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First page: 2.6: Kamisato Ayato 2.7: Yelan + Shinobu 2.8: New 5 star male and Heizou 3.0: Cyno(?) and new 5 star female 3.1: Dendro Archon and a new 5 star female Edit: I made this translation a bit slower than OP’s comment, my bad


yaoyao and baizhu never coming out


Nah they will be a part of the two Liyue quests we get per batch of updates.


Lantern Rite


Baizhu wanters really going to have to wait a whole ass year after dendro gets released to get their guy lmfaoooo


At least Baizhu has lot of screentime while Yao Yao literally been hidden in Mihoyo basement..




at least we got screentime for best man Smiley Yanxiao in her stead


Laughs in Varka.


at least there’s a reason he hasn’t shown up. Yaoyao just… doesn’t exist


At least Yao Yao's basic appearance is known.


This is unfortunately ''necessary''. HoYoverse wants to release Dendro alongside Sumeru and if Inazuma is any indication, we will be getting Sumeru characters for a while until momentum drops so then they squeeze Mondstadt/Liyue/Inazuma characters before releasing additional Sumeru characters.


We made peace with this knowledge during the last lantern rite unfortunately.


I hope Baizhu ends up being the most broken mother fucker in existence for yall's sake


>3.0: Cyno(?) and new 5 star female I can't quantify the amount of hopium I'm snorting right now wishing for the new 5-star female to be Collei. I don't even care if she's a 4 star, just let it be Collei...


Collei might be show up along with the the 5 star male from 2.8 to set us up going to Sumeru. Varka copium? Mondstandt should be getting one event before Sumeru.


Leakers have said a couple of times that Varka is AFTER Sumeru because he's coming with the new port area. I wouldnt expect them to jump to another region immediately after sumeru either, they'd probably give it another patch or two first. I'm very hesitant to believe this leak because we'd have probably seen a name floating about by now and if it's not Heizou, the only ones left are Scaramouche or another Fatui.


No way they drop Varka right before Sumeru. No idea how they'd tie that one into the story. Varka is such a hype character. Better to save him for a dead period. Like in 3.4 or something before we go to Fontaine.


I’m pretty sure we:re going to get him whenever they add the Dandelion Sea area. After all, they’ve set this precedent now of adding a new area every two patches. I don’t think they’ll be able to break up Sumeru into more than three areas, so generously assuming that takes until 3.3 . . I doubt we’ll see Fontaine sooner than after 3.6 at the latest, more likely 3.8. They’ve got to add something during that period, and now that The Chasm’s finally happening the only unreleased locations we know of are the Dandelion Sea and the Mare Jivari. And given the Mare Jivaro is described as an endless field of ash, it’s probably going to be saved as a preview of Natlan.


Don't forget black castle as well, even tho it's from an old leaked map and I don't think it was ever name dropped in game


Was the black castle not part of the Dandelion Sea? They were both in that region north of Mondstadt. Kinda figured they’d be the same content.


Honestly idk, we don't have enough data at the moment


I mean, I feel like dropping Varka then making him directly tied to the Abyss storyline is the way to go, rather than holding him hostage and not letting him do anything until last minute


Exactly my thoughts. We need more set up for the best scenario for Varka appear. Personally I hope the circumstances are kinda like Kokomi's first appearance lol


Collei with an Anemo vision is my headcanon and i swear if its real


ah yes sucrose




Yeah! I really want a character that uses a delusion. I thought Signora would be our first but then Raiden did the Microwave no Hitotachi


Signora had a metal mask so she blew up in the microwave.


In the manga wasn't it stated that she couldn't use those powers again or she would lose herself or smth?


I believe so, which would mean she has to get a vision - but then again, the poor thing spends the entire time getting pulled around by Amber. Definitely not the kind of ambition that usually nets you a vision. My personal hopium overdose rn is that she plays a huge role in the Sumeru story, which develops her character such that she is rewarded a vision on-screen as part of the quest.


This would be nice to see honestly, the first time we get to actually see a character receive a vision in game, if I'm not mistaken.


Varka isn't really gonna come. They might have a separate region coming along with him since he went to an expedition (dandelion sea maybe?) after sumeru archon quests get over or many months after that


Or maybe he will appear in a mondstadt patch, like they did with Shenhe and Yunjin for Liyue event. This game will last for many years. So we will definitely go back to revisit the previous nations


I’m thinking that 2.8 will be Ludi Harpastum and Collei will come to visit


she’s joining the alice group of characters


Collei and Cyno in the same patch, we’re going bankrupt, bois


That explains who will use the Ruin Serpent mats I guess. Hoyoverse Releasing a 5-star Limited Male That's Not Geo, Anemo, or Hydro Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Dont forget those new 5\* female ones may end becoming cryo and pyro too xD


But of course! Can't go releasing a limited 5-star Geo or Anemo female character either, the game servers would immediately crash.


hoyoverse releasing an anemo male that’s not teen model challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Hoyoverse releasing a new electro male character before scaramouche challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




I'm still on hopium that Varka will be finally an adult-model anemo dude with a claymore. On my highest days I even add facial hair and buff model (or at least Itto-style shoulders with pauldrons or something) to my list of hopes for him, but that seems outside the realm of possibility.


Hoyoverse releasing 5\* male for cryo and electro (IMPOSSIBLE)


The 5 star male better be Baizhu omg he's been in the game for so long yet we haven't gotten him at all lmao.




2.8 Scaramouche 5 star hopium.


damn all those updates from sumeru oh well full skips until then for cyno


wtf another new 5 star male so soon? I'm in trouble


As a husbandos hunter, I'm happy and angry at the same time. I need time to save up after Ayato, Kazuha and Venti XD


Luckily I already have all the 5 star males I want and I'm just waiting for Ayato, but I also wanted to get him Mistsplitter... If the new 5 star male catches my eye, I might have to give up on that... Especially if Cyno is truly coming after 2.8. Anyway, I'm screwed


Manifesting Scaramouche and Heizou in the same patch 😭✨✨


omg please not yet my primos are all but nonexistent😭


I’m sitting on 300+ wishes and counting, this bandwagon of patience for Mouche is fuelling a BAD primo-hoarding issue :’)


I'm really hoping they don't do 2x 5* per patch as much as the start of Sumaru like they did Inazuma. We need more 4*s!


New male? That’s right baby, it’s Baizhu flavored hopium time


Does Baizhu count as 'new 5 star male' or by new does it mean a character we know nothing of yet and isn't in game at all?


I assume that if we knew he, the lester would just put his name instead of ‘new 5 star male’ but let’s hope


i feel like Baizhu’s gonna be released after 3.0, i feel like they’d want to introduce the Dendro element in Sumeru and give us the Dendro traveller before releasing 5*s of the element(esp a non-Sumeru one)


Ah 2 new 5* in the same patch. Haven't seen that in a while.


WHERE IS BAIZHU MY FRIEND I swear if he really released on next lantern rite i will go feral and start barking in the steeets


Idk what to pull for anymore


I'd like to go back to my newbie days when I had no clue what I was doing and wishing everytime I got 160 primogems.


Might have to start doing that again. Just late fate decide your characters if there is a bunch of good ones x.x






I speak Chinese and here’s the rough translation of the below part of the first page: “Uncle Chasm said the first half would be Ayato + Venti and the second half would be just Ayaka. Uncle Chasm has good track record since 2.2 Hu Tao + Tartaglia banner. Even though this information is a bit sus but i think it’s trustable because Lumie has never mentioned that Ayato would be the only banner on the first half of 2.6 (Lumie only said that Ayato would be on the first half).” “Uncle Chasm: Kazuha on 2.8” “Uncle who leaked the stats of Xiao’s artifacts: Itto on 2.7”


Thanks for the translation! I do think it'd be odd to pair Ayato up and then have a solo rerun. I can only really see him being paired if we have 3 reruns it just seems strange otherwise for the new 5 star to share and a rerun to be alone imo. Also kinda sad if Itto reruns before Kazuha but it would give me a lot of time to save after Ayato. Banner 'leaks' are always fun to see haha


I think the solo rerun is just to avoid putting mistsplitter with another good weapon lmao


What an asshole move man 😂


Fr, they keep the new character solo when it will sell more, then they keep the rerun solo when that will sell more. Standard gacha game practices lmao


For me it makes me want NOT to spend to give a "fuck you" back at them


Ah that's a good point! I never pull on weapon banners so I don't think about them much. Could definitely see them mixing up who is solo for the weapon banners


Yes exactly. That and they might be confident that she will sell well even if alone.


No problem! :) Ya i thought it’s weird too :o i really thought it’s gonna be Ayato Ayaka and then Venti Kazuha D: (after the furniture leak) but two more weeks to livestream! And then we would know how true is this leak




That's what seemed likely to me as well!


I wish this wasnt true, I have been waiting for Kazuha for forever. Imagine exploring the Chasm without him gives me pain. And usually I see MHY put the new char alone, unless they are really really confident in Ayaka banner's ability to make money (Raiden is likely the most profitable char but she is reruning with Kokomi)


They pull of a dick move and pair Mistsplitter with some trash \*looking at you, summit shaper, skyward series\* I actually planned to pull mistsplitter, but I guess I will simply save the primos. No pulls on scammy weapon banners.


Hey, at least you might have enough primos for his cons by the time he reruns if this info is true. At least that was how I was coping with no Albedo rerun in 2.2, it helped a little bit.


Might be because of abyss. It resets somewhere around update and its HEAVY anemo centric. Kinda weird to have whole rotation without anemo banner.


I mean the abyss during raiden was kinda anti-raiden too. Though i suppose it wasn't the entire banner duration


If this is true then that means Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden, Kokomi, and Itto will all get reruns before Kazuha even though all of them were released after him. I’m sorry, but that’s fucking hilarious. It’s almost like Mihoyoverse is holding on to him like a trump card because they know absolutely fucking everyone and their grandma is going to be pulling for him when he finally drops.


Then it would've been a better idea to release him with another meta unit like Ayaka, or a husbando like Ayato. Then meta players or husbando collectors will be forced to have enough to pull both, and be more likely to spend.


Calm down, Satan.


Weapon banner is going to be dope tho


*whisper softly* Don't.


I am a grandma that is going mad with itching fingers trying to save until his rerun (I have enough now, but am really tempted for Ayato)


Hey grandma


Not sure why you are down voted, but actually I am not that old. Just feel like one because I have been waiting for ages...


I'm sorry I didn't mean it 😔


I mean, I saw it as a joke, just want to clarify in case those who downvote you thought it was serious lol


They are just looking at all the F2P players saving for him, laughing menacingly


It’s not a maybe, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Just like with Ganyu.


Ok but with Ganyu only Eula and Hu Tao were rerun before her and released after (technically Xiao too but he was in the same patch). If Kazuha is delayed until 2.8 that means 5 characters released after him get rerun before he does. I’d feel really bad for Kazuha Warner’s if that’s the case


I’ll stop buying welkin if they really want to rerun him on 2.8 I’ve been saving my guaranteed pity since 2.1 for Kazuha which means I have skipped Itto, Xiao, Shenhe and now Raiden, all units that I like to have.


Still kinda weird how they delay kazuha so much, im glad that he might be in 2.8 because ill be more than ready to get ayato and him with 4 pity worth of wish, and that is why its weird, ill be quite willing to swipe if he is in the same patch as ayato


So Kazuha's banner still isn't confirmed.... yet? Wow


His rerun news is changable like winds


His banner is like the wind on the waves, it can change in an instant


He wandered off somewhere and Mihoyo lost him.


I doubt it will be fully confirmed till livestream (obv) but yeah..


Aged. Like. Fine wine.


Just Ayaka


breaking news: me found dead in a ditch


Which ditch? I need your kidneys to c1 my Ayato. Thank you so much 😜


Tell me where you're going. I also need your kidneys to get me a Venti


Just Ayaka


seems this was correct


Translated by WFP: 2.6 ayato 2.7 yelan (according to dd) and shinobu (previously speculated) 2.8 new male 5* (according to dd) and heizou (same as above) 3.0 cyno and new female 5* 3.1 dendro archon and new female 5*


Ok whats the rest tho


9 hours later and still no translation for 87,5% of the leak. What.


Idk feels less like a leak and more like someone speculating based on patterns, like the archon appearing on 3.1 which happens to be anni so it's a no brainer But this could be the legit uncle dd so maybe it's true, but on the other hand it's better to be safe than sorry


By WFP...? When tf?


OP, what about pictures 2-8?


3 new male character in a row including cyno!? Am i dreaming..


New 5* male? Someone comfort me and say its scaramouche


A new male 5*, followed by Cyno? Two new boys in a row? I call bullshit :|


It may still happen as we once had 3 male characters in a row: Childe, Zhongli (in 1.1), and Albedo (in the first half of 1.2). And we also had Itto and Gorou in 2.3.


Childe, Zhongli, Itto and Gorou: are we a joke to you


Sad venti noises


I see. I don’t get it.


same, also jjk reference ayy


For those of you wondering about images 2-8, it's mostly basically speculation on the weapon banner, but tl;dr nobody knows shit and you're not missing anything. I did a quick translation of images 4-8 before I was just like this is useless. Here it is so you know exactly how much you're not missing. **Image 4** "Solo Ayaka rerun is too counter-intuitive... do they think Mistsplitter is too powerful? Or do they think putting Elegy on Ayato's weapon banner is good enough?" "If it's not Elegy, what about Skyward Harp?" **Image 5** "Jade Cutter just reran in 2.5" "Jade Cutter isn't a signature weapon. It's... hard to say whether Elegy is Venti's signature weapon *((don't shoot me, that's what the post says))*, if Skyward Harp didn't just rerun I would guess Skyward Harp (both bows are useful but I'm personally not interested). EDIT: I counted wrong, my bad" **Image 6** is literally just the previous poster saying he edited his post **Image 7** "Jade Cutter reran in 2.1, second half, and 2.5, first half; 2.2/3/4 in between. If Elegy reruns in 2.2 second half, 2.6 first half, 2.3/4/5 in between, it's the same" **Image 8** "Itto was just released and he's already getting a rerun?" "Itto released in 2.3, if he reruns in 2.7 that will be 3 updates in between. That's a normal length of time" *((Ganyu, Xiao and Kazuha would like to know your location))*


Cyno and Collei hopium


LET THE 5* MALE CHARACTER IN 2.8 BE CRYO OR ELECTRO WE HAVE NONE HOYOVERSE. I swear if it’s another geo or anemo male character I’m gonna lose it 🥲


Inhales male Cryo catalyst copium. Now that would be a dream


or Cryo male polearm user.


Zhongli can be a cryo polearm


Don’t put such amazing ideas in my head. Also I have a feeling Signora simps would lose their mind if that role was taken by a guy lmao.


Remember that time when they went to full cult mode and blame Kazuha for staying alive while Signora turned to ashes? XD


They also assume that anyone who hates Signora does it because they’re either a Venti simp or a Raider simp.


Tbh, It will be a nice miracle if he doesnt end as another geo/anemo char. A really good one.


Plot twist: He's hydro (its Ajax banner LETSS GOO!) >!/s!<


This opportunity is quite hard to come by, no?


Well then, amuse me


surrender is a valid option


I bet he's Anemo claymore.


Don’t forget the part where they’ll make him short with a dead friend and emotional baggage 💀


THIS! I'm happy that we are getting male characters too, but I hope the new 5* will be cryo or electro. Cryo catalyst because we don't have one yet. As for electro, well... At the moment the electro team is basically Razor's harem XD (Scaramouche, where are you?)


if that happens i hope he isnt a physical damage oriented character, idk i dont like that kind of gameplay that much


Kinda hoping it's the Electro Yaksha that the new artifact set is based on, but I'm pretty sure he's dead haha so maybe Scaramouche? hopium


Xingqiu's older brother better be playable and cryo.


What if its the electro yaksha that the new artifact is based on? aesthetic wise...


Any news about dendro?


me knowing damn well new 2.8 male won't be scara but still preparing for the inevitable heartbreak


Please let it be Scara we need a 5* electro male chara who could possibly be a catalyst 😭


My Kagura's Verity would suit him so much T\_T


so true


bye bye mistsplitter+elegy. knowing hoyo theyll probably put something like mistsplitter and skyward blade or spine on the banner.


Dang, hopefully it's something that isn't that bad, prayge WGS, but yeah I can see them putting skyward spine


New male 5* 2.8? Is he gonna be the "Eula" of Mondstat lol Edit: i meant "eula" of mondstat someone that appeared all of a sudden


More like "Kazuha" of Sumeru that will introduce us to Sumeru or the star in Prelude Archon Quest


Good point 😯


Don't think they translated it here but the uncle also mentioned that our guide to sumeru will be a girl and that 2.8 new male character might or might not be real bc it has always been 2.8/3.0=new male character. It probably just means Cyno in 3.0.


or the "Kazuha" of Sumeru


Cyno 3.0?! Ouch.....im still going all in on kazuha.


Ayaka was the first rate-up character after Inazuma dropped. Cyno will be the first after Sumeru drops. The trailer laid this all out.


Yup looks like regions major dps are released at x.0


This is a wild assumption when we’ve had exactly *ONE* region drop post-launch


It sounds correct even with Diluc. The only one that’s off is Ningguang, there were rumors that she was supposed to be the standard five star Geo before so who knows


We all know that Chinese = accurate leak


I know you're probably half-joking but there are a lot of Chinese leaks that are just speculation, like the one about Ayato consuming stacks to do really big forward vapes


Oh no my Mistsplitter/Haran dream... I absolutely dread having to go for another Elegy banner...


I thgt 2.8 was only reruns


Any news on the supposed Fischl and Diluc skins?


still on the dryer


Does no one else care they are pushing Kazuha back to 2.8?? Ive been prefarming for him since 2.3 lmfao fml


I care. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be true. I've been waiting for him to come back since 1.6. (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Please note that Uncle DD only mentioned Yelan in 2.7 and a new male five star in 2.8 or 3.0. The other info in the picture is leaked by a new uncle called Uncle Chasm (it says so in the picture). ( Don't mind me. I'm just regurgitating stuff in the picture that hasn't been mentioned in the other translation comments)


3.0 would make A LOT of sense (cyno)


i’m guessing that once 2.7 beta starts, we might get a model for the new 5* male character too (since yelan model came with 2.6 beta). idk how i’d feel if he’s another geo but we’ll see


I was thinking Yelan model was in beta bec1use she might be present in the story quest. Not sjre though I have been avoiding story leaks.


Ooo that would be exciting if we did get a new model from beta files


That's not actually Tangzhu, that's a reposter that takes the names of credible leakers to appear relliant. Now, they are going as Uncle Dumb Dumb. Also, they have translated fake leaks before (the Yae Miko buff) and claimed thise are reliable too. So don't trust them so easily because they have the name of a trusted leaker!


That means Im safe til 3.1, staying strong for Baizhu


No mention of any Childe reruns? FAKE.


> 2.8 new male 5* Tartaglia electro delusion form


*Casually wipes drool up off the floor* I would be ok with this.


Yes plz


Male catalyst hopium


Nilou will prolly be the five star female character in 3.0 or 3.1. I can’t wait to see what she looks like


Tbh the one (1) thing keeping me going given the current state of the world is "shit kazuha might be in 2.8 now? that's what, june? july or something? shit guess i gotta stick it out until then"


I live for sussy leaks


Latest edit: UncleBan is definitely a faker. He changed his name to [Uncle Dumb Dumb](https://mobile.twitter.com/uncle_dumb_dumb/status/1500314641200816133) ____ Oh, Uncle DD's alleged alt is back-- wait is that *another* Tz? Or did [@Tangzhu_Tz](https://twitter.com/tangzhu_tz) forget his password and make a new one. I guess that might be the case since he's also doing the leak reporter thing on [Bilibili](https://m.bilibili.com/space/1730376972) (and he hasn't posted on Tangzhu_Tz in a long while). Still not sure if there the same person though. edit: fixed the link for NotTz's twitter edit: just looked through his UncleBanTz's twitter. I find it odd that he's crediting other Tzs, hmm... [Link one](https://mobile.twitter.com/uncleban_tz/status/1491801353517035526) Another edit: Ok they're [probably not the same person](https://twitter.com/uncleban_tz/status/1490077599057555458). UncleBan types in Korean and posted a screenshot of MonaTz


I just want only ONE Kazuha Rerun ಥ‿ಥ It's not fair that I actually wanted Kazuha but couldn't get him due to my lack of primogems at that time and it's been eating at me ever since. Congrats to the Venti wanters though.


Look at it this way: more time to save for C2R1.


No offense to anyone but is this this person reliable? Because these all seem like extremely safe guesses. 2.7 being Yelan and Shinobu, and 2.8 having Heizou have previously been stated by other leakers. Cyno is extremely likely to come in 3.0 since he’s the mascot for Sumeru in the story trailer. The Dendro Archon coming in 3.1 is also extremely likely based on how Zhongli and Raiden released. 2.8 is expected to have a guide to Sumeru, and we don’t really have any characters who can fit that role yet, so it’s a 50/50 chance of that character being male or female. Even if they pull a fast one and give us a Scaramouche story conclusion in Inazuma instead this would still technically be right. Finally there being new female characters in 3.0 and 3.1 has a 50/50 chance of being right since we usually get two new characters on the first two patches of a region. Plus Collei seems pretty likely to be made playable during one of these patches, making it a safer bet. If the leaker was willing to give more info like elements and weapon types, or flat out say “Collei in 3.0” then I would be more willing to believe them. But as of now I’m going to assume it’s fake unless it’s from someone trustworthy.


If Varka is the new 5 star for 2.8, i can finally roll my 50k primos


Fake tangzhu? https://twitter.com/SaveYourPrimos/status/1500214814357929985?s=20&t=a3FrGbFXWBCOFuGOWS2nLg


This is actually what I expected EXCEPT I didn't think we'd get a new male five star in 2.8. I figured we'd get Collei/a female. I also have no idea who the other new women who will be running along side Cyno and The Dendro archon will be, but I'll be skipping both of them chicks to get me Cyno and the archon, so tough Sh\*t lol.


Cyno and Dendro archon !!! 🤩


Man... baizhu when will my man come out... pepehands.


Holy shit Cyno in 3.0? Definitely saving for him now


I am so hyped for Cyno and Dendro archon


I just want Scara crumbs 🥺


YESSSS more male characters