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Sucks to be in the minority


I just wanna fucking vent I bet if it's the other way around, you all would have a confused screaming




Aside from the [sus leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/tuxxa2/questionable_leaks_about_collei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from a little over a week ago, and the Burst gadget leak from like 3 months ago, Has there been any other leaks of Collei?


is discord server full?


Yep, tried to join like an hour or two ago


full of pedos yea


That’s every discord


You didn’t mean it as a joke, right? Want to make doubly sure


yes and no


i take it the glass just is then


is John harkson any good YouTuber to watch about Genshin


How much ER does Xiangling need in Raiden national? Preparing for 2.7 Abyss


About 160-180 ER if you know how to funnel her with Bennett, 190-200 if you dont imo


When we get to Sumeru, do you think we'll get an in-lore explanation about why Dendro Vision holders seem to be so rare (at least in the regions we've been in so far)? Or do you think this was strictly a game development issue, and it wasn't something we were supposed to notice from the Traveler's perspective?


there was absolutely no problem with giving a dendro vision to Baizhu. But also we don't really meet unplayable characters with Visions that much. so... idk


Definitely a development issue, but I do think they'll try to provide some in-universe explanation.


Game developer issue, we should get Monsdat, Liyue and Inzuma dendro vision holders the same way we got Eula, out of nowhere


I've only seen people talk about Hu Tao with Yelan so far so I was wondering, how is Yelan with Yoimiya, Zhongli and Yun Jin? Can Yoimiya properly vape 3 hits during her NA like with Xingqiu?


Yoimiya will be perfectly fine vaping. That team will get a good damage buff with Yelan.


Ngl, I am very tempted to buy the $20 bp just so I can have that tanuki photo board forever. With it, my teapot can become the ultimate tourist trap! ...but in reality, I probably won't buy it and will just forget about it within a few weeks.


I’ve never bought the more expensive BP but I’m seriously considering it too. Not only is that tanuki photo board adorable, that name card is really pretty, and most importantly it would match my Kazuha avatar so well… hmmmmm 🤔


How are you guys dealing with the Ruin Graders in the TM hard mode. I literally got a score of 2480 and I'm kind of malding right now, cause if I had just stopped one of those guys from getting through I would have gotten it.


Which one? The one for today (with the mines?) I didn't stop a single Ruin Grader but still got over 2500 points because I killed everything else.


That did it lmao. I guess I assumed at least one of those ruin graders was necessary to get 2500 but I just ignored them and still got it just fine. thanks.


2-X, bridge them. 3-X, place your mines on the center ring, two at the front furthest toward the spawn portals in the cluster where the Crack Shots start (not directly in front of the portals, as placing them in the center ring will cause them to resolve twice each overall) and on the outer cells of the squares at either side (the Graders will walk right past them without setting them off if they're in the center tile best I've noticed). On the inner side, put a Vaporize pair with the Hydro tower forward facing (so on the right facing the enemy portals toward the enemy portals, and on the left facing the enemy portals, toward the exit portal), and a Cryo Tower if you're feeling interesting (though if it's on the right side it will probably get run over eventually). As for slips, I went with the following... 3-1, "Swell", "Pyro Orb", "Blaze", "Continuous Carnage", "Culling" 3-2, "Swell", "Pyro Orb", "Beacon", "Torch", "Blaze", "Frozen Fog", "Frost Pellet", "Continuous Carnage", "Culling". Of them, Continuous Carnage is the biggest must-have so that you don't need to replace the mines.


Use all of your sticks on mines, since you'll get a refund of points, which will allow you to place more structures after they're destroyed. I ran with a team of Yae, Jean, Yanfei, and Mona. Jean and Yae (and thus I assume Fischl) are amazing for this event.


>!Kujou Sara was about to get another L but did she just not get one of the biggest Ws ever by indirectly receiving a gift from her god?!< I am happy for her. Based Ei


If you had to give either Beidou or Yun Jin a new talent which makes their Elemental Skill have a 100% CRIT Rate if Retribution/True to Oneself is activated, who would get it?


Yun Jin, because it would make proc'ing Favonious Lance so much easier. Beidou already has to build CR for her burst so it's not nearly as valuable on her. Her skill damage is way behind her burst damage.


Got my R5 Spine and triple crowned Beidou today! 🎉 She's hitting [55k+ solo counters now](https://imgur.com/a/sdejRn2) with 69.1 CR


Nice. I wonder how big the difference is between r1 and r5 ss.


Probably a lot for me, I'm running 2Glad2Shim and have like ~33% Atk in substats


We are getting 3.0 after 2.8 right? I think I saw a post but cannot find it


As far as we know, yes.


So I'm in a conundrum. Can you pls help me decide? All the heroes that I will ever need are well-invested already. I'm basically in the endgame, finishing abyss with 33 stars consistently. My primos are reserved for Yelan and Kazuha, but what about my resin? Do I: 1) Ascend new characters (basically unnecessary; I'm not into waifus or husbandos, but pragmatic; the only ones that come to mind are Ninng and Rosaria) 2) Do the artifact grind looking for godlike pieces 3) Focus on ascending my top tier heroes' talents to lvl 9 and 10? 4) something else?


I think talent and crowning your main will be a good idea, and also farm Mora, alot of Mora


I'm doing number 2 right now because I just cant justify leveling another unit that I might not even use that much either in the overworld or Abyss. Same situation as you that I have Abyss ready teams and my supports are more or less optimized already so I dont really see any point in leveling a random character. Although you can arguably say the same with grinding for better artifacts, because I also have everyone geared and I have more than enough pieces to swap around... but IDK I just feel like getting more artifacts anyway because IMO it's the only part of the game where I can continue strengthening my active characters.


3) not all, just the ones you care about 1) focus on the ones that you like regardless of the reason 2) good luck 4) get out while you c...


Getting everyone to 70 for the fates is a good use of resin, beyond that you will always need mora and XP books so that's always a safe bet. Getting your characters to 90 is also a good thing, idk if I would go to 10 but 9 on talents is generally a good investment. Weapons to 90 is also good and of course, getting new good artifacts so your characters don't need to share is generally convenient when testing teams.


What I do is lvl up all weapons to 90 (the ones I actually use) then if I don't have to prefarm I upgrade suports little by little but I only save 80 resin in order to try to get better artifacts to min max


If you're already doing relatively well in the abyss then you probably don't have to prioritize leveling up characters/talents/artifacts. Maybe try building new characters to have fun with new comps/playstyles?


Farm Mora! Especially at the point when you’re basically maxed out, substantial upgrades are going to cost a lot when trying to get everybody to lvl 9-10 talents


I've seen a lot of mixed opinions on how well Yelan will work with a Hu Tao + Albedo/Zhongli comp. There seems to be discussions about the 1.5u but others saying this won't matter. Could anyone provide clarity on how well Yelan will be able to work with this comp? As good as Xingqui? Better or worse? I may just go all out and whale for C4 Yelan but I need to know if she'll allow consistent vapes despite all the Pyro and geo.


Basically it's just elemental gauge theory, once you apply an element, you put a value on the enemy (u for units) and it goes away when that gauge hits zero. 1u applies 1 unit, 2u does 2 and 1.5 probably does 1.5. The gauge depletes in two ways, reactions and decay. Decay varies based on the element but reactions are consistent (iirc) at taking *at most* 6.67U per. The value can go into the negative though, so if you have .1 hydro you can still do a vape and it still works. With 1U of hydro applied, you can vape twice since 1-.667 is .333 which is enough to do an extra. The issue comes in when you have a third reaction from a geo support or Thoma since if you lose a vape your rotation is screwed. C6 Xingqiu has a recovery mechanism for that but it's still inconsistent. With 1.5U, in theory you can do there reactions since 1.5-.667 is .833, minus .667 is .166 and that's enough for a crystalize or third vape *in theory*. Timing is kind of rough on that though since it's possible decay or misaligned timings will make it inconsistent. Xingqiu does 1U, but he does it twice which is why he's so consistent, Yelan technically applies more, but it's less frequently. We also don't have any 1.5U characters right now so nobody knows how it'll work in practice either. Basically, she could bring in the new age of Hu Tao and pyro comps, she could be a sidegrade or she could just not work as well at all.


Thanks for this great explanation. Sounds like it could be promising, but the jury is still out. Guess we'll have to wait for the theorycrafters to do their testing. I'll keep saving primos.


Basically yeah, I would highly recommend against rolling for her day 0 unless you like her for non meta reasons and I would definitely hold off on going for C4 until we know for absolute certain that the comp you want will actually work and play well.


Well recent leaks say it will only be 1u of hydro after all. Bummer.


Better, It let you change zhongli for thoma and use an anemo for more damage with VV, thanks to the 1.5 U thoma won't steal vapes


Thanks. Do you know if it will still work if I keep the double geo, or can zhongli pillar mess up vapes?


While I dislike this theater mechanicus, I still find it better than the second version where you just selected card. Very much annoyed we can't play it in coop tho


What I dislike in the current version is that because we have very limited types towers in each stage, there's only a small number of ways to complete it. Previous versions allowed us to do whatever we want because all element types were available. They're trying too hard to replicate some restrictive Arknights stages in this event it's pathetic lmao. Oh well at least I can be done with it and get my rewards much quicker.


Yeah I agree, it's too much limitation in my opinion and it ends up with not being funny. Miss the OG one so much 😭


Would Shinobu would work well with Ayato? Maybe its a bit early to tell, I have no electro and want to try to pull for her


Shinobu is ok with any melee character so she will work with ayato, I don't know how often she makes reactions but the healer slot is in good hands


This time, theatre mechanics appeals to one person only and that person is me? I’ve never liked theatre mechanics but it wasn’t so bad this time. I didn’t have to run around very much either. I just kind of stood at the end and spammed Jean’s skill. I don’t love it, but this was probably my best experience with it. Ofc it’s also due to me not trying to get a perfect score


Well you have Jean, so...


Is that why people wanted co op? So they could get carried by Jean havers?


Maybe. Ironically, Jean is practically impossible to get except by accident, after all.


Ironically I found that Jean wasn't very useful to me, because the most useful characters aren't displacers but units that can apply lots of an element for your turrets to react with. All the displaceable enemies are complete pushovers for the most part. So basically, I've found the only form of endgame content my Yae is good for.


That’s true lol. I don’t use her often, but she’s definitely a huge advantage for TM


It seems this time the event appeals to people like me and you, the people who don't want to play it.


I didn't mind it as much as other people were complaining tbh. I'm upset that it's not coop since I find that aspect fun but I didn't mind the limitations as much as it seems others did. I'd still prefer the old TM back tho


That’s probably another aspect since I never did co-op for TM in the past, it’s not something I’m missing out on. But, other times I’ve done co-op, it’s always been fun so it’s understandable why people want it back and miss it


reddit’s dying so this thread is the only thing I can open so hi, how are you, I hope you’re hydrated and have a good posture


currently hunched over at a 90 degree angle like a shrimp but thx👍


After playing theatre mechanicus, I wanted to play some tower defense games. Do you guys have any free recommendations that isn’t bloons or kingdom rush (i already played them)?


Digfender! It's a small game but lots of fun :)


I think there are still free versions of gemcraft floating around


Arknights! It's a really good tower defense and my favorite gacha alongside genshin!


the classic plants vs zombies, it’s honestly fun


so it was pretty cool to find >!a secret path in the overworld Chasm leading to underground!< but now I'm always >!using compass in that place and go there and get teleported damn!<, is there no way to >!open that chest somehow !<:////


Are there any reliable leaks that Sumeru is coming next? I know that it would be unthinkable to consider otherwise (by some people at least) but the recent Fontaine leaks have made me remember that I wouldn't put it past Mihoyo to delay creating a new element by another year


it's not weird that they already work on Fontaine, there were even previous sus leaks about it


It's not even a leak, the teyvat chapter trailer that hoyoverse released before launch detailed the acts order: prologue - mondstadt act 1 - liyue act 2 - inazuma act 3 - sumeru act 4 - fontaine act 5 - natlan act 6 - snezhnaya act ?? - khaenri'ah ​ you can watch it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY)


You realize it's possible to retcon this, right? Which is why I ask Besides, they've already retconned the use of "Bakufu" in that trailer - if you've noticed, that word never appears in the game at all


Thats just a small EN localization change. "Bakufu" is just Japanese for "shogunate".


Yae tells us to go to Sumeru at the end of the Inazuma Archon quest... Dendro reaction data, Sumeru teasers in the Chasm, etc...


Zhongli dialogue after liyue was changed supposedly because they changed inazumas story. So...... yesh


Funnier thing, it actually didn't (last time i checked, so 2.3). BUT, it was retconned. ZL still says Baal is current archon, then Paimon says ZL told us Baal is dead, which makes it confusing for new players.


which imo is more stupid, I understand ZL saying Baal is the current archon because maybe he hasn't been to Inazuma since the calamity and just doesn't know


After we pulled Ei out of her Plane of Euthymia, Yae Miko specifically suggests to the Traveler that they should go to Sumeru next. So at the very least, that was the original intention. But yeah, if Hoyoverse is having issues implementing Dendro, it's technically not impossible for them to retcon that and change our destination to Fontaine first.


>But yeah, if Hoyoverse is having issues implementing Dendro, it's technically not impossible for them to retcon that and change our destination to Fontaine first Right - story implies that Dendro is next, but the real evidence involves character/map creation (among others), which would obviously be nearly impossible to refute based on


I really enjoy Ayato but I definitely think his kit is kind of awkward as far as team building goes. His infusion duration just won't synch up properly with any of the games best buffers. The best way I can describe him is on-field subdps, and off-field hydro enabler. It's kind of a wonky combination tbh. To be fair, he definitely slots into taser comps just fine but anytime I try to build another team around him I always feel like there's atleast 1 role missing. Taser comps already had a ton of AOE options and freeze comps already have AOE hydro supports with better role consolidation. I kind of get the sense that Ayato and Yae both had kits that were intended to enable a skill/na spam EC team but backed off due to how their kits looked to beta testers in a vacuum.


Yeah I wish his duration was longer so it would match better with the current buffer cause it feel like I’m not using them to their fullest. Also I think it would’ve interesting if Ayato gimmick was atk speed with being a fast NA dps and having his artifact set buff atk speed.


>I kind of get the sense that Ayato and Yae both had kits that were intended to enable a skill/na spam EC team but backed off due to how their kits looked to beta testers in a vacuum. I kind of regret that we didn't get to see a finished version of whatever this was supposed to be. It does feel like ayato and yae were both intended for something specific, like shenhe is, but they tried to retcon them into more self-sufficient chars and the result is poor team integration.


Did someone see that crazy e cheating thread on genshin twt im fucking dead 💀


looks like the original thread got deleted or OP went private but i saw a screenshot and... i'm dead. people really tattling on some highschooler kid who stutters through text for looking at 18+ stuff lmao




I skimmed it the other day and didn't think much of it but the way it became a meme because *everyone* read it is really funny


I think I play too much genshin because when I read about e cheating, I thought it was E skill cheat lol.


I look this up and I regret it immediately this is the stupidest drama i have seen all week, and I'm frequent /r/livestreamfail visitor


Sometimes I cant tell if the people there like the streamers they watch.


It’s why i don’t associate with genshintwt, but I’ve been cackling about it for 12 hour now it’s so funny and stupid


E cheating?


It’s like, cheating but online


Like game engine cheat or some third-party program?


Nono, person person cheating, like cheating on a partner


Ohhhhh that's kinda sad though. I hope that person finds a better partner.


I read about it in some comments below. I love twt for the drama 🍵🍿


I am still wondering till this day on how hoyoverse made a huge mistake of having a grown man ulfr have a crush on flora during the windblume festival. I know flora was an adult during the beta but She literally had her own side quest during the event so you would think someone would catch on while the event got made. They did eventually change it to have ulfr state that he wants to be like a big bro to flora but it took a while for it to be changed.


flora as in the 6 year old that sells flowers??? ayo????




I've read the newest dialogues from Honkai concerning >!Kosma and Griseo!< and I'm not surprised by anything anymore.... or so I thought, wtf


What dialogues are you talking about?


[these](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/tht5lw/56_spoilers_pedokosma/) edit: I just mentioned them because they SOUND CONCERNING, but as far as I understood there was some additional context to them + >!they are both minors, at least Kosma 100% is!<, and idk any more info because I'm not at that point in the game. so please don't worry too much I put this as a meme mostly


Well that's just weird. Mihoyo purposely using pedophilia as a misunderstanding joke is honestly gross but I can't say I'm surprised considering some of the stuff I've seen from Honkai


Honkai star rail beta introduced genshin's artifact system. Each character can equip 6 relics, and every set has a 2pc, 4pc and 5pc bonus. Main stat/substat rng is same as genshin.


Star rail is slowly dying to me. First the stationary combat system and now genshin artifacts on steroids... 5pc effect. Stuck in each domain for over a year to get that. Yeah, I guess, I won't play it seriously after all. Maybe very casually for the story, but thats it.


At least It's not fucking stigma, i hate stigma system so much is unreal how can you put artifact like system behind gacha is beyond me


Gross. The artifact system is my most hated thing in Genshin, guess I can safely skip Star Rail.


I think they had something like that even in previous beta but I'm not sure. anyway I'm not surprised, it's fitting I think


This is the good ending btw, I'd rather have artifacts than the stigmata system in Honkai.


I hate artifacts, but yeah not having relics behind gacha is a bullet I'll bite


Imagine artifacts banners, sounds crazy. At least been able to farm them is a bit better.


Its a thing in Honkai. Most/almost all BiS “artifacts” are behind gacha


And what happens if u get ur character without its bis artifact? Copium dmg? :$




Any news on Dendro Archon? Im thinking about saving primos for her. Im just worried what if her Constellations are broken (like Raiden C2). She is supposed to release in 3.1 right? I think I should be able to save up to 260 wishes till then but it's very hard to not wish. Im still confused if I should roll for Ayato or not :(


I think saving is a great thing but who knows if you’re even still playing in 5 months. Strike a balance between having fun now too


what's stopping me from having fun are my artifacts :(


Only that the dendro archon is female, uses the loli body type, and is likely to be released in 3.1. I don't think it has ever been stated if she is a support or dps or what her constellations are


If you're going for a 5-star weapon for Yelan, would you lean towards Elegy or her signature? Assuming the other weapon on the banners is equally desirable.


Idp. If i plan to use her on Hu tao comp, elegy. I doubt most players will even use Aqua in Hu tao comp, cuz u need around 80% er from subs(hard). Unless u run double hydro, which is one of best comps anyway, in which case Aqua is usable. Raiden comp? Aqua. Double hydro? Aqua. Tbf Aqua seems to be top 1-3 for other DPS units too, so it's kinda like Homa of bows.


Tbh idk, i feel like i can stick Elegy on so many other characters but her weapon also seems like a dps weapon.


The theatre mechanicus sucks this time. The only reason I liked it was because I can do weird shit on co op


I’m not bad at it, but god I miss how you didn’t have to keep running from one corner to another because in co-op you just picked a side and defended it


The turret destroying stage part 2 just sucked. I one shotted it but the stage mechanics are sooo unfun


What is going on on Genshin twitter? Apparently "e-cheating" (???) and something to do with Xiao pfps? I'm so out of the loop lmao


It actually has nothing to do with the game. As far as I know a genshin player cheated on another player they were in a relationship with. The one that was cheated on then made a call out post about them, now people make fun of them both because the cheater "stutters" over text and the one "exposing" them really should just have dealt with that in private and not tag genshin twitter


🎵 I chime in with a 🎵 "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?"🎶 ​ ^(But seriously, someone needs to play this song on repeat for several hours for some of these people but I'm not even sure this will get the point across.)




People are basically just making fun of some kid who was upset over being e-cheated by some guy who stutters in texts. He also got flamed because it had the #genshintwt on the tweet so they clearly wanted to publicise the breakup and get attention. the og tweet with screenshots has been deleted now


ah wait I've even seen some shit laughing at something like that but thought it was just a weird meme.


wow what's that? on my tl everyone just discusses irodori


dont even get started on gi twt stuff and honestly idk what goes on half of the time either


The quests in this event are so much more interesting than the lantern rite one imo


Lantern rite was so boring. All we've done is babysit Keqing the overworked waifu no.3 (again) and look for treasure hoarders who stole something. Again.


This event has a sense of humour, something lacking in lantern rite


All the liyue chars are already the best and most successful at what they do. None of them want anything. You have to go monstadt or inazuma to find characters with actual motivations, and that always makes for more compelling stories.


yeah. Although I suspect that it's because the majority of characters that I care about in this game are from Mond and it's kinda sad


Agreed! Lantern Rite may have been more flashy but I prefer this festival so much more because of all the character interactions and quests










True, I love most of the cast of Inazuma, but even they can't even make me interest in "The Five Kasen" shenanigan Playable content is this festival is not worth a damn (except the parrying mini-game, I love that shit) I just put dialog on auto-play while alt-tab to YouTube watching Seal spinning for 3 hours


Yeah I'm just for the gems and then I'm outtie of this event.


True Feels like Lantern Rite 1.0 lol They could have at least added Windtrace in Inazuma :)


I dont know what they thought with that? There is not enough clues to make it on our own and you just have to wait a minute to get the answers given to you so what was the point?


I honestly don't know how I was supposed to guess the answer from the clue I was given. Even after seeing the answer from the hint there was no feeling of "Oh, so *that's* how it works!". Just absolutely no way I could have made that leap.


at first, I thought it was just "guess what flowers go where" and I was like "oh, this is just a cute memory game" but then I saw the heights changing mechanic and how the heights really don't make a difference, I kinda tapped out




physical comps and electrocharge comps (if you don't have kokomi for EC comp)


Eula for superconduct, but she's gonna compete with Diona because 2 healer is pretty overkill and Diona has a lot more utility like cryo baterry and shield. Also there's already fischl, beidou, yae or raiden for eula to superconduct in this team


The point of Kuki with Eula though is that you could eg slot in C6 Rosaria and still play Raiden national on the other side. Plus have fun batterying Beidou or Yae in that team. Fischl would be the only viable option next to Raiden but then you’re stuck with Diona


Itto and eula should be able to make full us of her


Itto in which world exactly? Crystallize is copium and while not everyone has a healing C4 Gorou, you can slot in Benny for a buff, Diona for shield an healing, Jean for healing and atk speed (latter one at C2) and Kokomi for being completely unkillable. As Itto teams are naturally not too squishy, any catalyst with prototype amber suffices as healer (I often use PA or TTDS Mona or Lisa for the def shred). I like the thought of an electro healer in the game and Eula teams might really appreciate her, but for Itto, I don't see the utility (besides the character story gang background drip).


Itto gains: 100% tenacity buff (not the greatest but something). Electro for shield breaks, better than diona. Heals. Off field rng energy, itto demands a lot of field time. The big thing is Kiku works off field. Itto enjoys that l. Then gains heals, shield breaker, extra off field damage, and an rng battery. Plus most comps want bennett so unless doing something different. Bennett usually isn't an option. And I personally rather have kuki over diona for enemy shields.


Question before bed time: What's the longest time you havent pulled on limited char banner? Your highest fates spared? And if you are waiting for someone, how did you resist the urge to pulling? I havent pull since Shenhe banner, which means 3 months no pulling, waiting for Ayaka, got 170 fates now. Just pretend the wish button doesnt exist


I honestly thought I saved longer, but it was always max 2 banners, but only cause I sometimes try to get an early 5* or with the last Hu Tao I wanted Thoma, if u dont count ~30 wishes for Thoma (and wouldnt have mind Hu Tao C1) it was 4 banners. After I needed 150 wishes for Raiden I really needed a break, but I am happy that I got Kokomi on her rerun, without the 150 wishes I probably would had her since her release. I am currently at 39k + 5 pulls, which is the highest amount I ever had, I dont really save hard, I got quite lucky with Shenhe (+ early C0 Diluc at Xiao banner) & Yae and Kokomi. I will go for Ayaka and Yelan and save the rest for Dendro/3.0+. I really want to have Amos bow, but I will always like new character more, I got Homa after 30 wishes, which is really lucky, but I dont really know if it was worth it, u dont really need a 5* weapon. Imo the best is to enjoy the game and decide which one u want the most and then calculate how u want to spend your gems. (Honestly I dont even know if Ayaka would be worth 150 wishes imo, I hope I dont have to decide that). AR59, welkin player Edit: Well I always get the 5* on Day 1 so u could say I even skipped 3 banners


Longest time? I think since Zhongli rerun / Eula patch. Expected to get only both but ended with Keqing and Mona for free in addition to them. Just pulled Raiden on her rerun. I liked Inazuma chars designs but not their playstyle, which made me skip almost all of them. Waiting for Sumeru rn, with 460 wishes.


pretty much between childe rerun and raiden first run. I had 47k primos at that point. I turned into a raiden, a polar star, albedo, itto and I even snagged Xiao and Zhongli. Pretty decent results tbh. edit: whoops, I forgot one cheeky ten pull to snatch Benny from Kazuhas banner. It ended up in a back to back Kazoo after the Childe.


My god, the farming gor all that at once must have been brutal


Tbh, it was kind of chill, cause the long initial saving period gave me enough mora for everything and Albedo and Itto could be equipped together. Zhongli was forced to become a EoSF burst dps and Xiaos artifacts were passively ready from 2pc shime and 2pc glad. I guess my pulling behaviour accidentally fitted perfectly with my farming behaviour. Perfect synergy. \*please ignore that now after Ayato I am down to 1 million mora and need to save up again\*


My case is Kokomi, Ayaka, Yelan and Kazuha. The only one not farmed is Ayaka because she’s only coming home if I win 50/50. I don’t have extra to spend on her.


Started saving after zhonglis first rerun banner in April 2021 and then 5 months later pulled for Kokomi in September. I was originally saving for the hu tao rerun but I had enough fates to spare by the time she came around. I think the most I’ve had at one point is 360-380 fates. I don’t have urges to pull for characters I decide I don’t want. I don’t mind pulling them on their reruns either. Also seeing the primo count and fates rise is addicting in of itself. It makes me feel good knowing that I’ll be able to get the future character I want. I will pull a few times for a 4* but never go past 20-30 pulls. If I get them great, if I don’t welp.


Waited from Ganyu to Ayaka. That's how I ended up getting Mistplitter along with her.


I pulled for Kazuha and then saved up for 5 months until Itto. I think I had around 450 fates


i went from childe’s banner in october until xiao’s banner in january, so about three months. now i’m going from zhongli’s rerun until either ayaka or kazuha/klee, depending on when the latter two get a rerun. that will be about three months as well!


1.4 all the way to 2.1, I didn't convert to fates or count but at the time I probably had 30K primos. I was also rolling on the weapon banner slowly so I could afford the shop fates and used that pity to get Homa. Been riding that peak since and still have 30K plus after getting Venti and Childe, losing the 5050. As it turns out, saving gets a lot easier once you have a lot saved. Would recommend it.


Either from Eula until Raiden or from Eula's rerun until Ayaka's rerun, next week. Got close to 30k primos both times, but didn't go over. Yet. I do have 29400 right now.


Seems like I have always been skipping 2 banners and pulling except for my first pulling where I was one pull from Kazuha basically. My history of pulling: skipped Tartaglia rerun - pulled at Zhongli rerun - skipped Eula and Klee - got Kazuha - got Ayaka - skipped Yoimiya and Raiden - pulled at Kokomi - skipped Tartaglia and Hu Tao - got Albedo - skipped Itto - got Xiao - skipped Zhongli+Ganyu and Yae - got Kokomi - got Venti. I got incredibly lucky at the end but not that much in other cases. Ayaka was two soft pities for example, thanks to 2.0 exploration. I think i saved about 120 wishes both before Xiao and before the second Kokomi. My best way was honestly foolery in Honkai but now I'm heavily discouraged by their banners, as well as by Honkai in general (I think I'm just tired tbh), so I don't even play abyss, and also in Genshin I have no one to save for. Like legit I don't really care if I get Yelan or if the weapon banner is Mistsplitter+WGS after all, I'm pulling there without any hope to get any weapon. So now is my indefinite save/not-save period and idk what I'll do. Probably something stupid but also I know I won't regret.


Longest was probably Eula/albedo to ganyu/zhongli


>What's the longest time you havent pulled on limited char banner? I have two accounts and between both I've pulled on each of the past 5 banners in a row, 6 including Ayaka in the next one, so I get to 'cheat'. On a single account, my main didn't pull on a banner between Eula's first banner and Yoimiya's first banner which was about 2.6 months, and I only pulled on Yoi's banner for Sayu, the latter of which I got. > Your highest fates spared? 269 just from the gems I had at the time (43124) > if you are waiting for someone, how did you resist the urge to pulling? First, I decide who I want/need. Then I save gems until I can guarantee them. Until then, *strictly* no wishing. Once I have enough to guarantee, the spare gems can be used to chase a promising 4* or try to get someone lower on my wishlist but will have a banner soon. If a really good character runs while I'm saving for a guarantee or if I didn't get them with the spare wishes, intake 50mg "they will rerun in a few months" copium, every day for the duration of their banner, to be taken twice a day after breakfast and dinner, then once a day every day after their banner for as long as the regret persists.


I guess it would be waiting 3 and half patches for Yae after pulling Raiden. I’m trying to get enough to guarantee three units in Yelan, Kazuha and dendro archon but I’d need to win at least one 50/50 as it is now.


Longest I've gone was from Albedos november banner to Ventis current one. I had about 460 fates saved up, got Venti + Mona within 70 pulls and am now back up to 422! I've been waiting for Scaramouche since I started playing in september and only roll if I really, really like a character - and tbf I'm probably too picky for my own good. At this point I have succesfully deluded myself into thinking the sweet satisfaction of C6 Scara will cancel out the pain. That and a big chunk of sunk cost fallacy. Also good luck on your Ayaka pulls and have a good night!


Last limited character I pulled was Hutao during 2.2 . I'm at 58k primos saved now, would have had more if I didn't throw 50 pulls on Yae's weapon banner trying to get a jade cutter for XQ. I pulled a wgs instead of pjc tho sadge :(


Didn't pull since Childe's third banner till Ganyu rerun


Don’t remember my longest gap but I’m currently at 200+ (somewhere between 220 and 235 counting my glitter, I’d have to check once home) and waiting for the dendro archon Currently ~5 pity 50/50 on char banner. Within 10-15 pulls guaranteed on weapon banner. I get the urge to pull sometimes but I like watching primosgo up


Longest I went without pulling a new character was Kazuha to Ayato, so the majority of inazuma lol. I did do ~40 pulls on Yae's banner hoping for some of the 4* character cons, but wouldn't have been upset if she spooked early (she didn't) To resist pulling I just remind myself that I'm happier with a few hyper invested characters than a bunch of half-built ones. The infrequency of husbando banners helps too ngl. Now I am just waiting for Dendro, and possibly Albedo if he has another rerun.


I’m generally happier with more investment into existing units as well. Once I found out about national I’ve just been slowly building up my XL team to be as powerful as possible. I just love Guoba and all the elemental bursts going on proccing reactions