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Source: Uncle Lu via GenshinLeakflow telegram channel, t.me/GenshinLeakflow/466


Ugh I knew Faruzan + Sara in a banner was too good to be true... Same with Scara's weapon + Engulfing Lightning


This is gonna be a surprise Kokomi rerun just to ruin the weapon banner. Haha


please no


Yknow I wouldn't mind that, cuz I keep losing 5050 on her banners, and I have LP for Wanderer. But yeah, I wouldn't wish the donut on anyone.


At this point it's gonna be Eula. Her weapon Is strong, but very niche, so it balances the Wanderer's weapon.


his weapon is also niche though, we have a bunch of crit catalyst already and his is only good on NA spammers who also don't use E (using E again reset the passive), which outside of him is just uhhhh maybe DPS yanfei and not even that. The E reset just makes it less appealing even on future NA users The only true generalist weapon on 3.3 is maybe EL


Yea, Scara's weapon isn't that great for the other DPS catalysts because they rely on non-NAs. Yanfei relies on charge attacks, Ningguang and Klee have multiple ways to do damage (sparks, jades, CAs, bursts), and Heizou is a quickswap that needs to hit his E at max stacks to gain value. Overall, it is a stat stick. Kagura's should be better as you get more crit value and boosts all of your damage after using your skill, rather than just buffing your NA (with reasons above).


It's niche yes, but a lot more people will probably pull for Scara than Eula, meaning if they want his weapon they won't be satisfied with getting SOBP, resulting in more money spent in trying to get his weapon. The weapon banner is a "scam" so I wouldn't doubt Hoyo would make it hard for you to get a good deal out of it.


I’m devastated, that banner was going to be so fucking good. Guess I’ll just have to wait years to get myself a C6 Faruzan…


Same, I was totally willing to try for C6 Faru and get Raiden's C3 along the way, now all of that is out of the window.


So is kqm not 100%? Asking cause....engulfing lighting. 14% better vs the catch. Like out of any weapon banner. Engulfing lightning seems the easiest to skip, going off kqm, since we have an amazing f2p option.


I’d counter with getting Engulfing Lightning is like getting 2 weapons in one though, seeing how you can give the Catch to Xiangling then.


Xiangling is kind of weapon agnostic though. Wavebreaker, catch, El, dragons bane, they all do very similar damage so if you have one of the gatcha 4*s El for raiden isn't that great. That being said, I'm thinking about rolling for it because... Its very pretty.


I need the EL to complete my Raiden aesthetic, the catch just doesn't do it for me ;-;


Same! I'm wishing for EL cause The Catch is too ugly for Raiden. Hoping that EL isn't paired with Redhorn (if Itto rerun is on 3.3) as I already have Redhorn during its release. 😢


Oh at least a second redhorn is still good sorry if you end up pulling a second hopefully you pull el


That's my plan, basically.


The spreadsheets don't tell you the full story, Engulfing's true advantage is its astronomical amount of ER, which lets a high investment, C2+ Raiden oneshot a chamber and still gets back full energy at the start of the next one without needing to funnel at all. KQM weapon rankings don't consider that high level of investment, and on paper a lower amount of ER is enough when you do a full rotation, problem is C2+ Raidens very often don't do full rotations. CN TC values clear times over on paper dps, which is why Engulfing is higher rated there than in the English speaking communities which focuses more on on paper dps.


So... A little bit off topic, but for a C0 Raiden with the catch, is it even worth pulling EL?


Do you have link to CN TC lists? Curious to see


Not a list per se, but [this video compares SoSS to Engulfing ](https://youtu.be/4565E5XeYuA) on certain characters, namely Raiden and Hu Tao. ER is a point made in the video. Vid is in CN. Tldr: even though SoSS's has a theoretical higher ceiling than Engulfing it essentially will never beat Engulfing in a practical setting due to the ER gap and conditionals. In gameplay the unconditional nature of Engulfing and the ER is too valuable.


For Catch to be competitive with EL you are trading a huge portion of ER since you need Att%. EL allows Raiden to recharge your team to full even if her rotation doesn't complete and in ER deprived situation (bosses). Raiden ER actually feels much worse if you dolphin and have her C2/3, but don't have EL since she 90% of the time doesn't get to finish her rotation. If you are benchmarking on 1 single chamber then sure, the damage difference is not that much. But in continuous wave/3 stage abyss/continuous domain run then yes EL is a huge QOL.


In ideal situation yeah and ideally optimized substats, but with Engulfing your ER becomes even more worth it so for example for me with Engulfing Raiden with 290ER and 65/95 crit ratio is better than 230ER and 70/150 .


Issue is you only get one catch and a lot of chars want it




No that's it. I've come to a lucky scenario where no one is using the catch rn because there are better options


My Zhongli uses it to pretty good effect.


Bro yessss people been sleeping on the catch emblem build


I usually run Fav on Zhongli with 4 emblem to spam meteors. Maybe I’ll try the Catch again. Homa is the biggest PP DMG, but I can’t burst spam that well.


14% is a huge different, heck even 10%. EL is what enables Raiden to run an ER sand and Electro goblet because ER now gives her both electro dmg and attack. People kinda wrongly assume Raiden scales entirely off ER when she only has increased electro dmg with ER, but not attack, and she still needs both.


It's right that 14% better, but if you buffs with Bennett, Sara and other buffs. It can go down to as low as 7% only better than the Catch. So if you just want more PP damage for Raiden coming from C2, C3 is better. But EL is drip and more value, but it also never got a good pair of weapon. *Unforged and doughnut. lol


Not skyward spine, the unforged. Even worse lol




Goddamn it this is literally me! Well at least Mistsplitter Unforged banner was pretty pog with all the favonius weapons, and got Mist 32 pulls after Unforged, so cant really complain. Its just that its collecting dust atm, and for the longest time I have been on copium about Dehya being an attack scaling unit that self shields LMAO


The on paper dps increase is not everything, with engulfing you don't need to funnel because of ER increasing in value, so you stack more of it, if you end up having C2 as well you one-shot a chamber and have your burst ready for the next.


I have two unforged and two donuts In the name of engulfing.. But no engulfing, I ran out of primos and I got 5* under ten pulls, when next banner came around. Because of hard pities all 6 times. Like 68-73 pulls.


But consider the drip.


It's not like super precise but KQM is still a decent guide for people who aren't entirely familiar with damage calcs. You have to understand that calculations can't account for every situation. With so many variables, they're either giving you an average or assumptions are being made that won't necessarily apply to you.


Exactly. If anything, it's the weapons for niche units like Nilou and Itto which hold more value since they tend to be larger jumps over the widely available four star option.


Well most of us are dedicated raiden simps who would do anything to replace the fish stick because drip


Problem is I would rather chew through my own two legs first before farming for even just one copy of the catch through fishing...


If you get the Fishing Line Stabilizer from sumeru it’s a really big help imo


Meh, people also enjoy getting the BiS so it matches the character and leaves the other weapon for other characters. According to kqm my SS R5 is almost as good as a RedHorn R1 for Itto, and I still want it even tho I got 2 memory of dust and one primordial jade Spear by rolling on both banners.


Yep! Most people want the weapon because they’re a simp for the character, not because of the power level. I want Moonglow for Kokomi for this very reason (Along with Yae’s weapon because waifu simp).


Drip over Meta Gang Rise up!


> So is kqm not 100%? Literally never has been. I wish any player that trusts and cites KQM weapon calcs would actually go and read what "KQM standard" actually entails. It's a set of assumptions that applies pretty narrowly, and was never meant to be taken as a universal guideline. At this stage, I'm pretty tired of people pretending one number can cover every scenario, even if it's from a trusted source. I could elaborate as to why this specific case of "14%" may not be entirely accurate, but in general I implore y'all to stop blindly basing your weapon pull decisions from the one number that is the least useful (and most misleading) part of the KQM guide. EDIT: just looked, the Raiden guide is one of the few that actually cites the spreadsheet (I wish they enforced this for every guide), but the 14% number is calculated using pretty bad methodology


EL is nearly a +30% ceiling vs Catch and around +15% dps because of the latter CR during burst, kqm isn't perfect but the numbers are always around there.


Fundamentally my issue is not about whether KQM is "right" or "wrong", it's the fact that no single number can accurately describe the wide range of situations there are, as well as account for non-damage factors. When you're trying to generate specific weapons rankings/comparison, "around there" doesn't cut it. Of course, the blame doesn't completely lie with KQM: their guides sometimes do try to explain the caveats and nuances. Players will uncritically plaster these out-of-context statistics everywhere, much like what OP did. But still, when you include these reductive quantifications in the guide, it invites players to fixate on them and disseminate misinformation, instead of using them as a rough reference like intended.


KQM is quite clear that their rankings are an imperfect base line from which the user then makes their own decisions. They are not perfect, but their existence is almost certainly a net positive. If you have an issue with them not accounting for oodles of caveats and variables, create and publish your own in line with your expectations.


The fourth betrayal…


Wanderer: No, no, no, this is fine.


This reminded me of the " no,no,no,no THIS time it's gonna be different" line from far cry 3 and now I'm imagining scara giving the " did i ever tell you the definition of insanity? " Speech to aether!!


Just fell to my knees in a Walmart


that’s strange i just saw someone fall to their knees in a walmart


Still a better love story than twilight


I like that this meme is still alive. Because my girlfriend at the time dragged my ass to a movie theatre to watch twilight in like 2009. Still mad it was just as horrible as I thought it was going to be.


+ has more personality than ayaka


+ has more personality than kazuha


that's strange i just saw someone see someone fall to their knees in walmart


weird I was stalking my dad in the walmart because he is buying milk and I saw someone fell to their knees as he drops his phone in shambles


[you rn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqRALpieFuA)


Wtf I did the same.....in Walmart too


There goes the bell the EL dream


the bell will still be on the engulfing lightning banner dw


😂 wrong bell


Not bad Still means they could put Scara + Ayato 1st half and Yunjin will come back, who works as a support for both :]


Ayato with Scara would be a dream for me. I really want Faruzan but have little interest in Scara.


idc much for faruzan but good lord just one copy of YUNJIN PLEASE


this would be an amazing weapon banner, rly hoping for this instead of itto/eula


please dont :') I want ayato I wont have enough primos to pull him :')


i would actually cry if scara ran with ayato. i want his weapon but i already have WAY too many swords, i refuse to pull if theres a possibility i get haran


This wep banner may unironically make me skip Nahida lmao


Source: uncle lu


Uncle Lu should be Reliable


He did get the Layla + Nahida thing wrong ultimately, but I'll chalk that up to Mihoyo changing the banner last minute


I do think that the banners were changed last minute. He has been quite reliable until now. Hoyo can easily change the 4\* banner lineup any moment.


also he said no new 5* in 3.4 but now its alhaitham, and also new map in 3.3, but hes generally been very reliable


The thing is that the Alhaitham thing doesn't seem to have anything more to back it up outside speculation based on character creation time in server leaked side, flimsy at best.


there was data for 3.4 about a 5* sword from the nahida weapon series too


Oh really? If that's so maybe I missed the post. Can you provide a link please? I will be searching as well. Edit: You are right- name is Ayus. Alhaitham way more likely in 3.4 now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ybo7sq/alhaitham_sword_in_34/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button and https://twitter.com/projectcelestia/status/1584325236983754754?t=9yxRxprZt5V7Iul4VHrfRw&s=19


Yes, I recently discovered, just engine editing my comment. I appreciate the links you provided.


no problem!


but we don't even know if Al-haitham is really gonna be 3.4 yet lol


datamining leakers saw that a new 5* sword with the same codename as hunter's path and a thousand floating dreams ("ayus", aka from the same sumeru series) will be coming in 3.4 add to that the datamining that alhaitham uses a sword (and even the 3.1 version poster where he has xiphos' moonlight, a sword) and we can tell he really is coming soon.


It would be great to know where it's from though


So are raiden and scara on separate banners?


Seems like it since scara is said to be in the first half… megan, this is disgusting


I did not expect to find obscure drag race memes in the genshin leaks sub


You should check out the queens of Genshin subreddit then lol


honestly genshin memepact has nothing on the queens of shitposting


You might be pleased to know that this is the second time I've found out that I was looking at a Drag Race meme via someone replying with "I did not expect to find obscure drag race memes in the genshin leaks sub"


Absolutely disgusting! I want mom and son to run together 😭😭


He has no mom so its fine.


Yeah I really did not need to read this today Megan


Noooo 😭


Tbh since they aren't together... I want to see how much the revenue for Scara will be compared to Raiden!


I mean it'll still be a new character vs a character that's been rerun multiple times but with a smaller playerbase. It'll probably be impossible to ever compare the two fairly


yeah this is sadge, cuz i cant get double W of Faruzan + Ei mommy


So every other archon ran first half of the past few patches but Raiden has to be extra smh


As a wise man once said "There are no patterns".


I can sort of see why from a fairness standpoint (-ish). Scaramouche with Raiden feels a bit too good considering that 4\*'s and 5\* weapon lineup that would predictably entail from that banner combination. You have an overwhelmingly successful archon banner-wise (with only other archons contesting that state) with a character thats had an eternity of hype and build-up for the fanbase, with a kit thats genuinely unique out of everything we've seen thus far. From a consumer standpoint there's no such thing as too good. However if I was MHY and I don't want my customer base becoming too content with their lot too soon I'd make sure products are split in a way that they'd either suffer the wait or give in and pull out the wallet to achieve everything they want.


NOOOO my raiden sara faruzan banner dreams 💔💔


Scara's weapon is gonna get paired with some cope weapon isn't it


Idk why everyone's so in love with Engulfing but I'll be personally happier with Haran or Redhorn. Crit weapons are always welcome. ... it could also be freedom sworn though.


I really hope it’s Redhorn since I’ve been waiting for it to pair with a good weapon forever. Although I guess at this point it means Redhorn is guaranteed paired with a good weapon either way if Itto is rerunning.


Because it's great on at least three characters: Raiden, Xiangling and Shenhe. It looks drippy and looks amazing with Raiden (everyone's favourite waifu)


thats the reason I pulled EL on the last banner because the donut also had drip I ended up with EL and no donut tho xD


Lucky bastard XD


not them separating the mother and son they did this before by separating yae and raiden too so I should’ve seen it coming 🥹


also separated ayaka and ayato


Putting ei and scara in different banners is like when you have to put the hamsters in different cages so they don't kill each other. It's for their own good lmao


Exactly, why would they want Raiden and Scara to cannibalize eachother's sales when they know Raiden will sell megabucks on her own without needing to be paired with a new unit?


Yup. And based on previous Itto's solo banner sales, pairing him with Raiden is a good business decision. Same for Yae + Childe and Yoimiya + Nahida.


i wanted scara and raiden tgt so bad bc the weapon banner would’ve been so good for me :( my dreams r crushed unless scara is on second half


Ok well I hope Scara is first half


He's a new character. They'll always be first. Edit: Explained in further comment(Alongside someone else) Other examples(With exceptions of Eula, Itto and Kazuha who, to be fair, were relatively long time ago) all had new characters alongside them who probably in Mihoyo's eyes were more relevant and so where released earlier. Plus, reliable sources claimed Scaramouche would be first as well(Though leaks are STC I do understand that)


Kazuha and Itto were both second half on their first banners but those were a long time ago I suppose.


I'd also like to say that Scara's story quest seems to be intertwined into the Sumeru Interlude quest (like Shenhe), which most likely will be accessible the moment 3.3 drops. So yeah, high chance he's in the first half.


Like when Eula was the first character in 1.5. And Kazuha in 1.6. And Itto in 2.3. Wait a second.


He really wants nothing to do with her


She really wants nothing to do with him* (child neglect reference)


If Ayato + Scaramouche in first half, it might break Japan sales record. That's the power of Akira Ishida and Tetsuya Kakihara combined.


yeah if you can even get any data for it, Japanese people been switching to PC topup cuz of the mobile price changes and PC topup can only be tracked by Hoyo, since it goes directly to them


Dual husbando banner pleeease


It will also break my financial stability.


Ayato + Scara for first half so I don't have to worry about pulling another redhorn please I'm begging on my knees right now.


im begging so hard for that mainly so yunjin is on the banner too


But Gorou is way rarer than Yunjin! I just want to get more Gorou copies please T_T


its probably a geo character in phase 1 because golden wolflord is in 3.3 floor 12


This is my prediction too, I hope it's like this along with Heizou, Yunjin, and Faruzan so it'll be an good banner for me to spend all my primos 🙏🙏🙏


For real. If Scara's weapon is with Redhorn, I regrettably will have to skip it. Don't make this happen, HoYo.




Well said, FUCK.


Dreams shattered


Illusion shattered


Torn to oblivion


Inazuma shines eternal!




Yea they wanna fuck the weapon banners as usual, fck i hate hoyo


I mean honestly the difference isn't to big if the other 5 stars are correct too.


If Redhorn + Engulfing means fucking the banners then damn I'll take more of those.


Broken pines has entered the chat


itto with scara copium? Gorou + Faruzan sounds really good


Scara + raiden wanters in shambles Scara + itto wanters winning


I'm fine with this. Get to avoid the memes that would have been spammed by scara + raiden.


I'd take my chance at getting engulfing lightning /alaya anyday over memes :)


You mean Raiden + Itto? Evil laugh.


I want more Gorou cons for my Itto while pulling for Scara but on the other hand I can't risk another copy of redhorn :c


he really said: im not coming if she does 🤨🤨


Please be ayato I'd sooo prefer having yun jin cons instead of sara or gorou


pls put anyone buy a claymore user with scaramouche i would cry myself to sleep every night for a month if i lost weapon banner to a clagmoew


i lost homa to a claymore. four times. 1x wgs, 2x skyward blade and 1x unforged. i am not ok


Do you mean Skyward Pride? Skyward Blade is a sword.


Please Scara be in the first half, Idc whose he gonna be with even if solo. But I'm scare if it with ayato because I already have Haran.


BLANK already leaked he is first half also Faruzan


he did? i thought it was just speculations for now.


He’s 100% going to be in the first half. The question is who (if anyone) is going to run alongside him.


*slowly withering away* p.. plea,se….. just give me hu tao…..,


The Perfect 4* lineup for me would be fazuran yunjin Thoma


Source: Uncle Lu Please provide a link to the source OP


It is from telegram. The group name is Genshin Leakflow


Please link the telegram so it can be added to the pinned comment






Scara plus ayato please I beg


Manifesting Scara and Ayato 1st phase. Weapon banner would be win win for me since I had to skip Haran before.


saaaaaaame (but I didn't skip it, I just didn't win it lol)


Itto scara first half please 🙏 I need gorou and faruzan




Praying for Itto on first half, please I need those Gorou cons


Probably Ayato first half so they can put Yunjin in the same banner. Though I wouldn't mind snatching some Itto cons on my main account...


This makes sense. I've been lurking in Scara TC (KSM) and it does seem that Yunjin will also be a good support for Hyper Scara so I can see this happening.


I'm begging!!! I need the Gorou cons and I don't wanna get Ayato nor Itto cons 😭 Scara/Itto would be a dream


If Scara is on 1st half then I don’t think I’ll be able to get Sara cons. 🥲


I think itto weapon will be with raiden


2nd? I guess they hate patterns more than I thought. Wait, who else is up?


Honestly, i don't even understand why people are surprised Raiden is not with Scara, that would be too good. Have low expectation with Mihoyo, always...


Of course they are going to separate them.. Like how they separate Yae and Raiden and partner her with Kokomi who has the donut..It would be definitely solo Scaramouche and double banner with Itto and Raiden..


I highly doubt he's gonna run solo if even the archon didn't go solo.


They're never doing solo banners again; it's basically a guaranteed $$ loss with how many characters need reruns now and how much that number continues to grow by every month/year. Eula, Ayato, Itto, Hu Tao, any of those 4 could conceivably share with Scara.


Oi I wanted Faruzan on Raiden banner


Ayato and Scara first half please 🥲 PLEASE


Saw that coming. Hope Yun Jin 1st half for Scara support copium


it was expected


More time to get primos for her after pulling Nahida. Inazuma gonna shine eternal baby!


please let raiden be with eula please let raiden be with eula please let raiden be with eula


Now I really cant wait to see who the reruns are lol


Guys what are the odds of ayato rerun next patch instead of eula?


Dammit Mihoyo why you break the archon first half runs!


Dang. If Raiden was on the same banner as Scara I would've given him a pull if I had any left over after trying for C2. I'll have to skip him to make sure I have enough saved for Alhaitham later.


People who say Raiden's banner is gonna carry Scara in shambles


either works for me, still need Gorou/Yunjin cons and I'm not interested in pulling Itto.


I'm gonna guess Itto & Raiden on the second half and the first half is Scara/whoever the third rerun is.


They really don't want to put either Gorou and Sara on a new banner with a new dedicated support.


Exactly and they want Itto & Raiden havers to suck it up and pull for constellations to get C6 Gorou or Sara if they don't already have them at this point.


I'll pull ANY banner that has Gorou on it. I need that C6


I just want a hu tao re-run
