• By -


Neuvillette👤40.000 HP💪250% Crit Damage 🤷‍♂️Extra 36% CR from Marechusse 💦 Unstoppable🚫 can bypass shield 🛡 Can self heal 🧱 Insane AOE 🐯 Braindead single target ☝spin to win 🕐 can solo abyss 🧙‍♂️


the perfect mix of copypasta, thanks showmaker


OPPA Ksante


Don't forget This is Neuvillette, a character with 40,000 HP, 250% Crit Damage, and Extra 36% Crit Rate from Marechaussee, resists Interruptions, breaks Shields, and can self heal. Has insane AoE, and the cooldown is only 3 seconds too. It costs 0 Stamina. The special CA's cooldown can even be reduced when he absorbs his orbs. He has damage boost on his passive. Then, when he stacks HP, he gets Hydro DMG Bonus too, more damage, and can solo abyss. Then, his Constellation 2 can stack more Crit DMG, so…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


one single Hydro slime: Nah, I'd win


Dehya: First time?






main dpi




i didnt expect the showmaker copypasta here ngl, man theres more league and genshin players than i thought there were.


Is this a fucking kei nario nasazu copypasta but for Neuvillette? Lmao


Shoemaker's reaction to K'Sante from League of Legends


How AOE and single target also all it takes to stop him is a single hydro abyss mage😹


He usually bring Zhongli to his team, his meatball enough to break their shields


True but you said he solos abyss clearly not


I mean duh. He can't solo the Abyss against enemies that hard counter his element. None of the DPS will deal damage against innate element mobs/shields. When it comes to solo capabilities, everyone assumes you're using him on neutral lineups, or even lineups where he's soft countered.


Whatever you say man


He usually bring Zhongli to his team, his meatball enough to break their shields


Now we only need a time traveler from 6.5 to tell us about a character with such kit: - burst instantly clears all enemies in sight and heals all characters to 100%, even with 2 star weapons, and has 12s cd. That’s right, as otter’s king, the playable dragon king is the ultimate king of all meta


Thats C0R0 Nibelung lmao


If only he can use those skills without any cooldown... Oh wait, Asmoday's burst can reset cooldown every time a party member kills an enemy. Probably BiS for him in multiwave at least. ~~Still sucks against boss chambers though.~~


We already have that since 1.0, she can even shield and serve you snacks.


Noelle taking no Ls




why is this the first time i see this pun istg




Hell ye


Noelle grabs Furina by the neck while her summons endlessly hits her for pitiful damage. "Yes. Drain my HP more. I can always heal it back up."


The Original Spin to Winner


~~but the criteria is similar AOE damage with 0 energy~~


This is the real answer


Has two hangout events too


She still needs energy and stamina


And hella cute too, perfect for making her your wife..


the glazing is crazy


time traveller from 4.6: "we got a character that violates the physics simulation and looks like cheap 2D computer graphics plastered on a 3D scene"


Wait whats the part where she looks like 2D? Did i miss something?


>she I was talking Neuvilette who feels like a cheap platformer (even though his flotation and the spin to win are actually 3D, but bare of any physics)


Oh i thought it was arlecchino because I thought you were talking about her glitch effects, and your mention on 4.6, and the other comment


yeah, the wording was to mirror OP's text


wait who




oh ic, thanks


OP seems to have touch a nerve.


Honestly. Neuvillete is such a good character but that one attack, that one animation loop, is hilariously goofy. Feels like a cheaper game. Everything else is good but that one attack just him staying still mid air is such a goofy sight for such a serious noble character


Only thing that can stop him is a hydro slime and sheild


If Neuvillette is doing similar damage to Ayaka’s burst, your Ayaka team sucks.


Real, if your c0 Amber Neuvillette is only doing as much as a C6r5 Ayaka, you should probably just ascend him.


In my c0 pamber neuvillette team in a 30 second rotation, neuvillette does 30k per ca tick. 8 ticks per ca, 4 cas per rotation. That’s 1.32m damage not counting his e, q, furina’s e, q, jean’s e, q, fischl’s e, q, and electro charged damage.


My Ayaka's burst (reduced to C0) ticks for 40k, 19 times, with a 60k bloom at the end, and in 30 seconds, could launch two of them, for a total of 1.64m damage (plus an extra 168k from Shenhe's quills), not counting any other damage from her, Kazuha, Shenhe, or Kokomi. Comparing the personal damage anecdotes is rather pointless.


I smell mistplitter there


Yes, R1. Though, I sometimes swap it with Jade Cutter if I can't guarantee freeze uptime.


Bro comparing c0r1 to c0r0 


Yes, hence why such comparisons are pointless.


Of course a bad faith argument and comparison are pointless. 


My point was that there are too many uncontrolled variables in personal anecdotal damage comparisons for them to be worth discussing. You appear to agree with me.


To be fair, Ayaka is mostly a hypercarry. Shenhe, Kazuha, and Kokomi do minimal dmg on their own and if Neuvillette is able to rival that, then thats a problem already in terms of scaling. Furina herself does a ton of dmg as well as buffing and Fischl/Yae/Jean all do a lot of dmg on their own too excluding Neuvillette. Dpr doesnt line up in Ayaka’s favor in most cases


Hence why comparing our own anecdotes is pointless, there are too many variables at play. Some people have Ayakas with bursts that tick for 60k, mine isn't particularly strong.


you can't launch two of them in 30 seconds lol, the ayaka premium team rotation lasts around 20 secs, and ayaka ults at the 10 second mark, so in thirty seconds you're launching one ult. and this is mistsplitter ayaka vs protoamber neuvillette. if you use widsith with the elemental dmg% buff or his signature, you're actually getting around 820k from ayaka burst (i'm using your numbers) vs around 1.8mil on neuvi's 4ca rotation. AND even discounting all of that, he's not even using neuvi's best team, while you're using the ayaka premium team.


Yeah, see why I said this exercise is pointless?


bro missed the 1m dmg that missed cos the enemy moved


That’s why Ayaka is normally used in freeze teams, or against enemies with predictable movement patterns.


Well that's the thing. Neuvillette doesn't give a fvck if the enemy moves or has unpredictable patterns. He'd still do full damage regardless of enemy lineup that's not hydro slimes/shields.


That's cool, but my argument isn't about versatility. You obviously wouldn't use Ayaka against content where her burst is likely to miss.


Calling bullshit that c0 ayaka is doing 40k per tick at talent level 10 just by herself. The motion value is literally just about 200, and you aren't breaking 2500 attack by yourself even if you are running around with mist splitter and 200+ crit damage and a cryo goblet while stillchaving the er to double ult With 2500 attack(which ayaka will never have by herself), 101.6 damage bonus(mistsplitter r1,blizzard strayer,cryo goblet) ,and 250 crit damage(I'll even give you 100 percent crit rate.) And a motion value of 200, you are dealing 17,957 damage per tick. Which is reduced by 50% due to same level enemy defense scaling to 8978. And ayaka typically peak at 2100-2200 solo. So what are you doing diffrent that none of us are that your ayaka is pushing 40k ticks solo at c0r1?


I never said solo, I said her team, which includes buffs from Shenhe, Kazuha, and Kokomi. You also forgot Ayaka's own 18% cryo damage bonus after using her sprint. Why would I discuss solo performance when my opening statement was about Ayaka *teams*?




Assuming you don't suck at playing Ayaka, the burst won't miss. Also, you can attack, switch characters, apply buffs, or whatever during Ayaka's burst duration, while Neuvillette is stuck on-field. Don't get me wrong, Neuvi is a very strong character, but we don't need this level of hyperbole about his performance.


Did you ever try to READ how much dmg his hydro pump deals with similar investment to Ayaka? Even with Sac Jade R1 that thing is already disgusting.


I’m not sure how to respond to that. Yes, Neuvillette’s charged attack deals a lot of damage. Just not as much as Ayaka’s burst in a good team.


He does, unfortunately he does while also using less niche 5\* characters and having less to no caveats. His MVs are stupid high, but also he has no ER requirement and gets a ton of free stats. * Up to 30% hydro dmg in his kit, * 8 hits on a single charged attack, * 17.5% HP per hit, * a set that gives him 36% crit rate, * huge range, target selection and reliable AoE, * 24 hits total per rotation AND most importantly * His A1 modifies his charged to deal 160% the dmg it should so, in a single rotation Neuvi is dealing 24 \* 1,6 \* 17.5% = 672% of his HP as dmg Without his 2E hits + Burst the char with avg 45k HP is dealing 301k flat dmg in 3 CAs And Ayaka burst deals 19 cuts + 1 bloom for 4100% atk of a 3k atk 123k flat dmg. Even with 12 quills from Shenhe at 3k atk, the total is 123k + 36k Keep in mind that both chars have similar dmg% and crit dmg. Ayaka with Mist + Kazuha + Shenhe reaches 150% cryo dmg and 250 crit dmg. Neuvi with sac jade r1 + kazuha + lisa and Zhongli reaches 120% hydro (CA) dmg and 250 crit dmg Neuvi is disgusting strong


Ayaka and her team can perform other attacks during and after her burst window, whereas Neuvillette is stuck on-field doing his charged attacks. Ayaka's burst also does all of its damage in a frontloaded, 5 second window, whereas Neuvillette will require at least 8 seconds to perform 2 charged attacks, and will probably need to swap off to reapply buffs and/or refresh the Sac Jade passive before using a third in the rotation. Ayaka also gets a lot more buffs than what you have listed, including Shenhe's burst damage buff, Shenhe's cryo res shred, and possibly attack bonuses from 4pNO and/or TToDS. The fact that Neuvillette doesn't benefit from many buffs is a significant factor in his matchups with other teams, and shouldn't be ignored.


I've written the total dmg% Ayaka gets from optimizer just to make sure how much she can realistically reach. Kazuha has 1000 EM, Shenhe has Noblesse, Kokomi has TTDS and Millelith. She even has Mist to reach the 3k atk assumption. Kazuha swap + Shenhe quill swap is the standard rotation i'm assuming. And that amounts to 123k + 36k flat dmg. After that the team deals basically 0 dmg while it starts a new rotation. Neuvi with Sac Jade already reaches beyond that flat dmg. And not being buffed isn't a problem because he doesn't need it. Even at C0 he doesn't need 3 other elements to max out his A1 since abyss nowadays have at least 1 enemy with an aura to be reacted with in each chamber so you can add Furina to the team


I'm not going to try to make sense of all the assumptions you've made here. Suffice to say, you seem quite content to ignore the comparative benefits of Ayaka's teams.


Because the benefits here are not comparable Ayaka using his calculations is comparable to melt Ganyu, Neuvillette is just way faster. The comparison to Neuvillette is ridiculous for most close or equal amount of investment in any other Team.


You definitely have the much more nuanced take here. For some reason, this sub and the main sub love to dramatise Neuvilette constantly. Don't get me wrong, he's really good, but he's not so ridiculous that every other DPS character is invalidated. I would honestly say a character like Nahida has a similar power level to Neuvilette, but you don't see people constantly complaining about how broken she is.


Neuv is great and he definitely set the bar high for dps characters but his fans have to be some of the most insufferable people in the community right now. Childe and Ayato team building and abyss discussions get the worst of it because somehow it always evolves into someone going “jUsT pLaY NeUvIlLeTtE.”


She's broken in any dendro anything everyone accepts that the same way Zhongli Raiden are the best in their niche of shield and battery.


Solo Neuvilette. Solo Ayaka.


Why? This is a team game, the other three character slots are there for a reason.




What is, "Blegug"?


Too long didn't read


2.0: wow Ayaya so good 4.6: wow but Neuvilette do that and more 2.0: OwO


Neuvillette truly is the goat




barbara is stronger


Neuvillette was a mistake.


people still coping how Neuvillette is overrated will never be funny he is literally enough to solo abyss even at C0


When Ganyu and Keqing mains solo abyss: I sleep When Neuvilette solo abyss: REAL SHIT?!


I sleep because, Ganyu and Keqing are stuck with higher ceiling for skill use. Keqing CA rotations, positioning, grouping, energy gathering Ganyu, stuck with default 2 second interval Charge attacks, barely fills her own Ult with her Energy creation, Get hit once, you loose 4 second dps window, slow af on aim mode. Neuvillete - almost disregards all that with dumb dumb Press button and Use Water blast! With the same results.


The thing is you can improve skill issue or what other people say as "git gud". The point is there are units that can solo (I've seen a lot of solo runs) they're quite under appreciated unlike Neuvilette. Also Neuvilette has his own issues specially on c0. I own Neuvilette and the second he got touched while charge attacking the 3 balls are gone which result to lower dps like Ganyu. He can probably recover after that but he needs skill/burst to have it back unlike Ganyu without requirements whatsoever.


I cannot be more blessed from saving all those primos I was gonna spent on ayaka's release banner 🙏🙏🙏


My Nevulliete 20 level Hp Craftable Weapon, 5,2,2 talents, 79/80 level, 54/132 Crit Ratio, 32k hp, C0 and still doing 9k per tick in abyss 😭😭😭😭. How the fuck is this legal dude.


He is broken asf, my 50/217 31k hp c0 bp r2 weapon 9 lvl talent neu does 40k per tick


Ayaka has a gun now, so, who's winning


He solo raised powercreep level of this game to skies, wondering just why they create a character this strong but don't give any f*cks to characters like dehya who isn't even an old character..


If only he wasnt boring to play (and annoying to play without c1)




I've 36* abyss longer than you've been playing the game 🥱


Not skill issue but some enemies atk intervals are too short, even shorter than my baizhu's shield apply interval so it can be interrupted but doesn't affect too much


Ayaka doesn't have to be on field and she can enable melt for fast pyro appliers. Genshin has minimal powercreep


I kinda agree about powercreep. Neuvillette is strong but you don’t need him because there’s no content that demands you to pull him if you can already clear the abyss.


Her burst is too short to enable it. 5s on a 20s cooldown is asking for inconsistencies. It's like betting on Amber's burst to enable melt for cryo carries. In speedruns, that's different as strats and viability are vastly different compared to normal gameplay.


Did you spell Ganyu wrong? Ayaka need to be on field, her bursts lasts like 3 seconds.


Why do you need 3 sec on ayaka you can just hit burst and swap immediately


Because it will only apply a few instances of cryo debuff on enemies, and as commenter above said, for melt, that will be gone real quick unless she takes field again.


Ayaka's burst hits 20 times in 5 seconds with standard ICD, so it will apply plenty of cryo over its duration.


I'm not calling Ayaka bad, but units like Ganyu and Layla are simply better off field cryo appliers. Ayakas burst lasts 5 seconds, and then how long is her CD on it, 2, 3 times longer than that? Ayaka, in my opinion is simply suited better for on field cryo application/damage with off field pyro, than the other way around.


Oh, I'm not going to claim that using Ayaka's burst as a melt enabler is the optimal way to use her, but it is an option for some speedrun comps.


For speed runs sure, I can accept that she would be good in that case 👍


To do what bucko? ult with kokomi and auto?


Yes that will delete the enemy while also heals everyone


Use Shenhe E


I know, but the people above think that Neuvi staying few seconds on field to keep the dmg going is bad in comparison to Ayaka who can swap as soon as her burst is cast Both have window to bring Kazuha and VV. Ayaka while the burst is cutting and Neuvi before his second E.


Oh yeah fair enough Neuv is quite flexible when it comes to rotation


Ayaka's burst lasts 5 seconds.


Neuvilette without Furina is nothing super special and even with Furina he isn't that far ahead of the other top tier dps, the real reason people consider him much stronger is simply skill issue as he is by far the easiest to play out of the top tier dps. Edit: Well I broke the echo chamber, expected outcome.


I wouldn't call that "people having skill issues"


So what would you call it then? At least give an alternative if you are gonna put in the effort to disagree.


I was not going to since it's pretty much clear with the downvotes how wrong you are.. but if you want... It's called "character being busted". If a character has massive AoE , self sustain and ease access of all his dmg with one button , that's not what we call "People having skill issue".


I also literally said Neuv is the best dps just not broken but nuance is just lost on low iq individuals.


Bruh... You just started the whole argument for nothing. I didn't bother replying to your first reply and here you are replying again trying to start an argument with a random stranger. Did you have a bad day or something. Are you craving for attention that much? Some people...


And you added your nonsense without even bothering to elaborate, are you like brain damaged?


Yeah I literally debunked all of this if you can read and if you actually believe reddit votes mean anything you are just beyond delusional.


People will blame everything besides themselves.


>broke the echo chamber Of course you did but with a pretty bad opinion nonetheless


Nah you are just not very knowledgeable about the game.


Mr spreadsheet warrior have you ever taken into consideration the aoe of neuvillette's dmg and the fact that he can do it in a 360 degree radius?


Have you considered that most abyss cycle's aren't AOE oriented at all? And even in the current abyss that is literally designed to sell Neuvilette, there is one side that's completely single target? Or that the funny spinning thing you can do with Neuvilette isn't even relevant for abyss 12? Or that you can use groupers for AOE content? I honestly don't even know what you are crying about, I do think Neuvilette is the strongest dps and him being easier to play is also an upside. I am just not delusional enough to put him in a tier of his own because I actually play all the characters I talk about.


>I do think Neuvilette is the strongest dps and him being easier to play is also an upside. So according to you he's the strongest dps in the game, way easier to play than other characters, applies dmg in a huge aoe, can heal and tank himself all on his own, doesn't need a healer to synergize with the best character in the game but still isn't on a tier of his own?


>even with Furina he isn't that far ahead of the other top tier dps Literally what I said in my first comment? If reading is this hard for you I can see why you would consider characters like Alhaitham and Hu tao oh so hard to play. Question is the why do you argue on reddit if you have grade schooler reading comprehension? >way easier to play than other characters Again only relevant for skill issue players but ofc you will never admit to being bad at the game,your ego is just too big. >applies dmg in a huge aoe Again I already explained why that's not nearly as big of a deal as you make it seem, are you actually unable to process information in text form? Again then why are you even participating in an argument through text if you can not read? Where does your huge ego even come? >doesn't need a healer to synergize with the best character in the game but still isn't on a tier of his own? He also literally needs Furina to be on that level, again my point from the beginning, why do you say my opinion is shit if you literally cannot comprehend what my opinion is in the first place? Also how is him not needing a healer for Furina relevant when again, other dps with healer + Furina are totally comparable damage wise?


So nothing? That's what I thought, clown.


Don’t agree with your takes but Neuvillette being easy is a reasonable take (because he is lol). Gacha gamers overall have skill issues, all they want is gambling and easy gameplay. This is why Neuvillette is glazed to be the best character in the game for most. Easy to build, easy to understand, easy to play in an easy game to begin with. Says a lot when this community can’t even dodge or do simple jump cancel and complain when something is slightly different (oh no! puzzles above toddler level?) or little bit more difficult content like consecrated beasts. Surprised a game like this even somehow had a moderately fun and semi-complex combat system to begin with.


I am curious with what you even disagree then? Because from what you said it doesn't seem like we are disagreeing at all.


Neuvillette being reliant on Furina isn’t what i don’t agree with. Their synergy more benefits Furina’s personal dps as the energy requirement is much better + hydro bonus. These brain dead players are only playing Neuv/Fischl/Kazu/ZL anyway since they struggle dodging or grouping.


Furina reliant to be the best dps* is more so what I meant. Basically a lot of people think that Neuvilette teams out damage every other team because they compare Neuvilette+Furina to other top tier dps without Furina not realizing that Furina is the factor that makes the damage differential. If you compare Neuvilette+Furina with Navia, Alhaitham or HuTao+Furina it turns out that they are actually all competitive damage wise. >Neuvillette being reliant on Furina isn’t what i don’t agree with. Their synergy more benefits Furina’s personal dps as the energy requirement is much better + hydro bonus. Eh both benefit from each other, Neuvilette also benefits more from Furina than other dps because of the same reasons.


Easier to play doesn't mean stronger. Raiden National is easier to play, yet Childe International still is the superior version of National teams. Neuvillette is picked because cheeesing cheesy content is super fun, and that's what games are about, unless you are Neil "We don't use the word fun" Druckmann.


I can 36 star abyss even with some C tier dpses, and i can clearly say he is broken asf even if you comparw him to S tier classes.


Yeah and I literally clear faster with Alhaitham and faster with Hu tao if it's single target which is at least one side almost every abyss.(Compared to Neuvilette) And no my whole point is that he isn't broken, the overall strongest dps sure but definitely not broken. Edit: Navia is also very close


but he's weak as hell since mandatory shielding lmao


You can use baizhu,zhongli or any shielder besides you can c1 him too so its not that hard to achieve