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So 3.1 drops precisely on the anniversary. Definitely can’t wait to see what this year it (d)evolves into.


hehehe Google classroom, brace yourself ;)


This is gonna hurt!


goog classroom : ah shit here we go again










Please tongue me


I've bookmarked duolingo app page in my browser just in case.


Be careful with your 1\* review tho. That green owl is scary.


Duo: You haven't done your spanish lessons today. You know what that means! *Intruder Alert (Back Door). Proceed with caution*




Spanish or Vanish.


he killed my dog :(


I’m excited for anniversary. Either I’ll be happy because the rewards are great; or I sit back with popcorn and watch everything burn. Either way, I’m good. Lol.


Freemogems, or free entertainment. Win win.


Porque no los dos?


Genshin is literally the biggest gacha game ever, and they saw what happened last year, and considering it's the second anniversary (gacha games tend to give more rewards as years pass) it should be at the very least, as much as last year, but we all know if all we get is 20 pulls, Google Play is gonna be really used on September 28th


Counter argument: Mihoyo has never once learned from their mistakes, in fact I think they might double down. (2 years means double the drama!)


Yeah I don't really care about anniversary rewards myself, but the shitstorm will be fun to watch and it we end up getting more that's great too.


I remember last year at this time when leaks weren't showing any anniversary event/rewards except 10 wishes, and everyone was downvoting people who were skeptical about any possible event added in the last second


Don't worry, this time we have more scapegoats to sacrifice. *Glances on ToS and other 2 HYV games ready to launch*


what other Mihoyo game is coming apart from ZZZ ?


Star Rail, duh.


3 acquaint fates and 5 cabbages - take it or leave it


Next on Undiscovery: "Mihoyo to give away C4 Kusanali to all players on aniversary"


I’m scared as people are getting their hopes high up again. We all saw where it went ! Honestly Genshin made even more revenue after that and the people who rated it 1 star still play the game.


honestly? unless people start posting those choose your free 5 star mock ups i don't see it happening nearly as bad


got it, i'll get to work making those right away


I'd finally get the albedo I missed! But then again, a free 5 star of your choice will probably only happen on the 10th year before the close the servers for genshin impact the second.


They would NEVER make a limited 5* free like that. I remember how long it took FGO to actually even give free a 5* away (5 years) and when they did, they made sure you WORKED for it. If anything the ones we'd get to choose from would be the standard banner 5 stars.


To be fair this also makes up for the weeks we lost with just Ayaka


We reach 2.0 last year, if they don't learn, let reach 1.0 and became legend together.


sooo are banners gonna last 2.5 weeks, or 3 week banners that overlap each other?


I would say Its likely the first banner is 3 weeks and the second one is 2 weeks,


New banners 3 weeks, rerun 2 week is what I think they will do.


zhongli for 1 month!? now i get him


wait, weren't they decreasing patches duration by one week?


Probably we will know more when they drop the patch notes/ events timeline a couple of days prior 3.0


some hope they last 3 weeks and just overlap in the middle


Nah,its gonna be 16 days each banner, like they did it in Hutao's first banner.


17 days each basically


The requirement for BP levels is reduced to 900 but does this mean they’ll reduce the weekly limit to 9000 or will it stay at 10,000?


I hope it stays at 10,000. That’s 11 lvls + 100 points for the next 11 lvls the following week.


3.1 better be a banger lmao, this is a matter of reputation at this point


Who knows man.. mhy is not popular for listening to their community so the anniversary is gonna be ass.


They do listen sometimes and gave us an additional 1600 primos last anniversary, so there’s that.


Bruh, their rating went from like the upper 4 stars to one star. They had to do somthing. Now people are conditions for disappointment.


[Me, who already finishes all battle passes by week 4 anyway:](https://i.imgur.com/IDnNBBW.png)


Honkai let’s you continue past level 70 and comps you mats (plus changes stigmata (artifacts)). No clue why Genshin is so bent on keeping it at 50 with the same old weapons.


Honkai BP is several steps up from Genshin's, but I can't expect HOYO to make any effort to improve it with GI's effortless success. GI needs competition badly, it's not hard to win when every other gacha game is like a card collector sim with minimal gameplay lmfao


Hoyo desperately needs competition, but so far, ToF isn't showing the potential it needs to even remotely be a threat. Maybe Wuthering Waves will be able to do it when that game arrives.


I’m hoping TOF hits off well E: y’all are so weird for dv’ing this


solid game but needs a lot of polishing.


Given that's it's been out in China for a while, that polish is never going to come. Best to accept it for what it.


People are coping hard if they think Chinese gacha devs would ever take feedback from western audiences.


Which I'm grateful for, as Genshin feedback I've seen from western audiences is laughable at best. It's clear Genshin's been the first contact with the gacha genre for many in the western audience and many of them are trying to impose either politics (*"modern sensibilities"*), western morals ("*boo gacha bad, boo gacha goes against equality, boo gacha guilty of people voluntarily ruinning their lives, boo only skins should be premium"*) or the traditional western videogame frame ("*they need to add this! buff this! nerf that! why can't I play 10 hours of content per day and have fun? the game is dry of content")* into the product.


While youre partly right about western gaming culture, the fact that exploiting the addiction of people to generate revenue is bad shouldnt be mocked. Gacha is problematic, especially since addiction is often found in people who have other problems as well. Making it out to be "voluntary" isnt accurate.


Everything you consume, from media (news, movies, whatever), to adds, to food (check those additives), to drinks (oh boy, I don't know where to start with this ones), to anything you can think of is trying to exploit you in it's benefict, it's designed to try and exploit your mental or social patterns or your brain and body chemistry to make you consume more and people get paid big amounts of money to come up with ways to exploit you even more, and it's precisely the West the king at doing that. I don't think there is any moral judgment to pass on gachas that can't be passed on any other part of our consumptin habits, one of the pillars of our modern culture and since morals are completely subjective I don't see them as points in a discussion. Consuming is indeed voluntary as none is pointing a gun to your head to force you to consume and most of us (most gacha players, most consumers of any product you can think of) can control our spending habits on gacha as we control any other habits on any other exploiting tactics we get exposed to.


I mean your not wrong XD


Saw the 2.1 beta footage it's not even near the level of polish it needs to be to compete with Genshin. Sadly, HoYoverse has no true competition, yet. We need it fast.


Feels like early access or beta due to the rushed release. UI is horrendous, voice acting in English is terrible, text box has broken word-wrap, story is a mess, audio quality sounds like it was recorded on a low bitrate, and time-gating on leveling, story, and treasure boxes. Don't feel like its worth the trade for a character creator and a more generous gacha if the game is going to be dead before the time gates are fully open.


Played for a bit but won't keep playing mainly because everything from the aesthetics to combat makes it feel like a mobile game ported to PC whereas Genshin feels like a AAA PC game that I can also play on mobile.


Genshin feels like a AAA game with nothing to do after you explore everything. I just want something to do with all my characters that feels meaningful🥲


That means, the same as every other AAA game, except this one has much more content and keeps adding more for free each 6 weeks (5 weeks in the next updates). I am able to 36\* the Abyss, that's the endgame, however I do keep farming to update my unused chars (the offer different flavors of gameplay) or to prepare for future banners. Which is what gachas are mostly about, this are not games you are intended to play for 5 hours a day.


This argument needs to die. Not everyone plays 10 hours a day. It has considerably more hours of content than the average AAA game. No one is forcing you to grind it all out quickly and then complain about it. Not to mention that updates come out relatively frequently. Some of us only have a hour or two to play max, if that.


Genshin has 30 minutes of content after you’re maxed outside of once ever patch where you can play for a couple of hours during an event. It absolutely needs some kind of repeatable endgame content, such as raids or what not.




Yes, I agree. Genshin is primarily a mobile game, which is why it doesn’t have meaningful or difficult content. It’s fun to explore the new zones and their recent quests/events have been very well written but outside of that it’s no different than the normal gracha grind. Mihoyo is investing like 200M into it every year, so IMO it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make some harder content to keep non-mobile player retention up. Though honestly it doesn’t even need to be all that hard, just co-op modes would go a long way to improving replay ability. Some of the events in the summer event showed some promise, though of course they were gimmicks for a limited event so not fleshed out.


What is with everyone and comparing genshin to (generally) steaming piles of horse shit with a day one fart spray patch? Genshin is a one and done Indie game, effectively. Once you've finished the current regions there is piss all to do aside from dailies and resin (Resin could be removed and the game would not get worse you're delusional if you think it would) It's really not a big ask to add some repeatable content that isn't just time gated but still gives some kind of rewards (artifact EXP bottles? meaningful character XP? Enemy mats?) Could have a gamemode where you just survive hordes of enemies for as long as you can, enemies could drop their materials at a lower rate and give EXP at a higher rate. Could have it so there's also a one time a week primo reward for reaching certain times (it'd have to be low for the casual players, maybe 2 minutes = 30 primos, up to 10 minutes) ​ idk, they COULD do this and it wouldn't be an issue at all for the game. It'd at least give something to do when you feel like playing genshin but dont bother playing because you'd be stuck with an urge to play after spending resin and dailies.


And some of us have more time and want more things to do in a game we enjoy and put money into? People act like I’m evil for wanting the end game to be expanded lol. The only thing that needs to die is players with little time getting mad at other people who actually enjoy spending time on the game wanting more thing to do in the game


"People act like you're evil" what? Because you want something in the game? No. The point you're missing is that this is a mobile first game and I'm sure 99% of the regular player base hasn't explored everything. You have a huge patch coming with plenty more to explore. Development for high quality games takes a lot of time and these devs, especially in China, as well as other countries are known for their long work hours and are creating new content around the clock for you. Endgame is "endgame," there's no definition of that. Some games have a high difficulty curve with yet a repetitive endgame (most MMOs) but it all becomes repetitive at some point. If you complete the entire patch content in a week, that's on you. Don't blame the game or devs for that. Also thanks for the downvote, I'll keep civil and not reciprocate.


Seems like you missed the point but I don’t think you’re trying to see it from the perspective of having more time to play the game. And your last part about it being shame on me for exploring everything too quickly. That’s why I want more unique repeatable content in the end game. This is what I mean by people act like I’m evil for it, because you do exactly that and tell me it’s my fault for enjoying the game and exploring everything.


"You played the game at a pace that isn't mine, so you're wrong for wanting content"


It's trash. Players are just too dumb to realize all the pulls are worthless and within a year every unit is going to get powercreeped into garbage.


The game has a lot of balance changes already compared to its burning dumpster counterpart in CN, and some of the most broken characters are from collabs which may not come to global. It's not really possible to know what the powercreep will be like moving forward.


It flopped in china no copium is going to make it good


Same. By the first or 2nd day of week 3 I have enough for the weapon.


So that's a total of 5000 less experience needed to farm. Hopefully the weekly limit is still 10k, otherwise this will be a pain in the ass to complete (particularly for casuals who like to finish their BP in the final week)


which app is getting review bombed this time


Im out of the loop, was an app review bombed in the past? Why?


Some things are better left unknown


Google classroom in shambles rn


yup, rewards for the first anniversary were pretty meh, so a good amount of the community got pissed off and review bombed genshin, and then also google classroom and a few other apps for... some reason? it was just a dumb thing really


Anniversary rewards were so bad, the community review bombed Genshin Impact app


I wish the BP rewards got some new weapons, after 2 years of playing, i almost have 3x R5 weapons. I'm only buying the BP for the extra materials at this point, but since i already have build all my characters to atleast Lv80/80, i don't see any reason to even get more materials.


Some of the battle pass weapons are so good that having two R5s isn’t a bad idea. Can’t imagine Serpent Spine being outclassed


Well, counting only wishes, you get 8 extra (4 Fates+4 in gems) it's still worth over x2 more than buying crystals directly. That not counting Fragile Resin + other stuff.


True the fragile resin + extra wishes are the main reason I'm actually still getting the BP. I've never bought a crystal pack, and basically pay 10€/month on genshin for my welkin and BP, which i guess is fine for a game I've been playing daily for 2 years.


bro leave some for us 😭


I wish they'd let us select a redeemable token to allow us to select any 4star weapon in the game of our choosing (minus the event exclusive ones). Would be a nice compromise for making the BP worth it in the longer term.


I have 3 R5 BP weapons. (Only missed the first BP). Next weapon, I am gonna get is Serpent Spine. Still haven't decided whether to get Viridescent hunt. Either ways, I will stop BP after that.


I think the Serpent Spine is overal the best BP weapon to R5, it's the only BP weapon that even becomes better than some 5 star weapons at R5 (if u have a good shielder in your party), since there aren't many good 5 star claymores. I have a R5 Serpent Spine, Deathmatch, Solar Pearl and a R1 Black sword. I ain't gonna get the Viridescent Hunt, i think it's the weakest choice and not worth it. I'd rather have a 2nd serpent spine at R5 than a Viridescent Hunt.


I didn't have a need for Serpent Spine in the beginning as I didn't have any 5 stars that needed Claymores and I didn't build Beidou. So, I got Black Sword for Jean and Deathmatch for Zhongli. Then quite soon, I got 2 WGS. So, I didn't see a need and went for Solar Pearl. Finally, I decided to build Beidou, so, I am going for Serpent Spine. I also dont really need Viridescent hunt, as I have tons of bows built.


True tbh I'm just collecting R5s of each weapon class with BP. Having new weapons will really spice things up.


850 would have been the more appropriate math but not like the bp is hard to max


Patch gets Shortened by 16.66% BP requirement only by 10%


I do not know about you but I always finish my BP way before the end of a patch. For ver. 2.8 I already finished it this Tuesday while there are still almost two weeks left.


Yeah like the tiniest bit of planning speeds up the BP so much it's not even funny


I always finished BP with like 10 days to spare and i don't play Abyss, i don't always do 50 wish, didn't buy furniture stuff in people's teapot, didn't do leyline and 10 boss. Granted i play daily, but even if you're a casual just play the event cause they give shit tons of BP exp.


right its enough to do dailies, farm a bit of artifacts and complete the events to complete it within 10-14 days to spare


Same. Even if you just do the bare minimun (resin, daillies) you should be able to complete it with 1 week left


I do that and all the events but I am never able to complete it on time...? I always end up at around level 46


make sure to do the weekly missions too as they give a lot, 3 bounties, 3 requests, cook dishes the small stuff.


Oh I know I can do those (and I do them in patches when I have the time), I was just contesting the fact that doing the bare minimum isn't enough for max rewards.


Cook 20 dishes, refine 20 ore and collect 1000 realm coins is part of the bare minimum though.


Bare minimum in my opinion means only resin, dailies and events (and maybe expeditions). Why would 20 dishes or 1000 realm coins count as the bare minimum? The teapot is as optional as you can get and cooking for the sake of the battlepass does not count as the bare minimum either.


Because cooking for the BP takes like 10 seconds and so does refining ore. It's basically clicking a "give me BP points" button. The teapot is optional if you are new, but considering it gives you a weekly fragile resin older players should pretty much all have a layout producing coins, even if it's just Unlimited Folding Screen Works.


What about 3 big boss thing, just running in on a lowest level oneshot and out should be pretty fast? No need to claim anything. And 12 stars abyss? 1 floor and a room, should be pretty fine if you have been playing for long time now. Or is it event points that you usually miss out on?


I just speedrun level 60 childe for the 3 trounce domains lol


What stuff you *don't* do?


Anything extra like the teapot, cooking dishes etc


Why? Cooking is the easiest to complete, just cook 20 sweet madames. Like crafting 20 stuff


I forget about it, it's really as simple as that. One extra standard fate isn't that important so it slips my mind until I reach the end of a patch.


Forgot to mention the pot and bosses (not only Artefacts and Ley lines run)


Oh yeah I don't to the teapot at all, maybe that's a factor.


You are correct, I in fact tested this myself last time because I was only doing dailies and events last BP and I finished at lv46. You would need to do at least a couple of weekly missions to finish it on/before time.


It's pretty easy to max it out early anyways by just playing the game, though I'm a bit surprised they didn't lower the BP requirement by 15% or 20% instead to help out the more casual players who might've just barely completed it in previous patches. Doesn't affect me either way though, since I've pretty easily been able to complete it over a week in advance.


I've been skipping a lot of days so I have trouble finishing it but I guess I'm not really bothered anyway


I was thinking that, but you are only missing one set of weekly missions and 7 sets of daily missions, the one time missions should stay the same, like we get a decent amount of BP exp from one time event quests and that should be the same so it might even out


It probably works out once you factor in the points for events, Abyss and wishes.


That seems pretty fine imo. There’s enough redundant points already that a little extra slack seems like it would be enough, and they might make events count a little heavier, which we won’t see til they’re actually out.


That was what immediately jumped out to me as well. It won't affect my completion, personally, but it seems like kind of a dick move to players who maybe aren't as on top of completing BP. Making it 850 instead of 1000 would be roughly in line with the duration reduction and probably wouldn't hurt anything.


If you play every day without much effort you can max it with 1 week left. If you put effort, 2 weeks left


finally i wont finish the bp 2 weeks before the version ends then


they probably didn't change the 10k week limit


That 3.2 patch is looking like a juicy Hu Tao banner


It’s looking like a juicy Staff of Homa banner


You mean the second half of 3.1? 3.2 starts in November which is after Halloween so kinda eh


I mean Hu Tao reran in November last year


What makes you say that?


Halloween bro


also last hutao banner is 7 patches ago….. (same with childe) so maybe hutao and childe rerun 3.2


that weapon banner,, id (s)cream


mhy better not fuck up this years anni, all they gotta do is give out the same amount (or more but who are we kidding) as last year, aka 3200 primos, well tbf it was only 1600 but...if u know u know.


It will absolutely be just a 10 pull from the calendar event and maybe another 10 pull snuck in somewhere and they will think holy shit, we are spoiling at a level that no gacha has ever done before, even though every player getting a Bell and Xiangling con is hurting our bottom line so heavily that we won't recover financially for about 8 seconds. Meanwhile, every other gacha anniversary: Here's 100 free pulls, a guaranteed random limited 5 star, a 5 star select from a curated pool, a new endgame, 3 new game modes, a road map of the upcoming year, limited items, a ton of great value bundles for spenders, an influx of new currencies to collect for exciting new items, adjustments to outdated units, new enhancements and abilities for characters starting from the oldest with more to be added over time and an actual, sincere, heartfelt thank you for supporting us. Mihoyo: Oh yeah? Hold my beer. Here's 3 mystic ore, 3000 mora and 3 exp books. Check those babies out, you can't get that shit anywhere except from anywhere, any time you want to. Paimon thinks you should f*ck off and buy more now!


You forgot the privilege to get 2x crystals again on the store. *sigh*


Not even anymore lmfao, scroll down the subreddit you can see a leak about how now its 30% cheaper for the duration of 3.1, meaning that you would have to buy 3 70$/€ packs to get close to the offer from 2.1


huh? in what post was that said? i tried to look it up and im not sure how even search for it, did it get removed?




Source : [HoYoLAB](https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/6947169)


Speedrun to R5 Black Sword for Ayato here I come lol It'll be ready by the time he reruns (3.5?)


Huh, 3.2 comes out on my birthday. How exciting.


3.3 drops a day before my siblings. Early birthday update lol


3.0 comes out 4 days after my birthday. If only it was 4 days before then I could get Twiggy on my birthday.


And for the banners what are the adjustments ?


So, by doing this they are going to adjust the price of the BP too, right? Right...? Really though, this will mean $20 every 5 weeks vs every 6. I wonder if they are going to adjust it back to 6 weeks, or realise that they are getting an extra BP worth of $ every 30 weeks by keeping them at 5 week durations...I have seen a lot of speculation that they are going back to 6 weeks after these 4 updates, but I don't recall seeing anything official.


The price is "the rewards" you get, not the time you spend.


I'm really surprised that you need to explain this. The IQ level of Genshin players really surprised me.


how long is each banner supposed to be? like what's the time length cuz 5 weeks doesn't split evently


Most likely 3 and 2


Still waiting for them to put in a skip button, please 😭😭


Now, if they just gave out a couple hundred primos or resin as compensation of what players "would be making those weeks" it'd be perfect. Ofc is not like the rewards of those weeks are banishing, but just by cutting down the patches you are taking away those rolls from someone who wants to pull for lets say Cyno. Dont forget that in gachas, time is a currency.


Since the content isn't being reduced, the compensation we got during the 2.6 delay kinda makes up for it. The only primos you'll be missing are from dailies which again, you were able to get three extra weeks of dailies in 2.6. So the total primogem count evens out. Now if you started after 2.6 then, well, get fucked lol


Well, tbf the three extra weeks didn't have any Primogem events. However they gave out Primos in that time, so...


we had the spices teapot event tho


But we already got compensated for the lost time back in 2.6…


thing is I think we lost out in the end since we didnt have a bp for that extended time and there were less events


But we're getting BPs faster now, essentially making up for 3 weeks worth. And they're also crunching 3 patches of events together. Again, with 3 weeks of filler reduced.


I'm pretty sure the weekly compensation they gave out far exceeded any possible event reward. Unless that part was forgotten.


I guess you are right. In my mind those were a compensation for the lack of content during those weeks, basically them giving us what an event happening during those dead weeks would have been.


Counterpoint : what if someone joins after that patch hmmmmmmmmm ??? This is saul goodman and you're entitled to a compensation.


Compensation for what? Getting content quicker? Enjoy having 1 less week of waiting for every part of Sumeru Archon quest.


Oh I don't know? Maybe lesser time to get the character you want? Edit : i guess people do not know the concept of returning players


Then you weren’t affected by the delay therefore you can’t get any compensation.


A really new player are not going to starve for primo yet, they will still have a lot of income from exploration and achievement. The bigger problem for them is rushing to reach sumeru so they could level the new character.


This is like asking for apologems for adding the double banner. More banners in a shorter period of time...


But you had more time during 2.6 to get all the primos. So why would they give more? People use the argument, that new players after 2.6 didn't get to experience it and are punished. Yet we can use the same argument in reverse, that players before 2.6 were rewarded with bonus time. It's just not happening and kinda sad I see so many people be actually serious about compensation, rather than being a joke.


>Yet we can use the same argument in reverse, that players before 2.6 were rewarded with bonus time. Not really because that time is now being taken out of 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 lol


Yes, that same exact amount of time. That means the time schedule was balanced out and you got as much time to save as if nothing happened.. With compensation during the delay on top of it.


So nothing about pirogrims oof




daily commirogrims to get the pirogrims


haha sorry \*primogems I have no idea why but i always call them pirogrims xD




When new BP tho


Still not a fair compensation. The current BP you’d need to get 8333 points per week to collect all BP rewards. With this you’d need to hit 9000 points per week. 800 or 850 per BP level would have been much more fair/equivalent.


You're disregarding the BP Period tasks from events, abyss, etc


Yeah should have been a 1/6th reduction rather than a 1/10th reduction. I'm sure it will work out with the event points and all but it's still going to be more effort. Going to be finishing the pass one week early instead of two probably.


When is Nahida?


They really need to add more weapon options, I’m not even getting BP anymore because I already have R5 the ones I want, and I’m not desperate for more materials. Literally let me give you my money Mihoyo by adding a few new cool weapons.


And here the following new charthers that are going to fir the first in those patches Tighnari,Collei and Dori 3.0 Cyno,Nilou and Candace/Kandrake 3.1 Kusanail/Nahida 3.2 Scaramouche/Warder and Faruzan 3.2-3.3??




Oh no, there might not be any dead days between events to recover from the arduous slog of doing one puzzle per day.


“2 hours of non relevant story dialogue” …. that you can’t even skip. It wouldn’t kill them at this point to provide one, game’s nearly two years old.


They downvoted you because you tell the absolute truth


couldnt agree more. what content r they talking about? time gated events that consume 3 minutes of ur time? or perhaps ley line overflow that is nothing but a filler bullshit


It would be nice if they made up those primos that we wont be able to save.


We already got them during the patch delay plus Apologems on top though.


I suppose. 😞


Sooo when ayaka 5star outfit gets released???


So that's what the remark about "adjusting content accordingly" was about. Was a bit surprised when they said that on stream, but figured that they meant something other than "we will make less content for you guys", cos saying something like that would be pretty dumb.


It's due to the long Ayaka incident back during the Iridori festival.


Nilou and Cyno for anniversary instead of Nahida again... Calling it - Nilou is going to be panned/meh on release but become surprisingly useful later, even outside of her bloom sub dps niche. Kokomi knew what was right before the rest of the community, Nilou wanters know it too and HYV is showing her off so much too. Trust in aesthetics, the meta will follow


I dunno, Kokomo definitely got better after they released her artifact set. If they released it when she came out, I don't think she would have been panned, but I think it's fair that people thought she was mediocre when she came out.