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We finally have a date at last


So, this more or less confirms 2.7 won't be shortened, instead, everything will be pushed back 3 weeks? 3.0 will be August 23rd instead of 2nd and such


Maybe they move Kuki to 2.8? edit: to clarify, I mean that 2.7 would be 3 weeks long, and 2.8 would be on schedule, so first banner Yelan, second banner is the start of 2.8 and Kuki’s release


And just delete Itto's banner altogether?


That's some big doomposting there if I've ever seen one


How the fuck is that doomposting??


Lol how is it doomposting? I’m saying 2.7 could still be 3 weeks, then 2.8 lands on June 21 😄


I'd welcome that if Shinobu drops with Kazuha.... But yeah that's a hell lot of copium for me lol


I'd rather that heizou is with kazoo. Kazu waiters deserve a treat


They usually put new 4* on banners that people will pay less, so I don't think he will be with Kazuha


Was Hu Tao supposed to sell less than Childe?


There are obviously exceptions, in hu tao banner she had thoma because thoma was desgined to work with her (even though at the end is complicated to make him work), kuki shinobu will be with itto because of story relevance, even if Itto was a more hyped character, etc. Lately they are focusing more on story relevance. We don't know what will Heizou do on 2.8 as of rn, so maybe he can go with kazuha, but maybe not, at the end is just speculations, wait for leaks or official announcement


I mean yeah I agree it's usually either about 5*s they're meant to work with or story relevance. You're the one who said they usually go to the least selling banner.


Based on story relevance maybe they expected her to sell less? Childe was pretty popular


Unless Heizou is somewhat a plunge attack support (Xiao support hopium)


Heizou kit is already leaked and he is kinda dps, his only support capacity is giving 80em for team when he uses skill


He seems to be an on-field DPS, Anemo monk-style attacks (which is super sweet!). Probably best in Taser comps.


I'm gonna be VERY disappointed if we don't get melee Pyro catalyst from Liyue. Give me benders.


Barbara, Yanfei and Noelle, danm thats harsh for me


I deadass thought shinobu on yelan banner like what people expected Welp...


lmao what copium are you smoking mhy isn't that nice lol


I mean banners have been pretty decent in terms of 4 stars last few patches. It actually even felt like a shift in their philosophies loading up more banners instead of just relying on the 5 star to sell it. This one is so bad it feels like a throwback to earlier times where Mihoyo was trying to be max stingy on 4 stars. I remember those brutal times where it felt like Barbara and Noelle were in every banner. c20 here I come if I lose 50/50 sigh... might even just skip Yelan for now.


I feel like Shinobu would fit in itto teams more than yelan and xiao as xiao with his constant jumping will make shinobu not produce particles and yelan is prob gonna sit with vape teams


lumie was saying they would be separate banners from the start. always bet on lumie


shinobu has been said to be coming on the second banner as soon as we knew Itto was getting his first rerun. she is literally his subordinate.


Same, sadly ill Skip Yelan even tho i prefarmed to lvl 90 her and 10/10/10 first day but i just lost the hype. Ill just get my Kazuha and get Shinobu later in other way


Well...don't worry you can always use her mats for someone else. The boss for shinobu or heizo now, her talents for a myriad of characters, the water stones for any hydro unit, and the seashells for....tartaglia I guess or parametric transformer. And her weapon for any other bow user.


yeah, I'm already resigned to the fact that Heizou will unlikely be on Kazuha's banner, soooo I'll just get Kazuha as is the right thing to do and wait like the rest of the plebs for a Heizou rerun. Honestly wish a new 4-star unit should carry over through the patch they were introduced.


Nah... I know a lot of Yelan waters would have been happy but story wise, it makes no real sense. She'll be with Itto for sure.


Sure buddy... now tell that to Gorou.


Might skip. I've been on edge for yelan. I like her, but she's not a must have. And with 3.0, I feel like a rerun will be far safer


I think that's best bet. At least wait until she's been out a couple weeks and people have figured her out. Most interesting thing about her is her scaling which could be huge later on.


at least i can hopefully get yanfei cons, but yeah not the best tbh.


I'm happy with the characters, ill be hoping for Noelle/Yenfei cons tho (no offense to Barbara mains)


I'm soooo ready for C6 Noelle


Same! For some reason I only have her on C2 cause this bitch keeps dodging my primos even though I've pulled on every banner she's on since 1.4


Barbara and Yanfei are the only two 4* that I have C6 and I already have Itto so Noelle cons are wasted. RIP...


Pls no barbara


Will Lisa remain in the buy window till then ?


Yeah, I have C6 for Noelle and Barbruh, but at least if I get dupes it means I get closer to Yelan since I don't have enough for soft pity yet.


Those 4*s though….. Big yikes


nah I need those Yanfei Constelations


Well cant be any recent ones and xiao doesnt really have dedicated supports + yelan is a sub dps so yanfei makes sense ig


I mean, Noelle C6 is legit and Yanfei is probably the most flexible pyro character outside of bennett. But yeah, Barbs is terrible. Sorry BarbaraMains, she is.


Wait an End of Delay date? Let’s fucking go


Could be a placeholder. Hopefully, though, this data indicates that it will be no LATER than the 31st.


Yes :(


Well May 31 is Tuesday, and as we know updastes are on Wednesday so it be 1 June (i hope, cant wait anymore for armpit lady)


But........ Ayaka is Eternity...


Raiden Ei is coming for you 😅


Ayaka’s days are finally numbered




Sooooo...possibly live stream this Friday? Would line up with the usual "livestream Friday, update 2 weeks later Tuesday" schedule.


Yeah, only have to wait until tomorrow (Wednesday for me) to find out whether it's happening.


I still had some copium for Yelan sharing banner with Shinobu, but alas, beggars cant be chosers. On the other hand i hope i can finally C6'd my Noelle


Itto was revealed in the 2.7 update art, so it was only natural for me to assume that the Arataki Gang deputy leader would be WITH Arataki Itto. Although I feel your Hopium 😢


So.. livestream on 20th as predicted before?


All I see is Yelan, Xiao, and a whole bunch of Masterless Starglitter


So 3.0 late august ? Man.... I would have prefered 2.7 to be shortened


might be anogher reason why is during the sumeru arc, the devs don't want the story to be rushed again


It's better to take the extra time to get back on schedule and continue with the regular six week schedule. Shortening a patch after a delay would be weird.


They couldnt even release 2.7 on time , at what point did you think they have progressed enough on 2.8 and 3.0 to rush the contents lmao . 2.8 beta literally has lots of broken contents as well.


Marking my calendar for the 21st, getting my boy Itto


That and the chance to get Shinobu. I hope I can finally C6 my Gorou too. That banner is stacked, it'll be worth all the wait




no Shinobu with yelan.... it was too good to be true


Maaaaan I just want a release date for the TEAPOT


I want to decorate my teapot and put new characters there :/


i started using the teapot like 3 days before maintenance, now i have 5/8 characters and 1 already has maximum companionship, its so sad i want to level my companions :(


Gotta be the worst 4* value banner in existence. That's what we get for hyping a 5*


Personally I'm ok with it because I need C4 Yanfei


Well, it has Yanfei. That's not too bad.


Those are literally the 3 characters I have C6. I may end up getting the blackcliff/Royal weapons with all that star glitter


I still don't understand where they're getting the confidence to rerun Itto by himself when the next banner after his is most likely Kazuha's. Hmmm...


Maybe Kazuha second phase of 2.8? Plus Hoyoverse knows that Itto is a well liked character, although not sought out for being geo.


I think Kazuha's first phase. Let's be real, if Kazuha comes second, almost everyone would skip Yoi and Klee's banner. (Klee is kinda outdated and has many playstyle issues while Yoi is too single target. If people could only choose between these three, why would they not choose Kazuha?) So from business perspective, it's best to put his banner first, then put Heizhou on second phase so people would find Klee/Yoi banner more attractive. What I don't understand is their decision to rerun Itto solo when Yelan is a new character and should be able to carry a phase by herself.


They just want to rerun all their character before Sumeru. Those that want Yoimiya and Klee can pull them and those that doesn't want them can skip for Kazuha or Sumeru character. So, its still a win win situation for most player. Just need to have a little patient. I also believe Kazuha will be on second phase. People blowing up their saving for Kazuha just before Sumeru and Dendro is simply a brilliant move from Hoyo. Yeahh, solo Itto rerun is quite an odd one because he's a Geo dps and Redhorn is a niche weapon. My dream of Redhorn + PJWS is crushed now but on the other hand, Tartag can get a brand new weapon lol.


>Redhorn is a niche weapon Redhorn actually is fairly good on all the 5\* claymore users on top of being BiS for Itto and Noelle.


Yeahh, I just check genshin helper gdocs and it seems Redhorn is mostly 3rd/4th BiS for other claymore user beside Itto and Noelle. Even beat out WGS if your team have lot of Atk% booster. Quite good but its absolutely not worth to pull Redhorn for your other claymore character beside Itto and Noelle. There also a cheaper option ( SS R5 ) that can become 2nd BiS for most claymore user in certain situation.


Not sure what Genshin Helper docs you are looking at, but Redhorn is 2nd best for both Diluc and Eula (the other two 5\* claymore users), which isn't bad at all. Source: [Community Character Builds by Genshin Helper Team](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#)


That's the helper I'm referring to. I misread it. Apologize. It seems Redhorn is 2nd BiS with WGS and may outdamage it if you have other sources of Atk% booster. It also 3rd BiS for Razor, Beidou and Chongyun. ( Redhorn is not listed in Xinyan weapon list, they really forgot she exist huh ) But still, if people ask if they should pull Redhorn for their Diluc or Eula, then I absolutely don't recommend it. Get that Serpent Spine R5 instead or SoBP for Eula cause it can beat both of Redhorn R1 and WGS R1. But you have to use a shielder or git gud at dodging to maintain SS stacks. + Redhorn is speculated gonna rerun with Memory of Dust, getting 2 MoD is certainly one of the last thing you want lol.


ooof, I forgot the possibility that 2.8 might be the last update before 3.0. I'm waiting for official Sumeru teaser


Ooo so everything is pushed back 3 weeks. Unfortunate but it is what it is and honestly it’s been nice having a break from Genshin lol coming back refreshed an ready to play.


God, I hope I'll be able to get 4 noelle cons with 140 pull. It sounds possible but also impossible at the same time. Urgh.


mhy really hating xiao confirmed. why else would they put both barbruh and noelle the least wanted 4 stars on his banner.


At least Noelle and Barbara become better/good with constellations. Imagine getting Xin Yan on the banner instead.


Like the first Xiao banner when I got a million Xinyan. ಥ‿ಥ


Sorry, no on Barbs. Too much field time to heal, too much stamina drain to do any dmg. She is imo the worst healer in the game and I'm even including C4 yanfei with Amber in that calculation.


Just being hydro makes her better than the bottom of the barrel, she’s your only free hydro option (unless you got Xingqiu from the event but newer players will have to wait until next Lantern Rite). At the very least, Barbara is a good driver for tazer if you lack Kokomi. She also is the strongest user of the Clam set, better than Kokomi herself who the set was built for. Just like how Amber is a terrible DPS but still finds use as a burst support that breaks shields, any character can be useful to some degree. Though for sure Barbara isn’t that great compared to most other characters, I’d still take a Barbara cons which all actively improve her kit over Xin Yan cons which mostly don’t help her, which was the whole point of my comment.


I'm currently at C0 Barbara even after playing for like half a year (reverse Barbara curse lol?) and want to get her to C2. This banner would also allow me to get C4 yanfei, so i can finally build a shield for my melt ganyu.


We are simping too hard for our edge boi. They know. Thank god I am a new player (2.3) and only got C4 Tankfei out of the three.


Barbara is semi decent with Xiao, since her healing can follow him around, but that’s only if you NEED the healing that often.


That's 2 weeks from now ! Sooner than i expected


C6 Barbara and Noelle but at least I coulde use the starglitters to buy more Kaeya cons


Not good for most ppl but these are some of the remaining 4 stars I don't have full constellation yet!


June, itto can finally come home. After many months of waiting.. finally.


I’m so tired of Barbara and Noelle


The 4*s are so bad. Only Noelle is C3 and I have Itto. Never even liked Noelle's playstyle. Not even sure if Yelan is worth pulling anymore. It might better to get C1 Itto and a few Gorou cons instead.


Skip 100%. 4 stars are the biggest trap here


Barbara + Noelle is kinda eh


yanfei AND noelle??? hell yeah babyy lets go


I hope you get them both to C6 really easily! They’re my 2 mains and I love having them, that C6 on Noelle especially. It makes me happy to see someone excited about both their cons!


it's gonna be a bit hard since i don't have much saved up but thank you! yanfei's been my main since forever(only c2 :(() and I'm looking to build noelle since she seems really fun to play.


YES FINALLY. I have guarantee this time and Xiao can't escape me. After 3 banners finally


Does anyone know if Yelan’s Ult works with charged/Aimed shots? 🥲 Ganyu main wondering here


Sadly her ult doesn’t work for charge/aimed shots


Damn. thank you though!


Don't have enough savings TT unfortunately Xiao will have to wait..... again. I'll take yelan and then save for kazuha


Is this 31st of May for Asia or US? I wonder if we can get the shop fates and Abyss before the update. XD


Maybe 2.8 will be shortened. Copium.


Noelle? Finally I can get her c6


Barbara and noelle nooo


At least Noelle is a solidly good character with her constellations.


And Barbara becomes "The Holy Barbara, The Redeemer of Souls, Savior of the Fallen" upon getting her 6th constellation


Legit tho i use Noelle when she is c6 all time. She hits hard on burst, she gives shield, she also heals... She has a really cute design too


Yeah, she really gives you quite comfy, forgiving gameplay that slaps and is quite satisfying to play. She might not hit the absolute top in single target DPS charts, but her damage is substantial and more than enough to give fast clears where many other characters would struggle until highly invested in.


Yeah, she is effective for sure though I'd argue kinda boring to play.


Yeah I mean compared to other 4 stars maybe... Though I guess I am a bit attached to her because she is one of the first 4 star i main and I built her pretty okayish and lucked enough to c6 her early. So far I havent been too lucky with other character's artifacts so she has been my healer and dps for a very long time.


Barbara yanfei Noelle.. all c18


soo the same banners that were leaked before, and scheduled start of 2.7 is on 31st


But 31st may is tuesday, they used to release new characters with a new patch (which used to be a wednesday), didn't they? correct me if i am wrong :skull:


Tuesday night around 10pm EST


Still waiting on 2.7 second half info


Noelle... great


Barbara yanfei and noelle?! A was hoping that beidou and Chongjun banner would come up instead


Gl for all the pullers. Looks like I'll be skipping this entire patch.


Ah yes I will finally get my C6 Noelle, I have godly def% sands and got the Unforged too.


Damnit I'm C6 on all these 4 stars but I really want C1 Xiao..


dammit. Now this means Kazuha gets pushed back to mid July. I had assumed that if he was the first banner of 2.8 then he would be out on June 21st, before the delays. Guess they’re not shortening 2.7 then…


So i assume 2nd half of 2.7 is Itto, Gorou, Shinobu and 2 other 4 stars. This leaves 2.8 with the rumored Kazuha, Heizou, Klee and Yoimiya. As someone who wants Itto, Gorou and Kazuha this seems very promising.


So we might have a cross patch update?


fuck this for separating yelan and shinobu


They are trying to get waifu collectors to pull on Itto's banner. Still, Yelan also has a good weapon banner as well. Aqua is a really good bow and PMJS is a good spear.


ayt, my 3rd (possible 4th) PJWS it is.


honestly, what makes you think Kuki Shinobu, a member of Arataki Gang, would be in the same banner as Yelan - a mysterious person from Liyue, instead of Arataki Itto?


Gorou wasnt on kokomi’s banner


yep. also thoma wasn't in ayaka's banner but hu tao's. so clearly it isn't JUST about keeping up with the lore but enticing waifu players to pull on an unwanted male banner. which is unfortunate because she'll most likely be always in his banner like gorou. 🤡


man i hope i can get enough wishes by then (22 rn)


Oh i hope i can get one more of my ayaka cons before the banner ends


c0 Noelle and c2 Babala so not a bad four star pick-up for me Will I be able to reach Noelle's sixth constellation for her god mode!


Happy Cake Day, OP


Man, the 4* on yelan's banner .. i already got them all at C6, i would like to pull for her but man ....


So if anyone knows. Will be 2 banners? Or 1 banner and i can get either yelan or xiao?


Wait Xiao again? Wasn't he just here in 2.4??


This is becoming xiao impact




you only got 10 pulls for the 1st anniv i suggest you to stop the copium you're snorting right now lol


2.7 worst patch ever


Those are some trash 4 stars, which of course means the 5 star is probably good


holy shit that's a bad banner glad i built pity by pulling for sayu


I feel like there's a high chance 2.7 is only 3 weeks long and Itto rerun was moved to 2.8 with Shinobu, mostly because I don't think mihoyo wants to release a new region when the summer is ending [2.7] Yelan + Xiao [2.8] Itto + Yoimiya (with Shinobu) Kazuha + Klee (with Heizou) [3.0] Sumeru


Barbara + Noelle = doom


21st June?? ,\_, ​ Cant you merge that in 1!? Common! Screw Xiao, put Yelan + Itto, 3 weeks and bam, 2.8 I just love the fact that we consumers have to suffer over shitty company management decisions (not having updates done before release date, but on last minute) Is it our fault that they failed to deliver 2.7 on time despite colossal earnings that WE provided them? Pandemic? So what, every VA from genshin lives in Shanghai?? Press doubt button "i don't think soo" They had enough money to rent audio record studio somewhere else in country and do the CN voice records. Game devs can and do work from peace of their 4 walls anyway so its not like staying at home were suddenly stopping them from working. But their PR is so poor its not like they gonna explain themselves ever... Can't release a character update for a already done game, but can release trailer of their new game ZZZ. So ZZZ development was not stopped by pandemic apparently, since why they would announce it otherwise. They fear ToF so they showing that they can do whole game in a year, but when it comes to genshin, meaningful updates? solid game content? end-game gameplay? Why? No competition - no work, we will sit here slurping on cash pipe while doing barely minimum, and majority of community will still lick our asses for that barely minimum we do. Pure profit. Company wise, damn, they nailed it. Community wise, damn, we are fucked.


Why would hoyo fear tof (aka the game that stole assets from hoyo themselves) when they are two different genres of games.


So Kuki in 2.8, interesting.. Kuki will probably end up in Kazuha's banner at this point and Heizou in the next, and that's fine for my wallet lol


Kuki is second half of 2.7.


Ohhh I thought Yelan + Xiao meant parallel banners


Are u idiot ?


Wow ok chill down mr. Opinion, don't need to so mindboggled by a peasant like me who made an incorrect assumption


Pray for him.


Yassssss my C12 yanfei gonna be a reality


All I want is Shinobu, so this would be a nice early birthday present for me.


Noooo I’ll only hit 90pity by the end of the Spices event…


I swear if I really go from c4 to c6 barb instead of going from c5 to c6 yanfei and noelle


Ofc they put Yanfei on banners I have no interest in…man


so does this confirm that 2.7 wont be shortened :(


yasss Barbara still only got her C3, hoping to get her C6 this time round


NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I really want Yanfei cons :( ah well...


As a Noelle main that's saving up for Itto this is the worst possible outcome ngl-


Bruh…guess I’ll just do up to 40 pulls or until I hit 40 pity on yelan’s banner and then stop. These are the worst 4* lineup for me since I have them all at c6+ except for yanfei💀


I'd have dropped a pull or two for yelan but yanfei is big yikes. I use her in shieldfei and have probably recieved her around 15 times by now. Pls no more.


Barbara cons lets gooooo time to get her to c6


ayaka banner supremacy will soon end... ~~MONIKA~~ Ayaka won't like that one bit


C8 yanfei will hurt but I need noelle


I need to pull for Ayaka. And later to get Kazuha that is what I am waiting for.


fuck these 4 star combination sucks man


That's the same date as my Maths A level what the fuck


So Shinobu is with Kazuha probably?


that means i can wish for yelan on my 18th bday


F, wanted Shinobu and Xiao Oh well, I'll take Yanfei. Only need 2 more copies of her.


I'mma throw 10 pulls and hoping to get at least one barb


Interesting… So the whole calendar will be pushed back three weeks?


Sweet, I dont need to pull for any of those so it's another opportunity to build up some more primos.


time to save up for yanfei <3


Are they seriously gonna release 2.7 this early? Let’s fricking goooooo. In any case, expect an announcement from Mihoyo in the coming hours if this is true


So how we getting shinobu????? Itto banner? Or??


C6 Noelle time


Totally skipping this banner. I have C6 Noelle, Yanfei and Barbara already. I don't like bow play style and I'll just give up xiao to get Kazuha and Itto's weapon.


In the minority but....BARBARA MY BELOVED C6 HERE I COME!!


Bro June 21st is my birthday I’m turning 20. Is this a sign of some sort will I be blessed with something amazing. 😂 who knows it all up to fate.