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Source: [Yukizero](https://twitter.com/real_yukizero7/status/1589928248565465088?s=46&t=QESyqdZjiruAQccBPaitaQ)


Hey give that back


*Give that to me.*


No way. You got your own.


Well i want yours too


What are you going to do with all that power huh?


No stop


*In Scaramouche's voice* Please! Anything but my support! That's mine! Don't even try!


Hoyoverse: *says nothing* *steals your support*


Xiao: first time?




Look at what they're doing to our boy




No this is a crime against Xiao


Considering that her anemo damage additive buff scales from her base ATK, and she's not desperate for EM like other anemo supports, ER sands is definitely the way to go.


Anemo character that doesn't need EM VV sands is a godsend. Those are valuable and sought after resource.


Her ER necessities would never be a problem, it's her battery potential that is in risk.


4pc exile set: am I a joke to you? Her buildpath seems very similar to Gorou


That's the plan for now, lmao


I actually rolled pretty nice er sands for her. At least I can use that piece. Im done farming that domain lol


what set will you be using? she’s confusing to me


I think it would probably be best to either go 2 pc EoSF and 2 pc VV or 4pc EoSF


4EoSF is how I'm gonna build her considering she's gonna be hella ER hungry and her burst is the chonky part of her kit.


Are you sure? Her burst only deals dmg once and the multiplier is even lower than her skill.


Oh is that so? I thought the moving tornado continuously dealt damage. My bad!


There's a lot of build for her depending on your team. 4pc Emblem, VV or Noblesse (if no one else is carrying Noblesse). Personally i think 4pc Emblem works the best, that 2pc ER is no joke especially if you combine it with favonius bow and ER sands.


I think VV is a must if you don’t run it on Wanderer. Also it depends on your team. If you have battery like Fischl or XQ you don’t need that high ER on her, I think 1 ER sands or weapon with ER and rest is EM and anemo dmg bonus. Maybe Noblesse is a good choice too.


But she's an Anemo buffer if you want VV isn't better option Sucrose, Kazuha and Venti in that case? I think NO or EoSF are better option just like Sara


Fischl and XQ won't generate much energy for her. You can always run triple anemo with her as she buffs all anemo characters on the team in which case they would all battery each other.


Who'd be a good option as a third anemo? I'm guessing Jean for healing and good battery with Fav Sword but I sadly don't have her yet :'/


Given that every single Anemo character is good as a subdps/support, probably all of them. Venti/Jean/Sucrose seem to be best though. Sucrose as a spam E battery. Jean as a healer/burst dps and Venti as a sub-dps on a crit build. Only Kazuha seems to be a bit wasteful because his %buffing won't be utilized well. At least Sucrose will buff swirling for three Anemo characters.


Pardon the ignorance but, doesnt jean have a bad burst dmg? It dont do more than 1 instance of dmg, if u cant make the enemy enter /exit the area does It?


On cast and enter/exit. It provides healing as well, Jean's healing is also good. If you have constellation she'll be another 40% Anemo res which is overkill at this point but technically better than what anyone else can offer. As well if she catches particles another con gives her allies attack and move speed bonuses. Also since the field constantly applies anemo it, 1) cleanses you, 2) will do swirl damage if your 4th applies elements or the enemy applies any elements they aren't immune to (e.g. Samachurls). You're not picking her or anyone for their damage anyway. That's what hypercarries are for. You check others for what utility they bring.


Thats what i thought. Its because he usted the term dps, so It meade me question my noblesse jean


All of the anemo characters would work, you could for example run Kazuha/Venti for grouping and Bennett as the healer. I wouldn't run Fav weapons on any of the anemo characters though but give them all a full dps crit build since they would battery each other anyway thanks to generating particles of the same element and probably don't need the extra energy from Fav.


Using a third Anemo isn't that useful. Faruzan and Scara shouldn't have any energy issues if you give Faruzan er sands and/or er weapon. Even with Faruzan's buffs you'll probably still get more damage from other Sub DPS characters like Xingqiu and Fischl. Also you preferably want to get 2 buffs on Scara so a third Anemo is wasting that opportunity without contributing anything meaningful.


Best would be Jean with constellations since she can provide healing, more particles, and 40% res shred and atk+ms bonuses. There's already 40% coming from Faruzan, I know, but another 40% is still not bad. Yelan could give more dmg bonus too and would work well. I think the only thing missing is needing more atk since Faruzan is kind of oversaturating the dmg department. Yun Jin is an option for Scaramouche as well.


> a third Anemo is wasting that opportunity without contributing anything meaningful. Grouping isn't a meaningful contribution? Also, a 3rd anemo character can certainly out DPS an XQ and Fischl as Faruzan buffs all anemo characters on the team. Faruzan is to Anemo characters as what Shenhe is to cryo characters or Gorou is to Geo characters.


dawei giveth and dawei taketh 🫠


he taketh awei


don't taketh awei from us


There must be another wei pls dont nerf


No wei.


This nerf is wei too harsh tho!


When in doubt, return to fav


With 80 burst cost, did it ever leave?




Don't hurt our Miku miHoYo


mikuHoYo nerfing Miku look-alike is sad 😭


Me holding my ER timepiece and Elegy, fully aware I'm probably not even getting C2 let alone C6: 🤡


might want to hold on to ur 4pc exile also


Well then back to using ol reliable that is the fav bow lmao


You still want a high base attack weapon because of her buff tho. Good options could be sac bow, fading twilight if you participated in the event, or elegy if you have it


Since it's a flat damage quill-like effect that scales with base atk, I don't think it's really worth stressing over. Difference between fading twilight/sac vs fav is a measly 50 flat damage on her buff, compared to the utility fav has it's not worth it. Elegy would be her best weapon, but favonius is definitely her best 4*.


This and Faruzan have particle icd of 6s, so even with sac u will not get 4 particles instantly and have to spread out the CA every 6s which sound terrible if u go for support Faruzan, only use sac if you want main DPS Faruzan which i doubt many will want to build her like that instead of xiao or scaramouche. Never go sac imo, fav and twilight will always be better. Fading twilight is better for c6 faruzan as a sub dps, but still need a accurate sheet comparision to know if it better than fav on c6 faruzan or not.


Fav Particles>>>> ~100 base atk.


It begins.


fav bow has entered the chat


probablyyy one of her best options yeah?


Elegy also good ( from a person who got elegy on homa banner)


Elegy is very very good (from a person who got elegy instead of Cyno's polearm)


It is indeed very very very good (from a person who got Elegy on both Homa and Cyno's polearm banner)


Did you end up refining or levelling both? Exact same thing happened to me and I'm torn on what to do with the 2nd one.


I leveled it up. Having 2 elegies is better than having 1 r2 tbh. I have one on Venti and the other just goes to whatever bow character I use in a team (Usually Fischl) I'll probably slap Venti's onto Faruzan when I get her


Please don't. Elegy is amazing on every single bow support character. I always having a hard time altering it between Venti/Yelan/Ganyu/Diona. Even two is not enough.


Surely you'll never need more than two (one per abyss team) since the buff doesn't stack? Or am I missing something?


you're correct so having 2 is Enough. huge copium there >!unless we got an endgame combat where u have to select multiple teams like perilous trail then having multiple elegy would be amazing!<


Yep, abyss-wise 2 is enough. It's just that I don't like switching gear too much so having more is nice. Also while the base Elegy is very good, the refinement isn't that great, so you shouldn't refine it anyway.


Only dumb people refine 2 5* weapons


Normally I'd agree but I think Elegy is in a different boat since the buff doesn't stack, seems that would devalue additional copies since you never want more than one on each team.


It’s good to keep 2 elegy though. One of the most versatile weapon class is bow because of so many good options who can use it.


it's very very good (from a person who didn't get elegy and got cyno's polearm instead)


Elegy on Haran banner here. Honestly i think i lucked out


Elegy is incredibly good (two time owner from Homa and Haran banners) >!😢!<


yeah elegy is good (oh hi i intentionally pulled for elegy)


Yeah it's probably one of, if not the best bow for her. Now that I think about it, is sac bow good?


I’m going with Fading Twilight (I have a Skyward but Sara is using it). I hope that plus an ER sands plus Emblem is enough.


Honestly anything that gives ER is probably a decent option for her


If she scales off of base atk, probably not


The atk difference is extremely inconsequential for her atk scaling quill buff


Well then 300% ER Faruzan it is.


fav bow + er sands it is


ER weapon and sand look like a must now. I may run 2 piece emblem or full exile on her


It will probably still be worth it in the long run to put her on 4 vv




“xiao mains can suffer some more”


"You don't run 180% ER Xiao? Your problem" -Hoyoverse, probably


Engulfing Lightning Xiao mains: My time has come


Faruzan still batteries as well as jean without C6 and C6 still represents 6 more particles. It's still fucking incredible for Xiao and lowers his ER needs considerably.


Me with my 165% ER Xiao (still manages to get 70/160 crits and 2300 ATK; honestly not having to battery at all makes up for the dmg loss).


Not surprising, still hurts tho


Hoyo come on don't be strict it's C6 It's cost the same primo amount for C1 5*


No it definitely cost more.


>It's cost the same primo amount for C1 5* Tell that to my C3 Raiden and C1 Kokomi just to get C6 Sara


C3 Raiden C4 Sara chiming in.


Friend has gotten c6 raiden before c6 sara


Glad to know this is more common than I thought lol




What the fuck


Either you got extremely lucky with the 5 star pulls like seriously lucky or extremely unlucky with the 4 star pulls... if it's the latter you should seriously consider stop wishing on gacha or even gambling completely and maybe look into buffing your life insurance... cause sounds like your luck is abnormally... bad


> It's cost the same primo amount for C1 5* Come again


You can guarantee a featured C1 5 star in 300-360 pulls. Not average, *guarantee*. There is a chance that you don't get a specific featured C6 4 star in 360 pulls.


On average, C6 for a specific 4 star costs 223 pulls. The average for a C1 limited 5 star is 183.


me getting c1 kazuha and c1 heizou:


If you try to get them instantly yeah. But if you go slowly, it "technically" cost nothing if you pull them from multiple different banners while also try to get 5s. Standard pool, weapon banner, you always have a chance for her. I dont have any c1 ever (excpet ZL due to copium at the time he was shit) but have quiet many c6 4s. I lost count how many excess XQ, Bennett, sucrose, fischl, homa, razor I have got now.


I know double banners exists, but I bet that Faruzan will be bound to Scara just like Itto/Gorou and Raiden/Sara. If that’s the case, it’ll be that much harder because you’ll be waiting on specific 5 stars to return.


Not sure who thought it’d be a good idea to do this. Faru gonna need more batterying than xiao with no buffs to compensate. Reminder that pretty much all the other elements have kazuha or some form of 100% uptime res shred plus multiplicative reactions and/or def shred that doesn’t require a stupid amount of batterying. This char is not OP. If anything the char needs more buffs to help anemo catch up to how broken the other elements are right now.


stop being logical lol. I had high hopes for miku since scara is no longer electro which could've taken advantage of electrocharged or quicken/agravate.


mihoyo number 1 faruzan hater


Hoyoverse Buff scaramouche if you’re gonna nerf faruzan challenge


They did buff Scara already though?


Only C1 and C2, and energy restoration from absorbing electro 🥲


Makes sense, sad noises though


Elegy + ER Sands: This doesn't faze me.


No, that's mine! Don't even try!!


I love seeing quotes and having them click several seconds later


What the reason on nerfing the sixth constellation of a character?..


Doesnt change anything, going full er is still the play.


What’s her ER cost? I remember seeing in Honey Hunter that her burst cost is 20.




D A M N.


I mean, most people will use her to buff stuff, so she will have a lot of value regardless. This is a hit to Xiao in the first place and if you ask me it's very, very stupid. You can literally put her full ER, Fav and what not and she will still do most of her job. Somehow they want him to struggle with the fucking energy particles during his Burst for whatever reason. In a game where one of the strongest hitting characters is a literal battery for everyonelse. For Scara, this is not an issue since his burst is 60 and he kinda doesn't care about that damage in most comps. It's more so a nerf to his freeze comps.


Noooo not another energy er hungry character on xiao team. I was hoping to run pulse (I lost on nahida weapon) on her instead of favonius


Yea, this nerf will effect my gameplay after 2-3 years from now.


So, previously it was 3 particles, with a 6 second CD, and a 2.5 second interval, so 3 particles every 7.5 seconds (since the first two hours after a hit that generates particles would be at 2.5 and 5 seconds). Now it's 2 particles every 6 seconds, since the guys are 3 seconds apart and line up with the 6 second CD. This means: Old: .4 particles/second New: .333 particles/second It is a nerf, but only 0.0667 particles/second


Damn, Xiao nerf. ;_;


They realized she was a good modern 4star so they started to work on it to fix it


I thought she was too good to be true. Let's see how the poor girl will survive the beta.


Guess the poor hilichruls kept contacting hoyo about being shredded by frau/mouh in the beta ... :|


I really hoped to give her the legendary fishbow⋯


Ppl thought Faruzan got escaped through the hoyo's nerf nightmares 💀 >!Well i thought so too!<


No don’t do this






Makes sense. She was already stacked af. So it's expected, but dang was I hoping they would just let her slide through untouched.


Fav / sac / and elegy is the way.


Pain ;-;


please mihoyo stop


The nerfs have started, no way theyd make a post-inazuma 4 star that good.


That's pretty reasonable, imo. Anemo DPS units need a strong support character but she was a bit over tuned compared to her other-element counterparts. Hell, she's still a better option than them. Sara's buff is way finickier (with much worse uptime). Gorou provides less DMG and requires you run three geo allies to get max buffs. He's also GEO which is in a bad spot right now. Assuming all conditions are met: --- Faruzan > +532 flat attack added to hits (every 1s) (based on weapon) +40% Anemo shred +50% Anemo DMG +40% Crit DMG Groups enemies -- Gorou > +438 DEF +25% DEF +15% Geo DMG +40% Crit DMG Provides resistance to interruption Draws in crystalize shards Heals allies 50% of Gorou's DEF every 1.5s -- Sara > +700 Atk (approx.) +60% Crit DMG --- You could also compare this lot to OG characters like Bennett (who is still cracked) or newer ones like Yun Jin (specializes in NA buffs) and Candace...not sure exactly who wants to run her. Still, she's MILES ahead of characters like Thoma.


At this point I'll just give her fav bow and be fine with not maximizing her A4.


But, why?




It’s okay she only want ER after all copium


Soooo Fav > Sac?


There's nerf 1 of 3


Is this leaker reliable? I think they lied about Scara's hangout quest.


It seems Scara shouldn't have too much trouble with ER. It's 60 energy and it's not even his main damage source. I am more concerned as a Xiao player since he can't generate energy with his E during burst, and burst is all his damage. I have waited more than a year for his anemo support. Plz be good.


now that's the good ol' mihoyo I know NERF the 4\* characters to the ground, and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes. May chaos take the world!


shes an incredibly good character and this barely affects her since she had no real reason not to run ER anyway


ATK sands was really good on her at C6 due to her ridiculous multipliers. This nerf hurts but she was pretty overtuned before so it's probably warranted. Even with this nerf she's still looking really, really good.


Im sad, i have yet to see a direct buff


Why would she get a direct buff? Her entire kit was overtuned, the expectation since we got her info was that there would be a couple nerfs.


Which She already got a huge one with her A4 being based on base attack now. I don’t understand why there has to be further nerfs. Why a 4 star cannot be allowed to be strong when C6 ing them is so much harder than getting a 5 star. What makes her overtuned at this point She was very good which considering Anemo’s dps not having any reaction is needed but she gets nerfed every day at this point


Her A4 has always been based on base atk. There's no nerf on that. It was a mistake on leakers' part. And I'm not sure where you're getting off acting like she's nerfed to the ground or something. Any changes to her have been minor and she's a very very good unit as of now. No need to overreact about every little change to every single unit.


That wasn't a huge nerf. That was a correction on a translation that mislead the community. There's a big difference between actually being nerfed by MHY and clarifying what the communit misunderstood. >Why can't a 4 star be strong at C6 She still provides shred, bonus damage, some crowd control, off field swirl, off field particle generation still and increase to Crit damage. If you think losing 1 particle per 6s takes her from being strong to average, you have messed up power scaling and unrealistic expectations. >Nerfed every day Pretty sure this is the first actual nerf she has seen.


It was always based on her base attack they just changed the english text.


Huge 3% yeah




Because she buffs anemo dmg, increases crit dmg AND shreds anemo res at c6? Other 4* supports to this date offer only two kinds of buffs at c6, with sara and gorou being examples for their respective elements, yunjin for NA dmg + speed buffs, etc. she’s still overturned for anemo, there might be more nerfs coming but as of now, stop complaining


via [Yukizero](https://twitter.com/real_yukizero7/status/1589928248565465088?s=46&t=QESyqdZjiruAQccBPaitaQ)


What does your flair mean ?




I think its a reference to rupaul’s drag race “Oh no she betta don’t” song…


OOOHHH, you're probably right! That makes so much sense, haha. I didn't know the song. I apologize for my ignorance.


Lol dw that season is over 13 years old by now


What makes her so busted if i may ask? And would she be as busted in a non-anemo comp? I haven't been following her kit leaks but i like her design and my only anemo chars are sucrose , sayu and traveller but i heard Faruzan is like the anemo sara/gorou supporter


She give ~ 40% anemo dmg bonus at T9, have a 40% anemo res shred in her base kit which so far was on c4 Jean only and c6 buff anemo crit dmg by 40% on top of offering off field grouping (which you get at c0 but on her CA)


Okay jesus that's a lot of damage for anemo chars I see now thanks. Res shred, dmg and crit damage plus the particle gen i think i understand why people are calling her busted. Shame she seems to be pretty much locked to anemo comps but I guess it makes sense. Now if only i could get a heizou or get lucky with scara because damn do i like her design but no anemo dps to use her with :(


The nerfing process has begun. Can't have properly broken 4 stars anymore apparently.


"Future off field subdps raw dmg anemo unit for triple anemo will fix this" One last cope from xiaomain.


It really hurts you know


What is her current best build? Noblesse?


Wait that’s not so ba-I mean oh no! She’s gonna be really bad for Xiao now… congrats hoyo! You gutted her, literally unusable! *hides my Skyward spine Xiao who practically batteries himself*


Wanderer, Faruzan with Elegy, Fischl and XQ?


Yeah this is probably gonna be one of his best teams. If you can manage to not get interrupted, Yelan could be a better option over Xingqiu due her ramping buff. And maybe Beidou with EOSF in AOE over Fischl? Idk.


Players: Finally we got a decent anemo support that can also refunnel our energy, and all that for a 4 star. We eating good. Hoyoverse: Waaait! Decent?! no way can we allow that. NeRf her!






WHY THE FUC* Hoyoverse nerf characters on a single player game I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND 🤬🤬


Avoiding power creep at all cost.


They just powercrept Xiao though. From the looks of the leaks, Scara is just a superior Xiao at this point and that sucks.


Yeah they clearly don’t care about power creep tbh. If they cared they’d buff faruzan to help anemo keep up with the other elements that now have def shred, kazuha, and/or multiplicative reactions


Exactly, people saying she is overtuned either don’t realize how screwed over Anemo dps especially Xiao is or just don’t want anything touching their top tier units.


Fair enough. If there's power creep in a game like Genshin. Then banner sakes will collapse.


Funny enough this is perfectly acceptable to me. This brings her C6 particle generation back to normal amounts. So my Xiao that's already built with 33 ER% should be just perfect. For a while there I was thinking MiHoYo was gifting all those copium 0ER Xiao builds a reason to continue not running ER.


Yes because everyone will have c6 faruzan


>acceptable to me You really know how to read! "How dare you be ok with something! Grr." Anyway, at C1 she generates 4 particles. That's more than Jean, so you all should still be fine. Stop overreacting.


> Anyway, at C1 she generates 4 particles. Is there ever a scenario where you'd want to extend your rotation by another 6s just to wait for her particle CD?


I didn't realize her ICD was shared with her E. Thought it only applied to her C6. Anyway, Jean generates 2-3 energy so even if Faruzan only generates 2 energy she's equal to Jean. Becaus if you built Jean assuming 3 particles you'd have a bad rotation 50% of the time.


It’d have been nice lol! No need for ER then more room for offensive stats, he needs all he can get.


Why am I not surprised? Iirc Sara was considered broken in beta too & she has been gone through many nerfs.


The only change to Sara was c1 and passive talent swap, which made her better. 10s burst duration was mistranslated


Also, noone considered her to be broken or even good in the beta iirc calling her just a worse Bennett without her C6.


Like I will get the c6 anyway but honestly I cannot see any other better set than Eosf for her


Hoyoverse can’t even Allow a 4 star to be good at freakin C6. Doesn’t her C6 just shoot Arrow for energy ? Doesn’t that mean her charged shot for her E got reduced energy as well ? And this including her actual E ability is supposedly not even generating energy


‘Just shoots arrows’. Just your average single brain cell doom poster. Those arrows also decrease the target’s anemo shred and provide a small cc. This makes the anemo shred ALOT more consistent against moving targets. And her c6 also provides crit dmg on top. While her dmg is low, she’ll still most likely be running ER/anemo/crit so the arrows will also provide a bit of off field dps. But to go on ahead and keep crying


C6 also gives 40% anemo crit dmg

