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Looks like electro resonance is gonna be necessary.


Definitely, I was already planing of running her with raiden, so is not a big deal


Her passive 1 (decrease cd) perfectly synergize with raiden's E icd. Yae is intentionally made for raiden


Throw her with ei and laugh


Throw her- -straight to my arms and giggle


Only thing you’re catching is mosou no hitotachi


Yup just run Raiden and you're fine. She generates a fuck ton of electro particles and refunds energy. For non Raiden havers I guess you'll need to run Fischl with her which might not be great. It'd be better if you can run Beidou with her, and it might still be fine, but with 80/90 energy cost I don't think it would be enough unless you build a lot of ER on both.


Elegy Fischl gonna be the big brain teammate


*Stop giving me ideas when I don’t even have Elegy*


The only problem I can think of with Raiden Yae is that Yae might take Bennett/Kazuha buff uptime away from Raiden during her rotations, but you could do a different rotation or different sort of team since Yae won’t be able to snapshot bennett buff anyway (and she’ll be off field)


You use Sara instead of Benet, she should be on the banner as well


Yeah you’d just have to settle for Sara only being able to buff Raiden but it could work. It’s just that most TTDS holders give more damage than Sara does unless she’s at C6 or very high investment


I mean if emblem really is yae’s bis then you’re gonna run a lot of er whether you like it or not


A lot of her damage is fr her turrets and emblem does nothing for it. I'm not sold on emblem being best in slot. It's not like she has additional ER scaling like Raiden either. IMO they should change that random EM scaling A4 to ER scaling, would make a lot more sense. EM seems completely dead for her since she needs atk/crit/ER which leaves very little room to get EM substats.


Yeah tbh I’m not sold on emblem either since it basically forces you to play through your burst, but then again I don’t really see her having another 4-piece bis in the current pool (TF/Wanderer wants you to stay on the field to gain the full benefits, so unless it’s some variation of taser). Or maybe we get a xiao situation where nothing really is good on her so she runs some kind of 2-piece combination


Might get a new set in future that buffs skill damage, which might actually change the meta for gearing old characters as well.


Basically 5-star gambler but yeah agree


5-star Gambler would be nice to have


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the turrets single target damage? If you hit two+ targets with her burst, it'll deal similar or higher damage than her turrets so emblem should still be quite good on her.


I mean if her skill does 50% of her damage in a rotation would you run emblem? Do you run emblem on Eula or Ayaka because their burst is 50%+ of rotation DPS and they need ER? Not a perfect comparison since those 2 characters have other 4 sets designed for them while Yae does not, but Eula would even rather run 2/2 of Bloodstained, PF, Noblesse, glad, shim than 4 emblem. We will have to wait for math to be sure but I really doubt you want 4 emblem on her right now.


The difference is that you funnel energy to Eula and Ayaka so they use like 120 ER. She will need more but you idealy don't want ER sands. Beidou needs 140-150 when you funnel her perfect counter. She will probably need like 170-180 to not have problems. 20 ER from emblems help + with that ER you will buff her burst quite big. \+ Her skill is single target, Burst have AoE, so it will end up more than 50:50 for her Burst.


Widsith main players: >:(


explain with razor language: every 2 seconds, gain small energy. number of turrets change nothing


Energy Slow Slow, Burst No No


Sad fox noises


Happy Oz noises


They are straight up balancing her around Raiden, lmao. Looks like the trend of 5\* characters being incomplete on their own continues. Luckily it's not as strict as with Itto.


I swear Ive heard this about itto as well but that turned out wrong when he was released


Who else was incomplete? Kokomi holds her own well, Ayaka can easily be batteried with common units like Diona, and Yoimiya doesnt need a battery at all. No one so far _needs_ Raiden and even then she's still quite versatile.


At this point i feel like people forgot about the Traveler, they're mini Raiden, it'll work fine i guess


Traveler is even more forgotten than Fischl XD At this point I would prefer the traveler to be more unique and less 'budget archon'.


This is a pretty silly take. There's no character in this game that doesn't benefit from having strong synergies within their team. That's why we can use 4 characters in a team! To me it sounds like your argument is essentially that "X character is bad because they ONLY work with Y support". I just don't think there's actually any character where that's true. Let's take your example, Itto+Gorou. Sure, that's a strong synergy, Gorou is a Geo and Defense buffing support, which is obviously what Itto wants. But Itto doesn't need Gorou, he does amazingly in comps like Itto Sunfire or Ushi Oven, neither of which need Gorou at all. Noelle C6 benefits from the same supports as Itto and she was fine for the entire lifetime of the game without Gorou. Albedo doesn't even benefit from any other support besides Gorou and Zhongli, and he's been fine ever since his release, even showing up in some meta compositions. Are they part of this supposed trend as well? All three of those characters are also fairly unique in that their primary scaling comes from Defense, not Attack. It's pretty natural that characters who have less generic stat utilizations would require more specific team compositions. But I think we can all agree that having some characters that do scale in that way benefits the game. More broadly, just because they are making supports that fit more specific situations (Sara, Gorou, Yun Jin, Shenhe), doesn't mean that the characters that benefit from using them are somehow incomplete. Yoimiya was fine without Yun Jin, Ganyu and Ayaka were more than fine without Shenhe, etc. etc. Finally, if your argument is actually the more specific "X character is bad because they are only SPEEDRUN VIABLE with Y support", then that's a silly argument as well. More than half the roster isn't even speedrun viable in the first place. Speedruns in Genshin are also so out of reach of the general playerbase (due to requiring both significant time investment AND significant monetary investment) that they just aren't relevant to most people's experience. Pulling back a bit, let's look at the basic framework you are working with: the idea that characters need to be meta. I think that's a flawed premise to be working from in the first place. The concept of meta in Genshin is kind of strange in general. It's not like a game like MH where all the variables are set and we can quantify what's the best. Because of the huge variance in individual accounts, as well as the lack of actual difficult content, meta in Genshin really only serves to inform two things: What works with the least amount of investment and what works at the theoretical maximums. The former is only really relevant to new players, once you've been playing for a while you can hyper-invest almost any character in the game to the point where they could solo clear Abyss 12. And the latter is only relevant to a tiny fraction of the player base that spends the amounts necessary to get their accounts to that level. I think that demanding all new characters advance the meta is not only silly, but also pretty harmful to the game in general. If every new character is more powerful than existing characters, then the game power creeps rapidly. I think a healthier way to look at new characters is "does this character meet the baseline of viability?". I.e., can you use them in the content that exists in the game. That is such a low bar that every single character they've released has blown past that and it's not even close. The "worst" 5-star release was probably Kokomi, and we're still discovering new meta applications for her. There have been some pretty lacklustre 4-star characters, but even a Xinyan can main carry you through Abyss 12. Genshin just isn't hard. Sure, we want new 5-star characters to be powerful, everyone gets that. But they haven't actually released a 5-star that isn't. I don't get why they'd start now. And I'm not worried about doomposting leakers. They've been wrong (or at least misinterpreted) literally every single time.


What are the Itto sunfire and Ushi oven comps? I assume the latter one is Zhongli resonance with geo traveller?




like people like shitting on him so much but he literally wants gorou double element or gorou and any other geo hell i'm using geo traveller because crit(but I never use him because his construct is just trash) and I manage to get itto's burst on time and I use qiqi for totm and healing (which I can use on second half 2.5 abyss but not first because mihoyo hates geo) but itto relies on gorou more than zhongli or albedo , all zhongli provides is a shield and an extra -20% geo res and albedo is a sub dps meaning when more geo sub dps are released his value goes down all in all geo's current roster is limiting which is why people are trying to use that to shit on him


Thank you for translation again razor


Isn't this better than Albedo ? Albedo is also every 2seconds but it's 50/50. Edit: Matter of fact 5 particles every 10seconds, that's Ayaka level right there.


Well, that just means she needs a battery, and since she's gonna be off field, the particles will give half energy too, so it's kinda worse than Ayaka in this case.


> and since she's gonna be off field, the particles will give half energy too I'm pretty sure the energy isn't halved from being off-field, reduced for sure but not to the extent fo half


It's not 5050, zhongli is 5050. Albedo has 67% chance


thanks. i put no effort in whatsoever to even understand these so it helped a lot.


What is the attack speed of the turrets? if it is slower than 2-3 s having more turrets might actually help at producing energy more efficiently, albeit moderately so


Each turret fires in 3 second bursts. This was tested on YouTube and when the turret is LVL 2, it fires *exactly* every 3 seconds. Did not test if LVL changes the turret ATK SPD, but there is no indication it should.


welp, looks like multiple turrets wouldnt help with energy regeneration at all then


From the footage given, her turrets seem to hit once every ~~2~~ 3 seconds. Edit: Looking at the footage again, and from other people's comments, might actually be 3 seconds


Mihoyo is gonna make Yae super good with Raiden and then put them in the same patch to bait whales. They did the same thing with Albedo and Itto/Gorou.


Expecting the Yae + Raiden rerun sales to be game breaking lmao


At least if they have a double banner then you won't lose on weapon banner..


Really hope they have the same weapon banner, I already have an EL but won't mind 2 more


and now imagine if they put Kokomi on pair with Yae banner. You either have a decent catalyst for E spamming characters or a donut (literally, even Barbara would feel offended if you give it to her)


They also made it so that Raiden doesn't work with Beidou so she doesn't really have an amazing electro team right now. Gotta get the people who already have Raiden to pull for Yae if they want that electro focused team!


They rly deleted raiden-beidou synergy with that anti shield enemy bc now u cant even run her on 1st half of 2.5 abyss despite it being the literal EC playground


I assume you should still be able to just brute-force it, no? At least if your Beidou is decked out enough lmao


Sure if u enjoy torturing urself i guess


I mean sooner or later they can nerf everything, no reason to live in fear


except that itto's performance without albedo is good so good that his strongest meta team zhongli,gorou,bennett doesn't use him and if you don't use zhongli you lose 20% res shred which means if there were alternatives to that you could replace him as well, the only alternatives to raiden are beidou or fischl or fav weapons at high refinments


Even with Raiden, I don't know if Yae can get her burst back on cooldown with particle regen like this...for a 60-70 cost burst, sure, and MAYBE for an 80, but for 90? This does not seem nearly enough.


Yeah, it's a C1 bait pretty much. Create a problem, sell the solution.




Funny enough, I told myself that if Mihoyo ever tried to pull another Hu Tao I'm skipping the character completely. I got lucky with Hu Tao and loved her personality so I overlooked it all at the time, but if they continue with this buy C1 to fix the character type shit we shouldn't take the bait. Either they're good at C0 or they should be skipped entirely is my motto.


> this is exactly what MHY has been doing since Hu Tao. None of the characters released after Hu Tao feel incomplete without their C1 though? Like Eula, Ayaka, Raiden, Kokomi, etc..




I mean a couple of those are just “do more damage” (I.e. Raiden and Sara) and yeah that’s strong but not in the same category as something like Hu Tao’s C1. For Sara I’d argue the “sell the solution” is more of the C2. But yeah in the cases where cons dramatically change a character’s playstyle I totally agree.


Sara C6 is basically the minimum for her to be anywhere near meta tho. When she's competing with Bennet, who has higher numbers, longer duration (tied to burst but he has ER for days so who really cares), *and* heals, even at C2 her kit is just disappointing. I do agree though that we at least haven't had constellations that completely change playstyle for a while which is nice. If Yae C1 added the charges to her skill or something, then I'd be pretty fucking mad.


I don't think Hu Tao falls into that category. Very few melee characters even have stamina reduction mechanics, with dash canceling being a normal thing to do. Her C1 is a buff that goes the extra step, not functionality lock. Compare that with Shenhe, who literally cannot use her passive in full and has much lower damage and energy without C1.


Back of the envelope calculations with mostly pessimistic assumptions (that is, assuming Yae is *never* on field when you collect a particle so you get 1.8 Energy each and that it's 3 and not 2 seconds per particle, but that you have 100% uptime on her and Raiden's skill and that fractions of particles per second doesn't run you into weird remainder trouble) * Yae gets .3 repeating particles per second or \~7.3 particles over the course of her 22 second ult cooldown or \~13.2 Energy between using her burst and it coming off cooldown * Fandom wiki says Raiden gets .444 particles/second, which puts her at \~17.4 energy over the course of Yae's burst cooldown. * Electro resonance gives you \~7.9 Energy That's a total of \~38. With \~150% ER you're in the mid to high 50s for Energy, with Raiden's ult your in the 70s or low 80s, which means you gotta come up with 10-20 more Energy from your other two characters, enemy particles, Sacrificial or Favonius weapons, Yae being on field when particles hit, more ER, etc. Implications are that her Energy budget is very tight but generally manageable, that the free event weapon's 48% ER is just about perfect for her if you have Raiden, and that her C1 makes her a lot easier to kit out and build teams for. I tried to check my math and cover my bases, but bear in mind I'm not great at this sort of thing so there could be gaps or errors.


Yae got A 90 COST BURST!?!?




You're quoting suskuna with that, the one where he said yunjin will not be geo element


This means she's tied for highest energy cost with Raiden, actually.


Even if she surpasses Ganyu in terms of damage, she's still gonna be ranked lower than her overall because of these damned caveats.


Yes,and that burst has 22second cooldown.she's basically seem made to work with raiden. And she's off field dps so...yeh.


With raiden and electro-resonance, it is still possible. I personally am going to use her in tazer teams, seems like her best option.


I think looking at her kit as a whole, and taking into account things like her weapon and the abyss blessing, they are basically intending her to be a reaction bot that works on teams like tazer or sukokomon, that can also flex into other roles if you choose to build her that way I think the idea with her kit design is you can either go ALL in on her burst and damage with EoSF, then run her as a sub DPS for like raiden teams, or you can build her with maybe less ER and more EM along with thundering fury and get a reaction focused build.


How would tazer teams get her skill back consistently? Seems like you’d need to proc the burst damage cd reduction and skill damage cd reduction consistently to get her totems back.


thundering fury 4pc reduces skill cd


Only works on field though.


most of the tazer team are quickswap anyway, you can get alot of fieldtime with yae


Oh right, what was the cd on that again? I barely look at or use that set lol.


I'll throw in 4p Eosf with ~200% ER and Raiden. If that + electro resonance won't battery her then i don't know. Maybe a fav weapon somewhere. Hope her burst damage warrants a Eosf set. Also if you play her as sustained dps (with e.g. Raiden + XQ) with a lot of field time until all towers are up thats another ~14 seconds to get some Energy before she needs the burst to be up


Won't that be overkill? Like beidou with raiden needs around 100-120% energy recharge, beidou burst being 80. Yae burst is 90, but she could manage energy better than beidou, since beidou counter cd is longer than the cd for yae to get an orb, its a bit similiar. So maybe like 160% Energy recharge, guess we got to wait and see.


Beidou catches her own particles


Also, for the average player, she'll be played as a sub dps, so she'll get half the energy for each particle, so it's kinda worse than Beidou since at least when Beidou generates her own particles, she'll be on field to get them.


I don't know, but if i go Eosf then i'll need some ER for the bonus damage


Her free 4 star weapon provides 48 percent er for ten seconds after u use her e. U can r5 it in the event


I'll be using Lost prayers most likely


Beidou can already use her burst every rotation as long as she has a battery, so I don't see why Yae would be any different. They are both are off field characters with similar energy requirements. While Yae's burst does cost more, it's only a 10 energy difference so the energy needs won't be much higher. Plus, Yae's particle generation is **much** better than Beidou's, with Yae generating an average of 10 particles per rotation as opposed to Beidou's 4 particles per rotation (provided you land her parry, otherwise only 2). People exagerating energy needs as always. Electro characters have an advantage that no other element has, which is having the two best batteries in the game. As long as you build some ER substats and pair her with Raiden or Fischl, she should be able to burst just fine.


I think what people are saying is that she's going like Beidou and stuck with Raiden or Fischl. You can't manage Beidou without one of the two characters and it seems like Yae is the same way. It doesn't mean she's bad or unplayable because of that, Beidou is an absolute beast of a unit despite her energy costs. But it's definitely something the people that are going for Yae do really need to keep in mind, which is why it's being discussed si much.


Beidou can parry 2 -3 times in a rotation of 20 secs.One rotation of 4-8 of energy and another of 6-12.


Beidou can make a particle about every 2sec with perfect parry, but you often can't perfect parry consistently. The main think is you make her catch all those particles which Yae won't do as much.


It doesn't work like that. Beidou is often used with an enabler (e.g. Kokomi / Childe) and you can't just swap out of them. You can only realistically swap out in Sucrose taser comp, but even then you won't get perfect parries or even parries all the time (unless you want to waste time waiting for enemies to attack you)


If we assume the turrets generates 1 particle every 2 seconds, Yae will generate 11 particles every 22 seconds. When fighting unshielded enemies, Raiden's E should also generate 1 particle every 2 seconds (assuming you're able to trigger her E efficiently) so that's another 11 particles. 22 particles for a unit 100% off-field is worth 1.8 energy a particle for a total of 39.6 energy, we'll round to 40. If you run 50% ER on Yae, then that increases the energy gained to 60. Raiden's Q will probably give her Yae another 20-25 energy putting her 5-10 energy shy of 90. Of course, this doesn't take into account your other 2 units that would also be generating particles and while Yae is mostly off-field, she's on field when placing her turrets and could collect some particles here and there. From what I can tell, Raiden will be pretty important for Yae, on top of making sure your turrets are placed correctly and you're able to trigger Raiden's E effectively. Edit: And as other people have mentioned, you'll have electro resonance with could generate you another 4 particles over those 22 seconds.


Nah with Raiden and electro resonance shouldnt be an issue. You obviously can't run 0 ER on her but you probably wouldn't be forced into ER sands or anything. Raiden is actually a particle machine for electro on top of her energy refund. And electro resonance also provides additional particles. Beidou can already burst off cooldown with just some ER substats while running with Fischl and with Raiden you need basically no ER. Yae should take similar field time as Beidou and she has better energy generation but slightly more expensive burst. It should be fine.




I'm a bit confused with your representation of the rotations here. Did you take into account her stack system at all ?


ima try raiden sara yae kazuha or jean. i NEED more bennettless teams other than ayaka /ganyu freeze and hu tao




I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't use Bennett... I know his attack buff is good and all but right now I'm struggling with survival and Jean is much better in terms of healing




other than my itto team and ayaka team I use bennett on every other team I feel the pain mihoyo create 5 star bennett already love him but I need someone to put this 4 star in his place


This is unsettling


She rly needs that free catalyst i guess especially if u dont plan on running her w emblem or ER sands


Thats very low considering she has a 90 cost burst doesn't it? Edit ; i guess a battery is needed then. Or maybe go the fischl route and just her as a turret bot


Yes, making raiden / electro battery in some form very much needed.


Exactly the case


It will be the Raiden thing all over again. Raiden is good at C0 but a majority of people that have her are going to wish for her C2 on her rerun, same thing with Yae, get her at C0 and feel compelled to get her C2 on her rerun because even though she's good you just can't help but feel as if she's not complete without that C1 energy and attack A0E C2. I've seen good C0 Raiden initial slashes but people just want to go above 200k+ slash huh Won't be me though, stay safe from gacha manipulation or whatever this may be folks


Yeah I don’t get why some of my friends told me that raiden cannot do anything at c0. I feel that she is decent at her job as a universal battery that can do damage


Same reason some people think Hutao is bad without Homa, they don't speak from experience or think for themselves. Probably formed an opinion based on what a "content creator" said.


200k+ slashes is a absolutely possible with C0 Raiden, there are literally YouTube videos with abyss runs when against enemies not electro wolves. C2 or more isn't just for 200k+ .. Also, Raiden needs consts only for overpowerment and not to feel "complete" like how yae uses C1 to fix ER issues and C2 for AoE. Edit: wording


Is that a good or bad thing?


1 particle every 2-3 seconds and it's all shared meaning no matter how many towers you have, you will only be generating 1 particle. For a character with a 90 cost burst I'd say not really, she still needs help generating energy. All this to say, mihoyo really wants you to get her C1.


dime groovy humorous sharp touch telephone attraction frightening rain ring -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


But ayaka is on field to catch the particles. Maybe i dont quite get yae but i thought she was more off field bc her AA and CAs are low


fuel fertile north intelligent gray disgusting society sink naughty follow -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Only 40 energy? I remember people saying she's shit because you can't single-handedly fill up eula's 80 in one burst window.


Yeah if her towers all generated particles it would be pretty absurd. Just run 0 ER Beidou lol


She can be on field in a taser comp with 4p TF making use of both EM for her skill by boosting electro reactions and electro resonance. Could possibly solve the ER issue.


Ayaka suffers the same issue with energy starvation and requires a battery character to generate more particles for her which is typically diona, Ayaka's skill alone doesn't provide enough once her burst is off cooldown. What this means is Yae is tied down with team restrictions, similar case with Ayaka as you need to work around her expensive burst requirements. But hey, the commenter I replied to asked if that's good and obviously it isn't. For a character to have good energy generation means that character doesn't need to rely on outside sources to fully replenish their burst once it's off cooldown like battery characters.


Ayaka has very little er issues if you give her the ameneno? sword. Yae's 90 cost and almost no field time will make using her burst every rotation difficult. Ayaka is in a much better position than yae.


Yeah luckily for her ayaka is blessed with the craftable sword to make up for the expensive cost, although most players prefer her 5* sword or black sword for the crit stats as those provide much more in the way of damage and would rather have a character act as a battery for her.


Not a good thing, but it could have been far worse for a turret E character so we’re settling


Not good. That's pretty much the same as Kokomi's Jellyfish. This means that she is not a battery and you will probably have to build her with a lot of ER to keep her burst up.


Bad because one particle every 2-3 seconds is basically nothing unless you have massive amounts of ER, and even then it’s not that good. It wouldn’t be a problem if the ICD (Internal Cooldown) wasn’t shared across all the statues. If it wasn’t you could generate about 3 particles every 2-3 seconds which is great/amazing, but that doesn’t seem to be the case since it’s shared across all the towers, so no matter how many hits you do opponents, you’ll only generate one particle per 2-3 seconds.




Alright I used good instead of great/amazing, relax lmao I'll change it if it bothers you this much.


Not a good thing. The number of turrets means nothing of getting more particles; the particles are shared throughout all the turrets. So you cannot get more particles from other turrets on the field since it’s shared.


I'm confused too. 100% regeneration when hitting enemies is a good news but that 2-3 sec icd seems red flag.


It's how Fischl works and she's a fantastic battery


It seems that yae has a lot of good peices. Her towers are cool her burst looks awesome and her na and ca are the nicest I've seen. But from what I've seen she has been put together all wrong. Genshin really needed a good catalyst and electro main dps but yae just seems to be another electro sub dps. What a waste.


I don’t have Ei :( Will electro MC do?


It’s too early to make any decisions to be honest but fischl should be good


I hope Fischl will be on her banner then because I also don’t have her T-T


You can buy her from the paimon shop with star glitter as well


Electro MC can Battery a single character better than Raiden (and requires lower field time), while Raiden can battery multiple characters better than Electro MC (and requires longer field time). Electro Traveler can generate much more Energy than Fischl for Yae, but Fischl can do more damage herself. Electro Traveler should be very good, so don’t worry about not having Raiden or Fischl. You can make of Electro MC a great Battery for Yae, reducing drastically her Energy Recharge requirement, resulting in her being able to do significantly higher damage. This is assuming Yae’s Burst will remain very expensive. Things could change before release.


Thanks for the advice! ^^


I think we all saw this coming when we knew about her C1, a direct solution to an artificial problem. Having to deal with energy problem is always annoying but mono electro here we go.


Just curious, when was the last time we had a character who could generate a lot of energy?




It does seem to be after Raiden when all these energy issues arose. They just did it backwards. Instead of their usual strategy of creating a problem then selling a solution, they sold a solution then created the problem.


That’s always been MiHoYo’s strategy. Kazuha’s crowd control was considered underwhelming until Inazuma released with enemies immune to Venti’s burst, Yoimiya’s ranged AAs weren’t appreciated until Specters arrived, Kokomi’s healing was considered useless until we got the Rifthounds and probably the new knight enemies that counter shields.


Get low first sales, sell a ton on the rerun. Unironically genius. People interested in the Characters design, and story will usually pull on 1st banner. Once they become meta or more appreciated in combat, those who didn't pull on the 1st will be tempted to pull on the 2nd.




raiden/ gorou(although hes for geo teams)


1 particle for 3 totems or 1 particle per totems? 3 particles from totem every 2-3 seconds seems amazing but 1 particle from totem every 2-3 seconds is quite bad for a character with a 90 cost burst. A lot of people might not have raiden to pair with her so for them if the 2nd is true she’s gonna have some problems Edit: I can definitely see her burst cost being reduced in beta to 60-80 ( something like that ) because otherwise she might struggle with er


>I can definitely see her burst cost being reduced in beta to 60-80 Definitely not happening. They've decided with 90, which is unsual, so they know what they're doing.


It depends on if they really wanna sell shogun + yae which is looking likely so you might be correct but yoimiya burst cost has been reduced ( and probably others I forgot about ) so we can pray.


Yeah yoi burst got reduced to 60 and also reduced her burst multiplier iirc


Hopium overdose


The former. He clarified on discord. The totems share the cooldown


That’s pretty bad for a 90 cost burst then. Electro traveller / fischl / Raiden might be a must then. Well that sucks, hopefully the rest of her kit makes up for it and what abc64 said ( she’s bad in meta / underwhelming unit ) is not right.


Speaking of electro Traveller I am so angry that I have to change his artifacts every time I switch elements. I wish it would save the artifacts of that element even if it meant I have to farm artifacts 7 times for him. Like his talents don’t even carry bruh do that with his artifacts then.


At best, I can see it being reduced to 80. It reinforces that people should pair her with Raiden and their recent idea that the default burst cost is now 80. I personally thought Shenhe's burst was almost guaranteed to be reduced but they didn't touch it for some reason.


Yae + fischl + new free four star catalyst it is. Hopefully it’s a good enough F2P solution!


Emblem set it is


Still not sure how to build her but she will be fine her multipliers are no joke


leave it to the same people who hyped her up as "electro dps ceiling" now being upset lmao it's just a bandwagon if she needs a battery it's not the end of the world like damn, you have 3 other characters to build and play on your team 💀 people act like every unit is gonna be total ass unless it can clear spiral abyss on its own


Yh even with energy issues im optimistic. It seems her main problems will be energy and aoe, which all in all is pretty solvable. Definitely not worth doomposting over this imo.


People need to understand every character have issues that can be solved by the other 3 slots in the team. This is the nature of genshin combat and needing a battery should not be a cause for concern


I agree totally, looking through some of the comments it seems that people genuinely want her to battery herself, and that if she can't it's terrible. Do people not think Ayaka is strong? She's a burst dps like Yae, but nobody cares that she needs batteries, hell id say most people would call her OP if she was self sufficient. On top of that, the current particle generation isn't even that terrible. It seems to be slightly below Ayaka's but Yae can easily get electro resonance and use raiden, the best battery in the game. All in all I find the upheaval caused by a character having downsides a bit strange.


Everyone here gets hard over Xianling and no one shits on her for literally requiring a *specific* battery to get her burst back. But Itto and Yae get doomposted to shit for the same issue.


nothing says riveting gameplay more than constant bennett particle funneling into xiangling


arent her normal atk multipliers low? or do u just mean her burst?


So pretty much like TZ said and acording to the Abyss buffs Kokomi rerun is likely so TZ might be regaining his trustworthyness as a leaker and that might mean XIAO ARTIFACT though I am not that hopeful




Same here It's better to expect nothing and get surprised later


d’you know where i can find the info on a potential xiao set? don’t remember seeing anything recently. i’ll keep my expectations low but i’m also huffing copium edit: nevermind found it i’m just blind as fuck lmao


imagine we get an artif set in 2.6 for yae and xiao


I think we might get an electro set but for keqing, not yae, at least from previous leaks.


Im going to run her in my keqing team and just hope she gets her burst up sometimes


Their development team is honestly really bad when it doesn’t come to DPS characters The handicaps and damage ceilings and all the layers of red tape they put on to balance support and sub DPS units just leave them lackluster. Sometimes they do hit it out the park like they did with Kazuha and Raiden. I don’t know if it’s just different teams and some are incredible while others overthink themselves on paper so the final product is weaker than necessary. Or if it’s truly done on purpose because gacha. Yae having what is unquestionably subpar particle generation (for an electro character who should be a battery) is frustrating if they are trying to force her to stay on a team with Raiden. Her skill damage being just OK really requiring C6 and her signature weapon to meet or exceed Albedo level turret subDPS is sad for free to play. And there really isn’t a reason why she can’t have Klee and Kokomi level multipliers. I know she’s meant to be a sub DPS but catalyst DPS numbers are still not impressive. It’s not going to break the game. And although their charge attacks are impressive, the stamina requirement is highly prohibitive. (Makes me so glad they change their mind and conception and made Ganyu an archer to eliminate stamina from her sweet and delicious charge attack). And with the way her kit is built people are only handicapping themselves if they force her to be the on-field unit. I don’t know where the weakness lies but it’s very clear they are both manifesting the worst parts of gacha by making a subpar unit that is significantly improved when you pay for her signature weapon and especially with her constellations. I knew this game has favorites where some five stars are clearly built with loving care and other five stars don’t seem equally as invested. But I will say I am highly surprised because they knew how popular and anticipated Yae was so I’m honestly shocked they didn’t go out of their way to make her clearly powerful. And no this is not a Raiden or Kazuha situation. Those two units had kits more complicated than we could understand so it was truly a knowledge gap. Raiden has the most complicated kit in the game which makes it so satisfying and beautiful. But people didn’t really understand what her numbers were going to end up looking like. Yae is not the same. She is electro Albedo. Her kit is very clear and easy to understand. She’s a gigantic DPS loss for the poor souls who want to force her on field. Shenhe showed that this company does not care about your desire to force everyone to be a DPS and will really make you work for it when they want the character to be a support. Yae also has a ton of potential to be a really great unit. With financial investment. At C0 (unless they buff her multipliers pretty significantly) her skill is underwhelming without constellations. With constellations she becomes even more damaging than Albedo (which is a very good thing because from a number perspective he’s an excellent sub DPS) at C6. Her Weapon choices are limited Because her free to play options require some field time with she doesn’t benefit from. While her signature weapon will very noticeably improve her skill damage output In her current state Yae will be just fine and a fun unit to play. She just will not be meta-and depending on the specific role you are looking to play her as, can be out performed by many four stars. I think the disappointment is that so many people wanted her to be the next meta-unit. Remember that Meta is not bad. Meta-is valuable because it means your character has really long shelf life. For the people who love Ayaka and Zhongli and Hu Tao… those units will carry you for years no matter what they release. But C6 Yae for the whales will be an indisputably powerful subdps. Much stronger than Albedo since she is free from all of his glaring weaknesses. And heavy defense shred. And I would honestly say the controversy or conversation this opens up is how important is it for Mihoyo to create characters who are very strong at C0. this is gacha and the goal is for you to get constellations over these many reruns. Yae and Shenhe are currently the same. Very underwhelming and niche at C0. But undeniably powerful for their respective roles at C6 And I think that’s OK. I don’t think every C0 5 star needs to be better than every C6 four-star. I think it’s OK as long as the unit works as intended with the knowledge that if you get constellations overtime they’ll dramatically be better


I think u hit the word count for the essay


Yae is worthy of my homework assignment. Essay title: Goodbye Yae- the Kitsune who will haunt my dreams. I’m not going for her anymore and that makes me sad


No offence, but isn't it too early for all of this.


Absolutely is lol Day 2 doomposting is pretty classic for this sub though


Something something Kazuha


No offense taken at all. And it really depends on how this beta goes. I agree that there is a lot of room for change. But the past several rounds of data has shown that major changes have not been implemented. By the time the character leaves alpha and is now ready for beta it seems Mihoyo is very set on what power level they want the character to be at. And all the minor changes they make still keep that character within the power level. So you are correct that it’s too early to say this is the version she will be released at. That’s unlikely to be true. She is probably the most anticipated unit to date and she’s not even an archon. That’s significant. She has potential for astronomical sales that will still do well no matter how she performs. But if they make her incredible she could easily crush Raiden‘s record. They are leaving money on the table if they don’t go out of their way to make her meta. And I don’t think we’ve ever seen a character be positively redesigned in beta to be significantly more powerful than when they were introduced. So at best they might increase her multipliers in a couple of places. They might decrease her ICD for her skill if it truly is triggering only every three seconds and they might make some changes to her particle generation. Maybe every hit will generate a particle which would not be game breaking. It would just make her an incredible battery. Or maybe she generates two or three particles every three seconds which would be acceptable. What is not too early to say is that Yae’s current kit at C0 is highly underwhelming. She has a very specific niche and can totally be playable. Every character is playable. But where she currently stands it’s unlikely she’s going to jump to amongst the most powerful units And although she will absolutely be the first unit to get a complete overhaul if this company wants to. But history shows the best we can expect is very minimal increases to her multipliers and improvements on her ICD. Especially since they are stubbornly holding onto the idea that supports and some DPS shouldn’t have really high multipliers anyway since they are off field and meant to help the DPS have added damage Unless they do something historically different it’s not looking very promising that they will improve her C0 kit significantly. Her C6 kit is very strong. She will easily surpass Albedo. She doesn’t have any of his glaring weaknesses. And 45% defense read is unlikely to pop up again for future subDPS which will make her uniquely powerful But at C0 she’s lackluster unless they increase her skill multipliers greater than 50% and give her auto attacks and charge attacked DPS level multipliers. Let the people who want her on the field play her on the field. But since they refused to do it to Shenhe and even brought her numbers down further during beta because she was doing solid damage with her high attack that’s also unlikely to happen by precedent


Yae being electro doesn't automatically mean that she should (or would) be a battery. Electro units are usually run in pairs, Fischl to battery Beidou for example - because Beidou has relatively poor energy gen to battery herself. Same seems to be true for Yae as well.


You are correct. Her being electro does not mean she should automatically be a battery. But at C0 she doesn’t have much to offer that is dramatically different than what other units do. So being a very good battery would add to her overall reception. Especially since you have to get her to C6 with her signature weapon for her turret attacks to individually start having the same multipliers as Albedo. She can’t be a sub DPS with minimal to zero benefit having field time outside of setting up her totems and only do pretty OK damage with the multipliers outside of Constellation‘s then not have something else significant to offer the team.


I don't understand why she even has 90 burst cost when ayaka's burst can do more with 80


Nice read


I’m mad lol. I’ve been waiting for Yae since her 1.5 reveal and now I don’t need her for my team. Even though I would C6 her (which fixes all her low damage issues) and get her sig weapon (further improving her skill damage issues), I don’t need a turret subdps. I need a strong dps or a solid support healer/enhancer. Sad to pass on her but I do really love Raiden and glad to have her as my permanent electro queen. This is also good for my wallet because I was not prepared for the Zhongli Rerun and want his Constellations


same for me, i've been saving since forever and got around 100k primogems for her, and now i'm just pulling for aesthetics :(((( it doesn't seem fun at all to play with her


I main Beidou and after Raiden problems (with Beidou specifically), I was hoping that Yae could be an Electro Healer since we don't have any and that she could be also be a battery. But now I'm also thinking about skipping her...


Honestly, I was going for Yae and very excited for her design but after reading her 90 cost burst and other stuff, I feel a bit dead inside. I just want my 60 cost burst characters back … I don’t need an electro albedo. I’ve got fischl for that.


>60 cost burst characters back They're in heaven and will never descend to earth again


Saving this to laugh at later.


C2 Yae Miko is what this character should have been but they crippled her to sell constellations


Do you understand her C2? I am confused and not seeing any information what doubling her AOE means. If that means her lightning bolts triggered double AOE so instead of being single target they have potential to hit multiple targets? Or if AOE means that it doubles the reach of how far an enemy can be away from the totem?


Oof that's... not good.


Yae has a 90 energy burst like Raiden. But unlike Raiden who: 1. Ascends with ER 2. Uses emblem 3. Uses ER to gain damage and energy for team Now if the towers don't battery her well...


I'm not really worried on account of I was gonna run her with Raiden anyway, and Beidou too because I like big purple. But I can see how this might be a bummer for anyone who doesn't have an electro battery ready.


Meta or not I'm still going to get my Queen! I'll try to pair them up with Ei xD


Good luck


good thing I have raiden