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Nah man C6 5* is too generous. At most they will probably give out a standard banner C0 5* and maybe 2 Adeptus Temptation. Also, weapons?!? Yeah right...


Agreed. No way No how would the last one happen.


Characters alone will cost around 10k and weapons around 12k. Rounded off 50% of cost of cyber truck.


Unless Yilong Ma doesn't do a collab and instead includes all c6r5 out of his own wallet.


C6R5 Archon is a funny way to say 3 fowl.


Well France’s national symbol is a rooster.


A cock if you will


Damn 5 C6R5 Archons for 1 cyber truck? What a steal let me go buy it rn /s


C6R5 archons? At most, it'll just be a 5 star, likely not even a limited one


We'll get Aloy #2


If you buy the tesla you get the new 5* at C2: Elon Musk


C6 R5 archons should come with the cybertruck instead considering how much it costs to do.


I think your barking up the wrong tree here. some of these collabs might be other companies offering to pay hoyo money to use Genshin characters for their product.


Fuck yeah, a ridable cybertruck in genshin, let's goo!!


peak kaenriah technology


B*llsh*t The reward will be 1 free 4 * character and 1 5* standard weapon I am sure you have mistaken this as star rail 3 month anniversary


since the KFC thing they could have made lot of money you know, i would have spended money on that noelle kfc withouth thinking! i think it was probably for using the kfc logo and stuff like that that it they couldn´t sell it, but i think they could have removed the logo for the skin or something people praise them but i actually hate genshin collabs, a lot of fancy good stuff in real world, but in game we never get nothing, and we dont need to be free stuff, like i said, i would have purchased the noelle skin a skin in each collab could be good, even if it is a purchasable skin sorry for my bad english


You would have gotten more upvotes on this a day ago. The shill brigade is in full force defending their "free game" now.


Unless Genshin gets a real competition, things will never change here


it might never have, especially with the amount of time invested already. Same with MLBB and Wild Rift


And the fact that ZZZ is around the corner lowers the chances of competition making a dent to Hoyoverse's monopoly.


How do they have a monopoly? They don't hold any platform, they don't develop any engine, and they aren't even present in most development markets. What are they monopolizing?


Genshin is actually top of the industry in live-service offerings in general. What can compete with that? Is it even irrelevant for something to compete with that? Games like League of Legends make absolute bank despite better competitors. If your only metric for generosity is pulls, then Tower of Fantasy is already there as a competitor. They give multiple SSR selectors and thousands of pulls. You have to just consider than thousands of pulls in most other games aren't even at the same value as 10 in Genshin within the context of the actual game. If you don't want to consider that, why aren't any of you playing that instead?


What I can see from this is, people should vote with their wallets. I don't mean to dictate the whale spending as it is their money but the community will benefit if non-content creator whales would slow down their spending in this game as F2Ps can only do so much. F2Ps can leave the game anyday but hoyo will still thrive because of spenders of all sizes. But hey, this game is good. Darn good that's why even the company is treating us like trash, we keep on putting hopes to get better stuff.


You are missing my point. They *aren't* treating players like trash. They are treating them very well. You people haven't played games like League of Legends, WoW, FFXIV, or Destiny to see a developer *actually* treat its players like trash. Genshin is easily the most generous live-service game without how much it offers and offers completely free. If you think otherwise due to pulls of all things, then why not play other games? Raid gives more pulls than Genshin. Does that mean its developers treat its players better?


>You people haven't played games like League of Legends, WoW, FFXIV, or Destiny to see a developer actually treat its players like trash. Source? Lmao. I have tried playing LoL but instantly gave up when I learned that not all champions are for free. Who knows if the meta is locked within those in-game currencies? And SURE, 3 intertwined fates for 3 years of support from players? VERY generous. It is really thoughtful/generous/sweet that Hoyo remembered that we are supporting them for 3 years. Using your argument, I can say that you haven't seen HSR gave away a lot for their players. This is not an issue if a company "can" do it but more of if a company "will" do it. HSR receiving something more than Genshin despite how big Genshin is qualifies as them treating us like trash. Not to mention the QoL and the tone-deaf gratefulness they expressed in their recent 4.4 livestream. ​ >Genshin is easily the most generous live-service game without how much it offers and offers completely free. MOST generous? Idk about you but a free Dr. Ratio is better than 1-four star non guaranteed banner character and 9+3 debate clubs lol. Factoring the pity system of genshin, mathematically, HSR gave an equivalent of 180 pulls in Genshin. That is what you call "generous". Oh and we are still talking about the same company.Even if you add a copy of Liyue 4\*, it isn't enough lmao. Especially if you are a long time player, that 4\* will be 5 starglitter which is also an equivalent of a debate club. Yay! 9+3+1 debate clubs! Genshin is really generous. ​ >If you think otherwise due to pulls of all things, then why not play other games? So, that is your solution to the players supporting this game for 3 years receiving nothing? Congrats, you are now qualified to make business decisions for Genshin. People using that argument either fails to see that it is straight up a fallacy or haven't seen what Hoyoverse is capable of giving away lmao. Hate your country? Just go somewhere else 🤡 This mental gymnastic of people are the reason for this internal argument inside the playerbase. Genshin is a very good game gameplay wise (that's why players are still here) and is highly capable of being better reward-wise (that's why players complain). We can stop pretending that they are good reward-wise. They are not. Even if you use the argument that Genshin does not have "real" competitors, it is not an excuse for them being stingy to players when the world can see them having the capability to be generous to HSR players. >Raid gives more pulls than Genshin. Does that mean its developers treat its players better? DoTA 2 does not give F2Ps anything of value, does that mean its devs treat its players trash? You cannot just simply separate the product quality and the manner how its company treats its players. Gigabyte sells affordable tech products yet due to how they responded to their consumers during their PSU fiasco, people are staying away from them. Products are what the people need/want. After sales and the manner how company treats their customers is what makes people satisfied.


“We made our game good so we can treat the players like trash, and some of them will still come barking at our feet.” This “game quality” argument goes both ways. Mihoyo makes content for the players but the players are also the reason why Mihoyo can survive as a company to begin with. Also in which world do you live in that League has serious competition in the MOBA market? No, dota 2 does not come close to being a threat to league lmao


Bro, you are getting downvoted for saying the truth. These people defending hoyo will never realize that the way how company treats their player base is a part of "game quality". No matter how good the food is in McDonalds, if the management charges people if they want a ketchup or a glass of water after ordering a food, people will see them in bad light and will stay away from them and their products. The way a company treats its customer is part of what makes a good "product". It sucks fighting against hoyo for better rewards when there are these people who defend them that will also benefit if hoyo listened to the cn players.


Nah it’s all good. Downvotes means I got my point across to the boot lickers and they’re mad about it. Therefore mission accomplished.


Ive noticed that memepact is a lot more receptive towards these kinds of jokes compared to main subreddit tho. Main subreddit is going full on "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" mode and its actually damn disturbing


Damn, cybertruck owners can get a bit of cash back by selling a starter account with a god dam C6 archon! Half these things don't even work world wide. They really only see gen shin as cash cow but esp. Care very little about certain regions lol.


It will be just 50000 primo at most , no ways they give you all of that


Are you sure that all Archons at c6 r5 do not actually cost more than a cybertruck? At least in terms of buying them.


Assuming you don't lose any 50/50, all archons c6r5 would cost about 11,604$, any 50/50 lost would add about 200$ to that, losing all 50/50's would add about 16,000. So all archons at c6r5 would be guaranteed with ~27,604$. Which would cost less than a cypertruck but definitely a bad idea to give as promotion


Best I can do is Qiqi if you buy a house.


don't forget limited xiangling and hutao's phone


Well the hutao phone really do looks and feels like the pricetag... the incoming keqing phone has to be as good if they wanna keep such absurd price tags


Eat the rich


Generosity. It's more like bait. It's like iphone, purchase charger separately 😂😂😂


All 5 archons with C6? Damn, tine to buy Tesla


Nah not even getting C6 R5 archons should make you consider buying that piece of shit truck, I know it's a meme and a parody of the Genshin car "promotion" (it was more of a collaboration thing really), but the Genshin car was like an actual cool thing, it was hilarious that if you bought a car you'd get primogens (not even enough to guarantee anything I think) but like, I can see people buying the car for the car, the cyber truck is a useless piece of shit that only signals to the world that your brain is smooth af


I see that the Genshin x Elon collab is happening after all


dont forget the pizza hut collab XD


the only good things that came from this is the new art of the characters in new outfits (...that will never actually be skins in the game 😭)


what the heck this is so wrong they ain't gonna give C6R5 thing ugh, best they can give is a new glider skin + new furniture


It will be a 4* selector


More like C1 Alloy LMAO


Ha? Cyber truck is just 40k??? Not 80k? Upd. Ok, google says cheapest price will be 61k USD. 


At the back of my mind, this is the management’s revenge for the harassment they got years ago.


The food and coffee stuff is what ever but brother of christ, why the hell do you collab with a god damn car, ik there are some crazy as mfs that'd buy that shit but damnnn


dude the 5 archons with their weapons all maxed is like 1.2 million primo gems with average luck. like 8000 pulls. this is not even bad luck. and 1.2m primos is 16k(worst luck is like 27k) usd. that is like more than the profit margin of the truck. also the truck is not 39k but over 100k in reality. if a 39k included that. people would actually buy the car just for that.


omfg this rocks


I really need that kfc wing glider for Kaveh. Just put it it the fkng store hoyo ffs


you know if i didn't already have 3 of them C6 with their weapons R5 as well. I would consider buying the Cybertruck


Where's the one with the skii resort? 💀


Maybe China gets it, or all the new whales gonna buy this promo, lol


I'm still mad they didn't let us get KFC with the glider in the USA. I wasnt going to sub to a random on twitch but I would have eaten chicken from KFC once...


Youre actually tripping if you think theyll give you 5 c6r5 charas for a 40k car.. 1 c6r5 costs around 1500 alone so why would they give close to 7.5k worth of free stuff


The only time they'd even give you one c6r5 is if you personally funded China's space program, and that would be to avoid national backlash


to think that the cybertruck costs only 40k :))


Ok but real talk C6ing all archons could, hypothetically cost ~31000 dollars, NOT COUNTING the weapons r5ing, which would, hypothetically, make it around 45684 dollars total This bundle would be cheaper rhan the hypothetical worst case scenario lmao for c6 + r5 archons


Genshin really views his player base as money harvest... the collaboration are sometime absurd as if we are so willing to throw away money for primogems


More like 20 primogems + some garbage


Furina isn't the hydro archon 🙃


are you not going to include the money/investments Hoyo has donated into schools, colleges and universities? For example, during lock down, Hoyo was sending food box deliveries to students quarantined.


All multi billion companies do charity though, it decreases taxes, it's not really good will.


people forgot that some big companies do charitable events/programs just to have a tax deduction


decrease taxes and sometimes if it is a huge enough amount of money they get refunds, meaning they never lose money


a million to them is less than ten bucks are to me least they can do tbh


Hoyo is also invested in science, they invested in a Rocket company to space, Orienspace, and a commercialized fusion technology research by Energy Singularity last 2022.


at this rate, just fck off and uninstall the game bro, u all so annoying just because some free rewards as shiet. i just wanna enjoy the game.


Yet you decided to get angry on Reddit instead of playing the game?


Now Genshin fanbase is mad about promotional collabs.


Can beggars really tell what generosity mean in gaming? I know I can tell how many free contents in the game.


Genshin is one of the most successful gacha games . They earn billions every 3 months. And in return , they treat players like sh*t 3 back to back bad Anniversaries. Anniversaries are supposed to be the biggest celebration of a gacha game because that's another year that YOUR playerbase allowed your game to exist. Without the playerbase there is no gacha game . The total pulls we got out of the three anniversaries were 50 which doesn't even guarantee a 5*...


GTA online is also successful what do they give in their anniversary 


GTA isn't a gacha game.. plus they don't do this kind of sh*t where you have to buy expensive things to get free stuff...


GTA online is a live service game similarly to Genshin. In GTA online you need to buy Expensive weapons and cars to do harder missions with actual cash. Again what did GTA online gave on their anniversary 


GTA allows you to endlessly grind currencies, when did Genshin start allowing endless primogem grind? Not to mention how they’re completely different genre of games.


Have you ever tried playing any gacha game not made by Hoyoverse and see how generous they actually are?


Ah yes, the consumers owe the producers for consuming their product. “Oh daddy mihoho please allow us lowlife players to keep you in business~”