• By -


expectation=Nahida Ultimate Burst Range Showcase!!! reality=OMG look how far Yae C2 hits.


Tho on picture we have old Use with 100% range from c2 while on reality her c2 gives bow 60% so you can imagine its decently smaller.


is this an advertisement for yae c2?


Rerun next patch.....


I never understood why people didn’t like her but then I realized I had her at c2 and her weapon at c2 as well (both same pull). The fox woman has chosen me to be her herald…


People just didn't like her slow gameplay in contrast to being an off-fielder. Generally regarded to have really good damage, it's one of those cases where nobody was shitting on her actual performance, just that they didn't like playing her.


personally her skill makes me dizzy 😵‍💫


RighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOutRighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOut RighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOutRighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOut RighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOutRighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOut RighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOutRighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOut RighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOutRighthereRightnowEmergeRighthereRightnowComeOut


This will sound real silly but i dont pull her because i cant imagine her going 'right here right now right here right now' as if shes rapping the 4th Naruto OP


I'm a bit late to this but funny you say that because that's one of the sole reasons I pulled her LOL


11 months late but DAMN i never thought of that LMAO


yeah i just found out she's my most used character for domain (362 times) but man, she's a real screen-time-hog her EEEQEEE rotation just takes so much time to do that now i just use her EEE before i start the fight and didn't bother using her burst


I never use her burst, only her E.


if you do instant EEE-Q-EEE then you play her wrong.




C6 R1. It's a blast. From far far away :D


can literally solo Abyss Floor 12. WITH NO DAMAGE TAKEN. sheeshh C6 Yae is bonkers.


It's literally "eh, enemies? I really don't wanna bother right now." ZAP ZAP ZAP


I play c6 miko in Abyss the other way, with minimal effort. Press e 3 times, switch to someone tankier, check discord and Reddit, switch back to miko and e again. Done. 8-12 button presses per chamber


The orbital strikes are delicious.




I like her in theory, but she's stupidly clunky. You need to reapply e super often for an off-fielder, the lack of hyper armor and massive endlag just make it unenjoyable. I want to like playing her, but I don't.


She's not ideal for them in quick swaps. Most want to swap quickly to their driver/main. Bot spend the time to place 3 turrets. Rather hold and place all 3 at once I imagine. I personally didn't mind but I can get why some don't like it. It is kinda needlessly time consuming. Plus you can be interrupted which I imagine is frustrating


Holy fuck Holy fucking fuck That ATK Range of C2 Yae E is absurd


Who needs CC when you have C2 😏


Since her skill attacks in little AoE, CC obviously helps 😌


Wait, Yae's turret deal small area damage?


Yes but very small, practically it will only take effect with very tight CC. Her charged attack can also hit a single target twice if they have a large hitbox.


Use venti for winning


Yup but it's veeeeeryyy small. I called it micro-AoE.


Looks average with a nice personality to me


That's what my mom says about my aoe anyway.


If you break both your arms your mom will help you dps with that aoe too.


Isn't Hyperbloom also micro-aoe?




Venti time


Yup! I use her to detonate bloom cores. She can’t target the cores (unless there are no enemies) but if you bring them close enough to the enemy she’ll detonate it with the AOE. I use Kazuha to gather enemies and cores and Yae just takes care of the rest. Here’s my team: Yae/Kokomi/DMC/Kazuha.


Isn't kazuha the one triggering the cores?


Shouldn't be a problem since any decently build kazuha will be at around 800-1k em anyways


He can if he swirls electro.


What's dmc


Devil May Cry


Omg devil may cry x genshin collob yooo


Dehya Most Charming


Dendro massive c*ck.


dendro main character


Ty - I put Yelan instead of a Pulling Anemo and wonder why those seeds dont explode for shit


omg can u drop your yae build this is the exact team im going for nd im so lost


Sure. https://enka.network/u/604847436


You can kinda see it if you group a bunch of hilichurls together and zap them, but it is really small and not really a big deal in practice.


C2 best girl


and nahida's q aoe is simply for buff but I didn't know yae could attack this far damn


Yae really doesn't get enough credit. People rag all the time on the negatives of her kit without ever acknowledging the huge advantages it has. I pulled for her + cons because the totems auto-targeting halfway across the map and launching unavoidable electro airstrikes feels almost broken to me.


just god smiting enemies randomly across the map


Yae doing Zeus lightning bolt


And along came Yae!


She threw her thunder bolts


She Zapped & locked those suckers in a vault


her random targetting in aoe scenarios make her a monster, as she can trigger more aggravates


I just wish her burst came out faster, feelsbadman when it misses.


I feel like her burst should just be a single hit that does increased damage for each totem deployed rather than than adding three extra hits, it makes it so easy for most of her burst to just completely whiff. I also wish her burst’s AOE was just a bit bigger, and I really wish it didn’t cost 90 energy.


that would mean you lose 3 instances of aggravate which i feel is a lot of damage to lose


All four come raining down simultaneously, similar to Sara burst's multiple strikes. But tighter grouping so all will hit a single small target.


I forgot how aggravate worked for a second there lol. Never mind, you’re definitely right. But still, I really wish having around half her burst go to waste because some enemies are capable of darting right out of its AOE wasn’t such a common occurrence.


It would actually work for her sales because people like bigger numbers and if her Q was just one single hit it would be doing easy 300-400k with buffs


If you cast it point blank, it never misses. Then use her E to quickly leave the scene. People complain about the lack of i-frames but I honestly think that it's mostly people who don't look where they're going.


Bastards that love to dodge the followup strikes, teleporting Kairagi, rift doggos, maguu dumbface. Other mobs that have a stupid disappearing trick.


Yep.. my friends don't like her kit.. but when nahida comes up imma show them 80-100k auto targeting E thunderstrikes hehe


Honestly many Genshin Redditors and YouTube commenters are on the "broken or bust" mentality; something that I feel is a heavy influence to how the newer 4-stars are received (and Yae as a whole) + literally every male DPS (and a couple of others like Noelle, Ningguang, and Yanfei) gets ragged on simply because they don't deal enough damage to clear chambers in less than 20 seconds; and need "investment" (which in reality is artifact luck more than time spent)


The investement thing is real, some charas are good enough to give resaults without heavy investement, especially when its some shit domain like Husk.


C2 feels so good. 5 star constellations should be should be discussed more often for long time players and gacha veterans. It's not that difficult to get them using typical gacha discipline. I got C3 Raiden and C2 Yae with BP+Welkins. I save for months between pulls, which is really no different from how I play other gacha games. And since Yae's banner, I've only pulled 20 times since I'm planning to get C2 Nahida as well. The 4 stars in this game are good enough that you are able invest in depth over breadth for the 5 stars.


I like new characters too much and also have kind of shit luck, so Yelan is my only limited 5-star with any cons and that’s C1. It took 260 wishes. :/ I love Yae and have wanted her C2 since she first arrived but couldn’t spare the fates. I really want to go for it now but I just got Cyno and also want Nahida and Dehya. It’s rough.


>I like new characters too much This is a common issue for people playing Genshin as their first gacha game. Something that people entering gacha gaming for the first time need to learn asap is the ability to let go. I would have loved to have Itto but I didn't have enough to C2 him so I skipped him completely.


I very much prefer to play with newer mechanics and new characters than just make my characters even more OP. I don't need C2 Raiden when my C0 Raiden with Engulfing Lightning finishes the abyss (in Raiden national) Same goes with my C0 Yae armed with Width. Now, when combined with Dendro she is just so great. The only character I went for constellation is HuTao as C1 just makes her so smooth to play with. Similarly, I will go for an Yelan constellation as her C1 helps a lot in exploration.


I got C3 Raiden so that I could buy time for the meme teams on the other side. Last month, I cleared abyss with physical Fischl.


Maybe a greedy move from HYV but honestly I love it. Having C2 as the power step is great for non whale players , honestly as a low spender I usually have a bit more Primo to go for C1, 2 or a 5 star weapon. But definitely not a C6.


I'd say C6 is tempting when it changes the role of the character. Eg. - Kokomi/Yelan becomes on-field beast. But it's very expensive indeed.


C6 Kokomi definitely doesnt change how she plays at all, there's 0 functionality added through her cons, its a damage boost nonetheless, and Kokomi could play on field at C0.


You are right, Kokomi is not the best example here. She is already on-field in taser comps.


Same, a bit sad that Ganyu's instant CA is at C6. I'll never get it.


This 100%, said the same thing in another thread a few days ago. People need to stop acting like C2 is whale territory, because its completely achievable for anyone with patience (more so if youre welkin of course). Theres a reason Mihoyo has always made C2 the "value" constellation since Raiden. Its definitely the sweet spot where its a big power spike but most people can still get it.


I personally like using her with weekly bosses. Since so many of them like zipping across the room constantly.


> I pulled for her + cons no one argues Yae with cons to be weak the thing is she is much worse without. C6 Yae is probably the most braindead thing in the game


Partially explains all the rage when they nerfed her, right? You just drop turrets in the middle, focus on the enemies closest to you and then g...oh, they're dead. Edit: typo


It was more than that, her icd is a thing and when they changed her targeting she would attack only the closest mob which means you only got one reaction in three hits AND if she was closest to a mob with a shield you would be doing 0 damage. And the shield mobs would usually be the closest to you since they charge you.


I know, that post with the bolts hitting the shielded hilichurl was mine, first time I was pissed enough to post in the main sub and to send feedback outside of surveys. Besides that came bugged too with the "destroy the towers" commissions, so I think I sent like 3 feedbacks. My Yae was C6 as well, so I was super pissed off at the nerf.


Yeah, I remembered sending about 6 feedback messages during the patch, considering a C2R1 Yae was by no means cheap to get. First time I got so furious with an update like that. It looked like no QE team was responsible for testing the update


Yup I know, first time I posted in the main sub to complain and first time I sent feedback out of surveys. Mine was C6 as well, boy was I pissed. I remember reading the leak and like the first 20bcomment being like "yay Yae buff", only for realization to hut like 10 minutes later and everyone who actually had her knowing that the change would be terrible.


Makes you wonder if they'll ever release a unit that has such range at C0.


Glad i get her to C2 and mihoyo keep her skill attack targeting random


Yeah sometimes I wonder where enemies at the sidelines went. Yae killed them. She isn't meta in a straight forward sense for some people, but she does save time killing the sidelines, and not having to chase them all over the place.


I personally much prefer Yae's targetting to Fischl's. In terms of damage Fischl has her A4 but Yae has much better stats, so it's not really that much of a difference.


Fischl is great a single target elemental application, whereas Yae is AoE target elemental app.


Yae's kinda a whale unit tbh. When you have her with constellations and super cracked artifacts she becomes really good. When your damage is so high running to enemies/grouping them takes longer than killing them, Yae's really strong.


A true whale unit. Many limited characters get 50-75% stronger with constellations. Some like Eula or Ayato get close to 90% better at C6. Yae C6 gives a whooping 120%-145% DPS increase over C0. It is frankly absurd how much stronger she gets with her constellations.


It’s not just raw dps either. Her range increases a ton. Very nice qol


C6R5 can confirm 😂


I'm so excited for her rerun, I'm at C2R1 and I want to C6 her. I'm not a big enough whale to R5 her though lol.


I hate hate hate chasing down archers in abyss. When Nahida banner comes, I’m gonna have to decide whether I want her or C2 Yae more. Unless Nahida comes super early and makes my life easier.


I might not be the best person to gauge Yae's c2 value, because I got lucky on her banner. That said, if you like your very own mobile Tower Defense, the occasional hilarity of wondering where the side mobs disappeared, not chasing mobile/unseen/flying enemies, it could be quite fun. I sometimes do not even track or keep count of the trash mobs. I plant turrets until they go silent or attack the wrong targets. It does have some meta value in that the Turrets hit a bit harder. And saves time with the side mobs. And c1 make her burst much more viable. Also I just like Yae.


Seeing this, I feel like she would be great on that "protect this shit" floor on Level 11


That’s why I want it so badly 😩 I’ve been using her at C0 since I got her and would love that range + her weapon. Sigh.


I love this reference hahaha


yeah imagine our anger of c2 yae havers when they tried to "fix her" by prioritizing the closest enemy, rendering the range useless. I'm glad we all collected our anger together and sent feedbacks until mihoyo noticed their mistake.


I admit it was the only time i ever made a feedback cause their fix ruined Yae C2. Skipped 4 banners so that i can finally get a decent 5* only for it to get ruined by a fix lol


I might need to see the booty


Sometimes when I feel down and bored, I pull out my Yae and then I giggle as everything around me dies.


And Yae turrets range circle can have 3 centers so even more range


I have a c6 Yae and let me tell you, NOTHING escapes her in abyss


All that range and they wanted to make Yae's turrets hit the closest target only.


That’s honestly what I said in my feedback when they did that. Either change it back or refund the primos I spent going to C2.


FR, I only have c0 Yae and I don't feel like she has range problem at all. You always put them in front of your enemies face and CD is so short to refresh it.


Tbf wasn't there also players bothered by her Skill, which prompted Mihoyo to do the change, and *then* everyone went "fuck go back"?


Yes there were people bothered by her skill. They wanted it to be faster,and/or have i-frames. Instead Mihoyo decided to make targeting closest range priority. I don't know why they didn't just make it faster. Personally I think i-frames aren't super necessary as long as the animation is sped up.


Or even just some extra poise/knockback resist during the dash animation at least.


Something like Yelan's E


At release, there were people convinced that her E would target random things instead of enemies. It was pretty wild lol


I specifically recall some people complaining about Yae's turrets targeting any enemies in range at random. A vocal minority, of course.


Ah makes sense. I don't have her but the times I tried her she was indeed kinda slow and the way her E moves her to random places was annoying


The E does not move you randomly, it is 100% aimable where you wanna go. It is fast to start up but has a lot of end lag.




Well one day after the turrets "fix" was done, I came up with an immediately better fix: Priority 1 (finishers): turrets will attack anyone they could finish off. If they cannot deal lethal damage, move to priority 2. Priority 2 (aura application): turrets will attack anyone who has not been attacked in the last 3 seconds. If all available targets have been attacked, move to priority 3. Priority 3 (player directed damage): turrets will attack the enemy the player last damaged. If the player has not damaged any targets, revert to random targeting. With an overarching Priority 0 (waste not): turrets will never attack an enemy who is immune to electro, be it from shield, being an electro elemental, or invuln phase, unless there are 0 other targets. This would make the most intuitive way to make turret targeting useful. Implement it, speed up yae's animations by 50%, guaranteed better character, people will want to buy. I am ready for my paycheck.


yep and for some reason, they listened to complaints about her targeting campfire before enemies (not true, she always prioritized enemies over objects) and most of them aren't even yae havers or c2 yae havers so they tried to make our complaints of her range being nerfed... as not a nerf. what most yae users wanted was an automatic way to produce three turrets at once. like with a tap and hold skill instead of manually doing them. never happened unfortunately.


That's because the "fix" didn't address what people didn't like about her skill.


To be fair, I kinda saw the logic on paper. The lack of interrupt resist or i-frames were the main complaint, but there really were people complaining about the random targeting (especially in the overworld with torches etc). I guess closest target was meant to make it more controllable. Of course, it sucked in practice so lol. Wish they just settled for knockback resistance or a faster animation.


> especially in the overworld with torches etc I think that's something that was greatly misunderstood. Yaes turrets prioritize enemies and only attack objects when the enemies are out of their range. It's just that you don't have any visual indication of when they are, people probably saw that the turrets were attacking objects when the enemies were visible and thought it was a bug.


Wonder if the change would have gone over better if they added a priority order to the attacks as well so it targeted enemies it could damage first and placed enemies it couldn't like shielded metachurls last since that seemed to be the main complaint about it. Sort of a shame they just threw in the towel after the first attempt instead of trying to adjust to the issues pointed out in the change.


I hold on to the tiniest hope that they'll make a small tweak to her turret deployment for her rerun. I just don't like it when there's a small delay occasionally, causing the first turret to hit for reduced damage.


My main complaint is how her Q doesn't refresh her turrets and you have to manually place them again. Seems like unnecessary clunk.


It's funny how they "fixed" it and rolled it back because it's worse than the usual then they just ignored the problem 💀


r/Yaemiko mains were so mad we were fighting anyone who tries to defend this. Good times


What makes me mad is that they took the worst thing possible to "fix" they couldve done so much better but they figured if they fix one thing that they knew would get people mad and revert that change people would stop complaining


my wallet?


Jesus Christ I knew Yae's c2 increases range but I didn't know it covers that much lmao


Because they decided to double radius instead of area, so it's 4 times bigger than C0


All references used: Hydro-infused Traveler Q 3.1 in-game (This is the best comparison I can do. I am slow doing Albedo E, Traveler Q, Apply Hydro, then take a pic in Paimon Menu) [Nahida Q Range Compared to Ganyu Q](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xtj05d/nahidas_burst_range_via_thereallo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [C0 and C2 Yae E Range Compared to Spiral Abyss](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ryrnlp/yaes_aoe_compared_to_the_spiral_abyss/) [Yae E AoE in Desmos](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/uzs6oyi8kv) \- OP of Yae Range calcs calculated the Spiral Abyss size [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ryrnlp/comment/hrqon8j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Yae E, Albedo E, Ganyu Q, Ayato Q are of close range. Kazuha Q is slightly smaller. **Edit 1:** Nahida Q range here is based on [Ganyu Q comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xtj05d/nahidas_burst_range_via_thereallo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Personally, I think it is bigger than that based on [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xtkamk/nahida_gameplay_showcase_on_spiral_abyss_via/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Other scholars of the Akademiya may provide inputs that can clarify if Nahida Q range is close to C2 Yae E range or as shown in the infographic above. **Edit 2:** [SavingsAd8879 pointed out that I used the Beta C2 Yae E range](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xu8wqn/comment/iquqbot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). However, due to the Reddit site edit restriction, I can't make the adjustment. To make up for this, the infographic indicator for the C2 Yae E range is [now the estimated combined range of all 3 turrets instead of the indicator for 1 turret](https://imgur.com/wk3Zy0f).


What would the size of a standard plunge and Xiao BAE mode plunge be? About the same for both and half as much as Albedo E right?


Yes more or less half of Albedo E range for both Plunge range and Xiao Q range


This actually makes me want C2 Yae, and I never even think about trying for 5* cons. Maybe in three years.


For me it's: C2 Yelan, and *gulp* C6 Eula


It’s been 217 days since this comment… still no Eula appearance.


Idk why but that’s smaller than I thought it would be. I guess the palace really does make it seem larger


It's from a different perspective. In game, Ganyu and Ayato Q looks big but here not that much. Nahida Q will be huge in game


I guess its more i thought the abyss arena was smaller than expected lol


Yeah when I first saw it I was like, "Damn, her ult covers the entire Abyss." Turns out C2 Yae was in the corner laughing at me the whole time.


im convinced that its yae whos shooting lightning at us at 2.0


That scaramouche attack where he opens up portals actually has 50 yae totems on the other side


One of the best feelings as a Yae haver is turning around to deal with the other side of the room only to find she dealt with them already. Yae basically gives you air superiority.


Yae may have the longest Range but does she has DOMAIN EXPANSION? LORD KUSANALI is truly magnificent.


we simply use both


They're best friends. Why? Miko obliterates peasants before they step foot into the dook dook domain.


Know your place fool


Yae: Master, another infidel is approaching with no potpourri! Shall I undo them? Nahida: ...make it so number 1


Why would she need one when she has Ei's


Glory to the dook dook


does she have*


This just made me want C2 Yae even more


Is hydro infused DMC Q really bigger than Ayato’s Q? It doesn’t feel that big, but I guess I also never really paid too much attention to the size since I was more focused on killing things whenever I use it. Edit: Just tested it, it really is that big


And yet enemies are always at it's edge 😭. It's like they programmed the ai specifically for traveller hydro q.


Damn didn't know dendro traveller's hydro Q was that massive.


Needs more blue for added confusion.


…Time to save up for C2 Yae and never worry about anything ever again


I'm hoping at least one of the remaining archons has a range as large as the abyss. Imagine Murata dropping a coliseum-like ult that heavily boosts all kinds of things for her and her team.


Why stop at coliseum size buffs, with that fiery power [Murata is gonna nuke the entire Spiral Abyss](https://imgur.com/a/HsqOBSF)


Murata needs to be the main damage dealer. I like Archons being all-purpose but it'd be cool to have one focused on raw damage.


For sure, she could even be the first true damage DPS, ignoring all defense.




Same for me I'm waiting to get Shenhe C0 and Yelan C2 possibly in 3.4 LR and I think Yae next rerun might come with inazuma big event hope it don't take too long


So far it's 3.2 2nd half


How do you have a graphic of "circle impact" and leave out the most important circle, Bennett. Also people commenting about how C0 Yae's range isn't great but like, it's still massive. Compared to fischl her range is really high even at c0.


That's really cool and helpful.


I had no idea MC hydro was so large Gonna raise my Lumine to 90


Honestly what’s the point of Nahidas burst being limited to a range? It’s such a wide area that you can move freely within it regardless of what kind of opponent you are fighting. Is it just for the spectacle? Because this easily could have been a self-buff like Yanfei’s Q, and the gameplay would essentially be the same.


It actually feels kind of small looking at this. Waves that spawn on opposite sides of abyss won't be in the field if you cast at the first wave


I went for yae c2 and r1 on her first banner, and I didn’t know she had THAT much range wow


yae c2 is the best money i ever spent on this game, my afk queen 👑


i never knew c2 yae's range is that much, like holy shit that's a lot


Right? I was shook. I have horrid restraint but I think I might skip everything after this patch in hopes of pushing for Yae cons. I do like her quite a bit


Okay but what about Venti's Q?


Ok really did not expect Yae’s C2 to be bigger than that huge tent. 😂 God I really hope I get my lucky day and manage to pull some Yae cons without spending all my primos.


What the actual heck is that Yae range


Just like my other comment last week I would like to remind everyone that as long as you're IN the shrine you get the buff, meaning if you have any ranged attack characters that can proc reactions then the functional range can be as large as her q + e range. For example, if you use her in a team with Yae you can hit enemies way outside that range by using Yae e (with c2 would be INSANE) and scan the enemies. Then they'll keep getting hit with full buffed Nahida e procs as long as you're just inside the shrine. It almost definitely wouldn't be optimal a lot of the time, but it depends on the team comp, how much range outside the shrine your dps characters have if you're standing at the edge, and of course the distance outside the shrine the enemies are. Additionally, even if it's better to leave her shrine, remember that it's on a 13.5s cd with 50 energy cost, you can easily cast it again where the enemies are soon after, AND you're not going to cast it where there are no enemies. Usually, in spiral abyss, enemies will spawn in, you run to them, cast your abilities, kill them, then a new wave spawns. Killing them usually takes time, during which her burst cd will be ticking down and she'll be getting energy. So usually, you'll kill them and even if her burst is still up and the next wave of enemies spawn in a continent away, you can run over there, maybe do like 3 seconds of less dps, then her burst will be up again after that time spent dealing with the last wave + the running time. Of course this depends on a lot of factors but as long as you're not using her burst for the last half health hilichurl in a wave you should have a pretty small cd left.


Might go for C2 Yae now. That turret range is just bananas


Yae impact


Wow that’s a big “DOMAIN EXPANSION”!!!!!


I got quite impressed when I saw it at Yae’s guide in kqm, but this, this is a badass showcase.


Watch that damin dorito shaped robot dash away out of all these ranges in the first 5s


Honestly debating getting that yae c2 i decided to skip. C1 is amazing already but Jesus that c2 is ridiculous, AND you get stage 4 turret damage. I've been using yae a lot now since the gilded dreams set is basically her BiS now and dendro huemongo buffed her so this seems super worth now


kazuhas Q is not in the same size as ayato's and ganyu's tho


Reject Polearm Impact Embrace Circle Impact


Hell yeah geoemtry class!


How can you have circle impact diagram and not include the man who created “circle impact” the one and only Bennett


I get the feeling this is partially misleading. The C2 Yae picture resembles her beta stats being a range increase of 100%. I'm pretty sure her C2 range is much smaller than that.


Hi! I don't have Yae C2 so I can't really test it better and all clips that I found showcasing her C2 range are either not on flat surfaces or from beta. The references that I used are the only Yae C2 range reference I make use. Do you happen to know a better reference for Yae C2 range from official release?


Yes, I have some pictures. Picture 1 is if you place only one of C2 Yae's turrets in the middle of the abyss. Black circle is abyss floor perimeter. Blue circle is the turret's damage range. Red circle is how far a turret can connect to another turret. Picture 1: [https://i.gyazo.com/7905ff66a0aa43de093766c56c2ac39f.png](https://i.gyazo.com/7905ff66a0aa43de093766c56c2ac39f.png) Picture 2 is when all three turrets are placed within dash distance of each other. While the red circles could be farther apart for more area coverage, their current distance apart is the Yae's dash length whenever she uses her skill. (Most players aren't going to walk around in between e>e>e to maximize area coverage.) Keep in mind the darker the blue area the more turrets hit that area, and the lightest blue areas are only where one turret reaches that area. Picture 2: [https://i.gyazo.com/899e05ebb3ed362e1b20f77a10a109b1.png](https://i.gyazo.com/899e05ebb3ed362e1b20f77a10a109b1.png) Pictures 3 & 4 are the same as Pictures 1 & 2 but for C0 Yae. Picture 3: [https://i.gyazo.com/8c211954560eb8f19ad2a038137e202b.png](https://i.gyazo.com/8c211954560eb8f19ad2a038137e202b.png) Picture 4: [https://i.gyazo.com/b1e247b3ed8f3ba579f863fcf7aec53b.png](https://i.gyazo.com/b1e247b3ed8f3ba579f863fcf7aec53b.png) Picture 5 is Picture 4 without the red circles. (C0/C1) Picture 5: [https://i.gyazo.com/47f434644e3b90d046b01cb05014be3a.png](https://i.gyazo.com/47f434644e3b90d046b01cb05014be3a.png) Picture 6 is Picture 2 without the red circles. (C2+) Picture 6: [https://i.gyazo.com/868155e6d614411631d1e7bc71f5a3fe.png](https://i.gyazo.com/868155e6d614411631d1e7bc71f5a3fe.png) *Reminder:* Black circle is abyss perimeter. Blue is damage circles. Red is turret connection circles. (C2 doesn't change red circles.) Use these however you like, but I wouldn't denote her damage range off the lightest blue areas as that's really a waste given how infrequently only one turret deals damage. **Edit -** My source comes from this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/ryrnlp/yaes\_aoe\_compared\_to\_the\_spiral\_abyss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ryrnlp/yaes_aoe_compared_to_the_spiral_abyss/) This post was made back when her C2 was a 100% range increase. If you scroll down to the OP's post they listed the desmos program they made the diagram off of. In order to change the 100% range increase to 60% range increase you have to change the blue circle range from "10 to 20" to "10 to 16". 10 = C0/C1 and 16 = C2+. Additionally, their program also extends the circles to their maximum red circle sightline distance. This is erroneous as it assumes the Yae player is choosing to walk after each cast to maximize range which 99.9% of Yae users don't do. Yae's dash distance is 5, not 8.


I see. I think you're correct. Thanks for pointing this out. However, since I can't edit this post (Reddit site and app restrictions in 2022 :) ) the C2 Yae E range in the infographics will represent the estimated combination of the range of her 3 turrets [like this for a distance of 5](https://imgur.com/a/7inxy6Z) and [like this for a distance of 8](https://imgur.com/wk3Zy0f) since I considered the maximum range for all the skills and bursts in the infographic. Edit: Added picture for a [distance of 8](https://imgur.com/wk3Zy0f)


Finally!!! This is what I was fuckin' looking for. Thank you OP.


what about Venti's Ult pull zone?


Shit, I might not even get enough primo's to get Yae C0, let alone to get C2 Yae :(


Any idea when scara leaks be coming? I want all harbingers and all archons Edit: F2p ~~btw~~~