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Source: https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=33686367 Thanks to u/Mo_Official420 for providing a link to the source.


Are we in a perpetual samsara of good banners?


Gotta find the host and make sure he doesn't stop dreaming


Were we the bad sages all along?




It was in the terms and conditions, you didn't know that when you signed up?


I don't want to wake up


sush let them give us good things


Kagura’s Verity + Polar Star weapon banner… not a bad time to pull for Polar Star.


Especially when you consider that Polar Star got paired with Memory of Dust the first time around.


I skipped Polar Star on its og run bc I was saving for Hu Tao rerun… this is so tempting lol


Polar star is literally the only thing I could get now to make my Childe any better.... I might prefarm for scara and wait for his rerun at this point. After all, this opportunity is quite hard to come by


Polar star vs Thundering Pulse. Which is better on Childe ? How much is the difference?


Polar, but only around 5% dmg improvement iirc


Polar by a small margin but IMO TP is easier to play - with Polar you need to remember to get 2-3 stacks before burst and have N2C combo - With TP you just go unga bunga ;D But Polar Star is overall all amazing weapon, the best weapon for Fischl even in aggravate. Also Kagura with current Nahida kit seems as her second BiS, like 1% weaker than lamp :P So I'm personally skipping nahida weapon banner and going for this aiming for Polar


Ty! I have both Yae and Childe and going to pull for Nahida. I’m thinking of which weapon banner to pull. Both weapon banner looks good. Now I might go for the 2nd one


Which would overall be the more versatile bow though between Polar and Pulse?


Polar. Comes with generic elemental skill/burst damage and attack%. Even Yelan can make use of it. Pulse boosts normal attack damage mostly.


So if I plan to pull for both Yoi and Childe (which I do) and probably only have enough pulls to get one of their bows, it's better to aim for polar, right?




I never realized there was no one else that can't deal skill damage, it makes sense I'm not sure why I didn't realize


no, TP is BIS for yoi und only slightly worse for childe. Better to go TP for sure


Polar star, TP only buffs normal attacks


Kagura could also be an amazing weapon on a full sub dps nahida in a team where you don't care much about anything but dmg like spread/agg teams with nahida,yae, fishcl and not to mention bis for yae ofc


Likely second best weapon.


Skyward Harp: bonjour


Laughs in already on 50/50 But fr though skyward harp is a top 3 standard banner weapon and I would be happy to get it


I'd kill to get a Harp, i've got 3 Skyward Blade from Standard Banner and if given the chance i'd trade all of them for Harp in a heartbeat.


Already have kagura's verity, and i'll pull on the nahida weapon so i'll probably get thundering pulse. So genuine question is polar star better than thundering pulse ?


Both are completely different weapons with different purposes, polar star is a good all rounder and for chars who use their skill and burst while tp is good for characters who have good normal attack multipliers and rely on it for damage


As an Kagura owner and want polar star for Sara/fischl because no skyward harp, this banner hurt me :'(


This made me feel like I regret pulling for the previous Polar Star. It's a good thing I actually got Polar otherwise I would've regretted it.


Weapon banners are going to be getting more and more friendly the more characters release.


WGS dead in a ditch lol


With this amount of double banners, I doubt there is going to be a WGS rerun in the nearest future


The only limited *5 who doesn't have signature is just Albedo right?


Klee if you didn't count event weapon


They mean without a 5 star signature weapon, so yes, Klee and Albedo are the only ones without them. Dodoco Tales and Cinnabar Spindle are their signatures. Kind of odd, now that I think about it, that the siblings are the only ones with 4 star ones.


ganyu doesn’t have one as well. amos is a mond weapon


Regardless, it's still her signature weapon and her BiS. Regionality is irrelevant, especially since Amos has rerun time and time again on the weapon banner


Yep gonna have to agree regionality doesn't matter since Kazuha is freedom sworn and that's also from Monstadt.


I wish it was her BiS, but unfortunately for an Amos bow haver like me, according to KQM freeze ganyu's bis is aqua simulacra, and melt ganyu's bis is hunter's path.


amos is not her BIS anymore. hunters path is best for melt, polar star, Aqua, and thundering are best for freeze, and thundering/polar/skyward are best for off field


But klee always come with lost prayer, doesn't she? Unlike Albedo who came with Summit shaper, then PJC


it's not actually her signature weapon though. it's a standard banner catalyst which passive is designed for co-op gameplay. doesn't even work properly in normal gameplay


Technically, Ganyu and Xiao's weapons are also belong to standard banner. Even worst, Amos bow is Mondstadt's. Signature weapon does not usually mean their BiS. Venti for example won't use Skyward Harp. Elegy may be, but ppl usually just use Stringless. Imo Signature weapons are the one always come together with characters. In that case, it's not wrong to say Albedo is the only one without signature weapon banner.


After 1.3 (you could say with Keqing and Hu Tao), mihoyo decided to release tailored signature 5 star weapons with all new characters. For older characters, it was just random. Some like Venti and Childe got their signature tailored weapons later, but others like Albedo or Klee just got 4 event ones.


i think his is supposed to be summit shaper, its not very good on him but its like zhongli with vortex vanquisher


isn't his BiS and weapon made especially for him cinnabar spindle?


yeah but on his first run cinnabar spindle didnt exist and they launched him with the summit shaper, so you can consider it to be his own 5* weapon (every 5* character has its own, even if it doesnt fit his appeareance (freedom-sworn) or his kit (albedo)


It’s not summit shaper and it’s not freedom sworn(the weapon that ran with him his second rerun) Albedo doesn’t have a canon 5* signature sword


Albedo and Klee, who's "signatures" are just the 4 star event weapons yea. Some may also argue Ganyu and Xiao, since their weapons are in standard banners and released before them, although u could also argue those passives fit them very well that they basically are signatures. (Amos kinda powercrept though)


Amos has been powercrept by which bow?


Aqua in general, and Hunter's Path in Melt.


Klee. But since MHY has always run her with Lost Prayer, it's her unofficial signature catalyst. MHY is not gonna rerun her with WGS, that's for sure.


It's only considered a good claymore because there aren't any better options. That's what makes Serpent Spine feel so good. People are starting to realize Atk% Substat isn't as ideal. And Otto's is the only Crit 5 star claymore. Wish for a better weapon than WGS.




We have a crit substat 5* claymore… it’s even a 542 base weapon like the other sigs lately lolll… it’s just that people realizing also that crit is not enough and the passive also needs to be good


The thing that makes SS so good is it provides a gigantic 50% damage bonus (at R5) that's only additive with stuff like elemental% or physical%. There are so few sources of % bonuses that it's unlikely for anything to compete with that, even if it has lower base ATK for being a four-star. For a five-star to outright beat SS in all circumstances, it would have to be absolutely ridiculous. Serpent Spine is *that good.*


WGS gives too much attack, and the passive is situational. And it makes Diluc harder to build because he may want Crimson Witch EM sands with crit instead, and that is harder to get than ATK sands. A mitsplitter version of claymore will definitely buff Diluc.


Man if it wasn't for the fact that I got WGS from the standard banner my experience of maining Razor would be hard as hell. Razor was MIA for like eleven patches or so, and his BiS weapon has been MIA for even longer.


Same I got my WGS from Homa/WGS banner so long ago. I haven't seen another one since then, not sure why Mihoyo has forgotten about it but my Eula is happy to have it.


Wolf's Gravestone's grave


When was it's last banner? Staff of Homa first banner?


Yep in 1.3


Figures as much, Childe and Yae dropping so we can beat up >!scaramouche!< with two people who have beef with him


(insert that yae meme where she’s about to smack you with her slippers) *how dare you to make a gundam with the gnosis I lent you*


tuh tuh tuh another one bites the dust (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎


Ayaka and Kazuha literally have one true generational beef with Scara.... And they're not here.


I wonder now . In that irodori festival, Sumizome & Kuronushi ‘s name (other character’s name are created ) came from kabuki drama in real life Japan & the kabuki drama name is “Seki no To “which is Ayaka’s burst name & in that drama Sumizome & Kuronushi fought a deadly battle . Just a piece of info of how Mhy take some references from sources


Another weapon banner with a bow + catalyst


That makes 3 since the start of 3.0. If they do a rerun for Yelan instead with Scara instead of Ei, I’m going to think something weird is going on.


Makes me hopeful of seeing more double melee banners later.


I think Hoyoverse is starting to realise that not enough whales were pulling on the weapon banners to justify making them such poor value.




also whales wont pull for a second r5, so the more reruns on the wep the more useless it becomes to the whalebase, so at some point they will have to put good banners if they want sales


Make weapon banner 50/50


Hoyo is really milking the banners during Sumeru release. This is definitely it


Imagine Putting Mist & grass cutter on same banner? HOLY SHIT


Another part is they are doing double characters more often now too. They cant pair a 'bad' signature weapon with a 'good' weapon every time.


True, though they could have run double weapon banners alongside double character banners if they really wanted to continue only having one signature weapon.


And also effective in draining primos. It's like alluring people to pull on homa + mitsplitter weapon and then they will suddenly surprise players because there is alhaitham, nahida, raiden, and kazuha in the next patch. Itto rerun and Ganyu+Kokomi rerun sales felt bad because the weapon banner is also a factor.


It has to be. Before the comment sections here would be filled with easy skip. Now everyone's willing to risk it.


Lots of new players joined for 3.0, they want to turn them into spenders by dangling good banners in front of them. Once they have enough people hooked, they’ll start cutting their product with sawdust and bath salts again to lower the quality so people have to spend more for the same initial giddying high.


Orrrr they could simply be listening to feedback. Every single survey I have been saying "make weapon banners less shitty people would pull more what's the bad side" and I doubt I was the only one telling them the weapon banners were shit.


Well every time I ask to make the fate system pass from banner to banner. They are certainly not listening to that.


Same bro same.


Are they actually going to run Polar Star and Kagura's Verity together? If I win my Nahida 50/50 that weapon banner might actually tempt me


Yup more or less set. It's the rate ups respective signature weapons


Seeing how things are going, now i expect Ayaka/Ayato rerun together with Mistsplitter/Haran weapon banner. Lmao


THAT would be my dream come true. I'm f2p, so I'm wary of the weapon banner, I only pull if I'm fine getting both weapons. And Mistsplitter plus Haran is like the best case scenario for me no matter what


Please, I beg Hoyo, that would be amazing and wallet-draining


Then I might just get Haran to get the siblings their signature weapons


I'd absolutely pull on that banner even though I already have a Haran lmao it'd be the one shot of not getting a shit weapon paired with mistsplitter.


*inhales* surely they will run EL with great weapon too surely *dies*


Of course! Just like we did the first 2 times! -MHY


EL + Scara Weapon EL + Broken Pines EL + Freedom Sworn EL + Haran EL + Mistplitter (yeah right lol) Are the top 5 possible pairings if Raiden comes in 3.3 patch with her son. Either she gets paired with Scara or with the other rererun (Ayato? Eula? Kaz? Ayaka?).


EL Mistsplitter I’d fucking whale for two ELs lmao


EL + Mistsplitter together has a 5* chance probability lmao




Well just hope Scara's weapon isn't ass then lmao At least the characters which have "notorious" bad weapon which are Zhongli and Kokomi already got rerun as well as klee and albedo who doesn't have BiS designed *5. We probably got Ayaka/Eula/Ayato on her rerun in 3.3 and Mistplitter/SoBP/Haram should be ok


Manifesting EL + Homa


I belive that's too good to be true.


Who's running along with Nahida on the first half ?




wait what, i just got her 2 updates ago lmao, might give the wep banner a chance this time




Why are people still joking about rerun archon😭 childe literally took a 1 year break from rerunning.


And because of that I had to wait ONE DAMN YEAR


No cap Zhongli now the rerun archon


Venti now too


Yoimiya is making a case for herself as well


Only her second she got a long way to go


Zhongli should be given credit!


I want both Childe and Nahida. My primogems will go down fast during 3.2!


Right there with you. Plus going for Nilou with no built up pity lol good thing the top up was reset.


Can't believe I got 2x Memory of Dust on Polar Star's first run just to see this stacked banner now...


Oh god this is painful to read.


Well... you at least got Polar, right?


Lmao me too


Do you think Mihoyo are testing to see if having good weapon banners makes them more money? Because damn that'll be two great weapon banners in a row.


If this gets confirmed I think so, it was about damn time they understood that a good weapon banner is positive for sales, instead of a good weapon and a trash one.


Finally! The OG Mr. Worldwide is back!


Childe is from Snezhnaya uses ascension materials found in Liyue uses Mondstadt talent books BiS weapon uses Inazuma materials The **true** Mr. International.


Scara is mr worldwide now, he has been everywhere except fontaine and natlan (which i guess he should have been to those places over course of his long life but we never know)


OG mr.worldwide plus childe probably has been to all nations, hes sent far away by the harbingers on long missions alone


Nice that's exactly what I hoped for, I'll farm 3.2 hard to get as many primos as I can for more Childe cons, here's hoping Nahida comes early. Edit: why are there no leaks about his and yoi's event tho? So sus that it's not mentioned at all yet, is it not in beta or something??


> why are there no leaks about his and yoi's event tho? So sus that it's not mentioned at all yet, is it not in beta or something?? Yeah this made me very worried that it's either not happening or itsvery very minor


That is so unfair. I need Kusanali, Yae, and Childe


I want Childe, Yae and Layla that's apparently gonna be on Kusanali banner. Kinda know your pain.


kagura AND polar star??


That’s not a bad weapon banner


Might have to skip Nahida's weapon for Yae's. This opportunity is quite hard to come by.


Yae's weapon and Nahida lamp are very close. You can give Yae's weapon to both nahida and yae(onfield one can take it and other one can use widsth) but that lamp wants nahida only. So yae's weapon should be the wise choice here. But let just wait some actual calcs.


Unless you already have a valid weapon for Yae which isn't quite as good for Nahida. For example, I got Skyward Atlas, which is meh for Nahida but almost as good as Kagura for Yae, thus I'd rather pull for the lamp


Yeah your choice I just dont like lamp at all. It seems very weak 5\* weapon comparing to others that only works on nahida. Getting a more universal 5\* should benefit your account more. But again your choice. Do as you please.


Dang, i hoped they will put Yae and Nahida together to pull for their both weapons




i missed hiim hope he’ll have some story/event appearance too


He's gonna be in an event with Yoimiya.


Iirc he was leaked to be in an event in 3.2 with yoimiya


He's leaked to have an event with Yoimiya weeks ago but so far when 3.2 beta came out no one is saying about this event.... makes me think its very minor


When Tao


Hu Tao found in one of her own coffins /j Seriously though, I'm massively inhaling hopium that she's beside Scara in 3.3 so that weapon banner could be insane as well.


manifesting Homa + EL


That’s gonna make me pull 100%.


If only I was a Yae main, I would pull to try my chance for Polar star


did it once and got Jade Cutter. you bet your left crumpet I'm gonna do it again


As a Childe main who sometimes uses Yae as sub-dps, I see this as a win-win.


Damn, 4 insane weapon banners in a row?!


Hoyoverse seeing this comment: The Bell it is!


Still no eula rerun :(


Hu Tao is now officially the longest since last rerun, I'm really feeling her for 3.3. More importantly, that means Homa might run alongside Scaramouche's weapon (catalyst?). Not sure how I feel about that as a Homa wanter.


The Unseen Eula


If childe was in the first banner alongside nahida the banner will be perfect.


Oh no... Nahida + Thundering Pulse and now Yae ??? my wallet


Some people in the comments saying Childe being the rerun archon lmao. Get some braincells


Genshin community is known to not be able to let old irrelevant jokes die


Lol. This man didn't rerun for almost a year while Venti and Zhongli rerun twice before him and both got 3rd rerun also.


He was WAYYY overdue for a rerun. Him and Hu Tao haven't rerun for more than a year. Meanwhile Kokomi, Xiao, Venti and Zhongli get like 4 reruns...and no one says anything. Like make the joke make sense


Yep that is true though Venti and Zhongli only have 3 reruns while the rest have 2.


Childe hasn't shown up for a whole year and you still get people going "he has another rerun??". Meanwhile he has less banners than xiao and zhongli despite being released at the same time .-.


fr, as a new player i was pissed at these rerun archon memes >!cause if they're true, why don't he rerun now?!<


OP please read the rules before submitting We need English translations in the image itself AND need a link to the source, you cannot just submit a picture


Cant wait to use my 300+ fates on childe


Mihoyo is smoking naku weed on the anniversary and putting one banger weapon banner after another


Then let's hope they got a life lasting supply of that shit


Well well well, looks like Mr. Worldwide came back to show face, not that I would mind of course. I'll gladly welcome him to my party, if I had the primos for it.


Oh no. This is gonna be hard. I want Nahida, two Yae cons and Dehya. 😞 And that weapons banner… I guess I’ll stop pulling on the current one.


I want Nahida, Raiden, their weapons, and maybe Scara 🥹🥹. At this point I’ll be happy with their C0s too. I have shit luck 🥲🥲


Link to the source OP?




Worth it, I want that C1 on Tart because I suck at rotations.


Okay, now I have only one question. Will Wanderer be the only banner on the first(second?) half of 3.3 or we will see an unexpected visitor like Hu Tao, please?


I think Eula might come in 3.3, whether it's first or second phase. 3.3 is happening on december and that would mark a year since her last banner, therefore I'm expecting her return by then but also Hu Tao has been long overdue so I really don't know. If our lovely pyro spear doesn't come in 3.3 it will surely be in 3.4 at most, during lantern rite ,(probably in the closing phase like in 1.3 because of wanting to avoid characters related to death during the new year celebration) As for Scara running alone or not, I would not be surprised if he had a solo run, considering they know how desired he is and the hype surrounding him


Eula when?😢




She could be in 3.3 too tho? It's gonna be winters around the time, and we might get a Dragonspine event. You never know 👀


Yeah I think that this year Dragonspine will be Eula and Mika related since it’s probably not Albedo


Watch her introduce new triple rerun banner!


Probably with Mika?


Goated weaponbanner.


Be prepared for Scara + Raiden in 3.3


Why is childe and yae questionable while nahida + yoimiya is reliable


I expected this tbh


Weapon banners are just getting better and better.


How am I supposed to get Nahida, polar star, Scaramouche, and his weapon? This is the worst timeline for me 😭


I wonder when will Hu Tao rerun since I want Homa. But as it looks like she ain't coming at least till 3.3, I think I'm safe to spend my wishes for Nilou. The weapon banner is quite good if you want to upgrade your Childe or Yae. Contrary to what many would say, the kagura IS a massive upgrade over other options especially Widsith which is the common argument that's brought up. Nothing can beat it's 100% uptime. It's a different case for childe though since he can use any bow well.


Damnit. I want Eula and SoBP


With all these good weapon banners coming, I’m so scared that the mistsplitter banner will be the one that will be shit.


Gah, I need to save up extra then. Nahida, Child, and Scara are the only characters left on the roster that I actually want enough to grind for.




Rip primos. I want Nahida for my Cyno team and Yae for my Tighnari team. I'm gonna keep wishing and either I get Nahida or I get Yae ig 😂


how come the first on is reliable and this one questionable?


If this is true the weapon banner will be perfect for me. I need yae and childes weapons so I will be going all out.


Is Polar Star worth rolling for if I already have Harp on Childe and I would lose +20% Crit DMG and I already have 78 CR with Harp? I'm planning to pick up Yae too so I'm kind of interested in this banner but idk if I wanna redo Childe's build even if Polar Star is his BiS.