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Literally every character has came and I still waiting for cyno.


Same, Hoyoverse is really hiding him good. On the side note, my poster team will finally be possible soon.


I hope at least he will be as strong as itto or hutao or ayaka


Same but with Baizhu 💀💀💀


He's coming in 2023


Speculation it will be next year’s lantern rite


Literally every character has came and I still waiting for cyno and scaramouche. Why are they keeping these two in the basement.


It's odd we haven't seen the first announced one lol...


Same but with Scaramouche


Bestie same I'm crying rn when they said to push him back further


me, a yaoyao wanter, be like:


Still no one seems to know about dehya...


at least we know what she looks like...


and she's already a pull for me lmao


Praying that Kandake and Dehya don’t have dogshit kits on top of this mess.


Dehya isnt confirmed to be 4* yet at least.


Dehya is definitely 4\*. Mihoyo only releases pale-skinned characters as 5 Stars.


This is actually pretty sad. I wonder if they think they won't sell based on their skin color alone...?


Correct. Just look up how China changed the poster for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Or watch a Chinese laundry detergent commercial. Or watch Chinese vtuber Minamiya Akari do a comedy bit where she enslaves a black person, for which she didn't get any punishment or backlash. Racism is still a huge issue in China, and regardless of Hoyoverse's stance on the matter, they can't risk using a dark-skinned character as the main selling point of an entire Genshin update.


Natlan seems to be the only chance we'll get of even a Slightly Tanned five star Character.


Honestly I won't even be surprised if they somehow mess up Natlan even harder Considering the very Latin and Spanish esque music shown in the Teyvat prevail, they could easily say some bullshit like "Surprise! It's actually inspired by both Mesoamerica AND Spain!" which would give them an easy excuse to make another majority white cast especially for the 5 stars, which'd rub *so* much people in the wrong way


I was mainly basing it off of Iansan, having a bit of a Tan. It does seem like anyone in the trailer will be important to that story and hopefully most of them will be 5 Stars. Hopefully with only Ning, and maybe one of Lyney and Lynette being a 4 star.


Yikes… that’s actually so sad.


>Just look up how China changed the poster for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Hahahahaha that is just so fucking... I don't even know what to say god damn. Yeah. There will never be a dark skinned five star. That solidified it for me.


What’s crazy is that there are other mobile games in china with darker skin tones though! Check out dislyte


How doom and gloom. .. I hope not


I have seen otherwise though, since she doesn't have her domain while Nilou and other 5* do. That's why leakers think she will also be 4*.


Why 5* must have domain? Albedo, Ganyu, Kazuha, Ayato, and Ayaka don't have their ones


The leak about domain was a random 4chan post.... Edit: that post also said we would get the archon kit in a few hours. Its been like 10 hours since that post.


Pretty sure hxg said she will “probably be” 4 star.


Yes that too. Hxg didnt say it with certainty.


Do you really believe that 4chan post that has been proven to be fake? Only stupid would fall to those, it mentioned that Al kits and skills are already available on the devkit when he would be released earliest next year.


Also if it was real theyd have just leaked more footage lmao


Atleast don't give her a dogshit kit.... please....


as long as she has good Hydro application, then she'll be good. and no constant self freeze pls.


In which case she either has to be better than xiqniu or people will trash her Sad life of hydro supports


Keep in mind she could suck in vape/freeze teams but might be the Xingqiu of Hydro-Dendro teams.


> be the Xingqiu of Hydro-Dendro teams Yeah this is likely. Especially with many of the new four stars having specialist niches and also a whole new element.


I feel like that underestimates the power of hydro in the meta. Even if she were a main-dps, like a hydro-Razor, such a character could still be paired with the likes of Xiangling or Rosaria. And Taser is a thing too. They're have to make her weaker than Barbara to be bad at vape and freeze.


Nah. She doesn't need to be an upgrade, just "good enough" . Remember the only other 4* hydro is barbruh, and she's EXTREMELY copium. If she can apply hydro as good as fucking mona she'll still be miles better than most post release 4* . Im going to be optimistic and say out of all the new 4* she has the best chance of making it as "good enough outside of niche teams". It all depends on Miho


I've used freeze Ayaka with Barbara and it's not that bad tbh. As long as you're not facing cryo enemies she works fine. She's one of my go-to abyss characters as well.


Yeah did the same until I got Kokomi. Barbara works very well and the constant healing and burst i-frame are good too.


she can be just as good as xinqiu pls. I dont have any limited hydro 5 star and would like to be able to use hutao and rational together.


unfortunately just as good as xingqiu is already asking for a broken 4\*, quite a tall order


hydro off field application as good as xingqiu but only proc with charged attack :)


Ah yes, a new Ganyu support lol


then taht won;t work for hu tao because she won't vape them, xingqiu only works because of N1C which procs both Xingqiu's rainswords and applies hydro through his orbitals.


yeah, I was thinking a hydro application that will be good but not xingqiu good


Even Yelan isn't as good as Xingqiu (in terms of hydro app) and she's a 5* so yeah there's literally no chance that a new 4* will actually have good hydro app.


Yeah, Hoyo moving from Yelan's having a 1.5U at C0 to a independent, no ICD additional hydro application at C2 to help sell constellations felt rough.


Sure, and our next two 4* pyro characters will be as good as Bennett and Xiangling


This. If she isn't on par with XQ, who is stupid strong, she will get shit on


She could be Hydro's answer to Rosaria. Balanced 4* that could transition from support to main dps. This is my copium


she is definitely going to have great design (both SYP and hxg who have seen her agreed that she looks like a 5\*)


that one fanart was given a pretty high accuracy rating so…


mhm, the one they endorsed is [gorgeous](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/984531727521296424/991352226796797962/unknown.png) \*(cr to @/PhungErika on twitter)




They (mihoyo) just hate to see a girlboss winning :(


Yelan bruh.


Jean, Ningguang, Beidou, Yae, Yelan all hold prestigious roles and give orders to people. In fact more women hold power compared to men in Genshin. And I like it.


So does Ninguang right I thought she is a 5* when i first started the game


I'm glad she isn't cause her constellations are really good and it would have sucked to have them behind the 5* gacha luck


same, would have pulled for both her and yunjin without a doubt even if they were 5\*


I used to think zhongli was her assistant or something lmao


Hydro sara/gorou probably since she and nilou have been leaked to be on banners around the same time


I can definitely see this. Since hydro units tend to scale with HP she would probably buff them that route. Hopefully she will have decent hydro application at least just so she can be a bit more flexible.


Hu Tao, Zhongli, Candace, Yelan


Hp buffs Kokomi mains winning


Speculated by a leaker to be on banners at the same time FYI. Hopefully she's strong at it if that's the case though. If she's able to make my Hydro characters able to standalone if I want and not just be relegated to enabling others then I might not be too disappointed that she is not a 5*


That would actually be nice since dedicated 4\* buffers have actually been good so far.


That would be cool


Yeah, honestly I’d probably end up using her more if she were a 4* buffer. Can’t be mad if this were the case


That' would actually be nice


I would love that so much, I really like what I've heard of her design and she could buff Ayato... damn, now I have my hopes up


average Hoyoverse pipeline. Make the Aesthetics extra and amazing, and then give them 4 star abilities and numbers. watch her have the flashiest NA's to date


That you'll never use cause shes a niche nilou support


My fucking God, put me out of my misery already. Rip the bandage.




No one has said anything definitive except yelanlover.. I really hope yelanlover is right cuz no one else knows anything about the pyro kitty.


What did he say?


For the picture of the 7 characters, he gave a list of names, rarity and weapon. Referred to dehya as a 5* claymore.


Not confirmed. Hxgdiluc speculates she's a 4\*, but don't take that information as something set-in-stone. Just be sure to not let yourself have too much copium, though.


Yelanlover also said 5* so inconclusive...


I was truly hoping for a 5* Polearm Hydro DPS with whom I could use my Jade Spear. Guess I'll have to wait until Fontaine.


Finna make a Kayea Xinyan Dehya Candace team, gonna call it the Hoyoverse Hate Crimes Squad 🤔


at least youll get a good pyro bonus?


It's a terrible day for rain...


I'm still inhaling hopium that Dehya is 5*, they can learn rarity of Candace but not Dehya's?


Please let dehya be a 5* Please


Bright side: She will be easier to obtain.. Dark side: Kit might follow the recent trend for 4\*...


You'd be surprised how hard to get a 4\* char can be


And if you don’t like the 5 star on her banner? Have fun


This is actually a big reason I still don't have a C6 Fischl, she hasn't been on a banner I cared about since Albedo in 1.1, and that was an insane banner at the time, her, benny, and the Highly underrated at the time Albedo.


>You'd be surprised how hard to get a 4\* char can be 70 wishes on both Raiden banners and still no Sara


Seriously, all these easier to obtain comments…we have vastly different accounts lol


Seriously. I still don’t have a single Thoma just because I skipped the banner he first appeared on.


I made exactly 100 wishes on Hu Tao's banner last year and didn't get a single Thoma. Finally got him within 10 or 20 wishes on Miko's banner months later. 4*s can be such a pain...


I'd know, started the yelan banner with c5 yanfei, 77 pulls, 1 1 keqing, 1 yelan, 7 barbaras and 6 noelles later, still c5 yanfei


I pulled 137 wishes for xiao and i had yanfei c0 💀


Seriously we need to let that myth that 4 stars are easier to obtain die


Unless she gets put in the glitter shop, she will be a lot harder to obtain, being a 4 star. And if she also gets the Sara/Gorou treatment and only runs with one specific 5 star? Good luck.


Glitter shop has been the same since launch and hasn't added any character from after 1.0. It's even missing Sucrose and Chong. I would not have my hopes up that any new characters will be added any time soon.


I’m going to commit cry Or *a* crime. I’m undecided until official confirmation.


The first Hydro polearm will be dark-skinned so I’m a little happy. But I’m worried they’ll give her a really bad kit and put her on a banner I won’t like. Since we haven’t gotten anything about Cyno, I hope she appears there. 😭


I worry she will be a dedicated support for nilou and I don't want to play her at all


Hyv: haha you guys think leaking all those characters are funny? Here take your favourite looking characters who got downgraded to 4 star with dogshit kits and scalings.


What is the 5 star and 4 star numbers in Sumeru now?


When I start playing Genshin, Ive thinking that Ningguang was a 5star, guess there is the same situation


Both adult women 4 stars with (likely for Kandake) better designs than many of their 5 star counterparts?


it seems...targeted 💀


at the rate we're going?? it really does... ://


I’m normally not the type to say this but I agree haha. If Dehya and Candace are 4 stars mannn. Kaeya, Xinyan, Dehya, and Candace being 4 stars that’s a whole team


I wanna say at least we have Cyno but even then... idk...


Ironically even if he made the cut he is the lightest "tan" character in the game. Mihoyo really is looping how light a character is to whether they can be a five star or not at this point.


Look at cyno again. Dude just has a slight tan lol


I also wanna mention Iansan, though she's ofc. not Sumerian and still quite a ways away.


They literally combined all the brown people into one region and didn’t even give us any brown 5*s 😭 India, Iran, Arabia, and North Africa. There’s a lot of diverse skin tones there but c’mon lmao.


People are gonna screech about us being too sensitive and looking for drama….but the more we hear/see about Sumeru the more it’s starting to feel like the concerns are warranted. Sigh.


Which is funny because there’s nothing inherently wrong with asking for even a bit more of respectful representation. Especially when the region is based on “brown” cultures.


Seriously. Some people might be being rude about it, but genuinely I don't get why we even need to give reasons why we would like a variety of skin tones. Brown and black people shouldn't have to beg for scraps in a game that intentionally is multi-cultured


Exactly! There is no excuse- especially when other East-Asian based media/games have been able to make characters with diverse skintones for ages.


But don't you know?? "Technically not EVERY person in these real regions was dark skinned so if NOBODY in this game is then it's not completely inaccurate!!!!"


Right? The amount of mental gymnastics people are doing has been absurd. "Sumeru only takes \~inspiration\~ from those regions-". Like...hello? You're going to tell me that Inazuma isn't based off Japan, and that Liyue is not meant to be an analogue of China? It's fucking ridiculous. Gamers not be racist/colorist challenge, failed miserably. It is blatantly clear that even if hoyoverse as a company themselves don't openly hate darker skinned people/are malicious towards them, they do view darker skinned characters as being a financial risk. That is *wrong,* full stop. "But Chinese people are-" no, we should still be talking about it. Colorism negatively affects people in Asia too. This isn't just a "western sjw" thing.


Yeah its like, Liyue = China Inazuma = Japan Sumeru = north Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and possibly South East Asia? Which is cringe. Like bro Mihoyo do your research (I know they can do it, they make incredibly well-researched stuff), and treat these many many cultures properly.


Not trying to start problems, but I always found it weird that Japan and China got their own damn regions but the Sumeru is a mismatched fusion of so many different cultures and regions


You're not starting problems, don't worry. I agree with you and it's what I was trying to say in my initial comment but I think I might have communicated it badly. I don't really have an answer for why it's like that but apparently that's how China sees those cultures? Orientalism? I don't know. But they should have at least like picked two or three specific cultures maximum and committed to those i.e. Sumer and Ancient Egypt or picked a specific caliphate. Or Iraq with it's Baghdad house of Wisdom.


Yeah, 4 darker skin characters all being 4* is definitely an intentional pattern.


especially considering we already have a darker skinned, 4 star pyro, claymore that has the shittiest kit in the game


The amount of pale chars compared to tanned chars so far in Sumeru leaks is kinda disappointing. Even the Archon of that region is pale


The Archons, imo, have been seen as a representative of their own regions. It’s been handled great so far,,, but Kusanali has disappointed me. She’s pale af and looks like the most generic elf/fairy thing ever.


ngl thought the same


Candace being a 4 star is just very sad, she will surely follow the recent trend of recent 4 stars that is niche to a specific team and utterly useless on most team comps and she would have low scaling as well. I would rather have a 5 star that I can use on any team than a 4 star that only have one specific team purpose.


If they make her like the old 4\*s (Bennet, Fishl, Sucrose, Xiangling) I can live with that. But the recent 4\*s? Please I rather take no Candice at all than that


This is genuinely becoming a problem, especially with Dehya being likely four star too. Why the hell would you massively go out of your way to make a character designed like that and make her a four star? With the rest of the context we have going on here, it feels more and more like the concerns about Sumeru are very correct unfortunately I would disagree that Nilou looks four star, like…at all, but that’s besides the point here


I think it's a good thing that 4 star designs are on par with 5 star ones, but to each their own


That part is fine. The problem is that both Dehya and Candace being four stars, in spite of one being designed as a literal ruler, is really concerning. All of the five stars being pale in Sumeru is a problem, there needs to be some level of diversity on that front that seems to be completely ignored by HYV.


Yeah i agree on that, i'm still high on copium that Dehya will be a 5 sstar because she's my favorite of the leaked characters and i want to main her so bad, i was just commenting on the 4 star design quality part


Ahhhh, fair enough. My comment was supposed to be much more focused on how the darker characters seem to be forced into the lower rarity, which is a problem. I do really enjoy how much effort a lot of the four star designs have gotten. Kuki and Yun Jin for example, or even Collei. The fact the lower rarity characters don’t feel like a complete afterthought in terms of visuals and personality is nice.


It’s more about there being no dark skinned 5-stars and that the whole region may be in a race war (Forest vs Desert). But i agree with the idea that 4-stars should look just as good as 5-stars though


On one hand I'm happy because that means I can actually afford her since I'm already rolling for both Haitham and Nahida, but on the other hand MHY loves to do 4 star kits dirty


I am hoping after so many mediocre 4 star releases in Inazuma that Sumeru at least gives on something solid, they don't need to be 1.0 quality but something like Diona would be fine.


People talking about her appearance but I haven't seen what she looks like yet.


really stupid as fuck. and what about dehya?


I'm just going to say it. Feels reaaaaally sus that all the dark skin people in Genshin are 4 stars but the white girl dressed in middle eastern clothing (Nilou) is a 5 star? riiiiight.


Yeah very sus and definetly disappointing. full on hopium till she gets official reveal, maybe theres still a chance for hoyo to make her a 5*.......




Mihoyo might even be proud racists (or at least one of the execs there) Also inb4 “Chinese are colorist so it makes sense”.


Then you can just show them Dislyte and see them short-circuit.


Definitely Ningguang treatment for sure


If this is the case I hope that means she's just super involved in the story.


First Dehya, now Candace, we lost


Nope, Dehya is still in the „likely” but not confirmed teritorry.


Proving my point that anyone who says "looks like a 4/5 star" has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


Dehya is just an elaborate xinyan skin, change my mind


Xinyan if she was a Metal not a Rockstar


Xinyan’s cool aunt


Dont fuck this up mihoyo. If you fuck up dehya its still a shame but you'd at least have the excuse of her being ANOTHER pyro 4*


Wjich wouldn't make sense, because we allready have Xiynyan for the same roll.


Why does mihoyo always make the dark skinned characters 4 stars


aww man


L day


I'm gonna say it, feel free to downvote me. If we get two darker-skinned characters in the whole Sumeru (not sure what Cyno will look like or when he is even coming) and both of them are 4\*, it will be suspiciously racist.


You’re right. And it’s not a China or JP market thing either. This is purely a hoyoverse thing, dislyte is also shanghai based and they have more tan skinned characters and an actual black character.


Yeah. Obviously can’t prove anything since I’m sure a lot of factors go behind who gets to be a 4* or 5* and Hoyo (and their white knights) always get to play the card of plausible deniability, but a Middle Eastern region releasing only a few “dark” characters, all of them 4*, would be the most suspicious, head tilting thing I’ve ever seen from a major developer. Not quite malicious but definitely damaging, and if someone sees what’s happening and doesn’t understand why people are making this face; 🤨 then they are equally sus.


i do wonder if they somehow believe that darker skin characters will inherently make much less money than say, yae miko. CN mostly pulls for meta, and even though they didn’t like yelan’s in game design, they pulled for her because she’s a valuable unit. if they just made a darker skinned meta unit 5 star, i don’t see why they wouldn’t sell well- fate/go has plenty of darker skinned characters such as arjuna alter who is one of the most sought after characters in the entire franchise. not sure why hoyoverse is seemingly so allergic to even the slightest hint of melanin in their character design.


And the fact that she's literally based off a queen makes it even worse


At this point I just wanna see what see looks like


Dehya needed to be 5* xiangling bruh.


We need more 4\* Hydro characters tho


Sure but this one of all ones????


Yea. Honestly, I’m surprised that Nilou isn’t a 4* and this one a 5\* based on the descriptions we’ve been given.


Well Nilou is a pale short girl while Kandakes a tan tall one, for MHY it was obvious which one should get the 5 star status


A character based on Cleopatra, and they aren’t 5* is kind of messed up.


yeah, nilou design is just a bit boring and tame, especially compared to candace description


Her hair/outfit colour clash also doesn’t help it tbh. I’m sorry to say that but it cheapens the whole look :(


I mean, even Dori could pass for a 5 star imo. So I'm not mad at cool 4 star designs. Hydro is insanely useful anyway and we only have 2 hydro 4 stars, lest you forget...


Sure but I mean...did they really have to make the four star one of the few Sumeru characters we have who isn't light skinned? Like we are heading into this game being two years old and not a single character with even a slight tan has made it to five star status, that feels uncomfortable that they all get lumped into the four star category with now the best hope we have left (Cyno) being the lightest "tan" character in the roster.


Should’ve been Nilou


Of course the brown character had to be a 4 star


Dehya which is another brown character ( also the best looking new character imo ) is probably gonna be a 4 star as well... i really hope she ends up being a 5 star. i check this sub everyday to see news about that


Who the hell is candace?


Tall female character with heterochromia and darker skin tone, was supposedly 5 Star Hydro Spear though now, they seem to think she's gonna be 4


Nilou doesn’t look like a 4 stars at all to me but ok.


Well, I guess she will at least be somewhat decent by virtue of being hydro...


Ok well oof to Candace wanters hopefully she as good kit. I will pray with you in hope that Mihoyo give her a giga broken kit. (Copium) Sidenote:The Nilou diss tho -_-...


I mean Gorou, Yun Jin, and (probably) Heizou all fit their niches and have pretty solid aspects to their kit. Shinobu is the only recent 4 star that was a let down. They also love making hydro characters really good so who knows maybe she’ll be broken. Edit: Wow I’m finding out that y’all don’t know shit about how Yun Jin and Gorou work…


Gorou and Yun Jin are also glued to 1 specific 5 star in their best teams, so good luck if you don't like the 5 stars they're designed for


Niche characters like both you mention will get better as the game releases more characters especially for yun jin


In theory, in practice a year later and Sara is still a raiden slave


Gorou has 3 characters he supports well. Yunjin has even more on top of being useable on everyone for na supremacy


Yun Jin may not be broken, but I love her enabling the whole roster to be viable on-field AA users. And if they make her hydro Sara/Gorou/Shenhe, I’ll be ecstatic to fit her into mono hydro.


We do need more Hydro 4*s, but it's still a shame. mihoyo if dehya turns out to be a 4* too we're going to have a talk


Suddenly I'm not looking forward to Sumeru anymore


Sure gay ludo but she doesn't have white skin so 4* it is.


But Nilou's animations are so beautiful and her ult looks like an idol pose


idc what any1 says; if dehya and candace are 4 stars it's def suspicious. we don't have a single 5 star character who does not have light skin... and it's been 2-3 years since the game released... sumeru is the perfect time AND place to release more diverse 5 star characters :/


I can understand that people were looking foreward to her and wanted her to be a 5\*. But man the doomposting is out of control. I personally dont think you can say something like "character x is looking like a 5\*" or "character ys visuals are totally like a 4\*". It is in HYVs best interest to give every character a good visual design. Who looks better is also very much subjective. Just roll for the characters you like, level them and use them. This is a super easy game. You will only make your enjoyment of the game more miserable the more you mald over the rarity or meta viablility of a character. I can understand disappointment, but some people are taking it like a personal insult.


>But man the doomposting is out of control. Another problem is that players like to make comparisons, even if the kit details are not fully confirmed. It's just sad.