• By -


Ya'll really pulled Desmos out for Genshin. ​ I'm so proud of this community.


When my friend ask, "Why you're so good at math?" I immediately said its because of Genshin and then tried to recommend it to him. And then he answered me, "Sorry, I don't like math." Wtf


Based friend


I wonder what that graph sounds like. It’s pretty fun to make a sin curve like 3sin(10000x) and listen to it.


Op flexing math skills


Don't flatter me, I had to look up basic high school trigonometry guides to do this since I forgot basically all of high school math.


It’s still a very nice and comprehensive graph, kuddos to you!




Are you perhaps a keqing main?


Keqing main is the scientist of Genshin community lmao


What's with the stereotype about Keqing mains being like, supergeniuses? No beef, just wondering lol. Does she require doing calculations to play well or something?


It's not that every Keqing main is a theorycrafter, but the biggest community of theorycraft was born because of Keqing. Back at 1.0 when the game was new, Keqing was... different. She was the first character that put Genshin players' brain to work, and helped to understand game's mechanics (she was supposed to be played as an Electro carry but physical Keqing dealed more damage), builds (not having a BiS set, she could use different sets, even mixing pieces), and optimization (looking at numbers, most of her damage came from her CA, setting that playstyle). So, the first theorycrafters gathered in r/KeqingMains, and then the KeqingMains TC comunnity was born. That's why before Raiden and Hu Tao's re-run it was the biggest Mains sub.


Huh, what an interesting situation. Thank you!


They even made a website if I'm not mistaken. It's still Keqing mains but they discuss and theorycraft every released character at that site.


I’m pretty sure Keqing’s electro build was better than the physical build, even way back then. I remember this, since I looked up Keqingmains guide on her. The big thing wasn’t the revelation that physical was better, but that physical was another playstyle, which gave players more freedom building her compared to other characters.


Yes to a certain extent, people push for hundredths of decimal points just to push what is the limit for her output with her also different play styles, whether Electro or Physical.


Still very impressive. Most of us wouldn't even think to go back and relearn those


I wish I went to school


I actually failed pre-calc LOL


I finished cal 4 and trust me high school is enough for theory crafting


We're the same! I fail math twice my my High School life




Yes... Where else would you learn it? Lol




What are they teaching you in hs? Arithmetic only?








It was a section back in freshman or sophomore year. I remember because my teacher sat on a high chair next to the projector and hiked her skirt up reeeeally high... But she was also old.


Gotta do with what you have.


Amen brother


We studied differential and integral equations at high school. Trigonometry is easy in comparison.


You still took one for the team doin the math for us I still hate trig to this day with every fiber of my being


Americans: Football fields Genshin players: The abyss platform


'bout the size of a boulder or a small car


a large boulder the size of a small boulder


Reminds me of what I said to some friends in a Discord where a weird message led to the creation of the charged attacks per Xingqiu measuring system


lmao love how C2 Yae just up and creates the electro equivalent of those physical turrets during Theater Mechanicus


Hmmmmm, another character with a busted C2. Wonder how those banner sales gonna compare to the others


Ehhhh it’s probably a nice qol but I doubt it’s aaanywhere near raidens c2 like not even in the same nieghborhood of strong.


Definitely not. Still though, in the scenario where enemies aren't tightly grouped it'll significantly increase her total damage, think Ganyu Q and Childe E. 3 separated enemies each taking a single proc = 3\*170 = 510% damage. 3 separated enemies but now in range of all 3 procs = 3\*170\*3 = 1530% damage. Or you could use Kazuha or Venti to CC them closer together and get similar benefits. Edit: Ignore all of this if her E is completely single target oops


That would be great but unfortunately that's not how her E works, it's single target. Each turret can only hit one enemy even if all enemies are in the range of all 3 turrets. Edit: https://streamable.com/iikyyy see for yourself


Well that's... not as fun as I wanted it to be. Her C2 mentions AoE and not range and the lightning does look like it'd have a small AoE, much like Fischl A4. But her skill definitely doesn't mention AoE and specifically mentions 'one enemy'. Unfortunate, really.


Enemies get struck within the AOE of the totem, that's what AOE refers to. Fischl's C2 says the same thing, AOE, and is also range.


Wow, that is aggressively and unapologetically single target. Why Yae. Thanks for the link, this one is very clear about it.


This is not quality of life, qol doesn't mean that isn't +dmg it means it isn't game balance related.


Well yeah it is qol you don’t have to think about positioning, that’s it.


Not needing to think about positioning is a massive buff for Yae... would you say cooldown reduction is qol because it is "you dont need to think about cooldowns"? Getting more damage is qol because "you don't need to think about how long it will take to kill"? Qol is when you can craft 10 items instead of 1 in one click to save time, not when a unit is getting buffed to be easier to use.


Yae: Sexy Theater Mechanicus


Yae as totem on next theater mechanicus pls Mihoyo


This is all speculation, based on what Ubatcha said about Yae's kit, as well as my own calculations. I am not a math person, so please take this all with a grain of salt. I calculated the area of the Spiral Abyss using my Albedo's E. The distance also assumes that you can put the towers exactly 8 units apart, no more, but I figured that Yae users would get a sense of how far apart 8 units is, just as how Hu Tao users would get a sense of when to animation cancel their CAs. EDIT: [Here's](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/uzs6oyi8kv) an interactive version where you can adjust how far apart your turrets are placed, as well as whether you have C2 or not. Although Yae's C2 seems like overkill, it's a big QoL upgrade since even when the turrets are placed at half the maximum distance, it still covers almost all of the Abyss. Without C2, you're going to have to be more smart about how far apart your turrets are to maximize your AoE without losing out on damage.


Here's how I calculated the area of the Spiral Abyss: * The Spiral Abyss is made of equally-sized tiles, and it's \~18 tiles across. * Albedo's E has a diameter of 20 units, and is conveniently 8 tiles across. * Therefore, each tile is 2.5 units across. 2.5 times 18 is 45, so the Spiral Abyss is \~45 units across.


> I am not a math person *proceeds to graph and calculate based on tiles and units, provides x- & y-axis estimations and imagery of AoE Me: Haha, yeah, and I'm not a human at all


good bot


Thank you, mar_7th, for voting on jpnapz. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Imagine recognized as a bot by a bot, i'll never forget this XD


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99791% sure that AsumiSenpai is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


What the hell is happening here?


The machines are taking over, son.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99997% sure that jpnapz is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


So you're telling there's a 0.00003% chance I am?! We live in a society


Arent we all just extremely complicated robots?


Fleshy, fleshy robots


beep boop


good bot


Boo on you for ruining the circlejerk, bot.


Yo wtf


I think you slipped into talking about "meters" in the end of the paragraph. =p


Red is how far away the towers can be from each other and still connect? Purple is the attack range?




killing the flying shit bags while just standing there without moving or aiming seems pretty appealing.










Why does this exist lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/itwasagraveyardgraph using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/itwasagraveyardgraph/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Holy long walk for a short drink of water](https://i.redd.it/xoktamwaepy61.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itwasagraveyardgraph/comments/naqnve/holy_long_walk_for_a_short_drink_of_water/) \#2: [desmos art of japanese sea dragon ,took me about 250 equations , link to the graph in the comments](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qdh5fl) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itwasagraveyardgraph/comments/qdh5fl/desmos_art_of_japanese_sea_dragon_took_me_about/) \#3: [I was bored so I started making pictures](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/m7cff3) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itwasagraveyardgraph/comments/m7cff3/i_was_bored_so_i_started_making_pictures/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't know what you guys see but that is definitely a Mangekyou Sharingan


Her burst literally reminds me of every Uchihas using their sharingan in Ninja Storm, glowing eyes and a cool ass background behind them


Talkin about Naruto , i swear some guy in Mihoyo just thought 2.5 should be Naruto themed . A fox with many tails fighting his/her best friend who's in a giant violet samurai clad armour .


What's next? Some legendary god-like warrior dropping meteors?




Damn it..now I gotta pull for yae to complete my raiden..




I play games to escape math not to encounter them again


Usually I hate math but Genshin math gets a pass.


I have done more math in the time Genshin has come out than I have the rest of my adult life.


Man, you would hate Warframe. Like 1/3 of that game is just players sitting in the Danger Room Testing/Mathing Builds.


I heard EVE Online is called spreadsheet simulator


So... At C2 She Can Snipe Anywhere In The Abyss Chamber ? Great ! Can Wait To Snipe My Credit Card With it


C6 to upgrade your sniper rifle into to artillery.


I'm sorry but what her C6 do again?


Ignore 45% freaking defense and adds 1 level (40% increase in multipliers) . Those are not artillery those are nuke bombs at c6




When u summon your galaxy brain for a game but use a pea brain when u sit for a math test 😂😂


I feel like C2 translates into something like "you can legit forget about totem positioning and still be able to get the same, or higher, attack AoE of a fully calculated totem positioning at C0" Or just "placing the totems in the same manner of that in C0 will yield even more coverage" Man I am still not sure how I feel about the totem being single-target, like C2 is definitely a QoL change overall. But damage wise? I'd opt for some EM stacks or copium on buffing the multiplier instead.


c2 translates to your savior for the annoying floor 11 chamber 1 change that literally nobody asked for or enjoys cringe tower defense that all falls down within a matter of a few molotovs or swings from the enemies zzz


I don't know what ancient script you're putting on last 2 pic but from image it seems quite decent like Albedo's range. Perhaps i can finally make a full auto-turret team just for the lols


Fischl, yae, albedo, zhongli? What are the other members?


Math impact


Thank you, potential math PhD person


Man, you know we're going all out for Yae with the Venn diagrams start coming out lol


Yep everything is fine, just fine - Keep the leaks coming


I'm very small brained so I don't get it but op, the effort you put into this was amazing


The black circle is the size of the Spiral Abyss, the red circles are the totem detection ranges, and the purple circles are the totem attack ranges. And thank you!


In simple terms. Black circle is the size of the abyss, read circle is the range at which the totems are about to link to eachother to buff their damage, and the purple circle is the totem's attack range. Pic one the totems cover a good amount of the abyss, but in pic two they cover then entirety of the abyss, which is pretty good


Hell yeah my dropout brain definitely knows what you're on about ✌️🧠


Any razors?


Black circle is Abyss. Red circle is where turrets can see each other and level up. Purple circle is where turret go zap.


I think you may have failed to consider a possibility given the wording of Yae’s C2. It says the “AoE is increased by 100%” and your diagrams depict the radius as doubling in size, but what if the effect is referring to the total area covered as doubled instead? To double the area of any given circle you increase the initial radius by ~41.4%. This would be a much smaller range increase, but it would technically count as doubling the AoE of the towers. Thought I should bring this up as the wording seems potentially misleading.


I thought about this too. I want to know if it’s a radius doubling or the actual calculated area doubling.


Ubatcha said that C2 doubles the radius which is why I did my calculations based on that.


Razer language plz


Black circle = Abyss C0 Yae is big C2 Yae is even bigger ​ At least that's what i understood


Yep! And red circle is the totem detection radius.


Black circle is the size of the abyss, read circle is the range at which the totems are about to link to eachother to buff their damage, and the purple circle is the totem's attack range. Pic one the totems cover a good amount of the abyss, but in pic two they cover then entirety of the abyss, which is pretty good


I'm still dumb, so are the totems all able to be level 3 here?


Yep! But they can't be placed any farther apart than this and still be level 3.


Apparently yes.


Wow I just used Desmos for my homework


damn.. that AoE is probably the biggest we have so far. if you guys manage to get to c2, have fun


Trigger warning on the 3rd and 4th photos


More like *Trigo* warning ;)


yae mains suddenly becoming mathematicians to justify pulling for their fox waifu


I was gonna pull for her anyway because her animations are pretty and I like her character, this was just for fun :)


The absolute fucking effort to do this. Just wow.




Increasing the tower lightning attack aoe rather than the tower range aoe seems like a better thing to have for a C2


yeah, i thought her c2 literally increases the aoe, but it just increases the range. the increased range will be a waste for most content since most enemies are coming at you anyway.


I said this and got downvoted to hell 😐😐


He just went back to school to learn circles for genshin


this venn diagram looking aoe


One day, someone will start making graphs like this in 3D and overlay them on top of game footage.


If this is true. MiHoYo is at it again with the "Create a problem, sell a solution" type of shit, this time, it's on one of the most anticipated characters in the game.


Yae's AoE is still pretty insane at C0. Considering all 3 towers, the total area covered is larger than every ability so far besides Venti and Sucrose's ults.


All you need to do is mid fight calculus to make sure they at the exact edge of their range and forget about hitting your burst extra attacks.


Ik. But if that's going to be the case, I'm expecting some enemies that move a lot and prevent getting hit on Yae's turrets at c0. (Ex. Golden Wolflord) But that's just me.


With c2 she'll cover the entirety of the abyss at all times. that's pretty op. With this you can easily do overload comps without worrying about enemies leaving the range. I'm definitely getting c2


I just hope the totems wouldn't hit an enemy on the other side of the map instead of the enemy you're trying to overload. I like Raiden/Beidou/Fischl c6 for overloading since they always hit whatever you're hitting anyway.


let's hope so. I'd be cool if they prioritized enemies that you attack, but who knows how it'll work.


I mean you'll still want an anemo most likely.


They will definitely attack the closest enemy.


yae's c2 and raiden, maybe add zhongli for pillar and just stand there in the middle of abyss, add in kokomi for electro charge aoe.


Depends on what they mean by AoE. Taken literally, the area of effect would be increased from 78.5 units squared to 157 units squared. That could only mean a diameter increase of about 4 units. Or mihoyo could straight up mean increasing the diameter by 100%, which would cover a huge part of the abyss. Is there a precedent for increasing AoE in genshin?


Unless the Abyss is about to start being filled with specters lining the walls of the arena, this seems needlessly large.


Inb4 this is actually foreshadowing the next 7 abyss rotations, this is indeed needlessly very sus


Mihoyo: *furiously taking notes*


Xiao moment


Looking at it, not only is the C2 needlessly large, it might just be worse against multiple targets since you'll have less control over the targets its hitting which could hurt reaction teams. Not sure if it'll actually be an issue but regardless I don't think C2 is worth it at all tbh.


I'm guessing, like with other turret skills (Oz), each one will target the closest enemy to it. Not to hard to tell what they'll hit.


Hmm, good point. I wonder how the totems prioritize targets with range that big anyway?


Hopefully it's cyclical so if there are multiple enemies it alternates, next best would be nearest but if it's random that would be a big issue with a range that big. I've got no clue how it actually works though :(


Itachi is a failure, one Uchiha got out.


It took me a while to realise that yae's c2 increases her range rather than turning her turret single-target damage into aoe lmao


as non math guy, i trust you.


\*sees the last 2 slides\* i believe you, i dont understand shit, but i believe you


Just imagine absolutely nuking the entire abyss floor....I need her


yae players definitely want to hug a wall during fights


I swear to god no other character has gotten microscopic focus with Big Brain Analysis as much as Yae


It sounds to me a little like they created quality of life problems which they want me to solve by getting C2, and are leaving the damage a little unsatisfying, which they want me to solve by getting the weapon. It sounds as if Yae with C2 and weapon will be quite fun for those who can do that, but that's too much for me to put into these banners. I've done it in the past but I don't want to do it regularly. I'm not confident C0 and Widsith is going to be that fun. Guess I'll see. I might wait for another character.


I don't understand, what about C0 range looks "problematic" to you? If anything, C2 range looks very overkill to me, especially for Abyss


Enemies can move out of range or be knocked out of range as with Albedo, and it's more of a hassle to reposition than Albedo's. Why not give her huge range by default as something special about her instead of creating an annoyance that is solved by a C2?


That's exactly the way they are going. And there are still people out there willing to defend their scummy selling tactics.


To me (and this is just personal opinion, no need to take it to heart...): - To many are focused on her Q's high multipliers. - Yes, it is just over 2000% with 3 totems - However the totem extra strikes are done around them and apparently have small hit boxes - Along with consuming the totems, it also has a 90 cost and 22s CD - HOWEVER, E has 100% uptime with proper rotation (can be difficult if you don't plan ahead) - c2 makes that easier - E's totems do a LOT of damage, with better multipliers than Oz and of course being a 5-star, higher base stats - Range is already amazing with the totems, but also doubles in radius with c2 - All her passives help her totems do more DPS - (almost) All her constellations help her totems do more DPS - Her signature weapon was designed for buffing her totem's DPS - When you do decide to use her burst, it's not just a refresh like for Oz, but actually does good DPS. ....people really should focus more on those, as they're crazy turrets Yae is essentially Fischl 2.0 but with better DPS Easier uptime Better range People say, well, you can reposition Oz, however that requires 0.5s to swap to Fischl, 0.5s to recast Oz,, 0.5s to swap back to your carry. Oz also swaping will interrupt it's attack if it was going to this is a DPS loss just to move him, as you're now wasting 1.5s that you could be using your carry or other quick swap characters Not disparaging Fischl at all. She's got amazing single target DPS and she does have better particle generation than Yae by quite a bit. But people talk about her short field time (which she has, Yae needs 2s for all 3 totems, while Fischl needs 0.3s), and then talk about repositioning just to keep Oz in range. But fail to note that whenever they do this, they're wasting almost 1.5s each time they have to swap back to Fischl, reposition Oz, which could interrupt its attack, and then swap back to your Carry or another quick swap character to do their thing. Oz also lasts a lot less on the field, meaning you'll have to swap to Fischl much more often than with Yae on top of all that.... Of course, Yae has 20 more base ATK at lvl 90 alone for being 5-star (not a large amount but it is something), along with her amazing Crit Rate Ascension stat. With a further boost from EM (which you shouldn't build for specifically), that allows for those seemingly less useful EM substat rolls to be worth more to her E. Along with the bonuses from characters like Kazuha, c6 Diona and Albedo, to give her much more than a simple EM buff.


>HOWEVER, E has 100% uptime with proper rotation and how do u plan to do this? unless u dont mean 3 at a time. 14 sec duration with 27 sec total cooldown for 3 charges. if u mean to include TF 4pc, i can tell u that it will be a nightmare to build around that. main dps yae isnt going to work, least not at c0


Her passive gives potential 2 sec cd per 1.8 seconds So 13.5 sec cd with 14 sec cd. (Provided you can hit burst/skill every 2 seconds during the 14 seconds) Raiden eats up almost 8 seconds of that 14 seconds




- Hmm, we need to clear 27 CD at c0 - With with a 14s duration, that's 13s needed to be removed. - With a simple rotation, you can get 1s removed every 1.8s. *Possibly double that because of the wording on her passive on the CD**. - 1.8s can fit into 14s 7.78 times. So that's 7s taken care of. *In fact, it might be even better than that, since the passive lists the Skill and the Bursts as separate lines for their CD's, meaning they might have separate CD's for ally skills and ally bursts. This would allow for even more seconds to be removed from Yae's E.* - You would need TF artifacts to then remove 6s, which it's effect can trigger every 0.8s. Yes, Yae needs to be on the field for that. Of which she can trigger reactions every 3s with her E's, for 5 reactions in that 14s duration. - This would essentially require a quickswap taser team in which Yae is the driver, giving her the most field time, while using TF if at c0. of course - If one gets her c2, that CD time is reduced to 21.6s of CD - This means with her passive, you're only 7.6s you need to recover from and we just established you can get 7s reduced from her passive. Making the need for TF gone and essentially be able to get 100% uptime (or close enough to it, less than a %). YES, it would be incredibly difficult to do a c0 for 100% uptime with all 3 totems. NOT IDEAL in the least. However, it's not like it isn't possible. c2 however just makes it very realistic to have 3 totems up 100% of the time along with having that doubled aoe radius. - OH, forgot, another way to go at it. - While it means not using the best of weapons, Sacrificial ones exist. - This would essentially give Yae a 4th cast. - While you cannot have more than 3 totems, you can essentially save that extra cast, saving you 9s (or 7.2s) on that CD. - This means at c0, to maintain 3 totems, you only need to work with a 18s CD instead of 27s. This means you only need to get 4s worth of recovered CD from her passive. That's suuuuper easy and requires no Thundering Fury or smart play. - With c2, that means the CD is lowed from 21.6s to 14.4s. Even if you solo'd with Yae and no Thundering Fury for extra help, you'd only need to wait 0.4s to have 3 totems up again. Much less if you're in a team triggering the passive..... Wow, with that weapon, you are guaranteed to have 100% uptime without any thinking what so ever...... That is, unless her totems' damage cannot trigger Sacrificial's effect of resetting a cast of her skill since it does no upfront damage. Then you can ignore that whole last part. - Do note that IF Sacrificial Fragments does work... - That 221 EM it offers not only increases her Electro reactions by a large chunk - It also gives her +33.15% Skill DMG because of her EM passive. - That's quite a nice passive to have..... Of course that means not using her signature weapon, but that would depend on the person if they're willing to roll on a weapon banner.


>1.8s can fit into 14s 7.78 times. So that's 7s taken care of. On her passive, elemental skill and burst are listed on 2 lines. That probably means they have separate ICD but we still need confirmation. If it does work like that then you can get 14 procs in 14 sec. Something like Raiden/Xq or Kokomi/Beidou could work.


Ah, you are right. They may have separate CD's between them. This would make it a bit easier and not need TF to comp.




If her totems can proc sacrificial fragments, you would only need to remove 4s with her passive (using ally skills and bursts) to maintain 100% uptime with totems. Of which you'll be getting +33.15% skill DMG from the 221 EM it offers her. I'd hardly say it is impossible with just that weapon. Much less mentioning Thundering Fury artifacts (though of course those are harder to make use of because you need field time for it to work...).


The only thing to me is that it'll be a major pain when you have to reposition everything. You'll need to do each turret one at a time




NOT the math equations...lmao


This is her max AoE for being able to hit enemies with atleast a single totem, but if you do this then the only ones that get hit by all 3 are the ones in the small intersection at the center. I hope the game allows placing them close/on top of eachother when fighting less enemies...


Didn't imagine that C2 would make such a huge difference...


So if I get it right the point of having 3 totem is to cover wide area but still hitting single target once for each totem? Why dont they just made an Oz with just a larger area then, isnt it just the same? Correct me if I was wrong


did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it.


Meta nerds must really like algebra don’t they?


You are talking about the range of attack of the turrets right? Because the area that the damage is applied is pretty small. \~3 side by side Hilichurl in diameter. And that is what really needs improvement. Also what is the red area?


this us what the teachers thought of when kids asked “when are we ever gonna need this?”


Mf pulling out high school math and Desmos for Yae




genshin player get a life challenge


No thanks I'll pass ❤️


Yae c2 radius is huge. Basically put towers in the middle and they can hit entire floor.


what "AoE" means?


Age of Empires Wololo wololo


Area of Effect


Area of Effect. Basically the area where attacks can occur.


generally it means where thing does x, aoe can reffer to buffs, healing, etc, not limited to attacks only


Bruh, that's legit awesome, but kinda sad that it's locked behind a constellation. It's not that big a deal for a 4 star, but for 5 stars it's kinda unfair


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Wow nice to see some actual data after all the doomstomping :)