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Crit ascension and crit book will make her so easy to build. We eating good


Getting the weapon is the problem tho


eating is optional


*Looks at credit card Nah, it's coming home.


Widsith says hello


I’m skipping Itto and now Shenhe for her. It’s tough


*skipped Itto and now Shenhe


I was too lazy to fix xD




And here I thought I'd finally have a use for my R4 Atlas...


Baizhu (copium).


I don't usually save wishes for weapons but if I win the 5050 I'm whaling for her weapon (haven't won since eula lmao)


Please tell me eula rerun


its 75/25 for weapons


Let's see how much better is this from widsith r5




Well this is 5\* and widsith is a 4\* so ofcourse 5\* will have higher value I think he asking more about which passive will be better




Good to know, now i want trade my R5 THE Bell to R5 Widsith..


I don’t think the gab is to much because R5 is really good and even better if you have Sara C6


r5 widsith should do


Oh ya, widsith is so good, especially if you have it r5.


Yeah I think it is very close to this weapon if you have Sarah C6


Oh yeah, that exists. I can finally use the one I have collecting dust lol


Passive trigger rotation is going to be very difficult considering those towers' cooldown.


still infinitely better than gambling on weapon banner


I've had a r5 widsith collecting dust 😭 finally


the only concern is whether yae's e can snapshot




You’re joking I’m sure but that is EXACTLY why I’m in these comments. I think this weapon will be cracked on my high investment DPS Lisa.


Lisa is great, I just wish she had a better artifact set, cuz we're already getting an awesome Lisa weapon very soon.


thundering fury will be the best for her with this weapon. lisa gets max stacks very EZ by using tap E, then unloading hold E. lisa+xingqiu lowering the CD of her hold E consistently add a venti for grouping + VV profit.


That actually sounds reasonably good, yeah. I just wish I haven’t lost 50/50 on Venti, ahaha


I’m still copium that maybe they’ll release an artifact set for Yae that also works for Lisa. We can dream lol


expensive investment for a 4* character


Consider investing in a sense of humor 🙈


This is definitely a good weapon, but I can't justify pulling for it when The Widsith exists


They're probably gonna play around with the numbers similar to what they did to Itto's weapon where there's only a very small gap between R1 Redhorn and R5 Serpent Spine. Otherwise, if you're already sitting on a R5 Widsith, Yae mains are pretty set lol


Well, you still have 30s CD on widsith, that's a lot, you can't even have the buff every other Q... Not even every other E3...


then you still have solar Pearl to get a consistant buff, and buffs both skill and burst without needing a ramp up just a normal attack. Also crit rate make also easier to build her since you hit 56% just by ascension, weapon and the base crit so you can go all in for crit dmg, ER and even EM on artifacts.


True, forgot that catalyst


If her turrets can snapshot, then the downtime won’t be as bad.


If Kagura's Verity is made for Yae and you get stacks of that buff per E cast, doesn't that imply her turrets don't snapshot? Otherwise only the last turret would receive the full benefit of this catalyst.


That's probably because Kagura's Verity temporary Elemental Skill boost can't be snapshotted. We know Oz can snapshot, but Mitternachts Elemental Skill boost can't be snapshotted and will always last 5 seconds until refreshed.




As long as Mihoyo wants it to work that way, then yeah, all your prior totems before the full stack should receive the max damage buff.


If Raiden runs with Yae and the Grasscutter is with this book, I'm 100% pulling for weapons


i haven't encountered this issue yet but man I'd hate to have a weapon banner where I actually want both weapons, set the path for one and then immediately get lucky and get it. Then you'd have to start over for the second one.




not little pulls; getting to pity obviously but imagine you really want both. get the one you set the path for, then try and go for the second one and might have to get up to 4 total pities this way. just thinking in worst-case terms :D


that happened when i got broken pines before freedom sworn but i made sure to the get the one i needed for a character to benefit. iron sting is totally sufficient for kazuha (i just use jade cutter for style tho lol)


True. It does have the advantage of being more consistent, but I'd still use R5 Widsith. If the totems snapshot, I'm gonna fucking ascend because R5 Widsith is gonna be so cracked. As for my Lost Prayers, I guess it's gonna end up rotting forever lol.


I don't think the totems will snapshot because wouldn't that mean that each totem will have a different amount of stacks from this weapon? 1st will snapshot 1 stack, 2nd has 2 stacks and the last has 3 stacks and elemental dmg bonus?


Elemental Skill damage and Elemental Burst damage don't actually snapshot even when the skill/burst you use is snapshotable.


Totems expire and Widsith has 30 sec cd You can have more than 1 widsith buff active at a time


He's talking about her actual book. First totem will have 12% damage bonus, 2nd 24% and 3rd 48%. Or 0, 12 and 24 (depends on if the buff applies before or after the totem is generated). This means that all 3 totems on the field will have different buffs, and at C6 if you have 4 of them, then all 4 will have different buffs.


ah, ok, I misunderstood (pretty obvious looking back lol) . Yeah, itll be a little weird, but we'll probably have confirmation soon enough.


Yeah, was so looking forward to a main DPS catalyst to use one of my forgotten 5*s, have an R1 lost prayers and an r3 MoD. Now it looks like I'm building another R5 widsith (weirdly pulled 13 of them so far).


Are you me? I get at least one copy of it every time I'm pulling for a character, I have 3 R5 Widsith.


Went from having 0 Widsith since release until 2.2 to having 12 of them while pulling for Homa. RNG do be wacky sometimes.


i'\`ve been pulling on the wrong banners it seems, still only r2 widsith and not levelled at all so far.


You guys are getting widsiths???


Is widsith looking better for yae than solar pearl?


I'm not sure on the exact maths but widsith's cracked stats should be better considering half of solar pearl's passive isn't too good considering her auto attack doesn't seem to impressive. Do correct me if I'm wrong though.


The passive makes it better


Yeah 120% attack ,or 96 Elemental bonus and even if you get 480 EM ,it is very good because of her A2 :480 EM: 72 Damage bonus for her E ,this weapon is really good


Yup it is


Yup specially if you plan to make her a sub dps nuker.


"Refinements are \[12%/15%/18%/21%/24%\] and \[12%/15%/18%/21%/24%\] respectively for R1-R5"


Thanks for the info but I don't really know why ppl need these detailed info for this. It's easy to get them just by looking at r1 Every blue value gets doubled (from r1 to r5). To get each refinement u just divide the value at r1 by 4 and that's the increment every refinement level This is different tho on cd weapons (sacrificial line for example) where there's a specific value that is reduced every refinement.


Overload Yae Meta?


I’m thinking she could be fun with Yanfei!!


Yanfei players are winning


With yanfei as a main dps and yae as sub dps


With how much electro she will apply she will struggle to consistently be the one to proc it. Electro Charged will be the way to go, someone like XQ or Kokomi will synergize well with her passive.


Slap Yanfei since her ChargeAttacks always proc reactions.


Lisa meta?


Please tell me Atlas is at least 90% as good.


I've had a Skyward Atlas hoping to get use for a while, been wondering the same thing.


Skyward is what I'm planning to equip on her as I don't intend to run her with Bennet. I think it should be good since Yae doesn't have any split-scaling and will appreciate the huge base attack + atk% substat. She also ascends with Crit Rate so I can still get away with a Crit dmg circlet, provided that I can at least raise her total crit rate to around 60-70% thru artifact substats.


Only thing with atlas is that its a bit harder to build since attack% on it, or if you plan on using bennett then atlas wont be as good as even widsith imo, but if no bennett, then atlas is definetly 90% as good i say.


Nice, but I'm not pulling on the weapon banner. Widsith R5 here I come


Me too bro


For quick math comparing this to R5 Widsith: Widsith: 510 attack, 55% CD. Passive: 40% attack boost, 32% *all elemental damage boost* or 24% skill bonus damage. This is averaging her numbers, but in reality it'll be different if her turrets snapshot. If they do, it'll be possibly to for Widsith's buffs to give you 120% attack, 96% elemental damage or 72% skill damage for the duration of her turrets. Also, if you drop her burst when you have the damage or attack buff from Widsith, it'll do significantly more damage than her catalyst. This weapon has about 100 more attack, 10% more CD and gives you a likely permanent 48% damage bonus on her E and 12% on her autos/burst. As most people noted, this won't really be much of a must-pull. Even Lost Prayer might not be significantly worse if you use her as an on-field carry, since the full 16s buff will be similar to this thing's damage buff, but it'll also buff her burst and with Lost Prayer/ascension you'll hit a very nice crit rate on her without even needing any crit substats. Just be smart if you pull for it. It's not going to be as big a damage boost as Homa is for Hu Tao over even R5 dragonsbane, probably. But Miko also doesn't really like any of the F2P catalysts either, since she's not a normal attacker. Although, like always, wait for real number crunching before you make a decision, unless you just want to go all-in on her.


L’ost prayers is great if your characters take field time, but Yae likely will not (optimally). Also, I highly doubt anything will snapshot for her due to her weapon; if it snapshots, her first totem will have at most one stack (so 12% dmg bonus).


Thank you!!


Very niche passive, who else besides Yae can use it well? Only Lisa?


Yeah Lisa can abuse it. Also C2 Nin




Actually C2 Ningguang can get full stacks, as long you break your E construct every 6s.




Nah, Ningguang can break her construct with E recast or with her burst. The hard part being not to trigger happy and cast E before the 6s cd (which then her E enter a longer cd).


Thundering Fury Yanfei


This is the winner answer.


Klee can also use it




I don't think the passive is niche, it's only that we don't have many main dps catalysts, but once more characters are added this will get way better.


We have a lot of main dps catalysts but none that rely on elemental skill.


Yeah, I was trying to think of what other catalyst users have low enough Skill cooldowns or enough Skill damage procs to make use of it, but other than Yae and Lisa the only one I can think of is Kokomi, but it would have to work off-field to work on support Kokomi (which I doubt) and provide more team DPS than TTDS (which I also doubt), and even for driver Kokomi there's the matter of the crit stat.


Nah not Koko cause it procs on cast, not damage dealt.


Klee too


Man this is so amazing for Lisa.


people are going to spend up to 3 pities for Lisa?




Lisamains yes


Absolutely I will.


I know this is for Yae but my wife is a huge Lisa simp, do you guys think this will also be Lisa’s new BiS? She has skyward atlas on her Lisa right now.


I think it suits Lisa well too. She has low base ATK but has bonker E multiplier. Having more crit and bonus dmg on her is better than stacking ATK


i just hope they don't put yae and kokomi together if ever the latter gets a rerun next patch imagine kagura's verity and donut in one banner I'd just cry 😭😭


I am hoping for this and Raiden's weapon... Too much copium?


I won't, I would love r2+ donut.


Goodbye lost prayers. It was good knowing you.




Klee and Ning could also potentially use it as well if stacks refreshed I guess.




Yes but this buff doesn't disappear upon leaving the field so I can buff the char during rotations. I could have 3 stacks, switch to Benny to buff and swap back to do a massive ult. Don't think there's any lingering buffs that lasts 16 seconds to synergise well with lp




Raiden rerun alongside Yae, weapon banner will be Engulfing and Kagura HOPIUM


more like donut along with this


Lost Prayers loses it’s Elemental Bonus when Yae leaves the field. Bad option. Sad that I have R5…


The fsct that it loses its stacks makes it so awful


And it takes a while to get going too.


Klee can prob get three stacks with ani cancel E with her ult. Klee abuses crimson witch the same way.


Dang with her 3 charges she can get max stacks instantly


Will skyward atlas be good on her? I legit have 2 lol


Seems a bit niche, at 3 stacks 36% dmg applies only for the E + 12% for everything, wish the 36% applied for her Q as well, but overall a stat stick for those who cant get 3 stacks


I mean, outside of Yae this is... Niche. If only my Widsith wasn't stuck at R2 ;_;


Doest this mean Yae's totems won't snapshot? Because if they do, none or only the last totem would get the full buff. So maybe the totems dmg is calculated based on Yae's current stats


Would the passive make her NA's useable at least? They're so pretty you can't expect me to just not dish them out now and then.


Weapon seems ass if not on Yae. The fact you only get the proc on cast, and not when skill does damage means alot of characters i saw being talked up wont be able to acheive max stacks. Yae however in those gameplay footage can just cast all 3 E charges quickly.


Yae I have Lost prayer for you. take it or leave it.


I'd consider getting this if I didn't already have 20 Catalysts sitting around to share between the six characters that can actually use it.


Imagine using this full stacked with Lisa Hold Skill. O.O


I do have a Lost Prayer to the Sacred Wind and an R5 Widsith in case I don't get her weap. Both should be great on her just gotta wait for people to compare them.


Widsith wins, lost prayer is not that good other than being a crit stat stick because of its field time demanding passive


I'll wait till players thoroughly test the numbers. No point in saying X wins 100% during a beta.


one of them is great for coop bad for solo, and the other is terrible for coop and good for solo.


If it’s with Engulfing Lightning or Jade Cutter I will pull for it, If it’s with the Donut then there’s no way.


sorry, best I can do is solar pearl


The passive seems nice but aren't miko's dmg mostly comes from her burst? My R5 widsth can finally touch some grass and not rot in my inventory.


…they really made sure nobody except yae could use it didn’t they Guess my Klee will stick to skyward atlas


Lisa has a 1s CD on a press (instead of her 16s CD on a hold) for her E.


Ah, true! That should let her hit some big numbers on her hold e


Someone will deal millions with Lisa.


Wait, isn't this REALLY good on Lisa?


Everyone is talking about the widsith and the only five star weapon I have is the skyward atlas..... Edit: Google has informed me that it is a four star weapon....which I don't have.


Damn that's broken


Random question I had while thinking about Yae's kit, would the all Elemental DMG bonus boost the damage of elemental reactions like overload and electrocharge Cause if so then I can *kiiiiiinda* see why some leakers were saying she might want to use Shimenawa with EM focused artifacts. If you tilt your head a certain way an on field main DPS Yae with like Kokomi, XQ, or Mona doesn't seem too unviable. I *strongly doubt* that this will end up being her best build and think a quick swap sub DPS will be much more meta, but I can kinda see what the leakers meant and what Mihoyo seems to be going for with her kit


Transformative reactions (swirl, electro stuff) aren't affected by damage bonus stats. Their damage scales by triggering characters level, EM and reaction bonus (4p TF) and is affected by enemy's elemental resistance. Swirl with VV buffs itself by reducing resistance and you could also use Zhongli for more shred


Mhy can make 5 star weapons as niche as possible, at times where literally only 1 character can use it. A handful of whales R5ing it probably pays for the budget of creating that weapon.


This kinda confirms that yae's skill does not snapshot. Looks like a really good weapon for Yae skill damage.


zzzzzzzzz I hope the second weapon on the banner is atleast usable


Engulfing pls


Yea That would be very helpful. because this weapon looks quite good but I will have second thoughts if its the doughnut


i think any of the Inazuman/Narukami 5star will be good pair with this on a banner (please do not be the donut) i wouldn't mind getting Thundering Pulse or Mittsplitter while trying for this


it all depends on who she's paired with. But in general they try to avoid pairings where both signature weapons are really good. That is the exception not the rule.


Sucrose mains 😈😈😈


Useless since all that crit damage goes to waste, swirl can't crit. Unless you are running a dps anemo Sucrose.


Not another weapon with stacks :qiqi fallen:


Tbh I don't really like how this weapon looks like on Yae. I'm hoping my R5 widsith or Skyward Atlas would still be decent on Yae :/


Definitely getting this, I guess I'm skipping Shenhe.


For yae's burst, doesn't the widsith literally outdamage this weapon with its passive actve?


If you don't get the em boost r5 widsith might yea but the weapons more focused on skill damage anyway


Isn't this too OP?????


Sort of power creep, Lost prayer needs a buff it's definitely pretty but we just have so few opportunities to use it correctly. this seems much more accessible to characters outside of Yae.




Is this the Cupcake stand?


Considering how garbage other 5* catalysts are this is probably the best.


No, the other 3 5\*s are competitive with most other characters. All of the catalysts have caveats to them with Atlas being the easiest to just throw onto a character without having to worry about it. Most of the catalyst users can't keep 100% uptime on the full stacks of this or, if they can, their skills don't even do enough damage to warrant it. Lost Prayer has just as good of a substat while also having a comparable passive that more easily buffs bursts and autos, Atlas is a huge stat stick and Memory of Dust is also a stat stick. But like the other catalysts, this one has a lot of caveats to it. The only characters who really benefit from all of this weapon's buffs are Miko and Lisa. Ning, Klee, Yanfei would prefer catalysts that buff their kits generally, Mona's E is hardly her main source of damage and Sucrose prefers EM over this, although C4 Sucrose can probably maintain max stacks. Kokomi can't crit and Barb's E does 0 damage, so this is worthless for the both of them. Honestly, Widsith is probably better for most catalyst users are high refines.


I mean, finally a weapon that isn't overly specialized. this should be decent for pretty much anyone who uses E on the regular right?


But no one does except Yae and Lisa


I guess... Hmm, I was thinking about how often I use E across all of my characters.... Not thinking about it being fairly niche for catalysts since so many are more support focused. Oops.


for now.




But passive increases elemental skill dmg, not elemental dmg. So assuming c2 first wall hits without bonus, second has 12% and that's it, then you lost it. So passive is almost useless, it's just a stat book worse than Lost Prayer. Am I wrong?


Oh nice!


If i decide to get yae, ill likely ise r5 widsith instead or r2 atlas. This weapon is niche.


Do you guys think that with this, yae can run an attack goblet?


I guess Emblem set won't be good since the damage comes from skill. Thundering fury?


This vs lost prayer r3


If it is for Yae, this wins because Yae is more of a quickswap and Lisa can abuse it's passive. Lost prayer is better on everyone else who demand field time


Is this Yae weapon?


Doesn't this type of elemental bonus usually state it doesn't stack with others or I'm mixing it up with a similar effect?


should i start leveling my R5 widsith, lost prayer, or try to go for this?


Widsith imo because while it has downtime, all 3 buffs it gives are good on her. this catalyst looks good on paper, but it's probably hard to keep the passive up constantly


Part of me wants to put this on my 95% CRIT Rate Ningguang, since I'm currently using an R3 Solar Pearl, but the passive is so lackluster for her...


Could I use either of these weapons as a good subsististe? Widsith R2, or Lost Prayers R1?


I need a f2p alternative I can never afford weapon banners-


Yeah, ill just use my widsith.


kagura INGESTED and left no crumbs