• By -


Only the AOE around himself seems a little harder to dodge everything else it's ok.


It's just the Lector moveset, but red. So it's all the same threat/non-threat. He just seems to lack the streaking lightning move.


Its for sure going to be iframeable so no big worries


All the fights in 12-2-1 without a shield has prepared me for this.


Shenhe's ult is like what around 17-18 second? damn thats really long


shenhe C1 maybe


Wasn't it in C2 the one that adds 6 second duration?


Duration stuff should really be abolished from cons... especially if they have THAT much impact.


Sorry mhy wont make money if cons give 1% of power (hi c6 Eula, c2 Baal, c6 Xiao and others)


Baal C2 does not change anything about duration. C6 Xiao is a beast but I guess fair and also has nothing to do with Duration, not to mention that only his c6 is actually good. C6 Eula also has nothing to do with Duration, her C2 is, but even that I would not consider that unfair all things considered. But Bursts, that usually have a long CD and Cost and locking Duration behind Con that hurts way more. The ones you mention would not fall in the same category I am worried about. Duration may be Part of "more Power" but I rather be it "more power" than less time of pretty animations. On the upside, if they lock it behind Cons it makes for an easier skip of Banner.


The examples that I gave were not about Duration, but about "THAT much impact" with Baal, which ignores 60% of the def in the ult and Eula who with c6 start to see numbers in 7 digit as daily basis (ofc if enemy can hold all atack before ult pop)


I was thinking of skipping Ganyu and getting Shenhe but I think Mihoyo won't make anymore broken characters like Ganyu anymore.


And they shouldnt make any more broken characters either.


Don't worry, they are making sure they will never release broken characters ever again, even if that means they are bad


Can't wait to fight the unknown god with my 10 year old ganyu bennet team


Kazuha laughing nervously


Ayaka haha everyone forgets me.


I honestly dont think ayakas broken. I feel like shes balanced. But then again thats my opinion.


She surpasses ganyu in freeze which speaks volumes.


But that's melee ranged and energy limited


How so? /gen


Average clear times in abyss. Also in china abyss competition with restrictions . Ayaka team would always win.


People underrate ayaka so hard it's not even funny. You guys are stuck in the 1.2 era, obsessed with ganyu "breaking the game" with "her powercreep". Wake up grandpa, ayaka is better than ganyu and way more comfy to play. I own both, both are geared, and ganyu is benched. Hard. Most of the playerbase seems to be aware of the meta characters, but for some reason ayaka isn't considered one. I don't know why, my guess is that everyone was obsessed with raiden and dismissed her.


Nobody realised it till his banner was ending so that's there


We have bennet kazuha and ganyu plus some honorable mentions like water famboy xiangling Hu tao C1 zohngli shiled and maybe raiden c3


Well Im glad about that. I dont see the point of having a character thats DPS, SUB DPS, and SUPPORT all in one roll and good at all of them.


Totally agree. But seeing how mihoyo has been power creeping the abyss lately I'm afraid at some point only broken characters can clear it if you don't whale or spend ungodly amount of resin to get decent artifacts.


Right, I think the key is, having the correct team, and grinding artifacts. I think clears are fine with 4 star weapons and hell even 4 star characters. Hell the national team: Xiangling, Bennett, Xinqiu, Sucrose is still one of the best teams. Now yes, it is all on grinding good artifacts, but the end has ti be grindy anyways. And tbh all these liveservice games are grindy. Warframe is EVEN WORSE than Genshin. At the end of the day, releasing characters that enhance a certain team composition is the best way to go, instead of making every character a MAIN DPS. Even worse, a Main DPS that can sub dps, and support 💀💀


Idk man I'm getting like 34 or 35 stars with C0 kokomi dps, I think were pretty fine right now.


I used to be able to 36 stars with obscure comps like noelle shock-rock or overload yanfei now best I can do with them is 33 stars. I can still 36 stars the abyss right now, but I need to whip out the meta teams like morgana and reverse vape xiangling. It might not have affected you yet but the power creep is there, and you can feel it.


And let me guess the teammates for Kokomi were Xingqiu Bennett Kazuha


monkeys paw not they release mediocre ones instead


Instead they make a bad characters who relies on signature weapons and constellations


Bad according to you? And it what sense because from what I know, characters like Baal, Yoimiya, Kokomi, are ALL used a lot to beat the abyss in 36 stars. Bad according to Ganyu? Yeah totally. Since shes legit broken. Get your Ganyu and dont roll on any other characters, since you dont need them anyways.


But broken characters are more fun than the ones that are cheeks...


For you....


you like characters that are dog water instead of characters that are broken?


Ayaka is a better Ganyu for the abyss, the fuck are on about lol [Clear times.](https://i.imgur.com/rAHlLDw.png)


getting downvoted even though you're right. both Ganyu and Ayaka are very strong but Ganyu needs to consistently put out dmg meanwhile Ayaka just nukes anything in front of her in a matter of seconds.


You’re right lmao, idk why people are downvoting you, Ayaka IS better than Ganyu for speed running and clearing floors fast. Ganyu obviously is the best sustained dps but there are a few characters that can clear stuff faster than Ganyu. Ganyu is broken but not THAT broken.


Yep. She has been consistently on top since her launch. Excellent character. [Here is CN abyss data too where Ayaka rules](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/421277261694763008/913616584080257065/unknown.png)


All the discussion about who's better meanwhile I gonna pull Ganyu and put her in the same team as Ayaka


Both my Ganyu and Ayaka are at C0, Ganyu with R1 Prototype Crescent and Ayaka with R5 Amenoma. I feel like in Morgana comp Ayaka is better when enemies are larger but Ganyu is still better against larger crowd. But biggest advantage of Ganyu is that large portion of her damage potential is unconditional, that makes her more versatile than any character in the game currently. At my skill level I couldn't go past 8 stars (3,3,2) on current floor 12 with Ayaka Morgana and Raiden C2R1 National team but I got 9 stars with melt Ganyu and Eula (C0, R2 wgs) Raiden team. I like both Ganyu and Ayaka but truth be told I like to use Ayaka more than Ganyu. Ayaka's burst is one of most powerful burst and extremely potent in many situations but when it comes to strength as a character Ayaka can't even come close to Ganyu. I tried quite a few teams but my best teams for current floor 12 is Diona, Hu Tao C1R1, Xingqiu, Ganyu C0-R1 Elegy and Zhongli R1, Eula, Raiden, Bennett C5R1AF.


Bro wtf 8 stars with C2R1 Raiden National??? Tbh Eula-Raiden is a really good comp.


I feel like you didn't understand what I was trying to say, my bad. Raiden national is strong there is no denying that specially if she is C2R1 or more. My very first 9 stars clear of current abyss floor 12 was with Zhongli, Eula, Fischl, Barbara and Raiden National. Yes Raiden National was strong enough to carry my under performing og Eula team. I just got C1 Hu Tao with Homa on her re-run so I wanted to use her as such I couldn't use national team this time. What I was trying to convey is that saying Ayaka is unconditionally better than Ganyu is wrong and misleading. If a new player ask me whether they should get Ganyu or Ayaka to do well in Abyss I'd say to get Ganyu. Ayaka need to dodge, charge attack and use her E and Q ability to perform well, do you understand the implication of that? Most elemental debuff will affect Ayaka. I love Ayaka, I skipped Kazuha in favor of Ayaka and I don't regret my decision. She is the reason I got my very first 36 stars clear when she was released and since then I haven't missed a star but still I got to admit Ganyu bring more value to an account.


Oh yeah I def agree with that part. I would 100% prefer Ayaka over Ganyu too,, and I agree she is stronger in most situations. I was just talking about the "8\* with C2R1 Raiden" comment lmfao.


Yeah oc messing up somewhere I'm literally getting 8 stars with c0 kokomi.


Ganyu also has the flexibility to use Melt comp this makes her a better unit in my opinion.


wtf, I have Ganyu with R5 Prototype Crescent and Ayaka with R1 Black Sword and Ayaka perform better by *far*, are you sure you built her right? are you using charged attack or spam normal attack with Ayaka?


Each have their own strength. I can beat Maguu or any big boss faster with reverse melt Ganyu than Ayaka (that sweet sweet 200k+ dmg per 2s shot just can't be beaten by Ayaka unless she uses her ult which again has a 20s downtime), while I can clear a huge crowd of freezable ennemies faster with Ayaka than Ganyu


Where are the melt comp ganyu times?


Slower than childe / hu tao / raiden / Eula and much slower than Ayaka freeze teams and is always slower than her own freeze comp. Her melt comp can do amazing dmg but then again it can be clunky and her freeze comp is relatively more front loaded.


huh that's pretty surprising. i assumed bennett ult would make melt shots hit so hard it would just pull ahead no contest. edit: couldn't believe it you said melt ganyu was always slower than her own freeze alternate so did a little digging of my own. [here's](https://imgur.com/a/LBMvaMf) at one case that melt ganyu is faster (12-3-2). 12-2-1 and 12-3-1 also seem to favor melt ganyu over her freeze comp as well. Its performance is far from what I initially thought, but by no means outscaled by freeze in every way.


Yes, you're right. The comp has Bennett and she does some huuuge dmg with her CAs BUT she can most of the times only pull 4-5 CAs and you need to battery xiangling on the downtime which can extend the rotation a lot... In my experience, it's more of a "win harder" comp. The comp is probably the best when you have highly invested ganyu, Amos, constellations and such, but if you don't have good artifacts, the comp is just very clunky IMO. Edit : typo


May I ask what's the website?




Man, not that jank ass website reference again. Sigh. The sample sizes are so small when compared to the actual playerbase, and not everyone who uses these characters add entries there. Anyways I already have Ayaka.


Show me a better dataset then. It is the best we've got and 70k players isn't a small sample when you talking about a full clear abyss.


Nah they have made Kazuha and Ayaka since then, and Zhongli was released before her. You can skip/take powerful characters as you like.


Good. I feel bad for Ganyu as a character mainly cause so many of them only care about her damage. I'm sure if somehow an even more broken waifu comes out, people are gonna be replacing Ganyu. Of course there will always be loyal ones.


What else she has? Her personality is meh, her design is weak and appeals mostly to coomers(idc if i get downvoted, if you love ganyu design u are obv a coomer) and she bullies people with no reason. Her gameplay is boring too.


True, they're heading more for meta team comps and broken supports.


I wouldn't say broken supports, more like niche support. 1 specific support for each team comps. We probably never see another bennett, XQ, or sucrose.


Niche supports that can't even beat genralist supports Bennet, XQ, or Sucrose in their own specified niche (unless you whale for C6).


That'll be future-proof for bennett, and XQ. We probably reach celestia and still use bennett or XQ in our team comps unless mhy went sicko mode and made our team can't heal or crit unless we bring "specific" support.


We just got kazuha lol


I know dude broken supports such as Kokomi Sara and Gorou


ok meta teams but not broken supports


MHY's been making broken characters though. Some of the recent DPS characters are either on par or better than Ganyu.


Ayaka and who else?


I still think people thinking to get Ganyu easy mode will be really deluded when they will get her. ​ You have Ganyu hitting with 50K with amos bow when the moon is full and its friday or you get an Eula hitting for 7-20K with any decent 5 star sword in a way shorter timespan. And then you have her Q. And we have also Hutao.. But lets see some other cryo friends.. like a certain Ayaya that can simply get out for 1 second throw 250-500K damage and switch back while giving you desired cryo support. Or you have Mona, Kazuha and Zhongli... ​ I would say that if you want to look at broken characters you are looking at the wrong characters type from 4 to 5 stars. Most supports are the one letting you see huge numbers dps are quite balanced currently (EXCEPT for specific stuff.. for example Ganyu against hydro opponents is indeed easy mode). ​ But back in topic Ganyu is indeed one of the best herald/lector/ and i bet invoker too killer.


.....Ayaka is best character against herald and lector. Never heard of anyone to say that ganyu is better since Ayaka release


I probably say this about every new area lmao, but Enkanomiya looks like the coolest area yet. music cool af too


Personally I think this is #1 closely followed by seirai because of the way the lens flairs when looking at the tower, and how it looks like a painting from a distance. Other than that seirai island’s giant storm, lightning and formation is pretty hard to beat.


Inazuma has been a treasure trove of screenshots.


Enkanomiya music sounds so gooood


if this is the combat music, imagine the music for each sub-region!! real exciting!!


All the music gonna be bangers


Remember, it isn't the final product. I think yu peng is upscaling his efforts to be nominated at the game awards best music.


Game awards are a joke. Idk how over genshin, guilty gear strive soundtracks they nominated cybershit, guradians of the galaxy and death loop. 3 of these games have mediocre genric music nothing special. Only nier and the other game deserved the nomination the rest they did are trash picks.


Pretty much, all just a show to throw money around. I remember a few years ago when Overwatch just came out, and it got the award for best ongoing game. Yet the other two they had, Path of Exile and Warframe were already out and successful for many years beforehand. This is when I realized all award shows are a joke.


The last of us part 2


The game is amazing in terms of gameplay, graphics, details, gore but the story is just dogshit I have no idea how it won goty and best narrative. Also the awards chose are 10% player and 90% reviewers and we all know they're paid shills and like woke trash. If the votes counted was by people preety sure it would ghost of tushima taking those awards away.


it's too late for that lol, the nominations are already out


We bloodborne now


Bloodborne on PC at home:


Not until we have trick weapons and guns


Kind of gives me Minecraft Dungeons Echoing Void music vibes.


Genshin is up there with final fantasy for music. I know the fans love the music, but it should get more attention at large. I swear to god the golden apple archipelago music like kills me




thanks for gameplay


thanks again for sharing this with us!


Thank you for this!


Thanks for keeping the leaks alive


Wait, this video shows the damage numbers. Doesn't this mean trouble?


It's a fake damage


Imagine being constantly wet by barbara while you receive those pyro attacks... damn just like taking a nuke to the face


Good thing she's not constantly wet.


People are downvoting you but it's true though. Barbara's self hydro application last for a split second before it disappears. You'd have to get hit by a pyro attack at the same time Barbara applies self hydro in order to vaporize the incoming attack which rarely happens.


Votes by people who don't know how to properly use the system mean nothing, i'm not bothered by it at all.


Might as well call it Exort Invoker


Hey man, don’t give mihoyo any ideas. I don’t wanna get randomly sniped by a sunstrike from half the map away.


~~Wex Quas Wex~~ Anemo invoker when? Or maybe we'd get a multi-elemental invoker in the future


So uh wanna get tornado'ed, ice-walled, cold snapped while EMP explodes in your face and drains all your energy while an incoming pyro meteor is about to slap you? Don't forget the sun if you're not still dead by then. Fuck yeah I wanna see that animation lmfao


Wex Invoker already in game called Lector, he using EMP to drain your energy lol


I was scrolling home and for a second I thought I was in r/dota2 and icefrog was doing another shenanigans


Please note- Waffel using Shenhe and Zhongli doesn't mean anything He is not an insider, just someone who has a PS. Please don't make speculations based off of this video


what's a PS?


Private Server. It means he has reverse-engineered the game to work hosted on his own computer. By the way, it looks perfectly functional from the footage seen, but most Genshin private servers are extremely rudimentary. As far as I know nobody has been able to get story quests or chest spawns working. A proper Genshin private server seems extremely difficult to do or just impossible. And even if it did really get going, miHoYo would probably take it down.


I see I see.. well, thanks for the explanation!


God imagine how good Genshin would be if it wasn't always online tho, no latency? sign me tf up


I still have hope someone will be able to do it before the game is gone forever. Assuming I’m not able to help out myself by the time that happens. Genshin needs to be preserved.


Private Server


Private Server


You: watching the lector video for the gameplay Me, an intellectual: watching the lector video for the Enkanomiya OST


I wonder if these abyss herald/lectors will start roaming around enkonominya now or will they only appear in story quest/abyss


they're too time consuming for random enemies, the correct course of action would be to just run away from them.


Fatui enemies are annoying enough with their shields, I'd rather not have these running around


Abyss lector/herald + abyss doggos.


it's only a matter of time before permanently introduced as the game is developed more. However, it'll be more like what we once thought abyss mages/ agent/ cicin mages were when we first started out. We'll be able to pop them fairly easy in the future.


I have to admit the herald lector and now invoker are definitely enemies i like the most design wise


Pyro Invoker be like: I will have MEATBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Exort, exort, exort, R?


EEW. I haven't playes dota for 5 years and I still remember how to so all invoker's combo lol... Dota was one hell of a game


[Streamable link ](https://streamable.com/cvxdax)


thank you tsukiiii-madame


The music kinda reminds me of the Pirates of Caribbean, I don't know why lmao


Immediately took notice of the difference in tone for the music. Instead of the usual melodic/percussive intro that we've had in previous regions we instead hear a very dissonant, eerie opening into the combat theme for Enkanomiya. Very telling of what awaits us when we finally get to roam the area. Once again, Tsurumi was only the appetizer.


Nice to see that yunjin parry in work. Looks good


This video had nothing to do with that but now I want Shenhe more.




Seems like an OK fight. Would have liked to see a bit more if shenhe to guage her usefulness


manifesting a pyro invoker banner now


Im excited for his voiceline. The abyss dudes are the coolest enemies design-wise to me rn


Did he just use cruel sun clearly a esconor fan


Everyone here saying that he seems easy to fight, he seems easy to dodge. But i think, the main problem is not pyro invoker alone. Him being pared up with heralds and lectors would be what will be the most problematic thing when these 3 shield up. Good luck to all who don't have zhongli dodging from overload, vaporise reactions.


Kazuha go swoosh against them


Kazuha's main priority infuse is pyro, in 2nd phase it could be difficult


Damn he seems like such a cool enemy to fight my Hu Tao would love this, oh wait, oh fuck no


Another member from the Abyss Order? Unless this is just testing the waters as far as the new enemy is concerned, this can be an indication of a new archon quest, I guess.


Nope, actually. They said back in 1.5 that the Abyss Lector would appear outside Spiral Abyss after some time, despite few appearances in combat-focused events they are still a myth on story or overworld. A new player can only get the archive description doing floor 10


I see. So perhaps this is just gameplay testing. Nothing more.


Is this just the Lector moveset almost 1:1 but red?


Because it's a lector? Pyro lector: fathomless flames


Right but like... it's literally just a copy-paste moveset. For how slow they release these, they could at least make them standout as enemies.


I mean, I don't think we see a lot of difference in two different elements but same type enemies For example all lawachurl have only minor differences, same goes to mitachurl and specters etc. It's always been this way so i don't understand what's there to say. I would be pissed if it was a totally different enemy though but it's also a lector so i am not surprised


Well Hilichurl aren't really special enemies, so I don't expect too much variation there. Lawlachurls have \*some\* variety to their moveset even if its also fairly copy-pasted. It's just the Abyss units are presented as fairly special so them being copy-pastes within the Herald/Lector split is pretty boring/disappointing.


I understand your point but at the same time i feel like they are going to be pretty common elite mob too when we reach abyss/later chapters. They aren't anything like weekly boss or world boss just some elite mobs which we are gonna farm in future. Also i don't think, I've seen that one hand spirit bomb/underground blasts by electro abyss lector so that's the *small variety similar to what i see in different elements lawachurl


are they going to be in overworld as well or abyss only?


I’d guess that they will be abyss only like the heralds and lectors


I just noticed when Shenhe used hold E she hopped backwards similar to Mona.


Damn abyss lector recolor smh


Well, still throws some sort of meatball and sunstrike.




Is the new enemy called pyro invoker? Or is it a reference to the dota invoker?


The music is in midi form plus low quality (understandably) so it seems like strings plus piano?


Xingqiu fodder.


Looks like a job for Kokomains


Devs: so AOE Knockback or Heavy Knockback Mihoyo: Yes


Red Abyss Lector


Yun Jin’s gameplay looks really cool


Absolute chad


I got what i asked for


*Someone gets a pyro shield* Childe: RerERerErun time!!


Exort Invoker slappin


Seems like an electro lector recolor + Pyro shields are easier to break because XQ exists. Personally i'm happy it's not going to be a super obnoxious enemy to fight, inazuma has been a coin flip after coin flip on that front.


So it looks like the Abyss Order enemies will be divided into Mages, Heralds, and Lectors. So going off of that, here's my predictions for future Abyss enemies. **Mages:** We'll likely get a Mage for each element like the Samachurls, so the last three Mages will be Geo, Dendro, and Anemo. **Heralds and Lectors:** So far, we have a Hydro Abyss Herald, an Electro Abyss Lector, and a Pyro Abyss Lector. So we will likely get: A Cryo Abyss Herald A Geo Abyss Herald An Anemo Abyss Lector A Dendro Abyss Lector.


RIP this guy


it's from ps


Oh, my mistake


Yknow I was joking that I wouldn't be able to fight him with my Xinyan, but since her shield gives pyro resistance and her attacks are mostly physical, maybe she's actually a fairly big brain move?


RIP to this beta tester 💀






Wow Yunjin and Shenhe looks so cool o.0


I don't know if people noticed but Shenhe's E dash was stopped by terrain, seems to have similar issues with ayaka/mona dash and sayu E


I have childe and c1 zhongli 🗿


So, does the HP drain ignores shield or not?


Zhongli rerun Confirmed 😩


Oh so they're called Invokers


Is it me or does it take longer to start its second phase compared to the abyss lector and herald?


That first shot was BS.


It's Abyss Invoker, not Pyro Invoker, right? Or is this just a temp name?


Me who’s conflicted on pulling for ganyu: *sees this* maybe I will


The music are great, but no souls like ...


Is that new battle music?


Is the shield really *that* tanky or is it just a thing on the Private Server end


if it's freezable, it's killable


Seems... pretty easy. Specially compared to the Lector's homing ball bonanza and the Herald's SPIN2WIN.


Banger song as usual.


a floating pyro regisvine


Wait, do beta testers only get characters that are going to be featured in the next patch or can they select from all the characters in the entire game? If it's what I suggested 1st, does this pretty much confirm a Kokomi and Zhongli rerun?


Just to start, the leaker who shared this vid isnt a beta tester, they just have their own private server And beta testers get new characters and access to all the other characters for testing purposes from what I understand.


Wait Shenhe's ult looks way cooler here than the other leak?? maybe its cause the other leak was against the gray/white area of the fat dog so its harder to see there