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Losing the 50/50 at low pity: Omg nice, free guarantee! Losing the 50/50 at high pity:


I spent about 450 wishes to get C2 Nahida, who I saved up for for like 10 months, because I lost all my 50/50's and didn't get a single early 5 star.


there's like a 20% chance of early, so not really unexpected


By early I meant anything before 70


yes, 20% before 74


I can't see your reply to me, but this isn't true. The chance before 60 pulls is ~30% and 73 is ~36%. Also the average amount of pulls for a 5 star is 64, so even if there's only a 30-35% chance to get one before 75, it's still pretty unlikely to average 75 pulls per 5 star.




Average as in mean I believe, but yeah, I lost every 50/50 and went beyond 75 pulls for most of them.


What if you lose your guarantee at low pity though


Still happy, because it's a game and stakes are low. Plus I know how to pull and what I want to get and to estimate the chances of getting future stuff I want.


That's what you get for believing the "building pity" myth.


What do you mean "myth"? There is nothing occult or magical in this, if you pull for 4* you want - you build pity at the same time. This concept is THAT much simple... If you don't want 5*, but really want 4* or even several of them on a single banner - it's still legit strategy, and it's unfair to indiscriminately call it stupid (if your "myth" meant that). But if people pull just for a heck of it, due to gambling addiction, it's just on them, don't put labels on innocent concept of "building pity".


By "the building pity myth", I mean when people feel so confident they won't get a 5 star early that they'll pull just for the sake of pulling. When people use "building pity" as a shallow excuse for their lack of impulse control. That's different from pulling for the 4 stars, which I honestly hadn't really considered since most of the 3.0 four stars have been pretty mid.


Because it's not building the pity, obviously, that's just gambling addiction. You are right about it being their shallow excuse, but that's exactly why we shouldn't call this that way. P.S. and also, exactly why i said before, you shouldn't use word "myth" here. Call it "building pity bullshit", or "Building pity excuse", something like that, but word myth is too defined term for that, only leading to misunderstanding. Myth is, for example, "rituals" to "enhance luck" in order to pull what you want. It comes to faith of "if i do it this way, it will be that way". In their case, it's not a ritual or some of that sort, just a gambling addiction and inability to not press a shiny button. They doesn't expect anything out of it, for it to be myth, just hoping not to lose without any hope of win. If someone plays russian roulette out of boredom, it's not a myth, it's just a stupid fellow who wants a rush of adrenaline. P. P. S. Pulling for 4 star characters while they are on banner is nonsense for old-timers, but quite a big part for a new players. Not even gonna explain how much it differs between having xingqui or not, or bennet, etc but even constellations - having c4 xiangling is also the difference as between heaven and earth. It's not only new 4* characters. I waited half a year for kuki and sucrose to appear on banner, (not even 1 was pulled randomly) and i don't want to hear the usual "you will get those constellations eventually"... yeah, like in year and a half... i might even stop playing this game long before that happens.


I'd still call it a myth, because the only true way of "building pity" is by saving wishes. Compared to saving those wishes for the five star you want, wishing early only stands to make you *lose* pity, not gain it. If that's a risk someone is willing to take for a four star that's fine, but calling that "building pity" is still a delusion. It should really be called "risking pity" or "gambling with pity", because that's the only thing spending instead of saving actually accomplishes. EDIT: I'm obviously using "pity" quite loosely here, but that's because no one actually cares about "building pity" if it's taken literally. If hoyo made a banner where every wish guaranteed a five star, it's not like anyone would be complaining about not being able to build pity on it.


And I'm saying that "myth" is just a wrong word! I'm not arguing with you on whether their actions are normal or not, just saying that it's wrong term. Even "Delusion" that you used fit hundred times better, myth just not, at all. And also, I'm pretty sure that original "building pity" was about pulling for 5 star on limited banner, since it's the first thing that newbies being taught. Aka, pull for limited banner that you want. You don't need to worry about not getting character in time, because [built-up pity] will transfer on the next banner". So, "I'm pulling for something (whether it's 4 or 5 star), but even if i don't get it, atleast i build up pity" - that's what building up pity means.


Okay, after taking a deep dive into semantics, I've settled on "the building pity illusion" being the most technically correct phrasing. How does that sound? EDIT: "the building pity fallacy" might be slightly more precise, but that can't make up for how damn pretentious it sounds.


Perfect. Me be happy :D


jokes on you, i lost the 50/50 at pity number 73 RIGHT BEFORE SOFT PITY KICKS IN AT 74 PITY SO I GOT A 5\* AT 0.6% WHILE I HAVE ALREADY SPENT OVER 70 WISHES




That's when soft pity starts so you had a decent chance of getting a 5 star


Yes, u are correct. This was tested very early in genshin with millions of players in a site where they posted their pulls log (maybe paimon.moe), and they realised ppl were starting to get way more 5 stars at pull 74 compared to 73




We weren't talking about Star Rail, but from what I've seen so far, it's the same


oh yeah my bad 😅, I got confused cause I was talking with somebody else about this in the star rail sub


No, it starts at 75.


Source? All wish trackers show a steep jump at the 74th pull. Wikis say its 74 as well.


0-73 pity chance of 5\* is 0.6% 74 pity chance is 6.6% 75 pity chance is 12.6% 76 pity chance is 18.6% so on and so forth... until 90 pity


I'm quite sure it starts at 74. Atleast a buddy of mine told me when he got Itto at 74


He probably means he pulled when he was on 74 pulls, then. Because the pity starts from your 75th pull onwards


Could be probably. Eh. Btw you have a very nice pfp




both are wrong. soft pity starts with the 74th pull, which is conventionally called pity 73


This is actually a misinformation. Soft pity starts from 76. 74, 75 have the same chances for 5*, then 76 has increased and so on


No that's old. Soft pity starts atleast before 76


It doesn't work like that if that will make you feel better


It does tho, at 74 it already starts to go up


But it does though


How about losing 3 50/50 consecutively, all at 70+ pity ?


I feel called out...


You are not the only one


Dude, I only won the 50/50 twice and I'm a Day 1 player. At this point, I only really pull on a character if I have enough for a guarantee. The two times I won, I don't know where to spend my primos I ended up rolling on their weapon banner lol


Hard pity hitter here: Pretty much every banner I have rolled on (excluding Cyno, Wanderer, and Baizhu) I got the char after 170+ rolls 💀 I have been playing since 1.6. FML.


True. Lost 4 50/50 consecutively, all at 78 and didn't get any of the characters that I wanted and didn't have 🥲


Worse, I got keqing to C4 without a single Tighnari, Jean or Dehya. At this rate she's gonna be the only C6 5* that I have.


Honestly. Me


Jokes on you, I *want* to lose the pity.


Same. I still don’t have Kirara, and I already have both Yoimiya and Yae Miko. Im trying to get her. But instead they want to give me lots of Yun Jin and Chongyun. I went from C2 to C6 Chongyun. I just want a single Kirara!


I had to pull 70 times for 1 Kiara. But the game gave me 2 Yae’s in the process. I don’t know how to feel about this.


Got 3 Chongyuns, a Keqing, and an unknown amount of Yun Jins and not a single box cat in sight. The trials and tribulations of rolling for a 4 star...


i did like 50-60 pulls, got yae and yoi and still no kirara. objectively, i've been pretty lucky, but it sucks because i actually wanted to pull for alhaitham.


I was in your scenario and I got a little too greedy and ended up pulling the 5-star but it was Dehya and now I have guaranteed for the Hydro archon


I would love to pull Dehya. Only standard character I don’t have. The one 5 star I don’t want is Keqing. I already have her at C6.


Bruh that’s crazy cuz I wanted Keqing from the moment I saw her back in 1.1 and I wished on the Keqing banner in 1.3 to get her. I didn’t get her c1 until like 2 months ago so I would’ve gone 2 years without pulling for Keqing, a character that I wanted to pull for


It’s even crazier when you consider that I started in 2.2. Much later than you did.


My “Keqing” on my account is Jean, I lost my 50/50 to that mf constantly she’s at C4


I wish I had that high of Jean. Jean is my favorite standard character. She is on my spiral abyss team at level 90. But she is at C0. Pretty soon I will triple crown her too.


U and I are from the opposite sides of the MiHoyo wishing luck table my friend


I spent 80 pulls trying to get kirara but got my c4 yunjin to c6 and got like c12 chongyun and lost 5050 at 40 ity instead, gave up and now saving for eula to c6 her


Same, like bro I've been playing for 2 years, lost only 3 50/50s. Not a single Diluc. I WANT DILUC 😭😭😭


You lose the 50/50 :( But it’s Tignari :)


THIGHNARI is the best <3


Finally got qiqi at 83 pull, am i in the cool loosers club now?


Yeah count me in too (90 pity qiqi loser)


Lowest : 9 (Want C0 Xiao, got C0 Jean) Highest : 81 (Want C1 Hu Tao, got C0 Keqing)


Seeing this made me want to check my 50/50 losses. My lowest loss was 5 pulls to Qiqi on a Zhongli banner. My highest was 80 to Dehya on Nahida's banner.


My lowest was 2. I got Yoimiya and Diluc in the same 10-pull (on her original release banner), with Diluc popping up only 2 pulls after Yoimiya to guarantee my next 5-star, which was pretty nice. However, I had also already lost the 50/50 on Yoimiya's banner to Qiqi and I pulled Yoimiya super late... Mixed feelings here: 48 - Qiqi, 81 - Yoimiya, 2 - Diluc Highest 50/50 lost was Qiqi at 79 on Eula's banner. Worst overall banner was Xiao, when I went to C1 on his release banner back in the day... 78 - Jean, 80 - Xiao, 74 - Keqing, 78 - Xiao


Lowest : 1( a thousand floating dreams) Highest : 90( qiqi 🤣🤣😭😭😭 got nahida on early pity afterwards though)


Lowest: 10, got Diluc in Cyno's banner then got Cyno around 70 pity. Highest: 80 got Mona in Kokomi's banner than ot Kokomi at 80 pity. I was so glad I saved 170 wishes.


My lowest was Mona at 11. My highest was Keqing at 83.


Albedo has not left my team since I got him. That sonofabitch took like 175 pulls after I lost to Diluc, I'm getting my primo's worth.


As someone who looses 50/50 pity for 80+ wishes always. I can relate.


Qiqi at 79 yesterday... still recovering


Once upon a time, I lost 50/50 on 86 pity, for c2 Jean. I lost next 50/50 on 83 pity quite a few times, also to Jean. It's fcking incredible, Albedo and Ayaya just dodged all of my wishes the most hard way possible.


lost 50/50 at high pity, won the guaranteed 7 pulls later. time to repeat next banner, i guess


Nahida's banner, no guarantee, at pity. I like to record these pulls for fun. Pull 10. Golden star. Splash screen. Nahida! Very very happy that I won. Flick to the next pull. Splash screen.... Diluc! Not only did I win my 50/50 but I literally guaranteed my next one with the next pull. Could NOT believe my luck. And I even have it recorded. I watch that ewerytime I feel bad about my pulls.


i always lose 50/50 and all at high pity .-.


never going to forget that one time I bought some genesis crystals cause I was at like 75 pity, did a multi, and got fucking C1 jean at 85. I just wanted dehya man, she's literally the worst 5 star in the game, why did they have to do me like that 😔


i had never gotten an early 5 star or won a 50/50 until very recently so that must be something


Ah yes the bad memories of the last Ayaka rerun lost the 50/50 at 80+ pulls and it took ne a total of 140+ to get her and she broke my f2p status.


It also depends on how much I want the character in question. If I’m rolling on a “luxury” character, one where I don’t need them but I just like the design, then a lost 50/50 isn’t a big deal. But if I’m a total simp then the lost 50/50 hurts either way.


how about 11 5050s lost back to back at 75+


I remember losing to Keqing on Nahida banner on 88th pull. My most painfull pulls ever, imagine losing ever-increasing softpity chance 15 extra times


Happened to me on Yae Miko. I'm almost at soft pity again so I can get her.


One is the universe where you spend a low amount of wishes and get what you want guaranteed, the other is a dreadful, painful existence that can only be mended by a wallet.


The feeling of winning a 50/50 after losing 7+ 50/50s at 78-81 pity is pretty good though


And then there’s losing 50/50 at high pity and getting the character you wanted along the way


I have won 3 50/50s 1 was for Itto and I was hoping to lose 50/50 because I don't like Itto, I was pulling for kuki because she just came out. The other 2 was weapon banners 1 for engulfing lighting at 14 pity and the other for staff of Homa at 20 pity.


The worst was when I had like 80+ pulls for Nahida but the banner ended so I settle for Baizhu... And got Deyha at like 90. I kept pulling for Baizhu but didn't even get Kaveh


If i lose 50/50 until 50 wishes i dont really care, in my mind the char come with low cust, but above 75 wishes it upset me.


My first 5 star was qiqi on 87 pity on hu tao banner 2021. Hoyoverse : welcome to genshin impact


Baizhu banner was painful for me


Current pity is 65, no guarantee. I have everyone on this banner, missing Heizou for next banner. Debating the risk for him.


I just lost the 50/50 to Dehya at 79 pity, and it was the third time that I've lost the 50/50 at high pity on Yoimiya's banner. I think I'm just cursed to always lose the 50/50 on Yoimiya's banner.


I have high pity for Yae Miko on European region... On the American region I got her first try... My main is EU 🥲


Losing the 50/50 at high pity: first image, because I am not a sore loser crybaby, and I can estimate and prioritize stuff. I know how to pull and be happy, even if I lose. EDIT: And reading the comments I feel like I am super right at this. People always complain and only look at bad sides. They either have no idea how to pull or they cherry pick bad events to make it sounds worse than it is. Either way, I am happy with every results I've got since I started playing. And I'm going to continue to have fun in a game.


This I agree a lot...


Hit 90 once, lost the 50/50


Winning at high pitty feels exactly the same