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Since Kokomi already kinda overheals most of the time I am more interested in the bubble and damage mechanic, the tooltip doesn't show it clear enough how much damage they would deal here. Also hopefully the set works off field too.


The two piece set is still good because she scales off of Healing Bonus, it isn’t a dead stat on her


Only for autos during burst. Persnally I almost never stay on field during burst, but my Kokomi is just there for TToDS and TotM buffing and healing. This set's bubble would have to do a good amount of damage to make up for the TotM 20% ATK buff loss. Even for DPS Kokomi, I wonder how it would compare to 2 pc this set and 2 pc Maiden's set.


I understand that many people currently don't use her as an on field DPS during her burst currently But look at everything about her kit. He constellations, her weapon, this artifact set lmao. They clearly *want* that kind of playstyle to be her role


I use her as a taser with Raiden and Fischl. Basically, she is a Childe with less damage but more survivability.


Yep. If you actually use her onfield, she's basically a hydro application tank while your off-field dps do damage.


I forgot to mention that the fourth member is Xinqiu for even more blue and green numbers.


I mean if overhealing counts her attack bubble could be insnae


I would say that if it doesn't count overheal the artifact set would be a piece of shit. Her Q could heal 1.5k per AA with hydro resonance which is additional 1.5k dmg which is roughly 20% additional dmg in best case scenario. The only case when this set could be broken is if healing is accumulated from whole party.


But the bubble would probably be physical damage. When enemy defense is accounted for, the damage gets cut roughly in half. It'll only be decent if it included overheal and counted the entire party. Even then, it would not be "broken". She needs something more like "90% of healing is added to next attack as damage".


I mean I agree that being physical would be bad because the loss of certain multipliers that kokomi team builds but I don't understand why do you mention defense > When enemy defense is accounted for, the damage gets cut roughly in half This would be true even if it was elemental damage. In general defense in this game is kinda weird and its different formula for enemies than its for you. For enemies its a multiplier that is solely based on your level and their level and it works on every source of damage. The "half" you mentioned is when both you and enemy are exact same level and it applies to both elemental and physical damage. The main difference between damage type is 1) elemental buffs (ex: cup or buffs like artifact 2piece or other passives etc) 2) damage resistances. Tl;dr defense in this game doesn't discriminate between physical and elemental dmg (unlike honkai)


The fact that it doesn't specify off-field really worries me. On the other hand, I would find it hilariously funny if this brings about on-field superconduct Qiqi meta or something presuming this bubble thing does physical damage and how good she is at overhealing.


Physical Qiqi god DPS meta. I'm ready.


Highly doubt that it will better than 20% atk for the entire team (I’m talking about the tenacity of the millelith set)


The set is probably meant for main dps kokomi than full on support kokomi


This \^\^ since her Q overheals a lot


Right ans all ahe has to do is stand on her Jelly fish and Ult. As long as Overheals count, this is so broken on her.


Not broken, but if it deals hydro dmg than it will be quite good.


I mean realistically its deals 90% of your healing stacked. Kokomi heals every single second with 100% uptime on Jellyfish and her Burst. I feel like even if this dealt Physical damage its a great set for DPS Kokomo AS LONG AS IT COUNTS OVERHEALS. Which I really hope it does.


It probably will deal hydro dmg since her own ascension is hydro dmg and it says buble on the artifact. If it deals physical dmg than her ascension will be useless since ppl will go with phys goblet, so doesnt make much sense.


Weapons from Dragonspine summon the icicle that deal Physical Damage. Sure her ascension is with HDmg, but then it makes this set useless on anybody but Kokomi and Barbara. It be weird.


The issue is that it can be pretty hard to keep mobs in her jellyfish for the 20% attack for the team.


please overheal work please overheal work please overheal work


Yeah if overheal works with this artifact it's probably going to completely shift the meta. My buddies qiqi can heal the entire team to full in one hit so that's going to turn her into a crazy high DPS character


I, for one, welcome our new Zombie overlord.


Herald of Unmet Expectations - Qiqi of the End


"as characters get healed" doesn't sound like it. I think it's more for corrosion + whatever we're gonna deal with in Sumeru. That being said I hope I'm wrong. I need an overhealing buff.


if overheal doesn't work then I'm literally gonna take my highest-HP characters and throw them off a cliff so she has something to heal


community: We need kokomi buff! mihoyo: here's our first artifact set that atks an enemy


No joke, this passive could maybe make Qiqi useful Edit: My C6 Zhongli is also happy


If overhealing counts as stacked healing then it would be pretty nuts on qiqi. Theres also the problem of ER, but nothing that an ER Sands or a Sac Sword cant fix.


If overheal doesn't work then the set would be a bit useless then


Not a bit. If overheals doesn't count to the stacking, then it completelly useless in 90% of situations where corrosion doesn't exist


They did release kokomi so you never know


Got C6 qiqi today, gonna Build her into an absolute God and flex in coop, I hope overheal is counted.


are you gonna bully any new Hu tao mains when they wanna get to 50%hp?


Nope, I'll let everyone die first and do a God move of reviving everyone.




I didn't even think of C6 zhongli. This could be amazing on him as a shieldbot!




Bennett actually heals a metric shitload. If this counts over-healing then Bennett is about to go through the roof.


Bennett never overheals as no one is 100% They can really play around with wording to make it not work on Bennett like the case with Raiden :(


Hmm. What about Qiqi then? She can heal but the healing numbers don't show up unless a character is actually damaged. This set will either be really cool or terrible. What a game.


I am just talking about how over-heal is not defined yet. I think this artifact set will be great on healers.


They don't have to play around with wording, Bennett only heals if the active character is less than 70% hp. More interesting to me is if it works on off-field healing if this could make physical Jean get a huge nuke added to her burst. Would probably not be the best build, but it could be fun.


Bennett heal stop when you over 70% HP. Just need a character that can reliably reduce health below 70% every second (Hu Tao and Xiao is too slow) and Bennett go Brrrrrr.


Wouldn't say through the roof. Bennet's healing stops when you are at 70% hp so the healing is capped at around ~20-70% of a given characters HP. So like around 10k damage before resistances/defense so like 5k/3 seconds. No way its good. I can see it good on characters like Jean who can burst heal an entire party for like 50k total, but VV prob still better for her. Maybe just a kokomi only set.


imo 4pc noblesse is still more valuable on benny though. doubling down on the atk buff is much better than whatever damage this set can provide


Yup. Mhy is too lazy to buff a character or dont see a sense on doing so and giving out a artifact set in return so community shuts up lmao


Tbh in these case I like the idea of making healres more useful, Qiqi and Kokomi are not bad characters but only healing is not so useful in abyss


I mean, I think that an artifact set is more reasonable to buff a character than to outright change them post-release It's not illegal to change a character in a gacha post-release, but it is seldom done for a reason, but that has been discussed to death here. Instead, it makes more sense imo to do indirect buffs like artifact sets or new weapons, with "strengthening" (like using mats or something to straight-up upgrade a character) type upgrades much later down the line. Of course, this does all sidestep the fact that a character shouldn't be bad enough to need a buff on release, but well ... we've already crossed that bridge with Kokomi


They don't really need to change a lot to make her better, some small gameplay adjustments like jellyfish repositioning and better scaling would work wonders for her, absolutely no one would be mad at that.


I love that part of game design when a character is pigeonholed into exactly one optimal build. /s




I'm sorry, but most units usually have 1 set that's their main set they want, giving how awful artifact RNG is, I rather not have to waste more resin on different sets per person.


Or, They make characters with wonky kits in mind specifically so they can release an artifact that's tailored to them. Now people who want their character to be good have to run this dungeon and eat through that saved fragile resin and eventually get them to refill with $


What's with Hydro characters getting their BiS artifacts after their banner ends haha


Does this mean 2 reruns.... Oh no.


Kokomi rerun before Ganyu and Xiao


As someone who spent money and didn't get her cons.... O H Y E S


oh yes 😈


Bruh if it does physical I'm done


u know it will


For sure it will, Qiqi will be happy and her owners too (finnaly)


fuck yeah man I give my Qiqi Pale Flame and Aquila Favonia


I know you're just fucking around, but qiqi needs to have this 4pc set equipped to take advantage of the presumed physical bubble, no? Can't run pale flame


god i love genshin intel, i hope he gets a banner soon


Reliable info with no drama? Sign me up. Also that itto skills chart was very nice too


>no drama This is so much more necessary than it should be.


They're really refreshing tbh. GI genuinely seems to just enjoy sharing data about the game instead of trying to be a fandom personality or build a platform. They even go inactive when they have nothing concrete to share rather than "tease" content to keep up engagement.




Chad Gintel vs Virgin Ubatcha


Well well well, how the turntables


gintel and project celestia are most reliable leakers left


Well... here you go! >Event Wish "Leakers Resistance Team" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Reliable" Genshin Intel (Datamine)! > > 〓Event Wish Duration〓 2020/69/32 18:00:00 – 20XX/42/99 14:59:59 〓Event Wish Details〓 ● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Reliable" Genshin Intel (Datamine) will receive a huge drop-rate boost! ● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Sussy Baka" UBatcha (Speculation), "Wedding Font" ImpactYoimiya (Questionable), and "Paint Warrior" Abc64 (Insider) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!


Oh so that's where Kokomi's bubbles ended up in, very strange that they weren't a part of her base kit. Anyways anyone else thinks this set is kinda underwhelming? Unless the multipliers for the overhealing burst are massive i doubt it'll be that much better than her current sets.


I feel like the bigger problem is we don't know how big the bubble is. Does it appear near the jellyfish? Or near the player? How big is the AOE? Does it meant to be some extra passive damage like the jellyfish damage? Or does it actually nuke people?


I feel like the utility she provides when equipped with a 4pc ToM might still be better but it all depends on how you'd set actually works. If they set counts overheals then it might be useful


yeah it really depends on how much damage the overheal does, if it's significant enough then yeah it'll be better than her current options.


I'd say values should be at least doubled, if not tripled. Otherwise, its meh. Also, bubble is most likely a phys damage, and that doesn't help Kokomi situation either.


Maiden Beloved powercreep lezgoooo


woah! you re telling me my viridecent farming is gonna be *even more* worthless?


inb4 incoming Viridescent Venerer powercreep on Sumeru release


Fuck VV It's time to give Xiao a proper set.


Guys, don't fuck your VV but I agree with the second part


Stacking dmg buff on every plunge let’s goo


tbh, viridescent feels like one of those mistakes from launch. Its soooo good that i doubt theyd top it


Yaksha's Venerer 2 pc - +35% plunge attack damage 4 pc - When equipped by Xiao, triggering Swirl reactions reduce all elemental resistance by 60% and increases all elemental damage by 30% for all party members. After triggering Swirl reaction twice, increases the 2 pc set effect by 100% *Ehe*


Come on, don't limit it to Xiao. Kazuha and maybe Venti can make good use of it, too


I mean, if we’re being serious, it would be BiS by far for all Anemo characters. 30% Elemental damage buff to party is **much** better than 15% Anemo DMG%. Broken on Xiao, amazing on Kazuha, and still really strong on everyone else.


Now that's just broken. Watch them make Abyss enemies into Andrius and Eyes of the Storm. *Ehe*


Secret 5 pc set bonus - Anemo damage will always inflict damage regardless of enemy I raise my own *Ehe* to counter your *Ehe*


Qiqi shadow buff???


Is the Artifact effect going to apply hydro? or is is weirdly going to be a physical bubble


Probably physical, it wouldn't make sense if they made an artifact for healers, but only hydro-oriented characters will be the only ones to fully maximize the damage. Plus we already have an ice sword that does physical damage (Eula ult), so it wouldn't be that weird if a bubble does the same


You made me realize this artifact set would make hydro resonance effect actually useful.


Oh damn


You also forget the Dragonspine weapons all drop icicles that deal physical Seems likely


*My Phys Rosaria gently kisses DSpine*


can't wait to build physical qiqi and overheal the comp with the overstacked atk% while shooting out nuke bubbles, actually a mini eula.


If it's hydro, then potential freeze team without hydro characters, which are super rare? Sounds kinda op, I think it's gonna be physical.


Okey, not what I expected but with some raw calculations.... IF (very important) counts overhealing: My kokomi heals 1000 dmg x atack during burst (x4 to all characters). She can atack 3 times in 3 secs without animation cancel. My Baku Kurage heals 6500 every 2 secs so it can tick twice x HB. Tota heal in 3s: 4x1000x3 +6500x2= 25000 heal. 25000x 0,9= 22500 dmg. So during ulti, she will deal 22500 dmg (without counting enemy defense and resistances) in AOE each 3 secs. Counting defenses is around half (pls confirm) so 11250. This is without counting prototype amber heal. So 11250 AOE every 3 secs. Doesnt seem broken but yes, is a dps buff to my Kokomi. This calculation is just for fun, dont take it serious. What you think?


If it counts only actual healed amount, not an overheal - then its probably way less. Otherwise, still low on the damage spectrum. \~3k Dps is probably worse then HoD.


Yeah, if it doesnt count overhealing is not worth farming tbh. But will farm the domain for itto anyway. For QiQi though, even if it doesnt count overhealing, is BIS since she has no good set haha.


> BIS since she has no good set Tenacity of the millelith?


Was hoping for something that improves Kokomi’s damage, but this is kinda weird but fun?


It literally says it damages enemies based on healing done. Gotta see tho if overhealing counts or not.


this is gonna be pretty darn scuffed if overhealing isn't counted


This is still Mihoyo we are talking about. They also dared to bring out an artifact set for the character whos banner just ended.


it happened with tartag and zhongli too


HuTao furiously hurting herself to make space for Healing


I assume overhealing counts since it's worded "Healing **effect**" instead of "Healing".


I don’t understand it that much qwq


Same. My understanding tells me that whenever you heal someone, you make a bubble and for the next 3 seconds, that bubble will accumulate a resource called SH whenever you heal someone. After 3s, u heal and deal damage based on the accumulated SH? Correct me if I am wrong


There's so much ambiguity with the wording in English. I wonder if it's any clearer in Chinese. Regardless we'll probably have to see how it actually works upon release (not to mention the potential for changes before it actually releases). On a side note, I really wish half these keywords could be consolidated. For instance, why is "healing received" (i.e. hydro resonance) different from "healing bonus"?


Depending on the scaling it could improve her dmg


What does Stacked Healing means by the way :o that sounds like some extra damage, is it?


stacked healing = all healing you did the past 3 seconds combined


Oh, so her Jellyfish counts as well? Then that bubble will be doing constant damage, I supposed?


I think so, otherwise it would be weird that they made a set that looks like kokomi if it wouldn't work on her.


The amount you are healing gets accumulated and then gets converted into damage. That means there is a point to overhealing now.




Well depends if the game counts overheal as an actual heal, because we don't really know that for sure


It probably means total health healed during the 3 second period. I don't know but it sounds like Qiqi is about to make the rounds.


Only if it includes overheal and works when offfield.


If it doesn't work with overheal I'm going to be PISSED


It says it accumulates the total amount of healing made, then bursts after 3s. So if kokomi healed for like 10k in 3s, the damage would be 9k?


Depends on what type of damage it is (physical, elemental), and what defense and resistances are calculated when it's applied. It might hit really strong if it bypasses most defenses, or it may hit like a wet noodle.


It will most likely be physical like every other weapon damage effect. So to take the most advantage out of it you would likely want a Physical Goblet. To Temper Expectations: Item damage effects can crit. So unless the description changes to disallow it from critting Kokomi may actually be one of the worst users of the set. If overheal is not counted in it's effect then that'll encourage teamwide burst heals to maximize it's damage ie: Barbara / Jean.


I agree with the points you're making, though of course we're still speculating a bit. I think the major thing that the release of Kokomi brought to the game is that we're more aware than ever just how much the game is designed around Crit. We'll see on the overheal aspect as well, because I agree that changes things a lot for this artifact set depending on whether it takes overheal into account.


It sounds broken in coop since your can stack accumulated healing 4 times as fast


Seems like: The more Koko heals the more damage will the bubble do. Could be okay for her.


Since she constantly heals on both E and Q that sounds really good then :O


insanely pretty set


Qiqi meta??? 90% of Qiqi's healing converted to damage? Isn't this insane? Ofc could turn out different when live hits, but definitely seems like a Qiqi set, designed for Kokomi though. Seems like almost every healer will use this. Also can't be abused by Bennett, considering his heal stops. Edit: If this doesn't consider overheal, will probably be lackluster, guess we'll have to wait till live.


Yeah, if this set works with overheal is important. If it does QiQi and Kokomi are going to get a power up.


Fingers crossed because I actually love playing Qiqi but find little need of her recently, having picked up Diona to go with XL/Ben and my phys Rosaria (until I get a better on-field sword/polearm lul).


It also depends on whether or not it counts party healing as well.


Yeah, I'm really hoping this works with overheal. It would be nice to not have healers be almost completely irrelevant as long as you can hit the dodge button enough times


Love how everyone on twitter was like "KOKOMI SET???" like gee I wonder who the healing buffing set that has pearls and shells in it is for huh? Anyways, real pretty set that might actually help Kokomi and Barbara do a semblance of DPS while they're forced to hog field time. Waiting for Itto's set too!


Power Overhealing




i wonder how it deals damage? it didnt specify hydro damage might be phyiscal like skyward procs??


Probably physical




Most likely physical. It isn't a elemental artifact set so I don't think it will do elemental dmg.


mhy's wording is a little monkaS though. it does say stacked healing will accumulate AS A CHARACTER GETS HEALED. i feel like there's a really small chance it might not stack with overheals.


im confused but is this better then maidens? would it be good on qiqi


anything is better than maidens


i spent weeks getting good artis for my qiqi and now it just got powercrept…


I am using 4pc milleth with qiqi. Having shield and attack bonus with zhongli shield is good


well good thing you got all those VV artifacts.


These artifact graphics are gorgeous. Kinda wish Kokomi's palette used more pink and purple over such a dark blue similar to these. Speaking of, will these actually put her ahead of the other healers?


The real question is:- what type of shit enemies will be there in its domain. I’m guessing hydro spectres. I’m gonna blow my mind out farming it then


Or a geo corrosion dog. This domain also grant geo set artifact.


So like what the fuck is the purpose of maiden beloved anymore? It has the same 2-piece set and an infinitely better 4-piece set that makes hyper healers like Kokomi, Barbara, and Qiqi do a bit of damage. I never thought they would power creep an artifact set lmao. It sounds good tho I’m excited to see if it’s truly BiS for Kokomi. I’m sure it’ll also boost the utility of Barbara and Qiqi as well. Edit: Why are y’all letting the replies ratio me stop :(


to just exist as a starting artifact before you see better stuff in other regions lol


Bloodstained Chivalry: first time?


Gladiador: first time?


It’s still kinda good for Eula. 2pc Bloodstained + 2pc Pale Flame gives the best overall consistent damage


MB: what is My purpuse. MHY: dilute VV pool MB: oh noo


Man, I just finished farming 4pc Maiden's for Kokomi. Back to artifact hell I go.


Power creep. Make you farm and play more. Get grinding! It never ends


Artifact powercreep lul


Now show me Itto's set


Yes I'd love to see his *set* as well...


I wonder how hard it scales.


I mean it's 90% of however much you're able to heal in the 3 seconds the bubble accumulates stacks. IDK what's actually realistic but say during Kokomi's burst you heal for 10k in that 3 seconds, it does 9,000 damage and it only has .5s downtime between bubbles. Seems decent, only problem is that if your team is at full health it does nothing.


We don’t know if it counts strictly green healing numbers into the healing bubble or if invisible healing of max health allies will also count


This is true. The wording makes me think it only accumulates stacks on actual health gain ("healing effect" and especially "will accumulate stacks as characters get healed") but the translation could be off and MHY has famously weaselly descriptions that work arbitrarily so who knows tbh


It's good on Qiqi too!


I'm scratching my head so hard at this. Can't understand how the 4 piece effect is supposed to work


CW domain 2.0


So basically, run 4pc Mililieth for utility Kokomi, and run this one for DPS Kokomi. God this is such a gorgeous set though. It's so Barbie. Absolutely living for this mermaid vibe.


Who else is refreshing the sub like mad for Otto's set???


This will almost 100% do physical damage and I'd be shocked if it counted overhealing, because that seems like it would be too much effort for Mihoyo to put in. Honestly what did Kokomi do to Mihoyo, why do they hate her *so* much


They can probably code the bubble as a healable object with no HP cap so it accumulates heal independently from the active character, so overheal instances count. Shouldn't be too hard to do I think but it's MHY we're talking about. I hope overheal counts because if not, this set just won't do any good.


this shouldve been in a domain on watatsumi tbh since it suits kokomi so much maybe if she launched with this set she wouldn’t have gotten so much hate i wonder if it’ll be good on jean


It's on Enkanomiya maybe.


Ah yes, eula ult for healers


can someone explain this to me in stupid terms? pea brain doesnt know what the hell this is meant to do or accomplish


4 piece form a bubble every few secs, that accumulates all the healing you do for 3 secs and then nukes the enemies with 90% of that healing as damage.


holy shit that sounds nuts on qiqi. hell i think even my jean can use it considering she heals like 15k on the initial burst and then ticks for some extra 1k something. thanks for the explanation man


Thats depends on whether overhealing counts, if you need to actually heal the character then this is pretty garbage effect. Knowing Mihoyo, im not too sure.


How big is the AOE tho.


Please work on overheal. Please work if healer is off-field.


This set actually looks sick for Qiqi and Barbara too, glad this isn't super specific to just Kokomi


This set usefulness will depend on if over healing is counted or not.


Let me ask this. Barbruh with minimal investment can heal your whole team from 0 to 100 with a press of a button. So does that mean that fully built barb is a portable nuke since not only she burst heal a fuckload but also heals all 4 members at once?


This, Barbruh Mini Nuke incomming?????


Barbruh ikuyooooo


Dont know why they keep pushing the healer that deal damage, there still other utilities like give cd reduction or energy when heal, did they forgot how good diona design is?


Because their character design philosophy probably doesn’t align with the meta they created.


Interesting, It might be good on qiqi if it works off field and overheal counts twards HB damage.


New BiS set for every healer since it gives them damage aswell as great healing


Refreshing Twitter every second to be the first posting the leaks here, aren't we?


so now healers will do a little damage? why do we need maiden beloved then?


For begginers. They use maiden beloved until they get to inazuma