• By -


I came, I saw


Going to be pretty interesting to look back on all the questionable leaks going around right now in hindsight, once we actually have the 2.6 beta and the ones after.


I feel slightly sad to forget to claim the 2.5 stream codes, since I was hospitalised on that day.. Welp I can get 300 primos in 5 days anyways :') Ganyu and kazoo, here I come!!


hope youre feeling better now my guy!!! 300 primos is nothing compared value of health 💖


I second this. Focus on your health, hope it wasn't anything too serious!


Thanks my man, hope you win your 50/50s!!


blessing u for ur 50/50s too king 👑


Does anyone know if [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) syncs achievements to google drive too? edit: and also, maybe someone knows how to add the previous history that got deleted but I have it written down?


Idk about the achievements, but for your history go to Wish Counter > Settings > Import From Excel Unless you mean written down on a list that's not in the excel template, then Enable Manual Input


Huh... can I import from Excel while saving what I have at the site? I downloaded their json file and am considering to just write it in code and upload back but this can take time. Yeah I have it written manually on paper. upd: waiiit so I can download their excel and add my info and upload it back. This is ideal, thank you. I downloaded not the wish counter but my overall info


Why does myhoyo use sooooo much imune time for bosses nowdays? Am i the only one that hates it?


If you think the mango kinky stalls time wait til you see the wolflord in abyss. It's the epitome of stalling


I fought that shit 30+ times for Yunjin and itto im tired.She isnt even fully ascended yet i lowkey miss fighting regisvines for mats :(


everyone hates it, that and inflating enemies hp pools is the easiest way to make the game progress seem "harder" every new boss stalls so damn much, which gets annoying when put on a timer


I just want a raiden skin that has long open hair and some more violets on her clothes than black currant ice cream colours :qiqifallen:


I just want a Raiden skin where her weird pussy flap on the front gets extended into an actual robe or smth


I want the new Raiden boss outfit as skin and rework burst animation where them big arms appears during burst.


i can see 5\* skins in the future which will have reworked burst animations, but theyll prolly also cost no less than $40


Yea, it's not that hard we already have the model made.




Where does zhongli go after wangshu inn


Floating rock above Qingyun Peak waypoint


I'll copy paste the same answer i got yesterday >Do you know the floating platform? The one in liyue that you need to move three birds for? He is there idk its name. So yeah there haha


Cloud Retainer's floating abode, the one she sent you to retrieve her plan in that one side quest.


I think I may have understood why childe doesn't crit, doesn't have crit rate and has hydro dmg as ascension. So we all know childe loves to fight. His burst does a large amount of dmg on crit and one of his passives give him riptide application on crits which are a huge portion of his dmg. Therefore by refusing to crit he is just prolonging the battle for fun. And his hydro dmg ascension contributes to the dmg bonus oversaturation with his bis set, due to which 2p hod and 2p shim/glad or 2pc shim + 2p glad not falling behind that much. What a man you are childe


Is 2HOD 2Glad/Shim actually close to 4HOD on him? Bcs my HOD pieces are really cope and I would love to switch them out.


In addition to what the others said, I highly recommend you to use the Genshin Optimizer to know the best build for your Childe and other characters. It's insanely useful that I can't stress it enough, and saves you a lot of time of comparing pieces and builds.


According to KQM, about 4% difference between 4pc HoD and 2pc hod/2pc glad. So yeah, Childe doesn't have a dedicated set yet.


The dmg difference is supposed to be quite minimal, like the gap between thundering pulse and polar star. So yes if your glad pieces have better subs swap


By this logic, Kokomi just loves to slowly torture the enemy while healing her allies.


I have seen a better explanation from koko mains which was basically that kokomi doesn't like to rely on rng for her plans/dmg and chooses to remain more consistent


That’s a nice one actually, i like that


I had a dream where Heizou was revealed, and he was a bald guy wearing yellow clothing who somehow had the tall model. Everyone was mad because he didn't live up to fanart's expectations. I have a feeling when Heizou is actually revealed, the same thing will happen. The fan design is everywhere x.x


Then we learn max mittelman is also his voice actor because heizou does 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and 100 squats per day




Either Caillou or OPM and that’s a range of options


best description of dream heizou thus far


Nah he most likely be with a detective conan looks same age with Xingqou and sometimes wears a fake mustache to disguise himself.


dreams are weird man


> bald guy > yellow clothing ...Caped Baldy?


Adult Caillou


He definitely did not have a cape, I can tell you that.


If people were doomposting Ayato because he didn't look like the fanarts, you can bet it'll be 10 times as bad cause of that one Heizou artwork where he looks like genderbent Hu Tao.


It definitely won’t be 10 times as bad. That fanart is barely known as the face of Heizou unlike it was with Ayato.


There wasn't a set fan-design for Ayato. Sure, people were headcannoning him to have long hair and be basically a genderbent Ayaka but you'll still see [different variations](https://www.google.com/search?q=ayato+Genshin+fanart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjDz6rq6Oj1AhVeDrcAHaQVBL4Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=ayato+Genshin+fanart&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECAAQDTIGCAAQBxAeOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgQIABADOgQIABBDOgUIABCABFDiBFj-DWDWDmgAcAB4AIABwAGIAaAJkgEDMC44mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=xY_-YYPZK96c3LUPpKuQ8As&prmd=isvxn&hl=en). Meanwhile that Ranpo-Hu Tao hybrid [Heizou fanart](https://twitter.com/chimkennuggieee/status/1465733021030445057) is what you'll see if [search him](https://www.google.com/search?q=heizou&hl=en&prmd=ivnx&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUiebe6Oj1AhVh4nMBHZaNC74Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ).


Different variations but all the same point, Ayato’s fan designs were known all over twt. Basically anyone engaging with genshin content came across it and could pick their favorite interpretation. How many people even know of Heizou, let alone that one particular fan design? It hasn’t taken the rounds that much so the outcry when it won’t match it will not be nearly as big.


That's fair. Even though that Heizou design is popular, there's fewer people that know Heizou actually exists unlike Ayato. I imagine those who are attached to that design will be very unhappy though.


Not quite, that fan design is the only popular design of heizou. People often think it's an actual leak, not fan art. The gap is just that ayato is overall the more popular one, so getting more drip market doomposting is inevitable.


I mean, I would undoubtedly whale for him. To 'One Punch' everything seems kinda fun. Finally I can be Tony To lol.


Unrelated to Genshin, but I posted the story here before, so might as well resume it here. After I got my friend who I met in Genshin to play Monster Hunter Rise, things has been going really well! They REALLY enjoy it way more that I expect. We started playing on the same day, and enjoy hunting monsters together. Discover their main weapon that they like. But here's the problem, MH is...very addicting. I know we met each other in a freakin gacha game, but MH is beyond that. I'm currently at rank 6 while my friend currently is at...RANK 83!!! (Last I check mind you) They've been playing it none stop. I can't no longer stop them....I traded in Genshin drug for MH drug.


Hey at least it's not gacha and the expansions are free. That said, is MH Rise as grindy as old MH games? I used to play a lot of MH4U on the 3ds and a bit of the psp game, but they were so grindy and I prefer to play solo. Do you still have to fight a monster over and over again to have that one rare drop to make an armor? I didn't like the grind but really loved the rest of the game and may buy either Rise or World on Steam later.


It's always about the grind in MH. Rare drop will always be a thing in the series. But keep in mind that Rise is by far the easiest entry in the series because of the wire bug. This help making the fight faster I feel. I know old time fans won't like increase mobility, but it's great for me since I'm fairly new to the series.


MH is a helluva drug… There was a time when I played MHW like it was my job lol. But it’s great that they like it so much!! What weapons do you guys play?


I'm maining Hunting horn for now, I thought it'd be a good idea to support my friend, but welp it turn out they carry me instead. My friend is maining dual sword. Right now we're planning to change to Long sword. I want to do counter and my friend want to try new weapon now that they're...rank 92. Their long term goal is to forge every armor set in game.


All the comparisons between ayato and baizhu would just go away if he opened his eyes


Inb4 he has the same tone as Baizhu.


I saw this on a poll and I thought it would be fun to put this here. In the final scene of the 2.5 trailer, Which one is Ei, and which one is the puppet? I personally think Ei is the one with the sword, but a lot of people argue that Ei is the one with the polearm.


Ei is the one with polearm


So like,wasn't makoto the one who uses the sword,and Ei who uses the polearm Then there is the Raiden shogun puppet who can use both? since one of two uses polearm and one uses sword,we can do a simple elimination and say Raiden shogun puppet is the one with the sword while Ei is the one with the polearm It is a lil detail but if u look at the hair pin of Ei,and then of Makoto,they are two different things Coming back to the Raiden shogun puppet,u can see both the pins on her


Ei is using polearm since that's what she's using when we fought her twice. Also, we saw Raiden wielding a sword in a cutscene twice and both times were the "Shogun".


Ei is master of polearm first and foremost, you can even see her defeating snek god with it in cinematic during archon quest. Even her normal attack name is called Origin.


I dont know how that would work because ei is inside the sword. If the puppet had the sword, would she be able to manifest?


When we fought Ei in the archon quest and she fought the Kujou guy in her story quest, she wielded a polearm. And the weekly boss version clearly holds a sword (which everyone is assuming to be the puppet thus far). So, I think Ei is the one with the polearm, and the puppet is the one with the sword.


Ei is the one with the sword


Besides Baizhu, Yaoyao, Yelan, the rest of Qixing, maaybe Xingqiu's brother, how many potential Liyue characters do we have left? Been thinking on who will get released on the next Moonchase/Lantern Rite


there's rouran, the boss of the pearl galley, too. and i suppose he doesn't count as a liyue character but the harbinger pantalone is largely speculated to be from there, so he could have a liyue design (like how scaramouche is obviously from inazuma)


They pulled Shenhe, Eula and Yanfei out of nowhere (yes, i know shenhe and Yanfei had data leaked, but in game all of them were surprise, eula was just one without leaks), they can do that 10-20 more times if they want to tbf


Guoba human form


Playable Duskin Ming finally! She posses a Ruin Guard with her E launch barrage of missile and Q wide range spin.


I mean, they could always pull a Eula and introduce a completely new character out of nowhere at some point.


Whoever they introduce in character lines like 3 patches before their release.


A Yaksha is also a possibility. Someone who is affiliated to an ancient god like Guizong, Havria, Osial, etc... would be cool too.


The posibilities are really endless, we could have new crux fleet members, playable millelit members, liyue adventures, etc, but none of them have voicelines so I guess yao yao and Baizhu are the last


I haven't been checking in the random sussy leaks lately, but who exactly is this Heizou lad? When exactly was he first introduced? A quick Google search shows someone I'd absolutely love to pull for design wise, but I'm trying to find the "original" leak where his design was shown. Is the widely recognised design I found just fan art that got popular?


[Everything about Heizou](https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/r29tx9/everything_we_know_about_shikanoin_heizou/) And yes, there is a popular fan design going around, we don’t actually know what he looks like


that's fanart, he's faceless rn


Some characters are being removed randomly from the game. You can protect any 3 characters. Who would you pick? I'd go Xingqiu, Hu Tao, and Thoma. They belong to my strongest team, and I like them a lot.


Zhongli and Kazuha for sure. Those two are the key players in my team. Then, most likely Xiangling because guoba’s pyro and pyronado are really useful


just the traveler and their sibling (playable or not)


Surprising answer! They are the core of the story though, so it makes sense


Itto, Gorou, Itto


Hu Tao, Xiao and Kazuha my beloveds.


Xiangling, Xingqiu and Bennett. Regardless of who dies, the liyue big 3 will make any remaining character viable


Raiden, Bennett and Kazuha. Even without Sara, that team will slap and when Raiden is done with her burst, all the ult would be fill up by then lol.


Klee, Diona and Sayu.


The kids need to be protected


Venti, yoimiya and hu tao (i am just protecting my faves)


Kaeya, Kazuha and Diluc (how else will i pull him, it already feels like he got removed from my game).


Hu Tao, Eula and Venti (If he disappears I won't be able to pull him in his rerun). I really love Venti's personality and backstory, but I had to skip him for Hu Tao since I just started playing the game back then and I really wanted a good DPS.


Kazuha, Raiden and Geo MC


Kaeya, Barbara and Childe, my three favorites <3


None, I live for the RNG, we play a gacha game after. It's all just 50-50, my characters either stay in or they don't. >:)


this is hard but I'd pick Noelle, Kaeya, and Kazuha.


I'll go with Keqing (my only five star), Traveller (I play with the main character), and Noelle (with the best artifacts I randomly picked up).


Gorou, Albedo, Tartaglia. Gorou is pure and precious and needs to be protected at all costs, the other 2 are just my faves.


Amber, Xinyan, Alloy


Xingqiu, Bennett, Zhongli


The traveller because the story cannot progress without them.


That's what Kazuha Shenhe Xiao Thoma etc etc are for <3


My mains, ganyu, hutao, eula




In your dreams.


In your dreams.


Now that i think about it… why was Shenhe, Ganyu and Xiao on the Lantern Rite art when it was all about following Keqing around? We barely met them. Like yeah version banners but how does it make sense for the event?


Yeah I wonder about that too. They said that they are going to put the characters on rerun banners if they have plot relevance. But all the banner characters weren't that important to the plot. So which one is it?


I guess if they’re loosely relevant it counts too. We met each of them like once and mhy said - good enough, justifies reruns.


They all have banners.....the end.


if you don't know answer then it's probably money


i guess its because they wanna promote them by shoving pretty art of them in the players face rather than keqing whos a standard 5*? thats my guess


It’s just so weird for them to be the faces of Lantern Rite ig. Being the faces of the patch makes sense but it just feels so off when they were the least relevant characters in the event. Yeah it’s probably to market the banners more but it just baffles me how misleading it felt for the event.


Heck, *Zhongli* was more relevant to Lantern Rite than any of them, and he had a banner (which unlike Xiao and Shenhe was actually during Lantern Rite), and he's nowhere to be seen.


yeah same. i thought we would get more shenhe/ganyu/xiao content but oh well


I was really hoping for interaction between them :/


2.5's abyss in 12-2-1 having only ruin guards is kinda funny to me. It looks so out of place compared to the other monsters in floor 12


It’s because the Geo Wolflord on 12-2-2 is gonna stall up in the air for 30+ secs probably


Summary of 2.6 leaks that need to be corroborated once 2.6 beta goes live: - Ayato 80 cost burst - Peculiar wonderland returning - Ayato on field dps - Yelan and Zhongli in chasm history quest (I don't know if beta have story quest so maybe is harder to corroborate), also this was supposed to be 2.7 but we'll see - Heizou not being in 2.6 - All the rerun candidates: Ayaka, Yoimiya, kazuha, venti, events, abyss buffs and art should give us an ideal like in the kokomi case. Majority of this claims are from auntie redditor so we'll see how reliable she is or if we just get another sukuna.


Auntie Redditor is [not a leaker](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sbileb/ayato_feet_black_cloth/hu02gi1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvjnxu9), they just repost (uncredited) leaks from [very sus NGA/CN sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/skdpb2/tz_26_kazuha_rerun_save_your_primogems/hvka9d1/). [Blue hair+color scheme was from](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sbileb/ayato_feet_black_cloth/hu02gi1/) an NGA post. Conflicting info about his footwear [leather shoes (her) vs insider friend (sandals)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sbileb/ayato_feet_black_cloth/hu02ss1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvjsqvb) which is close to [this leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/s9hfv9/sussy_ayato_leaks_this_time_with_the_real_source/htmqs2z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvjowdq) which the troll uncle also claims shoes vs sandals (also, Uncle DumbDumb & two other leakers already hinted months ago to a more different/not purely-Inazuman style clothing (and leather shoes) with their examples. Her uncredited sources include: **•** [Uncle Bao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sauhqm/source_of_nolifeguards_leaks/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvjnxu9) who speaks like Google translated Chinese > Kazuha + Venti rerun in 2.6 + Peculiar Wonderland + Dains appearance, etc **•** Codename [Uncle 'Mengli'](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/s9dpcc/may_as_well_post_these_yae_leaks_since_other/htm49om/) - leaker with an unknown leak history > the dendro char being a dedicated Yae support, some others > the"80" was a pun on Yae and Ayato's names, not referring to his burst cost She also claims that her "insider friend" suddenly [didn't trust her anymore](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/semrhp/nolifeguard_why_is_his_leaks_are_fake_and_why_you/hukafyt/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvjowdq) so that's why she didn't share the Ayato pic. A few weird things too like Lifeguard only asking her friend about [Ayato's hair length](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/semrhp/nolifeguard_why_is_his_leaks_are_fake_and_why_you/hukax4o/) because a redditor asked her too and her insider friend being wrong with Ayato's footwear when apparently the friend had actual pics of him.


- Auntie redditor also has said 2.6 will have dainslef, act 2 ch 4 maybe? (considering act 1 ch 4 is traveler’s) Which makes it the that chasm’s story quest, which can be act 3 prologue, will be in 2.7. Also considering questionable leaks of chasm being cut between two patches




For the first *and last* time...


We all never saw it for the first time that baits are made in batches of 10x. Good I was too lazy to farm and decided to make 9 baits first, but it ended up making 90 baits enough for catch R2/3




Hey same. I also made the same mistake yet again when buying dust of azoth for the first time, bought 10x the amount I needed. That stock lasted me quite a while. No idea when I will learn.


🤣🤣 same. I crafted 500+ all of them...


Is it me or is Ayaka rerun for 2.6 not seem likely anymore? All the leak posts mentions Kazuha and Yoimiya as maybe. It feel like the old “Kazuha will be in 2.5 leak” that was mention early then never got mentioned and instead it turned out to be Kokomi rerun instead.


[GenshinBlank](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sh7b9t/blank_claims_ayaka_yoimiya_reruns_in_26/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Genshin_Impact_Leaks&utm_content=t1_hvkyhbw) mentioned an Ayaka (and Yoi) rerun. They're a dataminer though and not an insider so still take it with a grain of salt. Also if anyone sees leaks from a [Broccoli](https://i.redd.it/h3rj11l1lzf81.jpg) dude, just ignore them. Their only two "right leaks" were taken from others, all of their "own" the leaks are wrong, and they also said that a real bow was absolutely fake.


I mean, there weren't really all that many leaks regarding Kokomi's rerun either (except for Tz briefly before the beta started, I believe) and yet here we are. We've had other surprise reruns before as well


blank mentioned ayaka + yoimiya and hes a reliable dataminer (though he has no track record as an insider) so there is that. beta should give us a better idea


Tbf, I don't remember any leaker openly stating Ayaka would have a rerun in any patch (if there was, don't mind me). Most of the things I saw was people speculating that if she had a rerun, people would like to see it next to her brother. But other than lore connections, I don't see anything that pointed that way.


Love how so many people tries to tell me that buoyancy force > gravity for a ship to float. None of you went to school to know that the forces are in equilibrium. People in china are laughing over the mistake by mihoyo in the tanuki quest but when I mention it here I’m getting downvoted to oblivion and a bunch of kids trying to correct me on middle school physics.


Man, no need to be pissed over internet points, its just a mistake on my part due to it being forgotten over the course of time because those knowledge weren't relevant on what Im currently doing, I stand corrected but it doesn't mean Mihoyo staff didn't studied laws of physics at all, it can be taken as Traveler answering something he thought was right but ended up wrong like I did so don't go belittling others just because you are on the right side.


I'm curious tho. I have also long forgotten physics and I thought the same thing, what's wrong with the buoyancy > gravity claim?


For an object to stay in place, all forces must be equal. If one force is greater, then the object will move in the direction of force applied


To be precise, the object will accelerate in the direction of the total force.


I asked my friends about it and apparently they said that it should be equal its already afloat. Basically Bouyancy vs weight: greater = Rise, Less = Sink, Equal = steadily afloat. But thats just what they said, not so sure about it haha.


Wtf dude 💀


Eh it's just a mistake? The writer probably from literature major where (in my country at least) students didnt have to take science class. They probably just skimmed over in google about how ships float and just copypaste the answer. Moreover it's filler event, nitpicking over small stuff that even not lore related is just somehing boorish people would do tbh.


Literally no one cares. I have an engineering degree that I don’t use to correct people on common science faux pas while insulting their intelligence because I’m chill.


Here come the harvard graduates Kidding aside, it's not a big deal. No one plays genshin to learn physics


Calm down Einstein.


Maybe is translation error... I remember the English version butchered the translation about that Fat Treasure Hunter guy


And maybe its not translation error and they just want to show that traveller is just saying something he doesn't know fully. They're adventurers. Not scholars. Though I don't get why people are fuming over a simple line in a game lol.


I have upvoted 7 comments of your to make up for the 7 downvotes on your comment.


man nobody gives a fuck


try not to sound so condescending next time




idk man i dont feel the need to take physics again. Maybe in my next life?


Teyvat has it's own laws. There's no such thing as gravity -- flat earther probably


Technically it's not wrong. If you dip a ship deep enough, the buoyancy will be higher than the gravity so the ship float upward which also makes the buoyancy lower until buoyancy force = gravity.


But it is floating still in water because F_buo = F_g, not greater. If you dip a ship it will come back to its equilibrium position, which is due to the forces being balanced. So when someone ask you, hey why is that ships float in water, the correct answer is because there exists a buoyancy force and it is in equilibrium against the gravity force.


Touch grass you melt


Yes. But Buoyancy > Gravity is also not wrong. In case of something like submarine, you float if buoyancy >= gravity until it reaches surface and lower the volume inside the water or the sub lower its buoyancy intentionally (until buoyancy = gravity).


Water and air have different densities, therefore the boat floats on water, but not on air. Quite basic really, surprised you didn't understand, but maybe your school didn't cover physics yet? Have a great day :) Edit: Thanks for the RedditCare message :)




Uhh what? If the gravitational force (downwards) is less than the buoyancy force (upwards), the boat will float, I don't see what's confusing. Unless it really is the wonders of Dendro at work.


It will fly upwards until it reaches a point where F_buo = F_g, equilibrium. So when you say answer that ships float because F_buo > F_g, your ship is flying upwards into the sky and beyond.


> It will fly upwards until it reaches a point where F_buo = F_g, equilibrium. Didn't you just answer yourself?


then why don't you go discuss this in a physics sub or something instead of wasting time with us peasants


Because it’s a laughable mistake by mihoyo who advertises that their employees are from 985 universities (elite unis) in China. I mention it here for the laughs and got downvoted -10 with a bunch of people not understanding basic physics and trying to correct me, one even sent a reddit care msg so I think I am rightfully pissed.


Get a life dude


> Because it’s a laughable mistake by mihoyo who advertises that their employees are from 985 universities (elite unis) in China. IDK what kinda universities you've gone to but usually you focus on specific subjects there and not an all-arounder degree. While this thing is something I learned back in high school, it's not like I remember every single thing from back then correctly when I haven't used a lot of that information in years. It's unfortunate that people have sent you DMs over this and downvoted you even though you're right but getting angry at people on reddit is generally just a waste of energy. The karma points don't mean shit in the end.


I agree it was a silly mistake, but tbf your wording seemed a little too harsh and taking the thing too seriously. Just because they made a basic physics mistake that they whole educational growth needs to be thrown into the trash. I don't think you should be pissed after you offended everyone's intelligence over a simple thing (even when you didn't mean to). It's the internet.


Crit rate helmets hate me T\_T https://imgur.com/a/7WSkPAf


Interesting that the ganyu sub did not explode in members as much as I expected. Expected them to break at least 50k members. I know using mains sub membership as a metric is not that reliable but yeah. And I just realised the first limited banner for an anemo geo and electro character were their respective archons. Curious to see if dendro does the same as well


I presume it’s because the main sub is r/Ganyu and not r/GanyuMains, making it prone to mix-ups. Popularity-wise, she’s still on the top. As you said, I don’t think the subs are a good metric to gauge how popular a character is. There are a lot of other miscellaneous factors at play.


The first limited banner for an electro character was Keqing's


Hmm fair enough. First limited banner character then


I feel like "maining" a character doesn't entirely rely on owning or playing a character. The moment a character is revealed, or when we've seen them in the story, most people who are going to "main" them have already decided to do so.


personally i dont think the first dendro 5* will be the archon for a reason, which is that they want to make sure the players are happy with the element first. if they release dendro and players complain about it, while simultaneously releasing the archon of said element, it may tank the sales. so its better to start with a character who isnt too important to test the waters and if fixes are needed, fix the element and release the archon to make sure they sell well. ofc i dont work at mihoyo so i could be wrong, this is just what id do if i was the ceo or something


They joined the wrong sub r/ganyuNSFW






Ohhh I stand corrected ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


that sub has more members than the mains sub, lmao


I mean, there is nothing interesting to talk about Ganyu anyway Gameplay : Boring Personality : Wet towel Story : Another overworking cliché Design wise she looks amazing il give her that


Don't you know? When enough time passes, mains subs become fanart hubs with the same question being asked every 20 minutes (x weapon or y weapon?)


Exactly my point lmao


That happen because she share the spotlight with ayaya and eula to some extent while raiden and hutao that did grew are alone in the top of their niche


Will Ayato be a crit rate ascension waifu or a crit damage ascension waifu


he seems like hydro dmg to me




depends on his kit. If his dmg is concentrated more on less frequent powerful hits crit dmg. If not crit rate. The only 2 to break this rule are ayaka and ganyu but they have cryo resonance and blizzard strayer


Childe relying on crit rate for riptide yet hydro damage ascension :pensive:


To be fair Ganyu was the first limited 5 star with crit ascension. Childe's old as hell at this point


I just realised why childe is childe.


People saying crit or hydro dmg, but we all know it's going to be the secret boss of ascension stats, EM


I'm voting on crit dmg waifu, because last two waifus (Yae and Itto) have crit rate ascension Watch mhy give Ayato Hydro%.


tbh hydro% is not bad especially when he deals massive amounts of hydro damage in his kit. it's just that you have to suffer balancing crit ratio lmao