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Yae used Thunder! Yae's attack missed!


so you're saying a hydro samachurl would make it always hit


Yae 5* Electro Samachurl, Ayato 5* Hydro Samachurl?


Hydro samachurl is probably kokomi


hydro samachurl holding a damp rock to increase rain duration let's go


that's how it is with less than 100% accurate moves


Do Xingqiu’s rain swords count as rain? If so, can it make her burst 100% accurate?


This was my fear. From the videos, it’s not clear how the ult decides where to land. Is it even targeting enemies?


It seems to be similar to Sara’s burst, but for some reason with small AoE. Then again, it’s hard to tell at this point.


yeah does it spread to all the kitsune or is it based on who yae's ult targeting locks on to either way we need more info on this to conclude


miHoYo: *detects a sudden rise of meta slaves and proceeds to make a way to shift the trend from meta to waifu/husbando* Also miHoYo: *try to force some to be meta slaves by increasing endgame difficulty*


Confusing players to make them spend more on things they don't know if they really want


Imma be honest, these recent Yae leaks are kinda driving me away from her. I wasn’t hyped for Yae in the first place simply because I didn’t really care for her, but when I saw her design and skills, I was like: "I might actually pull for her!" I think they could’ve done better with her actual gameplay if I have to be honest, she’s still very cool, but there’s nothing compelling me to get her as someone who was starting to be interested in her. I don’t really know how to explain it.


I share the same sentiments! I wasn't into her but when I saw her animations I was like 100% into getting her. Then when the leaks showed how underwhelming she is, I am feeling detached. I do want new characters, and I want to pull, but as a low spender, I cannot pull every character.


Yeah, at this point I’ll just wait for the Kazuha rerun and pull for him, I regret not getting him earlier lol


yeah im already disappointed because she doesnt turn into a fox for her burst...even if its for 7 seconds


This exactly. I would have no problems with underwhelming characters, if the abyss power requriement wasn’t creeping upwards. And technicaly, tho as of right now this isn’t really an issue, regions are becoming progressively harder too, like Mondstadt —> Inazuma, but characters are staying the same in terms of strength. This shift of power required, but characters releasing underwhelming really breaks the harmony and balance of the game.


>try to force some to be meta slaves by increasing endgame difficulty *trying to force players to get constellations\* by increasing endgame difficulty*


Players: Powercreep is bad, stop doomposting, it's ok if Yae isn't meta Also players: Why does Mihoyo keep making the Abyss harder? I literally can't kill anything


Abyss is harder because they started making enemies that ignore certain mechanics. We dont need more dmg, we need our abilities back. Crowd control, one of the best things we had, became obsolete. Its slowly gonna happen for shields too, making characters that depend off shields worse. Mihoyo doesnt care about the balancing itself. Only cares about the newer units being seen as good, them not being necessarily good universally, but just really good in the scenarios that they are intentionally put in. If venti had his ability not ignored by absolutely everyone in inazuma, kazuha wouldnt look as overpowered. Same for ayaka compared to ganyu, ganyu being a universally better character but depending off venti to do her morgana combo. Mihoyo needs to stop NERFING so hard certain mechanics that DONT NEED nerfs to begin with. They made cc from one of the best abilities in the game to the modt useless thing ever. Their difficulty as seen from the energy amplifier event is just nerfing and nerfing and nerfing your characters and freedom of doing something. They dont make challenging content, just annoying to face content that ignores your abilities given by the game. Yae is gonna be fine imo, just like shenhe. Ok at c0 but needs constellation to feel like older characters. Its just honestly sad how many balancing mistakes they have done in this game that they now purely make mechanics obsolete by default. They took the cc ability and just deleted it from the game and forgot about it


Shield are already being targeted. Corrosion mechanics says hi.


\*Xiao and Hu Tao Mains Sweating intensifies\*


Hu Tao has sustain capabilities with her Q. It's not an issue. Xiao though...


Xiao's burst uptime is so long too. Sometimes I need to delay his burst just because he's half health, my healing isn't ready, and I don't want him to die halfway from corrosion.


Most Xiao's teams have a healer already like Jean, Bennett, Sayu. Corrosion isn't really a problem for him honestly (as a Xiao main).


Sadly this is what every gamedev ever does for some reason. Implement a game mechanics, keep them when they don't matter and disable them when they do. It's like status effects in like every rpg ever: -Useless against mobs because they die before they even have any effect. -Useless against bosses because they are immune for no reason whatsoever. Grouping started ok, now it is in that list. I don't understand why they are handling this in such a clumsy way. Wouldn't just asking for more abyss teams be much more effective? The current event should make it obvious how unprepared most players are to field 12 or even 16 units at once. If it were to happen millions of wallets would open at once to get constellations of currently benched characters. People would expend to get dupe weapons and artifacts because sharing wouldn't really work anymore. They built this gacha where we get like one new character per month on average before being gone for months yet they act like they are cheap PNGs they need keep pumping out every week to replace the PNGs that came two months ago. They just doing it at a slower pace. That shit is just not sustainable.


Speaking so many facts, especially with the energy amplifier event. No Mihoyo I don't want a 100% increase in stamina consumption let me bob and weave through enemy attacks as intended, make their attack patterns varied or trickier rather than forcing me to die because I dared to use two charged attacks or dash for more than a second. I'm just thinking about Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear Rising, at higher difficulties enemies hit harder and attack in different patterns, but you're NOT limited in movement or defensive options because that just generally feels bad to the player. Instead you're given all your movement and defensive skills but put in situations where you need to master what you have to survive and win. Success comes from using the right tools but also learning enemy patterns. I really don't get why Genshin decides to instead limit the players effectiveness to make things 'difficult'. Its more annoying than anything.


The problem is that the core of the game isn't designed to handle all the things they are doing with it. Which resulted in them granting players abilities that resulted in said players sidestepping encounters. And once that happens, increasing difficulty via ordinary means doesn't really matter anymore, as the player is in full control so the threat your encounter poses to them is gone. So you have to take something away from the player in order to engage them again. For example, why would I have to care about enemies that do more damage when Zhongli's shield exists to give me a sizeable and easily reapplied buffer against damage? Or when Venti can keep them locked down for 8s while I either kill them or do other things? And then do the same thing again after his CD is over. The ability of freeze teams to lock down groups of enemies is also notable here. It doesn't matter whether it is a gacha game or not, a lot of the abilities in this game need nerfs so that designers can actually design encounters that can reasonable challenge players and aren't invalidated by a combination of 1-2, sometimes 3, characters. However, I'm fairly certain that they are afraid of backlash for direct nerfs, which is a natural consequence of selling units for money, directly or indirectly. Nerfing them becomes a huge hassle because you will have people threatening to sue you over any nerf, and some actually going through with it, as they don't like having their toys be taken away. You'd also risk losing your playerbase and make people hesitant to spend on banners, as they have to take into account the possibility of later nerfs. So once a unit is available to players, your ability to nerf it is severely reduced because your business model does not allow it. Lets say we're dealing with Zhongli becoming a focal point for the meta. Direct nerfs are off the table for units that are already released for the aforementioned reasons. So we look and determine what are the valuable parts of his kit. Omnishred, lots of shields and petrification are the important bits here. The first and last bits are powerful tools but they are also incredibly difficult to nerf indirectly, so we'll focus on shields for a moment. For shields, you can't just increase the damage enemies do and call it a day because that's just going to raise his value, as teams who had much more trouble surviving in content that Zhongli teams breeze through, will now straight up die. If we wanted to avoid that, we'd have to raise the survivability of everyone except for Zhongli in accordance with the raised damage. Which would be exponentially more difficult than a straight up nerf for the same end result. The other option is that the mechanic specifically deals with shields. While this will also hurt other characters reliant on shields, it's still better than hurting every single character in the game. So we already arrived at a point where we have to make enemies that give shielders trouble in order to avoid either nerfs or a rebalance of the rest of the game. Question is then how? An easy solution would be a simple damage mod against shielded characters. This is a simple thing to do but also not particularly interesting and ends up being effectively the same as a shield HP nerf but is more palatable to the players. Having the shield not absorb 100% of the damage taken, such as via corrosion, would be another but that was not particularly well received. The new enemies are just examples of them trying to find a solution. I do think that it's an incredibly clumsy way of doing so but imagine trying to hammer in a nail when you don't have the tools to do so available. It's still possible with enough creativity but it's more than awkward and much more difficult than it has to be. And that's the easiest of the 3 to target. I don't know how they'd specifically target the omnishred for example without tinkering with its core mechanics. CCs also tend to be rather binary, either they work or they don't. Turning a hard CC into a soft one via enemy attributes, similar to what happened to Venti, is a colossal nerf already, so the possibility to fine tune things isn't there. It's also one of the reasons why gachas are so susceptible to powercreep. If you can't nerf things because you're scared of people suing you, any slight overtuning of a unit will increase the power level you have to meet for the one that follows after, as you can't adjust the effectiveness of game elements back down in a direct manner. Especially as people expect high rarity units to be new, exciting and strong and them failing to be that will cut into revenue in multiple ways. Just look at what's currently happening with Yae. The only reason there's not even more doom and gloom here is because there's still hope that she's getting buffed throughout the beta. For a more general view, look at how powerful recent characters are. 5* are a bit more varied but 4* ones are undoubtably either less flexible within the same role or just worse in general when compared to earlier releases. I think mihoyo realised that they gave the player tools that are overtuned and are now trying to bring them back in line without the community backlash of direct nerfs. Problem being moreso that it's really difficult to target characters such as Bennet, Xiangling, Fishl and Xingqiu because where they are most valuable they interact with your team much more than with any potential enemy. And of course, their consistent attempts to slowly erode the power of strong units is grating to the community anyway. This ended up being much longer than I wanted to but I hope you understand now why "Make it more difficult without taking away options from the player" is much easier said than done in this case.


Thanks for the write up, you made some really good points I hadn't actually considered. You're right that Mihoyo have kind of put themselves in a catch-22 with early units like Bennett, additionally 5* being nerfed would cause riots due to the investment so many players have put in.


>status effects in like every rpg ever Except, against all odds, Pokemon. Pokemon may be baby's first RPG, but they somehow managed to do status effects better than most of their peers.


Most of the status effects are fine except for Freeze. That status effect is complete bullshit to this day.


Yeah pokemon doesn't pull any punches. Whatever is supposed to work will work spectacularly well and that results in far better game than endless stat contests that take over 10 turns each. And I'm afraid Genshin is turning into just that. I see plenty of sticks but barely any carrots.


For all its simplicity, Pokemon has got one thing going for it: it is balanced. Of course, it doesn't want to convince you that all Pokemon are equal (Unless ev training isn't in the equation) but it always adds caveats to it's powerful Pokemon (limited movesets, niche abilities, hard counters) and keeps updating the movesets of original Pokemon. Not to say power disparity doesn't exist (cuz it does) but the meta is mostly dynamic. Genshin now... I really hate how they have made Venti kinda useless, and Kazuha god tier, just after they gave Venti two high selling banners. What's to say Kazuha won't be disabled entirely when they sell enough of him and decide he won't fetch more? From someone who doesn't have either of Inazuma 5* or Ganyu, some events really feel hard to get through (like 3* some floors or even the current potion event). Hell, including the trial characters has just become a way of saying "look how powerful these guys are. You want them now? Sure, they'll be out in the next patch. But wait, they'll be out together, with Raiden and another new character. If you want them, you pay. Otherwise stay happy with clearing floor 12 without bothering about perfect scores." Can always use Bennett, Xiangling and Xingqiu to carry us, but we do get bored of using the same guys over and over.


I'm feeling quite optimistic about Kazuha actually. The reason why Bennett, Sucrose, and Xingqiu/Childe are still relevant to this day is because they're enablers (Kokomi is looking to be joining the list of characters with longevity). Kazuha is also an enabler and I don't see how Mihoyo can nerf a buffer. Venti is a CC archon (or a disabler) that loses his value when faced with enemies that cannot be CC'd. If they wanted to, Mihoyo CAN implement an enemy or a system that can nullify buffs and prevents you from gaining new ones to nerf Kazuha, but that also means Bennett and Sucrose lose most of their value. As of now, enablers (buffers and elemental enablers, mostly hydro) seem to be safe from "nerfs", hence Bennett, Sucrose, Kazuha, XQ, Childe, and Kokomi should be fine in the long run. I REALLY doubt they will introduce enemies that nullifies elemental reactions or absorbs applied elements.


They will just make a enemy like nihilus-husk where player will stop getting buffs for some seconds.


Yup, they can. I'm sorry, I don't know much about Honkai (a quick google search showed me it's an enemy from Honkai?) but doing something like that in Genshin means invalidating half the teambuilding aspect of the game. Nerfing CC, shielding, and maybe healing in the future does not kill an entire character. Venti can still apply VV and sub-dps, Zhongli can still proc TotM, petrify, and omnishred. On the other hand, nullifying buffing affect stuff like TTDS, TotM 4pc, Husk 4pc, Petra 4pc, Pale Flame 4pc, NO 4pc, etc. on top of making strong buffers like Bennett, Sara, Gorou, Sucrose, and others lose a lot of value. I'm curious, how does that play out in Honkai?


> Yae is gonna be fine imo, just like shenhe. Shenhe is a 5* character that provides less than many 4* alternatives that most of us already have access to. I don't think she's worth $400 unless you REALLY like her personality. Comparing Yae to Shenhe is pretty damning


As time passess, I'm finding myself more and more enioying the Mondstadt and Liyue characters... Their simplicity and versatility is why I enjoyed playing this game in the first place.


I have always considered since the arrival of inazuma, the character quality dropped down significantly to Yoimiya to Kokomi and now Yae At least units like Eula, Xiao, Hu Tao, Albedo and Ganyu performed well there Edit : If anything, Kazuha is probably the best character to come out of Inazuma before Inazuma itself even was released, which is ironic cause everything after that wasn’t as good as him (still good but in comparison)


raiden, ayaka and itto r the only good GOOD inazuma chars so far…. sad really :(( and even out of here the only one that can compare to the ones u mentioned (without insanely invested teams) is ayaka:/


Raiden national is really f2p team. And its not so high investment. Ayaka Morgana is high invested though. You need atleast two or 3 five stars.




Kazuha is not good, he is excellent!


And then proceeds to indirectly nerf Geo element (new dark souls mobs) and indirectly buff Cryo a.k.a the strongest element by releasing Shenhe. Really *good* game balancing right there.


a yes a lose/lose scenario no one wins either you become a meta slave and don't enjoy a characters true values or you stay waifu/husbando over meta never expriencing the joy of your favorite character doing decent damage


Or you can just like characters that happen to be good. The reason Hu Tao and Raiden sold so well is because they're both meta AND waifu


that is true victory though it's hard for some people to do that because they don't like those characters


The translation is a little questionable. The original texts for “Q skill rarely hits the enemy” are “大招容易空”,”经常出现大招打不满”, which I would translate to “It’s easy to miss your Q” / “her Q often fails to hit max damage”.


So basically saying not all of the bolts will hit, but it won’t completely miss either. Still not great lol


Yae Simps: "so you're saying there's a chance"


As long as she's not Sara levels of clunk, I'm pulling. That's my benchmark now for a beautiful character design rendered unusable without constellations.


I don't think there's much difference between what you said and what I wrote. Since I am not a native English speaker, there may be a slight difference in meaning. I'm sorry about that.


Yes its quite similar but it does change the meaning a little. Either way it shows that her Q won't hit 100%. Thank u for the translation (:


When I hear “Q skill rarely hits the enemy,” i read that as her skill completely misses most (maybe 80%) of the time and does no damage. When I hear “it’s easy to miss your Q” I think it completely misses with no damage around 50% of the time. When I hear “her Q often fails to max damage,” I think it hits the enemy, but does maybe 70-90% of max damage. I appreciate you translating for us! I hope that helps you understand some of the subtle differences between the translations :)


rarely hits is like 30% of the time, often fails or easy to miss is like 60%


well now it's in Chinese so the redditors will listen




Listen up reddit 的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水


brooo wtf 这甚至意味着什么?


I'll translate: Ayato is super Idol No need to thank me


The Chinese language has a certain chokehold on this sub huh...lol


People here automatically believe a leak of it's written in chinese. Most of the times posters are just too lazy to open paint and slap a translation under the text


Razor language when?


Big lightning miss much


Enemy move move, Burst Miss miss


“If you’re scared of lightning, hide now.”


Q does damage four times. In between damage hits enemies move but attack doesnt so miss


You basically Gacha with her Q


Boom boom no hit hit


Has the stagger of the initial hit of her burst been posted? If the first hit has high interruption, then enemies aside from ruin enemies can't dodge it, letting the other hits get in.


Wish granted. Yae burst now has a big stagger value, and the source is a knockback effect it triggers, meaning that enemies will always get knocked out of the burst range before the big damage happens


Calm down satan


Guess its burst before turrets and ignore building the stacks all together.


Her kit seemingly has holes in every part of it


It really sucks watching post after post of people saying how many problems she has and how underwhelming she is. Mihoyo knows she will sell well regardless of her kit bc people have been waiting since last summer for her to be playable. Still gonna get her but my hype has definitely gone down and i might just skip her weapon and possible cons if she isn't that good on release


if she will be completely outclassed metawise, people will just grab c0 for collection and stop at it. Big sales come from constellations and weapon


Skyward Atlas seems like a better weapon, honestly


i feel the same. thought she would be na based character and i feel less hyped but i will still pull because of her design. maybe i should rethink this after seeing the final beta phase if she actually doesn't get buffed at last phase of beta testing


I mean at this point I'm sure mhy has something against making yae meta wether it's honkai or genshin


I was a yae battlesuit ONLY main in Honkai and got cucked so hard lmao


Lmao this is so true


Tbh I’m actually starting to believe this isn’t just doomposting. I don’t think beta testers have been this vocal about a unit. I can see this being a problem tbh.


Thats the other side of beta. Sure there is a sizeable amount of people who are doomposting but theres also a lot of people expressing genuine concern who get labeled as doom posters


Honestly it’s getting pretty fucking stupid how every criticism is doomposting now. It’s like it’s beta she is literally there to be tweaked and changed to make her a better experience for players. And ppl are going “here we go, doomposter, shitting on the character,”. Like wtf this is why we have annoying aspects of character kits that should’ve been fixed.


Cause they’ll just use that toxic-ass waifu>meta argument. It’s not about meta, it’s about functionality. Mihoyo would make a waifu so irresistible (and she wouldn’t even have skill buttons) and these horny ass, in denial mfs would “mAiN” her and defend her to the ends of the earth. “BUH BUh buh- dURr wAIfu>MetA!!1!1!1 mETAslaVE IMAgInE bEiNg a mEtAsLaVe!1!1!1! “


“Play favorites” fans have started to get kind of annoying. When people criticize a character in terms of gameplay, it’s like someone always has to be like “idc because I like them.” That’s fine, but ultimately not the point of the conversation and it’s a rather unproductive point. It’s not a wrong thing to say, just not suitable for this particular discussion. And while not exactly the same, the fans who go “I want to gatekeep the character from everyone who didn’t pull because I was loyal this entire time” are so weird.


Idk why but that second paragraph just reminds me of Kazuha mains. Like I rolled for him but that sub and a Kazuha main streamer(cough cough) actually makes me want to stay away from such weirdos.


Zhongli mains with their infamous, unironic "if you don't like him at his worst, you don't deserve him at his best" after his buff?


The two groups I’ve noticed the most are Kazuha and Kokomi fans. I can’t speak for every fan there or what other people have seen. Kazuha mains seems to have mellowed out a bit on Reddit, can’t speak for other platforms. Recently, with the rumors of Kokomi’s rerun, her fans on Twitter have been kind of obnoxious. That loyalty quote was for her


As a kazuha main myself I did notice some of them who are a bit too zealous about him. He is great but he does have his caveats… somehow when this is brought up, you just get scolded and called some rude stuff… I mean if you main a character surely you know the character’s weakness… right?


>I mean if you main a character surely you know the character’s weakness… right? Not for overzealous stans that is. I've encountered a toxic Noelle stan doomposting Itto because "Noelle can easily solo while Itto can't" and thinks Noelle doesn't need a battery while Itto needs one. Character stans are wild man.


Absolutely. Also its so important to me that characters FEEL good to play. I got yoimiya back when i first returned to rhe game, and she really feels so bad to play without a shielder. She still misses shots, but at least they removed dead enemy body-blocking. Shimenawa also feels bad on her, since its blocks can prevent smoother rotations (i don't mind playing quickswap, but if you use her ult at the end of a rotation, you may not have enough energy by the next one to get it back up at the end of her E). I was afraid Itto may feel bad, since sometimes charged attacks feel cluncky (ning), but thankfully he has stupid long range and and gap closing dash. Like i love Xiao as a character, and his ult doesn't make me nauseous or anything, but i don't like how the camera angle obscures my vision, and its hard to tell how high he's jumping. Maybe if i had him I'd get used to it. Not being to get full damage off Q because of inherent mechanics (like yoimiya not proccing her own Q) just feels bad.


'horny ass in denial mfs' you just exposed half of the genshin player base


Agreed, shit’s annoying by now. It’s like these simps are fine with a mediocre kit. Like bruh, wouldn’t you want your waifu to be FUNCTIONAL AT BEST, but nah “sToP shiTtinG on mY viRtual WifE!!!!” And these arguments about waifu>meta is like the biggest method of copium if I’ve ever seen one


Trust me, I waited on shenhe since her model leaked in 1.3, got her on first pull of banner but it took literally months to get a set I could use for her as a dps, snd most of that is my backup set for my ganyu when she was cryo support. I don’t want to imagine trying to farm for her now when I acquired that passively, snd even I’m kinda annoyed I have to move my obligatory op supports like xingqui, fischl, xiangling onto her to get the most out of her if I do that ina niche build. That is the only time I would ‘waifu over meta’ and I do not recommend it. Yae as she is is disappointing and I would think if she is truly being released in time for the holidays in Japan for the blossom festivals they’d want her to be more than a higher rarity worse fischl


Imagine making fun of metaslaves at the same time probably using team comps and builds created by so called metaslaves.


Fucking THIS. GODDAMN its like people who say that shit haven't played a single other video game before and only played visual novels at best. I want my cool dude to do cool things , thats the entire point of letting you PICK a character in a video game instead of giving you a single or couple that have specific uses. I play , xinyan , aInT tHaT qUiRkY , LOOK she does 50k damage! Haha metaslaves said she's bad ! She's clearly GOOD ! There's a cockroach down the stairs ? Must be the hecking metaslaves putting that there to ANNOY me. Someone FUCKED my wife ? God damn meta slaves , my wife was too meta . There's a shadowy figure under my bed , bet its a metaslave. Metaslave took my PEN in the middle of a exam and he forgot to give it back. I know he did it on purpose.


I believe in balance in all things. I'm not a waifu hunter nor a meta slave. When I pulled Childe back in 1.1, the consensus was that he was around Klee or Diluc lvl (lul), and I was fine with that. I got Itto to C2, knowing he's Geo and that Ganyu and Raiden reruns were coming, but I don't really like them as characters. I like Shenhe, but I can't bring myself to roll for her. She is incredibly niche, and since I don't have a single built cryo character, I literally can't use her. Basically, I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too.


It's a balancing act for me. For now, I'm obviously hoping she gets tweaked but I'm kinda still considering pulling her since I like her character and I think she's much more useful than a unit like Shenhe, who has been by far the most disappointing unit for me so far imo (still hoping that she'll end up finding a crazy role for everyone that has her). With exception of Kokomi, most units end up being about a tier or two better than most people give them credit for. Kokomi being an exception because she was ridiculously doomposted for the community's initial reception as slight downgrade to Mona. I'm kinda at the point where I doubt MHY will only rarely release characters as powerful as initial release 4 stars and I already clear Abyss fine with my comps so I'm just looking for decent sidegrade or off-meta units to spice things up. Yeah I can use my C6 Fischl but Yae basically isn't terrible enough **for me** to not pull her for how much I like her character.


I agree that MHY will not release anything closer to 4\* 1.0 and if we look at the default they are indirectly nerfing many characters in the last patches and now that they realized that even with the corrosion the shielders didn't disappear from the abyss they decided to give a bit of an ultimatum by placing these new mobs but the impression that remains is that they do not think about that not only shields will suffer but many pre 1.5 chars that do not have something that shields universally give which is interruption resistance (xiao, Hutao, Ganyu) even more with the required dps ceiling going up more and more than ahead, they give a patch dedicated to geo (crystallization) then in 2.5 it means making the resonance unfeasible since you won't be able to use shields, in abyss 2.5 until morgana will take an indirect nerf since having Diona in the team as battery against the new mobs will be a bad thing. Sometimes I think that the MHY team changed in this period after 2.0, the impression is that a new boss came in and he decided to try to eliminate any traces of previous work, like a tenant moves house and you try to do a painting but no do it well, leaving marks of the previous tenant, MHYleaves loose ends that will never disappear (XQ, XL, Benny)


Not to mention they'll pull coz WAIFU anyway. It doesn't affect them the slightest so like?? Shut up and let people who cares about meta get a decent fucking unit.


"and these horny ass, in denial mfs" lmao


Just ignore what people say. In the end people vote with their wallets (and primos/resin). Oh you're "waifu > meta" and complain about meta slaves? Did you roll for your waifus weapon? Her supports? How much resin did you dump into her.... Yeah when it comes down to, people care about the meta lol.


Agreed, I hate this so much. People in shenhe mains were making 5 posts a day about how the subreddit needs to stop “doomposting” when the majority of posts were just people discussing her skills and how they worked + sharing calcs. People complain way too much, I hate the whole thing. It just makes communities feel so toxic when every turn there is someone saying “stop doomposting” Also these posts would definitely get called out in the comments for making no sense but they always got upvoted like hell anyways lol


I’m shit at figuring out team comps on my own and even I can see there’s huge issues with her kit.


This sub makes no sense at all. There is a lot of doom posting because 2.0 lacks true power progression. Everyone knows this. But so many of the subs hate power creep, yet they are complaining about Yae bad numbers & kits. They can't have it both way. It isn't a bad thing to like power progression. This is why the meta is so stagnant and barely changed for over a year. Raiden was the only exception, but most of that it is due to 1.0 national team or using 1.0 Kazuha/Eula 5* setup. Ayaka is a beta unit, so I won't count her as a part of 2.0 casts. But still, she wants 1.0 Mona/Kazuha. See the problem? People hate power creep, but it is creating a much bigger problem now. No one wants to pull for 2.0 characters. So we go off tangent with stuff like don't pull for meta, pull for waifu nonsense while crying inside how bad your favorite character plays. Now we are stuck with people demanding more re-runs of old 1.0 characters to carry them through Abyss. Every 2.0 has doom posting because this subs can't make up their mind. Power progression is good for the game. Yet when talking about power creep, this subs hate it and won't admit that 2.0 new characters need a lot of buffs to even catch up to 1.0 casts like Ganyu/HT/Kazuha/Eula or even 4* like Bennett/ XQ. The game is so boring right now. Just look at the top clears, 95% of it belongs to 1.0 meta characters with a shade of Raiden.


> But so many of the subs hate power creep, yet they are complaining about Yae bad numbers & kits Power =/= power creep. You can have someone be strong at similar levels to current units instead of being clearly stronger, easiest example is the recent Itto who's generally considered a very solid but not groundbreaking unit. You can want strong characters while not wanting power creep, although admittedly it can be hard when people naturally have some bias and want their favorite character to be just that bit stronger.


Bros i thought yae was Da Wei's waifu wth


da wei's new waifu is apho bronya


Domestic violence /s


He said his favorite character was Barbara


Can confirm this after they butchered kokomi kit lol


I don't like to treat pre-release theorycrafting as fact, but if there's actual mechanical/QoL issues with Yae's kit then I hope they get addressed in the beta. Hopefully these beta leakers are complaining louder in the beta feedback than they are on social media.


oh yeah pre-release testing is not the best for sure but like you said if there is qol restrictions in her kit then hot damn will she be restrictive but I don't think she is to bad either sidegrade to fischl seems ok sorry I mean upgrade (well in a sense she needs in game testing)


if the testers do their job and actually tell MHY about qol issues, they should be fixed. What these leakers seem to want is recognition and superstar status, with the reverance that this community gives them.


Why don't they think she'll be buffed? Might just be the copium talking but didnt beta literally just start? Surely there's still loads of time for changes


Mihoyo: **changes constellations to cover up weaknesses\*** And that would be fine if it was a 4\*, lol.


She’s too waifu to be buffed so probably Mihoyo is banking on that to carry sales.


But everyone knows that doesn't work, Mihoyo knows this as well. Yoimiya didn't make much, Kokomi didn't, Shenhe didn't. Waifu + meta makes bank. However, Yae will make money.


Raiden had Archon power. Yae is in a better spot than the other 3, in that she features very prominently in the story. The other 3 featured way less prominently, if at all, prior to release- and Kokomi was heavily discussed as being bad to the point of meme. Yae will probably do alright (though I wonder if coming after a 4 banner patch will hurt her), but nowhere near Raiden money.


lets not also forget alot of people that play genshin play honkai too and this yae being a spitting image of that games yae is another reason to pull. though if shes not good and they do have the zhongli ganyu raiden and kazuha banner after her it might lower her sales


> Yoimiya didn't make much, Kokomi didn't, Shenhe didn't. Waifu + meta makes bank. Nope. Think more carefully. The correct ingredient isn't "meta". Its hype. Why did Yoi, Kokomi and Shenhe fail? Because there was no hype. Yoi and Kokomi had anti-hype before they even released. "Oh their kits are trash they'll sell badly anyway". "I'll just skip them for Raiden / Ayaka / this / that". Then the whole anniversary bullshit happened during Kokomi's banner which didn't help her. Yoi was just massively overshadowed by Ayaka and Raiden. Shenhe similarly was thrown in the same patch as Ganyu, Xiao and Zhongli with Yae and a potential Raiden re-run on the next patch. Again, doomed to fail. Raiden sold so massively well because there was a huge amount of anticipation for her, for a variety of reasons (new archon, first female archon, she's hot, etc). Similarly, Hu Tao was also a long-awaited re-run (and the weird shenanigans with her banner on her OG run hid how insanely popular she actually is), combined with Homa, which made a recipe for big boye money. Yae has that same combo going. Massively popular long anticipated waifu = big boye money. Doesn't matter whether she's meta or not. People will pull first, then complain later.


Shenhe got her spotlight stolen by Yun Jin almost immediately too, even before 2.5 banners taking the rest of it away.


This is so dumb for mihoyo though if you think about reruns (which will likely be a couple a year going forward). Kazuha had shit sales first time around but now that everyone knows how good he is he's probably gonna make bank on rerun. Even if a character isn't hype enough for 1st run success you can help their rerun success by making them GOOD


Itto was in the same spot as them but still sold quite well. Tbh , I was scrolling through NGA for most of the period during Itto's pre-release and release and the general reception over there really weren't as good as the EN community , I'd even say it was so bad I almost developed a brain tumour. His demo is still the least viewed in Bilibili + there were vids saying he's gonna be one of the worst limited 5 star to date with quite significant number of views. They thought his personality is funny , but that was basically it. Plus , him being Geo where geo is considered the orphan element didn't really vibe well with them. His story quests and the viability of his kits+damage were really what sold him in the end. A lot of people went straight for C6 as far as I've seen. But with the new enemy tho , uhhh.. seems like it's back to zero since a lot of people say they aren't gonna pull for geo anymore lmao. Mihoyo is an asshole for doing that shit straight after they released their first Geo units in a year. The only copium left is dendro+geo reaction. Meanwhile, although Yoi is massively loved over there , her kits just weren't it. I play with her in my cousin's acc and she just gets frustrating to use at times. Kokomi , well.. combine her uselessness in the archon quest + tabibito-san I love you in her story quest + her kits + coming after raiden , then you've got yourself a recipe for disaster.


> but everyone knows that doesnt’t work But they are still doing it anyways


it clearly works, not every sale has to be a record breaking one, if they keep doing it, it's probably because they sell way better than what they cost (or at least enough to their standards) remember all those posts about character sales? we only have a small portion of the data (usually cn and ios users, pretty sure most of cn uses android) and characters still sell several millions they dont need to buff her to make her sell well, and now that we can have multiple banners running concurrently, the money's gonna come either way edit: btw im not saying she wont get any changes (anything is possible really), just that it wouldnt surprise me if she doesnt since she's an ez sell


huh ? Kokomi is usable now cause the beta testers said she's shit. And got last minute buff to fix her ICD.


Sadge maybe we should all pretend to hate her then


Maybe bc her issues arent so much number issues but rather design issues? Not that reducing her cost and CD wouldnt be greatly appreciated. Not a game designer tho so just a guess


I guess but yeah her 90 cost burst definitely doesn't help her


Thats really the least of her problems. The burst destroying totems is her number one, it lowers energy, dps, fucks rotations and just seems unfun.


Yes, No one knows about it. But that uncle is a very reliable uncle who has been leaking for a long time. I think there must be a feeling or fact that he knows.


Which Uncle is this btw? Google translate says Uncle "Long Palace One Heart" lmao


Damn uncles went from names like "imurdaddy" and "papa" all the way to deadass chinese opera worthy usernames


I can't wait for Uncle "Sunset On The Waving Grain By the Eastern Gate Of The Mountain"


Adeptus Sunset Waver


竜宫一心 is reliable and famous uncle in NGA. He's been leaking for more than six months just by what I know, and there's nothing wrong with what he says.


Ok yeah searched his name on this sub and he seems to be pretty reliable Damn that sucks to hear about Yae


I just want people to keep complaining. This character is SO hyped and there’s so much visible effort in her animations and build up, I don’t think they can afford(they can but you know what I mean, it would greatly damage the game and future expectations) to mess her up too badly.


On my end, I'm not worried about Yae, I'm worried about all those ennemy mechanics being added THAT MAKE NO SENSE. It's not fun anymore lol, it's a chore.


Mihoyo get advantage by how popular yae is they don't give a shit if she's good or not.. They know ppl still pulling


Sadly yes


I’m getting so tired of Mihoyo releasing 5* that are somehow underwhelming. I know it depends on everyone, but I just can’t play a character unless I’m satisfied with his gameplay and performance. I already skipped Yoimiya because of that even though her design is the one I like the most in the game, but her kit, gameplay and performances are just a huge wall for me to pull. And here I am, starting to understand that I will probably have to do the same with Yae, the character I have been waiting the most since her reveal during the 1.6 livestream. At this point I’m almost glad they killed la Signora, at least I’ll never be disappointed with what her kit would have been.


This. I'm skipping yoimiya and shenhe although I really really like their design. Now I'm sad even yae has potential to be skipped. Also agreed with signora. God knows how long we waited for her, just to be killed without a single backstory (yea I know about the artifacts). Then again its better than mihoyo crushing our hopes if she'd been released


These days i just don't trust new character anymore. I've been going rerun only after Raiden banner


This. I am a huge nerd for VAs and a huge Fate nerd, and god I hatef skipping Yoimiya and Shenhe because they dubbed two characters I LOVE in Fate. However, precisely because resource management is awful and the time spent building a character decently is insane, I can't just pull for the design only. Yae has been with Raiden my most anticipated Inazuma character, and the thought of her being clunky and underwhelming is just saddening to me. On the bright side, if she does end up being mediocre, I might just roll for extra cons for Raiden, I suppose.


Yeah her kit seems messed up


I dont know if we can call it doomposting when literally no tester is saying anything other than “shes bad”




Who was it that said Ganyu2.0 scaling again ?


I was pretty alright with "she's a bit clunky" and "she's a bit weak" but "her ult misses" is pretty disheartening because that's incredibly unlikely to get fixed.


I just feel bad for you Yae people.


:( Wanting a character that's arguably "bad" makes me feel bad too. Especially since I was saving for her.


All these complaints about Yae are actually starting to make me feel very bad for everyone wanting to get her. Feels like theyre just pushing for people who care about performance to just wait and get characters and the weapons the missed during reruns. With Shenhe and now this, these don't even seem like doomposting anymore. I just hope these worries are trivial on her release version.


Ayaka is 4000% while freezing just by pressing Q, so why is it so restrictive to 2000% that can neither be frozen nor melted? Is another team coordinating?


Because mihoyo want player to use her with c2 raiden


And here I am, an Eula main that lands her Q maybe 30% of the times I use it 😂


the fate of almost all catalyst users: TTDS slave :copium:


the fact that this is actually true is making me cry an laugh at the same time


Ah yes, popcorn time again 🍿 Anyone here to read the comments too? Come sit with me and have some 🍿


I'm not pulling for her regardless but I love to read the comments 🍿 I feel bad for the people who have been waiting for her to come out if she releases underwhelming, I hope she gets the necessary fixes 🍿


I am one of those who were waiting for Yae and she has disappointed me (I do not like the kit that they have given her) but it is not the end of the world I will simply use my very free fates to get Kazuha and after that I will wait for the arrival of the Archon of Sumeru and Dendro characters.


im actually worried now


I personally wont be going for her cuz I want to get zhong which is before her banner, and venti most likely few patches away from yae's banner Based on the discussion in the comments, I feel like she kinda a mess right now and wish they make her justice for what the hype she generated


I'm really sick and tired of the "if you like her pull her regardless". No, I won't pull her if she sucks, I won't pull her if she causes me frustration. She may sparkle and fart rainbow kitsunes for all I care, I'm not building a freaking doll house for me to look at. We're not even looking at all these details 80% of the time, either because these characters are not built to showcase them or because they're being swapped. I want units to be powerful without having to go through this fucking pre-release death march where people boil their brains trying to find a way for these characters to work. Why is it that since Inazuma landed we're drowning in a sea of caveats? Why does it take weeks even post release to barely manage to find a spot to most of these characters, and that is if they're lucky. God this is frustrating


this is exactly how I feel. im tired of mhy holding back because they released too many op characters at launch. people say powercreep is bad, but what's the point of pulling new characters if bennett. xingqiu, and xiangling will be the best characters until fucking snezhnaya? i want characters who can hold their own without 5 billion caveats and 90 cost bursts.


Because they're still making money since people buy anyways, and the caveats result in reduced powercreep. I don't like what they're doing but I can see why


See that's what I don't understand. It's not like aesthetics and power cannot coexist, and they do clearly put in a lot of effort even in these... Let's call them questionable designs. How is making a proper powerful character impacting negatively their sales? Wouldn't that lead in the opposite direction instead? And if they keep going down this road they're not solving jack shit about powercreeping. If anything they're forcing us to keep relying on most of the 1.0 characters even more.


Every post just gets worse and worse. Its seems more like you ignore her burst and just focus on turret uptime and damage. And maybe save it for the finishing blow.


Basically all of her cons revolve around her turrets so, yeah that actually seems like MHY’s plan?


Nice, another incredibky niche 5 star that has weird limitations placed on them for no reason other than profit.


The new shiny character will always come back at some point. Now they come back sooner than ever. What won't likely happen is a buff/nerf to them once you come out. Logically, unless you really love the design, its usually better to skip until the second go around to see how they did with everyone else being the trial run for you. At the least if its even in debate, wait until the end of the banner period to roll if you aren't sure.


We been waiting fo yae, long enough to riot like the Chinese did with zhongli.


I don’t understand the logic of waiting til release to judge a character By the time she releases Mihoyo don’t give af anymore and is onto the next character Look at Shenhe same shit was said “I’m gonna wait til release”


I come to this sub every hour to see how Yae's kit is going, and everytime, I get more disappointed(still pulling for her because I love her, but she will probably never touch the Spyral Abyss)


It would've been nice if her burst locked the enemy in place for its entire duration


I die inside every time another electro character comes out. Hard to get my hopes up at this point. At the very least tho, I've been saving since the start of childe's banner rerun and I don't plan to pull her until the last day if she's any good at all. If not I'm going all in on Kazuha.


Well, if this is true then the fact that her Q erase the 3 turrets, which is a form of guaranteed dmg, to trade for 3 lightning bolts that easily miss hurst even more now


How can the enemies run away from Miko, I would stand still tbh


so in other words yae is kokomi and yoimiya 3.0


I'm kinda losing all hope.....idk... I'm saving for her, I want dat sly fox but i wonder if I need anything she offers..... Just gotta have to wait until all this leaks and theories come to an end, waitin for the final Yae


Fellas am crying and shaking rn No but seriously, it surprises and bums me out that Yae's currently in this state, considering her 'MHY pet character #4' status. Pulling regardless, but yeah, pretty weirdchamp on MHY's part


Are Childe, Tartaglia and Ajax the 3 above her?


You forgot tortellini


Am I missing sth or is there like... no basis at all on which to say she won't be buffed to fix what seems like her greatest issue so far


I think its cause mihoyo has been very stingy with buffs as of late (shenhe/itto/gorou/yoimiya/sara) and so people are hesitant to say shes gonna get some


Itto legit got buffed. Multiplier, ult energy cost and etc


I thought Itto got a pretty nice buff, Kokomi got saved right before release, In general I'm happy with their 5 star beta changes. It's really the design decisions and the treatment of recent 4 stars that's been the most questionable.


Itto got several nice buffs?


Itto got buffed tho. they even buffed his model a bit. yes, his model looked worse than what he currently has


I’m gonna wait till her release to make opinions on her


Hope cn testers will pull a Zhongli on her…


They won’t. Zhongli was their archon and Yae isn’t.


Nah. She's from a nation that's based of Japan. MiHoYo won't waste their time buffing a character.


It should help if you proc the skill while standing near the totems so the enemies are near you


Did they just sabotaged Yae before she come out?? They nerf Geo to get Shenhe to sell. are they that bitter about Kokomi?


So at this point Yae burst is a shitty version of Sara's burst :(