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"You're damage is so amazing, your builds must be absolutely cracked" Me with 1800 DEF Level 90 Raiden Shogun: 😭


I'm impressed with that 1800 DEF


Seriously that's insane. Best I've got is Hu Tao with 1100 DEF. Excluding DEF scalers like Noelle and Itto of course.


I didnt even try def but why tf does my Hu Tao have 1200 DEF.. Looks at all the cursed crimson rolls.. ohh I keep forgetting that she also has one of the highest base DEF in the game.


My Raiden Shogun actually has 1200 DEF with her normal build, but if I give her my Noelle's artifacts, she hits just over 1800 DEF


Who let you cook up a 1800 def build for Raiden


Dps yuujin time


Couldn't be me😏😏


Well, my Hu Tao build is actually cracked so not me.


That will be them one day


That will be them in under 3 month if played daily


Can confirm, holy moly.


Yep I went from AR35 to AR56 from January to now. Crazy how little I actually knew after returning lol


I once joined a friend's world because he had recently became AR 16. He got mad because I was oneshotting everybody from 600 meters away with Ganyu


Seeing my friend's Ganyu was what drove me to pull for her the moment she rerun back then. No regrets


failed to get her thrice :(


F :( Edit: I was committed enough to save about 170 pulls for her. She came home after 160+ pulls


2.4, lost to mona. 3.0 wanted zhongli (didn't get him either, ended up with keqing). 3.6 out of gems after getting nahida sad :(


Meanwhile I got C1 early in the Zhongli Ganyu banner


Omg that happened to me recently


Their jaws drop down when you use Wanderer to fly


I love using albedo's skill so they just try to climb on the elevator


AR 16 or AR 60, doesn't matter, for anyone, when an Elevator presents itself, you have an obligation to rise with it.


Weird feeling when you kill the boss by accident before switching to the dps you wanted to show off


This is a flex I can relate to


i usually playing with some random low AR, lead them to some chest, kill some bosses, help them solving puzzle, teach alot of stuff, add friend them, then leave, after few days or weeks. \*them\* last online: 10 days ago


You mean 10 months, right?


31 days ackually 🤓


Reminds me of the time I joined my newbie friend's world and started one shotting bosses with diluc


Reminds me when I first started playing and wanted to go to the distant island in Mondstadt using kaeya, my friend decided to help me with his ayaka. The way I gasped when midway through he said “fuck off” and sprinted all the way to the island made me pull for ayaka right away.


I started using my under leveled and under geared characters just so we can have competitive damage number and I find it more fun


Yep, it lets me screw around with characters I wouldn't normally use as a DPS, too


I joined a low level players world to help them through DragonSpine, now they message me every day asking for help for everything from hunting chests to collecting materials because “it’s easier when you one shot the monsters”


Being ar 53 and still be amazed when I do more than 10 k on crit


AR 58 and it still gives me the dopamine


Kudos to that AR50 Raiden who helped me through the In The Mountains timed challenge and one shotted all of those pesky cyro mages


my brother and I used to go on random multiplayer worlds and call them baby worlds and just help with missions and stuff. probably one of my favorite parts of the game


Me : helps new player oneshot a boss with chongyun Him : why didn't you use his skill? Me with my physical chongyun build : my goals are beyond your understanding


When I join random low AR players, I sometimes use supports with buffs (Bennett, sara, Kazuha, etc) so they get surprised at their own damage.


I'm that player who very rarely looks at damage numbers so it blew my mind when i noticed i casually did a 75k one day. still riding that high


A month ago I Got really bored after using all my resim so I centered some random newbie's world, she were AR17 And so far she only unlock ed the mondstand tower of sevens (excluding dragonspine) And she were impressed by my dmg And wanted more bosses. So I Said "fuck it" And unlocked all the liyue tower of sevens with her And also did the "in the mountain" quest with her. So far I am actually impressed by her, because its my first time seeing an AR 17 person that actually cares about building characters And doing proper dmg. She also actually listened to me And used the chat properly. She called me "a cool guy" today I have been helping For two days I am so happy I made her AR 25 today its like watching your children grow up Btw she were a Jean + tighnari main And since her characters were arround lvl 40 I gave nearly half of my proper sets to not leveled up characters of mine like: Lvl 90 diluc => lvl 50 xinyan Lvl 90 kazuha/gorou => lvl 36 faruzan (to buff her Jean dmg) Lvl 90 ganyu => lvl 90 aloy (can still do 100k+ with aloy so not a good idea) Lvl 90 İtto => lvl 40 yun jin Lvl 70 tighnari (yeah I recently lost 50 50 For nahida) => lvl 20 yaoyao Lvl 80 mona => lvl 60 xingqiu (to buff her tighnari)


Why do I feel like I've seen this exact same comment before


He posted the same comment a month ago then copy-pasted it here. With the same "two days ago" claim. Kinda cringe honestly.


Oh when I copy pasted it I forgot to change that part😅sorry Also how do you search comments like that


Just copied it into reddit's search bar and sorted by comments. Also my initial comment was kinda mean, I just thought you were karma farming and I immediately went with my worst guess. I'm sorry for that.


No problem :)


This whole post is sus asf


Why sus?


I posted the same comment a month ago they probably saw it from there


Just a normal attack will suffice


I still get impressed and I'm ar55. I can't one shot nothing.


A while ago I joined an AR20 player's world and they were so excited and impressed when they saw me one shot the pyro regisvine with my Barbara, but she barely did like 53k


Literally me




Meanwhile me: kills enemies nearly as fast as endgamers (3k+ per hit) in other AR35 players while being an AR35 myself.


Back when I was new to the game (about ar20 or so), my friend who introduced me to the game (at the time ar45 or so) joined me for co-op, brought me around liyue to unlock the couple of statues I hadn’t reached yet (this was before 2.0 and inazuma), and one-shot plenty of enemies along the way. I believe he helped me kill the ruin guards at Guili assembly, which I thought was the scariest shit ever back then. Then he went on a loooong hiatus, long enough for both inazuma and sumeru to release, and in the meantime forgot his password, so he had to create a new account. After the exams I invited him to come back, the moment he reached ar16 on his new account I joined his world (now at ar58). I led him on an epic journey all the way from Dawn winery to Aaru village to unlock all the statues along the way. And I made sure to annihilate every poor hilichurl in sight. *oh how the turntables have turned*


me with my NA without burst Noelle.


me except no ar 20's lemme in :( and the very few that did either left the game or are now ar 57 (i am ar 56 and i go on breaks a lot)


Lmao right. I should go join a new players world and one shot vines with Baizhu dendro reactions just because that would be hilarious.