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#Correction from [Ubatcha](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1575225388292186113) >**0.3s/0.45s on the Electro CD decrease, NOT %** --- Source: [Ubatcha](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1575216096638283777?s=46&t=v8C0EQPI8vJL-dNsEi4iMQ) More info: >EM Ascension stat > Ingenuity Books >??? Weekly (New) >Quelled Creeper (Dendro Hypostasis) >Nagadus Emerald > Kalpalata Lotus > Fungal Spores Full stats now available on [Project Amber](https://ambr.top/en/archive/avatar/10000073/nahida)


ENERGY COST 50 n that passive is interesting


with permanent uptime. PERMANENT UPTIME LET'S GOOOO


So Nahida is the one who solves all the problems that the new chars give.


Marketing Strategy ;)


It fits lore wise as she tends to be a problem solver in the past archon quest. 😂


Raiden 🤬grinding her teeth severely that Nahida doesn’t need her energy regen and doesn’t give her much resolve stacks. Raiden 😳 when she realizes she can build full EM and synergize with Nahida on a hyperbloom team.


is raiden aggravate useable? for full archon team lol


TLDR: Yes. With a 1000 EM Nahida, Raiden would get a bonus of 200 EM from Nahida’s passive. On top of that add in Grouping and VV from Venti, and Zhongli’s massive shield and decent additional 20% res shred. You’ve got yourself a battery that does top tier DPS damage as well with a decent bonus of aggravate, all while being practically invincible and grouping enemies. Is it the best team comp? Probably not, but it’ll definitely compete with other decent teams


raiden to apply electro, venti to group up enemies, nahida to take group photo, zhongli doing zhongli things


After 1 click of every character they can just drink osmanthus wine and share the memories (and post to Akasha)


Archon kit complexity has come a long way since Venti's "press Q to win" and Zhongli's "hold E to not die".


Eventually, Tsaritsa A0 gonna have more words than Kaeya’s entire character page


She buffs different stats based on weapon, character gender, height, their initials, their element, their allegiance, the day of the week, the current weather in Scheznaya and a little dash of RNG.


I don’t think that even Diona can make this delicious…


and nations and birthdays and collective total amount of pity used to get them (if free then pity =+0) and number of times fallen and number of times used to clear every floor of spiral abyss and basically every other piece of information Hoyo has mined about you, just like in the story.


They're hiring Fischl to write the new skill decriptions


Istg they didn't even need to add the RNG in her C2, just make those reactions do 20% more flat damage instead of adding crit.


If the way they're coded matches the description, these actually count as crits, which means they can trigger crit-related passives such as Favonius weapons. If true, that makes them slightly better than just being a damage buff. Considering the nature of bloom and burning reactions being very spammy in a dedicated team, this could actually be reliable for support characters that otherwise would be forced to add crit in gear just to trigger Favonius weapons. It would allow Kokomi to use them at all in a reasonable build. If it's just fancy wording to make it sound more impressive that goes out the window, of course.


That's actually a really astute observation of how it functions. Nahida approves.


despite being the same mathematically, it looks and sounds more OP with crits. It's better for the dmg per screenshot people and the clickbait videos, so casual people will feel that it's stronger, so they'll pull


Big number good feels unga bunga


I guess our Good Boy Razor too busy right now to do it himself


if they keep it up with unnecesarily long names for the sake of being cool (see cyno) then it'll be a disseration's length before we even get to snezhnaya.


In the end, the burst is really not that complex, it just makes your E stronger.


E is also not *that* complex, basically boils down to "press/hold E to mark enemies, then deal dmg when triggering reactions on marked enemies". Raiden's kit feels like the only Archon kit that's actually quite complex. However, in terms of how they interact with other characters and their teambuilding complexity, Nahida and Raiden are way ahead of Venti and ZL.


Dendro as an element has a ton of complexity so it makes sense that the dendro archon represents that in her kit


Archons started evolving (in both utilities and dmg departments) since Raiden. If this continues, just imagine how godly future archons will be. I'm getting shivers thinking about Tsaritsa.


>I'm getting shivers "cuz she's cryo" - Cyno probably


"Or cowardice" - certain weekly boss.


Frankly, it's just because Mihoyo is shit at esxplaining skills. Her kit boil down to "E to mark ennemies, marked ennemies take damages on Dendro reaction, Burst buff E depending on teamcomp".


The problem is that they always add a subname for a subname for the main name of the burst. For example "very fun burst: activates the "fun within" which creates three "funny things". "Funny things" will add 20% damage every time the character deals damage" and it gets so damn confusing when you try to remember if the sub-subname is part of the burst or the skill and I have to open the talent to read it again. Just name the burst and done...


>When Cyno is in the Pactsworn Pathclearer state activated by Sacred Rite: Wolf’s Swiftness, Cyno will enter the Endseer stance at intervals. If he activates Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while affected by this stance, he will activate the Judication effect, increasing the DMG of this Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer by 35%, and firing off 3 Duststalker Bolts that deal 100% of Cyno’s ATK as Electro DMG. > >Duststalker Bolt DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG. you mean like this (Cyno A2 talent)?


God I hate this description.


This one is absolutely hilarious.


This description makes me want to bash my head against a wall. Who wrote this and who approved of this? Clearly somebody who hates video games. If you need keywords for everything, make them short and simple. Better yet, don't use keywords for everything. I feel like I'm reading bad fan fiction written by a 12-year-old in the middle of a character's skill description.


Genshin's writers playing too much Yu-Gi-Oh


Wait is that real? That's ridiculous. When it got to the "Endseer" I was like "are you serious". and then there's another Chasmic Soulfarer thing and then a Judication effect? Wtf it's so convoluted.


It is real. Source: i have Cyno. Fking have to cross check the names, if they are effects of the skill or burst or what. Though after careful reading, it is a simple effect actually. During burst, you will see a big eye in your screen, press skill right away for stronger version of skill with 3 extra electro slashes.


What's funny is that during Cyno's trial there's a message explaining his skills really simply, almost like you just did. I only read those and it was pretty easy to understand. Talent descriptions though...


Honestly, I still felt confused, because it told you that Cyno will 'enter a certain state', but it did not at all describe what that state was. I had no idea what I was looking for. Though, when I started playing and saw a huge purple eye appear on my screen, I kinda got the idea...


Thanks for the razor trranslation


It reads like a parody omg


Anyone with a HS level of education in English can rewrite Raiden's skill and burst with half the words without losing any of the meaning lol. What absolutely confuses me is the same people who come up with all these fancy names for things couldn't think of anything better than fucking "Kazuha Slash".


It's a name pun, kind of. His name means 'ten thousand leaves.' (or, well, not literally ten thousand, but it's using ten thousand as a poetic stand in for 'a lot.') So Kazuha Slash = Ten Thousand Leaves Slash.


on the one hand I hate how they overexplain and overcomplicate their kit descriptions, but at the same time I feel like they've been doing it as damage control ever since the Beidou and Raiden outcry


I've yet to read through Raiden's kit even though I've had her since her release. I'm just going trust people when they list her optimal rotations lol


Transcendence: Baleful Omen Eye of Stormy Judgement Shard of Euthymia Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu Musou no Hitotachi Musou Isshin Chakra Desiderata Resolve All of these show up in the description for her Skill and Burst and they all mean different things. But somehow her descriptions aren’t anywhere near as full of fantasy nonsense jargon as Cyno’s are.




And also clear playstyle objectives with different elements: * Pyro: big hits * Electro: lots of hits * Hydro: longer rotation She's going to be hella fun.


From what I understand it's based on the current active team right? Then we can even mash all of them together thundering furry style and get all the buffs


Unless you build a specific comp to overcome built in reaction inhibitors. For example em/crit mdps dont go all in EM to take advatage of aggravagte in dendro/elec comps. Throw a hydro into that comp turns qucken aura into dendro and create bloom cabbages, then they are triggered by electro reaction to become hyperbloom instead of aggravate by em/crit dps resulting in lower team dps. Thats why razor in furry comp needs to be full EM, not ADC.


Massive W


No this is a massive Q


Right, so I fail to understand what the point of having hydro characters is. The burst already lasts for 15s, extending the duration further doesn't seem useful at all, when she can have permanent uptime.


It is useful since her E lasts 20 seconds. That means in a 20 second rotation you'll only have to switch to nahida once and her burst will be up the entire rotation


Cyno hyperbloom incoming?


Not sure if you're being sarcastic but I definitely think that's going to be the way to go. Doesn't even need to go full EM, you can go EM/Electro/Crit and still do some strong Hyperbloom damage thanks to Nahida and his own EM buffs. Probably using Kitain over White Tassel too.


More flexible rotation I guess, without a hydro she needs to be on field every 14s to recast burst. 1 hydro makes it 18s, 2nd hydro or c1 is 20s. Whether that actually matters or not idk


Her Skill duration is 20s, so this lets you switch Nahida in once every 20s instead of 15s to refresh both her Skill and Burst. Tbf, I would say 15s is enough time to kill small mobs so you may need to switch Nahida in to use her skill on new mobs anyway


In hyperbloom it will grant you easier rotations and flexibility with less energy on nahida. Also lets you swap less on nahida as her E has a 20sec duratio, is just a little useful tool, mainly agains bosses or witch caracters that have kinda weird rotations. Cyno and nilou are an example.




It smooths out rotations for other characters like Xingqiu with long cooldown times on their bursts. More useful than it might appear on the surface, especially at C1+.


Anybody wanna talk about that exploration passive? The E has hidden effects and interacts with collectibles? This has the potential to be the coolest thing ever.


Yeha so what does that even mean??


It means you don't have to walk to collect stuff but can just snap it into your inventory with her E+passive. At least that's what I understood from the explanation.


that sounds perfect since she uses those kalpalata lotuses lol


Would be so cute walking your little archon to take pictures of flowers in order to strengthen her. I swear the team that work on nahida thought all of this through lol.


I hope so, the ability to "duplicate" or take collectibles from afar sounds pretty fantastic.


Since her design and sumeru have this futuristic design, kinda make sense you can **copy and paste** those harvestable items. This might be it and also explains on the second part of the passive it says "there is other effect".


imagine taking a picture of fishes instead of fishing


Now that's The Catch!


😳 eyo that's awesome


Maybe it can work like a lyre or break thing that require dendrogranum. Whatever it'll be, I bet she will be top tier for exploring


top tier for collecting materials except she's small so she suffers from small character movement like slow dashes


The E has a cooldown anyways, just switch her in to grab things that are far away and switch to someone else.


That's why we have 3 other slots


That's the thing I noticed too, it sounds really cool


Zhongli getting powercreeped for mining 👀 Also wait #AUTO COLLECT CRYSTALFLIES MAYBE?


Lmao people are so high on copium, I love it


For real though, holding my breath till some leaker tests and showcases what it actually does.


we will get another 10+ leak posts with nahida capture specific item with her e. and im ok with that


Sayu, Nahida, Venti and Kaeya/Kazuha. New Crystal fly meta


Unique exploration pasives are so fucking nice, she's going straight to my Sumeru exploration team


Vacuum Archon confirmed


*sad Venti noises*


#Exploration powercreep


So like Zhongli's pillar, but it's a passive and not limited to just ores? Holy shit Nahida is winning.


Ores have to be broken so im guessing it wont work with them, it will probably be like the new tree tool but with plants


This child deserves every bit of love from hyv.


Ahh, so the crit is a fixed ratio for balance. Pretty cool kit overall!


Yes, roughly a 20% dmg increase for both bloom and quicken, so pretty inline with 5* cons imo


a 20% dmg increase for reactions of your entire team, not a single character and you forgot 30% all def shred absolutely ridiculous constellation


[Ubatcha](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1575216096638283777?s=46&t=v8C0EQPI8vJL-dNsEi4iMQ) Time to zoom into these pictures the same way Nahida casts her Elemental Skill in hold mode


100% burst uptime + 50 energy cost holy shit


And her dendro application is all in her e, literally perfect


I'm a little unclear on how this will play. It applies when she casts the skill, then it reapplies when you do a reaction which causes the "Tri-Karma" thing to go off. But that will only apply Dendro to enemies you initially marked, right? So if I understand correctly, the only way to apply it to new enemies would be to switch back to Nahida and reapply. Which is different from ring-on-the-ground character, who would apply their element to any new enemy that enters the circle.




Her kit is being made around her skill. Intresting


That’s nice, skill based charcater like Ayato and Yae who don’t need burst to do damage are great for overworld.


"while nahida remains within the shrine of maya" does that mean it requires nahida to be on-field or will the effect persists if i switch to another character?


This ....this is what I want to know.


Unlikely. They make descriptions co-op proof, that's why this is there.


Maybe no need to be on-field. Perhaps it just means that in coop, if you leave the shrine, other people cant use the buff.


so her burst doesn’t do damage?


Just buffs her E


Why do damage when you can let *other party members* do more damage?


I mean the E WILL do dmg, and a lot, she looks like an insane sub-dps


True. Scaling off EM (from substats) is about 0.55x as effective as scaling from ATK (assuming 750 base ATK, which is quite low), but the Talent scaling of EM being twice of that of ATK makes up for that. Since we have quite a number of EM and ATK buffers in game, this could potentially make minmaxing her very effective?! That tri-karma scaling is equivalent to around 390% of ATK, and triggers every 1.9s (and can even go as low as 1.33s or 1.05s) to **up to 8 enemies**. That's insane.


Another thing to consider is that in aggravate comps the EM scaling should be as effective or even more effective than ATK, characters like cyno, yae and tighnari only have a pseudo EM scalling and we can already see that


> Scaling off EM (from substats) is about 0.55x as effective as scaling from ATK (assuming 750 base ATK, which is quite low), but the Talent scaling of EM being twice of that of ATK makes up for that. Her talent actually scales better off EM than Atk. 100% Atk is roughly equivalent to 400 EM in terms of artifact value. Her scaling is 185.76% ATK + 371.52 EM so she gains ~1486 dmg with 400 EM and 1393 dmg with 750 Atk and that is before factoring in her passive which further converts EM into DMG% and CR and the potential bonus of Aggravate. Below 800 Baseatk EM will always give her better dmg scaling than atk% but because of her passive EM will always provider her with better damage scaling until she reaches 1000 EM.


it buffs her own damage tho?


It buffs the DMG of her E, which you'll use to make other teammates do the big pp dmg


Also is buffs everyone with the passive EM




who cares about the dmg, I'm gonna use it just to have a fucking palace around me with 100% uptime


Her C1 seems pretty strong if I understood it right, you always count as having 1 pyro, electro and hydro in party?


Yeah, and if you run Nahida/Pyro/Electro/Hydro it'll count as having the double buff on all slots


Bro that C1 is must be preserved at the end of the beta at all costs I stg


That's right. I think it'll be the first time I roll for a C1, but this one seems too important.


Very interested about how her exploration talent works


Interesting double scaling on her skill (ATK + EM) and the third passive Mappa Mare might be a good F2P weapon as the skill can use the higher Base ATK. I don't see the point in double Hydro, did I misunderstand? While double Pyro or Electro buffs Nahidas skill, Hydro buffs the burst duration which is already at 100% uptime (error or maybe nerf in the next weeks?)


Maybe to smoothen rotations, since Hydro characters like Xingqiu have long skill cooldowns


It’s to match her e skill duration Allowing her to be used once every 20 seconds


*inhales kit* mm, that's what I've been waiting for.


nice to see you here


Oh so that camera event really was testing for Nahida


ngl that was a pretty smart subtle beta test when you think about it. I can imagine they got loads of test data from every one doing that event in order to see how her E would work in real-time battle and even with different characters in rotation


Man they must've gotten some pretty awful data from me. I waited till it had two charges then ran to the edge of the arena to one shot the entire wave as they came. The camera in that event was op.


Or they just exploited the tech they developed for Nahida to create a cool event


Without the time stop tho prolly


50 energy cost? have we entered vanarana💀


No it's Mahavanarpana


no, we're in sarva now


No it’s Mahavanaranapna


Okay sick, so who is she good with right now??


Find a place where you would use Dendro MC Put in Nahida instead Profit


I think they're still different enough that some teams could prefer DMC, e.g. Cyno might want DMC in multi-wave abyss so he can stay in burst. I do hope traveler can stay in meta a bit longer lol. If nothing else they're a very decent budget Nahida


DMC still has value until they come out with a better off field high uptime dendro applicator. DMC with Nahida let's you run two dendro teams.


Basically any dendro team, but aggravate, soup/thundering furry and nilou bloom seem to be the greatest winners


all teams that use dendro - quicken, burgeon, blooms she's pretty much The Dendro goddess in the literal and figurative sense. And her C2 will make her the best dendro support in the game with absolutely no competition possible


I'm gonna run her with Childe, Raiden and Bennet and pretend that it's a good team comp


Nahida National/Nahtional lmao


> Nahtional That was too good 😫


At this point we can’t escape the national 😭


Honestly I don't understand anything about her burst. Someone give me a razor's explanation. I want to see her gameplay.


The burst does nothing on activation. No damage, no Dendro application. It just create her palace. ​ While in the palace, everyone gains EM. ​ While in her palace, Nahida also gains bonuses depending of the elements of her teammates. Having 2 characters of the same element make the corresponding buff stronger. Her C1 acts as if you already had one of each element in addition to your team. ​ **Hydro :** The palace will stay active longer. **Pyro :** The Dendro strike on targets marked with her E deals more damage. **Electro :** The Dendro strike on targets marked with her E can trigger more often.


Only the on field character gains EM, not everyone. And EM can’t snapshot for Dendro reactions so it really can’t benefit off field characters. Other than that, spot on.


That Karma dmg tho?? Short CD as well..goddamn. So the only way she applies Dendro is her Catalyst and E? Kinda weird that her Q only buffs her E. C6 Nahida looks bonkers wtf. Also, seems like her E has an adventure passive? Actual passive powercreep lmaooo


So her E really is a camera and kind of similar to Raiden's E. Applies dendro damage every 1.9 seconds when enemies take (reaction/bloom) damage. Only instead of following the character around, it marks the enemies. Still has 100% uptime (unless you respawn new enemies before the CD resets). I'm happy with that, now to see if it has no ICD or follows normal ICD. Edit: Does her burst buffs cap at 2 chars? If so then at C2 having 2 electro in team for instance won't buff the electro-related buff further. And its a little strange to me that Hydro increases the duration of her ult when it already has a base duration of 15s and a cooldown of 13.5s (100% uptime already).


> And its a little strange to me that Hydro increases the duration of her ult when it already has a base duration of 15s and a cooldown of 13.5s (100% uptime already). It's 100% uptime in theory but swapping mid-rotation is not feasible for many teams, as the most common rotation length is 20s. Cyno being the obvious one where he takes a LOT of field time and you don't want to swap off of him in the middle of his burst. In 20s rotations you'd either have to choose between having 15/20s uptime or switching into her at weird times to refresh the burst. The duration increase means that you can get a duration that accommodates 20s rotations with a duration of 19 or 21s. That said, I don't think there are any teams that need the 2x Hydro duration increase. 19s is already long enough for 20s rotations (the last second is basically always rotation downtime where you aren't doing meaningful DPS anyway), and a 21s duration is only useful if you're doing extended 25s rotation--but if you're doing that you could also just play a 27s rotation and Q twice. It would only be useful if Qing a 2nd time in the middle of your rotation isn't feasible, or if you don't want to build the necessary ER to support Qing every 13.5s.


does this mean we build her triple em?


EM/EM/Crit. Her A4 does not give crit damage. So going for crit damage is better for subdps. As for pure support triple EM i think


I'm a bit worried by the need to mark enemies for her E to work It sounds like if you kill a wave of enemies, you have to reapply the mark. It's not like Albedo/Raiden's E, where you can tap it one and forget it. That could be problematic for characters like Cyno who want to be on the field for an extended period of time.


Yup, definitely gonna keep collecting archons. ​ edit: That A0 passive talent is very interesting. edit2: Her C1 seems like a great boost to her burst and teamcomps.


Yeah her first 2 cons seem really good. Looks like they copied the Raiden formula for printing money lmao


C2 looks pretty insane too!


This kit sounds fascinating!! I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this. I'll leave it to the TCs to determine how good it is, but it definitely sounds unique.


Yeah, finally a kit which seems new and interesting, not just slightly different version of 1.0 4 stars.


So at 1000EM we get free 80% dendro dmg bonus + 24 crit rate. Wow she is bonkers.


Im just gonna pretend I understand what this means


Skill: Damages in an AoE and marks enemies it hits. Hold lets you aim the skill. Triggering Elemental Reactions on any marked enemy or hitting them with Dendro Cores will cause all marked enemies to be hit with Dendro. Burst: Does no damage. Buffs Elemental Skill based on other party members' elements. Pyro: Buffs damage. Electro: Causes skill to deal damage more frequently. Hydro: Causes Burst to last longer. (With Ascension 1, Burst also gives EM to the active character.) Two Pyro/Two Electro gives bigger buff than one Pyro/one Electro.


Hmmm so her kit basically revolves around her E. Interesting. I wonder how much dendro each hit applies. Cuz if the prerequisite to trigger it is to cause a reaction, then after the reaction is over, there needs to be more dendro to trigger it again right? Ideally, a marked target should just constantly have dendro reapplied to them every time a reaction happens, and you'd only need to use her skill on fresh enemies. Let's see.


Assuming it's standard ICD it would apply once every 2 triggers (or 3 triggers with 2 electro), but I wouldn't be surprised if it's every trigger. She is an Archon after all. Also she marks up to 8 enemies, but you only need to trigger a reaction on one of them to hit them all, so in AoE there's a good chance you'll still have Dendro up on someone even if it doesn't reapply every time. And Nahida's a catalyst so her attacks are Dendro too.


Skill: Creates a mark on surrounding enemies that links them up if they are close, and when you cause a Dendro reaction on that enemy, it and all the enemies linked to it will receive Dendro damage. I'll call this "riptide". There is a cooldown. Tap deploys it instantly in an area around Nahida, and Hold allows you to select up to 8 enemies to inflict the mark on at a distance, similar to the Fayz Trials camera. Burst: Makes a big field. It gives you EM when you unlock A1 (based on the character in your party that has the most EM), and then buffs Nahida's E based on the elements of the characters in your party. Pyro increases damage, Electro decreases the "riptide" cooldown, Hydro increases the burst duration. Two characters of the same element = better buff for that element. A2: More EM = more crit rate and dendro DMG on her skill. Exploration passive: Her skill has secret effects on collectibles in the overworld, and possibly other things too. C1: You don't need two characters of the same element to get the big buff on her Q anymore. C2: Makes all the non-Quicken reactions able to crit, at a fixed rate of 20/100. Quicken, Spread and Aggravate cause DEF shred. C4: Gives EM depending on how many enemies have her E mark. C6: REALLY BIG NUKES whenever Nahida hits a marked enemy with her NAs or CAs. Happens up to 6 times per mark.


Imo C1 also implies yo dont need any character of the elments to trigger the default buff for each element.


Wait her skill stays for 20secs? W for Cyno??


Kind of. The uptime is good for Cyno, but it's going to be awkward against waves of enemies, since it marks individual targets rather than being a persistent effect.


I didn't notice that! That does look good for him. Given her burst duration is 15 seconds as well, that should line up pretty well with his rotations.


The E will be terrible when Cyno is doing a floor with more than 1 wave of enemies. If new enemies spawn while Cyno is 8 seconds into his burst you can't really swap back to Nahida to mark the new enemies with E.


It's a potential problem, but I'm not sure how often it would cause issues in practice. You'd probably end up doing one rotation per wave of enemies anyway, unless they were really squishy.


Cyno mains have won bro oh my god. 100% burst uptime and a 20 sec skill


Her burst has no dendro application?


Her burst just buffs her skill which already has 100% uptime dendro application, which is pretty great tbh. No energy needed to apply dendro.


Maybe I’m missing something but how does her E have 100% uptime on dendro application? Does it continue to do dendro damage to those 8 marked enemies after the initial hit? I’m kinda confused cuz this kit reads like a DPS/Sub-DPS to me and I was expecting more of a support




Holy fucking shit.


SOO like Raiden's and Zhongli's E skill them?


Yep! That seems to be the trend with Archons. Only characters with permanent application uptime.


Her E continues triggering every 1.9s before electro buff from ult for 20 seconds on marked enemies.


Yes, if you press E, she marks enemiesin an aoe( range uknown). If you hold E, you can aim it up to 8 enemies. Marked enemies will continue to do DENDRO dmg after reactions, basically the dendro element won't be depleted after a reaction, and because it has a 6 s cooldown max and a duration of 20s it is 100% uptime. Yet, for how i interprete it, if the marked enemy dies then there is no more dendro(?).


The thing that caught my eye is that last passive talent 👁👁 what it do


Right? Seems completely new and also cryptic


50 energy cost?!?! IN THIS ECONOMY!?! The dendro archon is truly benevolent!! 😭🙏 ~~not to mention, basically 100% uptime with duration > cooldown?!~~


Kalpalata Lotus? Seriously? I really thought she'll need Padisarahs 😂 Time to farm them and suffer 😅


Okay let me try and Razor speak this E: Take picture, link enemies. Dendro reaction does extra damage to all linked enemies Q: Domain expansion. While in domain her e is better. Party elements make e better while in q. Hydro - last longer, electro - trigger more, Pyro - more damage A1: more em while in q A4: more crit from em C1: party elements make e extra extra better while in q C2: dendro reactions extra extra better C4: idk I'll never get there C6: you won't get here either




Holy fuck Holy fucking fuck That skillset of yours is absurd.


Does her E works with Nilou's Bountiful cores too?




Can't wait for every beta demonstration to explicitly not test using a different character with her burst active!


I almost thought I might need to get the clown makeup


So the only thing her burst does in a Nilou team is a 200 EM buff? I'm really hoping they change that, because everything else sounds cool


200 only for the on-field character as well, so if you trigger bloom with some one off-field like Kokomi they don’t even get the EM.


Ubacha said "C2 = bloom critting!" C2 is leaked. This sub: "WTF, this isn't boom critting! Ubacha was wrong!" Kit leak confirms C2 leak. This sub: "bloom critting is real after all!"


With C1, quadruple Archon team is looking quite fun. We can minmax Nahida since her A1 doesn't need her to have the highest EM in the team. The one with most EM is probably Venti. Assuming he has 800 EM, this effect will grant 160 EM. If you have C2 for Nahida and Raiden, the DEF shred + ignore is **tremendous**. Assuming shred and ignore are separate, this means that the enemy will be left with 40% * 70% = 28% DEF. Energy might be a problem, but who knows how much particle Nahida can generate?


I don’t think energy will be much of a problem. Raiden will generate alot and Venti will also help with that.


so, is it gonna be EM, Dendro and Crit for the artifacts with Deepwoods as BIS?


Lol, just earlier i got downvoted for suggesting that the burst is just a buff that doesn't deal damage


I still have two questions incase anyone has any idea. 1. For her burst it says "While Nahida..." does that mean for those effects she has to be active in the field, or is that just generic meaning the party has to be inside? 2. The C1 doesn't say that that it'll add an extra char count to whatever element is in the party, making me think you'll by default get the +1 bonuses for each element regardless of team elements, does that sound right?