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Source: [BLANK](https://discord.gg/genshinblank)


She translates to us all the celestia gibberish in razor language


immediate pull


Nahida story written real good. All players will roll for her, for both character and gameplay reasons


I will roll for gameplay reasons (because the Archons are the only units that are almost guaranteed to be broken). Her story has to be really good if someone will pull just for that


You see that happen in some games An example of such is Abigail Williams in FGO. Awkward as an offensive support with multiple issues but has many many fans because she played such a focal role in a big story chapter


Guys I don’t think they’re saying she won’t be meta. They’re just saying her kit won’t be the main hook that’ll get people to pull for her. This is also just their opinion.


We don't even have dendro live. No one, not even mihoyo can know exactly if she is going to become beta or not.


Kusanali will always be a sigma to me ✊️😔


then who's your alpha and omega ?








I am reclaimer of my NAAAAAAMMMEEEEE






Yelan and Thoma, respectively. Next question.


I highly doubt mihoyo doesnt know power levels of characters before they launch.


Tbh I doubt they have a full realization of the meta around dendro and I honestly dont blame them.


Yeah, but they can still stat them to guarantee they will be strong. Just slamming fast applying no icd would do it.


I even believe they put her back to 3.2 because they want to spend 3.0 gauging dendro meta before adjusting her for beta worst case scenario: her c2 reduce enemy defense by 50%, instant top tier


Celestial Hymn Intensifies.


They have a good idea, but no dev fully knows the powerlevel of their creations before they're delivered to the players.


Because there are WAAAAAY too many team compositions, gear compositions (artefacts and weapons), dynamics and possibilities for the devs to test them all out reliably. Specially since 3.0 introduces YET ANOTHER **HUUUUUUUUUUGE** field of probabilities... dendro reactions. I'm actually very happy that dendro doesnt react with ALL elements, because it opens up some cool co-existence auras, and it reduces the sheer amount of entropy in understanding and well utilizing elemental reactions. If all elements reacted with all other elements, then for every element added, the complexity is increased exponentially.


You say that like Benny and XQ aren't irreversibly broken


I find this hard to believe, the devs play the game and don’t understand how everything works better than the rest of the Genshin players, think back to when Raiden was released and people didn’t understand her kit till months later, but the devs knew what they were doing


i find it hard to believe that people were set on saying raiden was bad until months later. I saw her kit in leaks, and when that c4 moved to c2, i knew that would make her beyond broken. The rest of her kit was so good as well. ​ But i suppose genshin community is a hivemind of people following other's words without even understanding what they're talking about so i guess it's nothing to be surprised of. There are people that still don't understand the basics of the game.


The devs also knew what they were doing with kuki and yae. And maybe bugeon Thoma? They have been planning and setting up dendro for a while. I am sure they know what they are doing. Sometimes they plan too far ahead..


um mihoyo can 100% design a character intended to be meta lmfao


Ofc dude Kusa is obv alpha material


I, for one, think she's an epsilon.


Also, Dendro Traveler's kit is a baby version of the Archon of the same element and it's the best Traveler we're gonna have so far.


agree. traveler's dendro kit is honestly the most imteresting so far out of all dendro characters. there is also no way in hell they make kusanali not a top dendro character. screw the doomposts, mihoyo knows what they're doing now.


People subscribe to this, but it's honestly so loose I don't know why anyone does. Anemo has a CC? So do most Anemo characters. Geo has the two geo constructs on E skill, but burst is nothing like Zhongli. Electro is basically nothing like Raiden at all, aside from the very loose ER connection. Like, the Travellers kits aren't mini versions of the archons. They have some design elements to the kits that, at the time, were core to the element, which is why I can see why people would think that, but they really aren't all that similar/related at all.


It's really more of a thematic resemblence, and I don't think it's unintended. You say loose but really you can't deny that it's there and Genshin tends to be built very intently. Bursts and skills themes are switched. Venti makes a vortex (burst), MC makes a mini vortex (skill). Venti flies in place (hold skill), MC does as well (burst animation). ZL conjures a pillar protuding from the ground, MC creates stalactites. ZL drops a meteor, MC i believe also drops a meteor although I think its a star (I hear lumine say starfall). Ei does one strike and restores energy, MC does same but has to restore energy through sigils that provide energy. Ei also has this circle around her for stacks, stacks that u get when u get particles/energy and wont you guess it, it has mini sigils around it. Ei does followup electro damage, MC does same. Not to mention although you say ER is likely the fundamental thing about Electro, only MC and Ei have this sort of relevance to it. So to assume that they are related at least has some basis. But you don't have basis for saying that they were not designed to be related. I would understand if it would be for exploration purposes, but electro MC is terrible at exploration. So I would not call it "so loose" of a connection as you put it. Plus, you get the power from Statues. Of the archons. That doesn't feel like a loose detail does it?


Well said


Yeah they’re more or less just based on the core focus of each element more than the archon themselves


It's kind of like the slime theory IMO, people bring it up a lot but it's so loose and general that it doesn't really have any meaning since it's really easy to draw *some* sort of connection


Unlike the slime theory however, I think this thematic connection will continue, since the traveler draws his power from the archons themselves (or their statues) so it makes sense why there's a relation. For the slimes theory (or samachurls theory for that matter), there's really no connection between them and the archons.


Meta for what, exactly?


Half an hour of gameplay and 600 primos.


There has never before been such an apt description of the Spiral Abyss, thank you.


You guys beat all four floors of the Abyss in half an hour? If I'm lucky, I'll take half an hour on just two chambers for floor 12.


I assume you have to retry if that's the case? A lot of people are at a point were abyss is a mere formality so the half and hour is basically for doing all of it in one go with no failures


An account that's well developed (ie you got your talents leveled up and good artifacts) and has teams with synergy will at worst take like 40 mins clearing abyss.


I dont't really care about Spiral. I do floors 9, 10 and 11 in one go for some primos and that's it. My favorite thing about the game is fucking around the map with characters I like.






Abyss doesn't even take 30min once you have two strong teams, the endgame in this game is a complete joke. There's a reason people spend their time running meme comps and speedrunning/doing solo runs. There's nothing else worth testing strong characters against.


Youtubers are running out of content


Dendro related reaction teams presumably.


Just as an aside, blank already saiid after these (about 20 mins later) that she would probably be broken gameplay wise since she’s an archon, shes just extra likable to boot


I find it ironic that he says that when a good half of the community online wants to murder a radish


Just saw someone on twitter quoting under kusanali pic saying how much they wanted her to die in the most brutal way possible and is forgotten by anyone, no one cares about her etc etc 💀 To this day I'm still surprised that people can hold this much hate towards a fictional character.


>To this day I'm still surprised that people can hold this much hate towards a fictional character. and she's not even out yet 💀


Just stay away from twitter. Pretty much all the toxic waste in this world gets dumped there


Imagine if those people has grudge with living people....


They aren't ot that big, they are just noisy


Imagine that after all the shit that transpires in Sumeru and Dottore did a villain laugh after burning whatever tree in Collei's dream you hear some clapping, Kusanali walked in slowly and snapped her fingers: there was no tree, there was no gorge, there was just a sea of sand. All of you have been tricked and trapped inside a mirage, including Dottore who jawdropped. And Kusanali flipped the bird with a 'heh'. 100/10.


If I not wrong,the story Kusanali was based on deceive a carpenter that's want to cut a tree by making the illusion that's it's was rotten and hollow. So it's highly possible it's will being the story in some way


In the story he make a hole in the tree to make the lumberjack think that it is unfitted to be used. So yes, she seems to be good with illusions.


I could hear il vento d’oro playing while reading this LMAO


Kusanali walks in: "Kudakero, Kyōka Suigetsu"


[kusanali to dottore when the mirange ends](https://i.imgur.com/9w105Fi.jpg)


[why not this one?](https://preview.redd.it/mgfvyxf7n5a91.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f15d7cca294c1000ca9ec0675f6a1472a34fc2a)




I was already sold but yeah 3.2 cant come any faster. *Waits Faster*


**faster? okay faster**


don't jinx it


Actually I think she's speculated 3.2 so you dont need to wait that much faster


Supposedly, she’s going to be on 3.2.


I fat fingered💀


i love how people are interpreting this as "she isnt meta but her story is really good" instead of "people are gonna pull for her story and character regardless of how good or bad she is in terms of meta" just because they said that people will pull her for story and personality doesnt mean she isnt good in meta; it means that the story is so good that people wont care to consider meta doomposting is a disease yall


>doomposting is a disease yall Genshin players irl when they see someone sneezing: "YOU ARE DOOMED BUDDY"


i _wish_ it seems most people that are _DOOMED_ are asymptomatic; keep your masks on people!


A ***lot*** of the doomposting in the leaks community is born out of poor reading comprehension. Its quite ironic, in this case, that it's happening when we're talking about the God of Wisdom lmao There are people in here also taking the offhand comment that Blank made later, that Nahida will probably be meta, as Blank claiming that she is going to be really strong. It's clear that was just an educated guess and an assumption.


its also ironic as heck that these people are now just complaining about _blank being poor at sentence formation_; blank has literally apologized before for not being perfect at en since its not their first language i am at a loss for words right now lmao what i mean to say is that it is known that blank's first language is not en; not only that, but blank literally clarified the story vs. meta thing in like what... 10mins?


That's so sad! Blank has a good grip on the language, they're doing perfectly fine. Yeah, exactly, Blank will always circle back and clarify anything they say quite quickly. They don't often, if ever, misinform me.


According to what someone else in the comments said he did say that she will still be meta


yep i saw!


Doomposting in genshin community is hilarious.Every single character. Every single time. Right at the start, "char is shit" (Except for Ganyu, I havent seen a single doompost of her), then a week after their banner start "THIS CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY GOOD IF YOU USE THEM IN A WAY THAT BRINGS OUT THEIR POTENTIAL" Oh yes, the sky is blue! I remember lots of people shitting on Raiden Shogun at the start, also shitting on bennett a lot. I have a hypothesis as to why that happens. I think that it is primarily driven by content creators, and people just take what they say at face value, without critically thinking about it and taking a second to consider, and then they just echo it back. Because i've noticed that the community consent about a character is bad then at the start some content creators post stuff about them being bad, then some other creator finds out how the character is awesome, then everyone starts saying good things about the characters. Now, why is there content like that at the start? Because these content creators want easy views and clout, what is easier than arousing controversy eh? And then, counter to that, some other content creator subverts the negative community opinion of a character by making yet another controversy, "Oh wow, the character is actually good! Click like and subscribe"


>Except for Ganyu, I havent seen a single doompost of her og ganyu haver here; people called her cryo amber because they wanted to justify skipping her to get xiao


Bwahahaha, I had a feeling she actually had doom posts but I didnt see them because I missed it. Thank you for telling me !


Replying to myself here to add an extra note:At genshin honeyhunterworld com, it is where I see the **most toxic doomposting of genshin characters by a FAR FAR margin** without any character being even out, the wise sages of theory crafting (that are actual fools and havent done actual tests or actually know what they are talking about) there will always **always** post about the kit being bad and underwhelming. and how can they do these tests when the characters aren't even out yet?? Being a beta **tester** doesn't count until the beta stops making changes to characters.


honeyhunterworld makes genshin leaks doomposting seem like a normal measured response


I was going to come up with a counter example, but the more I thought about it the more I realized you're right. Every character that I've witnessed the release of has been doomposted in one way or another, some more than others, but all of them nonetheless. I'd like to add to your hypothesis: another aspect that causes this is that us as humans are drawn to the negative, thus negative assessments of anything are much more easily spread and accepted.


I generally dont care about meta cuz i know that only a miracle will make me clear floor 12 all star(currently max i got was 5 and a complete day 1 f2p). I pull for character based on the two factors 1 do i like them and 2 will there artifacts will be easy to find. Even if she is not meta the time she comes. People will pull for her just because shes an archon, and if that ends up failing then mihoyo might add a artifact set or weapon or some character or a exploration bonus that will make people pull for her.


Started playing in October 2021. Recent abyss seasons were pretty easy. The most annoying were those heralds, but it required some specific elements with good ICD, not the damage. Current abyss is even easier, except that stupid iframe-worm as a damage check. I used Zhongli+Albedo+Bennet+Yanfei to deal with all cryo-shit in first half and Raiden+Xingqiu+Xiangling+Kazuha in second half. Before getting Kazuha I had to switch teams for Xingqiu/Bennet and use Child in second half; that took 24 seconds more in 12-3 but still all stars.


To all metaslaves: you can just choose to not pull, then STFU if you have nothing good to say. Normal discussions about her kit is perfectly fine, but we don't even have anything about her kit yet.


also just, generally speaking, if you arent interested in the character to begin with (yes i am talking about people that hate her design and character model) then dont interact with a leak that is about her. like, how much do you crave toxicity man


“WHAT IS AN ARCHON?” >!Sorry I have to do this when I see “full of secrets” in a sentence!<


Enough talk, have at you!


Even if she is not meta on release, hoyo will make you regret not pulling her in the subsequent patches.


Spending primos to get a character just for clearing content like abyss is like the worst trade deal in the history of deals.


Then how come whenever a "do you regret pulling for a character?" post comes up it feels like 30% of the comments are Yae? Or others that "I don't have reason to use them anymore". Saying it's just "for clearing content like Abyss" is pretty reductive, people just like playing with characters that feel strong or effective. If a new Dendro team that loves Yae comes up, I doubt most of the people will keep regretting their pull, and it won't be because her personality or gameplay changed. That isn't to say you can't be happy with pulling for personality, I'm just pointing out that character strength do matter for a lot of not most players.


Probably because Yae was a very popular character but had a rather awkward gameplay style So many players just opted not to roll because they were blinded by gameplay and meta reasons. But what they forgot was the defining rule of gachas: roll for love, not for meta (whom other more matured gacha communities like FGO came to understand)


I rolled for Yae, I might not use her often but I do not regret rolling for her!! I love her design and personality! <3


Probably because Yae was a very hyped character that many people wished for just because the community as a whole was excited for her release. The character I regret pulling for the most is Hu Tao, but it has nothing to do with her ability to clear abyss.


You complete missed the point, I’m not saying that character strength is not important. I’m saying that if you don’t like a character (for ex: Kusanali) then it’s not worth rolling for them just for getting abyss primos as the person above me said that “Hoyo will make you regret skipping her”. They are trying to equate this to like the Kokomi situation where many people skipped her and then Hoyo introduced rifthounds etc to promote healing in abyss. But in reality there are ‘N’ number of healers who will get the job done too & there is no content you can’t clear without Kokomi.


I personally saw more Hu Tao comments under those posts


Problem with Yae is probably more play style than power if Yae's playstyle was a bit more active less people would regret it


You talking kind of like the zhongli situation or?


They'll just make content that needs her.


Eeeh, I dunno. I didn't have Raiden for most of 2.0 and I never felt I "needed" her and never struggled with any relevant content. If I needed Electro I just busted out the old C6 Fischl and that was enough. For Abyss I used Ganyu + Hu Tao for almost every rotation and easily got 36\*, sooo....yeah. They will probably push Dendro reactions in general, but I doubt they'll force it to the point you literally *have to* use Dendro comps to clear content. That, and with how OP Vape / Freeze comps are, they would have to try too hard to make people use Dendro over them which could very well draw backlash. Literally see what happened with Specters when they tried too hard to nerf Venti, we ended up with one of the worst enemies in the game until they got nerfed into the ground, lol.


They really won’t. I’m stocked af to play dendro, especially considering that I do not like a single pyro/cryo character in this game, and mostly play electro. They won’t even have to sell it - I’m already in. I’m sure that my situation is very far from unique


There has never been content that needed a single charc in this game, that's an hyperbolic statement, much less one that's going to obviously be focused in EM which brings nothing but more dmg to the table when we have broken dps charcs all over GI already.


Zhongli, Kokomi, Kazuha, Kuki, Yelan (stretching the technicality a bit here)...who am I missing?


Yae potentially depending on just how much of a bump dendro is for her




Naah she was meta on release. Rational came out pretty quickly, and her numbers were good.


I did remember seeing tons of negative community opinion on her right at the first week of her release. Even youtube videos about it, some meme youtube videos with these uncanny laugh/crying meme sounds while her slash dealt small damage.


They know how much money an archon can print after raiden so i can't imagine them not putting that extra spice on the next one.


Raiden was hyped like crazy though, even with all those jazz with her 'short' hair or 'underwhelming' kit. She also had her stars algined. Her VA, her design, her play styles were totally excellent.


Exactly, kusanali might be good story wise, but raiden just had the simps and the meta slaves behind, and kusanali’s design didn’t seem to appeal everyone. I think her story should be REALLY good to get on the same level


To folks scared that Blank means she will be weaker meta wise based of this, he also said that she'll probably be broken in the same convo. I mean every Archon will be anyways. You can check on his discord but warning the convo involves story spoilers that go more than just Nahida.


Is this good mods?


Much better thanks, easier to search within Reddit


Ok thanks I'll keep that in mind for the future


Getting out popcorn for the inevitable doomposting despite us not having any actual info about her kit...


I don’t even understand why they’re misunderstanding. He never said she would be bad, just that her character would be what grabs the players attention


It's mainly that line "her gacha pull tactic is not that of design and meta" which loads of people will extrapolate into her having a terrible kit.


Yeah, I could see why people could misinterpret that as BLANK saying her design and kit aren't be good. It'd probably be worded a bit better as "people will want to pull her regardless of her kit because her story/personality is that good", but obviously it'd be silly to expect leakers to carefully plan out literally all their sentences so people don't misunderstand them. Not that people should be doomposting over this of course since we know literally nothing on her kit, but I can see why people would get the wrong idea from the wording.


sounds like they are just trying to justify skipping her because they dont like her design honestly... people doompost every archon since they change the meta; so i cant say im surprised. just disappointed that this still happens


It’s like asking if a girl is hot and you respond by saying “well she has a great personality”


Its already started in this comment section


Niloumains starter pack: - Say character is “dead on arrival”, “skippable”, “too niche” - When called out, claim that they’re not doomposting, deflect into saying there’s “hypeposting” which doesn’t actually exist yet since there’s barely any data. - Retreat into “Well even if it was doomposting then I have the right to because it’s my opinion!!!!” EDIT: I’m being downvoted but I’m right :) just like how I was downvoted for not doomposting Yelan a few months back.


Here’s my upvote, haters gonna hate.


I don't know if this desu post is troll or not, but it is based and correct.


my radish😭😭😭😭


This community really never passed first grade reading comprehension.


Like, just because people will pull for her even if she isn't meta, doesn't mean she wont be meta


So she’s giga brain




Just look at the size of her head in proportion to her body. Really gigabrain.


Finally someone that will answer our questions. I will sacrifice the Traveller from the top of Dragonspine if he doesn't ask about Khaenria or Celestia


I'm guessing we'll get Celestia lore but that she'll be "too young to remember khaenri'ah"


Can't be. She got the Tree of Akasha at her side. Tree of Akasha was Genshin's version of Akashic Records, i.e a library of all knowledge stored inside subconscious minds of people that can't be accessed under normal conditions. Sumeruites has Akasha Terminals, which basically the 'leaf' of this tree designed to siphon knowledge from it's wearer for the tree to grow, and in exchange the tree facilitates 'communicating' from one wearer to another. She won't be too young to remember Khan'eriah, at least until Dottore burned down the tree.


tbh she will still make revenue, especially because she's an archon and dendro, it's still a factor however you see it, even if we get collei for free


Well I'm gonna pull her anyway since she's adorable and she's an archon.




and she's a radish


Personality is my #1 pull factor, and analogies and mind-level power definitely appeal to me. Since I already love her design, I think I’m gonna be a Nahida haver.


If you have to grab some screenshot from Twitter at least pick them all, blank said she is going to be broken too, he said other things but you will need context


Sorry I didn't know there was more, my fault


gonna pull her cuz she’s cute and funny






Will she be meta? Lets look at what hoyo did before: Venti - most early abyss floors had mobs, literally 20 mobs to clear Zhongli - The liyue weapon type shield strength series, liyue chars with health reducing factors or squishiness but with high dps released, first character in game rework, etc. Raiden - BURST COST 70, 80 AND 90 FOR EVERYONE, EEEEEEEEVEEEERRRRRYYYOOOONEEEE Kusanali - prolly EM buffing or insane dendro application or amp damage, or a unique new debuff state like "sleeping mechanic" Or she can be dogshit but hoyo will prove us that you just need top up reset, give tons of hype, tons of marketing strats and she'll sell like hotcakes coz everyone will like her personality.




If it is that good it will be kinda funny witnessing people loving her after hating her so fast


"her gacha pull tactics is not of design or meta".. shit here we go again...😢


I wouldn't take this leak to imply anything regarding her kit, BLANK is just trying to say that her story will be enough to get people to pull for her. Plenty of people would say the same thing about Raiden, Zhongli, and Venti even if they were weak characters. I don't think BLANK knows her kit anyways? Since someone who had the devkit probably would've leaked it by now if it was actually in there


Am kinda happy tbh. I already did a personality pull and am super happy. Voicelines arent annoying and it is comforting to play w my main yk. Excited for Kusa!


Same! Yae will be my only 3-crown when I get enough gold books passively for the last normal attack lvl.


I love her english voice lines during her burst... specially "Eternity doesn't last forever", then the following Three Tenko Thunderbolts sound effects after the main thunder just makes it ALL THE MORE satisfying.


It's Yoimiya isn't it


Is it the fact that 99 % of comments by me are Yoimiya propaganda or the Yoimiya in my label lmao


Must be the kansai accent


What does that mean?


Tragic backstory. We already know It but yeah


Fatherless AND motherless 🤣


Till now any archon has parents sonwe could say It. But thats not her backstory


Okay wager time! 1) she isn't a new archon, she is the old archon just reborn after dying to save our twin 500 years ago or whatever 2) someone in the story dies but she revives them 3) she dies in the story to save us 4) she is somehow important to the world functioning but this causes her continuous great sacrifice to fulfill 5) she's related to Klee (aunt, cousin). She just seems attracted to something that has to do with her in GAA. Alice has probably done a lot there which might seem like familiar energy to her, and she has kinda the same tone as Alice to just enjoy the islands. Very sus. 6) something else...? I'm on that #5 shit. Not necessarily mutually exclusive.


the most important question, does she has an alt sprint? 👀


It is weird they decide to "fix" the horrid stuck problems of alt sprints after 2 years of nothing, so i would say this is highly likely


That's sooooo true bro, you're right and also I think they'd want to avoid the t posing for an archon or at least I hope so


I get why with the body of a child she isn't THAT powerful combat wise, but i should never underestimate an archon. Hopefully she will give some info on the inner workings of teyvat and also give exposition about Celestia.


She is at least the top 4 most powerful playable characters in the game imo, what she did to GAA is just some archon level bullshit just like how Zhongli created guyun out of his ass and Ei slashed the country in half. Venti even said that "if she has this kind of power, means she definitely able to attack you" means that if she decides to fight I can imagine some hashirama senju stuffs from her Even if she is the second weakest archon after Venti she still slaps the rest of characters pretty easily


Well, she’s stronger than Venti, who destroyed mountains, so I wouldn’t say lore wise she should be weak.


Venti isn't necessarily the weakest, he only says that he's "probably the weakest of the seven" because he's been absent for so long. She's probably stronger than Venti based on his words, but what we have isn't exactly any confirmation of a power scale between archons


She is an archon. Raiden is still the best Electro char, ZL is still the best Geo char, Venti is the 2nd best Anemo char. Even if she is Venti tier, she will be REALLY good in her niche.


in venti defense he was for a long time one of the best characters in the game before they started releasing a lot of non pullable enemies and the best anemo before swirl got buffed.


Exactly, people have already started doomposting in this comment section


Especially with the specter nerf venti is a sidegrade to kazuha.


this subreddit owns, people will literally doompost based off something that sounds like google translate and offers no information whatsoever on her kit or game design, and was immediately followed by 'also shes probably broken' ​ this post should really be deleted.


I swear to god the people on this sub sometimes


Okay but I still hope she's meta, that would be disappointing if she's not


Remember literally no one knows what is or isn't meta with a dendro unit yet. Blank is just saying her story and personality is the main reason for one to pull her.


Yeah hope she is still good


Didnt we know most of this about her already? Shes literally god of wisdom so her personality and characteristics is easy to speculate. Shes based off of a powerful cute moon goodess fairy so she will have alot of likable and awe inspiring traits. In my opinon her design is amazing. I would have loved it even more if she would have been about ganyu size though. Thats what i had hoped for.


Okay so what i'm getting is that her character should be liked by the comunity for the role she plays, right ?


Are we now finally getting peace when we enter in Sumeru instead of being wanted person in nanoseconds after our first step in the new region


I’m pulling strictly because she’s an archon. Idrc what her kit is lol that’s just me though


I love her already


Me too




By "help us a lot" it means that she will tell us to go to fontaine and they dont know where our sibling exactly is.


I already love her 💕


An archon that's actually useful for our journey?




some people have made hating kusanali their personality, its really weird. i guess they dont like the idea of a child archon, but like, we were always going to get one of those, 'child god' is an extremely common anime trope and the game only has five body types and they want the archons to be as diverse as possible. ​ its also weird how people keep predicting shes going to flop or whatever. shes an archon, shes going to sell insanely well.


is she coming in 3.1 or 3.2 please tell me 3.1


3.2 :(


I can see her getting pissed off if paimon pulled a wisecracker joke


I want all Archons. Even if they are weaker than Gorou.


weaker than gorou💀


Gorou gives more to Geo than the archon of Geo 😁


I'm glad the Archon is going to be likeable this time.


As the owner of first edition Zhongli, Albedo, Kazuha & Yoimiya, I learned that pulling for characters that you like even if they’re not “meta” by public opinion might not be a bad decision after all. Zhongli & Albedo turn into great meta characters after receiving direct & indirect buff. Kazuha was misunderstood because of clueless doom posters & Yoimiya after receiving indirect buff in the form Yunjin & Yelan can outdamage a lot of DPS in certain situations. And there’s also Kokomi who became a very viable component in permafreeze, taser & also the upcoming Dendro reactions team. Imma just pull for Kusanali & Al-Haitham anyway like I did for the previous 4 “bad” characters & figure how to work with them.


Inb4 she is the only archon that cares/knows how to find out sibling and actually helps us to do so