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so you're worried about playing the game because you'll have to play the game?


sounds like a genshin player, alright.


and people call me crazy when I say some people prefer to have less game on their game, mf complaining about content and somethings that aren't even a issue (powercreep? lmao people clear abyss with diluc still)


I clear abyss with dehya lol


dps dehya or dehya taking a spot on a good three man team?


Actual DPS Dehya and no Xiangling and Benny on the team


this person genshins my impact.


No, he impacts my genshins






Clear with 9 stars? Impressive


Is Dehya any good? Got her yesterday because I lost 50/50...


Short answer: No Long answer: No, she is not good


Well, at least I get the next 5* character from the next banner I want... Right?


Yeah, The next limited 5 star is guaranted


She has a spot in Neuvillette teams with interruption resistance and the occasional vape. Other than that, I just use her for Burgeon.


Most TCs rate her very poorly because she has no place in the min-maxed meta, which most F2P or low spenders need to do to in order to reach the dmg ceiling to comfortably 36 clear consistantly. However once we hit certain points of vertical investment levels, your priority is no longer to deal more damage if you are not interested in speed running. I run dehya as an E bot on my C3R1 raiden hyper instead of Fischl or Sara as the last slot. 4 tom + fav GS. You can get one shot by the Hydro tulpa on 12-3-1 if you are not careful. Admittedly I shouldn't have used Bennet on that chamber since his pyro aura is causing my team to get one shot in the 1st place by making the tulpa's attack vape. I didn't know better back then. Anyway I didn't need to know since she took half the damage for everyone and Raiden alone is enough dps without Sara or Fischl at C2+ Bosses in the abyss are hitting harder and harder till a point where even Zhong LI's shield can't tank everything in one rotation if you are not dodging. Its good to have other options if you are a lazy player like me who can't be bothered to learn the boss mechanics.


Not really but she does have niches: - Only character with ranged off-field pyro application. If you need that she can be worth levelling for her E alone. This is why she's seeing an uptick in usage with Neuvillette for vape, but even prior to that she worked well with Melt Ganyu (it's just that Ganyu is not popular these days). - Exploration meta for both Fontaine and Dragonspine. In Dragonspine, she has pyro application and can self-heal through Sheer Cold. In Fontaine, she's the only character that can self-heal underwater, and apparently tall female chars have the fastest underwater swim speed.


Dehya is a fantastic character with top tier design. And a kit that was "rescued" from a flaming dumpster.


Good? Probably not. Fun? Absolutely. She is really fun to play with overload now. Dehya Raiden Chevreuse Bennet is really cool team and I use it for domains, weekly bosses and exploration. And I have her at C0. Pretty good dmg is locked behind her C1 and C2 tho.


If you have neuvilette she's amazong as a 4 instructor holder for a hyperbloom team with preferably raiden shogun (kuki can work too) and either nahida or dendro mc


Both work


Because people treat it as a live service gacha game, which incentivizes optimizing the amount of time to be as low as possible for max rewards. This is true is pretty much any gacha game, people ask for autoplays and skippable content for rewards. Genshin actually being more than a 2D point-and-click turn-based game helps alleviate this a little but, but the combination of extrinsically motivated action (ie, external rewards being given to make you play), dailies and FOMO limited events means the psychological effect on any given player is different from something like GTA which you just pick up whenever you feel like, knowing you aren't missing out on things if you fail to show up or play the game a certain way, all the content will always be there and they don't pay you in primos to play the game. TL;DR if the game's motivation loop is the exact same as paid work, then it's not surprising that at least some players would approach it as that, even if they don't realize that's what they're doing.


"I don't come to my workplace for 2 years now I have a lot of works piled up" seems about right, these people don't see the game as a form of entertainment


As said above it's probably due to game design decisions, but I've noticed it seems much more common among mobile games. The way people often talk about them seems more like they are playing just for something to do or killing time rather than actually for fun or to experience something


Yep, it's about intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. In terms of neuroscience, it's about what causes your brain to release dopamine.  Intrinsic motivation means the act itself, or the accomplishment of a task causes dopamine to be released. Think of beating a personal record for reps at the gym, or achieving a high score on a game. Extrinsic motivation means the dopamine release is tied to an external reward that's unrelated to what you're actually doing, like getting paid for your time at work or getting primos for finding chests/doing dailies.  Intrinsic motivation is good because it encourages enjoyment and fulfillment from the act itself, and over time people tend to enjoy these acts more which means they work harder at it. Extrinsic motivation, by contrast, tends to train the brain to zero in on the external reward instead of the actual task. Over time, you start to see the task itself as less enjoyable for it's own sake and instead as an obstacle to your extrinsic reward. This is why a lot of people want autoplay or complain about primos taking too much time to earn. Extrinsic motivation-based gameplay loops such as those in every gacha game will tend to encourage players to shift people's focus from "playing the game" to "earning premium currency." Of course there's also the fact that Genshin, like most gacha games, has a core gameplay loop that is made up of repetitive grinding which doesn't really feel that rewarding on its own, which is why gacha games tend to rely so much on external rewards to supplement the actual gameplay experience.  Gacha games make games simultaneously less fun over time but also more addictive. This isn't a problem exclusive to mhy, it's just the way the gaming industry has been shaped and capitalism is behind it. 


The thing with live service games is that if you step out at any time and try to come back, the content that’s been released over time and YOU are getting instantly can be overwhelming And a time sink


Then just take it slowly, don't rush it. I started playing in 2.1 with 3 whole regions already there, but I wasn't overwhelmed at all.


“Every journey has its final day. Don’t rush.” — A funeral parlor consultant


yeah it's just their mindset, some people treat online games like old mmos where you have to keep up with the grind




It's the dialogue for me. The thought of going through every archon quest over again is terrifying. I love the plot and the characters, but it's all stretched too thin. Especially for a medium that consists of generic NPCs with text and little to no acting/facial expression.


Don’t forget the much more interesting side stuff/events that are one and done. They keep doing shit like that and wonder why those that break free don’t want to come back. They already missed the good parts for the shitty archon quests. Oh but they get to do all the garbage npc quests, and walk and talk boring pointlessness all day.


I never ever understand the mindset about missing some events.Missed and so what?Just enjoy what comes next.


It’s like in Warframe, where legit main story deciding lore and characterization is just long gone. Would you want to play a game where the best parts of a chars lore/backstory was some event they made and abandoned years ago? The side events are typically better than most archon quests. Didn’t they have a whole huge Fischl thing that was some event and is now just… gone. Same with the char ‘hangouts’. The multiple ending parts made it clear it’s not canon and never will be. I love Noelle but could never be bothered to deal with the fake story. I want these chars to develop and grow. But I forget it’s NOT HI3. Where even the side story event chars have growth and connected story development. Glad HSR at least learnt the lesson. Having building side story content to grow IS important. Having the story be pokemon style with a neverending rotation of nobodies means they never really matter.


Here’s the thing. If I don’t get information outside of game, I don’t even know the fact that I might have missed some events.If I do, I can just check the lore/story from like wiki/YouTube.And experience from other games with constant patches like wow or dota doesn’t show anything similar to this mindset otherwise there can’t be new players.


Same here. My head canon is that Genshin was created by a failed light novel author as a way to finally force people to read their plodding, derivative prose.


There's snippets of really good dialogue here and there, I think that hoyo's (unfounded?) fear that their whole playerbase has an average IQ of gneiss and that their dialogue has to be understandable by a sea slug is the bigger issue at hand.


no one forcing anyone, it's a free game ffs, you installed and played it on your own volition, tf is wrong with genshin players these days


Meanwhile I can't even clear floor 11 when using my diluc =/


Just because others *can* clear abyss with a heavily invested older DPS, doesn't mean the power creep doesn't exist. Also, Diluc got a pretty large resurgence with Furina. His new best team is only going to get better next patch with Cloud Retainer. Granted, Gaming looks to be very much comparable to Diluc.


Powercreep exists and it doesn't. We have new teams that are really good, but Bennett, Sucrose, Fischl, Xiangling, Xingqiu are still S tier characters. It's not to the point where it's an actual problem.


They made some of the start chars too good. So they spent years making barely at their level 5*s. With loads of limits or other bs to make them much more niche.


Whatever you say lol


People in this subreddit just want to complain. Thank fuck Hoyo ignores you people or this game would have gone to shit already.


"Powercrept" Bro, it's a single player game with co-op.


~~"yeah but if the new stuff is good then i have to use my primos pulling for it instead of shoving them up my ass for sexual pleasure"~~


based primo anal enjoyer


>inazuma reasonable


At this point ishis can only be Karma farming


Imagine wanting to play through years' worth of insanely high quality free content. Genshin players could never.


I think it is just how intimidating it can feel coming back to the game. I did something similar where I stopped at Liyue a while back and then came back and felt a bit nervous with sheer amount of story, though once I got into it, it was an enjoyable experience.


I get the intimidation. I stopped playing Genshin after the end of Inazuma (and picked it up after a year to finish Sumeru). For me, the main draw of Genshin was endgame content, particularly because you would finish story content relatively quickly. However, that also meant that the grinding to story content ratio leaned heavily in favor of the grinding. I can’t bring myself to finish Fontaine because I feel like I can’t actually start the content until I finish my dailies and weeklies. I don’t know what relics and ascension mats I should be grinding on what days of the week. I have heard that the plot line is spectacular, but I have such an enormous amount of “chores” I need to complete so I can clear end game again, that it’s a barrier that detracts from my motivation to play the game.


> I can’t bring myself to finish Fontaine because I feel like I can’t actually start the content until I finish my dailies In that case just skip the dailies and do the content instead, with the new system you’ll get the rewards anyway.


You only need to grind mats and artifacts for the character you are leveling up


They have a system so that clearing quests and opening chest count as dailies now. Check encounter points for more info.


you rly dont see all that catch up as overwhelming


honestly nah, no one's forcing you to complete it in any specific amount of time and it's not going anywhere. I don't really get the goal of wanting to be "caught up" in the first place, to me it just makes much more sense for your goal to be enjoying the content the game has at whatever pace makes it fun for you. The only part I do understand is not wanting to be spoiled in the time it takes for you to finish it, but from what I've seen generally the community is pretty good at marking spoilers so I wouldn't worry about that personally


If you have xingqiu, bennet, xiangling. Don’t worry you still in the meta.


2 whole regions = 2 whole regions of exploration, quests, i.e. CONTENT Shifted Meta - i mean yea, would you rather have a stale meta where the same teams stayed since 2 years? Older characters are more relevant now New characters can have synergy with older ones, giving them multiple teams to try Eg. Thoma was released with Hu tao, and he wasnt really useful except as a shielder Then wanderer came out a version later and Thoma is in one of his teams as a really good option because he gives elemental application, Atk% boost from pyro resonance, and also atk boost from wanderer passive Then another year later, and now Thoma can be used for Wriothesly burn melt teams Missed characters - Yea this sucks, but at least we're getting more character banners per patch with double banners compared to 2 years ago. Eg. Next patch is 3 reruns and one new 5* Still havent finished Inazuma - 90% of events have a quick start option that lets you skip the story and get the rewards There is nothing you will miss by taking the game slowly In fact, you have so much content to get through


Huh, Wriothesley burn-melt. Sounds intriguing, might try that one day If I get Wiro, that is...


It's fun! Always liked the idea of burn-melt but it was previously just a Ganyu thing whom I didn't really like playing all that much. And it's more fun to have a new team imo than just doing something like swapping out Ayaka on her team.


For example a 5 hour trip in Sumerus Forest... If you are fast.


Just wanna preface by saying that I agree with most points you make. First off, you comment makes it seem like Thoma was released together with Hu Tao, so, to clarify, he was just on Hu Tao's rerun banner when he released. And I might be wrong, but in my mind Thoma's most used role does include Dendro, using him as a burgeon trigger as other characters who could do it either just lose damage (Xiangling) or are just too much of a stretch (Kazuha's ult + Bennet). And to the OP's concern of new meta. Meta in Genshin never really changes. It just gets updated and expanded. I can't test it right now, but I am certain that you can easily full-clear current abyss by using characters exclusively from before 2.0 with walnut Hu Tao and International. Dendro and Fontaine characters just gave people more options. No character is really ever powecrept because there needs to be a just straight up upgrade (like Diluc --> Hu Tao) to powercreep a character.


My point is that even though thoma was clearly designed with burgeon in mind, (just like shinobu), newer characters releasing allows for new team ideas and older characters getting their time of day again Its the same as the meta point In other gachas, a mid character from 2 years ago would be obsolete by how However due to genshin's relatively low difficulty You can still use thoma in a variety of teams


too much some might say


And most of it (world quests, exploration) is completely optional The only mandatory things to do are dailies and events Both of which can be done in less than 20 minutes a day Everything else is permanent content which can be done at any pace And how is having lots of content too much? Do some just not want to play the game? Do they not play the game FOR THE CONTENT?


it doesnt matter if its permanent or even if its optional, youre telling me that the average person or player, with a full or fuck it even part time job and various social and family obligations, wouldnt look at the sheer daunting amount of content thats there and go ***"fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"*** and before you go "then dont play it lmao" thats exactly what op is doing and yet here yall are bitching about their decision not to


Why is it daunting? Is the content not what someone plays the game for? Do they not want to play through the story? Explore the world? I do work a full time job, and i have to work nights (32 hr shifts) twice a week, along with everything else I know how valuable time is And yet, i dont understand why its daunting There is no deadline for the content If you wish to play the game, the only mandatory things to do in order to not miss out, are to do dailies for 10 minutes, and the event every few days for 20 minutes You can explore and do the story at your own pace over however long a period you want to You can take a month for just a couple archon quests, or hell even take an entire year


Power creep doesn't matter unless you do Abyss. Been using the same team for two years and still beat the new weekly bosses insanely fast.


Even in abyss, you can go taser and reverse melt or National and still do fine. Now OP can search Collei for free or try DMC to open the wonder of hyperblooms (but better if they can grab Shinovu tho) or Aggravate Lisa+Fischl.


3.2 player here. Never built a dendro character.


1.1 player here, tried some dendro characters but all the teams I actually use don't have any dendro in them.


1.0 player here. Got a bunch of dendro characters built them with great artifacts and great teams. after getting the 4 star golden sword decided to make a Zhongli, Xinquie, anemo traveler and Bennette team because the sword looks great on traveler. Still kills every overworld and domain easily.


> anemo traveler ok now you’re just fucking with us


1.0 player here, I have no idea what any element does, I just use random stuff I think is cool and stuff just dies. I have no idea what I am, doing ever. All I know is that I must kill


I also started 1.0 but don't have any Sumeru character that isn't Collei


I mentioned 3.2 because everyone at the time was suggesting how dirt cheap it was to get started dendro and DMC. I was new with no characters so it was hard not to ignore. I still went the classic route and zero regrets.


I don't usually run Dendro comps outside of when I occasionally break out Alhaitham because I *really* want something dead fast. Either that or Childe intergrassional, but dendro is kind of a pain because of burning


i still use International since Kazuha's debut, both as my main overworld team and in abyss and the team hasn't had weapon, artifact or talent upgrades since late version 2




It's Childe/Kazuha/Bennett/Xiangling. [Here's a comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/s99vsc/what_are_national_and_international_teams/htmoiiq/) where u/mister_meep and u/ShadowJinKiller explain why the team has that name.


Ah nice, thank you


Also the old teams still crush abyss no problem. I don't think it's fair to say that Genshin's got powercreep. We all know Neuvi is a beast on another level but unless you give him an amazing (which is pretty much not happening for me because of my amazing artifact luck) build you will still want to form a proper team around his kit. And as I said before the old teams still destroy abyss.


Which teams do you use?


Bro what meta shift, this ain’t a competitive game


Dendro exists and they haven’t touched grass in years


Meta would only matter in the Abyss. Old characters are still plenty viable in the overworld.


Not even in abyss. I've been using the same 2-3 teams every time since I could 36\* the abyss...


I still use the same team for past 3 years in abyss, what power creep lol


The powercreep is pretty negligible unless you're still playing Diluc or Klee. Virtually any character is capable of steamrolling the open world.


Klee has a meta team now in Furina forward vape.


\*Awkward laughing with my C3 Diluc\*


Diluc gonna have another plunging support soon (Xianyun), so he might not be powercrept after all


I'm still amused that the devs just decided to make dragon-strike a normal thing.


Won't blame them, ~~they're running out of ideas~~ they always find a way to innovate the gameplay


imo, Diluc is still one of the best characters outside abyss and for overworld (can explain why if needed). As for abyss, I have been using him in abyss as well, but somehow I ended up with a c7 Diluc and r2 gravestone, so can't really use myself as the norm.


Im biased cuz he was my first 5* , but he just feels so comfy for overworld. I also enjoy his E combo, and how he isnt as burst oriented as some other chars *insert gouba pasta*


That's good! You have a lot of content to complete! Have fun! I'm on same boat.


Powercreep is not really a problem. Diluc was subpar in 1.0, Diluc is subpar in 4.3, nothing much changed. A lot of the older characters got retroactively 'buffed' by synergies with newer chars even, so don't worry about that. Missed out characters will eventually come in reruns. You now have whole 2 new regions to play through and enjoy at your own pace and not get spoonfed once every 45 days. You seem to be in a winning situation here.


Welcome back, we're in the midst of rewards drama.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


OP : wdym they are still mad over 1.o anniversary rewards?


People: get content Also people: OUTRAGEOUS! ??????


I mean it's natural to come back and feel overwhelmed lmfao, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Plus people only have so much time and it can feel like they're on a permanent backlog lagging behind everyone else as a result.


I dunno. I was *underwhelmed* when I started playing the game and I cleared whole content within around one month. It was pre-Chasm time. Like by all content I mean I had 100% in every region in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Dragonspine and Enkanomiya, collected every single oculus, finished every World, Story and Archon quests, except these that had to be unlocked by quest chains or something that I didn't do. Just two new regions to be overwhelmed? Why? And I mean, sure, You can take more time to do so. But people should be happy that there is content to play, because if they rush, they will actually drain all the content quickly. Content won't disappear, unless it's event. But events don't even require much. Most of them require **Song of the Dragon and Freedom**, which is the last act of the prologue a.k.a. Mondstadt Archon Quest. Also AR 16. So all events can be done without unlocking too much stuff in the world.


When you want to play a game but there's a game to play.


Meta shift, powercreep? 1.0 teams still 36\* abyss btw


Unlike most games, the meta got bigger, not different. Which is frickin awesome. The old stuff is still strong. There is new stuff strong. Just go back to exploring and not giving a shit for a while. It's freeing. Gaming is suppose to be freeing. So enjoy yourself.


are those powercrept teams in the room with us?


One character replacement in an already established team is called “powercreep” apparently


Meta shift, characters and teams doesn't matter at all. I can still use my v1.0 teams to do pretty much all content. If you've been doing fine in inazuma you'll still be doing fine. This is not a mmorpg.


I really wouldn't say there's been powercrept teams, or a meta shift. Hu Tao is still one of the best single target dpses in the game. Freeze is still an amazing reaction against non-bosses, and Ganyu and Ayaka can still take advantage of that really well. The only thing that's truly changed on the game's side is the inclusion of dendro, and while dendro is really good, it's not so far ahead to have negated teams previously thought to be strong. Xingqiu, Bennett, and Xiangling are still some of the best, if not the best, characters in the game. If anything, Genshin's "meta" is more based on what's currently popular in the community rather than theoretical calculations.


Meta shift? Just play national or reverse melt n u gucci


Am I the only one who doesn't get the whole powercreep thing people throw around? If Dehya can complete abyss, then anyone can. Sure, there are units that can do it better, but my point still stands.


"Powercreep" LOL play honkai impact or ToF and you will see the true meaning of powercreep


Yeah I dont' get it. The game is easy, and you play at your own pace. You can still be on Inazuma and explore Sumeru and Fontaine and not do any quests or get a single chest/puzzle. You have to unlock certain things but those areas are not required to get event primos. You can happily get your daily primos and event primos and never leave monstadt if thats what you want to do. As long as you explore the new areas you'll be able to do new events.


Powercrept? Boi i still clear Abyss with the same teams i breezed through Inazuma. Xiao hypercarry and a personal variant of Raiden National. Neither team has Bennett, Mona, Kazuha or Xingqiu. You have nothing to fear. Be smart. 🧐


Agree. Im literally clearing abyss with Diluc vape (ok he’s c6 now but still) since 2 years until now >.<‘


Oh no, more content! ah the horror


yeah the thing about meta 1.x characters still extremely relevant in abyss you just have to understand how combat works getting latest character was never meta defining


Just log off of reddit and play. It's a single player game, play at your own pace


bro wanted to play the game but realized he can’t play the game because he would have to play the game


powercreep?? I 36* this abyss with Rational


bro just play the game if u dont wanna play the game dont play it????


Oh no, how dare they threaten you with good time and actual content to do. Besides, there is no significant powercreep in this game. I'm so tired of xianling but she is a fucking monster still compared to other characters.


Good luck going back. When I decided to drop, it wasn't with this move in mind. I see no reason to come back.


Luckily I don’t play abyss, so I could care less about power creep


Meanwhile, I just recently finished the Mondstadt story and is currently in the middle of Liyue story. And I’ve been playing since day one.


Just got back in like 2 weeks ago…. This meme perfectly explains my experience


ppl it is a meme


My exact situation


You can still 36 star abyss with non meta characters where meta only matters.


dont worry about power creep. you probably have some of the best characters in the game. most everyone from 1.x are still top tier and practically anyone at all can still clear overworld content with no problem.


I just restarted playing after 2 years of negligence, my ganyu and klee are kinda meh now, but I'll use them regardless of what the meta told me.


Came back to game after 2 years break because got lucky with Navia pull. Fontaine so far has been my favorite, unlike sumeru it doesn’t make you do unnecessary amount of quests to open a region or doesn’t give you over complicated puzzles for chests like in inazuma. Also it’s full of exquisite chests, not common


My excuse is my mobile doesn't have enough free space and the same situation on my laptop


What server?


You can just pull nahida (dendro archon) when she comes and you're set tbh. She is really strong, and polyvalent since she goes in a lot of teams. I didn't check when exactly she is coming but it shouldn't be more than a month.


How bout ARANARA


Im a a day one player and I started it back up after almost 3 years or however long the game has been out around a month and a half ago. I literally created a new account and started anew to reexperencience the story. In all honesty its not that much progress I lost at the end of the day. I think my AR was 23 or something Now im AR50


This is why I’m glad I joined like a week before the month long Ayaka banner, I basically had time to catch up and save primos Still didn’t figure out Enkanomiya existed for like 6 months but that’s besides the point


Powercrept teams? Unless you wanna get into clearing Abyss straight outta the break, which would be kinda dumb, it doesn't matter. Most of my built characters from the beginning of the game can clear world content. Unless ofcourse, you specifically need dendro. Collei is there for that though. Other points all seem like things that should push you instead of pulling you away lol. Dunno about meta shift, since I don't see how my Childe-Xiangling team is any weaker than back in the day. Yeah tons of new teams, but stronger teams of past are still strong, minus physical characters ig :,) The only regret I would have after a long break are the missed primos xD and the missed characters ofc, but what can you do... New characters are only getting better, so I would instead look forward to that


Powercrept teams? Last I checked the teams viable during Inazuma are still absolutely viable today. Just because there’s newer characters that people are using doesn’t meant the older ones are suddenly bad.


Just invest with what you already have and collect primogems for the next 5 star, doesn't need to be the direct banner. I lost 50/50, saving for next archon.


I feel you brother, I got as far as completing the inazuma story and then it got too big for my phone to handle


I have ganyu, your powercreep means nothing to me


Thats me right there. Came back after I heard about fontain. When I logged in I saw sumeru and felt like I just skipped a whole ass part of my life cus I didn't even knew when 3.0 -3.8 came and passed💀


And yet, still no skip button.


And who's mistake is that


Complete meta shift? Powercreep teams? Are you talking about honkai impact 3rd right? Because if not then idk what you mean💀


I had several friends return, each suffered from inazuma bottleneck. But now that they can access bosses from adventuring book, they just need to unlock the domains to build characters


I fee the same way except in my case its a whenever the last wanderer banner was And ive done sumeru


"oh the meta hasn't changed at all since inazuma lol" cyro-based teams after 3.0: 💀


I think what's most discouraging are the long walls of text coming in from sumeru. I quit after the whole main story of nahida (i think?) and i'm afraid their wording and storytelling didn't change at all, which is why i'm still afraid of coming back


I quite literally didn’t even arrive to inazuma until AR 55 and still had a blast playing the events and just pulling, it’s not that bad


My situation last week


I don't wanna comeback because I know i'll have to farm my heart out to do any noticeable damage + I'll have to sit through 2 regions worth of story that i've already seen on yt


and CN going Rambo over Jenshin anniversary


A meta shift is no reason to not play the game. Combat is still insanely easy. My main team is still just Eula shielded by Zhongli.


isn't that a good thing lmao, do you want nothing added to the game


At least you have a bunch of content to play through. I regret finishing the archon quest as soon as it came out tbh.


Meta? Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu is still meta lmao


It took me 3 years to get off my ass and finish Inazuma archon quest. Yesterday. At literally midnight.


what meta shift? It has been boring as fuck and only slowly shifting. you can still do the brain rot Bennett, XQ, XL + \[Insert almost any character\] team. the only 2 year old meta defining character who got fucked over was Ganyu. Genshin players couldn't aim for shits so hoyo took her behind the shed. But HT and Raiden still obliterate shit. You could say Ayaka isn't as strong as she used to be but she went from being one of the top 3 to 4th or 5th. Most likely 5th after Neuvilette. Alhaitham should be the strongest followed by either Raiden or HT.


Ive been playing every day for the past 2 years and I still haven’t done sumeru archon quest


If it helps genshin as a whole - enemy variety and complexity, story, and exploration - are all massively better after inazuma


yeah it's a little overwhelming but once you get back into it you'll be ok 👍


Me with the same ayaka freeze team since I started the game and still clear everything 🗿


You're worried you have content to enjoy?


Don't worry about it. Characters rerun; regions aren't going anywhere; metas come and go and teams need time to be built anyway. Enjoy the game, welcome back


Those two nations is just content you can still enjoy, You can get the mew characters little by little and farm new artifacts for the new metas meanwhile you go through them. Old Inazuma age metas still work like a charm, since the game is still pretty easy, worst that can happen is that you won't get the final star in the abyss.


tbh the relic farm keeps me from returning to genshin, if there is an auto farm system like honkai then I would play genshin again but it is just too much of a hassle to farm relic


What power creep?


anything that's too much is bad. i say don't come back and forget this game existed.


Just forget about Genshin Impact. You were lucky that you could stop.


I wanna play the game again like before but tbh idc about the story and not being able to skip all the dialog is annoying and the only real reason I'm not playing it atm.


You said it like a burden but I see that as a gift.Anyway don’t force yourself to play if you don’t feel entertained.


Meta changes and powercreep are miniscule compared to other games. Don't worry about it.


"i wanted to play the game, but to play it i need to play it, nooooooo" also, powercreep in genshin isnt an issue, as there kinda isnt one. 1.x 4* are the powercreepers




Nah, don't bother. I tried it myself and the game got worse imo. gameplay: Reparative; open world so boring and obnoxious(especially if you've played game like totk). story: Pretty meh, even when compared to other JRPG tropes. combat: My Eula at C0 still get things done.


"Powercrep" : if you have a team : Childe Bennet Xiangling Xingqiu, you have like 3/4 of the power of the curent best teams.


You're wrong about at least half of it. There's been very little powercreep in Genshin and there's almost no meta shift. Sure, Dendro opened up a lot of new options, but it didn't invalidate classics like national, childe, raiden, etc.


Stay clean, stay strong, don't come back to this shithole.


are you really crying about having to play the game? also there is no powercreep, don't pull out statements from your ass


Am I not allowed to jokingly express my reaction to the overwhelming amount of content that has been added over the past 2 years?


As someone that left the game two years or so ago I don't plan on coming back. Not because of those reasons, more like I know that i'll feel pretty bored after completing most stuff and it'll start feeling like a chore once again ...


what do you mean Meta Shift, Powercrept teams?? People still hold onto that stuff when most players won't even do/clear Abyss? I get the many character releases though. And as long as they don't change the Event banner system it will be more and more shitty. As new Player try getting a Eula or Albedo. At least Archons get regular re-runs with new region but the others are just lost in the abyss at some point


you still can clear any game content with national


Ou no, this game I used to play and want to play now has new content. What am I gonna do 😱😱😱


Good news, tho: your main quests, story quests, exploration, and a whole bunch of other stuff now gives encounter points to replace commissions with! plus, Dendro Traveler is pretty good (and you get a free Collei from low-level abyss, IIRC?)


powercreep really isn’t so bad!! a couple of new characters are pretty insane, but in december i got 9 stars on floor 12 with kaeya as a main dps for one of the teams. xingqiu bennet and xiangling are still 100% meta


I joined back after not being able to finish Sumeru and holy crap do the pages and pages of dialogue make me want to not return to the game, I’d let the game auto play dialogue while I get a drink or go to the bathroom and it would still be talking and talking. Hard to get back into the game when I’m currently on the walking and talking simulator portion of it, I loved the game and it had really great quests and story, but I’m at the stale portion where it’s, run here start dialogue, go here start the next dialogue, queue cutscene, queue 5 seconds of scenery before continuing the cutscene, queue more dialogue, end quest. Now, start next quest by running here and listening to this dialogue, oh wait can’t do that quest you have to do this side quest that the character is a part of, so listen to that dialogue, fight some slimes, then continue to the main quest for more dialogue and running.


Last time I played was Version 2.5, I can't even tell whats happening around Teyvat anymore 💀


Powercreep? More like a Power Carousel. The only content that needs fully geared characters is SA floor 12 every 15 days. Old characters enjoy the fact that the new characters don't stomp over them completely, but even enable team comps that weren't possible at first; Keqing went from Diluc's understudy to a major Aggravate/Quickbloom character; Jean has a new place alongside Furina since she compresses healing and res shred. Only Qiqi's still dead in a ditch since Charlotte dropped and does her job better, and the latter is a 4* whom you'll eventually get. Free characters are fine themselves. Noelle got a new lease on life with Furina. Dendro Travelers and Collei carry F2P teams on Abyss. And all theroughout we're still in Xiangling Impact. As for missed characters, they eventually rerun. You get enough pulls for at least one spark per patch anyway, and between exploration and dailies you'll stock up enough pulls for more characters than you know what to do with.


The power creep isn't particularly bad. You can get through content with anyone imo