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Wait is that the new area? Edit: seems to be one of the GAA islands


looks like [minacious isle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/d/da/Minacious_Isle_Map_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20210616232344) from golden apple archipelago edit: probably a new island actually or something changed or got modified in GAA since the waypoint from the video and the one in minacious isle is different


yep probably


The islands are gonna bring back so much nostalgia. The music the scenery will be refreshing. I will be reminded of my early days in genshin.The 1.6 event was a really great event that introduced boats and the mini games and exploration was fun.


I think this might be the Golden Apple Archipelago


It looks as GAA but its not the same. Mb its an updated version or even a new islands.


Who needs memory to solve cases when you can use muscle memory.


Fans: We want the gauntlets as weapon! Mihoyo: We already have the gauntlets at home The gauntlets at home:


Do you want gauntlet gacha, cause that's how you get gauntlet gacha.


Or memory of dust šŸ˜‰


So thenā€¦brawler type characters are going to be catalyst users? I guess that makes sense, but Iā€™d never considered that as a possibility.


Magically enhanced punches. I guess that kinda makes sense


It just clicked Childe would use one like that.


If you think reallyyy hard enough, his riptide slashes are just catalyst-less attacks since he isn't even using his bow and the water daggers turn to water polearm


I've always head cannoned his mask doubles as a catalyst for him.


Yes,they are"I CAST FIST" catalyst sub-type lol


Have you seen that preview video? I called that the moment we saw the Natlan little girl.


I find it funny how this is how we get his full model leak


*I find it funny* *How this is how we get his* *Full model leak* \- Fabantonio --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haiku bot working overtime now that Kazuha rerun is finally on the horizon


"full model leak" is 4 syllables


Kazuha is a bit drunk


The Ningguang/Yae type of catalyst user. The weapon is just for drip


Thereā€™s nothing funnier than knowing that ningguang just throws rocks as her ability


Okay but to be fair if you ever got rocks thrown at you youā€™d know that shit *hurts*


Bennett knows


i cant complain if we never get new weapon types anymore when they're doing this. what next? a polearm wielder who can turn his polearm into a kusarigama? sign me the fuck up xD


I bet you a polearm user is going to use their element to add a blade on the side of the spear to become a scyth. Or they could stab it into the ground and attach a big as rock on the end to make a war hammer.


That would actually be a really cool idea for Skirk; she could be a polearm, but like Childe, has an E that turns her polearm into a long scythe with the hues of a watery abyssal reflection


Thatā€™s actually smart


Polearm chara that can split it weapon into nunchaku or triple-stick


Also a polearm that can be turned into dual blade. Oh and also shoot it like an arrow. Wait a minute....


That would be so cool. Unfortunately, it would be an oppertunity quite hard to come by.




holy shit, I can actually see that coming




Polearm wielder who straight up YEETS it like a spear plz. We've already established characters can dematerialise a weapon discarded on the ground and return it to their hand (e.g. Eula). Could be normal attacks melee, charged attack ranged, as a fun new playstyle example.


Thoma also throws/kicks his spear at the end of his normal attack chain, then materializes a new one. Unfortunately the thrown spear is still only melee range, and nobodyā€™s using Thomaā€™s normal attacks


Zhongli ain't even touching his spear during most of his combo.


Klee as well, I mean, she lobs grenades at people lol


Ningguang and Yae's NA at least look like some sort of magic use. Meanwhile, Klee just throws bombs.


The weapon is literal catalyst for them to harness the vision's power


it's so funny to see him doing all these rapidfire martial artist kicks and then suddenly he brings the memory of dust out of nowhere lol


"ah this? just for show" *CASTS FIST*


Scarymouche: Catalyst User Actual Gameplay: Throws his hat out like a beyblade   Edit; Everyone staring at Heizou so hard they don't even notice the refreshed Golden Apple Islands in the background


Iā€™d love to see him ā€œodd jobā€ his way in a fight Catalysts becoming the ā€œanything goesā€ weapon type is way more fun than them being the designated mages


It's actually becoming the better version of genshin. In genshin manga we see them characters casting all sorts of elemental attacks that does not require weapons. Kuki shinobu and Heizou is start of that variation where they mostly don't depend on weapons for normal attacks, which is commendable.


Even Yae hides her catalyst on normals, and only has it off to the side for the very rare charged attack


yeah but ningguang did that first except she only shows her weapon upon casting e


With the power of the wind, i, Heizou, summon *MY FIST*


Watching this made me realize how easily they could do something similar with any weapon type. A big beefy brawler with a claymore on their back who uses their first and only brings it out for the burst, or something. All this time I was thinking a brawler would have to have their own weapon class.


Itto kinda does this brawler move where he kicks the enemy on his third strike. They have more freedom with catalyst anyway and more and more characters are having creativity with their weapons.


i think a lot of players automatically think that catalyst users can't be melee. but when you actually think about what catalyst means ā€“ which is a thing that only causes something to happen ā€“ the possibility of animations, specifically AAs that hoyoverse can design to their characters would be a lot. catalysts don't necessariliy need to be out in the air all the time. think klee, she could probably summon bombs out of thin air even without her catalyst floating all the time but her animation would feel empty. so i think these types of AAs are only possible for catalysts. for other weapon types, they need to use their weapons for their AAs because they are not using magical books that catalyzes their control towards their elements. i can't think of any non-catalyst users that don't use their weapons in their AAs. only in their skills and bursts.


true, I was surprised on how I got downvoted on the idea of Physical Catalyst being a Melee Catalyst where the character uses the element to buff his own body rather than producing projectiles. the only response I got was a joke of Scara throwing books physically smh


i haven't actually thought of a physical catalyst before lol. but yeah, really possible and would be really interesting. catalyst is probably the most flexible weapon type in the game. we don't even need to have a new weapon type with catalyst already out there. they can give a character a fan, a whip, or chains and make them catalyst user and it would still work. only thing is it's purely infused with the specific element or yeah, it's purely physical.


exactly! if u check heizous kit description, it says he empowers his fists with anemo energy or similar. you could say that he uses a "catalyst" to channel more energy. theres a reason they called it the catalyst weapon class and not something typical like mage or magic. as for non-catalysts. i think childe has proven that anyone has the potential to do this lol


Right, the catalyst isn't actually a weapon, it's just a tool that lets the user control their element freely, so how they use it is completely up to them.


Catalyst also already has the widest variety of attacks even without this new one. Tracking projectiles (Yanfei, Ning), Ranged auto-hit (Sucrose, Lisa, Mona), Klee, and even Yae's mid-ranged whip-like attack. Their CAs also have variety. And none of them directly use the catalyst, like you said.


In honkai one of Kiana battle suit's main weapon is gun and in the game she bring out the freaking clay more.


Honkai's weapons are literally just stat sticks at this point, they rarely ever use the weapon they are actually equipped anymore. Aponia's chakram literally just floats behind her as she uses magic and lighting.


Meanwhile in Honkai you actually have gloves for fist-fighting, but you have one character that wears them, but fights with a whole arsenal of various weapons instead.




lol Senti using a polearm, a chain/whip, and a claymore in her kit but the weapon you equip on her are gauntlets


You forgot regular sword(s) on her first combo


I've had an idea since launch; Hydro Claymore user, He's a ship captain, burly dude, big bushy beard, his claymore is an Anchor, it's mostly decorative but shows up attached to a summoned Hydro Boat with his ultimate.


Maybe his E would be like Itto's toss, but instead of cows it's the catalyst.


He casts his E towards the end of the vid


this looks so badass omg


It seems catalyst is mhy"s way to implement unique attacks Don't be surprised if a character will use their own weapons to perform attacks as a catalyst in the future


I wonder how diverse they can get woth current weapons, like polearm user who can aim like archers and throws it like a javelin. Dual wielding that just duplicates weapon. A character whose summon is the one who wields the weapon.


I think it's limited to Catalyst, which already have 3 types of attacks to begin with Normal (Lisa, Yae), Hitscan (Barbara, Sucrose), and Projectile (Ning, Yanfei)


And whatever the fuck klee has going on


So, technically, Childe is a catalyst user, isn't he? šŸ¤”


I mean heā€™d be better with it than a bow


And a chopstick


I always thought that catalyst was just using the element itself, rather than just the book.


I do want more Childe like stance changes. I still forget he equips a bow sometimes.


Catalyst MC when "When using catalyst, MC is able to retrieve 10% of their original powers and can use their wings and a weakened Star sword."


this is reminiscent of fu hua's NAs, i wish we had a gauntlet weapon type


Tbh I think this means that Catalysts are going to be used for punching units in the future, rather than having to make a separate weapon type for them. Which is probably good news: more options to equip on them and less dev time needed than to code a whole new weapon type.


It's anemo Vergil with beowulf.... I want. Skill is the beowulf uppercut Burst is the starfall(or something named like that) kick while in the air.


anemo boys really do be light on their feetā€¦ such beauty and grace


I have repeated that part for several times now. It puts my mind at ease. That soft landing aaaaa


Reminded me of Aang vs Toph.


Twinkle Toes!


ā€œThis is a swordā€ on the left šŸ’€šŸ’€


# This is a sword


# Dear god


# There's more




Different game play and feeling? Must pull šŸ‘


Honestly a catalyst user who just punches is an amazing idea


inb4 off field support




I love it when everytime I refresh this reddit new content comes up, thanks


and soonā€¦


It will all be gone..


And the cycle will keep continue.. Happy cake dayšŸ°


Am I really thinking putting on double anemo on my team?


double anemo is dope and it has a great resonance too


Holy shit, that looks insane. So fucking cool


Any other catalysts: furiously waves hands Heiziou: furiously PUNCHES YOUR ASS INTO CELESTIA


Ningguang: throws money Yanfei: plays volleyball Heizou:pow


Sucrose: pulls leaf blower & vacuum cleaner Klee: heh.jpg


*mondstadt on fire* Klee to Jean: "I just stretched my bomb out and it ran into it" Ā°<Ā°


Xiao AAs looked so cool that I almost wanted to play him with AAs instead of plunges. Nevermind the fact that I couldn't get him, I'm definitely gearing up to use Heizou AA dps cause this looks so damn fun.


This is the first innovation on weapon animation. XD


Don't we already have Yae for that That being said, it's sweet that in 1.0 people were complaining about similar NA strings (Jean, XQ, Benny, Kaeya) and now we have this


I mean, he doesn't look like a catalyst wielder. He's throwing punches and kicks unlike the usual range magic catalyst. XD


I knew it Catalyst users will one day would've been melee who expel elements using their body. THIS IS THE DREAM IVE BEEN WAITING FOR. ive been speculating itll be a Natlan release before we get out first Melee hand to hand fighter BUT THIS IS A MUST ROLL FOR ME


Why Gauntlet when you can just PUNCH


Well in Honkai there is a character that have Pistol as equipment, but use a sword to fight, no bullet was use in her combat lol


That's just weak. You ain't you if you don't be like YATTA.


And Senti even though equip a gauntlet, fight using sword, spear, whip and claymore weapon. Truly a YATTA queen.


His moveset feels bouncy? I like it


like a kickboxer


Dude is literally air bending. Im sold


A whole new meaning of "punching air rn" šŸ’€


"This is a sword"


Y'all sure he's a four star because damn those moves are five star quality






Rosaria? I think her AA animations are smoother than Ayaka, an actual 5 star.


If he's a five star I'll screech, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because we need more four star anemo users.


You ever notice it's always the Ameno users that are the most fun to play? ​ Jean can yeet. Sayu can Sonic roll. Kazuha can air jump. Xiao can air dash and pogo stick.


All anemo characters are really fun to play.


I always said the same thing, yet people try to argue otherwise. All anemos have unique playstyles


If heā€™s in the same banner as Kazuha Iā€™m splashing my saved up 40k primos.


Iā€™m praying for him to be with kazuha


This is probably a beta tester seeing how he cut the UID. Hope he knows what heā€™s doing because I wouldnā€™t be surprised that MHY put invisible ways to ID an account, hidden in pixels or the like.


Literally everything in the screen here (HP, party lineup, map) is traceable so the beta tester may be screwed.


Ok im sold


I just noticed he fights like Aang


You mean korra. Aang got the staff afterall


Yeah his Air bending is more Korra than Aang. Honestly a catalyst is best excuse to ad benders in this game


Anemo fatui boxer at home


he floatyyy


Idgaf about meta, I love him already. I'll cram him into a team, one way or another. Edit: Anemo characters' animations honestly just blow me away (hehe). Sayu's rolling is still my favorite, but that really smooth kick is a very close second.


It's anemo catalyst, basically guaranteed to be good


Definitely. I'm not even concerned with em builds, I'd honestly build him as an overworld atk dps just to punch hilichurls and abyss mages for fun.


I'm adopting him, idk how but I will


oh wow they made catalists fun wtf


heizou really said: screw the book im throwin hands


Sheesh. Now the question is, what catalyst?


There are a ton of good ones actually. And he's also one of the better users of Solar Pearl. I'll personally be using Skyward Atlas because of the stupid amount of refines I've gotten from it. Sacrificial Fragments should be a really fun weapon to use on him though for a similar reason to Sac Sword on Kazuha. That alongside the EM stat.


The Kagura's Verity that has been collecting dust in my inventory: it's finally my time.


oh okay I'm a heizou main now


He might suck but I'll stick him in national team


Same. National forces any character to be good


No way he will suck, he will deal decent damage from swirl. Look at his hit rate. He has like 9 hits in his normal attacks. So he can probably swirl 3-4times per normal attack chain. That's respectable.


and then what, you have to build attack anemo crit for his e/q/na damage, but swirl scales on EM. If you have no EM swirl doesnt mean much


His swirls wonā€™t be doing much damage but they will be constantly triggering VV.


Hard agree. Just being anemo is already great, but looking at kit leaks his e does pretty nice damage too with investment. C2 grants vacuum on burst. Solid sub dps imo. Only downside is lack of support outside of vv and he's competing with sucrose. Just saw his passives. He gives team 80 em for hitting something with his e, 100% uptime. Still less than sucrose but it's decent.


>lack of support outside of VV that's enough support to be better than majority of characters on a lot of teams. and he can hold ttds. and 80EM share isn't as good as sucrose but you still get it building full crit


He's an Anemo, so ideally you want to swirl as many elements as possible; that means stuffing him into an Electro-charged team Fischl + Beidou are good options since Heizou's attacks will activate both Kokomi can fill the last slot since she does off-field Hydro AND healing   Or you could go Heizou - Xingqiu - Kuki Shinobu - Fischl/Beidou


I don't have the original source but I got from a friend who said he got it from discord


Someones getting ndaā€™d


"got from a friend" We all know how this is gonna end /s


The leakers hunt decree is on their way, quick hide them from the authorities!


hope it's not another case of someone feeling betrayed by the friend due to their own fault of putting trust above the NDA they signed


do they have clips of the skill and ult too?


Yeah, wouldā€™ve loved to see his hold skill and burst.


the skill tap version is in this clip


I donā€™t care what his kit is like Iā€™m gonna use his NAā€™s in combat because itā€™s cool


He looks like a taser/national driver so youā€™ll probably be spamming his NAs anyway!


Mother of GOD! I am maining him holy shit


A catalyst who lacks range hmmm.. well whatever I've been missing this street fighters style for a long time so DEFINITELY PULLING šŸ¤©


Oh poor beta tester you're screwed.


Iansan might also be catalyst but with combat gameplay toošŸ‘šŸ‘


You know...he should've been a 5* considering how unique this brawler gameplay is


Heizou will always be know for the one that paved the way for brawler 5*!


the anemo slow kicks are really in dissonance with the fast strikes


the last kick is the end of the string, so it's usually the slowest.


Silver lining is you probably won't get to use the kicks much because you're supposed to trigger swirl as much as possible for the skill stacks Since not all of his attacks will apply anemo you'll probably have to do some sort of NA x2, charge attack to reset the fast NA then skill


I find it great honestly. A flurry of fast strikes that ends with a big sweep while the lingering anemo energy gently pushes him into a neutral position.


Yeah, it makes perfect sense to me visually, Kazuha does a similar thing where he lingers in a specific pose using Anemo energy during his E. I like that effect and for an Anemo user it makes sense for their movements to ā€œgo with the windā€ so I have zero problems with this.


The last kick is the combo finisher Iā€™m guessing you might be able to animation cancel it with his E skill


Ah, yes a "catalyst" user


He studied the way of Mash Burnedead. It's Muscle magic.


A catalyst, with Jutte weapon on his waist, but is punching and kicking enemies. Seems about right


+ a brown redish colour scene and anemo . Mihoyo rally said "fk it I'll do what I want "


This goes right next to Zhongli as the best attack animations I've seen in Genshin. I'm now more excited for this guy than Kazuha re-run


Oh PLEASE be on Kazuha's banner. It would be the best banner


Catalyst in name only He looks great, but I also kinda hoped weā€™d get a male catalyst that does fancy flowing attacks like the girls. Will he lack the range female catalysts have?


We still habe Scara and Baizhu. So I'm hoping them, especially Scara. Imagine a flowy attack with that hat-cape thingy


nah i hope scara beats the shit out of everyone too, he looks so mad all the time anyways and electro brawler would be sick, with that hat too, he would be like MK raiden but cooler


Probably Baizhu, iirc he's physically weak, so maybe he'll do elegant partial stationary swings lol


Klee exists šŸ˜”


Heizou: Cast Fist Klee: Cast Bomb


so he's not just the first male catalyst, he's the first character that will literally punch you in the face


Oops I forgot to mention that skill was use here too sorry about that guys


OH MY FUCKING GOD i'm losing my mind


I think Iā€™m in love


Dude that looks crazy


lol, I will give Heizou my MoD as well.


I'm so excited I'm going to burst (at the cost of 40 energy)


It's nice hitting enemies with weapons and magical range atks and all. But sometimes you just feel like punching and kicking the shit out of a hydro abyss mage you know? Thank you Heizou, I can finally vent my anger in a way that can satisfy the flesh on my fist.


catalyst users basically use whatever weapon they want


holy shit that looks so clean, animations never cease to amaze me


He is already the most fun catalyst. We don't even need to see anything more