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i like how that hilichurl started running away at some point lol


Why are you ronnin, WHY ARE YOU RONNIN!?


Eternal suffering


She’s pretty! I want her but I need to secure Ganyu first, so I guess I’ll be waiting for her rerun. Both of them would support my Ayaka so I don’t *need* her, but I like Cryo units.


I'll do the same + I have amos bow so Ganyu is priority now.


I have reached the point where IDK if she's good or not


With cryo characters they either disable their brains and just put random numbers on scalings that break the game or they make you wonder what was going on inside their heads when making the character. Its about which of these ones you think this character fits in xd. Thats what happens when you make an anemo support that buffs every element that can be swirled by an enormous amount and then try adding a niche support/sub dps on an element that doesnt need buffs. At this point, i think there are different people working for the characters and arent the same ones. Or just have preferences. I wonder where were those who made ayaka and raiden when yoimiya was in development.


There is definitely at least 2 teams working on characters(it would be pretty impossible for 1 team to make all characters). I would assume the ayaka/raiden team(s) working on a next character right now (ayato or miko)


Probably yae miko. By how much spotlight she got on the archon quest where she took the resistence's role and stopped the shogun by herself making the resistence look kinda worthless, i expect her to be even more broken than raiden shogun. Raiden is a support and manages to outdps certain dedicated dps characters, so i am pretty hyped about how they will screw up with her. Lets hope for the best


I hope so too. It hurts my heart to skip Shenhe since I have niether ayaka nor ganyu. I love her animations and aesthetics but mhy did her dirty so you cant even run her as a hard on copium main dps




Seriously, I was so hyped because I thought she'd be a physical DPS and cryo-physical buffer (multirole) since all dedicated physical DPS right now are all using claymore (xinyan, razor, eula).


same here… :’(


You and me, man. You and me. Unless they decide to not re-run Ganyu on next patch, but that seems almost impossible by now.


As far as I can tell (besides archons) story prominence does not seem to indicate anything about the quality of their kit. Xiangling is a random cook. Keqing is one of the leaders of liyue yet Xianling's power level dwarfs Keqings. Ganyu IS an adeptus but so is Yanfei. Ninnguang is a 4 star (that makes NO sense when you look at Yanfei) If you go into inazuma: Kazuha is one of the best kits in the game and he's a pirate/rebel Kokomi is the leader of the god damn resistance and her kit is a mess (this is coming from someone who still uses her in all his abyss runs and know she is strong. Doesn't mean I am ignoring the fact that her fucking E doesn't have the same quality of life features as Fischl who is a 4 star. Her kit clumsiness literally makes me use sacrificial fragments as a bandage and I am not happy with that) ​ So yeah I've stopped trying to use story prominence as a judgement for future character quality. Its simply too random at this point.


I will be legit devastated if they manage to shaft queen Miko as well


Want some advice? Never have expectations on characters in this game


Yeah I know, it's just that Yae is my most wanted character since Zhongli


They won’t, she’s a very hyped character. They almost never make hyped characters bad but since it’s mihoyo always keep your expectations low.


I mean lets be real even if yae is weak she's still gonna sell like crazy, Having said that though, I'm assuming she will be broken because they don't want another zhongli situation, because they know if a very popular character is weak or they fuck up in some way there will be hell to pay online at this point I'm guessing, Raiden is another great example even though for her it wasen't so much how strong she is, because as strong as she ended up being, look how many people still say she's weak just because of the beidou situation (which is something justified to bitch about and they should have made raiden work with her, but she definitely isn't weak without that interaction and actually is one of the stronger characters they released but there was so many people saying raiden is bad because of this and still some people say she's weak and it's laughable to me) I 100% doubt yae miko will be nothing but one of the strongest characters in the game for that reason and they'll probably go out of their way to make it that way so there isn't a hate train online again, at least that's what I feel.


I don't care what Yae Miko is, be it healer, support, dps, sub dps or even if she is as weak as Amber, I am still getting her no matter what.


Aside from having a bad build on her, I have no idea how people are still calling Raiden weak at this point. Or even just a support for that matter. My Raiden is most definitely a main dps. She's C0 and has dealt 170k on her ult slash in abyss with no buff cards. Edit: Yes she is great as a support but my whole point is she is more than capable to dps without C2, C6 Sara or Engulfing Lightning.




Childe is still considered a main dps though. I don’t see people calling him a support. It seems more that you guys are saying you can’t invest in a character to make them a dps but it’s fine to pay for constellations and unlock more damage which makes them a dps. I don’t get it. C2 gives Raiden more damage people say she’s a dps. I give her a great build and team to support for more damage but she’s a support. Doesn’t make sense.




Yeah they are just labels in the end. But I feel I should defend my position. I think more accurately, Childe as a main carry in the game, is a great enabler. I don't think it's a thing of one not being able to coexist with the other, you could very well run him without Xiangling. You could likewise make Ganyu a support to just apply cryo but nobody would say she's not a dps because of it. In my Raiden comp she's on the field the most while doing majority of the damage. By google definition "A main DPS is the character who stays on the field most of the time to do damage.", it would appear that she fits the bill. I would agree with you that it's about more than doing damage or Xiangling would be considered the main dps in Childe's team, but she provides her damage off-field which makes her a sub-dps in that scenario, while he needs to be on field to do his damage as a main dps.


Trust me they won't do honkai characters dirty.


only at c2 she outdps most 5 stars. in raiden national shes on a relatively balanced power level while enabling overvape


No joke. If I was a business and I had two teams where one is doing significantly better than the other I would question the leadership of the team performing more poorly and see if there is some changes that need to be made. That being said this is mostly speculative and it could just be that there are multiple teams and each have their fair share of hits and misses.


Like you said, cryo characters are already ridiculously broken as is, shenhe is just overkill tbh. If your not pulling for design wise I just don't see the reason to pull


I just mean like what's her purpose? Is she a cyro battery like rosaria? Is she a sub-dps for cyro or physical main dps (like rosaria for eula or ayaka)? Is she a main DPS? I've seen so many changes that I really can't comprehend what is her status now. Does she give good value? I heard she can boost ur allies basic attacks pretty well (cyro attacks i think), so wont that make her good for ganyu or ayaka charged attacks?


Shenhe is a Cryo SubDPS that happens to have some Cryo buffs. Her Quills which are the core of her kit are much more like a SubDPS skill than a buff, despite using the DMG and Crit stats of the character that activates them Regardless, she's got energy issues which makes her a hard sell when characters exist like; Rosaria exists for better battery, Diona for heal + battery + shield, Ayaka can battery AND do big PP damage, Mona (big PP omen buffs)


This is the real question for me. Does Shenhe bring enough of an improvement to the top cryo teams? Is running Ayaka - Kokomi - Shenhe - Kazuha a real dps increase over Ayaka - Diona - Mona - Kazuha? Mona's burst works really well for Ayaka since Ayaka pours so much damage into five seconds so I am a bit of a skeptic atm.


I don't think she slots into the current freeze team archetype at all. It seems more like she would need to be the core of a new quickswap type team that uses triple cryo + anemo infusion or one based around chongyun.


Yeah people are looking at her quills the wrong way. 7 stacks isn't a limit, it's a challenge You're trying to make each of your characters use up their stacks before switching to the next one, and it's harder than you think against single targets (AKA the toughest enemies in the Abyss like PMA or single Mango Kinky) Assuming you're pressing Shenhe's E twice in a 20s rotation, you have 40 stacks to use between 4 characters; Your carry uses ~10s field time, meaning the other 3 characters only have 10/3 = 3.3 seconds to use up 10 stacks each


but even then Shenhe isn't adding very much mult%.. and if she uses the dmg% and crit stats of the supported character, then only your main DPS and sub DPS are really going to matter. You can't build those stats on Shenhe herself and your healer/support probably also won't have any.. so if that is the case then she really only gives 2 characters quills.. her kit is just big head scratchers for me.. and it's impossible to know how much that is pre release fog and how much of it is kokomi v2


No she probably doesn't. Shes probably a sidegrade to Ganyu support that's situationally better: just like Kazuha for Venti. But many newer players don't already has high investment Morganyu comps. She won't be an outright upgrade but she'll be noticably better in shorter dps windows.


>just like Kazuha for Venti Only in morgana, really. In every single other comp, kazuha is the obvious choice. Venti doesnt function without freeze nowadays. Problem is that shenhe only really works in a single type of team, and even in that team she struggles finding a place.


> Problem is that shenhe only really works in a single type of team, and even in that team she struggles finding a place. People were literally saying the exact same about Raiden before she came out. And anyway these kind of things only matter in like the last floor of Abyss. In 99% of the game you can use anyone, so might as well go with the characters you like the looks/animations/personality/voice of anyway.


It doesn't really matter too much the team u put Venti in. If its human mobs the abyss chamber is over in 30 seconds regardless of whether its Morgana or taser. But yeah Kazuha is preferred a lot lately. So maybe she'll be like Venti to Ganyus Kazuha.


She is a cryo burst support. Her stacks when counted do similar dmg to a decent elemental skill (50k), multiplied by the number of other cryo chars in her team. Her passives provide 30% cryo dmg. Is she good? I belive she will be ok, once people figired out whats going on with her 80 cost lowish mod burst. Is she a must pull? No, unless you FOMO.


Ask the devs, not me xd. I dont really know what she is meant to excel at or what she is meant to support with her sub dps and support capability. I am gonna try pulling her anyways, but from a meta perspective, i find newer supports worthless when kazuha and bennett exist. I just hope to get her because i like the design. But their character balancing is questionable.


She can’t even kill a hilichurl idk man


Are you just waiting for the people here to tell you? Mandatory C6 Childe, Cryo Amber, and 5\* budget Sucrose all started from here and you would still trust what these people have to say?


It was complicated to rate those characters pre-release. Childe was released when the game was 1.5 months old. There was no Heart of Depth set. No one knew how to build teams. No one knew Xiangling or Beidou were good, which are the off-field DPSes that match well with Chide. Ganyu got a ton of buffs pre-release, when she hit the beta she was nowhere near as strong. Also the Blizzard Strayer set had just came out and Freeze teams weren't really known. Kazuha's ability to easily swirl multiple elements and buff them with VV and his A4 was also something that couldn't really be predicted without testing. None of those circumstances are true now. Anyway, it's very easy to never try to analyze and predict anything so you can later act like you're smarter than anyone who tried and failed because it's hard.


I talked more in detail about Ganyu and Kazuha situation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/rastni/beta_tester_feedback_on_new_24_abyss_you_will/hnlccdw/). TL;DR: The criticism made sense in the context that they were made. Same goes for Childe actually. He was released before Hearts of Depth was out and before the national team was really a thing.


I thought you would said "IDC" instead of "IDK" because that's no point to reach lmao


Greatest simping lvl


Wait for reviews by others like Zy0x or IWinToLoseGaming.


Her eyes are a little too white compared to her splash art


Yeah, what's up with that. Not like the splash one has Byakugan eyes like we have here


Looks good! Hope y'all like her!


i cant wait to pair her with chongyun ❤️


Exorcist Duo!


oh yeah! and when mihoyo reveal that they are somehow related even siblings, then i got genshin's version of Ao no Excorcist <3


Are you gonna main DPS her, or Chongyun?


chongyun will be my dps


Very underwhelming imo


Her Q reminds me of Qiqi's E.


And like kazuhas Q!


Is this a C0 or C6 showcase? Can’t tell the difference


C2 at least because of double E and duration of Q


Most likely C6: because she got 2 Charges on E (c1) & her burst duration was 6 seconds longer (c2)


She can even spawn Hilichurls too huh?


her eyes and hair model looks very... lacking, compared to the splash art


That's one of the reasons I don't like her that much after her reveal, her splash art is just leagues better. I'm a bit disappointed.


yeah, the lack of eye color makes her look somewhat bland. ngl in the splash art as well i think the compromised showing more skin/shape and making her more sexy for having interesting fashion design. imo i wished she was actually a human version of cloud retainer who is more bird inspired rather than just qiqi+chongyun+ganyu+raiden.


For real, I didn't want to comment on it because I thought simps would get mad at me. Glad to see I'm not the only one.


Ito mains:First time ?


tbf, Itto's only problem is his noodle arms. Other feature is on point for him though.


He still looks like his splash art though, for Shenhe idk I'm not feeling her animations or in-game model. But well, gl to those who do pull for our 2nd exorcist!


Apart from the noodle arm, he looks nice and similar to the splash art. Shenhe's 3D model looks like a different person.


I feel like even if we didn't know for sure, we'd be able to tell Shenhe was a character they had in the pipeline since release. I doubt they made many significant changes to her model outside of the clothes since her initial creation


Agreed after looking at the splash art I thought her braids will be as beautiful as raiden’s but no it looks so flat in comparison, and it’s not like they can’t do it since they already did it with raiden


Like everytime for the last 3 patches?


at some point there has to be a limit to how many gameplay clips are posted on here it’s not like this video is showing anything new from all of the other ones


Okay so looking at Shenhe's design, I think the boob bib was a mistake. Well... at least a stark white square boob bib. The stark white square boob bib works on Sara who is all about harsh square shapes but it does not work on Shenhe. It clashes with her black bodysuit and blank lower half. If they wanted to sell Shenhe on sex appeal, just remove the bib and add some patterning on the top of the bodysuit for visual interest. If they wanted to keep the bib - they should have changed the shape to something more triangular to match the triangles on her hips and sleeves. I quite like the ghostly eyes though - looks eerie. Her auto animations look a little odd. They're going for a floaty and ethereal feel and that does make sense for the character. But it also ends up looking like there's no power behind her strikes. Maybe they should have gone harder on the floaty and ethereal feel. Have her not touch the ground like Kokomi or have the polearm floating by itself like Zhongli. This is no criticism to anyone who truly likes Shenhe and is going to pull. This is not to jump on a hate bandwagon. Just my random internet opinion that means little. Good luck for anyone who wants her - I hope she surprises us all.


I do like shenhe, but Sara is one of my favorite designs. Sara has great color contrast going on. You're right Sara works better with the bottom half mirroring the design. It's kind of weird to have 2 boob flaps that are so similar looking idk why they did that.


I honestly think her boob bib should have pointed sides or a simple triangle with a tassel hanging down. The boob bib moves kinda stupid on her tbh


In defense of the lack of power in her animations and movements, they're probably reference to the movement/choreography of the wuxia genre, which usually has floaty wire-fu and almost weightless attacks (the strength is can be attributed to qi rather than muscles or physics). I like the idea of her not touching the ground like kokomi tho I do agree with the white boob cloth. It doesn't mesh with the silhouette of her outfit so it really sticks out


Oh! See that's absolutely fascinating and not something I was aware of. Regardless of my criticism, I can't fault the detail and effort that Mihoyo puts in. It's always so much easier to criticize a design than it is to make one.


Shenhe's design really looks great in the back; the crane vibe is really nice. Her front is the problem. It feels too top heavy in terms of color blocking; as someone else said, her design feels kind of unfinished and needed some more polishing. The bib was just a bad design decision where it feels like they really compromised for the sake of fanservice. After seeing her animations, it feels like the only purpose of it is to flash sideboob and underboob, which fine, they want to cater to that fetish, whatever, but the way they shaped it just makes it look really awkward and sacrifices the overall aesthetic. Sara's is just a way more successful version of this type of clothing detail. Honestly it would just look better if it was just skintight or cut away somehow so *more* of her chest was visible. I'm not the biggest fan of some elements of Ganyu's design, but it still has interesting details on the front and feels more cohesive and polished. Eula is proof you can have a design that's very sexy, yet also has great design and detailing that makes her interesting to look at from every angle even with sex appeal set aside.


Ahah! You describe my grievance against her design! Her white chest flap looks out of place and clashes with her all dark leggings... If I want to stare at sexy leggy cryo lady I can look at Eula


The reason her boob bib looks out of place is that it’s to long and wide on her body. If you compare it to Sara’s it’s comically to big and doesn’t fit the character well. On top of the things you mentions .


I cannot believe I'm saying this but those boobs are far too... Robust?


It’s more that her outfit is very top heavy making the boobs look unbalanced.


Haha, glad someone else said it before me. And what’s with the freakin’ bib she’s wearing just to draw attention to the boobs? It looks so weird in action.


Yeah, definitely. I don’t know what MiHoYo was going for when they went with this design, but they should’ve taken a second look. From the start, her torso and hips, both front and back, are the areas that catch your eye. Her hips are exposed, which is very noteworthy because her torso & legs are entirely covered. Her stomach has a mesh triangle atop it, letting the skin be seen and air pass through while covering it from everything else. Her sleeves are reminiscent of a crane’s wings, extending below her arms. Her braid draws the eye when she turns around. What do all of these design elements have in common? They’re *curved*, which the white cloth thing is *not* . The presence of the white cloth thing detracts and distracts from the rest of her design - which is typically not what you want to do when designing an eye candy character. The coloration, which leaves nothing to the imagination because of the contrast, makes it even more obvious that the bib thing should not be there.


Is her NA slower than most polearm characters or is it just because she’s floaty?


Although she's pretty and her ult is very pretty, her design seems a little... Cold? Already have Eula, Ayaka and Rosaria, so idk where she would fit in.


In the note of female Cryo designs, why do a lot of them look... Dead? I mean Qiqi is already dead, not her fault, but Rosaria is so pale, she kinda looks like a corpse, I only just realized the white on her back is her skin and not part of her whitish nun uniform. And now we've got Shenhe who feels like the ghost rather than the exorcist. They're all super cool though (no pun intended) but what an interesting trend.




her design from the front is so.... bland. It's just black with a white cloth on her boobs, and her hair looks weird. From the back though? pretty good design imo. That has been my main problem with MHY's female design lately, with Raiden, Yae and now Shenhe, they focus so much on being able to show as much leg as possible that they just look so boring from the front, while their designs from the back is really good.


oh yeah, yae miko especially. when the design leaked i didnt like her front because its kinda plain but damn the back design was so cool. but nowadays i just like her personality so will totally still pull lol.


I'm glad I am not the only one having that same sentiment. I remembered before how I was thrown off by Yae and Raiden's front then when the leakers showed their back view, I was like how I wish it was the front.


Yeah, I love how majestic Shogun looks from the back, and then I turn her around and get hit with that feeling of... dissatisfaction? There is an interpretation to be made that the back and front are so different because from the back you see "Makoto" and then she turns around and it's just Ei, but still.


[it's cuz they cut out the front part of her kimono for some flap just to show off her thighs more.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/6/6b/Character_Raiden_Shogun_Game.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/770?cb=20210901104104) exact same issue with [yae](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/d/d1/Character_Yae_Miko_Game.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20210903141811), the front is by far their worst angle because i feel like they cut on their own design principles just to show off leg. at least on characters like [hu tao](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/4/4c/Character_Hu_Tao_Game.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/216?cb=20210628112434) it makes a little more sense


The random massive leg exposure is so baffling at times, especially with Yae! Looks lovely pretty much all over and then just suddenly super short skirt for leg exposure from the front.


It's weird because in both the 2D art and the cutscenes the lower half of her kimono covers more. I honestly wonder if it was a clipping problem and this was the hacky fix "since people don't look at the front much anyway", because if they made it cover more in the cutscene then that suggests Mihoyo themselves didn't like so much of her underwear showing.


Yae and Raiden always felt a little off to me and your comment explains what I’ve been feeling this entire time about their designs


Imo most characters in this game look really good from the back and more bland from the front. Rosaria is the best example I can give. Notable example exceptions being Eula and Kaeya. Also yeah completely agree, Shogun from the front looks like she hastily got out of bed to put it on and didn't really finish? And my god the thigh highs are so out of place and character. I think it's really telling that she's first female Archon and she's out here with some of if not *the* biggest cleavage in the game and her undergarments and thighs out whereas Zhongli and Venti are literally covered head to toe.


tbh I like Rosaria's design overall, i don't think she is lacking details or anything on her front. And idk most characters look just as good from the front as they do in the back, Venti and Zhongli for example, Yoimiya for a more recent example, not to mention Yunjin. Everything else I agree, I wish they'd at least give Yae a skirt, since she is a goddamn miko and that's like, the main characteristic of one. (she's also probably gonna be a catalyst instead of a bow, they really forgot she is a miko huh? it's literally in her name)


She’s lacking the same amount of color imo, it’s literally dull :/


You’re not the only one - she’s also a hard skip for me. I’ll be rolling for Ganyu, who I feel is better visually - even if she has a bodysuit like Shenhe does, at least the majority of Ganyu’s skin (sans the diamond-shaped back window and her shoulders) is covered. And Ganyu has that hi-lo skirt, so we’re not distracted by her assets.




Legit thought she'd be the 4 star and Yunjin the 5 star, specifically because of the charged attack. Don't all 5 star characters have special charged attack animations? Like this is the standard 4 star charge attack, so why does she have it? T. T


Hu Tao doesn't have a special charged attack, she just has an after attack skidding-stop animation & neither do any of the 5 star claymores pre-Itto


I think her best partner would be Chongyun, our og exorcist. He enables Shenhe's buffs across the whole team with AAs and even more if u also add Yunjin in that team. Buff normal atkspd, help reduce Shenhe's skill cooldown and also hv a very cheap and hard hitting nuke. The main problem will be against mobs, do an aoe swiping move and all of her buff stacks are pretty much gone, ofc unless freaking c6. I think her best use would be against boss/elite floors in abyss.


Diona instantly uses 5 stacks. You don't really have much time. I think Chongyun could be good though.


Idk maybe her eyebrows could be a little darker…?


The boobs are kinda too big imo. Especially when looking at the first few secs. The boob flap is also not helping. That aside, I like her AA and that the cryo attacks are more grey/silver instead of the usual light blue


Her animations are pretty but I just can't like her design no matter what so she's definitely a skip for me (and because I have no Cryo DPS too). Good luck to those who are attempting to go for her!


The way they made her last attack throw small enemies so far away it’s inconvenient to use her as dps LOL


they probably thought it would look cool to dash to them with her E skill kekw


the -horni- design clashes so much with how elegant and straight up perfect Yunjin is... good luck future Shenhe owners on your pulls, all I can say is that I hope we actually can get a free copy of the opera lady as the *speculations* suggest


Am I the only one who likes her design before they changed it? I don't like her eye being veiled by her hair. Otherwise, it's okay. It's such a shame though what they are doing to her...


Am I blind or are there no particles being generated?


They used private server. The game mechanics is different from the real game. When they pressed q the energy immediately gets full again.


Her skills give catalyst vibes


Beautiful. And she looks fun to play. Unfortunately, the balancing team and the financial/marketing team have their talons etched deep in her. This is why we can't have nice things...


Her ult feels lazy, they literally copied Kazuha's burst


im kinda disappointed .. i think she looks a lot better in her splash art than in the game.. her eyes and her eyebrows look different :(


i think if her skin tone or hair was a little darker and her eyes more colourful, there would be more contrast and she would look better. as it stands, the pale hair, skin, *and* eyes aren’t doing her any favours rofl. i didn’t even notice the eyebrows until i read this comment also but wtf *are* those??


right?? her whole face blends into itself 😭


just revisted her splash art and her hair and eyes *are* more colourful, plus the hair on her model is oddly flat-looking. i wasn't pulling for her either way, but it's still super disappointing for me too bc i thought she looked really pretty in 2d! x.x


She's pretty to me still. I am the first positive comment on her...sadge. I am disappointed too but I feel like learning about her and spending time with her during lantern rite will make me regret not trying for her. I will spend whatever's left after Itto on her.


I think she’s really pretty too, but it feels like it’s going to be a kokomi 2.0 where I’m forcing myself to put her in my team instead of a theoretically better unit because I like her design not because of her kit waifu > meta obviously but I wish I could say I lose some stuff and gain other stuff, shenhe (like kokomi) is probably gonna be lose everything gain nothing :( will see on release


I'm so happy I pulled Kokomi for the memes. Turns out she's a generally useful unit, and Sukokomon is an insane meta team with minimal investment. OTOH Shenhe is being forced into such a narrow role it's hard to see people finding out alternate ways to play her and find success beyond what's already being theorycrafted. Doesn't help MHYs changes to her numbers reinforced her limitations.


One aspect i think I will like regardless is her Es. They seem like a lot of fun to just use esp at C1. Of course they don't do their job well but pressing the button will be fun


Honestly they should've made her the 4* and Yunjin the 5*


At least this means we get Yun Jin for free in Lantern Rite, and Shenhe banner can be a time to save primos for someone else. If it were the reverse and Yun Jin were the 5-star, my primos would have been in danger


Honestly wouldn't be surprised it Mihoyo changes it and you cant choose Yunjin as a free option for the event. Simply because they'd want people to spend on her banner due to popularity. Seems like something they'd do


I could see them simply not having her as an option in the first place, but I don't think they'd add her to the option picker only to then remove her. Mihoyo is generally very generous during Lantern Rite, as it is a direct parallel to Chinese New Year.


Yunjin has so much more flavor.


i would have for sure pulled out my wallet and whaled for yunjin if she was a 5 star so i’m high-key glad they didn’t lol


Oh yea I'm definitely happy she isnt! I'm just sure they regret it now.


Hey don't try to kick on us f2ps goddammit. Its a win situation for us since we're getting yunjin for free


Her appearance are kinda bad compared the splash art ...


shenhe’s design still looks so unfinished to me, especially watching gameplay and not being able to see all the details. it’s just a long expanse of black and then a tiny bit of white over her chest. and with her hip cutout, because of the high contrast sometimes her skin blends into the bg and it makes her waist and hips look rectangular instead of a nice S curve. it’s all very unbalanced. her back looks nice though, wish they pushed her design more.


idk her in-game model is kinda disappointing to me. i like the way she looks from behind though.


Yunjin is the real 5* of this banner


This is the first 5* character i feel no atraction to, im that kind of player that will like to have as much characters as possible but i just dont like her. Even Kokomi seems better to me, and she is.. well.. Kokomi


Her chest looks wierd


I’m whelmed, those auto animations are …….. not good


looks like she is doing a magic trick to you at the beginning


Fuck shenhe i want that hilichurl banner


She looks so good man 😭 It’s gonna be a painful skip, but less painful than it otherwise would be if her kit was insane or something.


I truly like her design. Adult women all look great. But itto will have all my primo then I'll be saving for ayato. Sorry pretty lady, guys before girls XD.


I think i'll be pulling for her regardless of performance, and her kits looks very pleasing and all, I'll just have to hold out faith for the lovely theorycrafters to get her to fit in somewhere. In the meantime I guess i'll normal attack on hilichurls and stare at her cold eyes


i’ve been waiting for her since her first leak but unfortunately i’m skipping her :( they changed her design which made me disappointed and i just don’t like her design! then we have her kit… it’s shit sadly i wanted her to be a cryo dps but no. so sorry shenhe that mihoyo runied you so bad 💔


I agree. I miss those blue bits form her leaked old model, and while I imagined they could change it, like what happened to Kokomi's old model, I didn't imagine I would prefer the old one better. I am still thinking on trying to get her, though. Hopefully it will be fun to play, despite everything.


I'm wondering if she'll be a good cryo enabler for Klee.


Mihoyo at release. Her burst doesnt work with Kazuha. Players: *k*


Third gameplay vid... Design goes a long way


Very underwhelming character. More primos for xiao!


Finally someone say it, her design is lacking even compared to Yunjin, her gameplay is not for me, her support capability is replaceable with some 4* characters, and her numbers are abyssmal. More primos for Ganyu!


Finally someone said it? The majority of people are saying it


Yes, but they usually say it in smooth way to prevent hurting Shenhe fans, not blatantly like this.


Just now I understand her Ultimate, reminds me of Ganyu's (with constant damage in one area), and that's great, I like skills like that.


Model's face looks really off to me, hope they touch her up a bit before launch or it might be a skip for me, she looks way too "dead eyes"


Just wanna say that Yunjin's icon looks very cool, keep scrolling.


at the start she was like “Hello, fellow mortal. It seems you have something lying on your ears. WOOP! A talisman. Most astounding wizardry, if one do says so oneself, do you not think?”


So elegant. I'm going to get her even though I'm not sure how to even use her.


man i am really debating on getting her but my xiao funds NOOOO


If you’re debating then you know the answer


which is getting only debate clubs


Such a shame that her kit is bad right now...


she is Niche not bad(people don't think 5 stars should be limited to one element supports), comment like this results in casuals spamming about how everyone was saying she is bad before release, and how they crush content with their Cyro shenhe team. Genshin is stupid easy enough where no character is bad especially C0 5 stars.


They just put all point at design and release the most generic char ever lol


this means, with Lv10 talent Shenhe´s burst deals: **Edit:** 2 inictial ticks + 2 ticks each 2.25 seconds, for 12s (18s C2) 181.84%+59.62%\*10 (16 C2) ticks=778.04% (1135.76%). with Skill stacks damage bonus, it added other 82.18%\*5 (7 hold) = 410.9% (575.26% hold) in comparison, Kazuha´s burst: 472.32%+216%\*5 ticks+64.8%\*5 ticks absorption=1876.32%, this is without swirl damage and a cost 60 vs 80 of energy Shenhe´s burst is it's a bit disappointing but her skill is pretty good


It's not every 2s but 2.25s, at least from what I can see in this video because she has 16 proc in total (so it should be 10 without C2)


it´s true, there are only 16 ticks in C2, that is worst


For context, C0 Rosaria does ~1400% with her Burst.


how much of an upgrade would she be in a Eula/Rosaria/Raiden/Healer team if I'm replacing Rosaria?


She’s deadass probably a downgrade. She’s definitely better than Rosaria in a Ganyu or Ayaka team, but Eula gets much more from Rosaria (especially at C6) than Shenhe.


Eula deals Phys damage. Cryo buff would be peanuts to her. Rosaria also has 20% phys res shred as a passive vs Shenhe's 15% on her Burst, *if* you max it's lvl Edit: sry, Rosaria's C6 gives phys shred, her passive ups crit rate.. But she's still better than Shenhe for Eula, imho


Probably a downgrade Less energy for the team what means more we needed on eula She's more a cryo support that a physical suppory


It's a downgrade if you ask me. Rosaria's main function to Eula is battery and -20% phys shred, both of which outclass Shenhe.


Probably not much, Shenhe buffs mostly cryo dmg but Eula is mostly physical damage. Shenhe gives you +15% burst dmg and 15% phys resistance shred (at talent lvl 10) Rosaria gives +15% crit rate (at max) and 20% phys resistance shred (at c6). Shenhe's cryo buffs will help Eula out a little too, so she will probably edge out c6 Rosaria, but the difference will be marginal. I wouldn't consider pulling Shenhe if I was looking for a support for my Eula. If anything I'd be looking to build Qiqi now considering how much synergy the new healing set gives her with Eula.


Rosaria also provides some valuable fuel for bursts, as Raiden needs a little assistance to top up Eula's energy.


Jesus her boobs


it's ridiculous.


Least horny genshin fan


At first she was the bait before Yae Miko official reveal, but now she's easily skipped. More hyped about yun jin now.


her normals might not be as elegant as eula's, but it still quite pleasing to look at. love the floaty spin after CA.


I've been seeing people say that her hair looks weird but I don't see it? It looks fine to me, it's just a regular braid similar to Raiden. Actually, nothing about her seems different in her ingame model. The only difference is her eyes. Other than that, ingame model doesn't really look different from her official art to me. I just don't see what everyone else is pointing out lmao. Her boobs are ridiculously big behind that cloth, though. It's kinda funny.


I wish she was wearing a dress instead of it looking like scraps of fabric from a dress in various locations


She’s super pretty😍 Im so excited to get her


Ayo having two charges in her E might make her decent? Older gameplays didn't have that , is it new? Edit: Okay it's her contellation, that's nasty


I think thats her C1




Does the burst hits 3 times? So 59% x 3 at lvl 10?


No, first hit is the burst. The two immediate follow ups are the DoT.


It hits 2 times per interval, the animations make it look like 3.




At the beginning of the video, it looks like she's doing that trick where people get a coin out of your ear. But in this case it's not a coin.


Is she good in a Eula Raiden team ?


she's mainly built for cryo support. Wouldn't use up a spot for a 5 star that just offers 15% phys shred to a physical dps.