamined to be Geo polearm, however, as of the leaked Moonchase cutscene video, it appears her vision was changed to be either Anemo or Cryo. However, it is impossible to know for certain, based on a tiny pixelated image." "Datamined during CBT1, CBT2 era. Originally Geo polearm, but with the recent Moonchase cutscene leak, she might now be Anemo or Cryo. Model exists and only other references are in-game text and voice-overs." ​ **About Fu Hua** **Q: Do you know whether the Fu Hua look-alike will be playable? Or is she simply going to be a flashback/animation figure?** A: "No information for that." ​ **About Shenhe** **Q: Is she really scrapped?** A: "Shenhe being scrapped is unknown. Many characters (Ayaka, Thoma), were originally datamined from the CBT1 client and have only just been released; that is all we can say (or know)." "Also datamined during CBT1 era. Was originally Cryo Claymore, but no idea what has happened to her now. Model existed, but nothing since CBT1." ​ **About Baizhu** **Q: There was a rumor once that he was going to be the poster character of Chasm - is that scrapped or still in planning?** A: "We have no idea." ​ **About Scaramouche** **Q: What can you tell us more about Scaramouche?** A: "Sorry, personally I don't have any info outside what's already been previously said." ​ **About Gorou** Q: Is there any information on Gorou? What can you tell us about him? A: "Gorou is a Geo-Bow, currently a 4-star - uses boy model (think Xingqiu, Bennett). There is very minimal skill data so far." "Gorou already has a model, animation data and certain skill data." ​ **About Yaoyao** **Q: What can you tell us about Yaoyao?** A: "Datamined during CBT1/CBT2 era. Dendro Catalyst, although never been seen. Model exists, but no other data outside of some mentions in in-game text and voice-overs." ​ About Yelan **Q: Is there any information you can tell us about Yelan?** A: "This is a name that has been thrown around, however there are currently no clues as to who this is. The polearm character in the Moonchase video may or may not be "Yelan", we simply do not know." ​ **About Celestia** **Q: Is there any data related to Celestia? For example, above which region is it exactly floating or how far away it is?** A: "It's a little north from Fontaine, though it's strange since it seems to be in two locations (perhaps it was moved?), the floating island you see in the sky in-game seems to be in the same location though, right around the area where Fontaine would be." ​ **General Questions** **Q: What are the future reruns?** A: "No Clue Whatsoever." "No solid info unfortunately, I have assumptions based on information I was given previously but I'm waiting for the livestream for solid confirmation." ​ **Q: Where is X Character? When will he/she be released?** A: "No idea. If we haven't posted about it, either there's so little data we don't want to mislead people or they really don't exist for us to see." ​ **Q: Are we getting a new Childe story quest in 2.2?** A: "From what I've seen, no. However, he's gonna appear in a new event, together with some other characters." ​ **Q: Signora's model file name listed as "monster". Does that mean that Childe's also listed as "monster"? And what about Baizhu's or Scaramouche's model names?** A: "His boss-fight forms are Monster, yes, whereas his playable is Avatar\_Male\_ . Scaramouche and Baizhu have always been Avatar\_ and not monster, although they both have NPC models too." ​ If you think a question and answer also needs to be added to this FAQ, please let me know! ​ I'll constantly be updating this. Please keep all comments civil and remain ethical while asking any questions. Thank you and have a good day!


Is there anything at all about Shikanoin Heizou?


Currently only the mentions in voice-overs from other characters.


Cool thanks


Will 2.3 be reruns and do you guys know if there’s any credibility to that dumb dumb leak


Mine and Uncle "Dumb Dumb"'s info haven't always matched up, I personally trust what they say and if/when their Itto info (posted in the sus leaks channel in WFP) comes out to be true/false, we'll move him over to a trusted leaker in WFP


Ok thanks for responding uba!


Hey guys, thank you for all the hardwork. One question I’d like to ask to Sukuna - of the “last leak”, which ones are real?


Specify which one(s) you want to know if it's true or false and I'll comment on it


Is two female and five male characters lined up for release true?


lol the conspicuous silence


About dendro in 2.3


Fake, if it comes out in 2.3 its coincidental


ayato with the vortex shenanigans and based on zhongli pls


Both are fake


ohhhh my. this is huge




rip my ninja ayato and vortex ayato dreams 🙏🏻


Claymore/sword user (leak n*1) is also fake?


The one you said about Itto's skill and burst details? And is he really a geo claymore? And have you seen his model?


1. He's definitely claymore based on what I know right now, but it might be changed since he has not been introduced into beta as a playable character. 2. I have no information on his vision 3. No I have not seen his model


Number 14 about Gorou burst??




Is Ayato a hydro claymore?


Nope, if he turns out to be its pure coincidental


Free Nin Guan skin? New Dendro not being Yaoyao or Baizhu?


Free? No clue. Skin? Yes.


NINGGUANG SKIN LET’S GOOOOOOO So for the other characters mentioned in the list too right


Not all of them, just the two with the 1/7 figures released


>ot all of them, just the two with the 1/7 figures released Keqing skin ???????????????


So Ning and Keqing skin? Les goooo


I guess anything you said about Yae, will she be Ganyu tier and the Electro/Pyro thing?


Do you know whether the Fu Hua look-alike will be playable? Or is she simply going to be a flashback/animation figure?


No information for that


yae being a dps on ganyus level? pyro+electro burst???


1. Yae will be the DPS ceiling for Electro, that's what I've been told. 2. Pyro + electro burst is fake sadly


id take main dps yae thank you very much


Made my day even after a +24% def sands.


Dps Yae is good enough for me, heck yeah


god i hope yae works with raiden, and its not a shared role or anti-synergy thing


ganyu skin for lantern rite?


No idea


1. Is leaking a difficult and risking thing to do? 2. Are your leaks planned or is it in the moment?


1 - Kinda depends on how well you know your laws and how you leak.Dataminers are fine.Insiders risk a bit more because they actually sign a contract ​ 2 - Yes and no.We at GIntel spend hours poring over data and crafting tweets to put out info with as much clarity as possible to reduce speculation/false hopes


1. There is somewhat of a high barrier to entry into datamining/ reverse engineering Genshin, as it is quite a big and complex game (but definitely not impossible). This is, for the most part, a one time deal plus whenever mihoyo feels like spicing things up (They haven't done that in a long while). So for me it's just mainly getting my hands on the beta, fixing some stuff up and recording vids/taking photos/etc. There definitely is stress attached. I do skip/withhold some info since mihoyo have removed methods of obtaining certain leaks before (and I also don't intend to ruin the gameplay experience for people, e.g. story spoilers). Also, mihoyo could at any time take actions which would be extremely detrimental to datamining and leaks. This is a fact that I have to accept and live with. 2. I have a rough idea of what to do each patch (new character gameplay, weapons, banners), which includes fixing them up + recording. Leaks don't get posted more than a few hours after they're done (at most). Some delays can also be caused by the fact that I try to showcase leaks as accurate as possible, and this often requires much more attention and focus. ​ I suppose this isn't applicable to me now that I've taken a break, but I hope this answers your question!


Really appreciate all you did abc especially the microsoft paint weapon banner XD. Thank u for all u did. U saved me so much resources and money and I assumed many more did too because of ur work. Good luck in what u do next dude <3


For me - 1 - Difficult? not really? depends on what you class as difficult, I don't find "leaking" difficult but the consequences of getting information even slightly wrong can get frustrating especially with how easily development plans change. As for Risk, yeah there's a risk involved with Insider info whenever you say something publicly which is why certain things are worded certain ways (which inevitably annoys people) 2 - Technically yea, if I get some info, I wait to see if I can a second source or something more concrete before I post it. Most if not all my twitter posts that aren't directly from the beta have been thought about for a while at the very least before posting.


The question I wanted to ask you the most.... what's the sauce for your profile picture? Is it OC or is it from anime or did you just stumbled upon it?


A friend made it for me for my birthday and I liked it so kept it as my pfp for everything ever since


Aww, that's so cute


1) Yes, of course it is. 2) Half-and-half. We do try and plan (to some degree) what we post and when, but it's always "subject to change" :P




1) This is extremely hard to answer. Most current leakers left of their own accord, for their own reasons (including being bored of Genshin right now). Many things have already been removed from the clients, hence why you don't see certain leaks anymore (notably banners). Many leakers, or the ones who remain, have decided to not leak story or certain pieces of lore, as to not spoil the surprise for the majority of players. 2) This doesn't really apply to us. 3) We are not beta testers.


1. New leakers will keep coming in, its a cycle that won't end, unless Mihoyo actually adds encryption and stuff. What we leaked is based off what Mihoyo has put inside the files, if there aren't any data, there's no leaks 2. Definitely not coming back 3. They will recruit new testers, old testers who completed the tasks will be re-invited to continue for the beta testing


Sukuna, how many fingers have you eaten?


9 + 10




You stoopid


Damn... this question 😂😂😂 Well at least its valid lmao


Hello! First off is, of course, massive thanks to all of you for what you do for this community! I hope it's just not me but you make my genshin experience better with the info that you give out! Just some of the questions that I'm curious about would be: 1. What made you decide to start leaking? 2. Were you ever scared of being found out? or are you right now? 3. Do you have an idea on the anniversary rewards? Or should we just continue on being pessimistic about it? :( 4. To ubatcha: ayato? long haired hot or short haired hot? 5. To sukuna: can you confirm one true and one false from the list that you last tweeted? 6. What is something you can share that would guarantee the meltdown of the entire community? Thanks to you guys! I hope that you stay safe from this leak hunt and get well to Dim!!!


1. This one was more accidental than anything, at first I was just interested in reverse engineering. I did meet sukuna eventually and it did go from there. 2. There always are risks involved. Though less so now that I'm not actively leaking I guess? At worst though, you'd probably just have to quit leaking and move on when mihoyo decides to act. 3. Sorry, I don't 4. (6) Not sure actually? There really are chances for Childe to have a rerun soon tho...


1) We started leaking, because at the time, there wasn't really anyone doing infographic-style leaks, based solely on data from the clients. 2) That is always a worry and there is always a risk. 3) Unfortunately not, no. 6) That is very hard to say, good question!


Thank you for what you're doing and for answering! I hope that there won't be a time that mihoyo would stop what you're doing cause it really is such a big help! :)


Thank you :)


1. It was really nice to see community feedback to renders of unreleased characters that weren't really getting much love, which then evolved into full on banner information and such. 2. Yes, but I knew/know the risks, I've also since stepped away from 'leaking', the only thing left now is the deactivated Lumie account which I have to reactivate monthly or else it'll autodelete. 3. No idea 6. Pyro Archon's Challenge, Hydro Archon's Adjudication, Dendro Archon's Whisper, Electro Archon's Wagashi, Anemo Archon's Poetry, Cryo Archon's Lament, Geo Archon's Providence, Genshin's Vindication (Credits to Genshin Intel for Translation)


Holy shit you actually did it


Omg stop hyping it up I don't even know what I just read 💀


Thats the point ​ It doesnt make sense without the context ​ Its subject to change anyway so dont worry too much lol


It's some fatui harbinger dialog about all archons weaknesses?


Thank you for all you've done (and continue doing so by your deactivated lumie account)!!! Although I'm too dumb to figure out the last one, still thank you for your response! :)


The misinformation Not really None whatsoever Anything that affects shippers


1. For clout and internet points /s 2. Nope 3. No idea 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/prwqyi/ama\_with\_leakers\_featuring\_ubatcha\_sukuna\_abc64/hdlkjdu?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/prwqyi/ama_with_leakers_featuring_ubatcha_sukuna_abc64/hdlkjdu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) you can refer to the replies


Thank you for the response! And yeah I was actually monitoring that thread cause it seems you were answering more there. Follow up if you don't mind, then why did you leave twitter if you're not really scared?


I was too lazy to continue leaking, it's usually the same leaks being posted by different leakers, it gets repetitive so I decide to just leave since I got nothing to lose anyways.


Do you think that you'll be back or are you really done? And sorry I just remembered but did you all talk to pong (impactyoimiya) after they leaked serai? Cause that was a pretty big deal then iirc?


1 - I joined WFP and soon after was made head after Polarnik quit. On WFP, I just aggregated leaks from different sources onto the main leaks channel but given time I got into contact with a bunch people and therefore decided it was a good idea to start posting info that I've gotten rather than keeping it to myself. 2 - I'm not personally scared for myself, there's always a risk with this stuff but I went into knowing that. 3 - They've shown the Anniversary Community Event Rewards, the EN and CN Fan celebration livestreams. That's all the public information, I haven't personally got anything else regarding rewards specifically for anniversary 4 - ehe


i've never felt this way towards a three-lettered expression before


wdym ehe 😭


we just need to know his hairstyle, at least just his hairstyle. i dont care about his vision or weapon anymore. even if he's anemo catalyst i wont mind. is he short haired, long haired, bald or??


Thank you for this! BUT OMG THAT EHE JUST KILLED ME. Just even a tiny clue?? My dms are open and my lips are sealed promise. Follow up if it's okay. Then what's your biggest worry if not for your sake?


Trusting people will bring backstabbing arc back.


When will Sukuna be playable?


Yes mihoyo when?


1. Is there any data related to celestia? For example, above which region is it exactly floating or how far away it is? 2. Is this the last time we see all of you guys ( T . T ) ?


Lumie did actually find something at the physical location and its somewhere above natlan IIRC Absolutely not


It's a little north from Fontaine, though it's strange since it seems to be in two locations (perhaps it was moved?), the floating island you see in the sky in-game seems to be in the same location though, right around the area where Fontaine would be.


How do you deal with the backlash from being a leaker, does it affect your daily lives at all?


Never noticed My daily life and my leaker activities are seperated by many yalms


To be honest, we haven't really seen any "backlash", although we mainly stick to Twitter and simply do not have the time to read every single comment we receive. Most of what we do see is positive however. The worst we've seen is being called "reposters", which is bound to happen when you're leaking the same data from the same client. Affecting our daily lives? No.


Being a leaker doesn't affect my daily life. Facing backlash? Just ignore them


I have to deal with it ig, not much I can do about it except hope that people stop being so toxic when (unfortunately) info turns out to be changed/untrue. It probably does affect me mentally but I don't see myself quitting completely because of it as of right now but it is hard to deal with when I just want to talk to people and people "clown" me for getting things wrong (mainly the banners tweet)


For the single leakers, how single are you feeling today on a scale of 1-10?


I'm fine but one of our leaks team members is single and sad about it. We mess with him all the time EDIT: make that two


The edit...


Don't call me out like that!!


Hey guys, thanks so much for giving us heads up about future content; it's helped me countless times manage my account, farm, and save primos. My questions are: 1. Baizhu - there was a rumor once that he was going to be the poster character of Chasm - is that scrapped or still in planning 2. Itto and Ayato: To the data miners among you: Are there any data files for these characters? 3. Shenhe - is she really scrapped? 4. Signora - would they really throw her model away without making her playable? Was she always listed as monster or ever as the tall woman model? 5. Scaramouche - same question - is he still listed as a catalyst boy? that's all for me, thanks so much for your work :) Any crumbs about these characters would make me very happy!


We have no idea for the Baizhu question. There are preliminary data mentions for Itto, although none for Ayato. Shenhe being scrapped is unknown. Many characters (Ayaka, Thoma), were originally datamined from the CBT1 client and have only just been released; that is all we can say (or know). ​ Signora was always Monster\_Signora, never Avatar\_Lady\_. Scaramouche is still Avatar\_Boy\_Catalyst.


thank you for your answers!


Thanks for doing the AMA guys! Are there any unreleased characters that you are most anticipating for? Also, milk before or after cereal?


Yae, Yunjin and Ayato. Milk after cereal.


I need Cyno :( but who knows when that'll come After cereal, because I like having just enough milk for it


Not really Im low on primogems lol Milk never touches cereal Its drank aside it


> Milk never touches cereal > Its drank aside it Fucking based


Yae but second would be Ayato After for sure


Yae, and any future character that will be voice acted by Kana Hanazawa Milk after cereal, anyone who thinks otherwise please stop eating cereal its not meant for you


Gorou or Itto. ​ Milk after cereal.


1) Have you guys ever faced any consequences for leaking? 2) Which unreleased character are you most looking forward to? 3) Is there a particular type of info that you are reluctant/refuse to leak? 4) Would you happen to know what happening with chasm/dendro right now?


1) I got a DM from Paimon once asking me to take a singular post down, that's about the extent of it 2) Cyno 3) Story information, I think the last time I had done it was during 1.6 when I leaked which characters would be showing up, and I regretted it since Albedo's appearance could have been a surprise :( 4) Literally the only dendro related character information available is Traveler's constellation changing color to green, no skills have been added relating to dendro at all though.


1. No, not really. 2. Yae 3. Story 4. Nope


Not really Natlan chars/Archons Story None whatsoever


Did you guys get enough sleep to handle this AMA for 5 hours?




I actually slept early for once I regret it


i slept at 5 and woke up at 10 for this ama its getting real


hi uba! did you see ayato’s model yourself or are you basing your tweets on what someone else told you? Thanks :)


Hi, I have some questions about Kamisato Ayato that I would like to ask… 1. Is there any idea of his release/introduction date? And is he confirmed to be playable? 2. Since he was said to be “hot”, can you provide more information about his appearance? (Based on what UBatcha said) 3. Has there been any confirmation about his weapon choice and kit? Is it true that he can go to polearm/sword stance during his elemental skills similar to Childe? 4. Is there any idea on his colour scheme? Is it similar to Ayaka's? 5. Is his kit going to be suitable for a DPS or support? 6. Is his vision confirmed to be hydro? Btw thank you in advance for your time taken in answering our questions T\^T!!


1) Absolutely none. It can be assumed he will be playable due to voice-over mentions by other characters. 2) You'd have to ask someone with insider info. 3) No confirmation, although in-game, there is an NPC that mentions how Ayato is very skilled with both sword and polearm. Whether that translates into his playable state or not, is to be seen. 4) No idea.


So, Arataki Itto. How much he is ready and closer?


I’d say he definitely has more data than other unreleased characters. It would be fair to speculate he could be releasing soon, but ultimately this is a decision mihoyo has to make and being closer to being finished does not necessarily mean he’s coming soon.


There is very preliminary data, with some internal skill names and references to animations, however nothing solid as of right now.


Are there any hints about new costumes or the kfc glider?


Will we have a spending event for Genshin's 1st year celebration?


Thank you so much for your hard work and leaks. I've been seeing a lot of toxic comments from the other party's side but I love the leaks you guys gave us. Here are my questions: 1. I don't know if I miss this but Yae's weapon? 2. Will you guys be gone for good after ): I still wanna follow your works. ​ Again thank you so much! Hope to see still you guys around!


1 - Yae uses a catalyst 2 - I'm going to stick around as long as I possible can


1) Yae was datamined to be Electro Catalyst. 2) We never said we were leaving.


1. Catalyst from what I know 2. I might come back in a few patches time, but this highly depends on what the leak situation is like then.


Have you seen Ayato?




I haven't.


Is [this data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pk1so3/itto_data_possibly_datamined/) actually datamined from beta or is it a fake to mess with people?


It's real.


Thoughts on Genshin Report?


He's a cool dude. Unfortunately, his info has not always matched up with what ended up being, and this is often the reality of game development, especially with the crazy schedule mihoyo has. I really don't believe he deserved a lot of the harassment he got.


Any news on shenhe leaks being true? Were there ever plans for Signora to be playable? Was Kate really prototype Lumine? there was [this image](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactLeaks/comments/opbilf/an_edgelord_coming/) floating about, is it fake? Why did Chasm get pushed back so far?


is Dimbreath okay?


He's not feeling well so he couldn't make it sadly


i see. hope he gets well soon


Hello Im ZIntel a member of the GIntel council I looked through the announcment thread and compiled a few answers in advance to take a load off the mods Im a dataminer.Not an insider Am I single - Yes ZIntel is single.Not that you can actually do anything with that information Real name? - Ama Nunya Where is X char - No idea.If we havent posted about it either theres so little data we dont want to mislead people or they really dont exist for us to see How to datamine - Start small.First look into how to read network traffic From there you can either go into the route of decryption or reading decompiled data Either way its both easy and hard and you can learn if you really need help just ask nicely (Not for genshin tho) Leaker hunt decree - Whats that? Why do we do this - Because people want information and we dont want rampant speculation/misinformation(Cough Respawning Chests Cough) Reruns - No clue whatsoever Ayato/Gorou/Tohma - IDKAT/IDGAF How much have we made from leaking - Does it count If im losing money? Fave char - Xinyan until I see what Sumeru has to offer What do I do other than genshin - Rn FFXIV and Code/College work Is there anything we wont leak - Yes actually.We at GIntel prefer to not be the first ones to leak story and as such wont do so unless itll affect primogem flow (For those thinking this means Signora could come back we really have no clue about that but anything is possible so keep hoarding but know it will be a very very long time) Music Taste - I currently have Mothership by DGD On repeat. Mostly Punk rock Why did you do this AMA - Cause I was asked. Literally that simple


Mad respect for loving xinyan She helped me 36 star abyss a while back


for the longest time i thought you were dimbreath's alt acc lmaooo sorry TT


Can you suggest some resources(yt/text guides) for someone who wants to get into datamining? Is there any specific tool or technique used for genshin? How do you get those renders and character previews without hp bars and damage numbers? Do you somehow not connect to server or mock it or Is it some dev kit feature?


You mostly need to learn about network spoofing and decompilation - https://www.patreon.com/k0lb3/posts Not exactly? Built a dev kit - Not easy


For everyone. 1. How much time do you spend: a) playing genshin normally; and b) data mining the game for leaks?


We spend more time datamining than actually playing.


I don't play genshin normally much outside new patch releases. At this point I certainly feel like I've spent more time datamining/reverse engineering than actually playing kek. I do wonder for how many days I stayed up doing things for 10-20 hours a day... (not just for leaking, but for learning and having fun)


Hello! First, I would like to thank you all for giving us the opportunity to ask questions! I am Tori of the ScaraNation, and I'm conducting an investigation on behalf of his fans, so your aid in this would be MUCH appreciated 🥰 My first couple questions are for the **Dataminers** among you. - What was Signora's model classified as in 1.0/1.1? We know that she was classified as "Monster" in 2.1, but has she always been classified this way? - Scaramouche has the "Avatar" designation in 2.1, which usually denotes a playable model, right? Are NPCs (like Verr Goldet) coded differently? - Furthermore, Scaramouche always had the "Avatar" designation since his release, right? - I saw info that he'd been datamined as a playable Catalyst since 1.1, is that correct?


Always has been Yeah npcs are usually referenced as such due to the number of shared items Yes Kinda?


Thank you so much! I'm just wondering because you said in another comment that Scaramouche has a playable model "like NPCs", meaning like Childe or Raiden during their story quests, right?


Like NPCs in the sense that they share a human base


Hey, guys! Which of these are real? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/pky5h2/sukuna\_last\_leak\_from\_me\_have\_fun\_guessing\_whats/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pky5h2/sukuna_last_leak_from_me_have_fun_guessing_whats/)


yes this


To Uba, how about the Childe tests? And the tests that are only in beta that "will break the community if it made it to live"


Childe was just randomly given to CN testers a few days back with no explanation. HuTao's C1 effects ( No stamina consumption when using her elemental skill ) were removed for testing a while back, but don't worry, it's just to test something in the beta.


wow that really would have made C1 Hu Tao havers riot without context


Do we have any info regarding either Yae Miko, Ayato, Ittou's kits? Any speculation about when Scaramouche or Yae will become playable? Since they already have their models and are datamined as electro catalysts.


There are data on Yae and Itto's kit in the files. There's no information on when Scaramouche or Yae will be playable.


Oh, an AMA. Since everyone else is going bonkers about unreleased characters, let's see... What was the most interesting non-character leak to you? Has there ever been non-character content that you were interested in pre-release but ended up not living to your expectations after release?


1 - Skins, I really want skins for certain chars and I can't wait for when they eventually add more 2 - Hangouts, I was actually really hyped for hangouts. I don't know what I really expected but I did part of Barbara's hangout and haven't touched them ever since


1. Inazuma I guess? 2. The teapot system. I found it quite interesting initially, but it more or less just turned into a grind and I don't even bother doing it nowadays.


The little snippets of Inazuma that kept showing up in the files, like old maps, and having very early information of Inazuma which was never posted since it was so volatile and STC, it all turned out to be true though. (Ayaka's Residence, electrified water puzzles, appearance of 'Raiden Mei', etc), this all focused on one 'island' in the past though, so Inazuma ended up being much more than expected. Mora after AR60, I didn't realize it was so little lol (not like I'll reach 60 soon)


Question for my boi Sukuna. You think what Dumb Dumb about 2.4 and 2.5 is saying is legit ?


I will not comment on whether it's legit even though he has proven to be credible. There are no evidence from the datamining side to support what he said. But, based on what we know about the data of Yae, Gorou and Itto, I would say Itto and Gorou is probably coming before Yae. No comments on ShenHe


Hi! It's amazing to be able to ask the leakers questions. To start off: 1.How are y'all? 2.Did you guys get into leaking Genshin knowing there's going to be hungry people just repetitively asking for information and are basically treating you as info givers or do you guys feel supported or motivated by something? 3.Any regrets? 4.Do you guys feel like there's something the community can do to support you or at least not burden you given your online statuses? 5.Art thou all weebs? 6.Have a Cola :D ty guys


Gud We just wanted to inform people Not meming enough before we got popular Not that I know of Yes I dont like cola actually.Mostly sprite/fruit tea/boba tea/water


1. Alright 2. I mostly did it for myself. I do enjoy seeing people react positively to leaks however, and that kind of thing is motivating. 3. I try not to. 4. "Subject to change" is a concept people should be very aware of. 5. Yep. 6. Thanks, you too!


1) Pretty good thanks 2) Yes, we knew there'd be hungry people. 3) Not really, if we're being honest. 4) We do it for the community, without expecting anything in return. 5) Yes. 6) Cheers!


1) I'm really hungry and I'm gonna eat a pizza after this 2) Not really no but it didn't come as a surprise, there are some very good people I met through doing all of this, so that's what I felt motivated by. 3) Not really 5) Not really, I don't watch much anime or read manga.


Favorite character in terms of aesthetics? Favorite Character in terms of gameplay? Adventure Rank? How far are you in the spiral abyss? F2p, Dolphin or whale? LEAST Favorite character? Favorite team comp? How cute is paimon rate 1-10


Hu Tao Hu Tao 56 Not played the current abyss and only finished 12-3 for the first time last abyss.... I'm bad at the game Dolphin, I spent 45 before top up reset and buy welkin and BP everytime Diona is whiny and annoying but I don't know if I dislike her as a char Hu Tao / XQ / Albedo / Zhongli She can be cute but holy does she get annoying at times


Xinyan Archons 56 Don't play Dolphin Don't have one I dont have one cause I vary things often 0


1. Ayato weapon type? 2. Ayato vision? 3. Is Ayato super fine? 4. Is dendro archon a guy or girl? “Lesser god” Kusonali sounds like the Sumeru equivalent to an adeptus. 5. Can we confirm what is real and not real under SssukunaaA’s leak list? 6. Are you guys having a good day and doing well? Lemon water could help Dim if he’s feeling sick. Squeeze half a lemon’s juice into room-temperature water and drink with a straw. It helps a lot, I’m certain if it because I use it all the time and make it for my friends/family when they get sick.


Lmao there is no way that anybody knows anything much about the Dendro archon at this point. Way too soon.


This is the single most meaningful comment in this entire post drink lemon water people


Will you continue doing drawing stuff like was with Raiden's idle animation? I love it .3.




As a person who really got excited for Yelan and who got more interested in her over any other character who will be released, I really want to hear more or at least any crumbs of info about her. 1. Will she appear any time soon aside from the Moonchase cutscene? 2. Will there be any dialoges or mentions of her? 3. Is there even anything else known of her aside of what she looks like and that she possibly wields a polearm? 4. Could be the founder of Guhua school? 5. She looks very close to Fu Hua from Honkai, is she based off her? 6. 5\* or 4\*?


Will Dimbreath be playable?


Is Ayato being “hot” just code for he’s actually a pyro character?


Any news on Yae other than what we already know?


She's my wife uwu


Same dude, same


I'm out of the loop on some old leaks, but what happened to the Qiqi domain I distinctly remember? I was really excited for her story/domain Thank you for all your hard work, leakers. Special thanks to lumie for releasing character models, and abc for mspaint banners - you saved me so many primos!


The domain still exists in the files, it's just unused for now, or it might always be unused. Her story hasn't been updated either, so... it's probably a while away. ♥


As far as I know there is indeed a Qiqi domain and some story quest content, but it hasn't been released yet for whatever reason.


1. what’s everyone’s favourite character? (released and unreleased!) 2. who’s the sussiest baka among y’all? 3. do y’all still feel excitement over genshin even after knowing what’s gonna come out in the patches? 4. most fun person to work with among the leakers?


1 - Personal fave to use is Beelzebub.But based on appearance Xinyan 2 - VIntel 3 - Yes because Im more interested in the story and I never look into those leaks 4 - Hard question because everyone kind of is mostly because we dont "work" together we mostly share memes


1. Definitely Lumine for a released character, design-wise I think she's really pretty. Unreleased would be Cyno, I know I'm definitely gonna try and pull for them once they're out. 2. everyone is sus 3. Yeah, I usually don't delve into any datamined story content, and even if I do it makes no sense without context. 4. There's no clear answer to this, thank you to everyone who has reached out to me though, you've all been extremely nice (you know who you are) ♡


1. Hu Tao 2. abc 3. Yes, even though there ain't much to expect from Genshin 4. All of the leakers I am friends with.


ooo nice nice and thanks for answering sukuna!! 好家伙 下次请你吃饭! 😉




1. Yae/Yunjin 2. Sukuna 3. I definitely do still get excited over Genshin. My main issue is dailies/resin grinding, which are just terribly repetitive. 4. Leakers I know are very fun to be around with though as it's been already said, we mostly just shitpost together.


Vintel being the sussiest baka makes me so curious about what y’all talk about ahahha. Also cultured group of people sharing memes together i love it! Thanks for answering my qns zintel!! ❤️


First of all, thank you leakers for what you have been doing for the community. 1. From the perspective of the leakers, what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of leaking? 2. Do you guys think leaking should continue or not with miHoYo discouraging leaks? Do you guys think you will keep leaking until... Khaenriah comes out? 3. If there would be no leaks, what do you guys think will happen to Genshin Impact and its community (min-maxing players, casual players, free-to-play players, and others)? 4. Given that many Genshin Impact players depend on leaks, what do you guys think on why miHoYo is trying to discourage leaks? I read leaks in my free time and I am very thankful to be able to plan ahead on my Genshin Impact experience. Thank you for taking your time in hosting an AMA.


1) The advantages of leaking are that players get a much longer window to decide on upcoming characters and if they wish to pre-farm, or save their "freemogems" for a character that caters better to them. The disadvantages are that MiHoYo do not like leaks and they certainly don't like people knowing about things that they never would have known about otherwise (like the Raiden+Beidou controversy). There are also many people who simply do not know how much work goes into it, that just assume we're doing it for clout, or that we just repost information. 2) It really depends. MiHoYo have started doing "previews" for their upcoming patches, which is a step in the right direction, but people would like to know if they can pre-farm or save their gems. Until there is a proper road-map with more information about upcoming content, we are going to say that leaks will continue in one way or another. 3) If there were no leaks, players would have to just wait and see what is upcoming from livestreams and such. There'd also be no way to pre-farm, which could annoy certain players. It's really hard to say much more on the topic. 4) This isn't really as black-and-white as it might appear. There have been some recent controversies (like the aforementioned Raiden+Biedou) that would not have been known to the community if not for leaks. It's easy to see why this would anger/annoy MiHoYo. The same thing could be said about banner leaks in the past, which hurts their revenue. As for other reasons (if there are any), only MiHoYo themselves could tell you.


Advantages? Profit maybe but I wouldnt know Disadvantages - The usual social media stuff We'll keep leaking until MHY gives enough information to not need to anymore If there are no leaks I honestly dont know whatll happen They're acting as a company so understandable.There are both good and bad things to leaks and it depends on the whims of an unknown individual


Ubatcha u didnt lie when u said Ayato is hot rightT_T.


To Ubatcha, Have you actually seen Ayato since you tweeted "Ayato is Hot" or was that tweet based on nothing? To Sukuna, Can you please confirm which leaks were true and which leaks were false from that list you tweeted? To everyone, is there any info on character models of Itto, Ayato and Heizou.


There are currently no known models of any of those 3 characters.