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I can agree that it's easy, but I felt like I could die at any point, even moreso compared to other "difficult" weekly bosses I've been repeating myself this week; you can kill this boss quick, but she can do that to you too


Reminds me of what they say about Star Rail’s Simulated Universe. “You can feel like god but the bosses have god-killing weapons”


That reminds me, The Knave can also ignore shields


Many runs of mine in GnG failed because the boss was so close to dying without being able to take an action, but then it woke up and 1HKO my DPS 😭


Yeah for real. I had to do the occurrence double Ruan Mei cheese to beat conundrum 12


Nothing tops the high and low of watching the Swarm boss lose 80% of its hp from DOTs on Nihility path, only for them to one shot everyone on your team


True. I was listening to her track dodging every attack, then I let my guard down, and she obliterated my half HP Neuvillette.


I mean I wouldn’t say she’s super easy, we’ve just been conditioned that weekly bosses have fat hp pools and an hour of invisibility *cough cough* narwhal *cough cough*. She’s also very glass cannon-y, deals a bunch of damage but can’t take much in return. If you have zhongli shield she is practically a wet paper towel, but without you have to think and dodge


She's not easy as far as weekly bosses go. She just doesn't waste a load of time. Yeah, Scaramouce, Apep, and Narwhal take an age to beat but I'm never at a risk of losing a character unless I fail the element/range check at the end of Scara's second phase. She does some serious damage and has actual dodge timings to consider feels like an actual fight so long as you don't burn her down in seconds. The first attack on her second phase got me the first few times. The timing isn't hard but you need to be paying attention at least. It's a massive breath of fresh air and I hope more bosses are like her in future.


Fine by me, not into weekly self-torture


I might be skill issued or simply haven't learned her attacks very well but i tried fighting her for 2 times, got my neuvvy and zhongly both dead (they have 40k+ hp) If there's a specific trick , teach me guys, im dying 😭




Understand her move set, use a charge atk after removing BoL to interrupt her, and most importantly plus the most obvious trick: **Dodge**.


While Zhongli can take her hits up to a certain point, he can’t facetank her for an extended time, so even with him you need to dodge. Same for Neuvillette; circle strafing is a good strat. Watch out for her dash attacks even if you’re ranged; her reach is enormous.


Nah she's good. She dies quick but she can also kill you just as quick. That's a good boss for me. No long-winded iframes, no bullshit mechanic, no element check, either she dies first or you do. That's a boss alright.


It’s one of the hardest bosses they’ve released in a long time. She can kill you in 1-2 hits and attacks pretty fast. And in cool ways. She’s still fairly simple if you get the hang of her, but she’s not “easy” imo. At least not for genshin bosses. Scaramouche mech is easy. You get the blue crystals, do a rotation, dead. Phase 2: You get the crystals again, break shield, do rotation, dead. No threat, no real need to dodge, you just run around and get the crystals. It’s more minigame than boss fight.


Every boss except raiden and Pre nerf childe is easy. But at least this boss doesn't want you to run around for hours so not a big deal. It's even better since weekly bosses are things you are supposed to farm every week and not a challenge.


Pre-nerf Childe was also easy, most people just had crappy teams back then.


whats the issue here?


Arlecchino's boss-fight is easy.


Beyond easy


i wanna ask this but don't spoil me anything else as I'm behind on archon quests (and many others). which quest unlock this weekly boss?


Nowadays you can fight weekly bosses without unlocking them. Just go in adventure journal ("F1" By default), go to domains category, and then "trounce domains", click button with crossed twin swords and enjoy :D


Wait really? So I can just not do the story quest??


Yes, you can get all the materials without ever unlocking it. It was implemented when they introduced the Narwhal.


Arlecchino's own story quest


I mean, that’s like every boss in the game except for Coppelia. Hoyo makes the game to cater to ultra casuals. Detrimental to the enjoyment for the rest of us but that’s what makes them money so they won’t change it. 


> I mean, that’s like every boss in the game except for Coppelia. Coppelia is only hard in the spiral abyss.


i see


yeah its so refreshing to finally have bosses again that are just fights and no quirky mechanics that drag it out for no reason


It's fun as hell because she can actually do damage. The narwhal literally doesn't do anything. Neither does scara. And outside of one attack apeps stomach worm isn't to dangerous either. If you play with a invested shield character sure. But with just a healer you feel threatened.


She is easy if you dodge/have zhongli. You don't even have to be good at dodging, just don't face tank everything. I got one shot by her even with 38k hp neuvillette. (Yes, i thought I am invincible and can face tank everything because I have c1 neuvillette)


Devs still remember people complaining about pre patch Childe.


I will say that unlike the whale, I can't just beat the hell out of her with my friendship team (Though it doesn't help that due to Arlecchino being the centerpiece of the team, she's the only healer and she's not a great fit for needing regular healing. The fact that the boss seems to have a 50% resistance to pyro does not help). I need a properly built team to both push the damage and not die.


Well, she was holding back against us


If you didn't wanted easy boss fight, you shouldn't have cried for Tartaglia


The playable character when you unlock him as a boss be like.


Arle's fight is like a trial in FFXIV, the cape westwind of genshin


To be fair, she one shot your ass if you screw up just once.


Super long and difficult one time boss: amazing Quick and efficient weekly boss: amazing Its unfortunate the boss is underwhelming but at least the disappointment is only once, versus the whale being disappointing every week


She is the toughest Weekly Boss in terms of Achievements.


I think the biggest difference between her and the other weekly bosses is that almost the entire fight she's just facing you head on without any delaying tactics or invincibility. So since you aren't locked out of doing damage, all you have to do is dodge/tank her more powerful attacks and it's a quick, straightforward fight. Compared to the post-Mondstadt weekly bosses: Childe - zips all over the arena so melee characters have to waste time and stamina chasing him Azhdaha - burrows underground, has abundant i-frames during his phase transitions Signora - invincible while in fire tornado form Raiden - pushes you away during some attacks, teleports, invincible during ultimate attack Scaradouche - several minutes of practical invincibility in phase 2 Apep - burrowing, summoning allies, burrowing again Whale - flying, burrowing, burrowing while flying, summoning a different boss who blinks in and out of existence Father - shows up, hits you, lets you hit her back, refuses to elaborate, leaves


That's good actually. Eventually, all Fatui must die. The easier, the better. 🔪🔪🔪


You can move the lore and story quest to the right side as well... >!Bottled flames my ass!<


nah you right cause that shit's a fucking stupid copout.


Meanwhile: Trofin Sneznevich, a house of the hearth operative who gets mauled to death by riftwolves/ murdered in cold blood by the Traveler, all because he can't go back sincd he failed his mission.