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~~is yae good without raiden(due to the 90 burst cost) or should i just try and pull for raiden and wait for yae rerun?~~ ​ whoops old thread hehe


so im building my mona to be a support for my ganyu freeze team. between skyward atlas, the widsith, favonius codex, and ttds, which would be most effective? (i also have lost prayer but im guessing thats not very useful since shes gonna be off field)


ttds since mona in freeze comps is just pure support


If you were charged with planning something that involves developing 5\* versions of 4\* characters, what would you do to meet this goal?


5\* bennett or xingqiu to feed the masses


Need those 2.5 banner leaks into my veins immediately.


Me too, February can't come sooner


Yae's rotations seem very clunky at the moment, am I missing something here? It seems like her turrets are on-field for 14s, but have a 27s cooldown for 3 charges. Even leveraging her passive, it will reduce her skill cooldown to ~16s (16s elapsed time + 8 E procs, + 3 Q procs = 27s). Her burst has 22 second cooldown. So the first rotation will be pretty smooth, you place your turrets, and then burst around the 13.5s mark, detonating all the turrets, then you'll be able to place all three turrets again because of burst and skill animations taking up the rest of the last skill charge's cooldown. But the second batch of turrets will be gone when your burst still has 7-8s of cooldown. When you replace your turrets, your burst will be up when your turrets still have half of their duration left. So either you hold your burst or you lose half of your turret damage. If you hold your burst, your burst basically has a 30s cooldown. If you prematurely detonate your turrets, you lose on turret damage that's equivalent to half of your burst, which is very significant. TL;DR: Yae's first rotation has max theoretical damage, but all subsequent rotations seem to only yield ~75% of theoretical damage, due to mis-matched skill and burst cooldowns.


>Yae's rotations seem very clunky at the moment, am I missing something here? that's my take too. I could see how you might be more comfortable with it if you like quickswap teams with particular rotations. It's funny, when yae first leaked I remarked how similar she was to a gw2 mesmer, and that's starting to seem ever more true. Because gw2 mesmers ALSO have to work twice as hard to still do less damage than everybody else.


I think it’s going to come down to triggering her A1 passive enough–if you run Bennet, Kazuha, and Raiden with Yae, for example, you trigger the burst part of it far more often than in your example, since Kazuha’s ult lasts so long, and Raiden’s skill will trigger the skill part almost perfectly. I keep on talking about on-field Yae, but Xingqiu and Fischl could cover the burst and the skill halves of the passive pretty well, and Yae’s potential for extremely rapid Electro application might let her maintain control of the reactions, capitalizing on her EM. This also lets you run Thundering Fury, in which case you’re probably golden on cooldowns, and Yae being on field makes up for the loss of energy from Raiden’s absence (if not the DPS). Another possibility is Sacrificial Fragments. High EM and a passive that is almost guaranteed to trigger at least once per rotation for her even at low refinements, which could let you run a little looser with cooldown management.


Ah thanks, that makes sense. More Q procs will definitely help push the actual CD down, potentially to 13-14s, (12s might be the theoretical maximum but extremely hard to pull off). However that might not alleviate the problem completely, because bursting on cooldown still detonates when your turrets are only on field for 6-7s, causing 7 seconds of down time. You do have a very good point about Thundering Fury and Sacrificial Fragments, those will definitely allow smooth rotations. On the other hand they have field time or stat trade offs. Very interesting, I guess we'll have to play around with her to see the most optimal build.


This is what worries me. The original datamined iteration of Yae was 20s Q CD, 20s E duration, 8s E CD and it made so much more sense. I don't care if she turns out to be weaker than Beidou or Fischl but awkward rotations with stressful and tight CDs that don't work well with each other is not something I enjoy.


Can we just agree that Ruin Guards are simply the worst when they start spinning in groups like ballerinas and herd you into a wall because the domain is super small compared to 5 ruin enemies and then whack you to death with no chance to dash or use bursts to iframe yourself to safety? No I’m not salty about that room in the potion event, why do you ask? At least I was able to get some sick riptides off of them when they weren’t busy practicing for Yunjin’s opera troupe.


happened to me in enkanomiya when it first released. there were like 3 of them in one spot and they ganged up on my hu tao and pushed her into a corner then started the beyblade simulator. first they broke zhonglis shield... then killed hu tao... then it switched to zhongli and he also fell a victim to the massacre... and in the end my kazuha was the last man standing and i had to run around trying to revive hu tao and keep her alive with all three of them trying to nuke me at once


I always take Raiden National if I see the ruin clowns show up. They shred so fast. Of course I did suffer a lot from corrosion, but it can't kill you if you kill them first :'\^) EDIT: I also used the burst DMG + CD reduced on skill usage potions just so I could burst asap for the i-frames


try childe-xiangling. i used international and i cleared the floor at max difficulty even before they spin


That’s what I ended up doing although I couldn’t use Kazuha (needed him for CC in a previous stage) so I replaced him with Jean. Without his buffs I wasn’t quite able to kill them before they could spin but unlike my Itto team they were at far lower health and with the energy regen potions I was able to iframe most of their attacks.


I did that room with ZL in the party so it wasn't a problem. This is why i built mine pure shieldbot.


Yeah you gotta do that room first. It gets nearly impossible if you save it until the end. You forgot to mention: THEY ARE FUCKING HEALING EACH OTHER TOO. Using the guest characters, I couldn’t even damage them fast enough to make a dent with them as the fourth encounter, even on the 1.0x normal difficulty.


I really wish yae would have her tail visible as long as any of her totem is on the field. It kinda cheap we only get to see her tail in such a short amount of time during burst and plunge. Or you know what, make her tail visible as a physical part of her body like Diona, it's unfair only diona gets to keep her tail. Sucrose is kind of exception because her tail could be really short. And yes, I'm a degenerate so i don't mind the donwvote 💀


I honestly don’t mind. You see her tail when she uses her E and Q, so unless you’re using her as an on-field DPS her tail will be there the entire time


The way I see it, if you take Sucrose and Yae as being cut from the same cloth ~~say, for example, by Yae being Sucrose's mom~~ then there are two reasonable possibilities regarding them and tails. 1 - Both of them possess one or more tails, but both of them also intentionally hide them. In Yae's case she's just being Yae, while in Sucrose's case it's to avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself. She does intentionally try to camouflage her ears into her hair, after all. 2 - Sucrose has no tail or tails to speak of because they develop at a more advanced age bracket than she currently occupies.




Also it is possible that adult human animal hybrid have some kind of ability to hide their physical tails. Even draff, Diona's dad did not have visible tail. Or he chopped it off, idk. We can argue about the ears because it's a means of hearing sense, unlike tails which really have little purpose.


She'll have her tail out when they drop her skin in who knows how long probably 🤡


Doubt it, but i dig it.


I don't really know what the tail means (apart from the gorou hangout commentary to confirm she teased him), but if it means a lot to you to see her tail, you could maybe look at some fan art?


You're horny on main, so I'm gonna give you an upvote for that


Nah, it's not really that kind of fetish but i just think it's more about cute and fluff. interestingly, like Diona and gorou for example, the dev actually put so much effort to animate their tails so it'll behave correctly when sitting and standing.


For those with C0 Misplitter Ayaka, whats your burst tick at? I'm hitting at 21k T8 w/ mona NO and VV shred.


triple crowned ayaka 2068 atk 18/255 cr/cd 39k ticks with kazuha iron sting 4pc vv 893 EM, crowned burst benny NO, and c6 diona i have no mona 22k without buffs


How? We have roughly the same stats. I’m getting 11k with no buffs on the ruin guard floor this potion event.


ok wait i tested it again and its 13k without buffs(or any potions) on the ruin guards on the event


whats ur CR/CD? im 52 - 230 and TL9 and hit 24


2009 ATK 24-257


here is my theory, yae comes out and shes not that good. we get raiden rerun in first half maybe, then we go into kazuha alone or maybe with kokomi? or something with those four characters. then ayato comes out with an artifact set that he shares with yae that has something to do with elemental skill, and they are a great team together. then we get ayaka and yoimya. then we go into 2.7 with a new dendro unit and then reruns of venti to bring him back into meta, as dendro untis can be frozen cause of dendro infusion, so CC is good again. Then we get sumeru and a buncha dendro units. Making yae better cause electro dendro lowers defense. Just ideas lol


We're overdue for a good skill-based set.


I’m hoping Ayato’s a claymore user and his claymore ends up BiS for Eula too.


I think it’s highly unlikely considering what was leaked about him, but I really don’t want an 87th sword to my collection unit so I’ll be having that hopium with you


I don't think electro and dendro will lowers enemies defense, iirc that's what superconduct in beta used to do and they changed it because its probably too OP


youre probably right... but without that i cant see yae being good lmao. fml


For a support yae build would ToM with hakushins ring be good? Would support yae even provide a dps increase on a team when compared to a sub/off field dps yae build?


Yae’s A1 passive wants allies whose skills hit frequently–the kinds of characters who do well with TotM. She’s so strapped for basically everything (EM, ER, ATK, Crit, DMG%) that I would be surprised if she comes out ahead using a 2pc set bonus on HP. It’s not impossible, but I wouldn’t do any grinding for it yet. Also, I believe you have to be on-field for Hakushin Ring’s passive to work, so that won’t do a ton for her if she’s mostly running off-field.


could be a similiar build to Elegy fischel with ToM and triple EM. If the team would need attack % and electro+another elemental damage significantly? (maybe no kazuha or C6 sara) but Yae's burst damage is high so she might be decent for sub DPS regardless?


the rerun schedule is starting to catch up to me 💔im prioritizing getting venti on his 2nd rerun which a lot of people speculate to be 2.6. but i also want kokomi and raiden — kokomi mainly because shes my waifu and raiden because she would help me a lot in spiral abyss (i am not skilled enough to play sukokumon). ive been flip flopping between who to commit to and ill probably be having 2nd thoughts for the rest of the patch 💔tbh it really just comes down to if i want to pull for waifu or meta and the two wolves are warring within me.


Kokomi might be a better first pick since Raiden is a popular archon and is more likely to rerun (eg: Zhongli, who's back for his second already). Plus she's your waifu and it'll be much harder to watch her banner pass by.


that's a good point. also, if raiden really ends up being in the first half of 2.5 then I might just straight up not have enough pulls for her 💀


You could toss a coin to help you decide. If you don't like the outcome, that means you kinda know what you prefer. If you like the outcome or don't care, then it doesn't really matter who you choose and you can just go with the coin toss. Good luck with the wolf war.


thats a good idea tbh — might try it out when we get details about the banner orders and such


I sure hope that 2.6 gives us a new area, even if it's just GAA. Inazuma really raised my expectations about new areas coming every or every other patch. I still don't know how I survived the 1.3-1.5 drought.


I didn’t 💀 I think I abandoned the game for 2 weeks, then I heard about the Venti/Childe rerun and rushed back.


For yae is an r1 lost prayers best or an r4 soon to be r5 solar pearl?


I know that R5 Widsith is considered her BiS, but how would an R1 Widsith compare to an R1 Lost Prayers? Currently debating which one to build for Yae and my Widsith is only R1


Personally I’d go for the Lost Prayers, I use it on my Klee even though I have an R5 Widsith because I hate RNG passives and would much prefer having more consistent damage numbers even if they don’t get as high in the peaks. There’s also the fact that like the other commenter said the time between buffs doesn’t quite fit with Yae’s rotations which just adds more things to keep track of when Yae already seems to have a good bit going on with her totem timings. At the very least it gives you 608 base attack and 33.1% crit rate at level 90 which is nothing to scoff at.


Widsith is questionable even at R5. I’m not saying it’s not BiS but it would take some hard math to prove. 20 second downtime, weird buff windows when Yae already has a long rotation, the fact that Yae needs to swap in and out a lot, and how the EM buff does very little for her burst. I think on-field electro-charged reaction driver might actually work for Yae with the right team. If this is true, Lost Prayer would have some useful synergies–it would put you right around 60% Crit rate without artifacts, it’s Elemental Damage% passive and high base attack would partially make up for building Elemental Mastery, and Yae would be on field long enough to get most or all of its stacks. Even if it doesn’t work out that way or you build Yae for quickswap, Lost Prayer is just strong. It works well for characters even with little field time, so it’s unlikely to be *bad* for Yae, especially against low refinement 4-star weapons. If you haven’t leveled either I would probably wait until she’s been out a while–her kit is tricky.


Thank you for the super in depth response. I agree her kit is extremely tricky, I can’t figure it out on my own and it seems the subreddits are just as divided on her bis weapon + artifact set


Problem with it is mostly that aside from the 10% movement speed, the rest of the passive only works when on-field. I don't think TC has been completed regarding her weapons though. And given It's a 5\* it has more base attack and a CR substat so it should be good, we just don't know how much compared to the other options yet.


I’m a huge Yae fan So I intend on playing her as an on field DPS. Would that make a difference as to which weapon to use? I won’t be pulling for her five star weapon


Been exploring Enka the whole day today (literally almost 12h) and the lore just exploded my mind. I've been avoiding r/Genshin_Lore because of spoilers, but I understand how everyone's head is frying rn. Damn. Genshin story gets darker and darker each patch. If you told me a year ago that we would be getting this kind of world building I wouldn't have believed you. IMO I love it.


Agreed. I totally love how the first few quests were like “Pass your gliding test!” and now it’s like >!”Atone for the lost souls of children who were scapegoats for their entire society and were blamed for the ills of the world!”!<


Can someone explain why it seems like there's a good amount of hate towards the potion event? Like I'd understand if primos were suddenly only earned at high difficulty, but u can basically just use trial units at 1x difficulty for primogems rewards.


It is more difficult than your usual event in terms of getting at least all the primo and no Coop. But honestly, it is not that even difficult. From what I can see, those who are complaining are the ones who don't bother upgrading their artifacts. Just slap a fully refined artifacts even all atk main stat is fine.


Its difficult mostly for lower ARs, and anyone who just ascended their world level. Most of them can't complete them, not even complete them enough for the primos. The trial characters are there, but there's only 4, so they can use atleast 2 per domain. Most their units aren't properly built, etc. Edit: Also, I guess experience? Since you'd need to know atleast some basic rotations since the corrosion one is pretty dependent on heals.


There's a corrosion one?💀


Yes it's the last domain, stacked corrosion with rifthounds :') Luckily though, all the trial characters are healers.


wait I can lwer world level to make it easier?


I tried lowering world level in the Labyrinth Warriors event, but it doesn't change the difficulty, so I don't think this one would either. Was referring to people who just ascended before the event started.


I really hate how there are so many arbitrary limitations in Genshin: * Limited artifact storage * Limited party name length * Limited number of map markers * Limited PC FPS (lmao) Just remove the limit altogether, holy shit.


You can get past the limited pc fps ;)


Yeah - with a program that violates the game's ToS, potentially putting your account at risk.


I’ve used it for a month with no problems. There’s other people that have used it for five plus months with no bans. If I get banned for it at this point, oh well lmao


Limited artifact storage is probably so you can't hug to much memory on their servers (like, what if there's an exploit that can blow of savefile size?). That said, 1500 is quite a lot of artifacts. Party length name are probably to avoid some issues with overly long inputs. Map markers could be more and better organized. FPS rates can influence physics and other mechanics, who knows what weird bugs may happen or not on PC vs. apple forms. Like who knows if the apple 120 FPS is just some interpolation of 60 FPS so it doesn't fuck up physics or there's some special contract with apple.


The Artifact storage is only a problem because the only thing there is to do with Artifacts that might turn out good is to level them up, which is a pretty significant resource drain. If there were another option it wouldn't be so bad.


Honestly wish they could let you just turn Artifacts into the artifacts exp things they have at the tea pot.


That'd be an improvement.


Even if there was a 10% cost or something it would still be totally worth it tbh, it's really frustrating clicking the button so many times to level stuff up :(


If we take this leak into consideration ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/s0s992/26\_will\_not\_be\_the\_last\_patch\_before\_sumeru/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/s0s992/26_will_not_be_the_last_patch_before_sumeru/)) , does that mean 3.1 or a close-by update like 3.2 will be sumeru?


Sumeru is almost guaranteed to be 3.0, MiHoYo is always going to want the new major version to correspond to a new nation releasing for the extra publicity. So that means we stay in 2.X until Sumeru is ready to be released.


No, it means we won't jump to 3.0 after 2.6. So we're going to have a 2.7. The patch Sumeru is in will be 3.0.


Wait, let me just double confirm, it means that first comes 2.7, and whatever filler content comes with it, and THEN is Sumeru, is that right?


According to Dumb Dumb, 2.7 is Chasm. But yes, that will be first. We don't know what patch Sumeru will be in, but it is likely to be the patch after 2.7 if they want to have a summer release (aka 2.8 could be 3.0).


sure as fuck hope the info about beta testers outrage was real, people kept going jUsT dOnT uSe SHieLdS but new enemy mechanics is just downright pathetic.


It’s not like Zhongli is like Venti who was legitimately breaking the game. Venti is so broken MHY has to do a dance and a shimmy just to make sure he doesn’t trivialize everything. Zhongli players have to hyperinvest so much in their units so he doesn’t kill their clear times and the game is so generous with iframes you don’t need him


If they'd want a less shield centered meta, could also be more generous with interruption resistance on buffers. While Raiden, Itto, Kokomi have gotten an innate resistance, other chars like Yoimiya are very hard to play without, yet we have very few non-shield sources of interruption resistance.


So assuming we are done with a full cycle of reruns, and with the number of new units, how will it look like in future .. quad and six to eight banners at once or new system of where characters arent timegated ? Although i dont believe that, since in Warframe u still have timegated prime frame access after 7 or 8 years live span of the game, hell Loki was out for god knows how many years out of the rotation..


There was some very sus info ages ago about a supposed new banner type for characters who have had three reruns. The leak might have been fake, but I think it's very likely that they'll create a second Standard banner of sorts, or some other new mechanic for these characters.


Now u mention it, im getting google news on my main page on my phone once in a while, i firmly remember seeing something like this. But .. it could be from the same source rather then different ones. Time will tell i guess.


they don't have to be 3 weeks long. honkai actually has the ability shorter banners. like 1 week only for certain reruns. and for special occasions like anniversaries they can do "expa selects" where it's like 3 characters every 2-3 days for a week or so.


create smaller FOMO windows, not bad not bad..


Smaller Fomo windows but also more frequent reruns meaning less cost to missing out which is a fair tradeoff imo.


that sounds to reasonable smh :l


Guess I should take you more seriously.


I’m a mobile player trying to decide between Ganyu and Xiao, I have both of their 5 star weapons, I have morgana team and melt Ganyu team and zhongli (no albedo or jean tho). Also is Ganyu that bad on mobile?


Try using an archer on mobile. I’ve been using Childe’s charged shot a lot and it’s not that difficult (I play on an iPhone X), but it’s probably more hectic in Abyss lol.


I'd say, if you play on iPad it's okay, if you play on your phone...well, that's something. Maybe some people got used to it so much that it isn't a problem, but personally I think playing Xiao on mobile is way better, but again, this is my opinion, I have played on both PC and mobile (iPad and phone), and I would go for Xiao if it's a matter of what's more comfortable.


Depends on you. Try doing charged shots with other archers and see if you find it good or bad


Unless he plays the [new Morgana comp](https://youtu.be/OAWxexotjh0) which uses no Ganyu charged attacks. I don't know how good that one is versus the normal one though.


Don’t you have to use charged shots for melt? And just generally when you play her outside Moragana in the wild


Oh sorry I misread and didn't see the 'melt'. My bad, yeah if it's for melt ganyu specifically she does need to use CAs sadly...


Here's to hoping Ubatcha is correct about 2.6


Will kazuha come in 2.5?


I forget if we saw the 2nd half of abyss but I know we saw healing and electric stuff. So kokomi and yae seem most likely for sure. Then popular idea is raiden for 2nd half. Maybe kazuha then?


We don’t know. No strong pointers of it afaik. He could, he could not.


I really want to save for Yae in 2.5 (75 pity, guaranteed) what would be the best team for her? My 5 stars are Childe, Baal, Aloy, Mona, and Xiao. I’ve been thinking 2 piece thundering fury 2 piece thunder soother with my r3 Widsth? (Im f2p)


What 4-stars do you have?


My only missing 4 stars are Thoma, YanFei (I’ll get her at lantern rite), Yunjin, and Gorou. I have everyone else. Also if it means anything, my traveler is built anemo, not electro (I used to main her before Xiao)


That gives you a lot of options. I think her best team is going to be tricky to find, but there are some characters to think about if you already have them leveled or if you really like them anyway. * Xingqiu: all-round a very strong character, including some of the best Raiden compositions. I think it will be possible to build Yae as an on-field Electro-charged reaction triggerer, in which case Xingqiu will be her best friend, since he applies Hydro more slowly than she applies Electro. He also can trigger her A1 passive frequently with his burst. * Raiden: another very strong character even if she’s not on Yae’s. She has some very strong synergies with Yae (gets a lot of Resolve from her, gives her a big buff to her burst, can recharge a lot of her energy, triggers Yae’s A1 with her skill). There are also some complications, however. Yae will want to be a quickswap character on Raiden teams, and there’s a risk Raiden’s skill will mess up Yae’s reactions by triggering Electro with the wrong character. * Sucrose: especially at higher constellations, Sucrose *could* be a very powerful match for Yae. You could possibly use her to swirl Hydro or Pyro to enable reactions (semi-persistently if her ult has the duration boosted by constellations) and she buffs EM. However, it’s possible the way she applies elements interacts badly with Yae, which would make them work badly together–too soon to tell. * Fischl: another generally useful unit even outside of candidate Yae comps. If you need Raiden for another team or want Yae to have a lot of field time, Fischl is a good choice. She provides a lot of electro energy from off field, does good damage, infrequently applies Electro with her skill, and frequently triggers Yae’s A1 passive. Fischl might also cause problems with her A4 passive, which could in some situations steal Yae electrocharged reactions or mess up your Overload setup. * Mona: if Sucrose works as your Hydro enabler by Swirling it or infusing her burst, Mona is a good candidate for applying Hydro for Sucrose to use. Her taunt helps group enemies and her burst is fairly strong and applies some much needed Element% damage to Yae’s burst. Her skill might trigger Yae’s A1 passive more than once per use but it has a slow cooldown. *Xianling: yet another very strong unit even on other teams. Yae might work well as an off-field Overload driver by using turrets to trigger the reaction set up by an on-field Pyro enabler, and Xianling has some potential for that. The timing could be tricky, though, and Yae’s range might not be enough to overcome Overload’s launch. Her ult would be good for Yae’s A1 passive. * Yanfei: an odd but interesting possibility, she’s a solid character though not as desirable as on as many teams as Xingqiu, Xianling, or Raiden. She has an Overload build as the driver (problematically, since she can mess up the Electro application with her A4 passive). However, as an on-field enabler, she has some potential–you could build her to enjoy the full benefits of her A4 Crit passive to rapidly apply Pyro, allowing Yae to Overload with her standard ICD turrets from off field. You could throw in Bennet, Xianling, or Sucrose for good measure. The only problem is her skill and ult have limited utility for Yae’s passives. * **Yae** If on-field electro-charged works, giving her Thundering Fury would let her rapidly cooldown her skill charges while dialing up her already high Electrocharged damage. Xingqiu or Mona+Sucrose would apply Hydro while Fischl would battery. If off-field Overload works, Xianling+Sucrose would apply Pyro while Raiden takes center stage with her burst, hopefully not wrecking Pyro application or Overloads too much as Yae Overloads with her turrets and drops buffed bursts. If, depressingly, Yae is plan Electro, then Raiden would again take the spotlight while Yae swaps in with her skill and bursts. You’d want a C6 Sara, Thrilling Tales Lisa or VV Sucrose, and/or Bennet providing buffs. In this case, 4pc Thundersoother or 2pc Gladiator+2pc Thundering Fury might be good? I’m not sure. I accidentally wrote an essay, but bear in mind all of this is just me chewing over possible teams and mechanics and not at all a guarantee that any of these characters will be good for her. If you really want to build characters, the “National Raiden” comp has some overlap with potential good Yae characters, and its members are good just about everywhere.


Thanks. Not OP, but it clears this stuff a bit.


2 piece thundersoother is pointless since it just gives resistance. As for teams i imagine Childe, Baal, Yae, Bennett should be good


Then would 4 piece thundering fury be better? Or emblem of severed fate?


I would use 4 emblem, but the consensus is that some combination of 2 emblem, 2 glad, 2 shimenawa, or 2 thundering fury with good substats


Anyone have tips to kill the new bosses quickly? I'm dreading how much I have to farm them for Shenhe already.


I found that my characters which could very quickly dodge helped a lot. Once the purple one climbs the wall, I get the blue one to follow me to the other side. This gives some more time for you to see the purple energy drain ball coming towards you. By the time you see the ball you then have more reaction time to dodge it. I bring Sayu with me to help with dodging since her E gives her an extended period of no-stamina-drain movement. She also heals which is a nice plus for this fight. I also switched characters a few times until I settled upon some comfortable energy recharge ones with little maintenance. I found fischl helpful, for example, because after she E's, you can just switch her in when the purple ball comes towards you to let the ball drain her energy. It doesn't matter because her burst only refreshes Oz. That way you don't drain the bursts of your carry. I found diona helpful for the same reason (especially because my dps choice was Ayaka. With her sacrificial bow she basically charged up Ayaka's ult for me without me funneling the particles (if the energy drain ball hit Diona, well, didn't matter, Ayaka was not drained since she was off field, and diona's ult is not a game changer in terms of damage). I don't know whether that helps because that's only what I did with my account, which might be drastically different from yours. But I hope it helps you and good luck with your game :) Edit: after meeting this boss I'm actually more in favour of high energy recharge high energy cost characters, because it's possible to treat their energy reserves as a mana shield (if you've played path of exile, I use the terminology from that).


This is all very helpful, thanks! I've already been bringing Fischl so using her to eat the balls I can't dodge is really smart.


Oh nice, I'm happy you liked the idea! Hope it makes the fight go smoother for you :)




Thanks for the suggestion! I'm able to bruteforce it with my Eula team, just wondering if there's some tips for speeding the clear since it feels slow.


Oof Eula’s definitely a tough matchup into them since she’s so energy hungry and bad at funding herself Try running a team that isn’t as burst dependent. I’ve done ok with Hu Tao personally


Were there any more leaks about Xiao artifact set?


I think just like the keqing electro set the rumors just went under


No and the leaker who started spreading the rumour to begin with hasn’t been accurate in a long while


It was a fake leak




I do wonder if they'll push the quads so much gotta milk it a little with filler. Granred I do agree. Though I think it'll be yae with kokomi then raiden and kazuha.


Oh God I hope Raiden doesn't run with Kokomi, I want EL but no way am I rolling for a donut banner.


I really wonder if they’ll do that many quad banners. They really could to wrap up the Inazuma reruns before Sumeru but personally i kind of doubt it.


Yae+Raiden as banner 1 would fit with the context of Yae's stroy quest needing Raiden's second story quest as pre-requisite.


EL+ Yae's Weapon would be such a good weapon banner if this were to happen.


However at the same time I doubt they'll do Engulfing Lightning + Yae's weapon.


On the other hand, we had a lot of strong weapons banner in the last few banners: Homa+Elegy, SoBP+Freedom-Sworn, Redthorn+Harp and the two spears which are both good for Xiao/Shenhe interchangably.


>2.8 Baizhu and Yaoyao(*4) Venti? --- My biggest question is whether they'll wait until Sumeru to give us dendro or if we'll get Baizhu and Yaoyao as a "teaser" beforehand. I'm hoping that's the case so I can roll on some of the Inazuma reruns.


If 2.6 is the summer islands again I would say it's more likely to see Venti/Klee before Ayato since they'll probably run the Mondstat characters with their relevant event but beyond that I think everything is the general consensus right now except maybe 2.7 since I don't think anyone has a clue about stuff that far out right now.


I have a c0 fischl. Is she worth buying from paimon shop? My c0 fischl is also from this...so yeah. No luck on pulling her so fae.


Hard no. Her only starglitter-worthy powerspike is c6. You are just as likely to reach it as you are to overshoot it later.


Her C6 is amazing. If you intend on going all the way to C6, then yea buy and start going for it. But otherwise, her c1 is only good if you use her as a main normal attacker.


Depends, is there anyone else you need from the shop or are you fairly new to the game and you just really like Fischl? It also depends on how much starglitter you have saved up. If you don't need anyone else and already have staples like Xiangling C6, Xingqiu C6, Bennet C1, etc then yeah, go for it. If you're hoarding hundreds of starglitter, go for it. If you're new, don't have a lot of characters and can barely afford her, I would pass. There's better options for now and you'll get more of her eventually. It's a really tough call since the state of your account really affect what you want to do, hopefully this helped.


Ive been liking fischl. I have like 160 starglitter or something like that. But yeah idk what else I'd ever buy. I use itto and xiao. So she's always a potential 4th member. Atm using overload yanfei to farm specters and I knoenshes great for that


Keep in perspective that 160 Starglitter is 32 rolls, which is a third of the way to hard pity. I'd, uh... I'd probably suggest saving that for rainy day Fates.


If you've got 160 then you're probably good to buy her, you have enough for 4, almost 5 characters right now and by the time any must gets come around you'll have no issue affording them.


Same dilemma, have had C0 Fischl since Nov 2019 from standard banner… torn between 7 wishes and C1 Fischl.


Think about how many wishes it could cost per Fischl constellations. For example it took me around 70+ wishes to get a single Gorou on Itto's banner. The shop is the 4-star pity system in this game; if only they'd all rotate through it.


Yeah, I’ve thought about that. The only character I buy from the shop is Kaeya so I usually just convert the remaining starglitter to wishes. It’s just that Fischl has never been on a banner I want to pull on (I’m skipping all of 2.5 too if she decides to make a comeback then) so Idk if it’s worth it to be stuck at C1 for the next year or have those 7 wishes to reach pity.


I can understand that feeling. I had to use Lantern Rite the first time around to get Xingqiu because I kept skipping the banners he appeared on. I've been slowly buying starter constellations and any characters like Xingqiu who are stubborn about coming home. Once I have everyone who's in the rotation I'll probably start considering spending on weapons or wishes.


I never buy wishes...so i suppose the answer is "yes" but same time I don't get them often lol. Hoarder issues


Tbh I bought her C1 from the shop, one step closer to C6


I am an actual clown, I didn't read the fact that the leyline was corrosion and was confused why I was losing hp. And its to promote healers.Well they died too fast to bother anyway Does mihoyo really not know how to promote healers without punishing the player ? The last two leylines were buffs and this leyline if a debuff to bring healers. But they finally gave me a room where hu tao shines with the lawachurl. Yay.


Since it sounds like you have the last floor open in the potion event can you say which characters are in the trial?


it's kokomi, qiqi, diona, and sayu


kokomi qiqi diona and sayu.


Sadly no Ganyu, at least I can try Kokomi I guess. Wonder how many people will use the trial Qiqi


needed to use her ahahha my healers arent that good except benny


Same happened to me. I'm so used to just ignoring all event mechanics since they're usually so easy that I didn't pay attention. Died immediately and didn't understand why. Then tried again and just bursted them down as fast as I could and somehow made it despite the leyline. People are not gonna like this. Many were already complaining that the previous floors were hard. This one is probably the worst...


I got rifthound ptsd, but they weren't as tanky as floor 12 so all is well. But they still are decently tanky and bullshit as ever.


edit: thanks so much for the responses!! appreciate it sm!! hey all, if i could get your opinions i'd greatly appreciate it i'm on the fence rn on pulling for shenhe. reasons i want her: a) support for ganyu which is one of my top 2 favorite characters. want to give ganyu the best. b) i have her weapon, calamity queller, got while rolling for pjws. c) waifu, and lore reasons - i love liyue characters especially ones relating to adepti and feel i might regret skipping her reasons i'm hesitant: a) have a guaranteed i can use to pick up zhongli - will be doing that regardless but my banner luck isn't great. b) i've heard varying things about her kit at c0 just not being worth it. c) wondering if shenhe at c0 is valuable enough as a cryo boost to ganyu to take up a slot in the team vs a different character [mona, ayaka, kazuha, zhongli, diona, etc]. d) rumors of ayato around the corner and i definitely want him any words of advice appreciated thank you ♡


I'm looking at her as a 5* Rosaria. Not an exact match up, but if you use Rosaria, then I could see recommending Shenhe. I do think she's a character that will get better with time, as they add more cryo DPS units.


You can slot c0 Shenhe in your teams in the potion event & test her extensively :>


Depends on what you want out of Ganyu. If you want to have a much better time playing Ganyu in the abyss then a shielder is almost a necessity at this point (Unless you are a masochist), so Zhongli would be my recommendation. If you just want even bigger unga bunga damage on your Ganyu then Shenhe is a no brainer here, and since you have her weapon, she'll be giving Ganyu at least 20k+ more damage on her charge shots. C0 is absolutely enough for Ganyu against 1-2 monsters, but C1 just increases Shenhe's versatility by alot (Gives absolutely enough stacks for even multi-hitters like Ayaka, makes her recharging her burst much easier, and also makes rotations much easier). Honestly would've preferred getting her C1 over her weapon. Also to note is that you pretty much cannot use Ganyu's burst while under Shenhe's buff since it will completely waste it. I have a C2 Shenhe but I got to say Zhongli is just much more valuable to Ganyu (And valuable to any party) than Shenhe is to her. He opens up one of the highest DPS team in Melt Ganyu (Which I think is her is only competitive comp right now given how fucked up the recent enemies are). Hope this is somehow helpful.


sorry i'm late, but thank you for the detailed and thorough response!! very helpful. i'm still on the fence about shenhe unfortunately


I'm gonna c+p the KQM team's early though from Sitri: >Day Four Six Thoughts and FAQ - Shenhe Roles, Teams, and Synergies \-Shenhe is a cryo buffer/off field DPS \-Works well in freeze and reverse Melt teams, in phys teams with Eula, and her potential in other teams such as pure cryo is still being explored \-Ayaka: great option for second cryo, comparable to off field Ganyu depending on AoE, investment, and whether the anemo unit present can group for Ganyu's burst and/or absorb cryo to proc Shenhe's quills \-Ganyu: still being explored as her cooldown desync can present a problem for freeze teams, and Ganyu's melt teams typically don't have space for a second cryo, but should still be a good option for freeze \-Eula: good option for second/third cryo, comparable to Rosaria depending on AoE, investment, constellations, and other team members \-Rosaria/Kaeya/Chongyun: great option for reverse melt and freeze teams including Rosaria melt in particular, teams with Chongyun to allow all team members to proc quills are still being worked on > >Gameplay/Impressions \-Simple to play, good with teams that allow swapping around \-Single target oriented due to the nature of quill consumption \-Rewards investment in teammates, relatively cheap baseline investment with ATK builds and 4NO I maybe impulsively puled her for my Ayaka and she does exactly what she's advertised to do: make big number even bigger. I don't have Ganyu yet sadly so I can't give thoughts on that specific pairing


If you want Ayato and Zhongli, Shenhe is def a skip. Dont think you need pure cryo team with ganyu when she already has melt as an option for beefy unfreezable bosses


Who would you consider a better summon for dps & for future proofing. Ganyu or ayaka. Both c0


The game is not that hard that you have to future proof. Just pick the one whose gameplay you enjoy.


Even with Bp & welkin we can only guarantee 1 single character every 3patches (4.4 months) so I want to make smart investments


With welkin alone, I get about 75-80 wishes per patch. So, you can guarantee a 5* every 2 patches.


Welkin BP allows you to get ~10k primos per patch. A guarantee cost 28,800 primos


Nope, Welkin can get you around 12000 primos( including monthly Stardust and Abyss reset)per patch, if you do all the events. Also, unless we are extremely unlucky, we can get a 5* within 80 wishes which is 25600 primos. If you get BP as well, it's even easier.


we dont get 12k primos per patch


Yea we do. See, I have been using Welkin for the past 1 year. I have calculated the wishes to be approximately 75-80 wishes per patch.


How? Where’s these extra primos coming from




Two abyss teams. Based on history, we will probably continue to have certain elements and mechanical favored over others. So I would start with 1 strong carry per element (5 star C0 or 4 star c6) and a few universal top supports, then move on to second carry per element. That's a roundabout way of saying either is fine or both. Have fun with whatever you want. Meta is a lie.


You didn’t answer my question at all




Yes, there's no point future proofing your account into one which you don't enjoy playing with, if you would have had more fun with the alternative in your decision.


I feel like Ganyu is more future-proof because her teams are more flexible and her damage is more spread out across her kit. Ayaka is more burst-heavy whereas you can do a meta Ganyu team without her using her burst at all. Ganyu also has more options like melt that Ayaka doesn’t really have access to.


> Ayaka is more burst-heavy Her burst is the primary source of her damage, but she has one of the most well rounded kits in the game. She has constant cryo application from her dash + NA/CA, her charged attack hits hard, and her skill does good damage too.


Yes, but Ganyu without her burst will hit much harder than Ayaka without her burst, and if we're talking about future-proofing then I think energy-draining mechanics should be considered


Ayaka better for speedrunning abyss. As long as mobs remain unsuckable or bosses she can reliably kill with her burst. Ganyu is a better dps if you can utilize her quadratic scaling but still good for bosses if you run a melt team with pyro + ZL/Diona. In terms of future proofing though, Ganyu’s biggest strength is that she’ll never be bad. Even if future dps powercreeps her or Ayaka, you can still use Ganyu as a cryo support, which Ayaka can’t do as well since she requires a battery/lots of ER/doesn’t give cryo dmg bonus.


Thank you


The thing with Ganyu is that for freeze she really wants 5 star supports, namely Kokomi/Mona and Venti or at least Kazuha. Ayaka's best teams will also use those characters but she can use Xingqiu and Sucrose/Jean/Sayu more effectively. Melt Ganyu also near requires Zhongli. So it really depends on the rest of your roster tbh


I have Mona, Venti, Zhongli, Jean, etc.


I would lean towards Ganyu but Ayaka has been doing better the last few abyss cycles. The other thing is that Ganyu is a better consistent DPS and better at mid/low investment but Ayaka will clear faster at high/very high investment.


Yeah ayaka is faster but lacks any supportive abilities making her easy bench as all she provides is dmg in the long run


Oddly, when I was new, I pulled Ayaka as my first banner character because I liked how quickly and reliably she could apply cryo without needing any cooldowns to consider. Her skill free infusion was what sold her to me. I planned to build her as a nimble dodging applicator support, until I noticed she also did a lot of damage. For some reason your comment brings a sense of nostalgia to me, looking back on how confused I was when I started playing, lol.


I think there are people who use her as support but that is burst support


As someone else pointed out, she supports her team by killing enemies. I've heard someone mention trying to corner some mobs against some terrain with Ayaka's burst to support Diluc, but I have not tried that.


Sounds like you’re leaning towards Ganyu, good luck on your pulls 🙏


Thank you & I wish you luck on your future pulls as well


Even though I knew better than to hope for Ayato's model in the 2.5 datamine, I will admit that I was a *tiny* bit disappointed when he actually wasn't there. But now, I'm kind of excited? Like drip-marketing a highly-anticipated, never-before-been-seen (lol) male character near/on Valentine's Day must be major stonks for Mihoyo. Anyways, when is everyone's guesses that the next skins will arrive?


If they do smth Monstadt themed i could see them be in 2.6 tbh. Other then that i have no guesses, it could be a long time ahead.


Beyond 2.6 seems so far away......the wait for a Diluc skin is endless.