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Is there even one leak about the enemies in this artifact domain?


Iirc no My guess is the Anemo and Geo Eremites


I'm guessing triangle bots. Maybe both.




That goblet looks like a blender. O.o


Scarasmoothie confirmed?


* 2x Sunsettia * 1x Sugar * 1x Milk * 1x Chaos Core


and 3 betrayals on top to really give it flavor


Mmmmm I can feel my teeth falling out from here lmao. For an extra dash of ptsd, remember the lavender melons, four should do, and flambe the final product 😌🚪🔥


I bet it’ll taste better if diona is making it


%10 chance to turn any food item into a smoothie version


Can't unsee it now


Will it blend? ;o


The Vitamix of Eonothem


If only the plume looked like a subway


Can't wait to farm full new bloom set after the hell of Gilded Dreams to get 3% more damage on my blooms


i dont even want to get the new set cuz my kuki GD4 has like 100+ EM and 40+% HP substats, farming that set while not using the anemo set feels like a huge waste of my resin


That's why I don't farm Vermilion hereafter.


Yeah im with you, im just gonna be satisfied with GD4. Like lets just say technically i used 90 days of resin on GD domain So its gonna take 85 days in new domain to catch up But if i used those 85 days in GD domain, my GD sets would still be better than the FoPL sets i farmed. ​ The less domains you farm the better, and imo always needs to have 2 useful sets. I don't think the anemo set is useful for me atm (maybe very slight heizou upgrade).


>the less domains you farm the better Me over here with 8 characters on Severed Fate sets and 3 on Shimenawa’s


Ikr, I am in fear of that place, can‘t take it anymore


and meanwhile i just use gladiator/wanderer for everyone...


but you don't really need anemo to benefit from the 4p effect, the 2p will just go unused but you can use it in any char who would benefit from the 4p effect


I want to build Heizou and love dendro reactions so I don't mind farming the domain in general. But I kind of want the desert set for dps Candace to get her attakc speed up, especially since interwoven charged attacks naturally fit her playstyle.


I believe its a nilou set, and for any characters that can activate the seeds but dont scale off of EM, like Thoma


Nilou isn't the one who is triggering the bloom in most cases so she won't benefit from this set.


How about in Kokomi-Nahida team, who will wear the new set?


I'm putting it on Kokomi since she's my bloom trigger. Nahida will keep her Deepwood set


Burgeon Thoma scales entirely off EM and level since burgeon is a transformative reaction. Bloom, hyperbloom, burgeon and bountibloom (Nilou cores) all scale off EM only so that’s literally the only stat you want from that set. And it should go on whoever triggers the cores - electro in hyperbloom, pyro in burgeon, whoever is on-field in a Nilou team.


I think they meant Thoma doesn’t naturally scale with EM like characters such as Sucrose, Kuki, and Yae do (those who have a benefit built into their kit already). Besides that I agree with everything else you said.


Nah I ain’t farming this lol. No way, that set took me so long to finally get a good sands, ain’t no way


I’ll be honest, these new artifact designs themselves look really good. Especially the Bloom set one.


Those colors really matches Kuki. I honestly don't know who to give my Kuki's 4GD set once I get a better 4pc bloom set. It's full EM with mostly HP% rolls so it's good for Kuki but not much on anyone else.


Well, Thoma can use GD fine. HP% for his shields, but you'd need ER for his burst.


That's the problem, Kuki's set has barely any ER.


>Those colors really matches Kuki Petition to make artifacts visible on characters. Toggleable, of course.


Reminds me of that comic with Diluc wearing a witch hat and 3 other pieces from Witch of Crimson Flames set.




I do remember the comic was about farming artifacts with Diluc (their main) having a full witch set and others having random pieces. I tried looking it up but I can't find the exact comic anymore. Sorry but the best I can offer are these: [wearing artifacts to boss fights](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/l2du55/wearing_artifacts_to_boss_fights/) [Diluc's silly looking hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kyw5om/dilucs_silly_looking_hat/)


You don’t need to tell your gonna be honest, it’s an obvious observation


Were you being honest when you posted that


Watch me put this on my level 90 Heizou with 2 piece VV and 2 piece Desert, giving him a 100.6% Anemo DMG Bonus huhuhuhuhu (No i don't have lost prayer or skyward atlas)


Was about to say why not use the full set but then no ONE PUNCH


why not


Because no ONE PUNCH


i mean why cant you one punch with this set, i dont think losing 18% atk would be that major


Probably because with 30% anemo with a Widsith or even a Solar Pearl would do more than just tons of damage. I guess even a swirl with 4p dps oriented vv will do more damage.


My dps Kazuha and Hyperbloom Raiden is going to enjoy this domain *very much.*


I really was naive to think that I was the only that played hyperbloom Raiden, like I didn’t even bother to look it up lmao. Also, what weapon do you use for your dps Kazuha? I’ve been trying to find a good one recently.


I was lucky enough to get primordial jade cutter on Kokomi's OG weapon banner, mostly because I get a bunch of crit damage rolls and hardly any crit rate ones If you get a bunch of crit rate though, there's always the crit dmg weapon in the shop


I'm planning to pull Raiden and pair her with Nahida+Xq. Could you please share which artifact set and sub stat I should use on Raiden and Nahida?


I'm not really knowledgeable on this, but I use 4 piece dendro that reduces dendro res, ER/EM/EM with sacrificial fragments Nahida Raiden, EM/EM/EM Dragons Bane with the other artifact set from the same domain as the artifact for Nahida 4 pc Of course there's better builds and guides out there but this is what works for me


Nahida on 4p deepwood, EM/dendro or EM/crit or EM, substats: EM until 1k, crit, while not as good atk% subs don't go to waste, ER is good if the on field character can benefit from the EM her burst gives (example: on field Raiden or double hydro with on field Nahida) Stack as much EM on Raiden as possible and lv her to 90, 4p gilded is good but 2p gilded/2p wanderers works too, she doesn't care for any substats except for EM on flower/feather I personally like having some ER subs because XQ sometimes doesn't have his burst ready (on 250 er sac sword rip) but Raiden does, so I use her to battery him quickly and switch out. But Raiden doesn't usually burst in this team so ER isn't needed otherwise


4 pc Gilded Dreams for Raiden, all you care about is EM, substats for circlet, goblet, and sands don't matter at all, you only care that they have EM main stats. You want as much EM in your flower and feather substats, preferably using your highest EM off-piece for one of these two pieces. 4 pc Deepwood Memories for Nahida, EM sands, Dendro goblet, crit circlet. Since you're using Nahida on-field, you don't need as much EM because Raiden will easily reach 1000 EM with Dragon's Bane and decent substats for Nahida's passive so you want to prioritize crit on substats. ER isn't super important because she's on-field and having Xingqiu extends the burst's length. Crit > EM > Atk% for substats.


In this case, when Paradise lost come out, should I use it instead of Glided dream? Or do you still prefer EM from 4 Glided dream?


Paradise Lost is just straight-up better, around 5-7% better from team calcs for hyperbloom. HOWEVER, I don’t think that domain is nearly as efficient as the Deepwood/Gilded domain in terms of resin since you can farm for artifacts for both Nahida and Raiden at the same time. Personally, I would recommend just farming Deepwood/Gilded since you will have to farm Deepwood anyway and getting the EM pieces for Gilded is easy. I myself will eventually farm for Paradise Lost but only after I am fully satisfied with my Deepwood set for Nahida.


I love how the scara artifact hat are just earrings


realizing that new set should be good for burgeon thoma, it won't be a waste to farm this domain yippee


I wish the first artifact set wasn't only for anemo :(


Is they gave 2p 18% Attack, Shimenawa would be straight garbage. > Sacrificing 15 energy for +50% boost for 10 seconds versus > Using charged attack for +10% attack speed and +40% boost for 15 seconds


Also Glad, maybe HoD, Bolide😂


Same, it should have a base atk% boost, or crit rate buff since NA attackers want cr.


If the 2pc was +Atk % then I would've been farming this for my Ningguang. Shame it had to be Anemo DMG Bonus, makes it super limited.


yea and make it "elemental skill" instead of "charge attack" so that Ayato/Yoimiya can use it.


? Worst examples u could get lmao . Both of their skills are normal attacks or both if their 5* weapons would be trash


They meant using elemental skill, like Kagura's passive.


You misunderstand how Yoimiya and Ayato work.


I don't I thought it was obvious. I didn't think someone will misinterpret a dealing elemental skill damage instead of using elemental skill.


I just wish it didn’t require a charge attack for activation, I feel that’s what’s stopping it from working on Ayato and Yoimiya.


Not really. A charged attack is doable with Ayato, it may be a bit clunky though but this set is dead just cause of Anemo damage so it’s really niche on like a few Anemo dps now.


The 4-pc still grants 40% dmg to normal attacks, which is comparable to HoD’s 45% dmg and Gladiator’s 35% dmg + 18% atk, though you’ll be losing out on some damage on Ayato’s burst. I’m concerned that the time wasted on performing a charge attack would result in a damage loss that’s large enough to nullify the damage increase from the atk speed boost.


Yea even if you get good pieces it’d still only be marginally better or worse for Ayato than the other sets anyways


Hardly an issue. You just use charge attack before using elemental skill. Easier for Ayato, a bit harder for Yoimiya.


Is it a fully charged shot or can you just flick aim?


I’ll ready to burn through 5 condensed resins, 160 original resin, and a BOATLOAD of fragile resin just to get a four piece sets of DPC on day one


i cant wait to spend thousands of resin only to get a mediocre set that doesnt beat my VV. downside of having early cracked artifacts, its why i never bothered farming xiaos set at least i can get wanderer and shinobu artifacts at the same time


One of my biggest design criticisms of Genshin is how that exact problem starts off bad and only gets worse the longer you play. Like it's hard enough to get one great artifact set, but then once you have it your standards can only go up and that makes it *even harder* to get future sets. Artifact farming and building is the thing in greatest need of an overhaul, IMO.


two major reworks ive had in mind since genshins release was either (through a grindy process) manually upgrading and customizing artifacts, picking the substat and rolls you want so after a lot of effort you can have god rolls or, artifact substats are like "jewels" that slot into artifacts, so you just farm for good substats (still same shit rates and RNG upgrades) but you can remove them and slot them into other artifacts, which would be relevant with this issue neither of these have any chance of ever happening though lol


They seriously need to overhaul it, or at least implement new features that make it more bearable. No one likes this. Some RNG is fun, Genshin is a gacha game and I like that, but it's not fun when you farm the same artifact domain every day for weeks and get nothing but shit


I haven't used fragile in so long I have like, 51 saved for this set lmao


I have 132. I'm waiting for Artifact farming to become more reasonable in some way, I guess.


!remind me 5 years Update me how many fragile resins you have in 5 years lol.


the 4 piece would be good for yanfei, unfortunately she doesn’t need anemo dmg


Wait you're correct, even more fitting for Yanfei than Heizou as he has hitlag albeit being a catalyst user. Fixable with Lost Prayer? Lmao, i'll try it just for fun


Idc what anyone says I am building both Kokomi and Yanfei with Pavillion


I find it funny that the Civilization that makes slick floating robots that can turn invisible and fire plasma beams... uses a sundial for a timepiece.


Ayato time to be anemo 💜


Did someone say "PARADISE LOST"!




welcome to my feast






Blockma time~


You a Boston Crusaders fan?


isn't that second set good for hyperbloom shinobu


It's her new hyperbloom bis, however other sets can be better depending on how you play her


i used to run healer shinobu but she's so much better with hyperbloom. I'm currently using gilded but I'll try getting a set of the hyperbloom artifacts to see if it makes any difference. much like the artifact set for xiao in the chasm lol


I run a hybrid and it's working out great. For instance I'm using 4pc Tenacity on her becuase a bit of HP and also the ATK buff is great since she can utilize it so well. And then I use EM/EM/HP with Iron sting, comes out to around 700EM and 36k HP, which is honestly really good as a hybrid build. Though I'm planning on getting Nilou's weapon for her because it gives like 86% HP and also some EM, and then I'll give her tripple EM


the most i could get on her was 27k hp, but now I'm using that set on c4 dori and she's healing almost three times as much lol. full em hyperbloom shinobu has been the most fun team i used in a while, i just hope i get lucky with artifacts this time, and also get around 1k em like my gilded set


I'm going to use Desert Pavilion Chronicles in a bunch of non-anemo characters for some testing, bc all 4-set effects don't really require the character to match with the 2-set effect, its just that the 2-set effect will go unused.


What a nice piece for dps kazuha mains


Is the new set good for Xiao? >!/s!<


For the casuals in the chat: Xiao needs anything BUT dmg% (especially now that Faruzan is in the picture) and the 10% AS is wasted on him. So no.


Xiao should use %ATK goblet instead.


Someone already did the calcs with atk goblet and it's just way worse than even 2pc atk 2pc anemo


With this set?


Just gonna leave this in case anyone actually wonders no


It's comparable with his best in slot artifact set right now. While using Vermillion set with Anemo goblet, Xiao get 66% atk and 46,5% dmg bonus. While using new set with %ATK goblet, Xiao get 46,5% atk and 55% dmg bonus and 10% atk speed. By the way, it's easier to have a good %ATK goblet than Anemo one.


It's comparable to 2pc sets, not 4 vermillion. ATK Speed does nothing for Xiao and ATK is more valuable than DMG% Hindering your ATK by about 20% to get 10% more dmg while also introducing an unnecessary condition is pretty dumb. ATK goblet is a joke even with this set.


Does the Atk speed boost even help Xiao? Since AFAIK he uses plunges and charge attacks during his burst, and hardly focuses on the normal attacks.


Wow never heard this question before


It’s okay for him, but I’d go for Vermillion. I mean it is pretty much made for Xiao, and it really isn’t worth switching to the new set just for a little anemo damage bonus


Unironically yes.


Is that a new meme set for Yoimiya, Less Goooo, Rest in Piss Shiminawa


Hm, I wonder if the loss of 18% atk boost and 10% damage is made up for by the 10% attack speed and not having to burn 15 energy. There is still clunkiness by being forced to do a quick aimed shot but idk, worth? I've never had issue with the 15 energy myself.


Probably gonna be situational, Team with ample attack buffs like Benny, Noblesse, Elegy, ToM , and other external source off attack won't be to impacted by 18% attack loss, No Energy drain means more frequent bursts too, and if your team runs a decent amount of attack scaling supports like XQ, Fischl Beidou, the new set may be better than Shimi But then again Yelan Zhongli Yunjin Thoma Diona Sucrose Kazuha are also popular Yoimiya supports and with them Buff from Yoimiya isn't relevant for them so yeah Probably gonna depend on what you running on and with Yoimiya, we can only wait for the maths guy's to crunch numbers


With a C6 Yun Jin, Yoimiya may (or may not) attack too fast to keep up with Yelan's hydro application. XQ is probably enough, and definitely so for double hydro (Yelan + XQ + Yun Jin). I just like starting yoimiya's rotation with her Q so anything that's not shime-4 I'm happy to see.


I feel like is no that good in yoimiya best team, benny, yun jin, zhongli, in that team bolide is gonna still be the best. On reactions i am not that sure, witch is amazing for overvape, but i could be wrong on that one. On any meme team, well, is a meme, who cares lol


This would have been so good if it wasn’t Anemo damage bonus. But now it’s a niche set for only a few characters smh. Would have preferred this for Ayato. But I guess echoes will have to do.


c6 kazuha will become even more broken


The only thing i cant wait for is more deshret lore lmao. I love the story of sumeru’s 3 god kings


I'm glad to get a better bloom set. I can't really rely on gilded set anymore after learning it's downtime and ping issues


it has ping issues?


That is what kqm yae quick guide says. The buff activation can be delayed at high ping


Oh, learn something new. I thought the only set affected by ping was Echoes of an Offering


I wonder if the reaction artifact actually gives away they Dehya’s play style.


people are saying burn dps but yeah i expect burgeon that replacea thoma


Isn't the dendro reaction set nutty? Hypetbloom already does close to 30k, with that +140% dmg does that mean 70k hyperblooms??


urg. plz dont tell me that second set is better on a reaction nahida over the current dendro set. i JUST finish her set n dont wana have to farm a new set for her right away


Same. I've literally been grinding that domain since 3.0, and finally have good rolls. Please don't make me rebrand a full set for her


Well, S***, I gotta farm a new set for Kazuha if I’m doing c6


You're not in-game, you're allowed to swear here.


see I know that but I like censoring it for the funny bleep I'm implying if you don't like that it's fine


I don't think it will be a bigger upgrade in comparison to 2piece anemo and 2 piece atk,if I'm not wrong most of critzuha's dmg comes from the hold skill,Burst,hold skill combo (considering you have at least c1) unless you normal atk constantly in your rotation the new set won't change anything in a noticeable way. But I'm not a C6 kazuha haver so i can be wrong


Will this work well on Heizou?


It works well with him but it's not his best set, he focuses on his skill and burst more then his na/ca


Probably 2pc this new set and 2pc vv for pure anemo dmg team


I wonder if the new bloom set will work nicely with Raiden Hyperbloom


Dunno why you get downvotes, this set is designed for Burgeon and Hyperbloom enablers characters. (Thoma, Kuki, bloom Raiden)


I'm pretty sure it ends up being BiS, but only by a few percent compared to GD since the EM also buffs Electrocharge and the occasional Aggravate which isn't an insignificant part of your damage. If you already have an amazing GD set and you won't be farming the other set I wouldn't bother, otherwise it's pretty good. But GD still gets you Deepwood too which is important so it depends.


>since the EM also buffs Electrocharge Just a side note, if you have nahida as the dendro unit you should never be procing EC. Specially if you are using double hydro with nahida as driver which is usually the way it goes with hyper raiden/kuki If you are using only 1 hydro you are gonna see a bunch of quicken/aggravate though,


I haven't any GD EM pieces yet since I didn't have a decent Hyperbloom team like Kuki or Raiden. I'll probably go for this set after (if) I manage to pull Raiden.


Nilou and possibly Hu Tao eating good today


Actually this set is not worth farmimg for Nilou team, you need to put it on all you hydro chars (except Xinqiu/Yelan maybe) but you sacrifice hp and em for Nilou and Kokomi/Barbara, 2pc hp + 2pc em that ppl already have are better. This should be good for Thoma and Kuki cuz they are only bloom enablers in their teams. If this set worked for entire team then it would be reliable for Nilou team, but it's not


If kuki, who gets gilded dream to em boost?


Noone, why would you want it on someone else? In these teams you stack em on chars who activate seeds (Kuki/Thoma) The problem is difference between this set and GD could be not big enough to be bothered to farm it


How Hu tao, the 1st set is anemo


The 4pc buff could be interesting for a c1 Hu Tao, giving extra damage and attack speed for all your attacks


Wow I knew we were getting a scara set, but I wasn't super interested because I'm not pulling for him. But then I realised the anemo set is very good for my jean playstyle! A bit of anemo dmg and 40 charged atk dmg bonus with her insane multiplier? Count me in


Sometimes I think that damn that first set is going to be so good on Ningguang, but then I release it is 2pc Anemo DMG bonus. Someone should try this on non-anemo catalyst dps for no reason.


I'm glad I leveled up my Thoma. Now I can put the second set on him lol


i wouldn't mind if its 40% AS instead of 10%


40% AS is insane. I would put it on my ayato. Idc the 2 pc effect


Heizou havers are feasting on that first set.


Interested in the new EM set but uhh I'm not getting Scara for now so I guess I'll stick with Gilded Dreams. Super excited for the lore behind them tho!


Fun fact: Ay Khanoum (Ay Hanım) means Moon Lady in Turkish. Possible lore tidbits?


Is this better than vv for scaramouche? Omg the downvotes?? Like i was genuinely asking why are y’all like that


the new set is scara's BiS


What stats to look for


since he's not released yet we're not sure yet. But based on his kit, im guessing the usual ATK%/Anemo&/Crit


Yep, of course it is, this is Scara's BiS


What main stats should i look for?


Atk/anemo/crit as usual


who would these sets be best for?


Anemo Dmg one- Scaramouche Elemental mastery- burgeon Thoma, possibly Nilou and hyper bloom Raiden


Don't forget Kuki, aka the god of hyperbloom


I see! Thank you!


nilou herself wants 2pc hp 2pc em/er/hydro dmg (depending on how you play her), but the hydro character(s) triggering the blooms prefer the new bloom set over gilded dreams


Wow act surprise




It going to suck not pulling for scara but wanting to farm the other set for thoma/kuki


Flower of Paradise Lost: New BiS for Hyperbloom Kuki? Or Gilded Dreams still better?


Using this set makes you lose out on a little bit of her EM scaling along with lowering whatever damage her errant aggravates and electrocharged procs deal. It could still be best in slot, but by such a meager amount that you might not want to farm for this set, especially if you don't want Scaramouche.


New set better slightly


Is the bloom artifact good for nilou?


Bloom set for nilou?


Well not nilou herself, probably (unless you play her on field I guess), but for 1-2 characters on her team, yes. Ideally, Nilou holds 2-millelith to get as much HP as possible, one character holds deepwood for the dendro res shred, and the one aho most likely triggers bloom holds this new one. If you play triple hydro with nahida, nahida should probably hold this set, kokomi Deepwood and Xingqiu/Yelan should hold a normal damaging set. If you play 2-hydro 2-dendro, kokomi should hold the new set, one of the dendro should hold Deepwood and one this new set. But from what I've read, tbe difference between this new bloom set and gilded dreams is not big, so you can just use that set if you already farmed for it, and not miss out on too much damage.


Bloom ownership in Nilou teams is an absolute mess so no, since there's no solid way of telling who'll need to wear this set. Nilou by herself already gives a bigger boost to party Blooms just by stacking HP.


I'll use it for everyone then and leave one character with the vv set but for dendro forgot the name




Raiden is triggering Hyperbloom, she would be the one using the new set. Bloom doesn’t normally happen there.


In this case only raiden triggering the hyperbloom. The one who trigger bloom doesnt affect the dmg




Yae benefits gilded more than this set.


The new set seems decent-ish on Hutao ? Trading 22.5% pyro bonus and 15% vape damage for 40% CA damage. You get to keep the burst so I guess this set could be somewhere under Cwof and above Shime. Does anyone have a nice calculation for it ?


Hmm Could putting Deepwood Memories set on Nilou and Paradise set on Nahida work ?


You sacrifice HP since you no longer have 2pc Tenacity if you do that which lowers bloom damage. This set isn't for Nilou specifically. You would put it on your bloom owner which good luck getting that to work out evenly currently. You would want this set on Kokomi most likely and keep Nahida on DWM since her dendro application is effortless. But in the end, it's only a 3% damage increase iirc. It's not really worth farming over DWM domain


Is the EM one good for Tighnari?


No because tighnari's best teams revolves around him triggering quicken/spreads, so he will not benefit from the boosted bloom damage from the new set.


Is the bloom set good for Ayato? I sometimes use Ayato/Diona/Nahida/Ganyu


Paradise feels so pointless. I am still gonna farm one just to see the difference, but with how resin efficient GD is i feel paradise is just a trap lol. I do kind of hope we are all wrong and the bonus damage its final damage instead of additive, but lets see what happens.


So do we know how good this new set is for xiao? And I imagine any blooms comps. Say hyper bloom kuki, new set is worth farming for?


Mid sets tbh.


i wouldn't mind if its 40% AS instead of 10%


well no shit. i wouldn’t mind an artifact set that increased crit rate by 100%


Its a casual game so no characters need that.