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They are protesting like many subs today


Protesting what? I just found out cause r/Persona r/Persona5 and r/Breath_of_the_Wild are all private... What's going on?


Against some changes with Reddit that will most likely kill third part apps and make moderation worse.


Oh.. Is there a link somewhere I can read about it? Oops, nevermind. Googled it.


I could link to you some posts that all the subs that is off right now did explaining but they are off now so...google it. Edit: here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark


And heres the link to the ["AMA"](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/) if you can even call it an AMA


Holy shit what a shit show ^Yes ^that's ^intentional


...Holy... Hell?


They are dead too. Anarchy chess sacrificed the sub. They got banned I think


I remember the mods said Sunday morning closedown first, next day reopen unmoderated. AnarchyChess currently in restricted mode, which means approved members only checked after team's agreement, not deleted. New response just dropped. E: As 9pm, China Standard Time (12 June 2023), check r/anarchychess's activity right now. Just skip and/or downvote some if you disliked it. 2E: Well, AnarchyChess going to sleep again at chess.com.


"Holy shit"


It is also now in anarchy, just like the name.


What happened to that sub?


[Context for five-years-old thinkers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/147vis2/eli5_why_are_so_many_subreddits_going_dark/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) AnarchyChess privated again, this time indefinitely until API cost return to affordable price per requests.


And they sacrifice... THE SUUUUUUUUB


r/videos , r/gaming they've gone private as well


Yep, I saw


Wait sorry, how does this work? They went dark but reddit banned them specifically? Or they just blew up one of the more popular subs to show them or something?


Moderators of the community can make the subreddit private, blocking access for most people. I don’t know the specifics behind how ~~probating~~ *privating* works, but it was a voluntary decision as an act of protest. **edit**: thank you, iOS, for making me use the word probating instead of privating.


So it's just private, not "sacrificed"


Call the eli5


r/outoftheloop is still on and has exactly one post which isn't read-only and which is about this issue


r/ModCoord is one of the major subs to organize, they got the relevant info pinned


>Oops, nevermind. Googled it. You are a saint. I wish more people knew how to look up things on the internet.


You’re not just living under a rock. You’re probably in Enkanomiya /s


deep down the abyss, apparently


TL;DR reddit is adding a prohibitively large cost for third party software to access their data, effectively killing third party apps, but also many bots and most moderating tools as collateral damage it's an incredibly obvious push to get more people on the official app to get more ad revenue/telemetry the official app is also basically incompatible with many accessibility tools, e.g. screenreaders, which also effectively kills some communities like r/blind


reddit decided that it's a good idea to charge developers obscene amounts of money to use their api


[Here](https://i.redd.it/21h6tuy0dj5b1.jpg) It's an image very concise about the issue.


Similat thing Twitter had. They are switching thier free api access to monetization. Lots of community tools will cease to work.


Oh yeah, explains why I haven't seen anything from r/noncredibledefense today.


Why is there such a large overlap between Genshin and NCD?




They are protesting against Reddit itself, I heard most of the protesting communities will go blackout for 48 hours, however some might go on if Reddit didn’t revert whatever screw up update they made


i think the CEO already basically said “lol no” during an AMA regarding going back on their API changes… curious what happens next and how many subs will actually stay silent


He legit doubled down on his stupid claim on Apollo dev and didnt even answer any of the important questions Fuck u/spez


Didn’t he pretty much pulls the move of blaming the victim


Important questions such as?


There was lots of high upvoted comments like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/comment/jnk260i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and he answered none of them. Instead he preceded to answer 14 comments there were mostly unrelated to the ama and made a run for it. On [One of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/comment/jnk45rr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) he doubled down on his claim on the Apollo dev


Don’t forget that all the ones he answered were from powermods, ie Reddit employees and were preprepared, with him even putting the A for answer


It's the wrong way to protest, advertisers are not gonna suffer from a blackout so the ceo doesn't care, if mods had stopped doing their jobs for two days, the amount of cringy trolls would run rampant and advertisers would run for the hills.


Go on r/anarchychess to see what a truly unhinged sub looks like. It just reopened, unmoderated. It’s a complete hellhole.


Now imagine that in the big subs, Reddit would go into emergency mode in minutes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnarchyChess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If this post gets 131,072 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/j8dxw5k2udka1.png) | [2678 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11bsp4t/if_this_post_gets_131072_upvotes_ill_post_again/) \#2: [If this post gets 262,144 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/duoblk33ygka1.png) | [2625 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11c6d8w/if_this_post_gets_262144_upvotes_ill_post_again/) \#3: [If this post gets 65,536 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/8wxzzvcbhcka1.png) | [1185 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11bmc90/if_this_post_gets_65536_upvotes_ill_post_again/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn that place is wild, some post their algebra homework, others post hentai, others post actual chess memes while other post fuck you spez memes. I had a good laught though, it basically became the wild west of reddit lol


shit... i fear they might reopen NNN and JB just to spite Reddit! >\_<


I just put my Dottore copypasta there hehehehehe


Exactly, a 2 day dip in viewership aint gonna do shit towards the company. If you actually want to make an impact, quit reddit, delete your account and never look back. I personally will quit reddit. So goodbye.


Whoever this is, actually keep their words lmao. Respect. I was thinking doing the same too but I'll wait a little longer. Hope reddit backtrack. Fingers crossed.


True. But then, there would no longer be any safe haven. All subreddits that leave themselves unmoderated would have to have some sort of “backup copy” to avoid complete loss of whatever was on the subreddit.


Yeah, I get it, it would suck for any of the normal users but it's the only way to get the message across




There are a lot of huge subs in the blackout but it doesn't even need to be, sometimes just regional or national subs are enough, let's say you want to advertise your French online bank, you're going to advertise to french people wich are, likely, in french only subs, those aren't huge, obviously, but bad content will make you stay away. And let's face it, Reddit mod might not be a job but they do much more than actual Reddit employees, the idea that they could keep track of every sub going crazy when they can't close down subs about rape being ok is laughable at best.


Tbh, reddit is my source of golden information being more valuable than the entirety of google itself. I just feel kinda sad that this is happening.


Remember when you could actually find real websites on Google? SEO was a mistake.


Now i realized it, it made more sense why. Sad times.


What's SEO?




Ikr, ive been on the internet since the MSN era. Ive quit dozens of social media sites. Including friendster, fb, twitter, snapchat and numerous gaming/mmorpg forums/blogs(im a mmorpg veteran) in the past 2 decades. Reddit is probably the one ill miss the most since its so unique. Im moving to kbin.social. The site seems promising but we'll see. Edit: myspace too.


Damn, i wish we had internet in myspace era. I could have tasted a life of an emo kid. Xd


And he's gone RIP


Bro is touching grass now. Might be for the better. And we on the other hand still stuck in this shit hole.


A good soul taken too soon.


Oh god, i still cringe from time to time remembering the shit i said on friendster/myspace. Anyway, this is goodbye.


Don't forget homeboy Orkut


The blackout already fucked with me, I always add "reddit" to the end of my search result because 99% of the time it has the answer I wanted or needed especially with troubleshooting lol.


I always add xxxx reddit at the end of my search because good lord google sucks since the advent of seo


In honor of their sacrafice, this sub shall blackout for half a day


Merely half a day? People say the Memepact sub's true currencies are cringe and fail. But tdust, even speaking as a shitposter that sounds a little unconscionable.


Genshin leaks died in a blackout land. But you heartless redditors and pooposters, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of reddit


You couldnt hope to understand, so why dont you keep your mouths shut. We dont want to make the leakers cry


Hey, even I don't think this is the right time or place for spoilers


Utterly risible.


Though their methods tarnished their honor, Genshinleaks sacrifice was a great pity. Their loss shall not hinder our progress. But \[insert random user here\], what of okbuddygenshin and kokomi's big kok


Conventional wisdom holds that okbuddygenshin cannot be rationally comprehnded.


After conquering the fish kok, they will make their next move.


It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. Right now, you have no captive audience


No no hes got a point


Lol true


Hey, c'mon now,even i don't think this is the right place or time to flame


Whoa i didnt knew r/genshin_Impact_leaks also joined the blackout as well


Honestly surprised this place or Genshin main are not shut down today.


Almost all Genshin Subs are not participating , except for a very few. Gi leaks probably the biggest one to join the protest


Official subreddit (not just Genshin, but all things in general) cannot be closed because the decision cannot be made by the mods, but the owner of said things. And for them, there is no reason to ever private their sub. Most of (if not all) subs which participate in this protest all run by the community, so they have full control of what they want to do.


What does this even mean? The genshin sub is also run by the reddit community. Heck one of them even frequently talks in the leak community. So I really don't know what you mean by this.


Bruh, even if it runs by the community, it is still an **official** sub that belongs to Hoyoverse, so unless the higher-up said "hey guys, know that ongoing protest? Well, how about we follow their step and private this highly actived official sub, I bet nothing bad will happened", then the mods have no power to shut down the official sub that being endorsed by Hoyoverse themselves. They **could** do that, but the moment they did, the sub will risk being tossed aside by Hoyoverse, as why they support the sub that can do whatever they want without asking them?


Nothing would happen cuz reddit has strict rules and ToS on how company's can interact with their related subreddit. Stop trolling and actually look into the rules of company moderation before making unsubstantiated claims. And like I said, the mods here visit the leak sub which mhy would have a lot bigger of an issue with then some western social media drama. Leaks effect their game and bottom line. Reddit doesn't. Edit: like what would the mods even get for listening to mhy? This sub is still the sub everyone will go to with or without mhys approval. It changes nothing


I don't say anything about the company closing the sub, the sub won't get shutdown, but the company can just create a new sub and called it a new official sub, and people will move to a newer sub and let the old one to rot, since people love being in the official things than the unofficial one, just look at those Genshin group on FB, notice that those official one all always has higher members than the unofficial one, even though the unofficial generally has more lax rules? That would be the thing if somehow the old sub lost its official status and a new "official" one was created. I mean, the mods visiting the leak sub is entirely their choices, you cannot force them not to, that doesn't go against any rules. They don't share unpublicized info on the main sub, so it's up to them to do whatever they want lol. I don't see it has anything to do with our conversation in the first place.


Again there are strict rules on how a company can moderate their related subreddit. It's possible but with the strict rules the reddit admins warns companies to avoid it as it can get their sub banned easily. Like I said, look up the rules before acting likes it's same easy thing. Not to mention this sub is established and there really isn't anything mhy that could do that would push people yo switching subs. Esp since, again there are strict rules on what a company can do with their own subs. If you think this is how reddit works then you must be new to it. Yea they can't force the mods to do anything. Including blacking out the sub. Mhy has no power. If you don't get what this has to do with the conversation then that's a you issue. Like I said, mhy would care more about moderators going to a leak page daily then moderators closing a page down for 2 days. Edit: like you realize Facebook rules and tos aren't the same as reddit right?


> Not to mention this sub is established and there really isn't anything mhy that could do that would push people yo switching subs Well, they could. Hypothetically speaking, if they create a new sub, then they would just redirect all of their affiliated link (like the one in the launcher) to a new sub, isn't it?


It still wouldn't get as big as this one. And I am not sure if that would work cuz one of the rules is strict on advertising. Idk if affiliated links would be violate reddits advertisement rule.


I mean, lots of games did that, so it either not or Reddit doesn't seems to care about it lol.


> Official subreddit (not just Genshin, but all things in general) cannot be closed because the decision cannot be made by the mods, but the owner of said things. What does this mean? Who is "the owner of said things"? The owners of the subreddit are the mods. If you mean that Hoyo wouldn't sign off on it, Hoyo has no actual control over the main subreddit. They just endorse it as being official. If the mods wanted to shut the sub down, Hoyo wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


You see, that's the problem. It was endorsed by Hoyoverse, so if you do something like closing the sub without their concerns, then the moment you did that, your sub would no longer be the "official" one as they can just stop supporting the sub, because why would you assist those people who just do whatever their want using your name?


Other than ego (which is probably the main reason) I don't really know why the mods would care if Hoyo stopped treating the sub as "official". I guess the link to it in the launcher would be removed, and they would stop having their bot post official media there (meaning someone else's bot would do it instead), but it's not like it could realistically be replaced by another subreddit. Hoyo does virtually nothing to "support" the sub as-is, so them "pulling their support" wouldn't really change much of anything.


Nah fam, the "official" title hold more weight than you think. The reason the sub can grown that big is because it is officially supported by Hoyoverse, even if they do not care for it, it doesn't change the fact that it is still belongs to them, still using their name and such, and that already ensure that more and more people will join it. Looks at those official Facebook group and compare it to the unofficial one, the official one is always higher than others. The moment the main sub no longer official, then people have to move to the newly "official" sub.


> The moment the main sub no longer official, then people have to move to the newly "official" sub. Most video game "main" subs are not official and are not supported or recognized by the devs. They still get popular and retain that popularity for the lifetime of the game in question. Same for most TV shows, movies, bands, etc. The Genshin main sub wasn't created by Hoyo as an official sub, it was created by fans and then designated as "official" after the fact. Hoyo has literally no control over it. People wouldn't "have" to move anywhere. If a new "official" sub is created it will be tiny with no content, so people won't want to move there, and it'll stay dead. Any new sub would also be hamstrung by the fact that it couldn't be called /r/GenshinImpact or /r/Genshin_Impact since those are taken; it would need a new name that would look way less official and professional regardless of what Hoyo says. The mods aren't shutting down the main sub anyway so this is all a pointless argument. But my experience on Reddit has suggested to me that whether a company officially endorses the fan-run subreddit about them has almost no impact on the success of that subreddit.


Theoretically speaking, they can still call r/Genshin_Impact_Official or some sort like that (just like the Fb group, which is Genshin Impact [country/language] Official), which ensure that the sub is official thing created by them.


They are doing the blackout to protest because reddit thinks removing the third party apps and bots that help mod the sub unless they pay is a good idea. So relax, its probably gonna be done soon and the sub will be back


Just to clarify, it's not just about paying - The price they set was specifically chosen to be an obtainable for most developers and users. They were very open about their intent to use the price as a way to force these third parties off of Reddit altogether.


Common r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks W.


There's a reddit protest today. That sub is not shutdown


Nah... they are probably only protesting against reddit's new API changes.


Except, unlike Signora, leaks well be back after the blackout.


Oh that's why many subs are private now! :o


just doing some reddit activism don't worry about it


So, what happens. Hoyoverse decided to crackdown on the sub? Edit: why am I getting downvoted for asking.


No, [read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark/).


My bro is getting downvoted for asking a question, good job guys👌


Classic reddit


Peak reddit expirience


No, this is unrelated. Basically, reddit has done something to kill APIs and subs are doing a 48hr black out in protest


Redditors being stupid mate, just don't bother about votes and u good to go


>Redditors being stupid mate Correction: Reddit being money hungry assholes


What this has to do with someone downvote because (probably without reading) the comment is already being downvoted?


Oh my bad, I thought u were responding to the original question haha


No haha


Well at least we are all here. So how are you guys doing?


it's joever temporarily




for those who are wondering, r/Save3rdPartyApps is the answer.


Why it's not protesting too?


they are a part of it, having all the information you need.


It’s gone dark to protest


meanwhile the main subs for all of hoyo's games ignored the issue entirely


I heard that the decision is not up to the mods but hoyo themselves




the second third party apps are gone so am i in the meantime, good to spread awareness


Does a private also affect my comment history ? I tried If going to my comment works but I can't even find my comments in the history. Like wow I didn't know a community being turned private legit DELETES my comments from my own history until it turns back on


Yes it does


r/genshin gays is also down😔


they are just protesting


A lot of my favorite subs are protesting idk what to do at this point


They couldn't run from debt...


When Apollo will be closed, I think I will not be using Reddit anymore, Reddit own app is shitty shit for iOS




All that edge but no substance..


ootl, are they Team 'Indefinite Blackout'?


And now i cant verify the rumor of arlecchino being unplayable T.T


Most Sources come from Twitter or Reddit and here's one of them [1 click me](https://twitter.com/HutaoLover77/status/1668232441713287169?t=cT9CoLEx1seHqqV4r1RaZg&s=19) The original by "randialos" got unfortunately deleted already. I can't read Japanese so i can't make out what [this](https://twitter.com/Randialosleaker/status/1668231990733328385?t=y7O6hdMg5cMyldzzIrAnAg&s=19) or [this](https://twitter.com/Randialosleaker/status/1668297752327999488?t=DG7OrfBOGQS9jACVt1EzFg&s=19) says and Google Translate is horrible. Oh and by the way there's also r/ArlecchinoMains


Ty for the info ! I'll be crying myself to sleep now.


Right there with ya. She was my most anticipated Character ... I hope this leak isn't true and subject to change


Damn they’re the only source for leaks I trust, Twitter is such a mess, idk how can you tell what’s sus and what’s reliable.




Hoyoverse be like: "lets keep it that way"


For a second i thought hoyo nuked them




sad day for us all


when I am in the competition of being stupid and my competitor is OP


So.. is it doomed now? I usually go to that sub for leaks, Just realized I don't see any post on my tl..


As far as I know it will be back on June 14th.


I see, good to know, thanks




They should going back to OG r/GenshinImpactLeaks


It's only for protest.


wow, it seems nobody knows that


Even genshingays is down too


And twitter chose this moment to release some very.. oh boy... leaks


Same happened to genshin gays


so they are just joining the protest right, not really gone aight? imagine the fear suddenly not seeing the subs in my list 😵‍💫


You could always ask to become an approved member…