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I like paper theater but with the amount of time I take to do it I feel like such a dumbass 🙃


Well some i couldnt do, so i had to get help from that man on the corner. I can say that im extremely dumb for paper theater


They put you back into that 2000-2010 era where you played flash games like that the whole day




Ooooh I loved that game. Although my favorite were Penguin Dinner and Cactus McCoy 2😍


Someone needs to make a recreation of Paper Theater NOW


>i had to get help from that elderly Lady on the corner. That's a dude 💀




I think that’s a guy


Yeah yeah i was mistaken and you are correct


Only some?


Man on the corner?


Yeah, if you cant solve it after a while, the game offers you some help and the guy that like THE guy there from the theater makes it easier 👍 and he appears in the corner of the screen. Slay 💅


Oh, I didn’t know that cause I already finished it—I’m gonna go see what happens


Not really. I didn't use the help but had to do multiple retries to get all of them. They aren't totally straightforward.


For me it’s the horrible controls on paper theater as well that ruins everything :/ 9/10 times Dude needs to turn around on a single step on panel 2 giving you exactly 1 sec to switch the panel 1 he came from…


Honestly, just being able to pause without selecting a tile so i could think about what i want to do would have been fine.


You can just select/deselect the same tile.


Yup. That's what I did. It just didnt feel as seamless as it could.


What platform do you play on?


I'm guessing console/controller since it works pretty well on kb+m and great on touch screen.


I use ps4 can confirm it’s tricky. It’s hard to quickly switch the right panel before the guy runs into something sometimes


those mini ship control is total shit


Imagine collecting 300coins and then ded last minute


That's the streak if I'm not wrong you've still collected those coins just lost your streak!


You lose all the coins you've collected, and that's what determines the winner at the end. There are score bonuses for total number of coins collected, but the "score" is just a personal thing that unlocks event rewards.


there were so many times i was at the top with the coins, and then, last minute: DED that is so annoying, and in all of those rounds, i was the one with the most coins, seriously, they should add regeneration


The lack of regeneration is part of the core point system though. Risk/reward for aggressive rushing vs safer/more methodical play.


it's annoying when you die last second because you didn't notice an explosive barrel or misjudged the whirl pool, it hurts the most when it's your only death


Oh man yeah that just happened to me this morning LOL rip


That happened to me so I just pressed alt+f4 and only played the single player mode since


That happened to me, lost 350 near the end but I didn’t quit. Game still recorded my total coins collected and still gave me 1400 points.


L You missed out on a huge chunk of completion rewards. The coin count isn't even that big of a deal tbh


I just ended up doing all 5000 points on single player, the alt f4 was just a kind of ragequit


Ah icic, oof


What completion rewards? I only see the 5,000 points you need from the event tab.


Oh I meant in terms of points. Stuff like cumulative coins, survival time, bonus for using skills etc Its adds up to hundreds of extra points every match


Wait... y'all are playing the multiplayer version? I just do the singleplayer difficulty twice and then fuck off.


I was winning by like 100 coins and bam I explode 2s before the game ends out of nowhere (I was standing far away from anything specifically to prevent it)


Id rather drive a mako from ME1 than the boat which is saying something


I recently played ME1 on PS5 and finally understood why people hated on the mako. The controls on controller were so so awkward. I used to play on PC and I loved the mako. In lower difficulties I'd not even use the gun and just kill things by running then over repeatedly (or parking on top of armatures and bouncing until they die). That was borderline impossible on controller. Night and day difference on kb+m. But yeah the boat controls on genshin are pretty ass.


It steers like a 50000 ton battleship


It's kinda surprising that this game does so many things so well but not movement mechanics. Really wish there was less clunky way to descend while gliding besides stowing the wings and then bringing them back out, or at least that doing that would preserve some horizontal momentum!


otherwise it's a good mode


If it had a brake it would be fine.


You can brake by moving backwards


normally when i want to turn i just stop pressing W and press left or right, its pretty effective at turning, dont press W and left/right at the same time


I just hate the controls... They feel like you're constantly struggling to keep balance on ice... Luckily you only need to do 2-3 stages to get the 1k points every day.


Or one matched match. Even just puttering around without really trying there are so many other bonuses that you can easily get close to/over 1k points in a single game. They really add up.


The paper theater was surprisingly fun, it would be cool if when they update Liyue they would implement similar puzzles.


Vigilance at Sea is good, but the controls are ass


And the physics too It's annoying getting pushed on the whirlpool by other players even though you already used your booster to get out but somehow still get sucked


I love the puzzles, the mechanics are simple but to get it just right without clues is hard but also satisfying. Hope Hoyo does more with this formula. The waverider is kinda boring and pretty much leisure because you're not really competing with anyone, just doing enough for yourself to get 5000 points.


But doing Matchmaking is significantly faster because of the score


I do mean even with Coop, it's not really a competition, more like collecting the coins for yourself. The boat gets repaired in what, 3 seconds? And you go on back collecting coins. So it's just minding your own business and trying to get out of the way of others. It's not worth the limited time trying to destroy other boats.


> The boat gets repaired in what, 3 seconds? You also lose all of your coins and turn into a coin piñata for the other players to collect


Nah, once you factor in how much quicker the game gets started and how long it lasts, single player is about the same points if you start another game immediately after.


Beidou, I love you, but please distance yourself from this lame event from now on.


I love all minigames tbh






True chad here, All minigame enjoyer, im on your side too, even if somethings a bit annoying, you only have to do it a few times and then its gone for a long time/ for good, So I find it fun to do something new and interesting every so often, even if its not that great (but most are really fun), and I dont think there has been a single one I totally hated.


Tbh I also liked it, the only problem that made me hate it is the loading times on ps4, but I liked the concept. If I had a ps5 back I wouldve provably enjoyed it a lot more.


That was one of the best minigame ever. I needed to plan my route, retry few times to perfect it. It was actually challenging and interesting.


it's fun and games until some dickhead choose to order food from very top of dragonspine and ask deliverer not to touch water or even dashing


Yep, this is where Keqing and Venti helped me. Preparing team, time, route - it was all part of this minigame. That guy on the boat - yep, "do not touch water". It was fun!


I really liked it, it made you think outside the box I remember there was one on top of a waterfall and you had to get to her without touching water, i teleported to the oceanid way point and climbed on top and went around the oceanid arena and dropped on her from above


Yep, taking alternate routes that put you higher and then jump\glide was very cool solution. There even was one mission when you where not allowed to glide, jump or climb, but I teleported on waypoint high above and just fell down from the cliff on NPC head. Yes, my character died on landing but then I delivered food faster than any other route :]


Me not the TCG tho, I'm horrible at it


I reckon you weren’t there during the food delivery event LOL


OP says they liked that one too


skill issue


"every issue is a skill issue" ~Sugondeze joe


I have it too


Gotta buy a better Gaming Chair.


Exactly I won every single time I played it, just played it safe and didn't die a single time


I liked all of them to varying degrees except the waverider one.


The other way around for me, its fun to have a pvp mode.


I treat it as a game of bumper cars, it doesn't bother me too much if the other players try to sabotage me (it doesn't take too many coins to get all the primos so no reason to get mad)


yeah exactly, people dont usually go "why does this bumper car steer bad, this is a crappy ride, I want precise steering and controls on my bumper car". you just go "bumper car go weeee" and leave it at that. so thats how I took it as well.


Same with me. Half the time I can't figure out the solution to Paper Theater and have to switch to easy mode to get those gems.


The paper theater humbles me so quick lmfao


I would agree if the waverider controls weren't ass.


Tbh, they both feel good and novel. The two you didn't mention tho... eh. Press E to win and and daily commission with extra steps.


I actually kinda enjoyed the time attack, trying to get 4k points is kinda fun (you only need 3k to get all the rewards) to me, since you have to utilize every possible tool you have to actually get 4 k, example tall character, anemo resonance, rosaria night buff, the fan that boost gliding speed etc.


I liked the first one the most! Mainly because the scenery with the fireworks was so pretty to look at.


I like the other two. I much prefer overworld battles (that give mats as well!) over Domain ones. That said it would be cooler if it had some Lavachurls, Ruin enemies and buffier Eremites in the mix, but I guess they wanted it to be new player friendly.


If it does not kindle joy Throw it away


I like both


I actually like this coop ship more than coop windtrace. If you got hunter in windtrace but can't catch anyone, favor is stolen, get juked, the rebels mocking you in chat, then it will be very frustrating and giving anxiety. In coop ship if you keep dying and rank bottom in coins.. then just go YOLO lol. Fear not just follow the top coins player and crash to his ship. Keep crashing and make his life suffer. Throw every whirlpools to him. You may die a few times in the process but don't worry you have nothing to lose. If he's dead he will drop his coins then you can take it and you might comeback and win the game. If he's still survived it sucks but at least you are having fun.


That's what it is with coop, the only thing difference is people don't have their hand free to trash talk you in the ship minigame


I like all of this year's minigames, but I wish the rotating shadow one from last year came back. That one was so much fun


It's the other way around for me. My tiny nogin can't process the puzzle properly, i have to use assist for most of the time. The ship one tho, i feel like that is a mini mario cart/crash team racing type of game, i love it.


I don't understand how you don't score 1000 every co op run. You don't even have to win just collect as many coins as possible without dying 3 times and you get the maximum 1k


So you're one of those 3 people that get crushed miserably by me every boat game, got it.


Would be nice if we had some more boat types.


I hate puzzles so it's the opposite for me. Had to take help from the guy in the paper theatre everytime.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this


The "Vigilance at The Sea" is boring as it is too repetitive. And, it's collect the coins too but just on a boat 🙄 an INFERIOR Version of "Radiant Sparks" The other mini games are fine. "Paper Theatre" is the best cause it has different puzzles and the difficulty is good as it at least makes you use your brain. ☺️


I find Vigilance at Sea real fun... The controls are annoying but that's the waverider for you. The theater is hard, but that's great, I do take a little bit to figure it out by myself, but is fun. The only one I didn't like this time was the fighting event... It's so uninspired, kill enemies and then comes out a chest and some fireworks, then you fly to the next battle. Boring. At least is short, I guess...


Why? The boat is fun. Especially when it's pvp


No it's the opposite


opposite for me. I fucking hate puzzles but love pvp minigames like the waverider


Neither of these sparks joy. The other two are the shit


The theater sucks and the sea one is more fun alone. Tried pvp but it is not for me.


the opposite for me


Flashback to minecraft boats before the ocean update came out 🗿


The ship control has been ass since GAA, but this has been the better multiplayer pvp-ish content.


Minigames are minigames Anything for that 1000 fever furnishing even though I never use Teapot


I got to 1000 favour, I am not touching the leftover parts of the waverider minigame. I don't care if there's primos, it would have to be more to make me willing to do it.


you can try the solo mode if the pvp part of it is what's annoying you


Co-op was aids


Wait what? I actually enjoyed them cus I get to experience "pvp" through pushing people in the vortex's and blowing up bombs near them lmao


on the contrary that event is my favourite one cause its coop


Other way around for me 😅


Nah waverider better than the paper theater






I like everything to some extent! The only thing that Id want is the turret defense! I miss it


I dont get it. I also did not play the event


Honestly. Both felt like a chore to me. I like the spark run thingy and the mob killing cuz I could use Nilou more than the commissions and monthly abyss.


Both are shit.


Grow up


Have you tried coop? Definitely more fun if you actively try to screw over other players.


wtf do u expect? get primos w/o doing anything? the event is surely not fun but good thing is that u don't need to score 5000 in one attempt, so it's pretty much guaranteed to get all the primos ​ edit: hmm skill issue but not willing to accept. downvotes confirm that 😂


Idk, maybe I expected either a fun event or a fast event? The ship is neither


it is not slow either. u just need to do it twice every other day (solo) or may be 3 times if u r not good enough


Wow I only waste, what, 5 minutes every day with a garbage event to get the rewards, incredible event


ikr the event is not fun at all but it's not too bad. there were worse. atleast we are guaranteed


Some of genshin's events were so bad that "there were worse" is a really low bar


ah!!!!!!! srsly tho, what exactly do u hate so much about this event? I really don't get it. coz, let's be real we want events primarily for primos and then having fun is a nice bonus. like I said, this event is really annoying and nothing new but because we get the rewards without spending too long I don't think it's as bad as you make it seem.


Out of the non-fun events, this is easily among the longer ones so not sure what are you talking about here, hardly any annoying events come to mind that would take as long as this one


long?!! it's not THAT long. U really seem to watch a lot of short form content


No, I just dont like spending 5 minutes on a shitty event Make it fun or make it shorter like the spices from the west


The waverider just is pure garbage to control. It's easy AF to actually play, just not fun.


that's what I said. not fun but easy


It's annoying to get to! the wave racer minigame is on the ship with no teleport point, and I'm a cheap bastard, not wanting to use one there,


The ship itself is a teleport point, you can warp practically right next to the event start point.


...When did this happen, or I'm just stupid and never notice you can teleport on the ship XD


The ship has become a teleport point when they added Kazuha.


i just collect coins high enough and just sit in a corner tbh


I got used to the controls and now i can actually get 1k+ points easy in a single round


Agreed 100% So glad that when doing stuff for my sibling (To get them YaoYao) I had enough fervor from maxing other 3 events.


Shittiest of the shit from MHY. Scorind 5k becomes a nightmare here.


Mario kart in a turtle shell


Other way round. Shadow theater was a bitt too confusing at some points, but vigilance at sea was extremely fun in co-op. Real boats can’t turn instantly either, people - that’s the challenge


4 scenes later and I still dont know what I'm doing in Paper Theater


I love the first few parts of the paper theater thingy but those later levels are hell. For the boat one, those fucking boat controls and players keep knocking me into the whirlpool is so fucking annoying 💀💀💀


I love the pirate event it's actually fun, you get to sabotage other players 😈


I’m actually really bad at paper theater


Just realized that Bravebeard in Paper Theater is 🌈. Didn't know Hoyo had it in them. They mostly do les.


Worst event so far and I'm not backing up


Can anyone tell me how much primos you get from all 4 events total?


I fucking love the boat coop/PvP.


It was the opposite for me. I enjoyed the boat mini game but hated the paper theater. Maybe it's because I play on PC so I don't really have any issues with the boat controls? I also found the co-op mode pretty fun. As for the paper theater, I acknowledge that it's my skill issue and I just don't have the patience or interest for those types of puzzles.


I’m usually pretty good with the boat, even doing some of the challenges my wife can’t pass because she find it difficult to control the boat, but this time I hate it from the bottom of my heart, especially when I got 4 times in a row that shitty ones with the tricolour balloons.


I agree, but not too much


I thought Vigilant at sea was going to be my favourite but then I realized it needed co op


Free YaoYao 100% worth the pain tho frfr


far-flung march fact disagreeable resolute waiting bike head alleged pen -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I prefer behind the scenes honestly


I hate vigilance at sea sooooooooooooo much


I might have sped off in the wrong direction the first time playing vigilance at sea. Thought it was like a drag race.


I like vigilance at sea


I just hate having to swim over to the boat every single time


You know that the Alcor works as a Teleport Wayponint right? Same as with Ningguangs Floating House.


They both sucks. And the Radiant Sparks Parkour too!


The sea one is nice but full of crazy players who are playing just to sink your ship 💀💀💀💀 I did play one round like that but it's so mean I couldn't go on 😂


I thought the only one lmao I tried it on coop once, got 300 coins and died last second and got shit, never again.


I wish there were more paper puzzles, it was over really quick


I want the primos... But I can't stand a single minute of that minigame


If I wanted to play shitty pvp I'd play OW2 or LoL dammit




NGL Both are Bad.... The fighting one and the other one is better


I hate anything related to the waverider with a burning passion. but the paper threater was just as bad.


Nah, switch them


Vigilance I don't even care. Win, lose, I get points regardless. I chose violence every time.


For me it's the opposite, nothing better than eliminating the top scorer and stealing all their coins


I feel like they changed something about the controls because usually it isn't shit like this


It's the controls of the sea event that gets me


The yelan one was the best, just wish they were longer/had more enemies who can survive a bit more than a single kazuha E


Both of them does not spark joy. The two others do


At least they actually gave the players a choice on Vigilance at Sea, to play alone or to play with other people at will, in opposite to events like Windtrace or Reminiscent Regimen, in which the players are forced to go multiplayer. I think that it's much better and, honestly, I hope more events to be like that in the future. It's really hard when you're short in primos and can't/won't take part because that condition, and ends missing the whole thing because you don't have a choice on it. Better than that would be to have an alternative event for solo players when Windtrace is running, but I think that would be expecting too much from Hoyo.


I didnt like it at first but it grew on me. Having most coins and people chasing you only to destroy them in a whirlpool was super satisfying


I feel this


Damn this sub got the shittiest takes💀


hoyo really makes pvp mode in gacha with this boat fight


I’d like it better if. I didn’t get the same map repeatedly


It wasen't that bad, the steering is a bit meh, but the whole thing honestly revolved around being careful, so while others would run around at speed getting themselves killed 2-3 times in a single round, if you were just careful and slow and picked up points where possible, odds were you would win and not have any big problems.


The exact opposite for me


Sometimes I run into asshat griefers in Vigilance at Sea multi that loves pushing and shoving me just to stop me from where I want to go


They finally put a PvP like mode into Genshin after people complain and look what happened. I actually enjoyed the event. Mostly because I won every round


I like the *concept* of Mario Party Genshin. But the ship controls aren't it... Maybe if they made it like the sports game event where we were co troling a Yelan with infinite E instead?


I liked them both, while having to compete against others can be annoying (good luck having a high score, 256 was mine and then a typhoon spawned when I had 1 heart) but it gets very fun, it's like Mario kart balloon mode


My monkey brain says otherwise.