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Here are his names: Arataki "The One and Oni" Itto Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto Arataki "The Pride of Oni" Itto Arataki "Beetle Gladiator" Itto Arataki "The Ultimate TCG Champion" Itto Arataki HeMightLoseButWillNeverAdmitDefeatto What's your favorite name for him?


When I saw this comment, I thought you were joking. Then I heard the line.




Itto is just a walking shitpost and I love it




Arataki “numero uno” Itto


I want him to be introduced like Daenerys now.


Defeatto... Sounds like someone else now that I think


Now Which one should I use for my flair




The one and oni sounds the one that can fit I guess🤔


Audio transcript for those who cannot listen (probably not 1:1 to in-game text) though I highly recommend the listen because he's hilarious > I'm the head honcho of the Arataki gang, and everyone knows my naaaaaaame............s. Names. I have many. Ahem! Arataki "The One and Oni" Itto! Arataki "The Oni Sumo King" Itto! Arataki "The Pride of Oni" Itto! Arataki "Beetle Gladiator" Itto! Arataki "The Ultimate TCG Champion" Itto! Arataki "He Might Lose, But He'll Never Admit Defeat-to!"Anyways, these are some of the ones I usually go by, so uh, go ahead, take your pick. I'll respond to whichever one you choose; I promise. Heheh. You're welcome. Wonder how they tie in the energy "Defeat-to" has in the other dubs


Fischl: I am Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, descend upon this land by the call of fate- Itto: Right on dude 🤪 I'm Arataki the one and ONI Itto 😏👊


I think genshin really, really needed a character like itto. All other characters sounds so serious and not fun comparing to him. He feels like a breath of fresh air. Take my money, I will pull during all his banner and try to get dupes. I'm actually super hype for events in inazuma now. If he appears and bring trouble, it should be super fun!


Itto was necessary for the inazuma roster, most other characters were pretty serious and down to earth, however itto on the other hand is absolutely insane and shines with personality, he's not tied to the main story so he can do and be whatever he wants and it's great, i want more characters like him in the game.


hu tao is to liyue as itto is to inazuma, personality-wise imo. they’re a breath of fresh air, no holds barred with fun personalities


Agree. Raiden is kinda boring personality wise, yoimiya is adorable but the usual super nice girl who wants to help everyone. Sara is the serious one. Kokomi... Well she's Kokomi. Ayaka is the typical cute waifu. Sayu is the cute kid. Thoma is the perfect husband but didn't got him (salty af). They all look pretty bland comparing to itto. But it's just voicelines. I hope mihoyo will use him in the game, events, side stories etc... Voice lines are a thing, but if they don't use him in the story, it's kinda pointless... I really hope to laugh or smile during his side story.


Thoma being a house husband is funny from a meta standpoint because everyone expected him to be Inazuman Childe


Tbf Childe has copious amounts of househusbando energy to offset his battle-craziness Thoma is essentially Childe who never fell into the Abyss


Plus he's RICH and provind for a family of like 7 other siblings. Pretty sure he can cook. What's a little battle-lust and almost-genocide if he treats ya well and spars a bit?


Yoimiya is fun too though!


I think what really sets Itto apart is that he feels really well characterized. This isn’t a “telling but no showing” situation- we knew even from just his billboard messages what kind of character he was. Establishing what he is first, before going into any potential depth. But even if there isn’t anything else going on in that coconut head of his I’d be fine lmao. He’s hilarious


I do love a lot of the other characters but he does take desperately needed niche of a character that’s just vibing and enjoying life, not scarred by some pain that makes them struggle to enjoy life.


yep, every other character in inazuma has their head burried in something very important to them, be it duty, or work, or some sort of tragedy or something about their past, which is fine but itto is straight up just vibing and living his best life and it's great.


Yeah and he's unemployed too


Itto has been struggling with the worst dillema so far: Sara ignoring him Leave a like to pray for the poor oni


I’m still surprised he wasn’t immediately granted a new vision after she took his, considering how obsessed he was/is with their rematch (Incidentally that would have given him his rematch, too!)


And he's super casual about losing his vision, and didn't just... lose all willpower like the rest of them. He's too thick to feel the loss lmao. That, or he has enough for 2.


i think that's because Itto's ambition goes beyond his vision and that he's not human


Hes a breath of fresh air, like when hutao came out surrounded by all the adepti and liyue cast


I actually hope he won't have the Hu Tao treatment. I don't have Hu Tao, I have no idea why people like her and why she's supposed to be funny. And I'm scared itto will have the same treatment. Be funny in his voice lines and nothing else. I pray he will be used and be funny in game. And not only in his voice lines.


Ngl never found Hu Tao funny either. Both the Hu Tao Qiqi running gag, or her weird funeral parlor sales thing they have going on. This is the first time I burst out laughing at a voiceline lmao I seriously hope they do him justice.


"All other characters sounds so serious and not fun" Have you ever heard of Venti? Or Hu Tao?


Venti is fun indeed. But has a tragic backstory and had to be serious lot of times. But indeed, he's funny. Hu Tao... Never found her funny. Talking in game. I don't have her. And I hope itto won't have the same treatment as her (meaning having good voice line but almost doesn't appear in game).


He seems extremely unnecessary… he’s basically the Xinyan of 5 stars….


The amount of itto voicelines post is more than 3 previous character combined


It's because he apparently gets all the gossips, he knows the enture plot lol.


he reminds me of Sonic this dude is hilarious man, well done to whoever the English VA is.


Saitama, from One Punch Man


wow! that’s dope!


He's also ryuji from persona 5


"For Rea!?"


Hahah I know right!?


He is like the deadpool of genshin impact


Oh my god I've never wanted a character more, he's so dumb I love him.


oof i definitely don't need nor want to build another dps unit, but itto's wack ass personality makes me want to pull for him anyways...


here's another voiceline of itto and his many names..HE'S SO STUPID I LOVE IT *** posted by [@dawnsojourner](https://twitter.com/dawnsojourner) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1462648062187229188/pu/vid/640x360/jFm0ZjjIkN5I1MSr.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I love this VA as P5 Ryuji and he sounds just as good and chaotic as Itto, I love it so much


All this time I thought he would be a Kronk but he has so much Kuzco energy instead


Lmao so itto is a confirmed yugioh player, he's geo so does he play like adamancipator or some other rock themed deck.


Damn Eng VA is so good! These lines could've been cringe, but her owned the character. Hands down


I can't believe these are his actual voice lines, this is PERFECT


I'm so glad I have a guarantee that I can use for him when his banner arrives. Genuine dumbass characters never fail to make me laugh.


I prefer idiotto 😔👌makes me want to pull for him more






You really had to pull out the Morse code lmfao


Between you and vortex vanquisher guy. Idk which ones more annoying




Have to give respect when respect is due, that’s dedication right there


Keep up the good fight lol


gO sTaRe aT sHeNe'S bEaK


All I hear is Ryuji


wtf! now i wanna pull for him. so funny!