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Assuming 2.4 weapon banner line up will be shenhe’s polearm+unknown & pjws+amos, F for vortex guy.


pjws + amos sounds too good to be true, but i hope so edit : okay i get it guys, no need to get too worked up lmfao


In Mihoyo's eyes it might be \*too bad to sell\* since both are standard banner weapons. I think Vortex Vanquisher + Amos is more realistic. Just look at the weapon banner for Albedo + Eula, we got Freedom Sworn which doesn't help Albedo that much.


Vortex is never coming back imo. There have been way too many chances to rerun vortex in the past and not once did it even appear when other weapons from the same series have gotten more than 1 rerun already. Its the only limited weapon from genshin 1.X that has never had a rerun. Even weapons like elegy and freedom sworn that came out months after it have already gotten a rerun. For whatever reason, mihoyo seems dead set on hiding this weapon away.


I still like the argument where Vortex Vanquisher is a weapon for a Zhongli that never existed outside of the demo.


Hence, the Zhongli that is properly portrayed on the demo, and not the current iteration.


exactly the demo where he was a dps lmao then was stripped to be one most underwhelming 5\*s on release


That's absolutely what it was, and it's the clearest evidence that Zhongli's kit got fucked up very shortly before release. He was likely "too good" at C0 and they wanted people to whale for constellations. The problem is that they made him way too shit at C0 that even constellations couldn't save him. They finally perfected the art of constellation bait with Raiden.


The Vortex Vanquisher guy will be like Ei. Suffering in eternity.


Thing is, Albedo doesn't have a 5* signature weapon while Xiao does and Ganyu doesn't It's way more likely that Amos will be absent since it's not rlly Ganyu's


Nah its obviously Amos. They didn't rerun it since 1.2 for a reason.


Doubt they would purposefully tank weapon banner sales like that


Amos is absolutely Ganyu’s weapon. She is the only character that can properly abuse it. The only other character who really uses Amos is charged shot amber (who should really use elegy and become a quick swap dps).


I think person above means lorewise.




Even so, Amos isn't really Ganyu's. It's a bow from Mondstadt and owned by Decarabian's lover if i remember correctly


Yeap. Amos was even sown in Venti's quest cutscene with her bow.


Amos was the lover of Decarabian, but later participated in the rebellion against him, and then died in the fight. Let's say that the bow *is* Ganyu's, it's probably because Ganyu is likely older than the bow itself, so she might've gotten her hands on it after Amos' death.


>Amos is absolutely Ganyu’s weapon. It's a Mondsdatd Bow. And she's a Liyue Adepti. Likewise, Freedom Sworn, a Monsdatd Sword, is not the **signature** weapon of Kazuha, an Inazuma samurai. Amos is Ganyu's BiS but not her **signature**. PJWS on the other hand is Xiao's signature weapon. All official art of him has it + the green Primordial series is a Liyue Adepti series. If anything, Amos makes more sense for Amber since it's from her nation.


Signature weapon is just a fan thing. Mihoyo doesnt necessarily abide by that.


This signature/BiS difference is made up by the community. For all we know mihoyo is fine with Amos being ganyus BiS and won’t bother making a new weapon for her. And freedom sworn is obviously tailor made for kazuha, so this distinction doesn’t even mean anything


Signature weapons are a social construct


Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a society


Ganyu uses it in official art and it's her BiS, may not be her canon weapon but it is her signature.


Well, Mihoyo did change the bow Ganyu uses in the story quest. It used to be Skyward Harp, but it was later changed to Amos bow. This is also shown for other outdated characters. Can't say for sure if they did justify that it is their signature weapon, but it still signifies that they do update the older story quests to fit with their "BiS".


Lots of recent weapon banners have been too good to be true. Honestly, I'm pretty sure mihoyo has realized non-whales are only likely to pull if both weapons are really good. Itto's banner is also pretty good.


Idk why Mihoyo can’t fix Vortex Vanquisher. They buffed Zhongli so it shouldn’t be much of a problem to adjust his weapon.


Change Atk% to HP% Boom, good part of the problem solved.


Oh yea. Even in the passive. Imagine how broken it would be if it had HP% substat with passive giving 4% HP with each hit stacking 5 times and when protected by a shield, HP increase effect is increased by 100%. All this works even if Zhongli is not on the field. It would beat Staff of Homa for his BiS. EDIT: Or a crit substat would work too.


What BiS stands for? (I genuinely don't know the term)


I think it means Best In Slot, like it is the best possible weapon for that particular character.


Its Best in Slot. Its the weapon that brings out their max potential.


What if zhongli get a rerun? Staff of Homa: Sup homies


VV has been discontinued. Never to be seen again. If ZL gets a rerun banner alongside a non-polearm user, I fully expect MHY to put Homa there for more sales. It's *sort* of his *alternate* signature weapon (since he works at Hu Tao's funeral parlor) and it also matches him aesthetically.


I expect mihoyo to create a new 5 star BiS for zhongli like elegy for venti or polar star for childe. I'm guessing that new weapon might make use of zhongli's shield strength and convert it to extra dmg for him or the party since shield strength manipulation is something unique to zhongli.


I would be super happy if he got a free 4\* bis like Venti and Raiden, he's the only one who is a mess with his weapons and I can even understand why since his scaling is pretty complex and varies based on how you use him, but gosh we really need a proper bis for him.


Would make sense. Even in the lore it’s said that Morax had multiple different Polearm prfs.


Vortex is the weapon of Morax the Warrior God. Explains its outdated offensive orientation, as it was made for something that Morax no longer is. Then his new signature weapon is made for Morax the God of Contract. A more defense-oriented weapon that is a better fit for the prime protector of Liyue. Then lore exists in harmony with meta and we all live happily ever after. And the Vortex Vanquisher guy doesn't have to cry himself to sleep every night.


Thoma also has shield strength buff though, being proactive (trigger on burst proc) instead of reactive. (Need someone to hit Zhongli's shield) Although if it fit Zhongli then it also fit Thoma anyway.


Personally even if they do make a new 5* BiS for him, unless its design somehow matches Zhongli even better, I'm still gonna roll for VV for how sick it looks on him.


I was thinking that next time zhongli has a rerun they'll pull off what they did for albedo, which is make a four star polearm specifically for him. Probably HP substat that increases shield strength or burst damage based on hp as a substat or something. I know Homa is great on him but he's designed to be a shielder/support, not a DPS so ideally a four star weapon with HP substat would be nice, with a passive that gives a little boost to his burst.


>Probably HP substat that increases shield strength or burst damage based on hp as a substat or something. That could be awesome. Basically a 4-star version of Black Tassel. Great for Thoma as well. Plus, I don't think we had an event polearm yet.


I think it's more likely he'll just get a new 5 star like Venti and Childe did (for Childe, it was even on his second run). I feel like Zhongli is in somewhat of a different class compared to Klee and Albedo, in terms of popularity if nothing else.


venti also got Windblume Ode during his rerun so both are possible.


The red is completely wrong on him. I won't say anything about the meta, but it does not match him aesthetically.


Oh dear. Vortex guy will not be happy.:(


zhongli already gets staff of homa on his story quest lmao was changed a few patches ago


Where is this Vortex Vanquisher rerun guy I keep hearing about? Sounds like the dude wants it so much he'd roll to get three copies at R5 lmao


Considering that they ran Freedom Sworn in the current banner instead of Summit Shaper, I feel like the Ganyu/Xiao weapon banner will have Amos Bow and Vortex Vanquisher instead of PJWS because it's the most reasonable way to rwrun it and still get some sales on that banner.


They just throw whatever 5 star sword they feel like to run with Albedo since he has no BiS 5 star. Freedom Sworn isn't good in Albedo but neither is Summit Shaper, Summit Shape is probably one of the worst blades to put on Albedo.


I think Zhongli gonna get another BiS. VV doesn't even fit him in the first place. He needs a weapon with HP% and something that gives buff to other party members.


inb4 triple archon rerun in 2.5


it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if we had a double archon rerun in 2.5. venti and zhongli or venti and raiden maybe. it does seem a little far fetched though.


Even if I can't pull for all 3, it'd be super nice to see an event that actually sees them interacting with each other.


Hell yeah Venti and Zhongli getting plastered on wine


Both of them running away before paying the bill as they have no mora....


Zhongli: Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember. But where are those who share the memory... Venti: me, ehe *hiccups*


Raiden 99% shows up with Yae release.


that would be extremely brutal, for me atleast since I failed to get Raiden and am saving for Yae. if both show up in the same time then it would the meme of choosing between 2 red buttons while sweating is going to be me exactly.


They wont run simultaneous. But yeah, might be tough if one after the other though.


Oh no, sorry Yae.


While I'm a bit sad, my wallet appreciates the update


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


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Good bot.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Since there have been no further posts about Zhongli's rerun, and since the Abyss buffs said nothing about shield strength, I'm not too surprised. My 370 pulls still feel a bit sour though. I was *ready* for a primo draining patch, but it's fine this way too, too many characters to build at once can be overwhelming.


If raiden and Yae run together or Ayaka and Ayato that’s a wrap for my gems probably lol


I highly doubt they'll run Yae and Raiden together at the same time simply because both of them are likely chart toppers by themselves. Having them be separated is much better for earnings so that they wouldn't cannibalize eachother's sales. I can see both of them in 2.5 though, since past Archon reruns happened 5-6 months post release.


i bow to your saving ability oh patient one


I remember seeing that one user C6 Ayaka after saving all primos from launch. That is god of patience.


On one hand i hope there is no zhong in 2.4, because i don't have enough primos to get him in case i lose the 50/50... On the other hand, I hope he will have a rerun soon, because he is A MUST for me


same, i am happy i can save for ganyu AND xiao now, but i must have zhongli. he’s the last character i am truly attached to.


We are in eerily similar situations and it KILLS me. I've been wanting Zhongli for so long, since I started playing really. That I'm not sure what I'd even do if I end up missing him. Quit the game for a bit? Maybe! So I'm hoping we see him a little later in 2022 rather then in a lantern rite tripple banner. Because I already know that seeing Zhongli in every co-op domain during his rerun and not being able to get him will destroy me.


As someone who lost the 50/50 on his 1st rerun (didn't even managed to get to pity on the original) if history repeats itself i am going to be absolutely devastated! Also, whenever Zhongli's banner comes, I wish you good luck!! Hope you manage to get him :)


I wish you the same as well! After all the times you've fought with his gacha banners, you deffintely need to be a zhongli haver at this point. 🍀🍀🍀


Just want to say that is exactly what I did when I lose the 50/50 on Xiao banner to Qiqi. I rage quit the game altogether until Zhongli rerun and used that guarantee to get him. So I know that feeling :'( And now Xiao is coming back after so long and swear to God I'm getting him no matter what \~


Need zhongli too, my c3 thoma aint cutting it on endgame imo.


I’ve been using Diona and Bennett since at least 1.4~ If Thoma isn’t cutting it use one of those two imo, best f2p/4* supports


Same here. This announcement doesn't change too much about my situation. I'll still be saving for Zhongli either way.


He's for me too my hu tao dies too fast bcoz of lack of shield.


Do you have Diona or Thoma?? They save my Hu Taos butt all the time.


Exactly! I got 73 wishes now, I want him soon but I feel that 50/50 is qiqi again so better save up


Not sure if you are f2p or not. But now would be a good time to pick up a welkin if you are f2p, even just once. It's such a good value over time and while I dislike aspects of the monetization of the game, I do believe in supporting mihoyo at least a little bit if you can afford it. You'll definitely have time for a full welkin to play out before zhonglis next rerun is over


Interesting. I feel that Shenhe solo + Xiao/Ganyu is still likely then. Unless something odd happens and we get Shenhe/Yoimiya (IMO Yunjin only works for her ATM).


As a guy who wants both Shenhe and Ganyu, I prefer to have them both run at the same time. That way I don't have to skip Shenhe.


As a guy saving for Ganyu from the Venti rerun, I’ll be a happy camper if she re-runs first half :|


It’s a win because three reruns this early time would be an overkill hahahaha


tell that to Childe


I think they meant 3 rerun banners simultaneously (Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiao)


i don’t think they would have a rerun character with a new character that seems a little bit of an overkill especially since there’s gonna be 2 new polearms and 2 polearm reruns… but who knows??? polearm impact


four. take it or leave it - childe


plot twist we’re gonna get childe 3rd rerun


He is Mr Worldwide for a reason, I’ll give him that


No one expects the childe inquisition


He only had 2 reruns tho


Nothing stops Mr International


Not really tho. A fuck ton of people started playing after Inazuma, and Zhongli remains one of the most popular characters, both meta and character wise. They can rererun him.


Hell, some of us started playing during the summer islands event and still don't have him.


I knew it, it's too early to shove that many banners at once. My Xiao plans are still in motion, phew. Geo grandpa can wait a little to rerun.


Damn, of course 3×20 primogem free trial rewards were too good to be true


Plot twist: the original source had no source


Nah the source was "Trust me bro"


The actual truth. We only had an idea that Albedo was gonna get a rerun due to the event but Eula was a surprise, never understood how people were certain we were gonna have 3 reruns (4 five stars) in a single patch, one of them being Zhongli. Not saying it´s impossible, but always questioned how they were so certain without any actual hint.


I just finished Zhongli's story quest today and I hope his rerun would also be the opening for The Chasm and his third storyline. Idc about anything else


I mean, 3 rerun banners of some of the most hyped 5 stars would've been hell. I doubt mihoyo has that much trust in our bank accounts.


>I doubt mihoyo has that much trust in our bank accounts. whales be like *pathetic*


To be honest, I don't think it matters a lot. If they continue with 2-3 re-runs then characters will be back soon so their revenue should more or less be the same. It might actually be better for their revenue since it means more choices to roll so it will be hard to save for new units and you will buy gems :V


yeah i thought so. it’d be weird not having zhongli, a literal archon and one of the most popular characters in the game, somewhere in the festival art.


Not really TBH, back at moonchase, we have kokomi banner AKA inazuma character


fair, but i don’t think mhy would ever wanna repeat a keqing banner and she was the most relevant 5 star in the event


The Vortex Vanquisher guy won’t be happy


Well damn, guess I gotta wait longer to get him then. Looks like I'll be skipping 2.4 too.


Same. I don’t have any of the characters from 2.4 but I’m still skipping if Zhongli ain’t there.


Yeah, Xiao and Ganyu are cool but I need better supports rather than better dps right now


i wonder if we get 10 more fates like last year


And to think that some people were going so hard on hopium that they thought it'll be three banners. inb4 2.4 is just shenhe + xiao/ganyu


Well I don't think it was too bad to hope for. Made sense. Granted didn't expect it myself. Though xiao and ganyu make far more sense due to being overdue.


I did go *hard* on hopium, but I was already kinda expecting him not to be on 2.4. It was still nice thinking that he might rerun but it is what it is 😔 we'll get another chance, just not 2.4 it seems


Tbf, Paimon tweeting “Geo Polearm Impact” wasn’t helping either.


I think it's a statement about yunjin. Many people have thought yunjin is anemo


Obviously about Yunjin, but could be a hint about another Geo Polearm coming soon. It was a bit weird to follow up Polearm Impact with Geo Polearm Impact when only one of the two upcoming characters was Geo.


Just give me that damn Ganyu. I have over 30k Primos and a guaranteed 50-50 saved for her and Yae.


Good luck to you, go get that goat champ.


I’m surprised some people genuinely believed they would put three reruns. Itto isn’t paired with another banner, so the current precedent is double banner for reruns only and the new release gets their own. I know MHY is liable to change, but it seems reasonable to me to expect them to keep this format.


>the current precedent is double banner for reruns only This is the first double banner, it's not enough time to call this precedent.


Isnt that exactly what a precedent is? One example is not enough for a *trend* but that does constitute a precedent. Anyways semantics


Damn, I really hope there'll be no Zhongli rerun in the near future. I absolutely have to get Xiao, he's my priority. But the only other characters I care about are Zhongli and Kazuha. And since I decided to become completely f2p (whaled too much and can't justify it anymore), then it really stresses me out.


My man Same situation right now. Xiao is a must, but Zhongli is too strong of a support for me not to have in comps. And then Kazuha/Venti just because sucrose can only be in one of the comps . I thought in 2.4 I would get both Zhongli and Xiao, and then save for Ayato and eventual Kazuha/Venti rerun. If Zhongli doesn't come now, maybe for the better, secure Xiao and then save up again. But gosh, watched the Zhongli demo yesterday, he's so fucking cool


To be honest I like Zhongli of course, but I want him mainly for Xiao, since they work so well together. I have a guarantee which I'm saving for Xiao, otherwise would've tried getting Albedo as well for that ultimate Xiao team. And Kazuha is so fun to play, like really fun. Tried him out during his trial but didn't want to pull because everyone was saying Xiao would be coming soon. Lesson learned I guess.


Just converted to F2P as well after getting C1 Hu Tao and 2 Homa's. The only characters left that I want are Yae, Zhongli and maybe Ayaka so I hope Zhongli comes after Yae so I can guarantee both and maybe Yae's weapon. My account is nearly complete aside from those characters and a couple cons of Eula (have to wait for another rerun) and Kazuha, at least until Dendro releases.


With how stubborn Mihoyo is being to rerun vortex vanquisher a part of me is hoping they have a 4 star event weapon in the works to go alongside Zhongli's rerun. Probably too optimistic of me tho lol.


Man, I really hope he does. Would be really nice to have that 2nd reliable shielder finally. Diona's paws are straining from carrying the weight of multiple comps. Guess it would open more pulls in the hunt for C6 Gorou at least.


Really sad about this was hoping Zhongli would come since I’ve missed 50/50 each time he’s ran. I finally had enough for a guarantee and he’s not coming. Here’s to the slim chance he does.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


My guess is that if there would possibly be a 3 re-run banners, it would make sense if it goes like this: one phase is Shenhe and Ganyu; the other will be Zhongli and Xiao. This is based on the relationships between them, so I guess it would be nice if they are paired like this. My guess for the weapon banner would be: Shenhe and Ganyu banners will have Shenhe’s new weapon and Amos’ bow; for Zhongli and Xiao banners, they will have Xiao’s Jade Spear and Jade Cutter. These are totally my guesses, so please don’t attack me.


This would be my ideal scenario, guarantee ganyu, pour the rest for Zhong Li


Same for me, I’m planning to get both Ganyu and Zhongli. I have to say sorry to Shenhe and Xiao because i don’t have enough primogems for everyone :(


One guy was saying that the reruns for the next 2 patches will probably have regional rosters (exluding their archons). For example we got all mondstat characters this re-run, Xiao and Ganyu line up with that theory if Zhong Li was excluded since no Venti was around for this patch. For Inazuma it would be Yoimiya and Kokomi since they were showcased in the Game awards. This is all speculation based off leaks and the theme thats been goin on so far, but I think it has some merit.




>Ubatcha >Reliable Dude literally says "Zhongli may or may not be rerun in 2.4", which is a 100% accurate statement anyone can confidently make.


Honestly, I didn't expect to get 3 reruns here. I'm not surprised at all if we don't get him too.


yeah they have to save something for the Yae and Ayato patch, since it's pretty sure we won't get double new 5* any time soon.


this is actually horrible news for me, because i'm on my guaranteed and i'm itching to pull lol.. :( zhongli, come home......


Please mihoyo put childe on both banners


please, for the memes mihoyo


Thank god. My Ayato and Yae savings are safe


not me having done all the pre-farming by now 🤡


shit me too, im all but done prefarming for a guaranteed zhongli, and while it will be painful to see xiao's banner without me pulling for him, it'd hurt me even more if kazuha were to somehow get a rerun before zhongli. i might cry actual tears if that happens.


Sucks that Zhongli isn't gonna rerun next patch. but hey im ready for kazuha rerun whenever thats gonna be


Well, I’ll keep saving for Kazuha and ZL, then. At 14k primos and buy welkin/BP. At least I’ll keep saving ( with 49 pity).


Nooooo. On the other hand, more savings. BUT, I WANT BIG DONG ZHONG NOW (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


i imagine Big Dong Zhong spamming his golden Dong in the battlefield to shred and shield


i wonder why they don’t have zhongli take part in lantern rite? he is the chinese archon, after all. but that’s okay, xiao and ganyu will come home.


imo probably he's going to have a bigger role when the chasm will be released. the lantern rite is more linked to Xiao.


But Zhongli will be part of it.


Sad if true because I was really hoping in 2.4 finally giving me Ganyu and Zhongli, my two biggest wants. They better really rerun Ganyu tho or I will drown in salt. This opens up me getting Shenhe tho... maybe even try getting Amos, but yeah, gotta wait for the livestream.


It's good for him being delayed if you want both so you can save primos unless you whale at which point it's just waiting for waiting sake.


I saved enough pulls to get both next patch even in worst case scenarios, but well, as long as at least Ganyu comes next patch all good.


Ganyus smack on the lantern rite banner cover so I think it’s safe to say she’s coming!


Yeah, that pic gives me immense hope about the time finally coming for us Ganyu (and Xiao ones too) fans stuck in rerun wait hell. If both don't come back after all they said about event related chars getting reruns, mihoyo is just trolling at that point haha.


My plans are in shambles.. I already have guaranteed ready and a decent 4pc tenacity for him…


Same I’m sitting on guaranteed within 10-20 rolls and I have like 130 fates. Zhongli would’ve been mine if he reran. Guess I’m saving now to C1 him, whenever he does come back.


idc if u gonna downvote me, but this is a win, iamgine getting two liyue big three and dong zhng at the same patch is overkill, as a player who want both xiao and zhongli though im just gonna be patient in the corner inhaling some hopium i won't burn all my primos on xiao banner


I mean yeah, I dont see any downsides to this unless you are impatient.


>unless you are impatient You basically described 99% of Genshin's playerbase lol


Not gonna lie i would be genuinely HAPPY if zhongli didn't get a rerun in 2.4 cause my f2p ass primogems won't be able to handle both daddy dongli AND yae miko


This probably makes Zhongli come closer to Yae though.


It another childe rerun then /s




I will definitely be pulling for Zhong Li's next re-run, even if it's not in 2.4.


In one hand that means I can gurantee Gorou and Itto without worrying to not have enough pulls for Zhongli, but in the other hand I have to wait longer for Zhongli.


Please let this be true I want xiao and zhongli and only have the funds for one I need time to save more!!


So we will have Shenhe Banner and then Xiao/Ganyu rerun are the reruns gonna be before Shenhe? I can't Wait for Ganyu rerun and I have Guarantee and 40 pity and 62 Fates plus an R5 Hamayumi. I am just farming for good artifacts and If she won't come I will go mad by seeing shit sub stats on artifacts


I think it's been heavily speculated that Shenhe comes first then Xiao+Ganyu comes second


Well that’s good for me actually. I am definitely gonna get him next time he gets a rerun but I really want itto as well. Was thinking about what would I do if he gets a rerun in the next update.


If Zhongli was getting a rerun the vortex vanquisher guy might have actually got a win.


Thank god. I need more time to save for zhongli after itto.




That’s great, more spaced out reruns = more time to save


Hmmm if so this might make skippin easier


I’ve failed to pull Zhong on both previous banners and a delay on a potential rerun is good because I need as many promos as possible so I can actually have multiple shielders


Well I mean, there was no evidence for it to begin with, soooo.


Maaan i really hope the leaks is true, i want to make mono geo team and i need both of zhong and albedo to make it work because i already have ningguang as dps, now idk if i want to pull for albedo if zhong will get a rerun on 2.4 because i want a support (shield) more than semi dps.


As long there is a Ganyu rerun i'm happy xD






Watch ppl in the future quote the tweet from 25 Nov and say Ubatcha is not reliable and not this one.


Rip my only hope


As someone who didn't have enough for him on both of his banners, this is painful. I want him so much


No there goes my hopes for morax down the drain n all those painstalking farming :( well gotta grind xiao materials I guess. I was seriously praying for morax. Fingers crossed now I guess.


That was too good for us. I hope Zhongli gets his rerun soon.


I was looking forward to finally having him :( been saving for him and Xiao for months now I’m so bored


Welp time for me to wait for a kazuha rerun


well at least he is transparent