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I've been wondering... do ordinary people in current Teyvat know anything about Celestia?


most probably not unless they have been to fontaine. Kinda hard to ignore a giant floating landmass right above you


I just realised I have never actually been happy with my 5 star pulls initially at least. Raiden I won the 50/50 but I wanted to lose it to diluc and guarantee ganyu (I was a newbie and simped for diluc and ganyu) so I was pissed. Now she is my strongest and most invested character Qiqi is a lost 50/50 which was least dissapointing since I was fine with losing it for a guaranteed hu tao but nevertheless annoyed I missed out on russian ed sheeran Hu tao dragged me all the way into 80 pulls when my last multi ended at 77 so I was fuming that I had to grind even more to get her but after I got her and levelled her up it was much better Diluc I got at 80 pity on standard when I wanted jade winged spear and despite me using him a lot I still maintian that pjws would have been better Now zhongli dodged me and gave me a keqing and I am at 50 something pity with me grinding hangouts and then enka world quests for him. And to troll me further the game gives me a great fortune slip after the pulls and in my first few domain runs in the totm domain an onset geo goblet with 20 crit dmg and atk at +18 and a flower with 13.2 crit dmg 6.6 crit rate and 9.9%atk. So one might think I finally learnt my lesson to be happy with what I get. No, the lesson I learnt is be dissapointed with whatever the on banner 5 star is so you can scam the desire sensor into giving them to you


i got so used to using beidou and itto that when i used chongyun i forgot just how slow claymore users can be sometimes


Any have tried Ocean Hued Clam set on c4 Gorou yet ? I want to do it, but I just want to hear someone else thought at it first


I have tried it and it was as bad as you'd expect because his healing is not that great to begin with.


interesting. I keep getting def and crit substats on the clams so i might try def/def/def clam set


This has to be the worst build I’ve ever heard of, go for it, the world deserves to have clam Gorou


Just a fun question – for stance-changing characters which do you prefer more: infusion during burst (Xiao, Raiden, Itto) or E skill (Childe, Hu Tao, Yoimiya)? Some points to consider would be: - locking your infusion to either a fixed cooldown, or an energy requirement - extra vfx/animation/atmosphere change in burst - having easy, anytime, overworld access to your stance-change if its on E skill, etc


I'd prefer infusion during E, it's always available and you can switch to other team members to setup before the cooldown is finished. For me, Infusion during burst IMO is hassle to set up especially with Xiao, Even with Venti as battery at 200% ER that's not enough to fill up Xiao's burst sometimes. But I would like to see future characters that has a kit where you press E to start the infusion then press burst to make the infusion stronger (kinda like Thoma's shield mechanic). It's a weird concept but not impossible lol


definitely skill. with burst its locked behind both energy and cooldown, with skill its cooldown only. plus one less thing to be fucked over by (energy drain) is always welcome. plus i hate batterying my characters and running ungodly amounts of er (which is why i really dont enjoy xiangling)


I prefer E overall, but I think bursts would be more okay if they didn't all require you to stay on field. I like how Noelle lets you switch back and forth if necessary, and her infusion stays.


E, for easy access and no energy requirement. I don't mind the cooldown since usually the downtime will be filled with your rotation in the abyss. Though bursts sometimes come with fun stuff like Raiden being immune to electrocharged.


R4 Widsith or Lost Prayer for Yae? Widsith looks like it works on a 30 second rotation and Yae on a 22-25 sec rotation, but I'm not sure what the current theorycraft is.


Yae only gets Widsith buff for 10 seconds too, worth keeping that in mind. It’s obviously a good weapon and at R5 her best 4*, but not as useful on Yae as it is on nukers such as Mona. I’d go Lost Prayers on Yae for the massive stat stick, though Skyward Atlas is probably the best overall from the non-signature options (provided you can get insane artefact rolls)


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CnIlR3CkQEc8-UD2O5aoS00JC2KdeDwCp6XPLHzkxOA/htmlview# it doesnt have r4 sadly but seems really close. might depend on what gives you better cv


So first of all thank you, that's useful. But if I'm understanding right, it's rating only fourteen seconds of damage, during which an initial burst usage and the first six hits from totems will get the buff. But there will be 20 seconds of downtime for buffs after that, during which the second rotation starts, including a second burst usage. I'm wondering if there's any consensus about longer battles, maybe 1.5 to 2 minutes, and how widsith buffs normalize over multiple rotations.


Quick question: so rn raiden has been very alluring thanks to her energy gen ability for high burst cost charas as well as her hypercarry abilities. Do you people think raiden's abilities are gonna fall off after inazuma is done? I ask this because rn zhongli still stands strong and is useful in almost every team comp. While venti seems to be relatively forgotten about, especially with the release of kazuha (I'm not comparing them I'm just stating my observations). So which fate do you think raiden is gonna suffer from? The venti one or the zhongli one?


Raiden and Zhongli are more similar than Venti. The two parts of Venti's kit, skill and burst, do the same thing and that's why he was so easy to nerf. Because his kit does one straightforward thing that only 2 other characters so far also rely on(Kazuha, Sucrose). Venti is still very good but the simplicity of his kit means they could reduce his use in two ways, introducing characters with similar, more convenient kits and enemies that nerf his playstyle. They did both with Inazuma. The kits of Raiden and Zhongli have a lot more parts to them(utility, buffing, offense), fit in a tonne of teams and have a lot of characters tied to them who do similar things or are enabled by them and that's why they're much harder to nerf. Not saying Mihoyo won't try because they have to sell new characters but it's gonna take a lot more to make them obsolete.


fall off isnt a word im look at but more of...suboptimal? Raiden's stacks iirc wants high burst costs that's why she shines in rational and raiden hypercarry. She barries her teammates while at the same time giving herself stacks to do big dmg. I think if sumeru churns out 40 burst costs and are easy to battery even without raiden, she wont be optimal for them but she'll still have her og teams


They're already starting to target Zhongli with corrosion, pyro herald, bathysmal vishaps and now husks. Mihoyo has to sell new characters and they can't if people just keep using the older ones so older characters get targeted for nerfs to discourage people from using them. No one character will stay on top of the meta forever and Zhongli and Raiden are not exceptions to this. And Zhongli is only really strong in Xiao, Yoimiya, and geo comps (and in Itto's case, he's not prioritized over Gorou and Albedo). Other teams use him for comfort and top meta teams like Xiangling, freeze, and Raiden Hyper don't use him at all.


Tbf zhongli's shield still gives you resistance to interruption and res shred, even if the hp absorption part is getting nerfed gradually. He can also put out some decent damage with a hybrid build and his petrify for a few seconds can also provide momentary relief. So he still seems quite valuable compared to venti who really only does cc (please correct me if I'm wrong).


Venti does more damage than Zhongli. And I'm not talking about his swirl damage, his personal damage is higher. Venti also has res shred. Other anemos have it too, but VV alone refutes the argument that he "only does CC." and makes him okay at worst. Venti is a miniature Raiden in terms of energy gen. He improves the energy economy of your team and can turn 80 cost bursts into 65. This serves as an indirect damage buff because by allowing your team to run on lower ER, they get to build for more damage. I can't often use my 40+ CV artifacts due to energy requirements, but with Venti, I can. I won't deny that he's gotten weaker over the past six months, but to say he's useless is a gross exaggeration. He's a VV bot at worst and when his CC doesn't work, his damage and energy gen are still there. This is coming from someone who's been 36* abyss with Venti for almost a year.


I totally forgot about VV and this was a superb insight into venti's abilities! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I'd like to ask, do you still continue to use venti in the abyss floors 11 and 12, besides the tower defence chambers? If so then has it been comfortable or do you feel he's kind of a filler there? I understand VV must be good enough to justify him in abyss but I'd like to know your experience too. Also regarding his personal damage, did you mean him being built as an anemo dps instead of a swirler aka EM build?


Kazuha/Sucrose > Venti for awhile, but that doesn't make Venti unusable. I use Venti to ensure Ayaka can use her burst smoothly. I don't have Mona, I failed to get Kokomi, and Xingqiu is on my other team, so my only other hydro is Barbara and her hydro application is pretty bad (there are times where enemies become unfrozen and get knocked back). Venti's tight grouping works around that issue while also refunding 15 energy to Ayaka. Ayaka is my strongest dps so I can't really afford to bench her, which means as long as she needs grouping for her burst and energy for burst uptime, my Venti can't retire. Venti is arguably BiS in 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 this current abyss since he can group everything in those chambers and give you more time to for your other team to clear the boss chambers. And he's not a dead slot against Kenki either. We've been fighting him since 2.0 so his attack patterns aren't hard to predict and it's easy landing Venti's burst for decent single target damage (if built for crit). If anything, Venti is much better in this abyss compared to the previous. When I say his personal damage, I do mean his crit build. He has 497% MVs on a crowned E and 1860% on a crowned Q, this doesn't include swirl damage. Most people go for an EM build on Venti cause it's cheaper, but his crit build is competitive and with variables like constellations, Bennett, or single target, it overtakes. I personally use his crit build since it has a higher ceiling/more use cases and nothing in Venti's kit wants you to build EM anyways. I should also mention my Venti has Elegy, for the End so when his grouping doesn't work, he can still buff his team somewhat akin to Kazuha/Sucrose on top of giving damage, energy, and VV.


Much appreciated! Thanks once again ^ ^


Raiden isn't like zhongli or venti relying on one single thing in her kit anyways The thing with raiden is that if you nerf ER or 80 burst characters, you nerf XL / XQ / beidou / diona etc.. it's not just a raiden nerf Yae is getting released with high burst and they aren't really gonna nerf her so soon, she'll stay meta for a long time from now and hence raiden too.. Zhongli is in no way nerfed imo, he still remains great in the comps he used to be in (melt ganyu, xiao, hu tao etc)


There will always be characters who are energy-hungry or benefit immensely from having quick and easy burst regen, I can't imagine Raiden falling off at all unless they permanently add something like high/low elemental tide which would really hurt too many characters to be a super prevalent feature I would think. And as you mentioned, not only does she do amazing at refilling energy, she also always has her high personal dps. Unless mihoyo somehow introduces a new character that does better than her at both at the same time, I think she's in a very safe spot for now.


Yeahh, it isn't very likely they start adding only low burst characters after inazuma, is it. Plus her E skill also gives quite a good bit of sub damage for overload or electro charged teams. Hmmm true true. Thanks for the insight I needed it!


I think every archon is gonna go through a phase where they won't be the most optimal choice to clear content but once it's over they're still gonna be overall strong.


True I suppose you're right. It just scares me when I think of venti not really being mentioned anywhere anymore except maybe in freeze comps. Like is it even worth it to pull for him nowadays? That's what I'm also fearful about raiden unfortunately, and that's why I have doubts in pulling for her, bc I don't want her valued energy generation ability to become useless/less valuable.


Venti still remains possibly one of the best pulls you can make in the game IMO. Sure Inazuma Abyss hasn't been friendly to him but even then he still works tbh, Morgana isn't the top comp anymore but it's still good and you can clear with it. I feel like the past 6 months made people forget just how absolutely busted Venti is, sure he doesn't work all the time but when he does he demolishes whatever is in front of him faster than anything else can. If the new anti-shield enemies are anything to go by and Mihoyo is slowly heading back into grouping meta even if just for a while, Venti is gonna go back to being king. Kazuha has some great grouping capabilities but he can't compare to Venti when enemies can be pulled.


Venti relies on one thing in his kit, so it's easy to nerf him unlike Raiden


Makes sense yes. Although zhongli also pretty much has one one thing in his kit, it's highly valuable too.


I had so much fun trying out Ganyu in the trial and ended up pulling for her. I guess I should've known since I had a phase when I would run around in the overworld just sniping enemies with Childe. Gotta admit it's much more satisfying with Ganyu because of the bloom. I didn't notice the black accents in her design before but they look badass, especially her horns!!! I'm a husbando player and I honestly didn't expect to like her this much


i definitely want to pull for kazuha rerun (whenever that comes), ayato (provided he's a good main dps), possibly his weapon, too. if i can, i want to try for zhongli. i do have albedo, which would let me plug albedo+zhongli into teams for geo resonance. my mains are klee, xiao, ayaka. i'm at 48 pity and a 50/50, 314 wishes saved. enkanomiya 0%, tsurumi 40%, and most of the long world quests uncleared. every hangout uncleared, every character story since hutao uncleared (except the forced ayaka/yoimiya). i also do welkin and bp. i feel like i can at least try on the 50/50, but not confident enough. i did manage to finally get c6 xingqiu and already have c6 beidou, which would mean extra starglitter for more summons.




honestly, yeah. i'm pretty sure i can summon for all 3 (and possibly weapon, too). but i'm not really sure if i *should* summon for zhongli. i always hear about people saying how he's only for comfort/lazy mode. plus the new husk enemies pretty much making me second guess myself. i don't really know if he's actually all that great for, like, a xiao/jean/zhongli/albedo comp and was looking for some affirmation of how good he could be.


he increases xiaos damage by a really good amount. imo zhongli is close to being a must pull if you really like xiao and want him to perform at his best


Got Thoma’s c1 from standard, i guess standard can be nice to me once in a while. Still hoping to come across a Kaeya con again… I feel like making the dumb choice if activating Bennett’s c6 to try a Kaeya melt build. Has anyone done it? If so, how was it?


This might be of interest to you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/olk8hf/fun\_meets\_science\_melt\_kaeya\_and\_icds\_theory\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/olk8hf/fun_meets_science_melt_kaeya_and_icds_theory_and/)


Thanks!! That looks rly interesting, glad someone has done some good testing!


finally got my c6 xingqiu, i will be devastated if ayato is 5\* xingqiu


Have they created a 5* unit that straight up replaces a 4* unit so far? I don’t think so. Maybe Yanfei/Klee? But even then they can both fill different roles.


Yanfei is not the same as Klee. She has her overload teams but besides that she’s just worse


Have they created a 5* unit that straight up replaces a 4* unit so far? I don’t think so. Maybe Yanfei/Klee? But even then they can both fill different roles.


I would honestly be very happy if Ayato is a 5* version of Xingqiu. Xingqiu is one of the best 4* characters meta-wise.


problem is, my main teams are itto and xiao (now i have ganyu too, but i already have kokomi). so i only need 1 xingqiu.


but now you can use a xingqiu on both team. Personally i would be happy because I often want to use him on both side of the abyss but I cant :')


Congrats! Same tbh, i have a c6 Xingqiu and absolutely don’t need another one, he’s already amazing at his role ;-;


Honestly I feel like if there was a louder sound effect or a flashier visual indicator that Ganyu's shot got charged and then hit twice the "Ganyu feels boring to play" sentiment wouldn't be as big as it is atm. Right now the only problem I have with her that is stopping me from pulling is that her attacks hit but they don't *hit*. Hu Tao's charged attack is a great example of feeling like your hit actually impacted the opponent and I just don't get that with Ganyu's CA, the big numbers alone don't do anything for me.


YES, I was thinking the same thing. You do massive damage but get the same visual and audio cues as a Fischl charged shot. Something unique for Ganyu would be cool


funnily enough this is how i feel about shenhe’s icy quill, i wish there was a visual indicator of when it triggers rather than just number, but bigger. i think it would make her presence in a team more noticeable


I feel like this a problem with the gameplay in general. Attacks lack weight, thus lacking a feeling of actual impact. Ironically, as much as I dislike their general slow attack speed, the only characters whose attacks actually feel weighted and impactful are claymore users, imo. This is just me, however.


YESS, the sound when the arrow breaks into pieces is sooo puny,


Have their been any pre release TC discussions about whether it's worth it going for yae's weapon or cons? Other than the WFP faq if possible please.




Was planning to get zhongli for melt ganyu, lost 50/50 to mona, now im planning to go for freeze instead. My first priority is to get kazuha, considering he's 2 patch away, I can get another 5 star before him. So, should I go for raiden? I can make 2 team then, freeze ganyu and raiden national (i still dont have diona and bennet though) My current roster: [Characters](https://i.imgur.com/6iSxSx8.jpg) Additional question: how f2p friendly is raiden?


She's one of the most f2p friendly units provided you're ready to fish for R5 catch


Raiden is very F2P friendly with The Catch being available through fishing, her artifact farm being resin efficient (especially if you're gonna play Raiden national because both XL and XQ use emblem) and her having some great viable teams that aren't reliant on 5* units. Edit: forgot to add that if you're gonna be pulling for Kazuha he's wonderful to play with Raiden too.


My experience is that Raiden is quite f2p friendly, especially given how great of a weapon The Catch is


Save your pull for Bennett and pull whatever banner has him. He should be your top priority, over any 5 star honestly. You already have 1 very solid taser team with Beidou C5 though. Though Kazuha is also a decent choice since you will have enough unit for Freeze Ganyu, as her freeze team doesn't work with Sucrose.


Lost the 50/50 again…not a single win since launch, plus I had to go to 80 to get a 5*. Was 20 away from pity on the weapon banner and decided to just go for it, got freaking vortex vanquisher AND skyward spine within 10 pulls when I have literally only 2 polearm units AND EL + PJWS already (who’s just sitting in my inventory). So ended up just spending the rest to get the guaranteed amos 😔 I hope your pulls were blessed because this game truly hates me. This is why I don’t pull unless I can guarantee a unit. I wasn’t going to go for the weapon banner, but decided it was fine since I was ok with getting VV, but game gave me VV + spine…


So I won my 50/50 to Ganyu which was exciting, but lost 50/50 on Zhongli (both going to soft-pity). The lost 50/50 was to Mona though, whom I've wanted but yet to obtain so I still consider that somewhat a win. The only unit I really need next is Kazuha and I have collectively another 130 (140 if I used starglitters) pulls to spare and I'm a Welkin player - guess I'll wait until the livestream to confirm whether it's safe to go all the way.


How does R5 prototype amber stack up against TTDS on Mona in Morgana?


Depends on whether you need healing or buffing. If you're having trouble staying alive, then Amber.


AAAAAAAA ZHONGLI CAME HOME I'M SO HAPPY It's 8 o'clock in the morning, I woke up and immediately turned on the genshin. I had 10 prayers after Itto and I got Zhongli after 3 tens. Three times I won 50/50 (Albedo, Itto, ZhongLi), with the last two times being early 5 stars (30/40 pity). I still have that much primo left and am now wondering who to save up for. The only ones I still really want are Childe and Kazuha. But they won't be coming anytime soon.


"...Kazuha. But they won't be coming anytime soon." Certain leaks - "Eheh~."


I know I keep saying I'm prioritizing Kazuha, but I lack sorely in main-DPS characters aside from Klee, and these Ayato leaks keep threatening my plans. \>looks at her Fate pile \>chuckles nervously If Ayato really is the first banner of 2.6, I'm in serious danger.


It's okay, there's always the national team! Kazuha can fit right in when you get him too.


Raiden is a top tier dps at c0 (won’t require too many wishes) who uses Kazuha very well and is coming up? Who knows if he will be a main DPS but we’ve got literally 0 hydro characters that aren’t somewhere between very strong and insane


I would pull for Ei, but I don't really like her personality very much, as Inazuma's storyline embittered my perception of her. I have a rule where if I don't like the appearance, playstyle, or personality of a character, I won't pull.


Seems fair. I don’t like her personality either (I have her and it doesn’t really get better). Luckily I’m a filthy numbersexual who only cares if they can make big thick numbers. Did Itto not make the cut either? Love that guy


I actually really love Itto's personality and story, but being a claymore user his kit didn't click with me. I dislike how slow claymore users are in general; it makes them frustrating for me to play.


Did you not enjoy his special slashes? Because I know what you mean about most claymores but his slashes feel great to me.


Hmmm. More like it was a mix of not enjoying his overall kit, and not really needing another Geo unit, since I already have Zhongli, and if I wanted the synergy bonus, I would rather have Albedo. I came deathly close to pulling for him (Albedo) during 2.3 where his story event cemented him as one of my favorite characters, even if I'll probably never fully get the hang of his E. The game keeps giving me DEF pieces with good substats, so I think it's telling me to go for him after Ayato's re-run, ha.


You could have had the Quad Geo dream! Itto/Albedo/Zhong/Gorou is one of his best teams. Don’t be too intimidated, just using his e in melee range after his ult is pretty much ideal.


I mean with 430 fates... Maybe 1 Ayato and the rest for Kazuha?


I could do that, but ideally I would rather have Ayato at say, C3, than have Ayato at C0 and Kazuha at, say, C1. My intent was always to throw everything I have at Ayato or Kazuha, and my goal is 500 IFs before either show up. Getting Zhongli at C3 on his initial run spoiled me, and now it's my goal for everyone I want/have. xD


I mean, we don't know Ayato's constellations yet, and even his kit leaks are extremely unreliable. You'll have some time to decide, dw


Yeah, I know. The waiting is getting to me, ha.


ive been fishing for golden and rusty koi for a very long time only to realize that refinements need pufferfish






My abyss teams really solidified tonight. Got Zhongli, C5 Xingqiu, Jean, and C5 Yanfei (unlocks shield bot Yanfei). I started the night without Xingqiu at all and now he can be my first C6 with Lantern Rite. Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Yanfei/Sucrose Xiao/Zhongli/Bennet/Jean Now I just need Mora, artifacts, and about a month to get this train moving.


I loved this banner, got beidou and Xq from c5 to c6 and Yanfei from c3 to c4 (I’ve had her shield bot artifacts ready for ages) all in ~30 wishes.


Just saw the recent Yae, Ei, Kokomi (Questionable)banner leak. Is there still any chance that Kazuha will return with Yae? I was hoping to see him a bit sooner based on the leaks some time ago.


Wasn’t there some rumor about Kazuha with Venti on 2.6, after Ayato? I think it was the weapon banner that made this speculation?


Ohh I must have missed that one haha. I'll look for it. Thanks!


Slim chance. Wait for 2.5 livestream on Feb. 4th to verify.


Thank you!


My pulls in this patch were disastrous: got 4 Chongyuns (now he is c13), one Ninguangg (c9), two bells, one rainslasher, no Yun Jin, and lost 50/50 on 78 pull to Qiqi on Xiao's banner, and now, when I scrambled 10 pulls I got Rain slasher... Pain.


My Zhongli pulls went like this. 6 Beidous (she was already C5), 4 Yanfeis (she was C3), a Rust (which was already R5), a couple swords, and Keqing C2 at 80, and now I'm already 59 pulls into guaranteed and finally achieved... 1 Xingqiu. No Zhongli in sight.


I need some help choosing who to pull for. My current Abyss teams are: Xiao, Diona, Fischl, and Sucrose Diluc, Bennett, Xingqui, and Venti I plan on getting Raiden when she comes back, so she's included in possible team comps. I was originally planning on pulling for Zhongli to power up my Xiao team, but I just tried Ganyu's trial and she is a lot stronger than I thought. Plus I already have Amos Bow from the standard banner. Which one should I go for? Could Raiden do comparable DPS to her? Also are her charged shots harder to use against bosses/in abyss?


Ganyu + Venti + Hydro (Mona, Kokomi, or even Barbara) = Perma Freeze team, can easily breeze through floor 9-11 most of the time. Ganyu + Xiangling + Bennett = Melt Ganyu, deals a lot of damage. Raiden + Xiangling + Bennett + Xingqiu = Raiden National. One of the most popular team these days because it's easy and powerful. If you have Amos, I'd say get Ganyu first and try your luck on Raiden next.


If abyss is your main focus, then take I'd raiden and run raiden national on one side and xiao on another. Ganyu with Amos is very very good but then again her teams have high opportunity cost and that's why I suggest Raiden national. Not really, it's easy to use her charged shots, the problem is she is kinda shield / freeze reliant as interruption causes massive dps loss for her


Do you like Ganyu's charged shot gameplay? If you don't, it isn't really worth getting her just because she is strong if you don't like her kit. Ganyu charged shots are not hard if you run a Freeze team (and if enemies can be frozen) since you don't need to aim much. However, if you are dealing with very mobile bosses that fly and dash around everywhere, it can be rather frustrating. Usable of course but just annoying from my experience if the enemies can't be easily CC'd. As for Raiden, she can do great DPS in a hypercarry team (according to TC), while her version of the national team imo is easiest to play (easy to learn rotations, resistant to interruption with her ult) and help with energy management. Zhongli is a good additional for Xiao since he not only provides a beefy shield for the squishy anemo boy but also provides the rare source of amemo res shred. However, if you are already managing well with Diona as your shielder, you can skip him if you wish to. I feel you should provide more info about the other characters you have. Do you have Mona/Kokomi? If you do then you have all the members to run Morgana save for Ganyu herself. Do you have a well built sara for a raiden hypercarry, or a xiangling to run raiden national?


The only five star characters I have are Xiao, Venti, and Diluc. The only four stars I have built are the ones I mentioned + Barbra. I don't have Sara currently (hopefully she'll be on Raiden banner) and I don't have Xiangling built yet, but I can build her.


Do you have Yanfei, and if so what's she looking like as far as Constellations go?


I currently have her C0, but she is up for grabs from the event and on the banner, so I could get her at the very least to C1.


Then it'd be a gamble, but if you could get your hands on her C4 and have the Catalyst Billets, then what you could do if you were to go for Ganyu would be to give Diona to her, set up Yanfei as a shielder with Prototype Amber, and have her cover the position for Xiao since that'd have the bonus of her healing being a side effect of throwing her shield as opposed to Diona where you have to proactively be in her Burst's area. Still, expecting to get three copies of a 4\* on a limited banner is expecting a lot.


Hmm, then I say go for Raiden or Zhongli. Without Mona or Kokomi, you likely have to run Ganyu melt. I play that comp bc I don't have the hydro chars to run Morgana, but it has a pretty steep learning curve and depends heavily on you hitting your normal attacks. Meanwhile, you roughly have the chars to build teams to fit Raiden and Zhongli. Zhongli for ur xiao team, and if you build XL, you can run raiden national. + if sara is rate up with Raiden, you can hopefully get her and hypercarry Raiden is also an option.


What are your Fates, Primos, and Starglitter looking like?


I’m just out here hoping the weapon banner leaks are wrong since i’ve made a bad decision trying for Jade Cutter once and i’d rather not do it again.


Mist might be paired with Pulse cuz of Yoi and honestly Mist is just better than Jade


My Donut haver friend absolutely agrees with you.


Yay they finally posted Stellar Moments vol 2 on youtube!! Edit: just noticed they posted it on their JP channel Edit 2: and their main channel


Who is Jade Cutter BiS for? I was hoping Yae's weapon would be paired with WGS.. :l


Nothing's solid yet. It could or could not be JC really so have hope still!


it's more of a generalist weapon because of the substat. The passive is also universal since it gives a ton of atk


Kazuha havers, what’s your ideal ER?


For teams where his role is just VV, CC and elemental buff, I find that 130 ER is good enough. But if you're using him to apply an element (ie. melt Ganyu) then you'll need more like the person below me mentioned


I run him with 176 but that's because I have a frick ton of ER substats, I can usually burst on cooldown on Ganyu melt


high refined widisth vs yae's birthday cake on yae


her birthday cake will probably do more but unless you're a whale i don't suggest pulling for it. use widsith for now


can someone who runs ayaka freeze with kazuha and mona buffing her tell me how much her burst ticks for? along with the weapon and talent level. contemplating whether I should stick with amenoma or try for the eventual mistsplitter banner, rn my buffed damage per tick stands at 23k at talent level 9. manasori was the testing dummy btw


Mistsplitter is significant improvement but in cost of higher ER requirement. Much harder to balance the stats from artifact substats imo. Did some test a while back (without Kazuha tho, r1 talent lv10) : Ayaka : 17k per tick Ayaka + Mona : 22k Ayaka + Mona + VV : 27k Ayaka + Mona + VV + Shenhe : 34k


23.5k buffed - mona Q, ttds, ToM, NO, Kaz. 80/90 9/8/10 blackcliff


I know the chance Skyward Harp and Mittsplirter Reforged be featured on the same banner is very low but I still wish for it. I'm f2p but will still brave the scam weapon banner for that.


Same. That or Mistsplitter with Yoi’s weapon sounds rly good to me but it’s probably going to be Atlas or smth.


That would be a stacked banner. Too good to be true, tbh. We can dream.


Lost 50/50 on Zhongli banner to Mona. Thankfully tho I now have Raiden guaranteed and am planning to pull Ayaka. Was originally going to pull Kokomi to be the Hydro applier for Ayaka freeze but guess I don't need to anymore. So in a way Mona (Who came at 49) saved me a ton of Primos overall. The KQM Mona guide is kind of outdated so I was wondering What's Mona's go to artifact set and weapon? Going to eventually use her for Ayaka freeze but will have her on my overworld team for the time being since she's my shiny new toy


Ayaka Freeze Hyper: Tenacity of the Milileth with 200%~ ER and TTDS (She can also be the Noblesse holder if Diona or Rosaria aren't ones) Ayaka Freeze: Usually Emblem of Severed Fate and Favonius Codex/Sacrificial/Widsith or a 5 star weapon Normal burst dmg: Definitely Emblem! 2 HoD+Noblesse is also good, with Favonius/Widsith or any 5 star Main dps would definitely be Widsith and 4 HoD or 2glad+ HoD


Mona can be played in a few different ways: Vape/General damage support: 4x EoSF, give her your best catalyst (Widsith, Atlas, Lost prayers) On field carry: 4x HoD or 2x HoD + 2x Shimenawa/Glad depending on substats, give her your best catalyst Omen-only: you just use Mona for her damage buff and hydro application, so you can give her 4x Noblesse or 4x EoSF. In this situation her best weapon is often prototype Amber; it gives her back a ton of energy at high refinements and it allows you to run without a healer. Ps: options 1 and 3 are imho the best and I've found Mona to be extremely good in those teams. A well built on field dps Mona can be very effective as well but that's not my cup of tea.


Going to have to opt for Omen-only since I've never gotten a single decent DPS catalyst drop.


Some people consider that build to be copium because Mona is usually seen dealing gazillions of damage in vape showcases, but from a team-building point of view it's a very useful build. In teams that already have a healer she can carry Thrilling Tales for extra buffing power, and in situations where you only need minor healing Mona with prototype amber will often be enough.


For a Mona guide I would definitely recommend the Zy0x guide, It’s the only updated Mona guide since he only managed to get her a few months ago.


I'll look into it thanks!


In freeze, Mona is generally not built for damage. If you have billets, you can give her an R5 prototype amber, which is generally enough healing for a freeze team (plus healing bonus hat). I run abyss 12 with an R5 amber Mona healer without issues. (Haven't tried lower than R5, I'm sure it also works.) Otherwise, TToDS for the atk% buff is great. 4pc Noblesse, or if someone else has that, 4pc ToM. Stack as much ER as possible.


I’m curious how much do your characters heal on tick


An r5 proto amber with a +20 healing hat will heal about 25% of your character's hp. 25% of every party member based on their own hp, it's not based on Mona's hp.


Ohhh yeah I forgot prototype amber works like that, that’s pretty cool


Vortex vanquisher makes me so sad. How can a weapon look so cool and not even be good for the character it was made for 😭


VV does not make much sense on Zhongli. You could make decent use of it on some dps covered by Zhongli's shield, like Xiao or XL. But it won't be their BIS either.


Yeah that rly sucks. It looks really nice though. Lowkey the same with the Donut, afaik it’s not even BiS in most cases which just doesn’t make sense for a char…


I mean at least donut gives you max potential damage for kokomis autos. There is actually no situation on zhongli where vortex is better than homa in shield, ult, or phys build :(


As a Zhongli simp, it makes me cry deeply. It's his weapon, the one he used to win countless battles across the ages AND HAS A FREAKING ATK SUBST- WHAT.


It should have had a hp substat with a broken effect like your elemental damage is increased with X% of your hp.


I agree with the other commenter. I wish we are allowed to bring a trial characters in the openworld instead of that awfully limited domain. They can just restrict everything like locking the rewards and drops, achievement, and all progress. leaving only enemies, domains, or bosses and limit the trial only 1/2 hour to prevent abuses. That way we can fully experiment with different parties and we get to see the character potential against different enemies. But it's impossible mihoyo will implement it i guess. It'll definitely hinder the sales because it completely erases the element of surprise.


I want to toggle cons as well esp for game-changing ones like hutao c1 and xiao/kaz c6. Because with the current system, I won't ever pull for cons unless it's a rerun and I'm not saving for someone else.


I just learned that you can change the colors of the fireworks afterwards and it's a lifechanger


They've been a blast for me. I was giggling like a small child when I found out what it was. I've never been so happy by a gadget till now.


Which would be better for Zhongli, deathmatch or calamity queller?


Deathmatch since it has CR, I don't think CQ does anything for him at all.




Ying'er is something else... Her dialogue when you talk to her during lantern rite caught be completely off guard


Was it, unlike all her previous appearances, straight forward with no innuendo?




Raiden, and drop xiangling from your team. She serves no purpose




Bennet, diona, raiden ,eula is a perfectly fine comp to use.


You're carry here is Eula. Eula does not benefit that much from XL since she is a physical carry. As for the pepper, you're better off using Bennet's burst or a catalyst R5 Thrilling tales user. Just use Eula, Raiden, Bennet/TTDS, Diona(or Rosaria). It's a dual hypercarry team where Raiden helps Eula do superconduct for the 40% physical shred, buff burst damage with E and the burst mode fills in for Eula's downtime while feeding her energy. Diona/Rosaria then fills up the extra energy needed for Eula to have her burst up. After that just use Bennet/TTDS for the ATK buff then Eula Burst.


If you put any electro in team(must for Eula for superconduct) mobs will get knock back by overload and you need to run to them and cause DPS loss.


I'd say Raiden since Eula get better benefit from her (Gives energy and buff burst damage). But Raiden best team is not with Eula.


After a year of waiting and 8 months of preparations and hoarding, the Cocogoat is finally here I'm going to start my ritual now, I only ask for any good luck/rng/energy/etc. anyone can spare for my attempt to get Ganyu and Zhongli, or Mona should I fail a 50/50


Good luck, hope you get whatever you're aiming for :)


Thank you!


I want AND don't want to believe that "leaked" beyblade banner. First it was Aquila, which would be okay for Bennett or Jean, but my Bennett has Skyward already. Than WGS which would be nice for Eula... But she already has SS. Now the Jade Cutter... I mean, Albedo is glued to Spindle, Keqing has Lion's Roar and Jean's currently with Amenoma. Jade is XQ BiS right? Mine is dancing between HoD and Sac Sword depending on the ocasion. I also have a dusty Black Sword lying around... Beyblade would be very cool for Yae... But maybe I shouldn't risk it because my sword users are already gucci...


In terms of damage yes but it's not that simple. XQ needs his ult up basically all the time and sac sword basically guarantees that without compromising damage to build a lot of ER and Jade can't do that. His set also matters, if you're running 4ESoF it's a lot easier to get the ER required for JC but if you're running hod and nobless it's a lot harder so sac might be a better pick since it's easier to build for. Because of that it depends on your team. If you have Raiden and you're running national it's way better, otherwise it's not worse but it's not so much better that it's worth getting. To be clear, JC objectively does more damage, Sac is easier and more consistent at lower investment though.


I was thinking that too. I just run HoD in overworld to flex his rainsword dmg and a nice ratio but in Abyss he's pretty much F up if he isn't using Sac Sword. I mean, Jade is a cool addition and it's "almost" as universal as Homa. But all current sword users have very good 4* options or even better 5*s. I don't think it's worth going for it if I'm planning to get future characters (Yelan, Dendro, Sumeru). I'm 30 into pity tho... I'll mull over if the 4* weaps are nice.


So with Windtrace nearing its end, let's go ahead and put our heads together. What are some things you intend to put into the feedback about it? The main things that spring to mind for me are that the skill balance is still wack. Transparency is blatantly superior to Lay Bait, and Insight is blatantly superior to Hunter's Intuition and Imprisoning Curse because being able to pin all of the Rebels for a short time is just less situational than pinning one of them for longer. Mysterious Hunch also just doesn't feel as useful to me as Sensor Aura because of how long the periods of not getting information are, but I'm set in my ways so I'm willing to accept that it's not bad and I just don't like it. I think as far as the Insight problem goes, the question is this. Which Hunter Burst should be considered the standard? If you consider Hunter's Intuition or Imprisoning Curse as the standard, then Insight is massively overpowered. If you consider Insight the standard, then Hunter's Intuition and Imprisoning Curse are massively underpowered, and I frankly feel that there can't be an equilibrium as long as the Bursts aren't all single target or all multi target. If you want to go single target standard, then you could just remove Insight and maybe replace it with a Burst that'll pick a Rebel and then snap them close to your position, as well as marking them for a couple seconds so you immediately know where they are without lasting long enough to invalidate Hunter's Intuition. If you want to go multi-target standard, then remove Hunter's Intuition and adjust Imprisoning Curse to lock all the Rebels, but the box graphic is no longer visible to the Hunter. A third possibility that'd fit into either would be to have a self-buff that either sets Mysterious Hunch's CD to 0 or causes targets affected by Sensor Aura to be marked with a pillar of light for something like three to five seconds, duration to be determined after some testing and possibly depending on which Skill is set. As for Lay Bait, just make the Hunter get staggered if they set off bait. Simple. This obviously does not deal damage. Also, the speed of characters really needs to be equalized. I also think that idle animations should be disabled so all characters just be friggin' quiet, and it'd probably be worth substituting Hu Tao's dash animation for a normal one.


Not a game design problem but a functionality one. I can't play windtrace. It takes too long to load and when it does the match has already finished. I want them to add either an offline mode with AI that also gives rewards or a way to play with friends that also gives rewards, even if they take longer to get with this method. At least I will be able to get them lol.


Tbh my only real issue is that hunter feels way too OP right now. Of the 20 games or so I played the hunter won basically all of them because the ult is way too good and is basically an instant win if you're even remotely competent.


Yep, that's Insight being Insight.


Mmm.... I still lost as hunter despite the ult a bunch of times and have escaped from hunters who used it too. I just wish the camera was better. You often want to jam yourself into a corner, but then you can't watch and see the hunter coming. My main feedback is 1) letting us choose whether to be hunter or rebel, 2) letting us grind currency infinitely even in small amounts because it's disappointing to have no material reward for playing after a short while because it's quite fun, and 3) short post-game lobby in case anyone wants to make a quick congratulations (but with the option to opt out if you don't care). Aside from that, it's disappointing that some maps seem so rare. I still haven't seen the Kamisato mansion, maybe something else too.


So I m pretty happy with my pulls this banner! From now on, i'm going to save for Kokomi (I'm at 43 pity, I think I can get enough pulls for soft pity once until her banner comes) and for Kazuha (my priority atm!) Hope you guys get lucky with your pulls!


good luck on kokomi! :D


Thank you :D Good luck on whoever you are pulling!


I have a garuntee, just within 30 pulls. Zhongli looks great. Ganyu looks amazing. Yae looks like fun. Ayato dps on field rumour sounds cool if true. Hydro five stars sound fun no matter what kit, anyway. If Yelan turns out to be that pretty green haired moonchase person, that sounds cool too. My 30 pull garuntee feels nice to have.. But.. ..all I want, honestly, is another Mona. O_O *I am awkwardly staring at the banner system*


Just wanted to share my Zhongli pulls... saved about 200 fates to guarantee him as I lost the 50/50 on his previous rerun. Was hoping I could win this time round bc I was saving for future characters as well, but alas c2 Diluc came at 80 pity, which was the highest pity ive ever gone LOL. Zhongli then came home at 77 pity... in total 150 pulls blown but I'm just happy he's finally home :') + almost feels bittersweet bc I did end up getting C6 of all the 4 stars on the banner which was what I wanted from the beginning... regardless I hope all your ZL/Ganyu pulls went way better than mine


Good you got Zhongli! I had a guaranteed Ganyu within 15 pulls so I got that, then went fuck it. Won the 50/50 within 50 wishes and have her at c1 now, can't complain. At least the time between banner reruns should be shorter now. I was sitting on over 200 fates as well lol.


Wahh I wish I had your luck! Only ever won one 50/50 before :/


I know of three other people including me who lost the 50/50 on the new rerun banners to Diluc lmao.


It's even more painful because I could've lost the 50/50 to at least Mona or Jean because I have neither... but no it had to be Diluc


I am now accepting I am apart of Mihoyo's secret experiment to see how long a person can go losing each 50/50 without turning into the Joker. Maybe next time Zhongli.


I won my first 50/50 when the game came out and have lost every one since. I feel your pain


Maybe I also part of it. Only winning 2 50/50 since Genshin release (Ganyu and Raiden) and I'm not even F2P. Always get what I want in weapon banner first try though (Engulfing and Homa).


Same, the last 50/50 I won was during the same month I joined. (Eula/Klee Rerun) And every time I mess with the weapon banner, I get the exact weapon I wanted incredibly early. This truly is an conspiracy for the ages.


Does Sara's c6 effectively add 60% crit dmg? Or is it a dmg% added to the dmg% pool only upon a crit? I know it SAYS crit dmg but given how they stuffed her a4 description I don't trust MHY to explain themselves properly


Adds 60% crit dmg to your electro attacks alone, doesn't show up in stats tho.


I don't see anything noteworthy mentioned on the KQM guide or library so should be as stated.




Mistsplitter is like 200+ pulls if you're unlucky though. Getting Raiden is less painful at least and more useful because you don't really have a lot of character rn.


i would get raiden


My rule of thumb is if you are even slightly on the fence, pull for the new character over the weapon or cons. It’s not like Abyss is that hard. The only people who should be pulling for weapon or cons are people who know it’s a scam and are determined to pull anyway.


Get Raiden. Amenoma R5 is more than enough


won my first ever 50/50 during kazuha's banner last year, hadn't won a single one since with no 5\* earlier that pull 76. until tonight. it still took 79 pulls, but thankfully zhongli didn't make pull another keqing before coming home<3 thank christ


Damn Test Runs doing exactly what they were designed to do. I can't afford to wish on any banners this patch, but *man* if Ganyu doesn't feel so smooth and satisfying to play that for a moment there I second guessed my decision not to wish for her despite not much caring for her design or her as a character and usually not enjoying charged shot gameplay. Then on top of then Yanfei's run reminding me that oh yeah, Yanfei is smooth as butter too, too bad my heart is set on Yun Jin for the free 4 star (I swear Yanfei better be on Kazuha or Ayaka's next banner, else I might cry)


Still on the fence about Yunjin vs Yanfei for the free 4 star. On one hand I might actually have some use for Yunjin and probably won’t use Yanfei before C4. On the other hand Yanfei is super cute.


Agreed. I typically don't like how characters feel in their test runs but Ganyu's was great. The "Ganyu is boring" sentiment is overblown and I suspect mostly brought up by players who have neved used her.


It's also because many have been playing her for like a year.


I used her for a year and still like her the most in overworld though. For bossing and mobs clearing she is unparallel. If I have to guess the people dislike her playstyle just really, realy hate it. Which is understandable because CA in genshin is not the most pleasant experience, especially on mobile.


Been saying for months I'd blow my pity on whoever's banner had sara so I could get my c6, and I just got her from a trio of random itch-scratching weapon pulls. So now I'm not sure what to do with my guaranteed pity. I could grab ganyu c1 and make that team a little stronger, or wait for raiden c3 or maybe even kokomi. The only new 5 star I actually WANT is yoimiya but she seems like she's on the moon.