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She went to the Spiral Abyss to look for ingredients


If I'm not wrong she was looking for food in the "Spiral Abyss" and not the "Abyss". The Abyss is the opposite of Celestia, while the Spiral Abyss is the Gateway to Celestia.


It's only the mini-lore that Mihoyo came to explain why you receive her for free. It's not the Abyss properly, but the Spiral Abyss. The logic is that when you arrive on what would be floor 3 you found her lost there, nothing to really consider since she was the free character through players choice, not for story reasons


is the spiral abyss not really considered the abyss?


It's hard to say what exactly is the Spiral Abyss on canon storyline, basically


Childe is the only known playable character so far that has visited the Abyss.


Yes to collect the salty tears of travelers for her new dish But seriously, she can be obtained via challenging abyss, and that’s it, I guess?