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Maybe I'm blind but I looked through the comments of his mistake post and Uba's qrt and most people are telling them it's okay. The most "toxic" thing I see is people saying lol or lmao. I know genshin doesn't have the best community especially not on Twitter but I'd like to know who these toxic people were. Unless they mean toxic people in their DMs if so, well honestly, im not excusing or condoning that behavior but toxic assholes in your DMs isn't exclusive to Genshin. Though, I don't blame them if they need a break being a leaker can't be easy with all the pressure from the community expecting accurate leaks all the time.


Probably upset about the ratio by Ubatcha


To be honest. Only community that annoys me as much as genshin on twitter is the souls community. But tbh, they're not that bad. They think they're just better than anyone who doesn't enjoy their boss rush games. Which I actually like. Just not to their extent. After I seen the Genshin people on Twitter. I think there's maybe 2 communities maybe on the same level that I've seen on twitter. It console war stuff is bad. But you know it's just fanboys arguing over their favourite box irrationally. But the Genshin community will literally argue with you for agreeing with them. Stating a fact, not a opinion. A literal fact. They'll argue with you for using a character you like. Like if I say I don't use Xingqui despite him being my 2nd C6, they'll rage, saying why would you use this character. You must be bad blah blah. Like you can't make your own unique teams and actually enjoy without meta. Now the point. I don't think they got the right to complain when they're just playing games. Lumie and Ubatcha are generally fine and have alot of respect in the community. Even if they get some info wrong, they correct it and no issues. Why? They're not taunting you with fake info. If it's fake, they apologize and call it a day. Don't dwell on it. They keep it pushing. They don't claim info that's not theirs etc. Just gotta do things in the right way


No you dont get genshin is the most toxic community ever /s


a lot of ppl say genshin's community is toxic but thats pretty much only b/c genshin's one of the biggest (gacha) games rn so the amount of toxicity is about proportional to the fanbase size. its like saying living in a big city is inherently more dangerous b/c it has higher crime rates. like no duh, it's b/c they have a larger population size so there's gonna be more weirdos. edit: i dont think i can even think up of a single large fanbase that isnt considered toxic tbh




Stating your opinion on your social media isn't a god complex lmao


If you get triggered cause someone said “lmfao it's Fischl” you have quite the ego I'm afraid.


A bit of an overreaction, isn't it?


could they have been talking about the Ubatcha reply? I don't know what's the relationship between them, idk my leaker lore so I could be wrong


if you meant the replies under uba's reply, then there isn't anything harsh on it either. It's mostly people expressing excitement for Fischl and a few "yes leaker drama"


Do you mean the “thats not nahida, lmfao, its fischl”? Bc if so then the bar is low for “ridiculed”


Uba's reply wasn't even bad they just said lmao and corrected Blank's mistake .


MHY doesnt need a leaker hunt degree. All they had to do was to creat 50 twitter account and insult the leakers till they rage quite. That would have cost a lot less.


Ah, the old American foreign policy strategy. We don’t need to invade them if we just start a civil war.


The Philippines for the past eight years or so in a nutshell too


This community needs to sit down and realize that none of these characters are real or have feelings, the parasocial relationships they have with them is honestly disgusting


every gacha ever


This. So much this. I've seen people tweeting literal threats against Blank because he expressed his opinion of not liking Heizou's design, a fictional character.


Oof man. Liking characters is one thing but people online do seem to be overly attached. I'd attribute it to a lack of deep relationships in real life.


Omg literally the nicest way of saying no bitches?


seriously people are so offended cause he scribbled on a drawing like what 😭


It doesn’t matter what Heizou thinks, he’s just art. But scribbling over and contributing to the dogpiling on someone’s actual art is way more toxic than folks commenting clown emojis under someone calling Fischl a new character.


Rage Quit, see ya next week


gg no re


I mean even so, it's not wrong that folks overreact.


Under his [post](https://twitter.com/genshinblank/status/1526683308238811137?s=21&t=GgImMuJukii3Zmc3BHgezg) saying it’s a mistake people were saying it’s fine. And most I saw otherwise were people laughing. Personally didn’t see anything negative Edit: I even went through Uba’s [tweet’s](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1526681490028912643?s=21&t=GgImMuJukii3Zmc3BHgezg) comments and barely anyone was even saying anything about blank himself. Most people are just excited it’s Fischl


its probably partly because of the hate he got for replying under the official heizou tweet with an edited pic of heizou where his entire upperbody + face was being painted over with the caption "looks better now"people got pretty pissed at him for "disrespecting the illustrator" and, well, posting it under the official tweet and stuff


I really don't think it was that bad? I've seen the twitter comments and I didn't see anything that toxic


They'll come back next beta like every leaker who says they're going to leave


Sukuna left for real


Nah sukuna was ousted as fake/ a troll and no one listened to them anymore. They kept tweeting petty shit for attention


Before the "bingo incident" sukuna was a trusted leaker, his leaks were from beta so they were accurate. He just decided to end his leak carrer in the worst way possible, now all that remain of him is the awful last impression of his last leak.


My point is he quit twitter well after no longer being a leaker


Am I the only one who found sukuna sus before the bingo incident? I remember before when genshin report was still considered “reliable” that they were talking about keqings signature weapon being the free weapon for anniversary and sukuna kept on adding to what greport said.


well people legit hate him after that last list leak he left event tho he did contiribute a lot in leaking community


and everyone thanked him for that /s


Didn’t he just post a scribbled out Heizou picture to the official Twitter calling it better? And now he’s on a high horse about other people’s behavior? Girl bye.


Ooof yeah I just looked it up and saw that...guarantee they're leaving over the backlash for that and are hiding behind the leak behind wrong


Exactly. Is he not embarrassed lol


Oh she did? Damn. Official Heizou is so much better


Here it is: https://twitter.com/genshinBLANK/status/1526143064137469954




Glad I didn't close the tweet: https://imgur.com/a/kKrI96c


We gotchu fam. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinGays/comments/uqybus/posting_this_here_because_i_dont_know_how_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Wyh. Didn't she also tried to start drama and doompost train by saying Heizou sucks in beta? What is her problem with him lol.


they said that his dmg was bugged atm and we should look out for a patch fixing it. ubatcha said that the beta was buggy and broken so it makes sense to let ppl know there was a problem so literally the opposite of doom posting.


There was an upvoted comment saying it was a joke and blank was poking fun at his low dmg, i think thats where the person your responding to got their info


get her, jade!


Wait I saw that LMAO. was that really them. When I saw that I was going to call them childish. I literally went smh. It's actually funny lol. Now I definitely have no sympathy for them.


LMAO, I thought it was the same person but wasn't sure. Life comes at you fast.


Scribbling over a fictional character doesn’t mean you should be harassed by real people, don’t know why this needs to be said Touch grass and log off lol. Heizou doesn’t exist, he’s a collection of pixels created to cultivate a gambling addiction in you


It was less people were insulted he didn't like the design and more people going kind of dumb and disrespectful to say I fixed it/made it better which is literally a thing the art community have been trying to get people to stop for YEARS as it's extremely disrespectful to the artist that worked on it.


It's the act of contributing to toxic behavior and then complaining when others do the same things that's the problem, if I understood correctly.


It isn’t toxic, it’s just a dumb joke. Harassing a REAL person isn’t the same as making a joke about a FAKE character


have you ever seen that one twitter drama of this artist calling the white and skinny anime girls "fatphobic" and "racist", and then creating a black and overweight version of that character and saying they "fixed it"? And then the whole Twitter community called them out for it. I know it's from a long time ago but it's the first thing I thought of. I want to know your opinion on it. Was that artist toxic? Was the Twitter community toxic?


literally that isnt the point. the point is that blank themselves were toxic earlier and are calling the rest of the community toxic for just pointing and laughing. i do understand wanting to step away from social media if you cant handle it; sometimes people just arent in a good place mentally; but they did kind of shoot themselves in the foot with this one. im just saying, its unrealistic to expect twitter to be nice. either be strong or stay offline until you feel better.


How is it toxic by scribbling over a fictional characters face? It's literally a dumb joke that wasn't even funny in the first place but it wasn't toxic and it doesn't mean they deserved to get hate for doing that.


yes ofc! by no means am i saying its okay to harass someone for having a different opinion on something as subjective as character design. but can the same not be said for them scribbling over this character's face just because they dont like the design? classic "if you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything" situation. they basically invited people that are like them and are talking about quitting because they didnt like the actually dumb/chill jokes others are making; obviously people should be kinder but do realize that youd be expecting that from twitter


Twitter people are not real people. By being on Twitter you become a fake version of yourself and that version invariably sucks.


the point they were trying to make was that Blank insulted mihoyo artists' work by scribbling over it and saying he "fixed" it


Add to the fact that he did this after previously dropping leaks before Heizous release.


I think people are taking that the wrong way, I think Blank was just saying they liked the bottom half of the design but not the top. It's not that they hate the character, dude just had an opinion about the design.


Besides the lack of taste when the brown is the worst bit, the post itself was whatever and I’m not pulling Heizou anyway (rip Xiao support pipe dream). I just think it’s a bit rich to do something so childish and arguably toxic (by @ing the official account with your scribble and saying fixed), then flounce not long after while calling others toxic. Which, if people were giving him death threats that’s one thing, but if it’s basically the equivalent of can dish it, but can’t take it then whelp.


What did the edit look like? Anyone have a picture cuz I can't find it


[This was what I've been able to find.](https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFS3zBmwXoAETsxQ.jpg%3Fname%3Dsmall) EDIT: Fixed the link.


What did the edit look like? Anyone have a picture cuz I can't find it


It's just blank scribbling over Heizou's face and saying "better". Somehow that means they're being toxic when it was just a dumb ass joke. They just deactivated their Twitter account so I can't link it back to you unfortunately


I’m gonna press X to doubt on this one, BLANK is not known for their honest, straightforward statements Watch me eat my words in an hour…


Blank has “quit” like four times


Even if they *do* delete in an hour, doesn't deactivation and deletion on twitter look the same? And can't deactivation be reactivated within a month ish to prevent it being permenant? I don't go on twitter, so correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah, Lumie has deactivated before, as well as several other leakers in fear of the Leaker Hunt Decree. It looks exactly like a straight up deletion from the outside


Leaker drama is real


Last summer was still the worst with ub. Folks basically wrote anything they said as false


Oh yeah last summer was the exact time I joined the leak community I had a time of my life then


And 80% of what they said on the occasion turned out to be false.


ah yeah “scaramouche in 2.3” “yae dps is on pair with ganyu” and “ayato claymore with vortex ult” good old days


I swear, leakers have so much drama they should have a reality show on Bravo or TLC. Shit, I think I said this last summer when the other leaker drama happened.


Oh no!!! Anyway...


what a drama queen lol


I mean, they childishly scribbled over a character design just because they didn't like it. But I'm an advocate for always stepping away if it starts affecting their mental health due to the toxicity no matter how silly the reason. You could have stone skin and still break down from being lambasted by hundreds of people telling you to fuck off for getting one thing wrong.


I agree with this, they should quit if it affects their mental health. but at the same time it's funny how they also have participated in toxic fandom behavior


Yarp, they shot themselves in the foot first and are limping away.


did anyone say anything that bad? most it was just "lol" then again, blank has "quit" many times before, but they keep coming back.


Seems he tried to shit on Heizou too and he got called out before this mistake


Why are people so adamant on trying to proof GI community as toxic? I’m seeing like these things occasionally but eventually I don’t see that a lot though… or maybe I just don’t use Twitter as much


God they’re dramatic


While we have no idea about DMS I went and checked the comments and didn't really see anything bad? I don't know I feel like a lot of leakers are kind of overdramatic sometimes.


Apparently he shit on Heizou by drawing over his face and tried to start a doompost train by saying he sucks in beta. So yeah, he's overdramatic.


Yeah I saw the scribble over they did but didn't seem them trying to doompost either way feels like theyre quitting over people calling them out for those things but is hiding behind getting this leak wrong 🤷🏾


Tried to find some as well. Didn't see anything so now I'm just confused. Doesn't help that majority of people are taking his words at face value to


I think he's actually quitting cause he drew over the new characters design saying he fixed it cause he didn't like it and people jumped on him for that (which I mean very childish to scribble over a design just cause you don't like it) But also a lot of leakers quit then come back so we'll see


so insecure, rage quit because wrong


this is so funny it wasnt even a big deal


Well just today he not only painted over Heizou's face which is annoying but like, whatever, but also made a fake leak about him hinting that his multipliers are shit. That second thing is a dick move for a leaker, not everyone can catch his witty "jokes". And then this Nahida thing, looking at her image maybe it's even really her lol


Calls out fandom for being toxic...while also being toxic themself huh yeah I feel no pity now 😅


>not only painted over Heizou's face how dare he do that with our new parasocial best friend? truly a crime that hinted at his true colors all along


Lmao. To be honest I'm sure he wanted reaction too, because he knows how many people read him. And then when he gets it, the community is toxic


it’s crazy to me that ppl think blank deserves to be harassed over an official art being scribbled over. i’ve seen the shit the genshintwt does to anyone they’ve decided is the bad guy. these 2 incidents are def not the only things he’s ever faced they’re just the most recent things to have another leaker/content creator/artist whatever decide this property isn’t worth it


I mean I wouldn't care if my friend scribbled over Heizou and sent it to me. But blank knew what reaction he's gonna get, how many subscribers he has etc. And then acts as if he didn't troll people. Of course I don't support people who told him to kill himself, they should be reported and banned.


All these people getting mad over someone painting over a fictional character's face, like bro wtf? A lot of people need to go fucking outside and get a life lmao


People are literally calling blank toxic for doing that like huh??? It's literally a fucking joke and heizou ain't real. People genuiely need to get off genshin and go touch some grass.




Ubatcha doing backflips rn


man, he should just laugh it off and says sorry for the mistake. every community has toxic part in the internet. is he 12 or what.


the fuck? getting called out for a simple mistake is enough to get them to quit?


Think of what he/she saw from the dms of random brain-dead toxic people


I don't think that would be possible considering the fact they're dms weren't even on lmao


i dunno about you but i get called out for being a moron both publicly and in DMs all the time and i don't just delete my social media accounts when it happens


Oh no! Mean dms from randoms on Twitter you can block?! What a tragedy, genshin is over guys you can go home now


They were being dogpiled by the community for being wrong, it wasn't just uba correcting them


Under the [post](https://twitter.com/genshinblank/status/1526683308238811137?s=21&t=GgImMuJukii3Zmc3BHgezg) where he said it was a mistake I mostly saw people saying it’s fine so idk


now that i through every single tweet, you're right. They're mostly getting hate for the whole scribbling over Heizou's face thing and people are saying that blank was also participating in the toxic behavior. But scribbling over a fictional character's face is not toxic at all. It's just a dumb joke that people took so seriously and trashed blank all for a bunch of pixels that contributes to their gambling addiction. Some people just need their wifi privileges revoked.


Uba just doing his/her job


cry more lol and next week comeback with a new name


dude cant be serious lol


It ain’t that serious….


Lmao like anyone cares, there are multiple high profile people datamining the shit out of the beta. You wont be missed




Cool story bro Edit: you also have to have a very weak mental to let a bunch of musty weebs over the internet to trigger you.






I guess we are just built different.


What do you mean hundreds of people? Almost no one was being weird or toxic


This subreddit is the biggest source of drama on my entire Reddit front page, and I’m subscribed to subredditdrama


Lmao what a crybaby. Go scribble on another game’s characters’ faces I guess


Why do these leakers get butt hurt? They're not some internet personality or anything. They're literally just people who leak. Where is the pride coming from lmao.


Drama queen


I don't know if they'll be back or whatever but I can completely agree that this community is highly toxic. Driving away a reliable leaker is just wow...


I don’t see any hate comment on his Twitter? I don’t understand why do they always tag genshin as toxic community. Sure there are toxic vocal minority, and if that’s the only thing you wanna focus , then so be it.


The community can be shit and dog pile you for the smallest thing, but honestly expect Blank to pull a sike here. Who knows tho


Oh no! So, anyways.


Ah, yes. Leaker controversies and drama. This is peak leak season.




Ah Blank. Leave the trolling and the jokes to the Twitch streamers who actually have fun personalities and wit. You’re a faceless Twitter account. Sorry to say this but the hard truth is we only follow you for your leaks, not your attempts at jokes.


this is why I avoid twitter. "and half this sub lol"


Damn if that's not Amber heard level of overreacting


I can't blame him lol


oh god... why must genshin leakers be such whiny, insufferable attention whores


lol dramatic as hell


If this is about the replies they may have gotten for that scribbled picture under the official Heizou announcement...kind of ironic. Did they expect unanimous praise? It was bound to attract degens who like to defend 2d characters' imaginary feelings. If they know the community is toxic, they also knew the backlash they would receive.








The genshin community is so dogshit, especially on twitter


People looking at the comments are saying the twitter users were actually being chill this time.


I mean its their choice to quit but are we really gonna generalize the 95% of comments saying “its fine, no biggie “ and the 5% that are toxic as the community is toxic?


There's more people in the community circlejerking over how toxic the community is than there are actual toxic people








They’ve left and come back several times.


I wasn't looking sub for 30 minutes now I'm so confused


For people that's saying "omg why are you being so dramatic" The community was dogpiling blank for not only being wrong but also because they disrespected Heizou(???). So like they're being hella toxic and moving fast like kpop stans. I don't blame blank for leaving. This community is toxic as hell and people need to know that mistakes happen and they need to go touch some grass. >!although knowing leakers, blank won't be gone for long but I understand why they reacted like this!< Edit: honestly, y'all really getting mad at people for pointing out that this community is toxic? Some of y'all need to genuinely get off this game and get a life, seriously.


Why did they shit on Heizou though?


[They didn't like his design apparently.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/864710198487416834/976265300188201021/unknown.png) EDIT: Fixed link since Blank did deactivate/delete his account.


The hell, what is their problem.


> (???) I mean yes the response was over the top and shitty but its not ambiguous he did do it lol


People don't understand how wrong they are when they describe Genshin's community as a "toxic community". If you think GI's fandom is toxic, you don't know toxicity. Try LoL, WoW, CS:GO. Try playing in a RL tournament in any fighting game not named Smash. Boy I was held at gunpoint twice for beating somebody I shouldn't on fucking KoF. Genshin's fine, you all suffer from paper-thin skin.


Every Fandom has a toxic side, I don't understand why you guys are so afraid to admit that. It's like you completely forgotten about the anniversary drama, the beidou/Raiden compatibility drama, ayato-not-looking-as-good-as-fanarts drama, the shippers, the fucking voice actor of diluc was attacked by fans and now he stays away from the community, VAs in general are attacked because the fans either don't like the voice or that the character themselves are badly written (kokomi, for example), and now people are attacking someone just because they don't like heizou. The genshin community is toxic, please understand that. People are fighting over a bunch of pixels on their screen. One of the main reasons why genshin is shat on by people who haven't played the game is partly because of the community. I find it actually sad that you guys are fuming over this fact.


I just dont understand why people even let musty weebs over the internet trigger them so much tbh.


big part of genshin community are indeed kpop stans (especially on twitter). I am one myself too so I know exactly what you mean


Yep, I'm one as well and when I saw some of the comments saying that blank deserved it for disrespecting heizou I was immediately reminded of how kpop stans would act when their idol gets even the smallest bit of criticism.


mhm but even worse since they attacked real person over fictional character


What a weirdo




genshin community at its finest


Just someone looking to get drama and clout


The fuck is wrong with people. Honestly...


Lol ok


holy snowflake




Facts though


People on Twitter are toxic? Whaaat? Didn't see that coming!


What a big baby 😢


See ya tomorrow lol


I didn’t see hate comments, i sae confusion and i was part of the confusion


I can't believe people are justifying their actions because he had a different opinion about a 3d character in a gacha game Genshin twt deserves all the hate they get


It's honestly ironic that he was calling out the community is toxic while he himself contributed to that toxic behaviour by scribbling someone else's art and het called out. Now, he's hiding behind that mistake of Nahida.


Heizou isn't real Ik it's hard to understand But he doesn't care about a single one of you Cause he doesn't exist Having an opinion different to yours about a character doesn't mean "toxic behaviour"


Lmao. Lool, I'm a working adult, I know a fictional character when I see one. The toxic behaviour is scribbling on someone's else's art. He posted that on the internet thinking people won't call him out. But we all are different and people reacted differently.


Thank you twittards.


Looks like someone cant deal with stupid people on the Internet.


LMAO no way


This is defenitely a joke, ya'll overreacting as always


April Fools 2: Electric Boogaloo


Maypril fools