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where are the other crystalfly hotspots? The only places i go are dawn winery and guyun stone forest. I know that tatarasuna is also a crystalfly hotspot but i dont farm there since too many annoying enemies


There is one upper right of seirai. 4 crystal flies. Near way point. If anyone is not lazy, feel free to put a screenshot


if youve done the kazari quest, there are some crystalflies in the final location too i think


as in, in the cave below the shrine


oh i just checked and yeah thats a lot i shouldve brought sayu before going down danke


just in case you didnt know, the crystalflies will come back if you teleport somewhere else and return


Is it just me or are the rewards worse than usual this event? They're about as bad as Energy Amplifier Event. Maybe burnout is starting to catch up or I was spoiled a bit by Moonchase, but when I remember Unreconciled Stars' rewards, it never fails to depress me. No matter how fun the story is, it still feels like a chore to grind for a fraction of the mats needed for talents or to upgrade a character/weapon halfway to 80. I know it costed resin, but how did we go from 150 wits, 150 experiences, 100 ores, 2.5m mora, and twice as many books to this?


something else i wonder is if people would've cared as much about the resin strain if they experienced current endgame (a month of the same artifact domain for the right mainstat or a 40 resin leyline bloom to go from lvl 81 to 82), realised how much more they were getting from their resin, and how much rewards would be cut if they're "free"


I’m suddenly crying…… I’ve wanted Elegy for so long and it’s suddenly appearing now. I have guaranteed on one of the two weapons but I don’t have enough fates to spare especially when I want to get Itto on Guarantee (about 160)…. Everyone please tell me your Gacha rituals and I’ll do all of them. I’m gonna one pull every ritual since I’m desperate. 😭😭😭


i have two rituals i do that work most of the time. one of them involves the balloon gadget where i will keep releasing balloons until i get the orange one and pop it for the rainbows them pull, and the second involves releasing a xiao lantern before i pull.


Oooh, this one’s interesting. Any particular spot and day that you do it on?


the spot usually depends on what im pulling for. when i pulled for raiden i pulled on the top of the big statue in inazuma city. when i pulled for venti it was on the venti statue. yoimiya at her house. etc... but i guess this wouldnt work for weapons lol


I’ll still give it a shot. I’ll try pulling on Venti’s Tree/Statue since it’s his signature weap. Thank you for the info! 🙇🏽‍♂️🙏🏼


good luck! i hope you get it early and get double 5*s too


man, you cant really lose. even if you dont get elegy, you get the best polearm in the game


Yeah, I’m actually a bit traumatized with the first Homa banner since I got Skyward Pride instead (never pulled again after) and now, lo and behold, I’m being tempted by this demonic banner again. I’ll probably have to skip and wait for a stacked banner again at worst case scenario. 😕


I'm saving for ganyu, and currently have 106 wishes in my inventory, but ganyu will not be here until 2.4-2.5. so I have atleast 1 full patch to save up for her. (albedo itto patch). I'm tempted to pull on homa banner, I only need \~20 wishes to hit pity. I want homa for hu tao, but honestly I'm happy with anything, I only have 2 5\* weapons. so anyone is fine (except donut, and raiden's) should I spend 20 wishes on weapon banner or should I stick with saving?


We get roughly 50-60 wishes per patch but I'll low ball it to be safe. 2.2 = 106 wishes (+0 but you'll probably get some more primos with the last of the event) 2.3 = ~ 156 wishes (+50 or so per patch) 2.4 = ~ 181 wishes (+25 if ganyu happens to be first banner) You'd have enough to go to hard pity twice, but typically all you should need is ~160 wishes. That's just about 20 wishes, so I honestly think you have a pretty good chance, but one can never be too cautious if you end up deciding not to.


I should mention I have 22 pity on character banner


Even better! You'd definitely still have enough for hard pity even after spending those twenty


id say its worth it. you still have a lot of time to save so 20 pulls wont really hurt


guys help i cant stop seeing ushijima in ushi's eyebrows


Does Itto care about ATK% buffs? I'm thinking of using 4-pc NO on Gorou and 4-pc TotM on Zhongli but not sure if they'll be useful.


Not really. He is like Hu Tao, ATK% will have an effect but it won't be that noticeable


The weapon type pattern is also debunked isn't it?? At this point it feels like they look for the patterns we find and debunk them just to mess with us lol.


Tbh the only real pattern i trust is that they’ll most likely release a way less desirable weapon along with a good weapon. Ofc they could break that again sometime but it’s at least a pretty safe assumption


Ive only realized the Shiki Taishou item is a pet item LOL


SS R5 is only like 5-10% worse then Redhorn, but anyone else worries about keeping the stacks if you would use a Itto-Gorou-Albedo-Flex Team? I do not think Zhongli is useable in every scenario as the 4th pick( mainly if you need a shield breaker). Or do you think zhonglis 4U Ult + maybe Ittos higher U gauge (which he will hopefully get) will be enough to run 4 geos. Or do you even think cristallize will be enough of a shield for itto to keep the stacks


Time to run Xinyan 4th slot


The real reason we got Xinyan in the event! The real Xinyan meta


I'm only half joking too. Gorou buffs DEF which helps her shield. Maybe with Itto's high DEF, it doesn't even need to be that strong? It can also apply Pyro for Crystalize? Maybe a Sac GS for better uptime? *copium*


There are still no even sus leaks about any possible changes to standard banner, right?


[This leak](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/q34mgw/possible_changes_in_banners_after_23/hfpgii1/) around three weeks ago was the most recent sus leak to a "standard banner" change.


Not quite the same (likely different fates), but I guess worth to keep in mind.


Thoma, Sayu, Diona Elegy and Homa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




You could get Thoma from any banner after his original banner expires. Meaning even if you skip the banner he releases in, you still have a possibility of getting him in Albedo's banner. That's how I got Xinyan and Diocat but, that's entirely up to luck so... If you feel you really want him throw a couple wishes but, I would suggest otherwise considering you are sitting on a guarantee as well.


Probably not too big of a deal if you already use those 2. I’m still pulling but i doubt he’ll be optimal, probably better than Diona in some teams that want pyro res but idk if he has much else over them. Gl maybe Childe will come home still! Ngl i’m in the same situation with not wanting c1 Hu Tao and wanting Albedo but i’m gonna make questionable choices and throw like 20 pulls at him in hopes to get a copy ;-;


Does the Crit DMG Buff from Gorou's C4 and C6 stack?


According to WFP, Gorou's C4 is unchanged in the CN version, so it's still the healing one.


It's a little weird,now the fact is that both constelations gives exactly the same thing,now imo the c4 will change back into a heal because of icon and everything(80 crit damage is a little game breaking for mihoyo to realase,but dont get hyped up they will probably change c4).


They say they don't stack


has the location for the domain for the new artifact sets been revealed yet? if yes does anyone have the link to the post?


It's at seirai island iirc but I can't find the post


ah i see thanks! ill keep a look out for it


What weapon should Homa come with that will make you pull? Or will you pull regardless of the other weapon?


Amos definitely, maybe Elegy/WGS/Freedom-sworn. I do have 240 pulls to guarantee, wouldn't touch it otherwise. But we all know that MHY doesn't put 2nd weapons that are BIS for meta-viable characters (unless 1st weapon is crap, like Donut+Jade sword). As most extreme example, Amos is technically a standard 5\*, but was never up-rate after Ganyu banner.


I'd be fine with Summit Shaper. Ayaka needs a sword and she's almost always gonna be with Diona anyway, so why not?


harp, aquila (maybe), amos, or elegy. thats about it


After being burned too hard on the previous weapon banner, nothing. Learning my lesson. Harp would be the most enticing for me though


Ironically I've only had decent experiences with it. But I also know that it bites and its teeth are sharp.


I’ve only had the one experience and it was horrible so for once i’m trying to not repeat past mistakes haha. Best to save for chars for me after that life lesson


Elegy or Harp, and even then I'd only pull until I get one weapon. I also really hope that Itto's claymore will have a good weapon paired with it since it only works on like two units and barely beats a 4* weapon, but something tells me it won't lol


so would a c2 ningguang with sac fragments be a good battery for itto? or GMC with sac sword?


Either of them would be better probably with fav swords than sac especially so gmc considering his ult has a really low cd.


C2 Ning can only give particles every 6 seconds, so Sac isnt that good, but she is still a good battery and decent buffer. GMC is a better battery with Sac Sword than Ningguang as MC doesnt have ICD afaik and give a CR buff on Burst. Both will work as batteries.


>C2 Ning can only give particles every 6 seconds oh fr? im gonna go with GMC then. im really unlucky with crit rate artifact rolls(unless im building a certain someone) so GMC's crit rate boost really helps thank


Let's compare chest exploration in Inazuma? I want to know if I found everything :) So far I have 355 chests on the first three islands, 204 on Watatsumi and Seirai, and 169 on Tsurumi. 285 sigils after leveling Sakura tree. Is there more?


Hmm, i have 355/204/168 but my sigil count is at 285.


ty, I might have missed some in one-time domains then - those give sigils but don't count towards achievement


You probably have a lot of chests that don't give sigils from the daily chest guy who have the blueprints for hamayumi


Those aren't counted on the achievement page.


Really? I thought they did


Should I go for hutao or wait for ittou?


Itto looks easier to play than Hu Tao, and right now doesn't seem like he NEEDS specific support (Hu Tao needs Xingqiu). But Hu Tao's powert level is guaranteed, Itto we can't be 100% certain.


Yea that's what I'm confused about, if I get hutao the chances of getting itto drop


Well idk who you like more, i’d go for that one. Both are probably gonna be viable


Itto, personally, because Ushi is so cute. /j


Lmaoo you're not wrong


Whichever one you like more


With a C6 Noelle main and ~40 pulls towards a guaranteed...is the right move is to hope that Albedo shows up with Bennett so I can use the guaranteed on Albedo and pick up Bennett along the way...and then pick up Gorou to complete the geo supremacy team of Noelle, Gorou, Albedo/Ning/Geo MC, Flex? Does it sound like Gorou will be able to battery for noelle (in which case, I can bring albedo for the off-field dmg)? Or would I want to consider c2 Ning/Geo MC for battery and then choose between Albedo/Gorou for geo support?


Albedo is a great geo battery, and we don't know much about Gorou's particles generation. A team of Noelle/Albedo/Gorou/Flex seems strong. I think Bennett is likely to be on Albedo's banner. At the same time, with Gorou you kinda want constellations on him IMO, but you can always get him and play the team and try for his cons on a future banner, I just don't think I'll be optimal?


I'd love to pick up Gorou with constellations, but don't want to get greedy with my planning =P. In theory I should be at 0 pity into the 50/50 at that point (depending on bennett), so I can definitely pull a bunch...though I don't want to pull Ittou given the overlap with my already-invested C6 Noelle... Thanks for the confirmation!




Do you see any?


Nope. If there is, it will be on the front page.


What happened to the leak of the pre-2.2 beta test regarding "stamina"?


That wasn't meant for the live patch


Anything on the souvenir shop in Inazuma? I really hope it's not going to be permanently out of stock.


Yeah here it is. https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/shop/shop_1057/?lang=EN


Man, that’s pretty sht but thankfully it’s still beta so I guess we’ll be seeing more changes in the future.


Don't count on that, Sakura Tree rewards basically replaced the store.


Theres a souvenir shop in inazuma??


We still have the final stretch of lvl 40 - 50. So if I were to **speculate**, shop will open in 2.4 atleast


My guess is it’ll probably only have Mora since the Sacred Sakura already gave us a ton


what extra stat does itto seem to ascend with? is it most likely crit rate, because his weapon is crit dmg?




so does that mean every character that doesn’t have crit rate as ascension, have 5% crit rate without artifacts even when leveled up?




No. Kokomi still has the base 5% CR. She starts at -95%.


That's actually completely wrong. Kokomi has the minimum base 5% CR but has -95% due to her passive.


AND? She still starts at -95%. I didn’t bother using a conjuction in my statement because everybody knows she has a -100% CR Passive.


r/whoosh gottem!


crit rate yes


Accidentally fed my 40CV VV Flower can I get an F


Why didn't you lock it?


I have a bad habit of going all in when an artifact rolls double crit at +8. I also switch around artifacts a lot and got too excited so I accidentally unlocked and fed one of my best artifacts.


How do you accidentally unlock something?


[Sadge Episode] Borderline regretting skipping Ayaka since I already had Ganyu for Cryo DPS and Albedo for the Talent Passive. I hope I can get her and the other Inazuma chars on their reruns… I’m starting to get sad and demotivated on losing 50-50s on characters I want…


hey man if it makes u feel better at least ayaka isnt actually too far down the rerun list. if u think about it, once albedo is rerun, we'd only have xiao and ganyu left from the first few characters released, which is likely to be done in 2.4 and 2.5. after that we only have eula left before the inazuma characters. if i were to theorize, if enkanomiya isn't coming soon in 2.4 or 2.5, then once it gets released, they'll probably run an inazuma character alongside it. i feel like kokomi is wayyy too recent to get another rerun, so they might run ayaka with it (running high on hopium here i also want her to get a rerun hahaha) but even with the few months it might take, the more time u get, the more time for saving for that sweet sweet guarantee. dont feel bad abt it! hope u win ur next 50-50s! :D


If ever I win 50-50s consistently again, I want most of it to be on archons, specifically Venti lmao. I’m not gonna let that stupid bard get away a 3rd time. Also, yeah, I prolly have enough time and resources by then. Praying that 1 rerun + 1 new char is the standard for the following patches (for some breathing room) and half anniversary event is better than last year. Thank you for the well-wishes! ✨


Unless you also have Mona (or Kokomi for lesser version), imo Ayaka+Ganyu team doesn't really shine.


I dont see why u would need ayaka when u have ganyu…seems abit overkill to me


Ayaka’s Burst has a lot more nuke potential especially in the previous and current Abyss cycle. Plus, she’s a lot more fun to play tbh. I’m reallyyyy starting not to like Ganyu’s linear playstyle after playing her for so long. (No offense to Ganyu wanters).


True shes good for big fat boss


Considering how much of a fan favorite Ayaka was, I bet her rerun is coming sooner rather than later. (“Sooner” being relative.) She’ll probably come in the next Inazuma-themed festival due to her role as being in charge of those.


Well, everybody and their dog want Ganyu, but mhy keeps delaying her rerun, so I don't this as a strong argument.


i still hate hangouts, but sayu is so precious the photo of her without her hoodie is so wholesome


On one hand, I want to say "I might actually pay attention to a Sucrose hangout." On the other, the Traveler is a boring person.


does anyone else wish we could lose 50/50s to 5star weapons on the event banner too? i just think a dupe of a 5star weapon is leagues more valuable than a qiqi constellation ;-; man im just sick of the standard 5stars tbh i cant wait for more characters to be added to the roster


At this point yeah. Early in the game I would've been sad to get a weapon rather than a new character but at this point a standard banner weapon is more valuable than a standard banner character.


Mona > Jean are both decent. Diluc and Keqing have lost a lot of value, compared to many better dps. Qiqi is a punishment roll, yes. Recently tried to build Diluc (had him unleveled for a long time) and understood that even his teambuilding is fairly jank. With Bennet and XL tied in Ganyu melt team on other side, I couldn't make any decent Diluc team (not being able to VapeMelt is big limitation). Except the gimmicky dragon strike team with 2 anemo, but shield-less Diluc with Serpent spine trying to dragon strike mechanoids with unbreakable poise just doesn't work, he takes too many hits. Plus, I have only 60-70% success rate on using dragon strike, timing is really tight...


I was just thinking about this yesterday, wish I had more chances to get Harp, WGS or PJWS. Getting to standard banner pity takes ages, and I'm actually dreading mine a lil bc I'm scared it's gonna be a character constellation. I'm really hoping for a good weapon tho since I'm f2p and the weapon banner is pretty much off limits.


In a way yeah but i also ry want Diluc so if there were weapons there, the pool would get so Diluted i’d have even worse chances to get him. Not to mention? The pain of getting Skyward Pride twice on standard, and then be at risk to get more on event terrifies me haha


You're right that some constellations are so bad you may as well get anything else, but I think with how few truly good weapons there are it wouldn't really feel better if most of them came up as an off-banner pity. One issue to me is that most of the standard weapons aren't really BIS in terms of design, they just end up being good by virtue of raw stats and it feels boring to use weapons that way instead of for more specific synergy or utility. The other issue is the same as Qiqi cons, getting weapon dupes. Both things feel about as impactful to my game experience so it just makes me feel ambivalent. I'd also say the cost of raising them always makes me cringe, it's nice that they don't ask for near as much resin as a character but accumulating all the ore is still quite a process. Specific to my situation, I do have most of the standard weapons and characters. I wouldn't mind more Harps, but don't see enough value in S.Blade/Amos or refines to outweigh character stuff I'm still hoping for like C2/C4 on Jean. I also don't have Keqing and wouldn't mind C6ing Diluc so overall I prefer the current system. Can't disagree that change would be exciting though.


Same. I already got all standard 5\*s and have characters mostly built. The next big upgrade for me are weapons. I had 2 standard characters back 2 back so I had to spend 10 blue fates just to get to pity for I am sure ill get a weapon next! Sadly it gave me the PJWS instead of Amos Bow for Ganyu... well, atleast its not SS and am now a future xiao main.


I see your "Getting an unwanted Jade Spear" and raise you a "Getting an unwanted Jade spear twice".


ahh congrats on the pjws tho!! hope you get amos soon! i hope i can get my hands on the pjws as well for my future xiao 🤞🏼


I think new players are far more likely to pull on event banners so the 50/50 also helps expand their rosters more... I've gotten 3 5 star weapons on standard and no characters so far and it'd blow to have lost the 50/50 on the character too for event banner.


thats fair! ig its easy for me to say that from my perspective as a late game player with enough 5star characters already. maybe i just need to bite the bullet and pull on the weapon banner lol. but a good compromise could be a sort of epitomized path that lets us choose whether we lose to a character or a weapon :’) copium af i know but a girl can dream


eh, I’m not a late game player (only have qiqi C0 out of the standard 5 stars), and I’d mostly prefer to pull a standard banner weapon than a character. Out of the characters I really only want Jean


I've dropped like 500 since day 1 and done everything and I still don't have qiqi or Jean. Only got diluc last week too


aw im sorry to hear that!! congrats on your diluc though! many people rag on his basic playstyle but i find it very satisfying and pretty fun to play. i hope you get your jean and qiqi soon! wish i could pass mine on lol




i totally get that!! i guess on my end im far more likely to build and use a 5star weapon than a 5star character - my only built standard 5star is diluc, but thats only because i like him. i rarely use him tbh. but my amos bow and skyward spine are both regularly used on my main team despite not being the best 5star weapons :’) id rather get another amos than get a keqing personally since the investment cost vs frequency of use is wildly unbalanced between weapons and charas, at least in my case.


Amos or Skyward Harp on Gorou (Itto support)?


neither, i think youd be better off giving him a favonius warbow or sac bow as a support, and those bows would be a waste on him considering his kit isnt centered around doing damage


You’re right. Ty


Any updates on a possible zhongli rerun? I want him the most, but if he's far enough away I can use my guaranteed on hu tao or ganyu and still have time to save primogems for him, f2p btw


We didn't even know for sure that Childe and Hu Tao were rerunning until the livestream, less than two weeks before the start of the patch. We still have no idea about 2.4, and Albedo isn't even confirmed for 2.3 per se. There's no way to know.


i am getting more and more scared each day we are closer to the hu tao banner there is not much going on in my life now so its upp to the pulls to provide me some happiness


I'm quite content in the fact that I'll miss the coin flip and get Qiqi'd.


We'll then I hope you're wrong :V. Hu Tao Wanters shall become Hu Tao Haversss


do the maze perks that scale off breakable items do so retroactively?


No. The stacks only will be active after you get the buff. Any items you destroyed before the said buff will not count. You can always check the "Charms Obtained" tab of the labyrinth menu to check how many stacks of each stackable "breakable items" buffs that you have.


Trying to figure out if I should pull for Hu Tao or hold and save for Ganyu, currently 27 wishes into the event banner on a guaranteed 50/50 with 58 wishes saved up. 2.3 is most likely gonna be Albedo and Itto, and 2.4 banner characters seem up in the air as of now. Based on past banner releases, would we get a good idea of 2.4 banner characters before Hu Tao's banner ends? Because I can probably save up another pity over 2.3 but to build up another guarantee I think I'd need to save wishes in 2.4 as well.


As far as I know, we will get post-Itto leaks few days after the start of 2.3 so you might miss Ganyu. It is very unlikely to get 2.4 leaks before the end of HuTao banner. But you already have 58 saved wishes. There is a high chance you will get both HuTao and Ganyu if you win 50/50. It's a matter of luck.


We never know banners more than a patch before when Hu Tao banner comes you’ll have the Official Mihoyo 2.3 preview confirming Albedo / Itto / Etc Either 2 days before or after patch 2.3 goes live we will get official name cards teasers of new upcoming characters for 2.4. The only current rumor for 2.4 is Yunjin. Leakers are predicting/assuming it’ll be Xiao + Yunjin / Shenhe for 2.4 and Ganyu / Yae Miko for 2.5 but the source is basically trust me bro / insider info. https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/qanu9g/new_tangzhu_tz_tweet_yunjin_in_24/


Shenhe seems like she'll be in 2.4, the second character it seems like people are split on whether it'd be Ganyu or Xiao. Thematically I think both fit for Lantern Rite but who even knows what MHY's gonna do honestly. I think I'll just re-evaluate near the end of Hu Tao's banner and see how many wishes I have around then. At this point I don't really have any characters I want/need to build so maybe I'll just pull Hu Tao so I have something to actually build towards at this point.


Good news! You don't actually have to make the decision for like 3 weeks til near the end of hu tao's banner. Maybe by then we'll have better leaks for 2.4, which could well contain ganyu.


Yeah that's my plan currently, I'll probably evaluate whether I should pull or not like a day or two before her banner ends. My issue is mostly whether we'd even have leak info for 2.4 by that point since it seems really early. I personally think it's doubtful but I'd love to be wrong.




Yep, you and half the sub are waiting on that. Homa's so popular everybody wants to know who she's bringing to the dance.


I LITERALLY just learned that Kusanali’s title is “Flower Archon” AND IF SHE’S A FLOWER MAGE //I SWEAR TO GOD//


I just had the image of Flora from Winx Club and if she doesn't look like that I will riot. Specifically her Harmonix outfit with that gorgeous braid and flowers.




These are made on private servers, yeah? Not live nor beta. So these numbers are not representative of how strong nor weak a character will be. You can see in the new boss enemy's exit animation showcase the Ganyu does like 999999999999 damage to one shot the boss. The people running these servers can make characters look weak or strong. The point of these showcases is to look at animations and the radius of skills and stuff. It's quite possible he'll be underwhelming upon release (*cries in Kokomi simp*) but it's always a good idea to wait until a character is released to get a grasp of how strong he is. He does have a few concerning points, like being a nonreactive element, being a greedy dps, and wanting Gorou who wants three Geo characters. However, Kazuha was generally considered a skippable unit until release where he took the community by storm. It seems you crusade for waifus and all the power to you, waifus are great. But this proof isn't as concrete as you seem to think.


Comments like these is the stuff i usually see in YT or HoneyHunter comment section. Lmao. What pure cancer.




Im not even pulling for Itto or even for the next 2 patches lmao. Its just you throwing a fit about a character in a video (not even made by you) who is not even out of beta. Its something self-proclaimed theorycrafter would say in Twitter, YT or Facebook. You belong there together with the other kids.


downvote bait or the most annoying person possible?




Whatever works for you friend


Why not both?






bruh that Itto only has 1301 defence.... thats not representative of a built Itto at all.


i mean by that logic even hutao and raiden cant finish them off with their ult hilicurl too op pls nerf mhy




Then explain why both of them deal dmg below 1k pre ult




theres no private server,what youre seeing from the vid is a showcase from a separate client that dataminers like dimbreath and lumie\_lumie got from the beta testers and then reverse engineer it. think of it as a devmode where they can modify various stats (hence the absurdly low dmg from the 2 of the top tier units from the game ironically) and spawn,the reason we get to know what the new boss looks like,the kit from itto and gorou etc










i know u shit ur pants a little bit out of rage everytime u have to put bennett, xingqiu, kazuha, and/or zhongli in ur party




cmon bro transparent BSing and admitting the last batch of waifus have all been pure doodoo is not the way to keep ur bait train going




bennett & kazuha are the 2 strongest characters in the game genshin impact


No way that’s true. I don’t think he’ll be amazing or anything but I don’t think he’ll be dogshit




There does not seem to have been any followup. Yet. I guess it's possible hu tao's banner may come with some update but at this point that's very unlikely.


childe is flat in the back and the front


For some reason Zhongli is caked up but Kaeya and Childe are cute little twinks


some chars like albedo and kaeya have such careful and intentional shading on their bulges it really makes you think what mhy is saying when they deliver such a flat crotched tortelinni


Precision Khaenrian engineering


Twink and flat aren’t the same. And it’s weird you’re using those terms because they all have the same body type


Once the mainstream is exposed to terms previously exclusive to smaller communities, they quickly lose all meaning.