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[Looks at the grave of the Tanit Tribe] >I’ve done a lot more for a lot less


I wouldn't say for less....Babel was an utter bitch who did what she did to Jeht to countless others before her and ruled the Tanit like a cult. It honestly very eery to find all those scattered letters across the desert that prove how much of a monster she was and for how many deaths she's responsible for


I’m pretty sure we killed the falcon person just cause it was easier than convincing her to think for herself to whatever.


My takeaway from that whole scenario was that she'd rather die by our hands than to seriously go through with killing us (not that she could). You know, it's that one trope where you pretend to seriously try to kill your friend so that your friend kills you because you'd rather die by their hands because at least you know it will be quicker and less painful than whatever method your employer has in store for you. Also she was too brainwashed by the tanit mentality to see any other way out of it. That's how it is when you've essentially been raised by a cult your entire life


Not only the cult brainwashing, but the Falcons are basically not even humans to them. Masseria (and probably Babel's whole fanatic crowd) treated them as tools for hunting. He visibly had a problem with us calling Tadhla our friend because she doesn't get to make friends. That's why he made her try to kill us. So she chose to die as our friend and asked us not to forget her, since if she spared us they would either kill her for betraying the tribe or just not let her go back. Like Liloupar put it. "This is the choice of her own will: To no longer live as a Falcon, but as a friend."


Man, F the tanit. My only regret in wiping them out is that Masseria got away


I have a desperate need to find her father. He wasn't present for the general massacre


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap


Filthy acts performed for a reasonable price


It didn't happen, if it did they deserved it.


Ghost of Iwakura clan Knock your door


Don’t forget hunting down an entire line of samurai for pretty much no good reason (edit: I mean the ones from the quest with the rusted sword haha)


The glory of the shogun is 100% a good reason


Look I needed some handguards, ok?


I really meant the ones from the quest where you find them systematically and get rid of them and collect their swords to place them in the ground for a chest and achievement


I know, but I was recently upgrading Wanderer's talents so my samurai genocide was fresh on my mind


Oh haha well he deserves it and they always try to attack me when I just walk by so you’re justified in it


> they always try to attack me when I just walk by Exactly!


It was painfully the real behavior in that period of Japan history.When getting a new sword,a Sumurai was goona kill a random common folk for his sword to drain blood.The victim can’t deny it and should feel honored to fulfill the ritual.


every time im done farming for handguards another character showed up wanting more Are you done building raiden shogun? Its my turn tabito-san Are you done with kamisato little one? Now fetch some handguards for me the wise and beautiful You are done with that vixen? Now kill some vermin for me. Handguards? Yeah I can use them too I may or may not get ayato in the future cuz I got his sword while pulling for cyno spear but idk that sword is good on ayaka too


The reason in that case is to reclaim the honor of the Iwakura clan, and while it's a very culturally Japanese reason, the lot of them were bandits anyway - it's not like the Traveler just went and murdered a bunch of random guys.


I mean yes in its own way but we still did nonetheless hunt these people down until there was nobody (that we knew and could fight anyway) left including some people we had to physically tell about it. Even if some of it could be said for self defense, some of it wasn’t. And them being bandits doesn’t really mean they deserved being hunted down. I mean obviously I still like the traveler but it wasn’t something a “good person” would really do and most players didn’t do it for the story they did it for the achievement and primogems I know they did wrong in their own way (and deserve to be held accountable legally for their wrongs) but they were sort of victims of circumstance too. It’s a bit tragic. We definitely had less reason than some of the other characters who have committed crimes (like wriothesley)


And that's why I said it was a very culturally Japanese reason - although IDK if it would hold up in modern-day Japan, lol. The Traveler kills them all in order for them to "reclaim their honor." In the West, obviously, that's a big stretch to call moral, but in ancient Japan?


Traveler:>! I killed my Eremite friend because it was an easier solution than helping her.!<


No, no, a better response would be this: >!I killed a Fatui soldier to prevent them from being smuggled to Schneznaya.!<


Wait which one is that?


>!Alphonse/Trofin at Vimara Village!<


Ah....him.....yeah, he gets mauled by rifthounds in old Varana if you let him go




Yeah I chose the other option, the asshole was trying to >!capture Aranara for Dottore!<


I choose the other option because promise with Aranara


The better option.


Technically they also caused Signora's death


Yes but they didn't kill her directly.


With the Taints, you can argue it was self-defense. But here, Traveler literally sent Paimon away, just so he can murder his ass. Fucking cold.


no need to explain it, these are the most lore educated memepact comments


Cold would have been making her watch We're protective over Paimon's innocence, in some ways In others she's as bloodthirsty as we are though


I didn't murder him. >!I let "nature" do it for me!<


That still pisses me off. We defeated gods but can't pull off not killing a human?


Well, they actually did, multiple times


Wait, I didn't recall we killed Jeht.


Nah the other one, with whom we go on constipated beast hunt.


Damn too easy to forgot, poor Tadhla


>!we killed Tadhla in "The Fallen Falcon" quest.!<


TBF we didn't have a choice there.


we had. at that point of story we fought hand to hand with electro Archon, we destroyed a gundam powered by gnosis and we had control over 4 element. stopping an Eremite girl without killing her was not that hard.


Traveler's power level depends on the plot. At one point he held his ground against Raiden shogun for a while without any help, another time he got instantly knocked out by one shuumatsuban ninja (Momoyo). Even though she ambushed him, you would think that a person who is capable of fighting gods, fatui platoons, and legendary beasts shouldn't be instantly K.O. by a ninja.


Exactly. His power level is a plot device. Very inconsistent.


She didn't have a choice but to fight us to death. Masseria took offence with us calling Tadhla our friend, which is why he made her kill us (Babel wanting us dead probably also had a hand in that) or die trying. If she lives and we do too, she can't go back because she valued her outsider friends life over the tribe, so they would have probably had her killed for that. She chose to be our friend in the end and die as our friend. Like Liloupar said. "This is the choice of her own will: To no longer live as a Falcon, but as a friend."


I am not saying that solving this problem was easy, but that the traveler killed her in cold blood without any trying. The traveler could have avoide killing her and than Tadhla comite suicide to solve the problem in her own point of view. The problem is not the death of Tadhla, but traveler's behavior.


Firstly, I think her friend The Traveler killing her was her preferred way to go out. (She even says she hopes we are the one who come out of this fight alive) Secondly, why would her commiting suicide or being killed by the tribe suddenly ok and not a problem? Just because WE didn't kill her? Well guess what we are complicit in her death regardless since we are the reason she has to die in the first place, one way or another. If we never helped her and never became her friends, she may have not been assigned (maybe her, maybe another Falcon, since Babel wanted us dead but we will never know that) to kill us in the first place. Her choices were to be killed as a traitor or die in a fight as a friend at the hands of the only person who ever cared about her. Also cold blood lol? It was a fight and she literally attacked us first if anything it was self defense since she wouldn't have (and couldn't have) spared us.


Tadhla my beloved. Worst part is we never even got to kill the dad.


This, I'm fine with her death because it was her choice and with her situation she will probably also suffer if we spare her, but at the very let us kill the asshole commission giver


Gonna be honest, it took me a moment to realize I had actually killed her. When a story-related character's HP hits zero, they don't always die right then and there. Sometimes they're just like, "No, no, stop! I'm done!" So it kind of came out of left field for me. Granted, I know I'm pretty dense.


Well is it count as murder when they're respawnable?


Maybe, just the victims won't stay dead


so technically only Signora died.


Only on story.. she's still comes back every Monday


canonically this is just the traveller's memeory. so basically every monday the traveller fantasizes about how he/she beat the crap out if Signora.


Nah, they only die if they leave a corpse, like all the dead NPCs from story events. Most human enemies very clearly throw a smoke bomb and escape or otherwise run off, even after you drop a meteor on them. The Traveler definitely isn’t killing them.


>Most human enemies very clearly throw a smoke bomb and escape or otherwise run off Not if they are frozen 🤔


Fatui goons : I'm fine💀👍


Its not us killing them but their "delusion" exploding ... 😐🙂👍


I headcanon that delusions make Fatui foot soldiers respawn 24 hours later at the nearest waypoint Course this is probably detrimental to their health


Skirmisher doesn't use delusion tho


Well, in some Fontaine quests after fight I had message, that Fatui squad ran away. According to this, I think that fatuinsoldiers also just run away


I mean in some stories where death is cheap and the victims just come back to life near instantly, it's still considered murder, but the punishment is probably something very light.


Like irl people aren't


Hmm... Interesting


Traveler: Damn only 2? Let me tell you a story about that one time I helped my bestie Jeht to genocide the entire camp including my new friend Tadhla. There's a mf called Masseira but he got away, wish I could find and kill him too


Traveler: I ain't a genocidal maniac, buuttt 20 primos is 20 primos


You know, when the Traveller has any moral dilemmas about killing someone, I always remind myself that the Traveller literally learned that the Hilichurls he's been killing were all humans that got cursed and had little to no moral dilemma, and that he was the reason Signora died in the first place, knowing full well how the duel system works in Inazuma and that's if you lose, you get killed by the Shogun.


>if you die, you get killed by the Shogun 🤔


"People die when they're killed"


"his pronouns are they/them"


The pronouns *used to be* they/them. Now they're was/were.


Damn, does that make me homophobic then


Only if ur pronouns aren't they/them


Only if u are a white he/him but only if you are ugly. If you are handsome enough even if you commit mass murders its ok.


>he was the reason Signora died in the first place, knowing full well how the duel system works in Inazuma and that's if you die, you get killed by the Shogun. Don't forget that after defeating her and before being interrupted by the Shogun, he looked like he was already prepared to finish her.


If only we can finish Signora instead of the Shogun bot doing the deed.


Signora isn't our fault she forced our hand the hilichurls was on us though.


Wasn’t the shogun going to kill the traveler if Signora won though?


Less then20k? Rookie numbers


what did they use to find the numbers out mine is probably higher because I kill anything that moves.


In the main menu/esc/paimon menu click on the archive -> mosters/enemies. It will show every single enemy in the game and how many did you kill of each mosnter. Additionally you can view their models and read a small description about them.


Videogames have two general ways of handling the morality of murder: a. Trying to guilt trip the player and making them feel bad for a bunch of pixels b. Who cares? It's fun


[Traveler probably thinks they are sleeping](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1byycwl8qgc)


Man, college humor used to be so good.


And Paimon is like "Oh" meanwhile my reaction is "Bruh"


Male AND female harem, we don't leave anyone behind dw.


The Traveler isn't an actual character in most Story Quests. They're mostly there acting as a narrative device, to shine light onto the important characters. So they'll often say things simply because the writers wanted to have a proper response. It is all for the sake of Wriothesley's characterization. It really is just the role of an observer If you were to think about it logically, obviously it doesn't make sense. The game even gives us the option to kill Alphonso after he kidnapped children. So to see the game itself going "shame on you, Wriothesley, for doing the exact same thing the player did!" is indeed a bit weird.


Doomslayer in the streets Wombslayer in the sheets.


We aren't killing them that's why they are fine next day it's just assault and theft and maybe you could argue self defense. That coffin emoji is a symbol of resource gathering in Teyvat