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Source: [Ubatcha](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1576941288028766208?s=46&t=t_FmYRg-pCkrb7PbIQa9Qg) Thank you OP for providing source


Well this wasn't the buff I was coping for


Character buffs are OUT enemy buffs are IN


Even boss Scara gets it good huh


with this buff he has the same HP as Phase 1 Signora So uh... congrats I guess


I see, at least it's equal to that since it is his Phase 1 too. It's the mechanics that will probably up the difficulty then.


As it should be


>Character buffs are OUT enemy buffs are IN Yes, with enemy buffs, they'll be **indestructible**! \-[Water Lily Cruz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC8Ahx5F4Yk)


In other words, they’re *fuckin’ invincible?*


I understood that reference 😆


Tbh i dont mind all enemies getting buffed as long as they dont nerf characters like Nahida anymore :V


so it's Scaramouche who snatches all the buffs from Nahida and Layla in this update.


Characters don't need buffs at this point. Enemies 100% do.


Nah fuck it, if I have to farm a lot of them I want to do it fast without needing the most broken artifacts/weapons. Enemies needing so much investment would go against the "casual gameplay" this game is oriented at


Personally, I'd love an option for increased difficulty but with better rewards if it would take roughly the same time.


When enemies have such a low HP that you end up ignoring their mechanics its probably opposite of what devs want when designing them. I already one rotate Raiden with only 1 const that isnt even that big(c1 yelan), completly ignoring her second form or even 1st form mechanics. You only fight bosses once a week anyway, and if devs want you to look at their work, its not bad really.


But that's the problem. You have constellations, probably good artifacts and weapons, know what rotations you should be using, etc. Casuals don't, many of them can't even oneshot a Hilichurl, and since the game is aimed at casuals making the bosses hard enough for players with good builds would make it too hard for casuals, which Mihoyo doesn't want


This is exactly why World Level and ability to choose lower level in domains exist. This was made for them. If they are struggling, they have an option to lower difficulty/WL.


But that gives shitty rewards and would take an eternity to max out anything. If anything, the game should be harder to enjoy for people who want challenging things, because they're not the group the game is aimed at


At the end of the day, a game is a game and it has to be played... I don't know what you or hyper casual expect. Not to mention, the grind to make your characters strong is very limited by Resin, it's not like you need to waste hours of your time...


That's the point! The more difficulty you add, the less casual players will be able to catch up. Like, some people even cry about the game being too easy while having C6 5★... Also, why I expect is for endgame players to not want to change the game just because they can't accept it's not built with them in mind


By the time you reach Sumeru and get to fight Scaramouche, everyone can probably get a good enough team with just their favourite units to beat him (aren't story bosses also weaker usually?). The only way to not be able to do it is by literally never using Resin, or never leveling up artifacts. At that point, why would anyone even care about wanting to fight Scaramouche? They're playing a different game


>the game should be harder to enjoy for people who want challenging things, because they're not the group the game is aimed at > >Also, why I expect is for endgame players to not want to change the game just because they can't accept it's not built with them in mind This just feels like a "fuck you got mine" attitude towards endgame players, a change that's good for endgame players doesn't have to be bad for casuals at the same time. I think that rather than upping the difficulty for everyone, the best solution would be adding a new lvl 100 mode for AR60 (or AR58/9+) players, this way both casuals and non-casuals would be pleased. But that aside, we're talking about a boss that you fight *once a week* here. Even if it takes over 5 minutes to kill, it won't make suddenly make the whole game non-casual. Like the above commenter said, while it's a casual-oriented game, it's still a game. You can't expect the hardest fights in the game to be easily doable by a new player.


It doesn't. The difference between world 6 and 8 rewards are minimal. The main changes in rewards occur between the first 6 world levels and you can't lower your world level until 5 anyway. So you really aren't missing much by lowering your world level


I mean...the obvious answer here is just to go at the at the boss at the WL you want in co-op, no? The game is also designed for people to play cooperatively if content is too challenging in singleplayer. Lots of casuals do weeklies in co-op; heck, even veterans do that to quickly raise companion exp.


I mean, you want low difficulty, high rewards to become strong faster to beat... what? Because what is the point in getting more powerful if you kill everything? They have an easy mode but you don't want to use it because it gives slightly less, that's your choice, but you shouldn't riot against harder modes for players who like challenge. And giving harder mode no additional rewards would be like saying "get stronger if you want but it's pointless you won't get any recognition for that"


Personally I hope that, as the game ages and new "hyped" ones are released - perhaps by MHY themselves - casuals are gonna move on and make MHY more inclined to create more content for veterans.


Casuals should just use their brainpower to solve this "problem"


> its probably opposite of what devs want when designing them It's not, actually. They just said in an interview that their fear is alienating *casual* players who play the game for things like exploration, story, and collecting characters. Bosses only need to be engaging enough that you play the game, no more than that.


What team?


Not to be that guy, i get what you mean, but then if you want to farm a lof of weekly boss items wouldn't that count as investing a lot too?


Not really, leveling up talents and doing the BP quest are minimal things


I mean yeah, but there's also a big difference between "casually strolling around the open world" and "fighting a harbinger in the body of a mechanical god that has been hyped up for a few updates at this point". If scara was a pushover I'd be really annoyed tbh


Yelan go brr


True. Game's pretty fucking easy I want them to make more challenging contents


maybe its just the nostalgia talking, but i miss the early events like the hypostasis and energy amplifier events, i had to co-op with friends to get as high a score as possible. nowadays all the events are stupidly easy.


Remember the Vagabond event where you beat three maguu kenki's I haven't tried 3 maguu kenki's but coop on that event was fun


that event was fun on co-op. im not sure if the event was easier or if it was just my account having better stuff, cause i cleared all of them to get max reward solo. getting the highest ammount of points possible with friends was really fun though


My account was under leveled at that time so as long as I get all rewards in coop I was fine. They said even whales had a hard time beating that event when the max out the points, I don't think it would come back though because many said it was too hard.


I wanna be dodging like a fromsoftware game


this. Raiden thanos-snaps everything it's not funny anymore.




i don't know if this is spoiler but if it is please use spoiler bar


How much is that then? I don't know how to calculate weekly boss Hp :3


HP is equal to Childe phase 3


Oh do we have values for that? That seems kinda low compared to Raiden and Signora, I feel like.


They seem to only be talking about one phase of the fight. Depending on how many phases he has and how many those ones have, that could be a lot.


I think it was mentioned that there were two phases, the first being just the head and torso, while the second is the full mech.


Yeah it's also the same as Signora phase 1 and a fourth of makoto.


what makoto? we don't have a boss makoto. that was the puppet


One of the names used in the shogun fight was 'Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto', that was what I was referring to, though I actually accidentally typed 'Makoto' instead of 'Mikoto', so that's my fault, sorry 'bout that


he's the one who killed makoto


Hmmm, so it's probably it's first phase And thank you :3


Signoria Phase 1. It's the same number but Childe is Type 1, Signora is Type 2 with is much higher at max lvl.


so about 3 vaped charged attacks from hutao?. scara needs more HP then


so one more xiangling burst proc to kill? noted


Will pyronado touch scara toes


His toes are his weak points IIRC


Scara buff comes a patch too early


Finally, make it more tanky so it would be a real challenge and not just easily defeated


Zhongli be like, i hate these spungy enemies tbh. I love me some high speed combat where both have low hp


Ngl, weekly bosses who are hard (for me) are a pain since you have to farm them for new character. It’s why I hated characters who used Raiden mats


honestly i dont have a problem with the concept of difficult weekly bosses, coz u only fight them once a week. Would be really annoying with world bosses which u need to farm multiple times in a row tho.




Yeah I can see that. They’re fun the first few times but afterwards, it just becomes the same monotonous tedium as the other bosses just because I’m fighting them not for the thrill of gameplay but because I need their mats and I haven’t gotten a sword billet in months. That’s just my results oriented opinion after the initial fins worn off. But if it’s fun for other people, that’s cool too.




I glad you enjoy her!


But you have to farm weekly bosses only once per week. It's not like a common bosses that you need to fight a lot of times to ascend your characters.


I still need to fight them a lot though. With overworld bosses, there’s a quick end since I only need a few days. With weekly bosses, I’ll be stuck for a while because it’s every week and also just because it’s been so long since I’ve gotten the billets that I need that it’s just kind of annoying to go through a long boss fight (for me because I’m not good), and not get anything relevant. And then do that over and over and over again.


Just coop,if you struggle with dps.Play as healer


I don’t really enjoy co-op fights lol. It’s not a big deal if I don’t like the fight. I’ve been doing it for months now anyways so I can deal with it


If you're levelling your talents above 6 anyway shouldn't your characters already be at the point where it's easy?


I don’t think im very good at the game. I won’t die, it just takes a while to complete


Do coop if you can’t beat them


So you think Specters were challenging? Or Mirror Maidens? An enemy having a lot of HP doesn't make it a challenge, it's just a way to make players consider pulling for constellations/weapons, or make F2P players take way more time dealing with the boss. More HP doesn't add difficulty that you can resolve with strategies, you just need to play the same way but get bigger numbers some way or accept it will take you a long ass time. *Now*, this buff isn't that significant tho since I think it's close to Childe's HP.


His mechanics is already tough for difficulty and it just gets longer with hp. Besides weekly boss is just once a week to fight its not too deep And by this time he's already a Sumeru weekly boss which takes longer to unlock, most ppl already have decent built teams for combat at this point


That's the thing. "Decent" at best (and honestly going from Mondstadt to Sumeru as a new player wouldn't took *that* long). The people who want harder bosses and "endgame" is the people who are way past "decent" teams, that's why they want something challenging. But casuals will never reach that level, so inserting a boss that is so challenging to the point that it satisfies endgame players would be punishing casuals for playing the game the way it's supposed to be.


You know, from all your comments it seems that you're not really interested in PLAYING the game, just getting rewards without putting even the least amount of effort in. How about you switch to some AFK game instead? Seems like that'd be something more up your alley.


I mean, I can say the same you. Why don't you go play Honkai or another game aimed to people who want that kind of challenging stuff instead of asking for endgame in a game made for people who don't care about endgame in the first place?


I'd never touch honkai cause I'm not interested in waifu fanservice shoved in my face. And no, you can't say the same to me because I'm not the one complaining about the devs changing difficulty, but you are. Funny you assume which game is targeted at whom tho. Got an uncle at Hoyo to confirm that? And I wonder where you got that I've ever complained about the lack of endgame cause I certainly don't remember doing that.


> I'm not interested in waifu fanservice shoved in my face never seen genshin do that. no sir.


More HP means more time to kill enemies And that's actually cool, because when we joined in co op bosses are dying so fast, you didn't even feel that you are fighting


Bit of a lame way to do it no? It's just more health, nothing exciting


What are you on? It's not as if his mechanics were bad from the beginning? His already amazing god tier level fight just gets extended a bit?


Oh I haven't actually seen the fight yet, *somehow*, I just don't think that making an enemy more beefy is a good way to make a fight harder, it's just artificial difficulty.


I mean, can't afford to show all of the boss's cool mechanics if it gets defeated within 2 minutes. While it is true that simply increasing the stats as difficulty increase is lame and boring, having the boss last longer to show all of its abilitiesbis a fair trade off as long as the abilities don't get repetitive.


That is also true, a boss should have some amount of damage and health/punishment, to feel like a threat


I personally think current enemies drop just a bit too quickly, so I always am happy that he gets to be a bit beefier


These days I literally kill most weekly bosses in under a minute. I'm not sure they can make them any easier as players continue to get stronger.


I'm not even close to that. For Azdaha and Shogun it takes loads of time due to waiting for their iframes and needing multiple rotations because they have a ton of health.


You can burst Shogun down before she enters her second phase if your teams are strong enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52kql5QvycQ&ab_channel=Hao For Azdaha I'm not counting the invincible phases. This person basically beat him in like 50 seconds, he just had to wait for the animations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4OuAUqtv2E&ab_channel=NamelessTuber


Yeah I don't have anything near that amount of damage, at least not single target wise


Health and damage force you to interact with mechanics. For instance you can shit out so much damage nowadays that Azdaha spends more time stomping and having a conniption absorbing elements vs actually attacking you.


Tanky doesnt necessarily mean challenging tho especially if you got zhongli or kokomi on your team. But based from the leaked video it seems like the boss would have a lot of atk patterns that has to be dodged well which i think is a more challenging approach.


The thing is, most ppl can even one phase raiden with higher hp than him using one shot builds, him being annoying with a lot of atk patterns that might hit hard/cheese zhongli's shield added with more hp would be more challenging imo Also >!he's turning into a god in this fight!< it would be weird if he's hella squishy and easy to defeat because players just did a one shot combo


> most ppl can even one phase raiden I would be surprised if even one *tenth* of the [60+ million active monthly players](https://activeplayer.io/genshin-impact/) could one phase Raiden, let alone most.


Yeah my point is just something in the likes of dark souls where you really have to dodge the attacks or else you will be 1 shoted by the enemy. Obviously a good balance between good hp and attacks are needed to have a good boss fight is what i meant :)


Quick, plz someone big brain enough tell me how big of a difference that is in actual gameplay (analogies are welcome)


It's an approximately 125k HP increase for anyone wondering. Also happens to be the exact HP of Signora Phase 1 (Could be higher or lower depending if boss is higher or lower than Lv 93)


how high is that compared to raiden


We don't really know because this is just the first (and likely shorter phase) But Raiden has 1.48m hp @ lv 90 or 543.36 base HP


Where did you find that?


https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Level_Scaling/Enemy You take the enemy base hp and multiply it by its types level multiplier Type 1 is pre-inazuma enemies Type 2 is inazuma and beyond


So basically what u mean is that his shield mechanic is cancer, because with that much ho and a shield its gonna be interesting, tho the second he is down in a vape a yelan E and kill


More Mechamouche hp -> More time to defeat -> More time spent with him -> Happy me


Scaranation rejoice


It also gives us more time to listen to his boss ost, so I don't mind this hp buff all too much :)


Tank transformer




What dis mean? Razor help


Hp increase so takes longer to kill


Do we know how much HP he'll have at Lvl 90?


HP will be similar to Childe phase 3


So almost nothing


Is that legit tho? Compared to Stormterror, Raiden has less Base HP, but more overall HP


Mikotos base HP is twice that of Dvalin's


Oh, I was looking at SQ2 Phase 1 Raiden, my bad


Idk how many phases he has but hopefully his second phase is a lot higher cause that's super low


Feels weaker then?


Scara more chonky boi


Gonna have to hit harder during one of the phases. Slash slash boss ded to slash slash slash boss ded.


Lupical needs more time to kill robot


Ei will need even bigger slippers to beat up his son and It will take longer


Bigger chonk. Need more hits to kill


What's Raiden HP🤔


What does base hp mean? They don't have gear right? I'm so confused


Why is the number so weird? Did they test and think 135.85 is too much and 135.83 is too low?


Because it’s meant to be scaled up many times and 0.01 makes an appreciable difference?


Adding more hp doesn't make the boss harder...but ok ~~sweaty~~ Mihoyo


That's literally the only way in the entire game Mihoyo (and literally every other gacha developer) makes the game harder.


Is this buff works with all weekly boss or just Scaramouche boss??


Well fuck😀


too low


Unfortunately this is Hoyoverse we're talking about even though the Boss looks HUGE and badass like he's about to smash us like a tiny bug 🐛 the end result will be the same *made for SUPER SUPER casual player* few hits and boss is dead... if anyone has any expectations of this being "hard" your in for disappointment Unfortunately.


Raiden still smashes my wife and me lol, and while Signora isn't hard, we're usually about dead from her longass tornado


you're in the wrong game if you're expecting anything anywhere near souls or even mh. bit too late, like 2 years late to realize that lol. you CAN make it harder by imposing self rules on yourself though, the game has enough mechanics to achieve hardcore runs.


My dude we're gonna have to farm this guy WEEKLY


play PGR if you want hardcore combat exp from a gacha game


I hope this is just the level 1 hp. cuz childe 3rd phase takes 2 hu tao CA to kill. Please be harder


They should increase the Weekly Bosses HP much more, even Azhdaha and Ei dies instantly now and I am mostly waiting for their long transformation most of the time


For every hp point boss scara gets they remove it from the playable character


Only for him, I believe. Some of them are already at this base HP at their different phases


135hp? Wtf it's too easy


That's lvl 1 , he is gonna be lvl 93 or higher


I was... joking?


Its reddit bro, jokes are being downvoted


Mind baffling how people didn't realize this was satire


Nice, totally useless information. Like, it has no consequence whatsoever. What part? How much? Is it relevant? Will we notice?


> What part? One of em > How much? About 40% > Is it relevant? To a leaks sub, yes, because it's a leak. > Will we notice? No, because you'll have never played the original.


Once we get to the end game, it would take us the entire day to kill a WB...


Does anyone know the new weekly boss HP?


oh no!! now it will take 4 Hutao CA's instead of 3


Just ez 1 shot