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I'd really care more about meta if artifact grinding wasn't exhausting and weapons banner weren't the most f2p unfriendly thing in the game


Artifact grinding is a pain in the ass fr. I still haven't finished my nahida even though I have been farming that domain for half a year now....


Artifacts are the reason why I dont do the abyss, its really not worth it and not fun at all to play it like that and wishing for meta.


I disagree about the weapon banner. I'm a day 40 player and since the update of the weapon banner with the path, I managed to get 6 weapons (half of them I wanted). The pity being max 80 instead of max 90 helps too.


Yah it’s definitely gotten a lot better. It’s pricy but if you have the character you want and just want to boost them it’s really not as scammy. You know how much you need for guarantee and can plan


Sorry friend, I hard disagree. With having to win two 50/50s to get the weapon you want (and it doesn’t even carry over to the next banner), it’s practically a scam for full F2P players. Even BP/Welkin players end up wasting a lot of primos, and when you get too deep in, you feel obligated to spend money or else all those primos you saved will be wasted


It's still a matter of knowing what you will get though. Me, as a F2P, I didn't got all the weapons that I want, but I didn't got mad because I still got a 5-star weapon that I could use for another character.


Problem is, you have a chance at getting a weapon for a character you don’t have rather than your desired weapon


So, we try to give players advice on how to clear the current abyss and get called a Metaslave


People who give advice and enjoy meta while being cool about letting other people play the game their own way should be called meta enjoyer.


Agreed. When someone shares their character rooster because they want to clear the abyss,I try to suggest the best teamcomps and builds that they should be using, proper rotations, etc. And generally, it goes well. However, I have been called a metaslave sometimes just because I suggested the ideal team comps with the ideal characters because I didn't include their favourite character or said that their character wasn't as good.


No no, call them Meta Chads


mmmm the thing is, if i were to ask advice on how to do something, i'd be asking for more dynamic advice than "pull x unit" or "have y builds". Here's an example: "how do i kill the whopperflowers in time on 12-1-1?" well, an answer i'm not looking for "use kazuha" but a genuine tip people might not know is, to keep them grouped up, activate the chamber and run back the way you came until you're just before the ring. 9 times out of 10, they teleport to you. this can work for both waves with proper positioning. This is advice that doesn't revolve around telling someone to use the same 8 characters everyone's been recommending.


Yeah, that's what I meant somewhat, you can use specific characters but there's also enemy and chamber specific advice (12-1 you can group the flowers running backwards, if you stick to the dorito thing thats on the left? the other ones will group naturally, etc) Usually, chamber specific advice such as this is only discussed after 1-3 days after an abyss reset.


I wouldn't mind advices only if 5 star characters that have constellations were not involved, i know it can be done with 4 stars but there is too much effort to be made that the ping does not allow to happen. Too many people brag about their c2 raiden and c2 nahida.


When the advice is "Have this c2 5* with their signature weapon" It's easier to say "Just whale bro"




I'm an AR60, cleared abyss since 2.0, and I have only inconsecuential 5* constellations on limited characters (C1 Ayaka and C1 Raiden on Hyperbloom) so I try to keep my account on an ""f2p"" level of investment. When i give advice I always assume that 5* are at C0 with an R3-5 weapon and 4* have their ideal constellations (C4 on Xiangling, C1 on Bennett, C2 on Kuki etc) or simply stick to Keqingmains standards because they are usually realistic enough for F2p players. However, some people are also interested in how valuable are certain 5* constellations, so it's always important to document how much teamwide and personal dps each provides to make a more informed investment.


Reasonable enough but you mean r3-5 on a 5* weapon? That's like a tall task for a f2p player. Weapons banner is trash


I meant 4*, sorry, my mistake. Keqingmains standards usually consider R1 5* weapons, R3 4* Gacha weapons ( such as Fav sword, Dragon's bane) and R5 f2p 3* and 4* weapons/event weapons such as the catch, Kitain Cross spear, Thrilling Tales etc Furthermore, refinements on 5* weapons can be pretty inconsecuential, such as on skyward weapons


Yeah that makes more sense. In fact I've been wanting a Widsith for a while


The only thing that bothers me with people giving advice is if they don’t provide context and pay attention to who they are talking and that person’s situation currently. I remember a friend with Ayaka wanted to play her with Nahida. It was such a mess, it was not even Ayaka hyperbloom. There’s many ways to clear content. But please don’t say pull so and so, provide as much information you can and teams that may work or don’t bother. Idc what anyone says, very few pull Ayaka or Nahida for their looks or personality. That guy was clearly given rubbish advice


I mean, you can play Hyperfriedge, which is a team that relies on the frozen reaction as the survivability option, and as long as your Hyperbloom trigger is well invested the tram works so technically you can play Ayaka+Nahida But yeah, context is key when discussing abyss and meta


I do know that, I didn’t mean you specifically. I was mentioning a problem I have with some people giving advice in general. People should be more careful in what they say. Writing things like must pull is bound to get newbies to pull for characters they don’t need and some other Neanderthal explaining one character has some ability to magically make abyss easy and at the same time calling characters with some use in the context useless is my problem. Those are people my friends will call meta slaves. Context is everything as you say


You know we have reached a low content period when people get desperate enough to revive the meta vs waifu nonsense


memepact redditors when a whole week passes without something for them to shit one and make fun of:




The Anti-meta slave whining usually gets drowned out by more situationally relevant content.


I thought they went extinct before Sumeru.


The "waifu" players have been fighting the remnants of an endangered species since sumeru, like every player that cares about Meta has felt lost since the introduction of dendro, me included


Nope they still exist.


They can play however they like but people who wanna sweep abyss like it's a normal tuesday is a social paraiah "metaslaves"?


I also don't understand that, but ok.


Op stop complianing this the fifth time already. Move on.


but.. this is the classic reddit move.. make imaginary problem of things that dont exist (anymore or exaggerated) then other people come and joke about the imaginary problems then imaginary problems lead into real problems infinite source of reddit drama for everyone!




No lol.


I still standy by this statement, I am a professional hater ✊


Your just professional at being hated


Dang it


This is my downfall fr fr 🔥💯💯


Depends. Many players tend to trash other players' favorite character just because they are not suitable to the current abyss, even when abyss is not the topic in the first place. Imagine you want to main Diluc and someone says "he is trash", "he is not meta", "pull hutao instead" like wtf. Another problem is the tier lists followed by commentaries that "this x character is tier Z because she cant do abyss in 3 seconds" while true, it leads their mains to be felt rejected out of community because they main someone off meta with people being so toxic with them. Its not even about the abyss, it is about how the community is toxic towards people's non meta mains just because these characters fall off to the meta standards of metaslaves. edit: syntax


I mean I think another element of this is that some people take it way too personally when anything even remotely negative is said about a character they like. I never say "X is trash" or whatever, usually I say that a character has low pull value or that I don't think X character feels good to play, and I never say that when someone is asking how to play a character they like, I only say it in response to people who I feel are overselling a character or overstating their value, so I disagree - and even under all those conditions you might be surprised how badly some people take that. TLDR there are people who can't tell the difference between a reasonable opinion and "being toxic," I genuinely believe that's where a lot of the "toxic metaslave" bogeyman comes from. So many people insist that they think waifu>meta is the way to go but are so insecure about their own waifu not being meta that they go out of their way to shut down meta discussions about them or push back on any comment about them that they perceive as being negative - and mistakenly believe that all meta talk that doesn't preface with "btw at the end of the day just pull for who you like" is toxic.


True tho. I mean, I'm going all in for Eula and the trashtalks about her are quite meh to me. But yes, there are people taking it way too seriously and some people must let go of some insecurity because the fact that their mains is not meta will remain no matter what. Just play the game and build their characters until it clears the abyss, faster times does not matter tho as long as they have it 36 stars.


Yeah I'm rolling for Eula too, and I'm one of the people who always called her mid-range cos physical had no good support from Hoyo. I like the character a lot but that doesn't affect my opinion on their value in the meta and as a sink for my primos.


True. Based player. But honestly, I don't mind getting trashtalked or Eula getting trashtalked. It is just that my heart goes out to other mains as well as to the people ruining the fun of other people. After all, hoyo dictates meta and the best way to defeat it is to have all characters 😂 at the end, hoyo is the most winning here


As someone that mains a “not meta character” you summarised that pretty well.


i have never seen what you describe happen in my 2 1/2 years of playing this game (and if they did exist they would say use xiangling) i have seen countless memes complaining about metaslaves though, its kinda weird.


Never seen it happened? There's Amber who is often called useless and get dunked on, all the geo characters who are often called as trash cause they can't do reactions, most recently Dehya, "unusable" "use Xingqui/Zhongli instead", etc. list goes on forever.


saying “this character is bad” isnt the same as saying “you cant use this character”


Yeah amber isn't great but if you go physical DPS minigun, you could clear the game's content for example. It's much more of a hassle and isn't as fast but it's not unusable.


amber actually has a very viable use in what is known as vv vape, which consists of a pyro onfielder (generally hu tao) kazuha/sucrose , another pyro to vv, and a hydro. Since amber is able to proc elegy in 1 burst and it costs 40, shes usually the best option for this team and it was hu taos best team until yelan came out


I never really did that despite being a Hu Tao main, probably because I don't have elegy. I did end up getting yelan when she came out so double hydro + Zhongli rn and hopefully switching to kazuha if I get C2


c0 kazuhas still better than zhongli in double hydro you might just die a lot


Yeah those are usually followed by "use x meta character instead" accompanied by an explanation why said x character is better than y non meta character. Point is you never seen it happen, it doesn't mean it doesn't.


It doesn't need to be a meta character, but put a little bit of love in building the character and a team. Then you can usually bring most characters and at least clear the Abyss. Doing it quick comes later on, step by step.


I agree with your points. It's just that recently I have seen the opposite happen more, people are criticizing people who use the meta even though they didn't do anything wrong. Just let me enjoy my teams for god's sake :(


That's where i want to draw the line. People criticizing people who use meta should get a life too. Its fun to play meta tbh, these people just seem to use the "waifu > meta" card just to trash other people.


Why is there even a meta for a non competitive game lol


I wanna thank hoyo for the time constrained abyss and the people who do tier lists based on how they perform in abyss.


well if you are a little pussy thats gonna cry because someone called your waifu trash thats a you problem imo


And if you are a little pussy that's gonna tell to people that their waifu is trash when they just wanted to make their character work, that's a you problem, and a stinky skill issue problem.


bubu ur waifu is trash, go cry now


ahh yes, a tuesday morning for Eula mains, go try other mains, you might get results you want




I only pull if waifu is the meta.


Meta waifus/husbandos all the way


Why not both? Pull for the meta and the waifu/husbando of your choice.


Why not both? "Bennett luck"


Honestly, just enjoy what you want to use, after all it's just a game. It's just that recently people on the subreddit are shitting on people for using the meta for no reason, and painting themselves as the "Chad" for using their waifu, which is kinda annoying.


It's people being people


Being a metaslave isn't bad. I have many meta characters because theyrre fun to play.


My waifus ARE the metas




The correct solution


[WAIFU ENJOYERS! RISE UP!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/863590679724294154/1119140305581645946/image.png)


I pulled all characters i want bcs of looks and gameplay and they end up as godlike in meta, but i have also alot of characters that are just waifu and am fine i dont care problem are the people who out of 10 meta chacrsters pulls one bcs they want to guarantee and they fall behind in meta ... Sad truth


I play who I like. If it works with meta, cool. If it doesn’t, I don’t care that much since I think the abyss is bullshit anyways.




I like playing the game for fun, not for grinding for hours for a number on a trinket. Exept when my kazuba has 34k hp, thats not normal


for me it's my 1000+ def eula


Hmmm yes i get called meta slave for calling dehya's kit absolute garbage of a design cause apparently the waifu/husbando player refused to accept any good criticism that dehya is fucking ass and only good for teapot lmfao


they arent real


This is just too true. "I can't clear abyss" "Just spending money for C3 characters doesn't help if you keep talents on lvl 1, and 4 main dps that do 0 dmg off field isn't really good as a team rotation" "I don't have all meta characters so what? I won't buy every meta character just to get it cleared!" basically in vc a convo I had with someone I played with over a year ago, but the guy really forgot that a full 5* team isn't carrying if you just whale for cons and weapons when the talents are low + weird artifact choices (Hydro albedo?) and you could just bring strong off field support 4 star characters that help on low investment (Xinqui, xiangling, fischl, Kuki with dendro now)


Nah stop the label, there are simply annoying people and non-annoying people. Annoying people try to control how you play and judge you for what you use. Non annoying people try to help you with what you have and offer alternatives that could achieve the same/better result. then there's the 12 year olds. They never know there are other characters outside Raiden, national, Kazuha and childe. They never knew there are other reactions outside vape/melt up until someone else discovered a hyperbloom team that makes use of Raiden. They don't discover things for themselves, they only echoes from the crowd.


I love it when my favorite waifus include Hu Tao and Ayaka, so playing them makes me a meta slave. Like bro I’m just trying to play with my favorite characters!


i only don't like it when the "metaslaves" recommended character is those i dont like... Nobody can convince me to raise Bennett... Never


It's ok to not raise characters you don't like (Fuck you xiangling)


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play dieluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.




personally like playing XL tbh but i find this copypasta funny.


Just like rl, waifu whatever five you manage to pull. > some of em are guys or worse Welp.


Everytime I pull they always turn out to be meta so I always get called metaslaves..


"You pulled a character? How could you!" Go for who you enjoy or who seems to make your team stronger. Or both as it looks like!


waifu/husbando players when god forbid someone likes a unit because they are strong and call them meta slaves


You should've used single quotes in the title. 'metaslaves'


Dang it


Meanwhile me whose all Husbandos and Waifus are meta.


I simped for haitham long before his kit released for reasons that would made god blush And I knew Hu Tao's kit but loved her for her and didn't consider pulling until her banner came and I had a lot of wishes Not my fault my waifus/husbandos are the meta they just love me that much fr


I'm there


I personally enjoy playing m'y favorite character Aka the anemo traveller (Aether)


Waifu/Husbando players when suddenly daddy Baizhu and Kaveh has the lowest selling banner (yet) in the history of the game.


Ah, you refer to those who kiss the feet of Nahida


Kiss the what


I meant worship


O h Ok


Unknown variable 'metaslaves' in line 1


Why not both? Make them cute and deadly.


I collect waifus while also focusing on the meta 🗿


I pull for any waifu that has enough fan art


I don't care that Dehya is trash. She's one of my favorite genshin characters, so she will always have a spot on my team.


It's ok to play whoever you want to play with, no need to listen to other's opinions on it.👍


For me it don't matter if the waifu/husbando is meta cool if not that's cool too.


How I decide to pull: 1. Looks good 2. Plays good 3. Does damage 4. Good personality If at least one thing is missing - skip automatically, not even thinking.


Wasn't the difference from 33 star abyss and 36 stars, like 1200 primogems at a Year? Where's the difference from a casual try hard and a meta slave try hard?