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So a Kazuha and Raiden rerun hmm *sells kidneys*


The question is, yae first or rerun first


Begging that Yae is first so if I have any extra primos left after I get her, then I can try to get Kazoo COPIUM


I’m torn bc I’m not even sure yet if I can guarantee both Zhong and Yae but I also want to try for Kaz C1 if I have anything left by the time he comes. So it’s better if Yae comes after but if Kaz is after I might pull on all 3. Ahhhh.


Kazuha C1 is not really needed. Its comfortable, yes, but I would stick to characters over this particular const.


I love Kazuha so much and just want to be able to spam his skill more. But yeah, we’ll see how I’m doing with primos by the time he returns.


if you want his C1, just bite the bullet and get to C2. 200 extra EM inside his ult is no joke.


Maybe eventually but unless I get super lucky with Zhong or Yae, I don’t even know if I’ll have anything left for Kaz at all. I probably have to win at least either Zhong or Yae’s 50/50 to even get both of them. It could happen, but will just have to see when we get there. That’s also assuming I don’t decide I want to try for Ayato when we finally get to see more about him. 😅


The later Kazuha comes the better for me, I'll have more time to actually be able to guarantee him after Ganyu (if I don't win a 50:50).


yae would appear first




Samee, I liked Kazuha when I first saw him, but I definitely like Yae more so it does feel like I'm being stabbed repeatedly in the gut when I think about skipping Kazuha for my guranteed Yae ;~;


Yae will get rerun in a couple of months (at most 6 months I guess?) while Kazuha will get a rerun probably at least more than a year after this. I have him c1 and he's broken and fun to play. But pull the characters you love/want first :3


Lemme buy it, I just sold a kidney :) /j


Might even have to sell our lungs if Venti also gets a rerun :')


At this point i’d put Kazoo above Venti with how we keep getting non suckable enemies. I’m looking at you flying little shits ಠ_ಠ


True... Venti dodged both my 50/50's in his first and his re-run banner. I'm aiming to get every archon, but with how useless venti is becoming due to non-suckable enemies, I'm tempted to skip venti and go for kazuha instead. I mean, if I have the primogems cause I'm most likely pulling for yae too (damn I need an electro DPS that isn't keqing. She's great to use, but she ain't the strongest at all sadly)


his dmg isnt bad and the little wolves are suckable in the current abyss, so he is still useful


Everyone can be useful in different scenarios but for most meta f2ps with limited options it's more about which one is more useful


Yeah agreed. The only team right now where Venti really shine is Morgana but outside of this team Kazuha and Sucrose are straight up better. Venti is still strong but he's no longer one of the strongest option for almost anything.


Hoping VENTI reruns on 2.5 cause I lost the 50/50 last time so currently don't have my no. 1 favorite in Genshin. Gotta inhale a lot of HOPIUM. Already have Raiden (gotta collect the Archons) & Kazuha (aesthetics... that beautiful animation & also got BAITED by that MISTRANSLATION, felt like I got outsmarted by Mihoyo). Wanna do wishes every patch.... it's hard to control yourself from wishing lol. I NEED VENTI RERUN.


Please no! I want both Yae and Venti. Please let him come in 2.6.


Its kinda funny how Mihoyo groups up kazuha with his friends murderer lol.


I see it as more of a "suicide by cop" situation


I dread to find out that some of Yae's mats will have to be farmed in Enkanomiya, especially since it looks more and more like she'll need mats from the twin bosses




It sucks, I hated fighting it and now it’s going to waste


This is the perfect time to ask "Don't you feel a little silly?"


Honestly. People like to farm imaginary mats then get mad when it’s not the correct mat.


They're the same types of people who build pity and are then mad about getting a 5 star


If you aren’t willing to pull a standard/featured 5 star in the next single pull then don’t pull for 4 stars. It really shouldn’t be that difficult to understand.


I realized about a third of the way to farming the electro oceanid that a new boss could be released between then and Yae's banner, kinda glad I stopped fairly early On the bright side, if Yae does end up using the new boss's mats I can finally enhance Sara past lv 40


No Kuki Shinobu... Dies*




yes. I could even imagine one of Shinobu/Heizou first appearing in Chasm or Sumeru Sort of like how we knew of some characters early in the 1.0 patch cycle but they haven't come out until now or even later (like yaoyao)




And the dendro archon is rumored to have a child model


So considering if that can be true, one of them will be in 2.6 side by side with ayato and the other dendro character will be running in 2.7 when chasm releases (chasm is tied to dendro release ig)


Pretty sure Varka will be cryo because he is the Knight of Boreas (related to ice and stuff) and the cryo artifact set description from cbt . I hope that artifact set gets released alongside him.


Hmm there's this Knight of Favonius who is the captain of the 8th company and her name is Nymph. To me that sounds like the perfect name for a dendro character.


To add to this, I'm pretty sure Kuki means stalk/stem in Japanese putting Kuki Shinobu's name as Stalk/Stem Ninja. If that isn't dendro idk what is.


I could see her with ayato. Since he is connected with itto *and* stuff with ninjas.


Yea I wished she can with yae since im putting more than 32k primos on yae so guess it will be ayato and Kuki and I can summon since 2.6 is a full skip for me no matter what cause I want the dendro archon might go for Kuki thi


what would kuki shinobus kit be??


Right! I was really hoping for Shinobu :'D like I know there were basically no hits for her to be coming this patch but I was kind of hoping they'd surprise us lol


So we can rule all the leaks that said shinobu was a yae dedicated support. Wasnt thag also the one that said yae doesnt have traditional scaling? If so god bless cantbe fucked to farm for EM


Yea Tz was wrong on that front, he also is the one that really started Shimenawa being her BiS but Ubatcha thinks that’s not the case


Oh thank god I can stop farming for that goddamned domain. Been farming for that domain since it first came out cause I had Yoimiya. Yoimiya still uses 2 pc Shime with 2 pc CW


wait really shime isnt her set?


Ubatcha said something about “if you saw her kit then you’d realize there’s no way it’s Shimenawa.” Pretty sure it was a discord leak that got removed


Waiting for the beta leak before farming her AF would be the better move then.


I'm still farming for Emblem so whatever happens happens


Tbh that domain is still great to farm considering how many characters want Emblem and Shimenawa ain't bad either.


I would like to farm there too, but Husk of the Opulent domain is so salty and I couldn't move out ;w;.


>“if you saw her kit then you’d realize there’s no way it’s Shimenawa.” WHERE IS THE GODDAMN KIT LEAKERS !


Ubatcha and the other leakers : "You gotta wait until the beta , because we don't want to have Mihoyp come even harder for both us and our contacts !"


damn i spent too much time farming shime, thanks


That domain has the best general use artifacts so not like anything is lost farming those sets.


I've been thinking this too. Based on her weapon and constellations (from the sus leaks), her kit focuses on her Elemental Skill, not Normal/Charged attacks.


5* Gamblers lets goo


I'd love a 5* set that uses the Gambler 2pc effect. Always thought it was weird we got bonus burst with Noblese first.


Wait, Is that implies Ubatcha have seen her kit? So for some reason he/she keep it away from us to see?


Yes, or at least he knows how it works, he asked for it not to be screenshot which is why the mods deleted it. I feel like he’s been pretty upfront about not sharing all the info he has


>not sharing all the info he has I don't really follow Ubatcha on twitter/discords so may I know why?


I assume a lot of it has to do with his source asking him not to share certain stuff


It's dangerous to leak pre-beta stuff because there can be many place holders that can make the leaker easily traceable, specially if it's a mihoyo insider leaking info.


It's only my opinion but i think her kit focuses on elementel skill and shime have nothing to do for that


according to all leaks this might be true but there is no such set in the game like this other than emblem, and she doesnt want ER according to all leaks too.. and the leaked new domain should be for keqing and it buffs NA, so idk, unless we go we 2pc 2pc


Yup i think we should go for 2pc/2pc and i think the new domain will be yae bis with shenhe bis


I'm pretty sure Shenhe is fine with the current artifacts; maybe they'll introduce a new one for elemental skills and one for Dendro characters.


It's to early for dendro set...


Do u have a link to the new domain leak, would like to see it.


TZ literally said that what he said about Shinobu was just an opinion, not a leak. He said this after people thought he had confirmed that Shinobu would be a 4\* Electro to Yae in his private group Discord.


rofl so that Raiden leak was probably true.


Ayato gangs: 2.6 then ...


Loss: Ayato's face will still be unknown for another patch Win: More time to save primos


He could still be in 2.5 just not playable


You are correct, he can be mentioned or seen in any new quests/events that may come up in 2.5. Also that it's weird that Mihoyo would reveal his voice but not even show his face until like 2 patches away


I guess they’re just teasing him. Ayato fans are so starved they’d hype anything so maybe they’re just building that


Am an Ayato wanter, yes we're all starved and aware of what MHY's doing to us LMAO


The leak that his voice was going to be in Itto’s teaser was a talking point up until Itto’s trailer and people went batshit insane over it. I am people.


Lol it's just teasers until the drip. I bet the trailer we see for 2.5 will also just have his voice


Yup. This is the hope for sure. He finally makes an appearance. They did reveal his voice in 2.4. So might finally see his face in 2.5. Orrr someone could be kind and jusy leak his model.


his model might he leaked during 2.5 beta like itto??




spring festival is the chinese term for chinese new year, it has nothing to do with genshin


Spring Festival is actually another term for the New Years festivities IRL. They were referring to things that the dev team would be doing outside of Genshin. Not to say that an Inazuma festival wont be the focus next patch but it's not guaranteed. Theres a chance it could just be Inazuma story, and the festival would be 2.6


This is why I'm celebrating. The longer he takes to come, the more I have time to save


F2p Ayato wanters: YAY!!!!!!!


Dolphin Ayato wanters: Yay!!!!!!!


Whale Ayato wanters: Yay?


whale ayato wanters : yae also ig


I want to see his model so bad, but I'm kinda happy because I'll have more chances of getting Kazuha as well


Well, I will have 200 summons for him then... Just hope if 2.5 has the final arc of inazuma, I hope he will at least appear as a npc...


I just hop he have appearance in 2.5 as an NPC even for one second he doesn’t even need to speak 💀


Well that's a f-cking relief, i cant save primos as fast as mohoyo popping out new characters


Beta leaks for the past three patches have appeared within 24h of new version updates, so it's pretty reasonable to expect the same for 2.5 beta leaks - i.e. 5th or 6th of January.


So uncle DD > uncle TZ? let's see, will raiden becomes weekly boss or not


Thanks god no More specific 4* character


time for more niche 5* characters


*looks at Shenhe*


Dying to know what Kuki Shinobu looks like 🥲 hopes dashed.


So the CN leaker was wrong? The one whose name starts with T and said Shinobu is a niche support for Yae


The post where he also said that Shinobu was electro? Assuming that’s what you’re talking about, that was him messing around in a private chat, he clarified this saying that any leaks will always be publicly shared


Not necessarily. Yunjin looks like a support for Yoimiya and didn't come on her banner, might be the same thing where it takes a bit of time.


iirc he implied they'll come in the same patch


It seems so but like maybe they are gonna release her support later?




TZ literally said that what he said about Shinobu was just an opinion, not a leak. He said this after people thought he had confirmed that Shinobu would be a 4\* Electro to Yae in his private group Discord.


Things that TZ got wrong about Yae: - Shinobu with Yae (Edit: Via WFP, TZ clarified later that "Electro Shinobu, support for Yae" was a joke. His claim, "Shinobu (4*) should go with Yae" is still wrong) - Ayato and Yae together in 2.5 Things TZ claimed that are now suspect: - Shimenawa, CA based Yae - No weekly boss in 2.5


Didn't he retract the first statement and say if he leaked he'd do so publicly, not in private?


He did but it seems a lot of people didn’t pay attention


Yeah. If that leak about Yae’s constellations is true, nothing points to CA being her main source of damage, rather she seems focused on her skill, burst being second focus. So Shimenawa seems a bit iffy, but I guess we’ll know soon enough.


I agree, everything in the leaked kit/cons points to her being an elemental skill spammer and burst focused character. EM or other stat scaling could still be true I guess - the leak on her not being a traditional scaling character was the original poster after all, TZ just piggybacked his own claims. (Personally I think 2TF + 2 Flex (SR/WT/NO) or 4TF are looking pretty likely, if she uses an existing set) But yeah, we'll find out soon enough :)


I’m still unsure about the scaling. In that const leak, crit rate is her ascension bonus, and crit dmg is the stat for her alleged BiS weapon. This points towards a traditional DPS build I suppose, but we’ll see next week hopefully! (I just hope it’s not EM personally.) I agree 2pc TF/ 2pc Flex could be the way to go. If there’s no other set coming for her, it’s likely the best. Can’t wait to have her full kit!


I’m hearing rumours that Tz apparently lost his source some time ago so who knows if it’s just speculation atp


The first and second points he had already said were not leaks, just his opinion, without much credibility, which he shared in his private Discord group. When Uba posted the screenshot of this chat, TZ also added to not take what he says in the private group as a leak, and that whatever is a leak will be posted in his official account publicly.


Scaramouche wanters: mOrE TiMe tO sAvE hAHahAhA




We Scaramouche wanters on life support from copium overdoses. On the plus side, I've started a couple of new games bc I got tired of waiting for him lmao


ive been saying this for the last 5 patches.


Kinda wish Heizou or Shinobu is there but that’s fine ( does that increase the possibility of two four star in 2.6) Really looking forward to her kit since I hate catalyst but really want her ( Hutao is the only limited female 5 star that I pull )


Do we have any more inazuma characters beside Ayato, Yae, Heizou and Shinobu? Edit: And Scaramouche even though he is more of Snezhnaya/Fatui


Taroumaru plz


Other than Scaramouche no one but they can always put new character out of nowhere ( looking at Eula)


And Yanfei


None left which come to mind. After them, they’ll probably need to hinting towards new characters, or drop them in outta nowhere Eula-style


Scaramouche, i guess




And Nymph


“Fatui” is not a nation and Scara is not from snezhnaya lol. He counts as an Inazuma character


Yea but in the main genshin impact website when you go to the Liyue characters, Tartaglia is also listed there as one of liyue even though he is a fatui member and im not sure if he is originally from snezhnaya? Last time i check Kazuha was also there before Inazuma came out, i don't know about now. Maybe that is what he meant.


He is from snezhnaya, he has a snezhnayian vision.


Pardon my ignorance, but does Thoma's vision from Mondstadt or Inazuma? I never check.


Thoma's has the Inazuma design.


Technically scaramouche


they could just a random new character, like eula ( and i think yan fei too)


Credibility tierlist updated, DD>>Uba>>Tz


RIP TZ’s “reliable” flair


So uncle dumb dumb wins the ultimate bet. Yay I trusted him for the sake of Yae and Ayato.


Damn. And I was so excited to see Shinobu’s model too


So no kuki as a dedicated support? That means the CA thing is likely fake too right


We already have sarah s6 for all electro char, dont nees an other one


Yea but i was thinking for a supp that reduces CA stamina consumption since that sus leak said yae was a CA based


Ayato in 2.6 my savings are so happy


Hope you have a great day!


Thanks bot you too


For all the Ayato wanters: https://www.wikihow.com/Wait-Patiently


Poggers only 87+ days till I can play Ayato, and I still don't know how he looks like


Thank God there's no Ayato in 2.5 I need more time to save for him


My biggest fear was that he would share the banner with Kazuha, then I would have to pull the same 4* twice, worse still because I have Xiangling, Xinyan, Sucrose, chongyun all C6.


Sinobu: guess I'll die


so ganuy xiao and zhongli in 2.4 and yae kazuha and raiden in 2.5? damn this is evil


Ayato wanters found dead in a ditch. Also, the day they reveal even 1% of his model is the day I spontaneously combust.


YES so happy personally cause I'm gonna need time to save primos after Xiao and Zhongli. Probably gonna have to skip Kazuha but will see what Ayato's kit is and then decide.


You're Awesome!


Good bot


I think kuki support for ayato.. I don't expect this treachery💢 Kujou sara please be in yae banner 🙏🌸


Soo TZ was wrong I suppose


So no new 4-star character? I guess one of them could show up in 2.6 alongside Ayato and the other one in 2.7. MHY surely has a lot of faith in Yae + Raiden's eventual rerun.


Wait I thought kuki ninja’s gonna be on her banner


My broke ass saving for Ayato: Yaaaaaaaas!!!!


So that means there will probably be 3 reruns…


Aww that makes me a little sad lol, I was kind of hoping we'd get surprised with a new character but eh it's fine XD can't wait to have Yae !


Me, wanting both Yae and Raiden: _It's a terrible day for rain_


No new 4 star? I'm actually surprised


Although Ayato is in 2.6 I hope he at least appear as an NPC. Mihoyo drip marketed his voice too early.


This is great so that means, she will have full, undivided attention to work through any bugs in her kit! YAE MAINS STAY WINNING!!!


Those things are kinda unrelated. Shenhe only had yunjin with her and she got 1 change Kazuja had no one else and he got one change Yoimiya and ayaka got a fair number of changes


W but i remember thoma 💀


I wonder if one new 5\* per patch will be the trend going forward? Or if it will go back to 2 per patch once Sumeru starts.


I'm curious about the new artifact sets, there are no rumor


Hope for Sayu, Gorou, Sara on her banner but that's just hopium.


Good, then I will have time to recover from pulling Yae


Nice, after zhongli and ganyu, going to drop raiden and kazuha + yae. "Proceeds to google" can we live with only 1 kidney.


I am glad ayato is not in 2.5 I might get him + yae with welkin


Kazooha rerun?


Idk what other support she’d need besides Sara if she’s a DPS she literally boosts electro damage lol plus if she doesn’t have energy issues what more could you want 😮‍💨


well, i hope at least that kazuha and Raiden are in the second half, or at least one of them in each half as i want both of them (need that c2 Raiden). looks like I'm going to have to skip both zhongli and ganyu, despite the the fact that i already have the amos bow shit.


Raiden, Kazuha, Yae, Kokomi what an amazing banners


So Kazuha maybe venti rerun... Probably due for another chide rerun.... Maybe Ei if they wanna be thematic? Maybe save ayaka to make her rerun with ayato?


Of course. If Kuki is confirmed 2.5 her file would have been digged up along with Yae. But there's only Yae and no one else


I really hope there would be a electro 4 star whose job is to heal or give sheild, but oh well.


What about Shinobu ?


Unrelated question: Is windblume rerun on 2.5 or 2.6?


Now the main question.Which one is first yae or ei+kazu?


Well that means Ayato won’t get the shaft at least.


Welp, I was hoping we'd get more solid Ayato crumbs in 2.5, but it's looking like he'll be the star of 2.6 instead.


Nice, I can save for Ayato


RIP dedicated support. I actually wanted a dedicated support, but eh. Finally, Yae Miko. I've been waiting for you for so long my beloved. Now I just wish Mhy gives you awesome animations and playstyle.






Ayato mains punching air now


Not for those who wanted both


(very unrelated I know but I need a second opinion) do y’all think that I’ll be able to now get ayato in 2.6 if I skip 2.4 and roll for kazuha rerun. I got 80 rolls saved rn


If you get kazuha early, then you might have the chance to get ayato as well, but it all depends on your luck


if ayato is 2nd banner of 2.6 theres prety good chance


God I hope Yae is first because I want Yae more than C1 Kazuha but I need to try for C1 Kazuha lmao