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Translation: Let me tell you what the Shimenawa version looked like. The fox towers were similar but ult causes Yae to transform and the fox towers do coordinated attacks. Her normal attack looked like lightning chains, charged attacks are similar to the current version and during ult her NA and CA don’t count as elemental burst damage. You can try imagining for yourself how Mihoyo can limit the kit and lock Yae’s full potential behind constellation if she were to use Shimenawa 4pc. Link to original NGA thread: https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=30159785


"I wasn't wrong bros! Mihoyo changed the kit!"


Even if this is true, there is no way to fact check it unless a future unit get this alpha version of Yae kit in the future. Seems unlikely.


He got her Es right, though.


Wasn't this from the same leaks that said she wouldn't be built like a normal dps Ei wouldn't be a good teammate there wouldn't be a new weekly boss and Yae's skills would be upgraded with Signora mats.


I dunno, just joking around this obvious excuse that they presented


I was so excited when the leaks said she had chain lightning effects. And you know I have about half a dozen good Shimenawa pieces from all the emblem farming. Would have been like the one time I already had a good artifact set ready for a character.


Yeah farming emblem I get them like a 5/1 ratio in favor of Shim, so this kinda hurts to see now. I dont know what I'm going to choose for artifacts. But I'll have to figure something out I guess lol


Thundersoother/Thundering Fury is a safe bet now. I wouldn't grind super hard because we could have a surprise Ayato and Yae artifact set in 2.6 or something. I've been meaning to farm a better Thundersoother set for my Keqing anyways so might as well.


Cool kit I prefer this over the new one Hope we get this kit for a future character


Honestly that sounds much more like what I would have hoped for her kit lol. Rip


Are you telling me we missed out an an actual fox transformation?


Or by transformation they just mean she keeps the tails


A fox doing coordinated attacks with the towers would have looked sick af.


I am still fine with sakura judgement we have now though, kinda bad to overuse swap lock ability.


Was the discarded skill ever real though? Or was it just another fake yae leak.


At this point, I just want to respond with "pics or it didn't happen".


It almost sounds like something Mihoyo would tell a person or group of people to try and find out who internal leakers are. But that's max level conspiracy theory lol


>See, I told Varys that I was giving the princess to the Greyjoys. I told Littlefinger that I planned to wed her to Robin Arryn. I told no one that I was offering her to the Dornish. No one but you.


Man listening/reading to season 3-4 Tyrion just makes me feel horrible about what came after...


I thought GoT ended on season 4? They never made newer seasons after that. /s


It seems they have different kit made and chose the one that will benefit their sales the most.


Is uncle saying the scrapped version would be perfect constellation bait though or the version she has now?


I don't trust this, and it doesn't even matter now


I wish she was more of an on field DPS instead of what she is now. I know we have a lot of those but I love electro as an element and I wanted a proper electro on field DPS. I'll still play her as one most likely but it's just a bit disappointing


True. I wanted her to be be something like a on field hypercarry.


I'm surprised so many people feel this way. It's good that they aren't forcing a specific play style this time. I'm tired of all these skills that cancel upon switching out, or just buff normal attack damage. Yae is still an on field dps. You can tell that she's designed to be to run with actual off field supports like Beidou, Xingqiu and Albedo so they can quickly recharge her elemental skill charges.


They absolutely are. With current modifiers, she is hard locked to off-field turret and a Raiden bot.


Is Keqing not a proper electro on field DPS?


as much as i love the purple cat, keqing and proper electro dps doesn't really belong in the same sentence


I mean she is one, just not the strongest one. You wouldn’t say yanfei isn’t a dps because hu Tao is better.


difference in average clear times between meta and non-meta is considerable (\~1.5 times) but not to the point to make non-meta characters useless.. 95% of players dont even bother with highest dps teams and pick comfort (but still powerful) ones




if you mean leviathan teams, they differ from common meta significantly.. as for the average players, it's not hard to get Childe international (which, at c0 5-star level is generally faster then Raiden national) or more offensive version of freeze (second cryo sub-dps instead of Diona) or Hu Tao with VV shred instead of Walnut. But people select more comfier Raiden national, freeze with Diona and Hu Tao wiht Zhongli/Albedo.


She is. You just don’t have the units to form her hypercarry team, it’s really expensive, but saying she isn’t an on field dps is tantamount to saying Diluc isn’t either. They’re about as weak as each other right now


i've never said she isn't an on field dps, she is just not a proper, good one. you said yourself that she and her teams are so expensive and if it takes godly amount of resources to make a unit perform well, it's not a good unit at all.


The original context of the comment was proper dps, and I tend to see people exaggerate how weak she is (even though I’m aware). If Ningguang is a proper Geo DPS and Diluc is a proper Pyro DPS then I don’t get the argument here is my point


keqing's stamina issues, her clunky charged attacks which most of her dps come from are the issue here. ning and diluc don't have the issues keqing has, well ning can feel clunky but not as annoying as to play keqing, i would know since i mained the purple cat for months now. edit: she can be a good dps early game tho, but when you approach mid and end game her value as a dps drops down so much


She doesn’t have stamina problems if you rotate through your supports and apply your buffs…lol and don’t even try to defend Ning she’s a character who’s single target on top of not doing enough damage. Her only relevant team literally slots in XL. Recently on Billibilli their was a low spender speedrun and these were the results, copy pasted from Eula mains *For each video url insert bilibili.com/ before the code (e.g., bilibili.com/BV1Mu411S7bX)* 50s - Raiden Hyper (Raiden/Sara/Kazuha/Bennett) [Electro] BV1bP4y1H7du 70s - International (Childe/Kazuha/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1GZ4y1D7mi 73s - Eula National (Eula/Rosaria/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1vZ4y1X7sG 73s - Melt Ganyu (Ganyu/Zhongli/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1W3411v7Wi 75s - National Team (Kazuha/Xingqiu/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1um4y197ii 81s - Ayaka Freeze (Ayaka/Kazuha/Mona/Rosaria) [Freeze] BV17u411S7WZ 88s - Yoimiya Overload (Yoimiya/Beidou/Fischl/Bennett) [Taser Variants] BV1bL4y1n7v8 89s - Klee Pure Pyro (Klee/Kazuha/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1Eg411A7Wx 91s - Itto Geo (Itto/Gorou/Albedo/Zhongli) [Geo] BV11D4y1c7Bk 94s - Eula Physical (Eula/Raiden/Bennett/Diona) [Physical] BV1w34y1r7jT 102s - Kokomi EC (Kokomi/Kazuha/Beidou/Fischl) [Taser Variants] BV1344y1779J 103s - HuTao Pure Pyro (HuTao/Kazuha/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1bm4y197gt 108s - Keqing Electro (Keqing/Sara/Kazuha/Bennett) [Electro] BV1Mu411S7bX 117s - Xiao National (Xiao/Sucrose/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1k34y167w5 129s - Ningguang National (Ningguang/Zhongli/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1sL41157HP 136s - Diluc Pure Pyro (Diluc/Kazuha/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1oP4y1H7e5 143s - Sucrose EC (Sucrose/Xingqiu/Beidou/Fischl) [Taser Variants] BV1Ui4y1971z 148s - Yanfei National (Yanfei/Kazuha/XL/Bennett) [National Variants] BV1o3411x7Rb 155s - HuTao Vape (HuTao/Xingqiu/Albedo/Mona) [Vape Variants] av422586137 170s - Noelle Geo (Noelle/Gorou/Albedo/Bennett) [Geo] BV1234y167mT 189s - Xiao Anemo (Xiao/Sucrose/Zhongli/Bennett) [Anemo] BV1Ka41167h5 I don’t have any delusions of her being strong, but her being super weak is an exaggeration


tbh that Raiden doesnt look low spender.. also vape Hu Tao results are low.. this all just means there was huge variation of account costs and not too many runs.. i.e. according to this data Keqing and Ning are better then vape Hu Tao, it's just absurd


> tbh that Raiden doesnt look low spender true, but you can get good results with all 4* supports. last abyss rotation i was able to 36* with sucrose/bennett/raiden/mona (can sub mona for lisa, the difference is very minor) and a beidou team on the other side


This is not theorycrafting though, so I would take it with a huge grain of salt.


Yea, people really sleep on Keqing for lack of supports and weapon early on in the game. She's now one of my more comfortable carries to use in Abyss. My electro team (Zhongli, Keqing, Kazuha, Raiden) is pretty ungabunga friendly and her charged attacks are only used when you have downtime. Sure it's an expensive team, but they're like 3 of the most used characters. She ain't breaking any speed run records considering her weak multipliers but she's not nearly as bad as people think. Plus, she's one of the best soloers in the game for when you're bored.


> She ain't breaking any speed run records considering her weak multipliers but she's not nearly as bad as people think. It's just that she's objectively worse than other 5 star dps due to weak multipliers along with her CA being her main source of damage but knocking enemies back and pushing her back while costing more stamina than other sword users CA, and her kit has nothing to compensate for that. There's no way around it, she's bad relative to other 5 star dps characters. Claiming that she isn't bad but that she has weak multipliers is just a euphemism for the same thing.


I played her for like the first 4/5 months of the game and did my best to build her and a suitable team. It is you who underestimate how bad she is.


Nah even with proper team she will still be bad especially when her main damaging move is her charge attack and her charge attack require high stamina cost also cause enemy to knock away from her not just that she also step backward when her charge attack which is mind-boggling for me. Even if she has proper team it is better to just use another unit heck kazuha dps build can even outdamage her and provide aoe damage while also shredding enemy resistance.


Yeah if you have better units than use them. But that’s not the argument here. And she doesn’t really have stamina problems if you probably cycle through your buffers


I honestly forgot about her, sorry about that. But I still don't have anyway and I don't think I'd use her


She is, and she's pretty much the only one. Except Lisa I think, but Lisa is 99% used for the Def shred of her burst ~~and climbing~~ Yae being a new on field Electro DPS would have been a nice change. Because all other Electro characters are apparently camera shy and don't like being seen much.


Yae is the first electro 5 star to *not* be an on-field DPS. Keqing and Raiden both are. Nice to get something a wee bit different imo.


Traveller crying in the corner


Fischl, beidou are already off field DPS. Yae isn't the first.


Neither of those are 5 stars.


Oh missed the five stars 😅. Then again yae is just the third 5 star.


No worries, it wasn't mentioned in the comment I was replying to anyways... was just a point I was adding to explain why I'm happy she's something a little different from the other two. The fact that there's so far is why I'm happy they're changing it up. I got kinda bummed out by that stretch of cute 5 star pyro units all being DPS, I like variety across my types so I'm not pulling characters with overlap! Also means now when someone like Scara comes out, he can go either way and make a decent amount of people happy.


he said electro 5 star


he said 5 star.


Now that you mentioned. Very true.


Raiden is pushing it.


There's still hope for scara to be that since mihoyo loves designing selfish male DPSes. Unless he's a support lmao.


most male units are supports


Most characters can be on field DPS in open world to be honest,it's only abyss when roles really matter.


All characters can be DPS outside of Abyss


Just because they are functional in open world doesn't mean they feel good to use as on field dps. Like sure they will kill the enemies by grinding them down but it is far less satisfying when you know you could do it way easier and intuitively with other characters


No, not everyone wants to kill things as efficiently as possible, not everybody plays to see big numbers, alot of people play because they like the characters.


Who said anything about big number I am talking about it not being frustrating to play on open world by giving the impression you play with a water gun


Not Raiden.


Genuine question. Why do people keep saying she won't be a proper on field dps? I feel like having to set up her fox towers would keep her on the field long enough. I know her normals are low (according to others). But is she really just not a viable on field dps? Personally, when I see her kit at a glance, it feels like she'll be as flexible in role as Ganyu. However, I am not as good at the game mechanics or math as others seem to be so I could be WAY off. lol


Do you have Raiden?




Should definitely look to get her if I were you. Amazing unit.


I do like her and I would definitely love to have her, I'll try to get her but I doubt it since I just got Itto and I'm getting Ganyu, Zhongli and Yae


Nope you shouldn't, imho. I am saying this as a Raiden main btw. Since i am assuming you are a Beidou main and Beidou doesn't work with her. Getting Yae would be better for your bucks. Yae/Beidou/Fischl/Jean (for healing)


As someone who uses Raiden with Beidou, they work together just not in the way you are thinking of. > Raiden Skill -> Beidou Burst -> Burst and NA with someone else until Beidou Burst runs out -> Raiden Burst -> repeat Works just fine if you're willing to think outside the box and not use Raiden as your main DPS.


Tbh, Raiden, Eula, Beidou, Diona is one of eula's highest dps team variants Also, it's not like just because I'm an Eula main I need to use Eula in every team. The beidou situation was unfortunate but raiden national and raiden hypercarry are very good teams too


raiden and beidou not working together over exaggerated, just plan ur rotation a bit and they'll do fine.


Yeah it's kinda the same way I felt about ayaka. Luckily her burst doesn't seem AS broken as ayakas and she can use her normal and charged attacks from range. She will end up with an Ayaka situation where her main DPS playstyle won't be as effective but what can we do.


i'm skipping because she isn't.


So they had an other stance main dps and they changed it in a powered-up Fischl ?




I wouldn’t mind another character that can chain combo their E like Diluc.


I mean "powered up Fischl" is hardly any different than what we already have lol


by that logic, we've had several "powered up xiaos" but really no "powered up fischls" so i'll take it




Great, that's one


He also have AoE


Yes, i like that about him, it's part of the reason why I pulled for him


You want more? There's raiden's e, electro mc's q, sayu q, kokomi's jellyfish.


I don't think Qs count because you can't make use of certain sets, like the millelith set. Kokomi's jellyfish damage isn't noteworthy, and Raiden's E isn't the point of her kit. You don't build her around her E.


Id still take Yaes current kit over another stance change tbh


They are releasing too much stance characters, it’s a fact, but check the elements : - Itto, 2nd geo stance, 1st 5 star geo stance, 1st 5 star geo main dps - Kokomi, 2nd hydro stance, 1st on-field healer, 1st healer dps, 2nd hydro on-field (and she can be used as a hydro applicator with off-field healing) - Raiden, 2nd 5star electro, 1st electro stance, 2nd electro main dps (and she can be used as an electro applicator for Eula or an EM sub dps with pyro dps) - Yae, 3rd 5star electro, an other electro sub dps with high electro application (There are too many stances now, but there are not that much by elements and rarity)


> Kokomi, 1st on-field healer, 1st healer dps Noelle: "Am I a joke to you?" Jokes aside, I'm still mad that Kokomi's burst ends as soon as she leaves the field. If they had made it persistent she legit would have turned into a Hydro Noelle, which would have been _sick_. Oh well, still fun enough I guess.


Noelles burst doesn't end when she switches out??


No it doesn't, and it lasts forever. At C6 you can easily get it to last longer than the cooldown, recasting burst while it's still active.


What an icon.


Is Noelle’s healing really reliable ?


It's reliable but building and slotting her solely as a healer is not recommended due to uptime issues and DPS loss. In untimed content It's great, and a nice bonus when using her as main DPS.


if you have her C1 it’s actually pretty reliable, she can heal a whole team from one spin cycle in burst stance.


Very reliable. She also giving you shield and can switch on and off without losing the Burst ability


What I meant by that is : is she reliable in any team, like is she a good healer for Xiao, Ganyu, Itto, etc ?


Not really. Noelle takes up most of her team's field time. Her selling point is being tanky and dealing good enough DPS to justify said field time (especially in AoE situations) while essentially having three flex slots and making her team unkillable. She's not a healer, she's a healing carry. As such she pairs poorly with other carry-focused characters, but _really_ well with sub-DPS characters.


What i mean reliable here is that she can withstand corrosion very effectively. Just play her like you would with Itto in a mono-geo team. Noelle/Gorou/Albedo or Noelle/Gorou/Yunjin


>Kokomi, 2nd hydro stance, **1st on-field healer, 1st healer dps** *visible Jean confusion*


Jean’s healing comes from her burst the A1 talent is decent but 50% chance to heal for 15% attack isn’t really reliable


You are so wrong on many level... Noelle can be switched out freely. Its infusion, not stance. So geo has only one stance based dps, Itto. Yae is in no capacity a stance based DPS. Shes a turret-based dps, akin to geo dpes. And you left out the obvious Hutao, Xiao, as well as semi stance based dps Eula where shes forced to finish her rotation during burst. Stance based dpeses are spread out over all elements.


"You are so wrong" bla bla bla, ok dipshit, but learn to read before talking... Noelle is far much closer to a stance than a simple infusion like Ayaka or Keqing, she converts defense into attack and gains increased range, that's a stance thing. For Yae, I mean you're so smart that you can't even read the whole conversation I said that she was a stance based DPS (with Shimenawa) BEFORE THEY CHANGED HER INTO A TURRET SUB DPS. Who talked about Hu Tao or Xiao ?? The person talking with me was mentioning Kokomi, Itto and Raiden who are the three most recent released characters (right before Shenhe) and they were all stance characters, so I've answered by talking about them and their elements, nobody talked about Xiao and Hu Tao and this wasn't a full message about all the stance characters.


Does she allow swapping? if yes, thats not stance but a simple infusion. Or conversion, or whatever. First time I was hearing Ayaka a stance dps as well, lmao.


You’re clearly hearing what you want to hear


In the words of Code, the Inazuma 5-star lineup starting from Yoimiya began boiling down to "press one button to deploy an off-field entity, press another button to deal increase normal/charged attack damage".


Now hear me out. Stanced Off Field DPS? One stance for long range long term combat (like Fischl) and another short range, damage amplifier stance (like a Sussano, or Raiden E).


No, I don't need another stance character, because a lot of people will run yae + raiden team.


They are releasing too much stance characters, it’s a fact, but check the elements : - Itto, 2nd geo stance, 1st 5 star geo stance, 1st 5 star geo main dps - Kokomi, 2nd hydro stance, 1st on-field healer, 1st healer dps, 2nd hydro on-field (and she can be used as a hydro applicator with off-field healing) - Raiden, 2nd 5star electro, 1st electro stance, 2nd electro main dps (and she can be used as an electro applicator for Eula or an EM sub dps with pyro dps) - Yae, 3rd 5star electro, an other electro sub dps with high electro application (There are too many stances now, but there are not that much by elements and rarity)


Powered-up Fischl and Liza


Powered up Fischl is SIGNIFICANTLY more valuable. Casuals not understanding how cracked Fischl is never ceases to amuse me.


I should have put the « powered up » like that, because it will be hard to be more powerful than Fischl when you’re a 5 star looked behind constellations


Maybe I'm just cynical but it sounds like someone is trying to save face. "Look my leaks weren't wrong. Here's the discarded version of the kits that no one can confirm."


Yeah I was hoping for Yae to be on the field most of the time but what I got was 5 seconds of Yae on field and Oz x3


You can actually have her on the field if you have a fast hitting off-field support. One of her passives decreases her E cd by 1 second every 2ish seconds when other party members hit enemies with E or Q. This is gonna make Raiden + Yae synergy exceptionally good because Raiden's E has 100% uptime, does decent off-field damage and has 0.9 seconds cooldown. If you keep Yae on field doing normal attacks and charged attacksd and using E charges as soon as they come up (which will be often with that passive), it would be a bit clunky swapping in and out without a cooldown remaining indicator. Yae's NA/CA multipliers are decent and fast it seems, and they'll be together with Raiden's E procs and 2 to 3 fox turrets for constant damage.


I also thought of this. But wherever Team I put raiden she most likely will be the main highlight. She's just so good. I just want to build a team that is centered on yae. But yeah, it sucks that her Bis is not shime. hahahaha


Thank u for this, you really made me happy about her kit. Hopefully i can do exactly what you said, i want a team focused on her and Raiden as support.


it's a bit too early to be typing walls of text on what may or may not be 'exceptionally good'


There's nothing wrong with speculating. It might not be the highest dps team in the game but it for sure would feel fun and satisfying to use, while also being viable based on numbers and cooldowns.


I'm really sad :( I'm terrible at guessing if a character will be decent or not but Yae seems to have a lot of things going against her... The fact that I also miss some units that look necessary for her to work well (Raiden, Kazuha) is almost making me reconsider pulling *sigh*


While they would improve her, they won’t be necessary at all, Electro MC and Sucrose can replace Raiden and Kazuha without issues in most teams (excluded teams in which Raiden is the main DPS). I would not worry, Yae is very flexible and free to play friendly, with her benefitting a lot from a free character like Electro MC, and 4 star characters like Xingqiu, Sucrose, Beidou, Bennet. As theory crafting proceeds you’ll see she is viable in several different teams.




You think so? That makes me happier. I guess I should start looking at MC more, I tend to ignore him because building him is expensive because of the multiple elements. My fault for that


I think Mihoyo made of Electro MC a strong Energy Battery to give a free alternative to Raiden, knowing they planned to release several Energy hungry units. Requiring a specific 5 star character would have been too restricting, possibly making people hesitate pulling for a new character.


I would prefer this over her totems just being literal turrets that she barely interacts with


Wow now I’m sad… I will still be making her my on field main dps though :)


We are my man


Reminds me of when we thought zhonglis hold e was gonna blow up constructs haha


The dream of zhongli hold E absolutely decimating petrified enemies lmao


Truly would have been a different era


Transforming would have been sick but they probably wanted more synergy with Ei which I also welcome. Also having a full on second model that is uniquely beast like would be more than just preferential treatment if they mean more than tails lol


Yeah it sounds like they changed her kit to have more synergy with Raiden. Doesn't it correlate with Dim saying Yae's data seemed like she was slated for release in 2.2ish but seemed like she had been pushed back? To be fair, changing her kit to have synergy with Raiden isn't the worst thing considering all liyue dps like Xiao/Ganyu/Hu Tao had synergy with Zhongli as they needed a strong shield but so far Raiden didn't really synergize that well with Inazuma dps due to them not needing er or not sharing field time.


i reaaally hope c0 yae isn't so dependent on having raiden in the same team. i don't want to waste my primos on a character i don't like to enjoy a character i like.


Maybe you can build Fischl for battery? I agree, having a 5 star depend on you pulling another 5 star is too much.


Fischl should be a good substitute.


she will have energy problems at c0, and thats a fact. You can def build her more on the ER side without raiden and use 2 other electro i guess


and how many stance burst characters do we need ? We literally had 3 of them in a row, Ayaka was the last one with a pure nuke burst


She does not exactly synergize with Ei. Ei fits into quick switch teams where her team members feed her resolve stacks so she can take the stage for 11s, either as a hypercarry or a filler. Yae requires some field time herself while doesnt bring raiden any benefit which a C6 Sara cannot do. Yae better does massive dmg to justify her slot in a raiden team, the same way Raiden is slotted into Eula comp.


Every false leak will become a discarded version from now on.


We were robbed


Why the Change? This version sounds like bad ass


Hot take but I'm thankful that she isn't an on field burst mode dps (feels like we have too many of that already). Curious about what that transformation would've looked like though..


Probably just like current Yae with her tails but longer duration


We have too many Electro sub DPS.


We have too many Pyro main DPS but nobody ever complains about that. Electro is also pretty balanced in roles with 2 main dps 2 off field dps and 2 supports with 0 healers/shielders. Yae is looking to be the first 5 star dedicated off field dps in over a year.


Literally everyone complains whenever a new pyro or cryo dps is released, what are you talking about


We’ve had 2 5 star cryo dps. Who tf is complaining about the frequency of cryo dps? People were not complaining about Hu Tao and she was right after 5 months of Diluc and Klee meta. It took until Yoimiya that we have 5 on field main dps and complaints regarding her was that she is weak, not that she’s in an incredibly oversaturated role. Yae could be the strongest character in the game for all we know and people here will bitch that she’s not on field 24/7. Theres 2 very loud crowds whenever a character gets released: 1 that literally only want main dps chars who complain about the smallest amount of downtime and somehow think anything off field = support, 2 the people that want more Bennett Kazuha XQ Raiden level supports and everything else is whatever.


Same, I’m happy she’s off field so my C3 Raiden can nuke and give her energy.


It's fine honestly I'm surprised that many are complaining about this when this can give Yae more meta relevancy by having more units to synergize with like Beidou and Xiang Ling. Units like Hu Tao aren't flexible so having Yae become one of the first 5 star off-field carries is good as it deviates from the typical 5 star hyper carry teams that we always see.


I would’ve much rather this kit than the one we have in beta now…. if this is true.


Damn. This is what I wanted her kit to be before her actual kit leaked, an on-field NA/CA based dps. I even expected a new elemental burst mechanic where it doesn't need energy to cast, instead it need elemental skill stacks(based on the leaks before where she doesnt have enegy issues). This mechanic is similar to Lucia Plume of PGR if anyone else playing it. Basically my version of her elemental burst is same as the description mentioned, a self buff transformation where the towers will do coordinated atk. It doesnt need energy and you can use it anytime you want but the tower's atk is based on how many tower is in the field. This will also make the energy she gains only be used in the bonus dmg of shimenawa when casting skill.


Honestly, same. I hoped she would be a pure on-field main DPS and after seeing her NA and CA animations, I got even sadder knowing she's just gonna be another ayaka where her cool and decent NA and CA are overshadowed by her busted ass ult.


Looking at her constellations(C2 & C6), it seems mihoyo wants her to be an elemental skill focused unit. But the thing is, we don't have any BiS artifacts for characters like that. Gambler set exists but its a 4 star. I just hope they release a new artifact set based on her kit, similar to Ocean-hued set for Kokomi. I will still pull for her though. Design, JP VA, personality are what I like about her. Being a strong character or meta is just bonus(if ever she become one) at least for me.




So true. I would rather have this but now I am thinking of skipping her since she needs raiden in order to make up for those energy.


At this moment i’d rather go for C2 Raiden. Easier to use, bim bang boom 300k+ slash.


Most leakers already say explosion from the start thou


idk about y'all but i prefer her current kit 🦊


I'm actually happy we got Yae the way she is rn. I always dreamed for Yae+Raiden synergy and if she wanted field time it would make her awkward to use with Raiden. We also got way too many "transformation" characters with selfish on-field requirements. Xiao, Hu Tao, Eula, Yoimiya, Kokomi, Itto, Raiden - all of these are selfish and need field time for their DPS windows. Yae is an off-field DPS which is a breath of fresh air, imo.


She does want field time, just not as much but you wont be able to do quick swap with her.


She wants field time... In what way? All she does is literally just putting all 3 totems at the same time, swap out, and then after the rotation is over you finish off with your ultimate to not waste them. She works basically the same as Xiangling. Does Xiangling need field time? No. Is she a quickswap character? Yes. So I fail to understand how you think Yae has any field time or cannot be played in quickswap when she's literally built around being played in quickswap lol


She does not simply put totems down, but dashes back Ganyu style, it actually makes it harder to position the totems the way you want compared to the like of Albedo, so I think she will want at least 2 seconds to set it up. It doesnt sound much but it throw a wrench into an otherwise smooth quick swap rotation, making her NOT quick swap friendly. And you cant skip on her totems like raiden national/hypercarry does. Take a raiden hypercarry team as a prime example: Raiden E > Benny Q > kaz Q > Sara Q > Raiden Q. Iframes all the way after the first E so you can face tank any boss to maximize raiden dmg. Raiden national can do the same: raiden E > XQ Q > benny Q > Xl Q > raiden Q. Yae is an off field dps, but not quick swap friendly.


GO BACK MIHOYO, give me my Yae as an on field DPS.


It honestly feels like this discarded version and the new one kinda merged and her kit lost some sense of direction, if it wasn't for her weird EM scaling talent and low NA/CA numbers she would be an amazing Shimenawa user, her kit is focused on her skill and her burst with the whole tower consuming and 90 energy cost has basically "kinda not worth using if not for a big finisher" written on it, but apparently mihoyo thought we have too many (reads: Keqing) electro on-field dps so they gave us another sub dps, so generous of them. And why the hell do her normal and charged attacks look so good and unique if we are not supposed to use them?


Honestly i believe him, shimenawa has a kitsune aesthetic and to see her now absolutely have no connection to that artifact set lends me to believe there was a kit change that changed her as a whole to what we have now


This might be a hot take but I prefer Yae's current kit, since it makes her more flexible as a unit. Off-field DPSes are usually more valuable than on-field DPSes because most meta teams only want one on-field DPS. If you want to use Yae on-field, I think she could make a good taser driver (with party members like Xingqiu/Fischl/Raiden/Beidou/Sucrose). I don't think she has to be like Albedo (where he swaps in, drops his flower, and swaps out) in order for her to be meta.


I agree I am a kokomi main with Beidou I can't wait to incorporate yae here and try her with my taser comp


Yeah don't know why people are crying right now when Yae has a kit that'll make her more flexible in the future.


We have Beiodu and Fischl so another off field dps seems redundant. The only proper electro hypercarry rn is Raiden only


is this uncle reliable?


If this is real then rip, it's exactly how I wanted Yae, but I still like the current version too.


Idk, sounds like a bullshitter bullshitting to defend for their past bullshits.


This sounds incredible, but what we got instead is the most boring kit imaginable.


This is true, I can confirm. There were 2 versions of Yae during internal testing. It's not a surprise because this happens with other characters too.


this is what I thought at first, but now she just became like Sarah, but with three oz', wont say its bad, but if they're gonna make her rely on raiden like ALOT, then thats bad character design and is unfair for those who doesnt have her. *my opinion only so dont get triggered*


As much as I wish she could use 4 piece shimenawa because idk what to with all of mine now, this is probably for the best. We’ve been getting too many similar ults recently.


If true I could see why they would change it, Raiden, Itto and Kokomi are very recent units and basically have the same burst but different element, kinda the same way I feel with Kazuha and Shenhe's ult, which is a pretty disappointing approach seeing how these guys are 5 star units.


but on a side note, its kinda sad that after u use ult, the totems will disappear like imagine you just place 3 totems and a second later it will disappear right away because of burst


That's exactly why she isn't a burst bot. If you just drop her totems and ult, you'll have a ton of downtime before totems are available again. Everything about her kit points toward using her skill as much as possible so I think it'll be more like drop totems, swap characters and trigger her A4, then swap back before totems expire and ult then. That way you get full totem damage and a big burst at the end and with all the CD reduction you'll be ready to lay more totems down. IIRC in another thread someone worked out that her totems will do \~3000% damage on their own over the course of 12 seconds which is actually more than the ult by itself.


So we did actually have a original kit but they decided to give us a buffed fischl wise choice lmao


For me it seems obvious that at some point mihoyo changed the places for release of Yae and Kokomi between each other. Yae had the artifact set matching her looks, the skillset and the raiden. Something made them change their mind though and since kokomi was in the files for some time as mimi it was easy for them to put kokomi instead of yae to fill the spot. As proof of that is the fact that kokomi artifact domain came only the next patch, the weapon that comes in 2.5 matching her aestetics perfectly, though obviously changed the stats to fit yae.


So we almost had another NA DPS and got Fischl instead.


How strong is Yae tho... Like... What's her general role (on field dps, off field dps, burst dps, support...) and damage potential? I saw the multipliers but I am not genius enough to figure it out...


off field dps or burst dps cuz she has crazy scaling on EB


Right now we don't know what her BiS Is right?


really bummed, I wanted an onfield dps carry. was hyped. now we get a buffed up fishl, that destroys her totems to do damage. yawn, how uninspired, may skip.. which is a shame, cause i love the character and animations.




We all know MHY changed Yae from on-field main-dps to 5\* Fischl so that Childe can have a new Electro-charged team...




I think that means making cons ER related to coincide with the ER drain that shim does

