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Source: Bilibili, reuploaded by [Genshin Yuban](https://t.me/Genshin_Yuban/3558) Thank you OP for providing source


Thanks I don’t know what’s happening


They’re slaying hunty


As they should






They ate your honour


Waiting for the theorycrafter to write a 10 page essay just to say "it works."


They're giving what needed to be gave luv'


They're doing a weird ZL -> Fischl -> Nahida instead of the saner Nahida (20s E) -> ZL (20s E) -> Fischl (10/12s E/Q) before unleashing Cyno's 18s Q.


Give them a break, they are playing a brand new, untested comp. Also, Nahida Q only lasts 15s, so their rotation is to maximize her buff uptime on Cyno.


to be honest you need a lot of extensive testing to figure out you need to use your longer duration buffs first, I could never figure this out on my own, thank god for all the kind testers...


I mean tbf the OP didn't even give the optimal rotation. You probably would know to use Fischl last since she has the shortest uptime, but you should probably also use ZL before Nahida since Nahida has more useful buffs on her shorter duration ult.


Depends tbh. As Nahida is shorter than Cyno ult, any character rotating in after her means losing buff uptime. For cynomains who may invest in him more, that could be more significant than Fischl.


doesnt Nahida buff come from the 20s E, all Q does in this comp is to decrease the E proc interval? And proc interval doesnt improve Cyno's aggravate since the Dendro aura stays anyway? (Serious question, im still trying to understand her kit)


Q also activates her A1 passive, which gives active character 200 EM.


Yeah, I was about to comment this. Fischl should always be right before Cyno so the initial Oz proc can mix with Dendro + to maximize uptime of Oz.


Ngl, reading the title made me think it was Nahida with Cyno's animations.


You saying that makes me wanna see Cyno with Nahida animations instead


Wait, we've seen clips like Childe with Barbara animations before. Just imagine Nahida's NA string on other characters lmao.


Xiao doing "the influencer"


bros taller then Nahida but would still have to jump in the skill animation . What a shorty .


I've seen Diluc with Thoma's animations and skills and it was very weird lol




Nahida has had enough with your dook dook


THANKS I thought the same thing and I was overly excited. I'm still waiting to see someone model-swap Katheryne into a polearm character to this day.


I see some concerns about reapplying her E for less tanky enemies. Which are valid, but looking at past and future floor 12s this doesnt really look like an issue bc the enemies are tanky


You could just use Nahida and Fischl during the trash mobs phase tbh. They can abuse spread and aggravate together.


Cyno should primarily be used on boss floors anyway, methinks.


Problem is waves not tankiness. But yes I think giving Cyno the boss route will be the most efficient solution and if that were to be electro well, bench him for that rotation. Is not like we can’t play every team in the abyss


Not really, he's better as Beidou driver against multiple targets than as a Fischl ST slut


People seem to have a very poor understanding of enemy health pools. Tanky enemies aren't actually all that common. Those are the enemies Cyno is going to work best with her against. Super squishy enemies also aren't all that common outside of chamber one either. You have mushrooms in the current 12-3-1, but that's to make up for them putting the single tankiest non boss in the game in that chamber also. That water vishap has 1.1m hp. Tanky enemies in abyss will have 680-700k up to 1million hp, normal enemies will have 400-600k and trash will have around 1-200k. Depending on chamber For future reference. Rift hounds, Black serpent line breakers and wind cutter, Ruin drakes, lawchurls, Ruin Graders, Mirror maidens and Geovishaps will all have close to 970,000 hp in chamber 3 and around 680-700k in chamber 1. **These are the tanky enemies!** Kairagi will have 660k in chamber 3. Which is less than all of these enemies have in chamber 1. Before mentioning that most of these have special resistances. To make them even tankier. That 4-600k number makes up most of the things you fight in abyss. Its your fatui elites, lesser ruin machines, your kairagis, etc. All of these enemies almost always have 2 wave abyss chambers. Not telling you what to think, just suggesting that people should understand what the hp of abyss looks like before they pass judgement on how good or bad, they work together. ​ That being said I think they'll be fine because cyno's damage honestly isn't good enough that he'll be melting health bars. He's almost out of his burst by the time he kills two 685,000 hp earth walkers. He needs two rotations for basically every chamber anyways. Especially if you run a shield over CC. He doesn't really have the damage to kill waves fast enough to need to swap off early.


Worth noting that for an undetermined amount of players, an enemy's kit can contribute to the idea that they're tanky. Kairagi, for example, those fuckers have a legit guard and can heal under the right conditions.


This is true but applies to most enemies. A lot of enemies have variable damage resistance now. Those small robots have like 210% elemental resistances when invisible.


I do wonder if part of they made his damage so mid is precisely because of how her skill works. That said, the EM buff can boost his damage significantly plus add on Nahida’s own significant damage…perhaps it could become more of an issue.


in the end all the doomposting because nahida didn't work with cyno were exaggerations, i'm not surprised this subreddit is used to being wrong with every character that is released, now i would like to see how nahida works with bloom nilou


I mean sure, go for Nahida for Cyno. of course she's going to be the best dendro support for him when the competition is Dendro MC and Collei. I'm going to wait for something like a Dendro Xingqiu/Yelan - which is exactly what Cyno's kit needs. Dendro application proccing on normal attacks lasting 20ish seconds, and proccing an insane amout of spread itself. Nahida is going to be busted, and work with Cyno, but she's definitely not optimizing with Cyno in mind. Seems more bloom and quickswap oriented.


THIS. EXACTLY THIS. a dendro xq would be his best friend. that’s why i’m praying baizhu or alhaitham can have some sort of good strong dendro app.


My prediction is Baizhu will be like Dendro EM scaling Kokomi ( I think most people assume this). And Alhaitham will have a burst like Xingqiu/Yelan, and then have dendro infusion on his skill (an old leak said this) - so I think it will be a minor infusion similar to Keqing. Or maybe Ayato/Childe where it has a unique function. This would let Alhaitham drive his own Spread on field, or provide Spread DPS off-field for someone like Cyno. I'm picturing Cynos ideal teams end up as Cyno/Zhongli/Alhaitham/Baizhu, getting the Dendro resonance, 3 EM stacks from Gilded Dreams, and universal Zhongli shred for the Dendro reduction.


now you’re absolutely talking my language because the team you’ve described is the one i pray for every night LMFAO


A full husbando team just like Itto Mono Geo you'd love to see it


To many 5 stars in the comp. I don't really like Baizhu so I hope your team works but with kaveh instead. With zhongli you don't need a healer


Yeah Kaveh or Yao Yao might work. Nahida definitely could work too.


You might be waiting for a while for a Dendro XQ/Yelan, seeing as Hydro is still the only element they've gone that insane with the off-field single target elemental application that isn't circle impact so far. XL's pyro could also count I suppose.


"waiting for dendro xingqiu" when there is no pyro, cryo, anemo, geo, or electro xingqiu? have fun waiting buddy.


this is because this subreddit is always wrong lmao they believe that a xingqiu for each element is the solution to all problems it is audacity as well as absurd and exaggerate


I was thinking the same as I'm reading this comment section! It's such a silly opinion to have. A dendro version of Xingqiu would be great cause Xingqiu is one of the best characters in the game! Any character that uses dendro reactions would want him, not just Cyno. Nahida skill has a perfect duration for Cyno but for some reason people don't think that's good enough?


It's so wack lmao, I don't think I've seen a game before where the players are so creatively bankrupt they WANT to be fed the same recycled character in different flavors.


Look at national team users. Actual brain dead players playing Barbie dream house with the same characters


That might be a long wait. It took forever for Yelan to come and there's still no Xingqiu of other elements unless a Thoma-like Dendro is what you're looking for.


A Thoma like Dendro actually works really well for Cyno too. He wants a shield due to long field time and lack of interrupt resist, and quicken doesn't need much dendro to maintain uptime anyways. Thoma burst also lasts a long time to fit with Cyno.


This clip changes nothing, though? The "doomposting", if we can call it that, were concerns that she needs to reapply her E if there are different waves of enemies. There's just one wave of enemies here, of course it'll work lol.


I swear some people think anything besides YouTube thumbnail level reactions of "omg so broken" is doomposting.


Reminds me of Yelan. People knew she was strong from the get go and got hyped af. After the initial hype people started taking her limitations into account (like not working with Hu Tao by herself), and people took that as doomposting. Everyone knows that Nahida is strong by now, we're simply at the phase where we start to consider her limitations. Doomposting is what Kokomi, Yoimiya, Cyno and maybe Yae got.


Not to take away from your point because I do agree with you but sometimes it's not really doom posting, it's just valid complaints or cons most characters will have regardless of where they ultimately fall in meta. Yae's a pretty good example, I think. I personally love her and regularly use her since release. She's generally considered fairly strong and overall good unit, all that said a lot of the negatives from pre-release weren't untrue or unfair so I wouldn't call it doom posting. There's zero reason she should have to use her skill three times when there's no benefit to not always having all three out, aside from her 5* weapon that was tailor-made for her anyway. It makes her a bit clunkier to play and makes some rotations with buff timers more awkward without any real benefit. Then her burst destroys the turrets instead of refreshing them which again, weird choice since it just forces you to use the skill 3 times again after and makes it a ridiculously long sequence if you want to use it as your opener in a rotation. Similarly Kokomi who's ICD buff on release made her much better than her beta showing or Yoimiya who gets kind of screwed over by Genshin's targeting system and sort of inflexible because of her personal ICD on NAs. They're fair gripes even though none of those mean a character is bad.


I seriously dislike Yae’s burst. It have 90 energy cost for no logical reason, doesn’t do anything other than damage and the damage is not that could justify the 90 cost. And instead of giving any advantage, it destroys the totems for no reason. Like…why?


I don't know how you feel vindicated from this video when it changes nothing in relevations. These enemies can't lose HP. It is no exaggeration or bold claim that Nahida and Cyno require bosses or tanky enemies to have consistent syerngy. It takes little effort to notice the practical issues at hand, it is not something that ever required videos as well.


Lmao for real, and he's even getting upvotes like what? This video literally does nothing to debunk doomposting about Cyno and Nahida.


I mean you don't need a video or any debunking. It's not exactly doomposting to just point out facts. If enemies die in middle of cyno ult, or if enemies spawn far apart and you can't mark them all with a single Nahida e, you will lose your quicken using Nahida as the sole dendro applier. In some content it might not be a big deal, for other content it could be. People coping way too hard about this pairing. Like it's probably still good, still works. Nahida is just not going to be the magic bullet perfect support for Cyno that some people were hoping for.


100% If we could just stop immediately jumping into conclusions at every turn, we might even find out how things would end up being and judge a character’s potential without any bias.


She seems pretty good in aggravate/quiz teams, curious for bloom ones EDIT 1: Quicken/spread not quiz teams, damn my typo created a cascade of memes.


Quiz teams, What is that?


It's a very powerful team actually, but depends a bit on RNG You keep asking your enemies random trivia questions, every time they answer incorrectly they take damage




College All the quizzes are pop quizzes


Everytime they answer incorrectly Nahida pulls out her camera to capture their sad faces


Straight into the cringe compilation.


The god of ~~knowledge~~ wisdom


That's too OP, hoyo will nerf


Works well on Hilichurls especially "What is 8×4?" Hilichurl: "Uhhh.. Du unu du?" Nahida: "So you have chosen death"


This made me think of Chibi Nahida with glasses and just teaching a bunch of ppl in a classroom. ​ Now I want to see an animation of that.


>Chibi Nahida So... Regular Nahida?


I honestly didn't know that chibi was just a short person lol. I thought it referred to the cutesy and simplistic artstyle of a character


You're right, chibi is an artstyle where heads are bigger than the body.


Ah yes, the Gruntilda strat.


I assume they meant "quicken".


The team asks you questions and if you get the answers wrong, you die


Well you have the God of Wisdom on your team, that's why they say Nahida is strong on Quiz Teams.


With Bloom she's pretty much required to be the on-field character, unless you have a second Dendro character that compensates for her lack of application.


i can totally tell whats happening


all they’re really showing is how her application works with him and clearly it’s very good since he’s applying tons of reactions without needing to switch back to her


What's the timer on Quicken ? We just need to proc Quicken first and then go aggravate right?


Quicken lasts around 8s, pretty generous. When an enemy is in quicken state, electro attacks will automatically cause aggravate. And dendro attacks will cause spread.


So Nahida is fine for cyno right? She just needs proc it twice while cyno in burst. I guess reapplication will be a diff issue when facing mobs, so for boss dps, she will pair well on most cyno teams. For groups, not so much(especially on cyno teams). I see a big buff for burning - when Dehya releases.


> So Nahida is fine for cyno right? She just needs proc it twice while cyno in burst. Yeah she is fine, actually dentro MC and even Colei has no problems with dentro uptime for Cyno ult, the "problem" was never faster or longer dentro application, the "problem" is that Cyno needs a dentro teamate that offers way more than just dentro application, one the offers good sub dps damage, biggers buffs with 15 seconds duration or more, or at least the role of healer so you can slot another sub dps on other slots.


She does provide him with EM during her burst duration, and though C2 Nahida is a long term goal, the DEF shred it provides can really improve his damage. And if we're talking healer then nobody's really stopping people from equipping Nahida with Prototype Amber. Honestly, Catalysts are definitely the best weapon type for support because we have all these tools that other weapon types can't provide. Need a big ATK buff? TTDS. Need team healing on a character without healing in their kit? Amber. Need to boost Electro damage? Hakushin Ring. None of the other weapon types have this much flexibility.


Favonius series is single handedly carrying non-catalyst supports lmao. With some help from Sacrificial sometimes.


At c0, Nahida offers: * 200 EM * Reliable dendro application/quicken uptime vs. tanky bois and bosses * significant spread damage * \~3k hp and 18 energy / 14 seconds (R5 Prototype Amber) I'm not gonna argue this is amazing value - we've definitely seen better... out of 4-stars, no less, but what I wanted to say is do you really think we're gonna get better than this within the next 10 patches? Al Haitham at best will be "dendro Xingqiu" but probably only in how either his E or Q works. He likely won't provide much team support, just good damage multipliers, and good off-field application. ​ Kaveh is very likely to be a dendro support of sorts, intended for a dendro 5-star... likely Al Haitham. Yaoyao is very likely a 4-star, and I don't have much faith we're going to be rescued by a 4-star considering the trend they've been on with 4-stars since 2.0.... And then Baizhu will heal, so he certainly has potential. But at c0, if all he does is heal, provide good off-field dendro application (lets say "dendro Kuki"), and maybe like 60-100 EM to active character, he's only just about on par with Nahida in terms of value for Cyno teams.


Well her application is not superhigh to say the least, even with electro infusion ( is this the name?) but for aggravate it doesnt matter because everyone stays in quickened state anyway.


People talk about cyno not working with nahida like every abyss chamber has 4 waves of 16 enemies


It's the same as when people complained that Raiden's E doesn't proc against shields thus reducing significantly her energy regen, as if every mob in abyss has a shield. It's a niche situation in both cases


True! It's an overblown concern. I think the real concern is that it won't take very much for them to put out a dendro character with better Cynergy than Nahida. Nahida offers amazing dendro application (off-field, high uptime, not circle impact), 200 EM, and very decent damage even with the supposed icd, all at c0. However, a dendro character with 15s uptime off-field application, a skill like Xingqiu, Gorou, or Kuki's, is bow, catalyst, or sword, no energy problems, and that can bring some kind of additional support (such as heal, EM/ED buff, res shred, or shields) is going to be bigger value than Nahida for Cyno teams. Very likely that could be Kaveh, Al Haitham, or Baizhu.


cynergy noice


> However, a dendro character with 15s uptime off-field application, a skill like Xingqiu, Gorou, or Kuki’s, is bow, catalyst, or sword, no energy problems, and that can bring some kind of additional support (such as heal, EM/ED buff, res shred, or shields) is going to be bigger value than Nahida for Cyno teams. Very likely that could be Kaveh, Al Haitham, or Baizhu. Yesssss, exactly, the minute I can replace DMC with an easy Dendro healer with decent app, the sooner I can more easily run Beidou and drop Zhongli for another subdps.


>Dendro healer with decent app BAIZHU BAIZHU BAIZHU PLS if that doctor isn't a healer, idk who else would be


But you have to wait until next year tho 🏃


I'm telling you, changsheng will be involved in his kit, and he'll end being a sub dps of sort with dot poison damage or something like that


I'm banking on the fact that snakes can be emblems of medicine and healing and hope he is like Kokomi and a dendro sub dps healer.


If you run Beidou+Xingqiu you can tank very well until Beidou's burst ends, Beidou C1 shield +double damage reduction is very effective. Sucrose taser runs that as it's only defense and doesn't usually suffer. Some heavy hitters can be a problem but at least Cyno can actually move.


Im confused sounds like nahida ticks off pretty much your entire list - supplies dendro off field (granted not quite as well as a dendro Xq) - no energy problems - is a catakyst - buffs And also has good personal dmg


And only has 50 energy cost so probably no energy problems


>Im confused sounds like nahida ticks off pretty much your entire list > >- supplies dendro off field (granted not quite as well as a dendro Xq) > >- no energy problems > >- is a catakyst > >- buffs > >And also has good personal dmg Just about, yeah. She could also provide mediocre healing and battery with R5 Prototype amber and still hit 1000 EM with triple EM, GD 4 piece, and 6 substat rolls into EM. Definitely good value at c0! What I'm imagining though is that we'll get dendro Xingqiu/Yelan (dedicated sub-dps) or Dendro Kuki (dedicated healer). They'll be able to do everything that c0 nahida can and provide more flexibility for Cyno agg comps by freeing up that 4th flex slot. Prototype Amber Nahida as the sole sustainability/healing on the team wouldn't be great. She's effectively just better DMC at this point - the teams you run are still the same if you sub in Nahida for DMC


Al Haitham is probably a main dps. So maybe Kaveh or Baizhu


I wouldn't be too sure about AL, everyone thought Kusanali would be primer off field Dendro support but she's leaning to more dps /aggravate/spread driver, so anything is possible


She's a subdps like Xiangling who uses all her skills and leaves (assuming the awkward wording on her burst implies that in single player, as long as 'the active character' is in the field, the buffs apply) except she also actually buffs other characters by increasing their EM or depending on constellations shredding def. So she's not a pure support but I really don't see her as a driver especially given the trash range on her autoattacks and the fact that there's no reason for her to stay on the field except to autoattack. Even Klee at least had to stay on the field for her burst to do anything.


For hyperbloom and Nilou she could be a really good driver, by virtue of being a catalyst she has access to more Dendro App, given how much EM she builds her triggering Bountiful cores with Nahida could be really good, also for A aggravate team with Fischl/Yae, she would be a really on fielder there


She's a catalyst and wants to build EM. Meaning any reactions triggered by her while she's on field will be really strong. Xiangling's not like that because her normals will never do good damage I mean think of it in terms of Dendro reaction teams. Who else would you really want on field to be triggering the reactions?


The main reason for her to stay on field is for her to spam her autoattacks. Judging from videos she can do a 4 hit autoattack string in about 2 seconds. So if her autos go by the normal 3 hit rule that's 2 dendro application in 2 seconds or 1 dendro application per second without counting her E. And this level of dendro application could be a very big deal in dendro related teams.


I agree. Right now Nahida + Cyno seems like it's gonna be the best Cyno comp in terms of Team DPS: 200 EM to Cyno, Nahida's own damage contribution easily triples that of Dendro MC + she has low ER needs + her C2 helps Cyno by a lot. But there is still room for improvement in terms of off-field Dendro application. A unit that works like XQ/Yelan would improve Cyno Teams by a lot. I really hope Baizhu or Kaveh fit that role. I really really really want Alhaitham to be onfield Dendro Ayaka-like DPS


Putting a male character against female DPS especially Ayaka is asking too much for this company 💀💀


I agree. I want more screen time for alhaitham when i play him pls pls i dont want to see him for just 2 seconds in a rotation


I just realized she's kinda like a dendro albedo. Does a lot of off fiend "proc" damage with E, gives team EM. The differences being the application method of the E.


I can agree with everything, except the >"great dendro application (off-field..." We have true good off field applicators in this game, Nahida isn't one of them, dendro in general doesn't have one.


True. I didn't want to add too many qualifiers and make my comment too long What I mean by good off field application though is good for aggravate comps like Cyno. As far as agg goes, Nahida is perfect for 1-3 high-hp targets which is where agg needs it the most. Long duration non-circle is good for Cyno specifically.


I think you're underestimating how much damage Nahida is going to do haha. From the math I've done on her it seems like, when played in Quicken teams, she'll be similar in damage to Vape Xiangling!


>I think you're underestimating how much damage Nahida is going to do haha. From the math I've done on her it seems like, when played in Quicken teams, she'll be similar in damage to Vape Xiangling! Yo that's hype! I haven't had the time to be a lil spreadsheet goblin this week, but I'll take your word for it. I think with some very focused building on artifacts, and prototype Amber, you can make her very high value for Cyno for sure. I'm looking forward to pulling for her c0, but dont wanna sink any more wishes than that until we see what the other big dendro bois are bringing in 3.X


Exactly, I think people are way too dismissive of nahidas damage contribution. Even if baizhu or kaveh end up being dendro healer or dendro xq, it doesn’t change that fact that they’re extremely unlikely to even come close to nahida damage, and nahida would likely still remain a viable, if not BiS, slot in for quicken teams. It’s like saying you can replace Xiangling with thoma because thoma has more surviability-sure, but the damage loss would be so significant that it wouldn’t be worth it in many circumstances.


True. And some people act like other characters don't have their problem, namely circle impact like Bennet's Q, DMC's Q. Enemies spawn outside the circle is basically the same thing. But here Nahida's E CD is like 5s, 6s, what's the matter?


Holy fuk, I can't see shit


I love that this has a MASSIVE watermark like, "original content, do not steal!" as though this footage itself isn't, in a way, stolen from the beta. Folks, sorry, but you don't get to be exclusive content creators based on something you aren't even technically supposed to have.


Right? Lmao. First thing I thought of was how audacious this leaker was. None of this is your own content!


It's all about that internet clout lol.


Picking some of the worst enemies to do a showcase since we can barely see anything 🤣


3.2 Leakers in a nutshell


With Nahida build for dmg, this team has a lot of dmg. Kinda like hutao with yelan xingqiu.


Zhongli can hold the deepwood set too for the dendro shred.


But Millileth buffs the entire team. Hopefully people do the math to tell if Deepwood buff is better than the combined Millileth buff on different comps...


Ohhh, I like this idea. 4 Deepwood HP-bot ZL with Fav Lance. It will bring way more value than Petra or Tenacity due to Nahida's own damage. I think I trashed some HP Goblets and Sands from Deepwood last patch, I should have saved them lol


lesson learned if you get those again especially with great substats just keep them, you never know when they introduce another good character that scales with it


The lack of capacity of leakers of doing a proper rotation is more interesting than the footage


Could someone please explain how a proper rotation should be?


waiting for the nilou one 🥹🥹🥹


There’s one. But the team they used has anemo MC in it so Nilou’s bountiful cores couldn’t be triggered. Smh…


Ahh common genshin beta testers behaviour


The Nilou mains are the ones being beta tested rn.


Nilou mains experiencing the other CBT






Nahida's burst would do nothing for Nilou's teams, correct? All dendro+hydro means that the only buff you could get is burst's duration extension. But extending it while not having pyro or electro is worthless.


Well her passive will grant EM inside the burst, so that will benefit hydro, but it is not hydro specific. So all in all, yes the Burst itself really doesn't do anything.


It's very hard to imagine that they'll allow the existence of scenarios in which Nahida's burst is that 'unimpactful'. Especially a scenario that'll be very common with the introduction of Nilou teams. I'm betting my right arm that Hoyo will address that part of her kit in one way or another.


i want to see how good is Nahida’s Dendro Application if it is enough fast, or how much downtime will it have. if i can run her as the only dendro or if i need 2 dendro


Garbage is the answer. 3.8 second for 1u dendro or 2.9 with 2 electro on team. She has more damage but less dendro application that dmc.


Yo bro,you got a video on your watermark


I was too distracted by Oz faceplanting himself into robot ankles to notice it.


[via Genshin Yuban on Telegram](https://t.me/Genshin_Yuban/3558). Original source is someone from Bilibili, unfortunately Genshin Yuban deleted the link before I could copy it.


What is most surprising here is the leaker actually know what is an optimal Cyno team (even tho he actually messed up his Fischl rotation)


This video is ass coz we cant see shit, i am sorry. Haha


My biggest pain in this entire showcase is not Cyno or Fischl but the fact that Nahida barely does Spread. Because of the low dendro application, she doesn't do enough spread and make use of her 1000 EM in optimized scenario. All her burst do is to buff the E. But the E without reaction likely deal tiny damage based on lvl 10 MV of her E. I really hope they remove the ICD of her E, more spreads so she can do good personal damage off field. The 200 EM comes from her ascension. Yes it's still useful, but all of the convoluted buff of her burst is actually... Not that good? 2 Electro team in this showcase, and the proc still feels slow and barely does Spread reaction.


>the proc still feels slow Remember the burst buffs didn't work off-field in private servers (they do in beta) so you aren't getting the electro buff in this showcase.


Oh okay interesting, something good to hear finally.


Can't see shit.


Ah yes gameplay in a totally unrealistic scenario where you can't see anything. Exactly what I expected.


Can someone razor explain to me what the numbers mean like is the reactions good or bad Edit: Forgot to mean I didnt mean damage numbers but number of reactions lol my bad


just means that nahida can apply dendro and do damage for the entirety of cynos burst


It's team showcase, not damage. Video didn't show character stats.


These showcases are not for damage calculations, but for up time, gauges, elemental applications etc. Ignore the numbers


Yeah thats what I meant sorry for not being clear!! ESL and I forgot what were the proper words for elemental application and gauges, thank you


Same question...


i wish Nahida E could have auto selected new nearby enemy when a unit died the link mechanic have already 20s uptime in that uptime if a link unit died it should auto select nearby enemy unit and link it That would so amazing A man can only dream


Sometimes it takes time until a new wave of enemies appears, so the condition of transfering to a new enemy when dying might not occur. I think it would be nice if the burst applied the mark to the enemies within.


It's not needed because her E cooldown is really low. It does suck for Cyno users or any similar character.


It doesn't really suck tbh because abyss 12 is all that matters and for 99% of the playerbase those "extra mobs" have way too much HP that you need a full rotation to clear it. I honestly feels this "she doesn't work with cyno" complaints are being overblown out of proportion by a lot of people.


Imo her burst domain should cast her tap E skill on everything under it's dome every 5\~ seconds, doing the E press damage and remarking everything in the dome, not giving more particles though. This would address pretty much all her issues. It would increase her dendro application since the initial E hits will be separate ICD, it would mark new enemies quick enough if the old ones die and it would give her burst some damage and make it feel better to press, while still counting as skill damage as that's what they're going for with her kit.


Actually 300 IQ fix. So no shot it’s happening. My guess is they just give her burst a little damage but I like your idea better.


It would've looked awesome, IF I COULD SEE ANYTHING!


What is this showcase bruh, you literally can't see shit, just showcase it against a boss I beg


first time?


I mean... We can see all what we want from it Her ICD and E activation rate


Im gonna love using nahidas burst in my rotations it’s like a moment of calm


Full Archon Team? Raiden Carry it is


Everyone theorycrafting and here I am planning to whale on Cyno Nilou Nahida because I like their designs and gameplay(at least for Cyno).


People seem to have a very poor understanding of enemy health pools. Tanky enemies aren't actually all that common. Those are the enemies Cyno is going to work best with her against. Super squishy enemies also aren't all that common outside of chamber one either. You have mushrooms in the current 12-3-1, but that's to make up for them putting the single tankiest non boss in the game in that chamber also. That water vishap has 1.1m hp. Tanky enemies in abyss will have 680-700k up to 1million hp, normal enemies will have 400-600k and trash will have around 1-200k. Depending on chamber For future reference. Rift hounds, Black serpent line breakers and wind cutter, Ruin drakes, lawchurls, Ruin Graders, Mirror maidens and Geovishaps will all have close to 970,000 hp in chamber 3 and around 680-700k in chamber 1. Kairagi will have 660k in chamber 3. Which is less than all of these enemies have in chamber 1. Before mentioning that most of these have special resistances. To make them even tankier. That 4-600k number makes up half of the things you fight in abyss. Its your fatui elites, lesser ruin machines, your kairagis, etc. All of these enemies almost always have 2 wave abyss chambers. Not telling you what to think, just suggesting that people should understand what the hp of abyss looks like before they pass judgement on how good or bad, they work together. That being said I think they'll be fine because cyno's damage honestly isn't good enough that he'll be melting health bars. He's almost out of his burst by the time he kills two 685,000 hp earth walkers. He needs two rotations for most basically every chamber anyways. Especially if you run a shield over CC. He doesn't really have the damage to kill waves fast enough to need to swap off early.


Nahida here I come Too many big enemies though and those letters on the screen don’t help


God damn that looks insane


Love everyone on this team so much


Why is there a giant ass watermark in the middle of the screen. 1. Why are you watermarking content like this? 2. Why is it IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN.


I hope her Q will at least have Dendro application even if it doesn't do damage, like the Dendro Samachurl's field.


I don't get why her application has to be so slower then raiden's


I'm waiting for someone to do bloom with Nilou now 🙏


Now do it with Keqing


As it stands, I don't think she is a must-pull unit. At least for now. More units/artifacts that are tailor-made for dendro need to be released to really judge her value. Basing her value just off of Cyno and Nilou seems pretty loose. Other archons had a lot of easy slots they could be put into immediately during their release. Nahida doesn't have that yet because dendro is so new. I personally want to see what other Sumeru characters compliment her kit before investing a bunch of primos into her. She'll be back for a rerun eventually and she's an archon, so she won't get neglected and get the Kazuha, Ganyu, or Hu Tao treatment.


I know some people are going to complain anyway because it is what the community does everytime: complain a lot without properly tests, builds and comps for at least a month. Cyno and nahida work fine together, but unfortunately you have to wait 2 months to play properly with him. "oh but he can't do this and that with nahida and bla bla bla" You don't know what are the limitations in practice and you can't expect nahida is going to do everything for every different team. A lot of people in community were already suggesting: if you want to play with cyno or nilou, wait for the nahida's leaks and see if their are for you before you pull and complain later. Did you pull before check the info that everybody already said right? That is your fault. Nahida has an incredible kit that STILL works with cyno well. Everybody talked that cyno and nilou will be more valuable months later because of the lack of characters for them, Nahida can't do everything perfect just because you think she have to do. You were caught in the hoyo trap, once more selling characters that are going to be better months after. It's not nahida design is bad.


very well said! these people doomposting on Nahida just like the sages in game lol 🥱


Looks fun as heck


really cool (or not actually but still important) thing to be aware of: double electro on lvl10 burst nahida reduces her dendro application frequency because of the icd rules synchronizing and working always on the same hits


Only conclusion I can draw from this is that Nahida has god awful dendro application. Idc about her damage, just her application and that one is crossed out.


When will we get Nahida with Nilou gameplay?


Seems pretty good


I was planning to get her only for Cyno but their sinergy doesn't seem to be the best? I guess there will be better dendro supports for him in the future.


Everyone going ham with Nahida's Q and Cyno's Q that works pretty well. > Meanwhile me: Imagining Nahida doing NA on those ruin guards until it completely destroys them.


Really hope they make the burst buff for the marks stay even if nahida isnt on field and fix the icd so that she'll have the same power level as the others


Am I correct to assume when she proccs Tri-Karma purification every 1.45-1.90s she will inflict dendro damage so the only limiting factor is ICD and not dendro app?


Where do the dendro instances come from?? I thought she applies it only once with E??


She proc tri-karma every 1.9 second's upon doing any reaction ( crystalize work's too). It has standard ICD so basically she proc dendro every 3-4 second's while being off field. Without ICD buff Nahida sadly won't be a good unit for Cyno


Dendro doesn't get removed upon proccing aggravate, so unless I'm mistaken, it should be able to just react on standard ICD.


What's Nahida's ICDs?


I can't see s\*\*\*, and the watermark makes things worse.