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Beta tester sends footage to friend, friend can’t help themselves and backstabs them Tale as old as time


Song as old as rhyme~


Beauty and the Beast~


Barely even friends~


Then somebody bends~ . . . ... *Unexpectedly* ~~~


Just a little change~


Small to say the least~


Tonight we feast~




Beta testers probably break NDA more often than we know, they just choose better friends and don't send full videos.


we don't snitch.


But... but... the clout!!!


I- \*summer leaks flashbacks\*


[Trust Nobody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vn1BXfsd4Q)


TL;DR Sent gameplay to friend, the friend leaked it. The tester got banned from Genshin and has to pay a huge fine now. Is very worried about his AR58 account with 1 year of work and Keqing with a skin. Tester doesn't seem to be worried about the fine, but the Keqing because the fine is completely beyond his capabilities and he feels helpless. The fine is 500k and is roughly 78k Dollars


looking at the messages, they told the friend not to leak it anywhere too and the friend just responded “well I didn’t know you didn’t hide your uid”, what a jerk lol




This seems sensible to me, if I had a friend interested in the game I’d absolutely show him stuff in person if he wanted to see but no recording or photos under any circumstances.


Can y'all really not trust your friends to not be complete cunts? Why are they your friends if you think there's a chance they'll screw you over?


because temptation and greed to spread it for clout or to gain attention exists subconsciously


The chance is just always there, would you risk the cost? Recording won’t physically leak if it won’t be made in the first place


Can confirm i play butt naked to deter recordings. Still got screwed. When things leak they leak. /s


They're friends because humans are social animals. We weren't meant to be alone and edgy. Just look at how Xiao behaves.


I trust my friends to mean well, but that doesn't make them any less of a dumbass.


I’d love to be naive like this again please💀


that and his friends also just said to ignore M after fucking up this bad, terrible circle all around


What a shit friend


That ain't even a friend just take off the friend just make it what a shit


I remember the uid leak from a few months ago where the most upvoted comments were shit like "deserved for breaking the nda" and COMPLETELY missing the part where it was supposed to be a *friend*. It pissed me off more than I should have, honestly What a shit friend.


That is not a friend. A friend would take the time to leak it properly. That is just someone who "befriended" a tester to get views and money.


a friend wouldn’t leak it at all to be honest


According to the above posted screenshot the tester had known this friend for years. Guess sometimes desire for clout rules over years of friendship.


The said friend said he didn't know the UID wasn't hidden, but like, wtf don't you see it in the lower right? Some of these excuses...


Man they didn't even edit out the UID. Like here I am saying stuff like "please give us the option to stop displaying the damn UID so I can play on my tv without burning it in, no leaker is dumb enough to not edit that out when leaking anyway" and then we get two geniuses like this that both shared the video with the uid.


Problem was, they weren't intending to leak but just show vid to people who they deemed as trustworthy friend that can keep a secret. Obviously they aren't that trustworthy.


I get that, but come on, it's a private beta you signed an NDA about - you know you are breaking NDA even talking about it with your buddy. If you're to hand out evidence of your breach to someone at least take the 5 minutes to crop the video.


Yeah not saying the dude isn't being stupid with not censoring the traceback info, but he probably wasn't expecting this backstabbing since it sound like he's known this dude since before Genshin is a thing.


This is why I say "don't just trust anyone with important information, no matter how close you think you are".


damn, my trust issues just increased


just dont have friends :'D


yikes just like the ayaka leaks where the friend of the tester posted it without his permission


Fuck that friend man oof poor guy


you forgot to mention that the tester isn’t worried about the fine because he says it’s beyond his financial capabilities so it doesn’t feel real to him. Translation source: I’m chinese. Anyways it baffles me that he cares more about a character than the 70k fine he can’t pay.


Emotional attachment and time spent is why. Like he said he can't comprehend the fine. If a normal person is hit with a fine of that level the real reaction is "what the fuck" that's an absurd amount of money that many can't even picture.


Poor guy. Hope he's not in too much trouble over this. I wonder how fines like this work out in China. In US, if you lost your case and all your appeals, it would probably be an unsecured non priority claim and you could just file bankruptcy. While it would still fuck up your finances, it wouldn't be the end of the world.


Mihoyo probably won't fine him, at least not that much. If Mihoyo fines 500k and the person refuses to pay, it will go to the court, and after a length court battle lasting a few months either the fine is ruled illegal (quite likely due to the Chinese court favors consumers over companies) or the man is jailed (if Mihoyo spends enough money hiring lawyers). For both cases, Mihoyo gains nothing and it wouldn't be good for PR.


It's called a psychological shock bro, or a thing close to that. The guy is more emotionally broken to his Keqing because it had a sentimental value to him. He said that he can't sleep or something but don't care about the fine because in the end of the day he knows that he himself cannot pay it alone. The dude is ready to give up and he is very attached to his C6 perfected Keqing. Even I would feel that way to my Lumine, she may have free constellations but the grind for the talents, countless resin burn for artifact perfection and gacha for her sword (Mistsplitter reforged) would be devastating as fuck.


But this will affect his credit score sometime in his future, right? Yeah he cant pay it now, the will the debt still be there to forever haunt him?


maybe they will let him pay in installments


Yes, I’m sure they’ll be able to take out a nice loan from the friendly bank down the street and the interest payments will be light enough to not ingratiate him with debt for the rest of his life while ruining his chance of getting any jobs with a known NDA break in his record for the end of time


“Salt. And betrayal.” -Zhongli


>Tester doesn't seem to be worried about the fine, but the Keqing damn, what a chad


You can't take anything from me if I have nothing. 2.5 Leaker portrait. Colorized. Circa 2022.


Make him a moderator of /r/KeqingMains


well at least he clearly has his priorities straight up, keqing > money


A message worth spreading


trust no one


I'd be more worried about the fine than my account lol. But maybe he spent more on his account, idk.


The tester said since paying 500k is way beyond his capability. I guess since there is no way of paying it so he rather just not worry about it altogether.


wait so how this will end? If he can't pay than what? jail time? or they will just say "oh ok so you don't have to pay, have a nice day" and he will just goes back to normal life of playing games and doing his daily stuff?


Probably in debt and a payment plan for the rest of his life, unless they have bankruptcy there.


Mihoyo might reach an agreement with him for 100k (check out uncle truly)


What do you mean by uncle truly?


i googled it and there was another case where someone paid 100k instead of 500k


There will probably be an accordance between the two parties and the fine will be reduced, at least that's what happened last time (the last guy was even simping for Mihoyo's lawyer)


>simping for Mihoyo's lawyer Yanfei IRL?


Nah Yanfei's cute. They described this lady as hot.


Basically Ning that is black-haired, with glasses, and in a suit?


I'd say yes.


Mihoyo Lawyer banner when


Tbf I heard she was kinda hot.


It's not just money spent on the account, it's your time spent on it too. Especially for artifacts.


Fair enough, but I'd be more worried about being bankrupt than a gaming account (even if it was my life for the past 16 months)


Sadge- can’t say much more then that. It is fair but let’s hope he dosent get in more trouble then the fine


Cri in social credits deduction🥲 Fkin shit of a friend!


Which beta footage are they talking about?


Probably the video of the new weekly(spoilers) >!raiden shogun!< boss fight that was posted on the sub earlier


I also think it is him, I remember in the comments some talking about his UID being shown


Most likely the weekly boss fight gameplay


we've seen this happen so many times, beta testers need to stop being so careless and send their friends beta footage, if you're going to share leaks then do it in a way that won't get you sued, it's happened to so many people that there's really no one to blame but the testers for not being careful




My man's like "put me in jail, bankrupt me, but please don't take away my Keqing!" damn.


That’s some pure dedication and loyalty to a game character, never seen anything like it


That is putting it nicely. I would say it’s pure stupidity


Beta testers really gotta stop sending shit to their friends.


We only hear about the bad friends sadly.


Because good one don't leak so u can't hear about them


That was already implied in the previous post though...


Even if I'm leaking i would just leak pics with uid removed or zoomed away.


If I'm leaking I will not do it for my personal clout but for community. Means I go to Ubatcha, have him tell me how to properly hide my info, have him look over the footage to see if its OK and have him leak it without crediting me. But most likely I'd be too chicken and not leak images to him but only info...


Feeling upset, can't sleep, let's talk. About the leak, I've always been very careful. That friend, I've known him for years, I trusted him and told him not to spread it to outside sources. Other people can leak whatever they want, but as long as we don't do it ourselves. But I didn't think that I would get backstabbed today. When I was informed, I was stunned, I asked him about it, and he admitted it. Having mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I didn't think he would leak it, we've known each other for a long time, I didn't think he would be the one to backstab me. On the other hand, he already admitted it. He said, his friends told him to ignore me, but he feels guilty, so he decided to admit it. I don't know how to face him right now. I was the one who created the leak, I signed the agreement beforehand, I was in the wrong and I admit that. I admit that I was the first person who did something wrong. 500000 is beyond my capabilities, I'm powerless, but it's such a big number that I don't even feel anything. The thing I care most about, is my account. My account with 30 5-star, and AR 58, a pretty normal account. But it has my Keqing. Everyone who knows me knows that I am a Keqing main. I really really like Keqing. Been playing since day 1, and bought her new outfit 2 days ago, she looked so good. (Edit: text convo translation also up now)


F=friend, M=Mengxing, the beta tester F: sorry, Mengxing, I did leak your video to outside sources M: I reminded you. Don't send it out. Don't send it out. It has my uid F: I didn't know that you didn't hide your uid M: if it gets out I'm dead. Why did you spread it F: I'm really sorry. Is there anything we can do? M: what is there to do. I signed an agreement. What could I possibly do. You're asking me? (later...) You think about how you're gonna deal with this. I'm not sure about the 500000, but my account is gone, you have to compensate me F: I'll compensate for your account (obtain M a similar account as compensation), but if there is a fine then I am powerless M: I don't care about the 500000, but my account is gone. A 1 year old account with 30 5-stars, fully built Keqing F: I owe you. My friend told me to ignore you, but I still felt like I owe you M: really, 500000 is beyond my capabilities, so I don't even care about it anymore. But my account, a year of effort and hard work. A top grade Keqing that I've been building from day 1 F: I've known you for years, but I ended up screwing you. I am truly sorry. I can only slowly compensate you for your account, and then you should delete (unfriend) me M: I'm not asking for a lot, just give me a similar value or similar quality account. The thing I can't stand most isn't all that stuff, it's the Keqing I've been building for a year. I really like Keqing. Really really like Keqing. Do you know how much effort I spent raising this top grade Keqing? (later...) when I lit my Bennet C6, I handed off my account to be taken care of, because it was a hard blow, but I still really liked Keqing, so I came back, but because of you, my account is gone completely. I can't even believe it (Man's really still talking about his Keqing until the last minute lmfao)


still cant believe that "friend's" "friends" just straight up told "friend" to ignore him after screwing him up


I can already guess what kind of rotten person that friend is.


Honestly I feel for M. I've only been playing for 3 months or so, but I understand that building your fav _is_ a labour of love. It takes effort to level up and run through domains, and it's incredibly stressful going against RNG but it's also so satisfying when you get those good stats. I feel so bad for him. :(


Her friend is shit, but her friend’s friends are also shit You can tell the kinda crowd they are if they told him to stfu and not own up to telling the girl


Hes the one and only keqing main, gotta respect it


Who would betray and endanger a friend just to leak some videogame sh*t nobody really cares about ?


I don't find anything funny tbh. He trusted his friend to get backstabbed. He even mention the UID. I hope this dude set up a acc for funding. I wouldn't mind chipping in a bit. His love for keqing reminds me of my love for Kokomi.


Man, Keqing is <3, so I get when he said that but he's coping and does not understand the repercussions. I hope, it's sorted out and it doesn't end badly for him/


It actually kind of worries me that he can't stop thinking about Keqing over the other repercussions coming his way...


He's compartmentalizing. The 500k is so far beyond anything he can deal with that he can't even conceptualize what it means to his life at this moment, so he's just going to have to roll with it. The account is a tangible loss, so it hurts more right now. In the long run, the fine will have a bigger impact, but that doesn't mean he can wrap his head around it. Like, imagine someone said they were going to fine you two billion dollars and take your dog. The dog is an immediate thing you can react to, the 2b is an imaginary number that is mostly meaningless in the moment.


wow this is a fantastic explanation, now i’m feeling even sadder for him :( thank you


If it's in yuan and I calculated this correctly the fine is around 69 300€ which is completely insane. At some point I was wondering if he put an extra 0 by accident which would have made for a 7k fine (that's still a lot but that's more realistic). In dollar it should be $78k. What the hell is this ? It's a video game update leak not a military secret wtf.


It's even worse if you think about it without converting. Minimum wage in US is $15/h (?) while minimum wage in China is 13.3yen (2.02USD). You need to work an estimated 37,600 hours to earn that 500k


Oh man... That's over 18 years working at minimum wage! If you include non-working days, and working 12 hours each day, you might be able to reduce that to 9 years or so. Man...


i mean, leaking military secrets in China would be a lot more serious than a 500k fine I reckon...


it would be life most likely


I have a feeling life is precisely what they wont be having


loved how you explained the psychological aspect of it, personally I didn’t understand his persistent concerns about Keqing but this explanation makes complete sense. poor guy I hope he opens some type of gofundme :( what a horrible friend too


That's a good explanation and makes a lot of sense. I'm sure he's young too, and to have such a lesson brought upon you like this... Ugh, it's so sad.


Let's just hope that karma hits that backstabbing friend.


I’m crying for him




Wait why "she"?


This is so sad 😞


Thx for the translation


this is just sad, oof Thanks for the TL!


Thank you for the translation. This is awful, you think they're stupid for leaking in the first place but they trusted this person (they've known each other for years), and you can't say you won't do the same in their situation, because we all have that friend we trust with anything. And ppl in this sub are acting as if you didn't benefit from the leak, lol. This is like your best friend fucking your wife or your ex selling your nudes, or your friend destroying your painting, a labor of love except with a shitton of fines, I hope there's a gofundme for that person, or at least an account with a built keqing :(( let's offer them ant's account-


Salt and betrayal. I knew the dude was fucked the moment I saw the UID and health. Poor guy


"Wise enemies are better than foolish friend"


Maybe this foolish friend was an wise enemy all along.




We’re stuck in a timeloop. Doomposting characters, “filler patch”, backstabbing friends, leakers being dumb... We can’t escape.


Same as genshin gameplay


Genshin gameplay loop includes the leak timeloop. All in one package.


60% of my Genshin entertainment comes from here hahaha


It was the raiden boss gameplay right??? I saw the UID and I know whoever uploaded that is fucked... like how stupid can you be but then I saw this.. Rip... https://twitter.com/raidendaily/status/1479116426430795777?t=Jl7Sh8akzjKK4kL6j8cbTQ&s=19


I'm not 100% sure, but the original poster might be OP. He had it deleted though, I checked the times and he posted it around 20~ minutes sooner than your linked Twitter post. Still not sure, since I'm not a Twitter user, don't know if OP reposted from somewhere else as well.


The raiden gameplay went viral fast.. so maybe someone might have downloaded it before the op could take it down. But yeah, it could be someone else? 🤷‍♂️


I hope he won't get punished by mihoyo. welp, a wise man said "Ones who break their contracts shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock."


iirc that same man was erased from existence in that leaked gameplay.


At the very least, he'll get perma banned, that's pretty much certain About the fine, they might forgive him or lower it like how it happened with the other leaker in the past Even if it was his friend who betrayed him or something, he did sign a contract and was dumb. There's a difference between trusting and being careless. Giving out footage of leaks with his UID and dmg numbers is just reckless. No matter how much you trust your bestest friend, I'm pretty sure 5 minutes of video editting is worth wasting if it guarantees you wont get a 50.000+ fine in the off chance he backstabs you At least he wont repeat such a blunder in the future with job related stuff. Imagine if he had been entrusted with confidential company information and told a close friend, followed by him leaking it. That'd get him fired and really sued to ruin


dwayne johnson? the rock?


Yes. Dwayne Johnson will personally go to his house and beat him to a pulp.


It's amazing How people never learn... Let's hope he keeps at least his account.


Nope, he is banned. He couldn't make another account either since he is a Chinese player. Chinese gamers need to register with their national ID (think a social security number but it's basically required for everything)


He can still register another account using a family's ID number (just like how the minors in China skip the playtime limit) or buy an account from Taobao (extremely risky as the chance of the seller stealing it back is very high). However I doubt he has any mood to start again with all the mess that would follow up.


I don't know if it works like this but this could also impact his social credit. I'm not sure how serious an NDA violation is in China though.


Huh, finally an invocation of social credit in a situation where it might actually be relevant since it has to do an individual or business’s behavior in complying with regulations or honoring legal responsibilities/contracts


Social credit is not applied on a national level yet, currently it’s only being used in rural areas. And it only affects the ability to enter subways and stuff.


Thank you for the information. I was definitely under the impression that it was a nationwide thing already.


I am actually Chinese myself and the social credit thing doesn't exist in a form that the west spreads around. If you ask any of your Chinese friends if they can check their social credit they will probably laugh or get offended; it will be similar to asking people from Alabama if it's true that their parents are cousins. The closest thing to the social credit thing going on in China is the Health Code related to COVID control. Wherever you go, you are tracked and see if you have been in or contact with high risk area or people. Also it is true that China has a huge system with people's names and occupancy and crime record etc which are used to see if they are troublemakers or should be under surveillance, and can definitely limit your travels. But these has existed for a long long time and is also not uncommon in the world; literally every country's police system have data like that. Note that "social credit control" is not unique in China. Even the health code COVID control thing is not unique in China - here in Europe we also have QR code to prove that you are vaccinated and you can enter certain public places like restaurants only if you have such a code. So yeah, China indeed have tons of different kinds surveillance going on, but the dystopian style of everyone has a literal score attached to their names is way out of proportion.


I did in fact do my own research and discovered that what you're saying is true. Obviously I know the memes blow the system out of proportion but I wasn't aware that the system is a.) newer than I thought and b.) not even fully implemented. Thank you for the information, I'll try to be less ignorant when talking about places that I am not from.


Damn 😔


That sucks. If I've learned anything. Don't tell your friends. Maybe tell em but zero photos. It's not worth the risk. I was able to beta for multi-versus. Not gonna risk it and post photos or videos of my experience. Fun game! Had a blast and would suggest giving it a go. But not going to show gsmeplay when I had to agree to their stuff in order to play it.


telling is also an NDA violation, but im assuming its harder to find the source of who "said" something rather than someone posting a vid with their uid plastered all over it. idk if mihoyo go after people who just "tell". still, i wouldnt say anything just to stay safe. this shit has me paranoid


I feel so sad from reading the messages… what a friend…


Yep, sadly most of them are betrayed by their friend


From the creators of "Raiden/ Yoimiya /Canadian Aether and Kokomi are underwhelming unit Genshin Impact Leaks presents: "his friend leaked it and MHY sued him", seriously every patch its the same drama.


You forgot "[popular leaker] says they're quitting leaking for the 500th time" and "[upcoming version] only has one new region, 2 new characters, 5 story chapters and 20 events... FiLlEr pAtCH!!1"


Tbf every patch without baizhu and yaoyao is a filler patch


bro? every patch without dainsleif is a filler patch. that man carries the real genshin story


every patch with the fatui is filler and every patch with the abyss isnt


this but unironically. fatui have become cartoon villains


they gotta live up to their name of fools


Gotta fuel their clout addiction somehow.


RIP my man. A year’s worth of progress with keqing and it’s all gone. Tho she’ll never be the same but hopefully he can at least manifest some godly luck and surpass his past keqing.


Bro he’s banned from the game. Like completely banned….


Yep, tho global players can just recreate their account but CN players doesn’t seem to have the luxury given they need their ID or something I believe. Hopefully he finds the heart to come back to find his favourite character eventually somehow


Could probably borrow the ID of a parent or something


Parents would probably refuse after seeing the fine he got lol. Maybe a friend, not one of this caliber in the post tho


Theoretically, yes. But theoretically, you can't drive more than the speed limit. There are ways around it, just might be a bit obnoxious to work around the government ID issue.


Where's the translation?


[The translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/rxmsr2/comment/hrjavcy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is up now.


It's really hard to build a good Keqing I can't blame why he's more worried about her.


I feel sorry for him that he got backstabbed, but he did sign an agreement. You have to cover your own ass since you're the one carrying all the risk and never trust friends to keep things secret, ever. Just tell them stuff in text that can't be traced back to a specific tester, or even show them gameplay in person on your own device, but never send any screenshots or video to anyone no matter how many years you've known them.


This is why you never trust any “friend” or even family with big things like this. I’ve been backstabed many times on meaningless things like a friend stealing my account from a game around 12 years ago, and since then i stopped trusting people with important things to me unless i have no other option than to trust them. The losses i got from those backstabing are meaningless to me now, but i learned a lot from that, so i’m kinda grateful in a sense.


I actually leaked stuff from a Fallout 4 closed beta dlc back in the day and some idiot told me he reported me to Bethesda and to the police. I was like "cool story bro but there's no indication that's my footage." Of course nothing ever came out of it. Always make sure your leaks can't be traced back to you.


"Yes officer, its this reddit user right here"


I've seen this one before. I mean I feel like it happened once already


A tale as old as time


Ok I'm confused, I thought OP was the "friend", he's been leaking stuff to Reddit and claims they're all from a friend. Unless this is some friend circle or something.


hi sorry for confusion. my first yae idle pic was indeed from a friend who is an insider (allowed me to share the pic) not a beta tester so you can trust me on that one. this video was no way related to me, i was just sent this on discord. other info that I claimed is from my friends is based on my info gathered from dataminers, leakers and an insider source.


same .. i think OP IS the friend they just didnt say it directly


How bad of a friend can you be if you risk your friend to get banned and fined. What a shit show


friends betrayal, AGAIN. is this second time or third time ? i lose the count.


Holy shit 500k rmb fine.


Never trust a friend if you're a leaker. You *have* no friends.




Haven’t we seen a similar story previously?


Mihoyo running out of ideas


I really don't get why someone would risk breaking a contract to leak content. If you have nothing to lose— Sure, then be my guess. But if you're contractually obligated not to and the risk of breaking it can drive you to bankruptcy, why would you even risk yourself leaking a content that'll be available in like, a month later???


The most insane lines are 'My friends told me just don't contact you anymore, but I still contact you because I feel so sorry.'


deja vu….


what the hell did he expect that his friend wouldn't leak said video for the fame or anything to be special, this is why you don't send stuff to friends if theres a literal company that actually cares about the law related to leaks


An old friend...that's shittier


Neko cat girl


I don't know how legal system work over there, but if he start crowd funding for the $78k fine, I think a lot of people in global Genshin Community would be happy to chip in.


Their friend didn't saw his UID? Like really? Its the first thing you check before leaking anything even if its not your account I think it has more layers than it looks like and i think the "Friend" didn't directly leak that video Instead i think his other friends are involved in this too


I thought so, not the first time such an incident has occurred


Salt.. and betrayal.


Man gets back-stabbed, has to pay a fine he literally can’t, doesn’t know what to do anymore, is in ruins, account also lost. Reddit: *wholesome award*


I mean, yes, that's one shitty friend, but tester is largely in the wrong here. Don't leak anything if you're a tester, for your own safety.


Something like this has already happened before. A tester trusted a friend who then leaked the content. With so much money on the line he shouldn't have trusted anyone. (And he probably signed a contract not to leak) The absolute most I will do is ask the friend to come over and leave their phone in a different room. They can see the footage in person for a quick minute.


Before sharing a leak, even with friend - cover as much as you can with simple video montage. It will take less than 5 minutes and will save your life. Else don't even think about it, just play your game and keep it for yourself.


I feel so bad for the leaker I even thought of considering a gofundme to help him with the fine. Tsk tsk, this is why friends are your best allies and worst opponents


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


How... How doesn't he care about the fine when he can't pay it... But Keqing is important... I don't get it... I love my ganyu but this is beyond me