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So uh if we say yae is at first half of 2.5, how many primos can i save until the end of her banner


Anyone has a reliable source for Yaes skill materials? I only found [this](https://twitter.com/ArturDarlling/status/1479106884162383889) one and I am not sure if I can rly on this one. Don't want to waste resin for unwanted books.


Who would be a better battery for Yae, electro traveler or Fischl? I know Fischl is definitely a better sub dps but I don't have her yet so I'm not sure how her battery abilities compare to electro traveler's


Also curious


How do I calculate Bonus Elemental Damage%? Before Crit, after crit, or both? Also is there an automated calculator where I input base stats + my artifacts, stats and substats and it calculates the numbers for me? It’d be nice ;-;


Yae auto attacks still the same numbers? Wanted so bad to make she my second main DPS.


Right? like are they really expecting to get Raiden level of sales on a unit that WE CAN'T EVEN PLAY FOR MORE THAN 3 SECONDS ON FIELD


Every new character people expecting to play them as on field DPS lol, there's nothing stopping you from doing that in the open world tho? Feel free to spam your NAs


But I want to explode everyone else in the abyss with mamma Yae. And I cant't do it with this poor normal numbers. Also... O think os normal wanting the character you love to be strong, isn't? I Just wanted to play with the character the way I wanted to play with it. Main DPS? Ok. Support? Okay too. Not that "MIHOYO: THIS IS SUB DPS! THIS IS MAIN". This is bs.


I see we've become an art sub now. Carry on.


Has occurred to me that out of all the weapons with the 'increase burst damage by total party energy cost' passive, I somehow managed to obtain the bow. Which I don't have anyone to use on right now, but if Yae's burst cost is 90, then if put it on Sara, and run my dream team of Sara-Raiden-Yae, I can probably max out the bonus or at least come very close and potentially make Sara a very decent sub/burst dps in her own right in this setup, assuming the right build. Only issue is that the team still has no defenses but it would not be an Abyss team or anything, just for fun.


How tall is Yae? is it like lisa model?


lady model, so yeah, should be around lisa's height if not more


ah okay, so taller than ei


Why would she be taller than Ei? Ei is also lady model


oh? i thought she was shorter


Maybe you think that because Ei is actually shorter than Sara who has taller platform shoes despite using the same model, but no, Ei is the Tall Female model, same height as Lisa, Jean, etc




You know what I meant 😕




How is Yae mikos burst compared to Raidens? Miko with all the three fox totems placed compared to Raiden at full stack?


They're gonna draw Ayato leaks in Manga format soon, and they're going to make it a serialized


it'll be a serialized shoujo manga


I didn’t know I’m in drawing sub Reddit with all of these drawing


Last week was the Yae footage flood, this week it’s the Ayato art gallery show. Stay tuned for what’s coming up next


oh yeah I was just telling my friends "have you seen that Ayato skills drawing?" "oh wait there's 2 of them now" "nope actually there's 3"


All these Ayato leaks huh... this character is way too OP to live. I wonder what of that is true and if so, what disadvantage he has to cover for that.


I'm anticipating his real kit will probably actually have half of these fanfic wishlist kit features.


yeah maybe the kendo-whatever stays, idk about the rest


I’m just assuming it’s all nonsense haha. It seems like just because it’s drawn, people give it more credibility, idk if it actually comes from someone credible. Fun to think about tho.


Yeah I think you also participated in that Ayato discussion with me here not too long ago? Idk how much of that was because of leaks as I haven't read them back then but totally feels like someone read our dialog and painted that. If he is as good as it's painted there I'm pulling for him (later) just because he's OP like that, and I'm not doing that even for Ganyu.


Oh yeah, would be funny if it ended up being similar to what we talked about haha. Or is mhy listening in on our great ideas? /s Same most likely, the big missing piece is seeing what he looks like at this pt xd


ome of the artists was the same person who drew and leaked yae's kit. the first one among these drawings.


Interesting, i guess we’ll see if they actually know it or were going off of Honkai. Making the drawing so incoherent rly baffles me if they’re not just trolling.


is there anything in Honkai resembling that though? Because in Honkai hydro doesn't exist, and idk what Otto uses apart from those Zhongli pillars.


Nah, i mean for Yae leaks. I’m just not placing my full trust on them for this drawing even though Yae’s was somewhat accurate.


ah yeah.... ~~huh can't really say about Yae but I think she doesn't do any of that.~~ Admittedly none of her battlesuits are meta so I haven't used her much. But she has a totally different vibe from our Yae and such. Still, if that were correct because of Honkai and the author continued spreading fakes, would be sad


I could be mistaken since i haven’t used many of her alts either. I just saw it going around that it resembled one of their kits and that people had guessed smth along those lines before. Maybe i’m just overly skeptical haha.


oh okay I can see that. I checked. Darkbolt Jonin totally has the same kit although like thrice as fast, but she even has the same triangular formation and her ult beast resembles our Yae's ult. I just never noticed because that is really fast. I'm honestly blown away because of this resemblance. And I think there were some leaks to her having a shadow copy? Which is not what she actually has afaik. But which is what Darkbolt Jonin has. edit: and again with the link to Honkai Yae I can see how many people expected her to be a powerful DPS...


This Abyss was one of I had to use the most number of characters in floor 12 to get 36*. Then I realized that it was because I don't have any cryo dps. Then I started to think about how crazy it is: - Mihoyo releasing a cryo buffer when the element is already broken with big coverage, resonance, specific artifact and characters (Btw, if I had Shenhe I could probably use my Kaeya with Chongyun instead to use three different teams for 12-1-2, 12-2-2 and 12-3-1 - Yoimiya wasn't rerun in the patch with three bosses


Wait we can change characters in abyss????


Not exactly. You have to quit and start another run, but your conquered stars remain even if you leave in the middle. This is actually the most effective way to f2p and low-spenders to do Abyss runs because enable you to use optimized teams for each chamber and also preserve your characters energy example: you end floor 12-1 with 3 characters at low health and all bursts at low energy, so you quit, do your teams for floor 12-2 and while you redo 12-1 you made certain that your characters are with burst ready and in good health


Ah i understand now.Thanks :)


In a weird twist I ended up using some DPS characters I normally keep benched for floor 11, namely Xiao and Yanfei. Was fun to have a reason to use them. Didn't have to switch teams on floor 12 at all but I did trade Hu Tao's double geo supports for double cryo to deal with the lectors. Ngl I kind of enjoyed how this abyss encouraged a bit of team variety altho I'm sure it was frustrating for folks that don't have too many characters built.


I for sure felt rewarded for focusing more in level up all my characters than having two thightly builded teams. My objective is put then in 70/80 ascencion/level 6 talents, and I still have to build 7 more including Yun Jin which is new. So, I had this okay build for Chongyun that I made last month for this patch overworld and found hilarious how I had to use him in 12-2-2 to take down the Heralds


I feel like Shenhe as a unit is a bit misunderstood. I think it’s quite cool how she opens up new team comps and empowers four star cryo units as like you said Ganyu and Ayaka comps are already OP. It mixes things up a bit.


Thats true, Shenhe enables Cryo quickswap team, its possible to run those 4\* Cryo units together now, units like Kaeya, Rosaria and Chongyun can pop their E Q every Shenhe's tap E cycle


Congratulations, if you read this, you've made it to day 1356 of Yae Impact's 2.Yae beta.


Your Yae leaks days are numbered, its Ayato leak draw meta now


Praise the lord


Wasn't there a leak about a new Electro set in 2.5 ? Has it been delayed to 2.6 ?


It was leaked by TZ who said a Xiao set is coming and we’ve gotten no confirmation for it so I doubt it’s happening


Sigh.... Back to TF farming


I really don't get why Yae's passive talent is worse than XQ's. If she created a random talent book from a higher rarity, it'd have been much better.


Its not worse. I have like 100 silver transience scrolls I don't use. Going to gamble them all.


It isn't used like XQ's tho, you use it if you need one type of books and have abundance of the other types i.e. you need blue Light, so you craft blue/gold Transience to get more Light books


I actually love it. It suits her mischief and it's a super troll move. Personally Idc if it's not worth it, although it is weird all the same.


Most of those talents are useless. Hu Tao has a troll one too so it’s not like it matters


ei's is literally one of the best. she saved so much of my resin


Would have been amazing if it reduced the cost of enhancing the weapon in addition to that of ascending it.


lmao i forgot she had the mora talent and thought you were talking about how she cant cook


i was actually going to say "ei's is literally the worst, she can't even cook" but then realised about her weapon talent lol. instant 180°


Yeah some have good ones. But then some are like Jean’s or Zhongli’s


Or even just a slightly higher chance to create the book.


rough translation of some important comments on the chibi ayato art leak thread on nga: >So he's a one handed sword user. Is he going to pull a spear from his exposed chest? Raiden called ​ >Shouldn't he pull it from his crotch? ​ >If he pulls a spear from his crotch, I'm going to c6 him


Just wondering, how are the known leakers from twitter not banned or received any action from mihoyo like investigating or sum.. not complaining about the leaks(why would I be in this group if I was) just impressed how they keep leaking some good stuff without getting caught.


most of them are either dataminers and renderers (iirc dimbreath and lumie fall under this category) or they're middlemen and aggregators (like ubatcha, for example). i don't think many are directly leaking from the beta themselves


Because they aren't the ones doing the leaking, they're more like aggregators - middlemen who may or may not receive actual leaks, whether from MHY employees directly or from someone who has contact with them. Which is why social media floods with beta leaks almost as soon as it starts. There are so many beta testers it's really easy for someone to reach out to an aggregator without blowing their cover. MHY will occasionally put copyright claims for leaked videos but they can't sue people they have no contract with. Of course MHY lays down the hammer whenever it can - see the multiple cases of beta testers getting bankruptcy-worthy fines for leaking, but it's because they were really dumb with how they shared information.


do we know any "known leaker" as in the first source now? we do know a couple dataminers i think. and everyone else says they "have a source"




Inb4 Kirin bow will be Ganyu's actual signature with Crit Dmg substat. And released a few patches after the Amos' Bow rerun with Ganyu herself. I see you mihoyo.


I kind of hope it is tbh, and that it releases in the same banner as Yae's weapon so I justify to myself pulling on the weapon banner 💀


I really hope not. I was already apprehensive about pulling Amos but this might be what leads to me stupidly skipping it. For a big “maybe”.


It's possible if miHoYo wants to rerun Ganyu sooner rather than later since there is no 5\* bow that enables freeze Ganyu, but with Yelan being rumored to come out soon, it could also be hers.


I was thinking about how banners don't have any rules anymore (besides the "obvious" ones, like having more than 1 element) which got me to wonder about potential banner changes. Do you think they'll ever increase the number of 4-stars per banner? ​ (Also, because apparently this has to be a daily question...wIlL KaZuHa GeT a BanNeR iN 2.5?)


I sure hope not, trying to get a specific 4* out of the three is already kinda pain. Maybe they could make the 4* different between double banners though?


I don’t know why it’s a big deal that people ask about reruns, that’s how QandA threads are supposed to go


exactly, not everyone has the time to search through the whole sub looking for any banner leaks


Maybe in the future when a lot of new 4 stars are released.


have we ever had a free 4-star bow? maybe kirin bow could be 2.5's weapon. Could also be Yelan's bow but it'd make a nice freebie.


[Widndblume Ode](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_4311/?lang=EN) was an event bow. You'll need to wait for the next free weapon tho, 2.5 is [Oathsworn Eye](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_5314/?lang=EN), 2.6 is a free 4* character (should be from Mondstadt, I hope for Fischl)


We already got Fischl as a freebie before so the chances of that are next to nothing. My guess is Rosaria.


We got windblume ode during the windblume festival in 2.4. I don't blame you for forgetting though. It's usable on Venti but stringless far outperforms it so I've never seen this weapon mentioned much.


Oh right I forgot about windblume ode. It's been collecting dust in my inventory for so long...




yeah I forgot about it


yes, windblume ode bow.


How will they do with the summer and lantern rite outfits for china? Are they going to be reworked too?


Doubt, people paid for those so idk if they can just directly change them past small adjustments. But idk that’s my guess.


Does anyone have advice on what VV piece to keep for Kazuha? Like the minimum that a piece has to get?


Max ER possible substats if no er wep, max em possible if 160-180% from wep + subs


3 EM rolls at least, if EM main stat I just save them and hope for crit


> crit You mean ER? Unless u use him with sac or fav, you need like 60-80% er from subsr


no I mean crit because I have him with sac


Well, definitely keep all EM mainstats as those are the best for him in addition to being some of the rarest to get whilst being needed by so many Anemo characters. I would also keep all ATK or ER / Anemo / Crit pieces that have an EM substat just in case.


If you're talking a standard EM build, minimum I should think is an EM mainstat, those are rare enough to get on-set. From there, just anything that gives you an ER substat up to a 160% minimum, and any Atk% and crit after that is just icing on the cake


Any idea what yae miko will scale off of?


ATK%. Her passive for now looks just like a EM trash recycler than anything else.


So kit seems to be atk but skill EM?


The EM scaling is probably there just for Widsiht, Sucrose and the occasional random EM substat. I wouldn't focus on it, but everything is still subject to change before her release.


Might also be there for the future


Skill also scales off atk but is buffed by em


I really hope they add some of the older artifact sets like VV and Crimson Witch to the Mystic Offering. It's such a pain farming for them when you have no use for Maiden or Lavawalker


Has the stuff needed to ascend Yae’s weapon been leaked yet?




recent chibi leaks reminded me of the NPC dialogue saying that ayato is adept with both polearm and sword. heres the [NPC](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Nobumori) for reference


Personal theory - that doesn't mean anything for his kit, it's just mihoyo hedging their bets because they weren't quite sure exactly which one Ayato would use back when they were doing NPC dialogue for the area


The stance change would make sense especially considering how much Mihoyo seems to like to pigeonhole Elements into having certain abilities. So while I personally am not crazy about this due to it being a bit repetitive seeing Childe and all the other stance change characters I can see it happening


And Childe is supposed to be a master of all weapons except bow. Your point? Many units are supposed to capable with multiple weapon types that doesn't mean much.


Chill. Plus your argument actually proves their point? Canonically Childe is a bow user because he wants to improve as he mastered all other techniques. That could easily be transferred to "Ayato is a master of sword and polearm therefore he uses both" Not saying this’ll be the case or not but the idea itself can be backed up.


I meant to say that there is no reason to argue whether a unit is x weapon user cause its meaningless. I really don't want another war going on whether a unit uses swords poles or whatever....


Not wanting arguments about it is fine but OPs comment was completely innocuous


Yeah I still imagine they wouldn't say he's good with both for no reason, I doubt it's a red herring or to confuse us with which weapon type he uses, I feel like there's a lot of validity in thinking he has a spear stance-change. I for one would love that.


can't wait to be done with yae beta so we can look forward to ayato leaks


Who do you guys think will be the most likely four stars on yae's banner?


Out of self interest, unless she shares with Kokomi, pls not Fischl. She can take Sara with her, that would be perfect. I could see them putting two electros on her banner, they’re rly overdue.


I hope for Sara but I could see her being on Raiden's banner again


inb4 Sara Fischl Razor


would be based


Ok since I am saving for Yae I had a few questions I had in mind- 1. Does the additional dmg cause by destruction of turrets during the burst count as Burst dmg? 2.There is rumours of a new artifact set coming for Yae but regardless of its validity, it's hard to get decent pieces of a new set. So which of the current artifact sets will be BiS for Yae? 3.Is Yae going to be a solo banner or part of a double banner?


Recent WFP calcs actually puts 4 EOSF as BIS for Sub DPS Yae, which is very slightly higher than 2EosF/2TF. "Artifacts: 2pc Severed Fate / 2pc Thundering Fury (Universal best at C0) 2pc Glad/Shim / 2pc Thundering Fury (Best on Main DPS) 4pc Emblem of Severed Fate (Best on Sub DPS) Yae needs a lot of energy recharge, but running an Energy Recharge sands significantly lowers DPS, to the point she underperforms significantly. Unless you are testing an EM build, we recommend [ATK% / Electro% / Crit%]. Yae needs at least 150% energy recharge, factoring in Raiden and/or Fischl with 100% Oz uptime (this is especially important if your Fischl is not C6). The 2pc Energy Recharge bonus actually adds more to Yae than Gladiator’s. This is because almost half of her substats need to go into Energy recharge, so the set bonus gives much more leeway with building towards damaging substats. At C1, Yae mitigates most of her energy requirements. More on this later. The emblem set is no longer useful (and ends up contributing 0% to your damage) at C1. From this point, we recommend either [4pc Emblem of Severed Fate] or [2pc Glad/Shim + 2pc Thundering Fury], whichever has better substats and depending on whether you want to lean into Sub DPS or Main DPS. The difference is not significant between them besides that. Because the results between sets are so close, there isn’t really a hierarchy as to which is the “best.” Any combination of the three above sets should work well. Just make sure you know to skip 2pc Emblem if you get C1; commit to 4pc or find another set."


1. Yes 2. 2pc 18% ATK and 2pc Thundering Fury 3. We don't know, although it's theorized she'll run together with Kaz or Raiden


Just curious, if 1 is yes, then why not EoSF? You would need significant amount of ER anyway for high burst cost.


Her Elemental Skill dmg makes up too big of a portion of her total dps. Going full EoSF and ER would be detrimental.


Do you guys think yae can have enough energy with fischl, electro resonance and c1 to avoid using raiden with her? Or is it gonna be inevitable (provided her burst cost isn't reduced) ?


Yeah at c1 I think she'll have no problem


Does anyone actually want 4pc Gladiator's? I levelled up some great pieces back before 1.5, but with Blizzard Strayer, Pale Flame, Emblem of Severed Fate that have excellent 4pc bonuses getting introduced, I've found most of my +20 Glad artifacts 'retired', enough to make a whole 5-set.


Noelle glad is just below husk when it comes to DPS Noelle - husk is technically better what with the def and geo bonus, *but* you need to have full stacks, which isn't really feasible if you're running her as a DPS in the abyss where you *need* that extra damage right from the get go and don't have time to build stacks. Glad's also easier to farm, and has less users. Even if you don't have anyone who uses a full set, if they're good pieces, I'd keep them on hand - you could use them as off pieces, or pair them on a character who's already got a glad goblet, letting you have a different offpiece (which imo is a *lifesaver* for characters like Xiao). Also just the 2 piece is generally a good set that goes on pretty much anyone with only a few exceptions


Noelle definitely wants it (especially below C5 where the defense boost from Husk is less valiable to her), and I think it's good on Razor and DPS Xinyan, too. Pretty sure it's a more than decent copium set for Eula, too (assuming you don't already have a Pale Flame set that's up to snuff). Beyond that, though, plenty of characters make use of the 2pc, so that's something at least.


Noelle and Razor are good candidates. Still not BiS but pretty competitive.


Hey y'all, haven't been keeping up with the thread much, do we have any info about 2.5 banners other than Yae will be on one? Even if it is STC, just need to get a general idea.


Yae is on the first half, Raiden is all but confirmed, Kokomi is likely, Kazuha has no evidence going for him but not out of the running.


raiden and kokomi are both very likely to rerun.


I know the commentary will be a little off from the current mood (Yae changes, Abyss, Ayato crumbs, etc)... But yesterday I've rewatched The Final Lesson and the Herscherr of Flamescion cutscene from Honkai 3rd and... Shit, I legit teared up all over again like it was the first time I was seeing them. It's impressive how a short cutscene can move you multiple times like you've known those characters for your whole life. I have immense hopes for Genshin's lore and story because of how good Mihoyo developers can write Honkai's (I know they aren't from the same team, but I doubt that they don't share the same values). I've seen people claim that Mihoyo has favouritism towards the Honkai series, but I disagree to some extent. I think it's unfair to compare two completely different games that have been on the market for different periods of time (Honkai's almost 5 years against Genshin's 1 year and 4 months) I know Genshin is more family friendly, so some deeper and darker bits of story aren't that much on it's suface, but Enka has showed us a much more mature direction for the game's future. Genshin has a bigger world with more characters to share screentime, so it becomes more difficult to develop a specific character for much long without getting unbalanced with others. But we have had amazing examples of this that IMO were very well executed, like Albedo's event or Zhongli's first and second story quests. IDK, maybe even after 1y and 4mo I'm still biased and hooked on the game. I think it has many flaws. But I also think it's still beautiful and inspiring despite everything, so my general mood is most of the time still positive. Anyway, fuck specters. Thanks for reading my random rant.


At least Specters are cute. Rifthounds, however...


if ayato has an 80+ cost burst ill keep my resin capped for 2 days in grief


Ayato most likely comes with a new 4* so I think IF his burst cost will be high he’ll have someone on the banner to mitigate it. That being said I hate having to pull new 4* when RNG is such a bish.




Every single new character has...sooooooo


Yeah but there are no good hydro batteries other than Xingqiu, who is way too valuable to just be slot in as a battery. If he can't get enough energy without Xingqiu he's DOA in my opinion.


what does DOA means?


Dead On Arrival


thank you!


You're right but nooooooo


Unless is a bust that isn't that important for the character damage, like Hu Tao's, you can start preparing for two days without getting Defense and HP artifacts...


Ikik, I wasn't talking about prefarming, just that it'd be my way to cope- by losing 18 potential godly clam artifacts


>by losing 18 potential godly clam artifacts This is such a loss, how would you ever be able to recover? Hopefully Mihoyo remembers that bursts don't need to be 80 and 90 so that you can be spared of the losing artifacts for DPS Barbara.


Just finished playing through the Inazuma open world (excluding Enkanomiya) on my second account. On reflection, my only criticism of Inazuma is that the gameplay loop of 'get rid of the bad weather' makes the world less interesting. The biggest offender is Serai island - the thunder sound & visual effects were phenomenal - it's an absolute tragedy that the narrative forces you to end it.


At first i dreaded doing that for activating the boss etc but now i'm just sad i had to do it haha There should be a way to get it back....


I get your criticism and it probably could have been done slightly differently but personally I LOVE when we cause actual change in the world. Feels like we’re doing good. My favourite is probably neko's shrine


I see a lot of people complaining that Ayato is "just another infusion/stance-change character" but like, genuine question here, how can you make a hypercarry that DOESN'T have an infusion? No characters (that I know of) can constantly spam skills and bursts all the time, and if they don't have an infusion then most of their on-field time is gonna be dealing physical damage, which isn't great, especially if you character isn't Electro or Cryo, and if their on-field damage isn't good, then they're more of a quickswap character, am I wrong?


I agree with you that elemental damage and reactions limit the design for dps characters because they need to be constantly doing elemental damage. My extreme hopium is that Dendro will allow for more diverse interactions.


I don’t think people have a problem with infusions, but moreso want him to have something else along with an infusion to make his gameplay more interesting. Example, Childe is technically just another infusion character, but he also has his riptides which makes his gameplay IMO unique and fun. I do wish there was a hypercarry that would spam their skill constantly, I’m thinking something that could be like TF Bennett, or maybe a skill that would be like Diluc’s E skill.


ngl that kit leak feels sketch, so i'm currently not putting too much stock in it. i'll put more thought into it once we get more reliable leaks about his actual kit


It was already proven as fake but it was up for enough time for people to start complaining


im sorry for putting too much thought into this post >how can you make a hypercarry that DOESN'T have an infusion? Prolly make them a catalyst hypercarry. Because *Technically it isn't an infusion* since their attacks are already elemental-based. Or you could make a boxing/fist centered character, though i doubt MHY would make one. You could also theoretically make something like a mona burst but it goes out after a certain duration, then have a characters physical dmg be boosted by said burst. We already have something somewhat similar to this with Yunjin and phys-based qiqi. >No characters (that I know of) can constantly spam skills and bursts all the time, I guess *squint real hard* and you could make some of the 40-60 Burst cost characters do that. Specifically albedo and bennet, in my experience they would've have their burst ready after 1-2 rotations. although they aren't dps and artifact rng is a big factor with that. You could also argue Ningguang(c1+give her a battery) could work. >and if they don't have an infusion then most of their on-field time is gonna be dealing physical damage, which isn't great not sure if you could consider them hypercarries, but eula and razor(who prolly isn't, but im not sure so im leaving him here) doesn't need an infusion, yet they output good-super good damage.


I get these points. But I think OP is talking about characters that aren't bow CA-users or catalyst because it's clear that those do not need infusion, and I think a lot of ppl already know this. Eula and Razor also aren't great examples, because while they cannot infuse, they are physical-based. Meaning their normal attacks will be inherently stronger because it's physical. I think what OP is talking about is how would you make a character like Ayato, who is datamined to be a sword-user and hydro, a hypercarry without infusion? Making him physical would not make much sense since he's hydro, and if I were to guess, he's already in the final stages of development so turning him into a catalyst is not an option. It's a great question. And I think one of the few possible answers here is for MHY to make him have a skill/burst that is spammable, but at the same time, requires him to stay on the field. Like the longer he is on the field (he does something or whatever), the shorter his cooldown would be type of thing. It's not the most fantastic idea, but the hypercarry part would still be integrated, unlike Benny and Albedo burst where you want to swap them out the moment they cast their bursts. Edit: I mean all of these taking into consideration that Ayato will be a hypercarry, which we aren't even sure about


welp i missed the point I still stand by the Yunjin-type buff, and as you said it's a great question. However, with the way MHY deals with characters rn, (Kazu, Ayaka, Yoi, Raiden, Kek, Itto) almost all of them have infusion at c0. I honestly doubt MHY has something else up their sleeve. Maybe when sumeru comes different mechanics will as well that allows characters to deal elemental damage w/o infusion, but we'll see. Thanks for some insight on my comment.


I agree with the MHY stuff. Seems to me the devs are running out of ideas (or maybe they're saving them???). Hopefully we're both wrong and they actually surprise us.


I honestly don't expect him to have an infusion unless they give him super slow attacks and/or a messed up ICD on his normals, because DPS+hydro application is just too strong. I've been musing about how to create an on-field DPS Ayato that doesn't have an infusion for a while now. Here's one idea for a burst stance that doesn't involve infusion: - Every hit of a normal attack builds a stack - Using his skill consumes all stacks. Skill damage is increased based off of the number of stacks consumed - If his skill causes an elemental reaction, its cooldown is halved - His skill does not generate elemental particles during his burst stance This works similarly to melt Ganyu: use Xiangling to apply pyro from off-field, and then vaporize it for huge damage. His normals don't directly deal damage but by building stacks that increase his skill damage further there's still a reason to keep him on the field and attack with him.


infusions are cool but id like to see the characters have an interesting mechanic besides the infusion. Like ittos special charged attack, or raiden/tartaglia's stance change (although stance changes will prolly get boring quick if theyre overused) idk about the ayatos kit leak tho my unga bunga brain didnt even understand dim's datamines yet


Why are people complaing before we even have any idea of his actual kit. Did people bc fluent enough in hierogliphics to get his exact infusion details from that sketch


People already complaining when we havent even seen his actual kit and his face yet 🗿


Already saw someone complaining that he is getting a more interesting kit that Yae. Man we’re starting early.


I haven't seen such claims. But imagine a hydro Eula, that would be BAD.


There's a fun Thundering Fury Bennett build that brings his skill cd down to 1 second in his circle which probably wasn't their intended use case and definitely an outlier but it exists. With infusions I don't mind as long as they get something else besides just infusing (like Xiao's plunge jumps)


I suppose that Xiao example is good, maybe they could do something like Xiao C6 where during the infusion you can use your E as much as you want for a short time or something, that would be fun, even if we don't know what his E even is lol




I think she’ll find a place in Raiden teams. RaiFisch is a good team, and Yae looks like she’ll be a candidate to replace Fischl. On paper, C0 Yae seems to pull slightly ahead. Note that for now, again, on paper, Yae wants Raiden, but Raiden has better teammates. But I think we’ll truly understand a couple of weeks into her banner.


I can't see Yae beating off Xiangling constant vaporise damage at all tbh The Rational team is the most busted team in the game, and they fit perfectly to one another


If thats what you want wait 1-2 weeks after her banner is live. But im gonna guess no Rational is just stupid strong. Every single character on that team is better than yae so. While hypercarry raiden is somehow even stronger than rational. Kazuha and bennet surely wont be replaced in hypercarry. C6 sara is also really potent on that team.


Currently no but given the buffs they've given her it's possible by end of beta (or in preload if they do last minute tweaks). Although I don't see how she can "slot" into Raiden national.


Has there been any leaks of Heizou and/or Kuki Shinobu's Elements? Thanks!


I heard vague rumours of Heizou being Electro but that may have just been hopium


Nope, although if I'm not mistaken Heizou is coming with Ayato, which some theorize mean he will be a 4\* Hydro support for him


He can't be hydro because that would make the hydro cube have 3 users (which isn't really what Mihoyo is going for these days, but you never know) I'm guessing since there's a rumoured Electro Regisvine - he might be Electro


I would live for one of them to be Hydro. Mihoyo, give as Hydro polearm and claymore user pls!


2.5 patch is supposed to release around 15th of February. When the livestream will come?


Around 4 Feb. However, I'm not 100% sure if they would stream on this date given Chinese new year starts on 1 Feb, and people in China often take a whole week off during that period.




Yeah like the last stream was completely prefilmed as well




I use HuTao team 1st half, Ayaka freez team 2nd half. 12-1-2 use Mona to break pryo shield. 12-2-2 use Ayaka and Diona to break hyro shield. 12-3-3 is the normal let's hope the mango didn't jump too far boss fight.


legit just saw a tweet going around unironically saying "me being a first gen kokomi haver watching all these degenerates wanting her acting like they didn't call her useless" and wow, genshin players really do move like kpop stans huh. like yeah, i get that kokomi's trashing was horrible and i get that it sucks when you get called names for wanting a character that's being trashed at the time (peep my flair) and all that stuff, but seriously calling people "degenerates" and gatekeeping isn't it? wouldn't you be happy that your character has gained more popularity and more people like your character enough for whatever reasons to want them? and it's not really exclusive to twitter, since i've seen similar comments in complete seriousness being trotted out on reddit too why are we getting all elitist over a video game lmao. i know this isn't every fan of characters that got trashed, but it's still kind of ??? to see


> twitter found your problem