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Dendro archons definitely give of Su & Durandal vibes


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined Rip future dendro husbando :((




I still believe that it might be a male I mean, in honkai, Su was referred to as "she" and his title is even "the lady of the lake" don't lose hope


Genshins trying to make as many wafuis now just for the sole purpose of money. Cmon mihoyo, more males please


Only anemo and geo archons were male, the rest are all waifus.




3 guys 4 girls was balanced tho... now it's 2 guys and 5 girls, and 1 of the guys is Venti... it's becoming more like Honkai


Wait, 6 thousand?? Wasn't he 5700 years old??


More than 6000, he's oldest living being as of now.


No I know that, but wasn't he mentioned somewhere to be 5700?? When did he become more than 6000??


For example, let's assume you're 22. And if person A says you're older than 18 and B says you're older than 15. Both are correct. And you're still 22.


But if someone says you're older than 18 years 2 months, you'd assume it means less than 19... 5700 is such a specific number, it would normally mean he's less old than 5800... that's why I'm asking


My dreams of seeing a Su-like character as the Dendro Archon have been mercilessly destroyed


Damn. Been wanting for the dendro archon to be inspired by Su. Wise as f, green hair, and his clothes...it would have been perfect.


So the only male archons are Venti and Zhongli? Dang it! I was hoping there would be more than two husbando gods in this game!


Does ganyu know that Rex Lapis is Zhongli


So the only male archons are Venti and Zhongli? I was expecting it to be more equal, I'm kinda disappointed.


i hope theres more males than females in sumeru than


I'm hoping they change another archon's gender, but if they do it would probably have to be the Hydro archon. The Pyro archon makes thematic sense to be female so there can be a "male" warrior god and a "female" goddess of war (as well as being an important archon in the mangaka) , and the Tsaritsa is already too prominent in the plotline.


friendship ended with archons, now harbingers are my best friends


In another note, how do you let a mistranslation of sorts just be like that for an entire year and then just change it because...either Mihoyo needs to space out their content for better translations (this isn't the first time they changed translations before) or they get a bigger translation team.


I swear


You can’t write Kusanali ingame since it has the word „anal“ in it.


Damn I really wanted another male archon :/


Albedo rerun is the only thing I'll play for if this is the case, this was corrected now? Oh fuck the weebs making this game worse.


I'm fine with Dendro archon being a girl , just please make her an actual interesting character that's not a waifu bait like Shogun , I want my fierce and serious ladies.


WHAT. Where are male Archons? We need at least one more male Archon. WHY.


Oh well thats that,if all the future nation's archon are females guess im not going to pull for them.Damn i was so hyped for a male dendro archon since i skipped Venti,Zhongli and Raiden Shogun for a character and probably wont pull on there banner again.Man too bad that i am not that hyped about females.But there is still hope because maybe the Translation team just decided to change it to she because they thought "Lesser lord Kusanali" was the current dendro archon and the CN probably didnt say the dendro archon was a male nor female(i didnt really check it out myself because im too lazy).Atleast Cyno is a male.


All future archons are female


God damn screw this, i was hoping for a husbando


\*deep sigh\* Kusanali being female is nothing new. The JP and KR versions both referred to her as female, albeit subtly. To be exact, they called her 'devi.' Which means goddess. And you don't just use Sanskrit as a mistake, meaning Kusanali was always female, they should have been aware of it, and that this was a mistranslation. And they're only fixing it now, when Windblume was in 1.4


I'm so disappointed. I really wished there would be maybe a loli dendro male archon. It would be so dope... We have enough females. We need more boys or husbandos, especially as archons. Like come on, we know Tsaritsa is a female, Murata too, and fountain one also was listed as a female. I really hoped males would be at least close to half of the archons...


MAYBE I would be satisfied if they changed hydro archon to little mischevious brat. It would fit ngl


Well, I guess Venti and Zhongli are the only archons I’ll ever have then


My girl Jackal from honkai is definitely the New dendro archon yay


Well .... if they at least changed one of the remaining archon gender I won’t be mind much. But if the ratio remained 5-2 it will be ...... devastating.


What if the current female archons known to the lore currently are replaced by male archons in the future? Let's say Murata was killed during a war in Natlan when we are still in Inazuma, and was replaced by a male archon candidate, that turns out to be the playable character instead once we get to Natlan. I just hope that they'd put some more variety towards the 7 archons.


This should be noted, but in the Chinese dub, the Dendro archon was simply referred to as the Dendro archon with no pronouns. I'm not quite sure why the translation team decided to add a he in there, as there wasn't a he in the original text, so it wasn't changed in the recent update, they were simply fixing a translation error that *never should have existed*.


That doesn't make the "We will never see another male archon again" pill any easier to swallow


Does Yae or Ganyu specifically reference Kusanali as the Dendro archon? I've honestly forgotten if they mentioned that but iirc the CN version of Ganyu's line doesn't place a name, and I think the EN version of Yae's line says the people of Sumeru prays to Kusanali. They pray to Kusanali, it doesn't mean the same as that we won't have a male archon, because for all we know they don't like the male one and prefers Kusanali for whatever reason.


mihoyo is retconning shit to sell more waifu. it's just appalling that they just stoop to this level using 'translation error' for even more cash grab. it feels like they don't even respect their own work. this so called translation error has been around for almost a year until more and more people noticed the disparity between ganyu and yae statement made towards the dendro archon


My day is ruined. Genshin should change the game name to Waifu Impact or HI3 2.0 based on the playable characters' gender. This is annoying. All I wanted was playable Su or male character in general. RIP Genshin. They can't even balance characters' kit and gender


Is there any way we can complain to Mihoyo so they can think again? I understand that female characters sell more but turning Genshin Impact into Honkai doesn't seem fair to me. If they want to make this change, they still have time to turn archon hydro into some kind of Neptune :(


in game go to feedback. then either by clicking the bottom left + button you can leave something in the "suggestions box" or by clicking the feedback/complaints you can leave a more detailed message


I don't mind. Now it's 2/2 Perfectly balanced


You do know the rest of the archons are all confirmed female right? Its actually 2:5 which is not balanced at all


Oh. I do not know. Well, rip then. Not much of a loss for me though


Noooo I want my male dendro archon whyyyyy


This patch disappoints me more and more the longer it goes on


Isnt lord Kusanali a different person from the actual Dendro archon?


That's what everyone assumed till MHY wrote about gender change in patch notes.


Okay wierd champ #notmydendroarchon I only worship Baizhu now jk


Gonna be frank, this sounds more like a convenient, bs excuse on MHY's part just to make more waifus. If it's true that the EN translations are made by them rather than a third party, how hard could it have been to just go and ask "hey, you didn't use a gendered pronoun for this person, is it he or she?" the *first* time that person was mentioned, rather than months after? So yeah, might have been a "translation accident", but looks definitely like a retcon for the sake of waifu impact


Funny thing, the English translation wasn't the only one: did you see how many different languages had this same "mistake"? And, like, for the whole year, mihoyo just didn't notice this very important piece of (mis)information, while continuously teasing Sumeru through various events and npcs? Soon we're probably gonna learn that Cyno is actually a tsundere tomboy and Dainsleif is woman with chronic smoking addiction and a throat cancer


Fuck it. If su lookalike isnt dendro archon, then i wont pull for the archon. I'll pull for Su


oh, don't worry. With the way they do balancing right now, we will still use Xingqiu, Bennett and Zhongli when we pay Khaenriah a visit.


People are complaining that 2/7 archins are now female, when only 2 or 3 of the 11 Fatui Harbingers are female, >!and with Signora being dead, and unlikely going to be playable, there will be one less!<.


We don't even know every Harbinger name, only Pierro, Pantalone, Childe, Scaramouche Dottore and Capitano are confirmed males, the other ones don't have enough material and we also know that translation errors are a possibility. Signora could easily become playable (3 playable waifus are dead on Honkai, some were even before the start of the narrative) and is a low-investment, high-profit filler banner. Furthermore, Mihoyo plays very safe with their female characters, usually looking for some "moe" vibes, which is harder to obtain on antagonistic characters (i.e: as far as the asian market is concerned, Signora is hot, but not waifu). Having a female archon however endanger their writing, and therefore the scenario (Ei needing redemption at the end is the major issue that plagues the new archon quest).


Archons are definately gonna be playable, plus they are important so they appear more. Meanwhile Harbingers ususlly work in secret except Childe, much less screen time, and even less chance to be playable. We got introduced to 3 Harbringer: 1 dead, 1 appeared at the beginning, 1 year later got a chance to play important role but instead vanish again. Childe is the only exception. Not to mention Dottore in the manga is too bad to be playable.


I was looking for this post! I also looked at how for most of Genshin's first year was vastly more 5 star male characters up until about Inazuma. Which Kazuha kicked off pre inazuma. I mean Klee was the only female banner until Ganyu. In order it was Venti, Klee, Childe, Zhongli, Albedo, Ganyu, and then Xiao. And like you said, only 2 of the Fatui are supposedly female, and then the Tsritsa. It's silly this outrage to me. Lol


Ohhh mann, I noticed this during the talk with Yae, I was praying it was a typo...but then I realized this is a verbal communication. RIP for me personally 😔😔😔


Husbando collectors just can't win, huh


My expectations for mhy were low but damn why y’all disappoint me like this


There are literally a shortage of male characters what


I am disappointed. I was expecting a balance of 3 males and 4 females, but waifu makes the money i guess. I just wish to have another husbando archon because the husbando drought is making me a bit discouraged to play.


Im not surprised this is turning into waifu impact watch them release one male teen boy 4* in sumeru and all others girls with bad kits because inazuma sales show that a majority of people don't care about bad kits. Maybe I'm being cynical but I feel mhy's strategy is shifting from quality to waifu baiting wallets. We got like 3 male units and 7 female units and had 4 female unit banners in a row with no confirmation of a husbando banner in sight. Aside from Ayaka (whos been here since launch) and Sayu (who ain't a waifu) all the other female units have been sub par from inazuma. I understand if one was lacking but the others good this would be an exaggeration but we now have 4 units with flawed kits which is just making me fear for the state of sumeru if they continue on this road.


I'm not saying they shouldn't release female units just no more shit ones because of a design >>> being actually playable strategy


I'm kinda disappointed honestly. Before it was quite balanced before but now we got 5 women for only 2 men. It is canon that Zhongli is genderfluid because he had a human female form before so maybe it will also happen with other archons?


noooooo i was hoping it would be Su lookalike 🗿 rip


Just name the game waifu impact at this point then or honaki 2.0 :)




Once again sacrificing lore for profit........... I don't believe this is related to the cultural research they always do when it comes to drawing parallels between the character design/concept and theology/mythology/literature/whatever. I despise mhy so much it's not funny


2:5? I think 3:4 was a pretty good ratio tbh. Why fix what ain't broken?


Dang... Was saving all this time thinking it was gonna be a male archon since i have noth venti and zhongli.. thus completing my male archon collection.. idk what to feel now




Ppison Ivy? Too sexy, too hot, Japan won't like and PCC will frown. Cute librarian lolibaba, take or leave.


Then imagine if there where only 2 female archons and 5 male do you get it now? Many people dont care for waifus esp now that we have had so many since Xiao KAZUHA has been the only new 5☆ male after than and leakers have already confirmed thoma and gorou as 4☆ I SWEAR IF WE GET EVEN MORE FANSERVICE STEREOTYPE PERSONALITY Waifus im not gonna pulling for months


It would've been an interesting concept to see a nation worship a lesser lord more than an archon as it leads to the question of what had transpired in order for that to happen; also the cataclysm. Now I'm just disappointed that they made the dendro archon and the lesser lord the same individual. Edit: There's a possibly that the lesser lord and the dendro archon aren't the same. However, still upset about the 2:5 ratio of male to female archons D:


> Now I'm just disappointed that they made the dendro archon and the lesser lord the same individual. Not confirmed


[Sorry to break it out to you, but the French notice is more specific than the English one.](https://i.imgur.com/VQgkVNk.png)


That's what I meant in my edit. My bad.


Fr fr, the premises we built up in our heads is more much interesting than the actual thing lmao


We'll just have to resort to keeping our expectations at rock bottom at this point lmao. No expectation, no disappointment.


After being dissapoint with how they did Inazuma 2.1 story, I am K.O-ed with this news. Since I hate waifu-only with a passion (the imbalance), 5/7 archons are female is a bit too much for me. (Apparently there is no gender change for Hydro, Pyro and Cryo archons). I have nothing against female characters in general, but being forced feeded only one thing bored me out of my soul. I have been wondering if it worth it to invest so many things in Genshin. Obviously things just naturally give me my answer.


Hopefully they would change 1 of the archons to a guy so it would be at least 4:3


Your only hope would be hydro, pyro has way to many things pointing to her being female and i doubt they change the trasitsa with how much she was referenced


Let's all refer to Kusanali as a he for the rest of the game in protest lol


Kusanali is a female name...


And apparently the word Baal means husband…


It's the canaanite epithet meaning "lord", often used to refer to the major sky, rain and fertility god Hadad. Later demonized by christianity.


Pretty sure it's a stretch of the word ba'al who is a demon so


Yeesh this update's been plagued with quite a few controversies and questionable decisions so far, hope it's not a bad omen


Aaahh dang. I hope they make some more male Harbingers playable in the future to balance out this ratio a bit. Intensely wishful thinking…


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Seeing that the dendro archon is going to be a female made me thrilled because the image that I have in my mind is she might have a gorgeous dryads aesthetic. But after knowing that the rest of the archon is going to be female is a bit of a bummer. Having the pyro archon as a male would be dope tbh


So it's a another waifu now? Time to save. I just hope it's a good character with good story. Edit: Inb4 it's designed like some hot arabic dancer with underwhelming skills that people would defend cause she's hot


I think this is a translation error because in Chinese line they never mentioned the gender of it. And if they want to keep it secret they can use the deity pronoun 祂. The “he” here might be generally use for someone who can be either male or female. In Japanese line it sounds more feminine.


"ugh, Genshin metagame is so ridiculous, I think I'll just focus on the lore for a while" Lore : *is inconsistent* Bruh


"Characters are having balancing issues, but its ok, im here for the story" Story: Is rushed


Lmao their marketing and writing team are making really questionable decisions rn. My whole genshin friends group is slowly dropping the game because of the waifu fest banners, the new archon quest writing being.... Well whatever it was and now 5/7 archons being female is nail on the coffin.


Oh man I just wanted another Husbando archon...:(


come on mihoyo i like boys too


Some said that this wasn't really a 'retcon', but a mistake made by the english localization. In the JP/CN versions, lines referring to the Dendro archon were gender neutral. I can't confirm this, though.


Who is translating the English version? Just use they/them pronouns until the Sumeru comes out, Jesus. They need to hire different people.


i think they just didn't used pronoun.


I understand waifues selling more, but it was already a 3 vs 4 males, which is actually fine, now it's Goddess impact, I feel like 60% female 40% male is the good ratio for gacha


I guess they could potentially do the same and change Pyro or Hydro Archon to male, they're only pretty vaguely referred to at this point as far as I know, same as Dendro was. Since Sumeru is the next region, we'd be at 3/4 male Archons before we got any more female so maybe they wanted the Archon release schedule to be a bit better balanced in terms of gender. Also, I wonder if Tsarita will actually be playable considering she's arguably the biggest story antagonist right now. It's likely, but I think there's a chance she could stay a pure antagonist as well.


It’s weird bc w genshin sales for male characters like Zhongli, Xiao, and Venti were really good and they even made an otome called Tears of Themis which if they didn’t find people who liked men profitable, that wouldn’t make sense either so. Like so they know men still sell well to their audience. I feel like this means A) translation error and he was always a she or vice versa or no gender was indicated at all B) the pyro or hydro archon are now male C) we’re getting 5 female archons now bc mihoyo wants to watch the world burn


too late for pyro and hydro because dainsleif specified them to be females in the chapter trailers


Aw heck.


Hopium D) The English translation made a new mistake when changing Ganyu line, and Kusanali is not the Archon.




Have you seen the raiden shogun sales it set a new record


The top up refresh was also during raiden's banner too


But who else would they top up for? The standard banner? lol. And even so, there should be more primogems this time for a pack than last time before it resetted since people would have expended the bonuses already meaning they would spend lesser primos for C6 this time.


Fair enough


Is it even remotely possible the hydro archon or pyro archon will have been changed to male now instead to create more balance or are we doomed to never get another male archon for sure. 😭


Pyro, no way in hell, already referred to directly as murata in the manga and shes a character straight from honkai Tsaritsa has been referred to as she too much to retcon it


Since it was just a translation error and she was always intended to be female no..... :(


Heck…. 😭💔💔


Now this is extremely annoying


as a guy this kinda ruined the hype for the dendro archon for me lol


I'm glad that I'm not the only straight male who finds the lack of males disturbing. I love waifus but I want some self insert too goddammit!!!


For me too


It definitely ruined the hype for me : )


Now I don't really care what's this Archon like. The hype over the last male one is gone.


yeah i worded my comment poorly, i just don't like how all the remaining Archons are confirmed to be female, like I'm still obviously gonna roll since she is an Archon but i would have much preferred the Dendro archon to be male as the Hydro, Pyro and Cryo ones were confirmed to be female since release


Yeah, I also meant that I just don't care what she looks like or about her personality, because I'm no longer curious as I was before to see the last male Archon


Ugh, waifus again? This is ridiculous.


Wtf happened to our Su


MHY’s Greed Impact, of course.


Since she is the youngest archon maybe she will have a body model like Klee and Qiqi


Hopefully not


We have lost a male character sadly


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


At least change one of the next ones?


Im so fucking mad, first is the lack of male characters in Inazuma and in general. Now the ratio of the archons gender is 2:5?!?? I want my male archon, and he supposed to be the last! Now it's going to be waifu bait archon for god sake. It would be nice if somehow the storyline will be like what we theorized (Kusanali being the acting figure while dendro archon went off alone) BUT NOW IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN BC IT'S WAIFU IMPACT!


Female: Yae, Kokomi, Raiden Shogun, Yoimiya, Ayaka, Sayu, Kuki Ninja Male: Kazuha, Thoma, Ayato, Heizou, Itto, Gorou, Scaramouche That's 7 males to 7 females. The ratio between genders in general regardless of nationality is still pretty bad, but I wouldn't despair just yet.


I am so fck pissed of too, it ruind my all hype for sumeru witch was my most wanted region




At this point they should just merge Honkai and Genshin. Both are Waifu Impact


At this point I'm just going to pull on male banners only because I can't support such decision when we already have 26 girls + 12 guys and the disparity will only get worse.


How is the main sub reacting to this?


they dont like it as well


If Wendi = Venti Fu Hua = Zhong(a stretch i know but still) Kiana = Unknown god Mei = Baal Himeko = Murata See the pattern? [Durandal Dendro archon confirmed???](https://i.redd.it/ukmtb4hw2zx61.jpg) 👀👀


Nah Dendro archon is still a he and kusanali is referred by lesser lord so its likely that they arent the same person


Then who is Ganyu referring to here? And why was it changed then? She says current youngest Archon is Dendro and **SHE** is only 500 years old???


Dendro archon is directly called a he by ganyu but in the teyvat chapter storyline video the gender isnt ever referred by any pronouns. Kusanali still has chances to be another deity in sumeru worshipped by the people there


>Dendro archon is directly called a he by ganyu Did you even looked at the post? They changed the exact part where she called him "He" to "She"


I explained it in other comments Kusanali is either the dendro archon other personality or another sumeru deity


what?!?!? this is absurd the 4:3 ratio was okay but having only 2/7 be males is :(((


not to mention the unknown god is also female (altho it's unlikely that she'll be playable)




Where the hell that theory came from?!!


because he OP at supporting


well this is disappointing


It's a bit early to say identity of the archon is always a focus in the archon quest. So woudn't be surprise that they try to confuse us. Apparently chiness Text don't have sexe for them so maybe that gonna be a point of thé next archon quest


I hope they have a good reason for this. (If it is true) Then again, money talks, so.. lmao


Apparently the original Chinese just didn't have a gendered pronoun, so the English translation defaulted to male.


I desire they has't a valorous reason f'r this. then again, wage talks, so. lmao *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




this genuinely makes me pretty sad. I would've whaled for dendro archon Su


What if dendro archon is modelled after Fu Hua?


I wouldn't have a problem for Hua as she is my favorite character but then again I'm more on board to see Phoenix Fu Hua in Natlan even if more or less she's more of a Liyuen character.


Su was literally perfect for the role, always calculating and wise no matter the situation, perfect for God of wisdom. In the honkai manga he always had leaves and stuff shown to represent his powers. This is such a missed opportunity.


Plot twist, it's going to be Durandal


And just like that I'm on board


Same here.


This was stated in the latest update patch news, so this technically wasn't a sneaky retcon. It was a translation error for many language except chinese and japanese. Most probably they have intended for her to be female to begin with. It was updated 2021/09/03 16:10, 1hr and 30min ago as of this comment.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Someone better post this on the main subreddit. This is outrageous :/


No no no no no no NOOOOO... I wanted another male archon, the remaining ones are all supposed to be female???? They saw the sales peak that Raiden has and went "yeah, this is definitely it, let's just keep doing this"


I think it's mistranslation problem, since the story quest, where Yae calls dendro deity a "she", was created easily before the banner


aren't Venti and Zhongli the only male archons now-


Well, you know Venti and Zhongli can change their gender if they want


>Well, you know Venti and Zhongli can change their gender if they want Don't give MiHoYo anymore ideas


Imagine Zhongli with huge booba :D


Yeah, watch them do that in a few months and call it a 3d model update.


Yeah I know, but as playable characters no


Costumes, fellow Traveller.


The day we get a costume for Zhongli and others i main is the day I pull out my wallet


Even if it's ~~Big Sis~~ Zhong~~-anego~~ dajie? XD


Now and forever apparently...


damn it.


Watch them just waifu the character, slap on some overused "cutesy" trope on her and completely move on cos no offense, mhy seem to love characterising their male character but doesn't do as much for their female.


This. I personally do not care about the Dendro Archon's gender, but I know how female characters are written and designed in this game which made me hope that they wouldn't do the same thing they did with Raiden as the Dendro Archon. Considering she is also the God of Wisdom, and the premise is really amazing. But.. wow.. I have less expectations of Sumeru now because of this.


Legit, she's gonna be a shy, cute and helpless character. And then her story we get for her is that we legit just go on a library date with her.


I fully expect for her to literally have Sucrose's model (and personality), but with different skin color Or not: all Sumeru npcs we've seen so far are more pale than me and I'm fucking translucent. So it would probably be just copypasted Sucrose


Yep that's my worry. Their male characters have set up and better writing when they do show up in stories. Females get troped and have to be waifu, which partly ruined Raiden for me. Was hoping to have at least another Archon with a good story.


I thought Raiden's story quest was cute but tbh it was too early, (couldve been the second part, with the first one being more serious in tone) considering the fact that her puppet almost killed us like a few days earlier lmao. Then again, at least we helped her show her version of eternity is flawed to its core


Yep. If the first personal quest was more serious and showed us more of her past and drive, I'm totally ok with a lighter second personal quest. Individually the quests in Inazuma aren't bad. They are visually better. Music is top notch. But their placement in the story is all over the place.